Becherovka how to drink contraindications. "Becherovka": composition and medicinal properties. Cocktails with Becherovka

The benefits and harms of Becherovka

Becherovka: medicinal properties

Medicinal properties

Becherovka: medicinal properties

It is commonly believed that alcohol is harmful to health. However, if you add herbs to an alcoholic drink, you can get an amazing medicine. One of these is Becherovka, the beneficial properties of which will be discussed today.

Becherovka is a rum liqueur based on herbs growing in the territory of Karlovy Vary, where it actually comes from. The history of the appearance of the drink is very interesting. IN early XIX century, fate brought together the Karlovy Vary pharmacist Josef Becher and the British physician Frobring. Through long searches and experiments based on various medicinal herbs and tinctures, a composition was developed, which was later improved. In 1807, the Carlsbad English Bitter tincture appeared in Becher's pharmacy ( German name"Original Karlsba der Becherbitter"), sold in the form of drops that stimulate the digestion process. By the early forties of the 19th century, Becher established the production of this drink. Since then, the design of the bottles and label, developed by Karl Laub, has never changed, as for the name, Becherovka appeared after the Second World War. The original recipe for the tincture was passed down from father to son; today it is known only to a select few; moreover, according to legend, the recipe is currently kept in a safe deposit box in a Swiss bank. The unique taste and amazing composition of the drink determines its high popularity. Today, the production volume of Becherovka is about six million liters per year, and sales are carried out in more than 33 countries around the world. In Russia, tincture is often taken not as a medicine, but as an alcoholic drink, with the purpose of getting drunk. But it should be noted that this is fundamentally wrong, and abuse threatens not only a hangover, but also an upset stomach. According to the culture of drinking Becherovka, it should be consumed in small portions, only then its beneficial properties will be fully revealed. The drink is quite strong (38%), so if desired, it can be mixed with natural juices, thus creating original cocktails.

Medicinal properties

The creator of Becherovka claimed that taking 20 ml of tincture before meals is considered the best aperitif. The drink stimulates the absorption of food, activates the stomach, promotes secretion gastric juice. In addition, Czech liquor reduces the symptoms of diseases gastrointestinal tract, eliminates irritation of the rectum, relaxes pathologically tense gastrointestinal muscles, stimulates the secretion of bile and antispasmodic substances.

Taking just 20 ml of Becherovka daily with meals helps reduce symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence, belching, a feeling of fullness in the upper stomach, loss of appetite and heartburn, and normalizes stool.

Regular consumption of small doses of alcohol leads to dilation of blood vessels and, in turn, better blood circulation and supply of oxygen, nutrients and antibodies to various organs. After a busy day at work, taking a small amount of Becherovka helps you relax.

You are convinced that Czech tincture is very useful, but do not forget what was said above - abuse of the drink can lead to unpleasant consequences.

We introduced you to the main beneficial properties Becherovka, you may know others that we have not mentioned. We will be grateful if you supplement this text with your knowledge by sharing it in the comments to this text.


"Becherovka": composition and medicinal properties:

There are not many companies in the world whose history goes back several centuries. These include the Becherovka TM, the main product of which - the world-famous liqueur - first appeared on the shelves in 1807. For many decades it has been very popular in all corners of the planet. After all, “Becherovka”, the composition of its herbs allows this tincture to be classified as a medicine, effectively helps with many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and the Czechs themselves call it the thirteenth source of Karlovy Vary.

History of the invention of the drink

It turns out that the world-famous Czech liqueur appeared in the early 19th century in Karlovy Vary as a result of research carried out by the pharmacist Josef Becher and the British physician Frobring, trying to invent a cure for stomach problems. To do this, they spent whole days in the vicinity of the resort and collected medicinal herbs.

Before returning home, Frobing gave his colleague his notes regarding the proportions in which the ingredients needed to be mixed. Becher summarized the Englishman’s information and refined his recipe, so in 1807, guests of the resort could already buy drops called “Carlsbad English Bitter.”

Creation and development of the company

For almost a quarter of a century, the medicine invented by Dr. Frobing and the pharmacist Becher was known only to a small number of regular customers of the latter's pharmacy, located on the street that today bears the name of Masaryk. However, the situation changed dramatically when, in 1941, Joseph's son, Johann, became the owner of the distillery and launched the production of tincture based on his father's invention. By the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of Becher liqueur had grown so much that spies were often sent to enterprises trying to find out the recipe for its preparation.

After World War II, the family of the company’s founder was expelled from Czechoslovakia due to his German origin, the company was nationalized, and the drink was renamed Becherovka. Over the 7 decades that have passed since then, the brand’s products have gained recognition among spirits connoisseurs in more than 33 countries. different continents. In addition, several new varieties of Becherovka liqueur have been created, the composition of which differs in the presence of additives. Unfortunately, most of them are not exported outside the country, and therefore many tourists try to be sure to bring a couple of bottles of Becherovka with them from a trip to the Czech Republic.

Types of liquor

On this moment At the company's facility located in Karlovy Vary, the following versions of this drink are produced:

  • “Becherovka is original.” Produced according to a recipe invented in 1807. A significant part of the products is intended for sale outside the Czech Republic.
  • “Becherovka lemon”. In addition to the 20 herbs of the original recipe, it contains citrus extract. Strength 20%. Intended also for export.
  • Becherovka Cordial. This type of liqueur, which for some reason we call “Becherovka Cardinal” (the composition is the same as the original, but with the addition of linden blossom), has a strength of 35%.
  • Becherovka KV 14. It is an original version of an ancient liqueur with the addition of good dry red wine.
  • Becherovka ICE & FIRE. At the moment, this is the latest creation of specialists from the company’s laboratory. It is an alcohol tincture of almost black color with a slight menthol flavor and a small amount of chili pepper.

“Becherovka”: composition

The recipe for the drink has not been solved to this day and is kept in the strictest confidence. The company's management even assures that the exact proportions of the ingredients and their full list today only two people in the world know, and in written form this data is stored in a safe in a Swiss bank. It is difficult to judge how true this statement is, but so far no one has been able to prepare this liqueur so that connoisseurs cannot distinguish it from the real thing.

It is assumed that the composition of “Original Becherovka” is a complex mixture of 20 herbs and spices. Only a few of them are known, which are easily recognized by their taste. This:

  • anise;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom
  • allspice;
  • orange zest.

Factory production of the drink

Judging by the information leaked, despite the mystery surrounding the enterprise where Becherovka is produced (the composition is unknown for certain), the famous Karlovy Vary liqueur is prepared as follows:

  • a mixture of herbs and spices is poured into bags made of natural canvas;
  • immerse them in containers with alcohol;
  • leave the herbs to infuse for about 7 days;
  • pour the extract into oak barrels; add Carlsbad water and sugar;
  • Infuse the liqueur for 2-3 months.

At all stages of production, Becherovka liqueur (the composition is a secret behind seven seals) is not subjected to any technological processes, which could destroy the natural healing substances contained in herbs. That is why it turns out to be a “live” drink that can bring tangible benefits to human health.

By the way, some chefs are trying to create something reminiscent of Karlovy Vary liqueur at home. This often produces quite tasty versions, but none of them have anything in common with the original.


As already mentioned, the Becherovka drink (see composition above) changed its name and label several times. However, the liqueur bottle design, invented in 1841 by Josef Becher's son-in-law, has remained unchanged for almost 175 years. In addition to the options in standard packaging, the company’s plant where Becherovka is produced also produces relatively small batches of gift sets. They consist of 6 bottles with a capacity of 50 ml, decorated with labels with a design developed in various years beverage production.

“Becherovka”: medicinal properties

According to doctors, this liqueur contains substances that help increase the secretion of bile, gastric juice and antispasmodic substances. They have a relaxing effect in case of pathological compression of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. As a result, food is absorbed better and the stomach is emptied faster.

Drinking liquor is also an excellent prevention of indigestion, belching, flatulence, loss of appetite and heartburn. When consumed regularly in small quantities, irritation, which is a consequence of intestinal congestion, and stool disorders, is eliminated.

In addition, by adding a few drops of Karlovy Vary healing liqueur to tea, you can quickly cope with a cold and also get rid of insomnia. Some substances contained in Becherovka also affect the pituitary gland, which normalizes the body’s specific protective reactions and promotes healing, for example, of mucous membranes internal organs. The latter circumstance is extremely important for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers.

How to drink correctly

Manufacturers recommend using their product in its pure form. At the same time, you can hear two diametrically opposed opinions from “experts”. Some believe that Becherovka liqueur, which is rich in choleretic substances, should be drunk before meals as an aperitif to improve appetite, while others call for drinking it as a digestif that stimulates digestion.

Sometimes those who intend to drink this drink solely for medicinal purposes are advised to add a few drops of liqueur to tea or coffee.

As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle and it all depends on the type of drink. In particular, Becherovka KV 14 has the ability to cause the secretion of gastric juice, and “Ice and Fire” is best consumed after the main meal.


Becherovka tincture (the composition of the Becherovka Original variety is described in general terms above) can also be used as a base for cocktails. They can be very diverse and for every taste.

For example, for the bicentenary of the invention of the drink, bartender Ales Puta created the B-Celebration cocktail. Its ingredients include, in addition to 30 ml of liqueur, a little lemonade, a sprig of fresh mint and a wedge of lime. In addition, it is worth adding apple juice in an amount of 10 ml. If desired, the last component of the cocktail can be replaced with liqueur from the same fruit, then the drink will be stronger and have a richer taste and aroma.

Another option based on medicinal herbs, which also has a healing effect, is obtained by mixing 45 ml of Becher's tincture, 120 ml of red wine, 2 tbsp. l. natural liquid honey and 10 ml of lime juice. The resulting composition should be slightly warmed and poured into a glass for hot drinks. For best results, it is recommended to serve the drink with a cinnamon stick, which should be used to stir it before taking a sip.

Now you know how Becherovka liqueur appeared. Composition and medicinal properties You are also familiar with this liqueur. Therefore, if possible, do not refuse to try this amazing alcoholic drink, which experts put on a par with the most effective medications that help solve digestive problems.

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Becherovka was created in the Czech Republic, but the liqueur has spread to other countries. Traditionally it is consumed in Europe, Russia, America and Asia. The drink has gained wide popularity due to its exquisite taste, wide list of ingredients, healing properties. In addition to the main ingredients, such as alcohol and granulated sugar, the liqueur is prepared with the addition of herbs, honey, citrus fruits, and spicy spices.

Composition of Becherovka

The creators of the liqueur keep the recipe for the drink under 7 seals, but experienced connoisseurs still got hold of a short composition. Today it is known that the liqueur is produced on the basis of 20 types of medicinal herbs. At the same time, at least 5 varieties grow in the Karlovy Vary region (Czech Republic). The remaining list of plants is supplied from abroad directly to the plant.

Experienced sommeliers, through numerous tastings, identified additional ingredients included in the drink. These include chamomile blossom, coriander, honey, lemon juice, orange, cloves, cardamom, vanilla (not in all types of Becherovka). It was also possible to establish the presence of spring water taken directly from Karlovy Vary.

Views of Becherovka

  1. Original. “Original” liqueur has been produced since the beginning of 1807, since then the recipe for the drink has remained virtually unchanged (as far as the sommelier knows). This type of Becherovka is considered a classic of the genre, on the basis of which other variations are prepared.
  2. Becherovka Lemond. The drink includes citrus essences, orange, lemon, grapefruit, and lime juice. The liqueur has a strength of 20 degrees, so it is suitable for use in pure form or in cocktails.
  3. Becherovka Cordial. The drink has a strength of about 35 degrees, so it will appeal to connoisseurs. The basis of the liqueur is linden inflorescences, chamomile and cardamom.
  4. Becherovka KV-14. Herbal alcohol contains red wine. As a rule, it is dessert, sickly sweet. The drink has a strength of 40 degrees, but is drunk easily even in its pure form.
  5. Becherovka Ice Fire. The black liqueur includes spicy notes of chili pepper, a menthol aftertaste, and a herbal aroma. Thanks to its strength of 30 degrees, Becherovka is used in cocktails and in pure form.

The healing properties of Becherovka

  1. Initially, the liqueur was produced in small quantities in order to improve health and strengthen the immune system. To this day, residents of the creator country use Becherovka for medicinal purposes, and this is not surprising.
  2. Liqueur increases the feeling of hunger, so it should be drunk 10 minutes before meals. Daily consumption in small quantities speeds up metabolism, normalizes stool, heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, waste is removed from the internal organs, and toxins are broken down many times faster.
  3. Becherovka promotes the rapid release of gastric juice, which is important for people watching their figure. Food is digested not in 4 hours, as we used to believe, but in 2-2.5. The herbal drink tones the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the risk of poisoning.
  4. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, you should use only classic Becherovka marked “Original”. You can add liqueur to tea and coffee or drink 20 ml daily. before the meal. It all depends on personal preference, the daily norm is 60 ml.

Method number 1. How to drink Becherovka in its pure form

  1. As mentioned earlier, liqueur was invented for medicinal purposes. Later, experienced tasters adapted Becherovka in their own way.
  2. Traditionally, liqueur is drunk neat. It is preferable to choose the evening after dinner, but you can enjoy the drug after a hearty lunch.
  3. As for glassware, choose glasses with a narrow bottom that gradually widens towards the edges. The volume of the dishes is 40-60 ml. First, the glasses must be cooled to 6 degrees to emphasize the taste.
  4. Pour Becherovka, backing 1 cm from the edge. Garnish with a slice of orange or grapefruit, sprinkle the citrus with cinnamon. Place the liqueur in your mouth, count to 40, and swallow.
  5. This is how they drink the drug in the Czech Republic, and this is considered correct. The second glass is poured at will after 15-20 minutes. It is worth remembering that the “blow to the head” from Becherovka does not happen immediately, but after half an hour.

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Method number 2. How to drink Becherovka with coffee and tea

  1. It was mentioned above that liqueur is also used for medicinal purposes. Use only the drink in its pure form, marked “Original”. The daily dose is 60 ml, this amount must be divided into 3-4 doses.
  2. Add Becherovka to strong tea without sugar (black, green, hibiscus) and freshly brewed coffee. Combination with heavy cream (from 33%) is allowed; milk should not be mixed.
  3. Daily consumption for a month helps strengthen the immune system, normalize stool and the digestive tract as a whole. Becherovka is often drunk with hot drinks during the flu and cold season.

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Method No. 3. How to drink Becherovka with juice

  1. Not everyone prefers to drink liqueur in its pure form, with beer or in combination with coffee/tea. Fans of low-proof drinks drink Becherovka in a diluted form.
  2. Ideal option The types of liqueur considered are “Original”, “KV-14” and “Lemond”. Mix the drug with juice in a 3:1 ratio. For 60 ml. Becherovka accounts for about 20 grams. thinner.
  3. When it comes to juices, give preference to lemon, currant, apple, cranberry, orange, grapefruit and cherry. Of course, it all depends on personal preferences, experiment.

Method number 4. How to drink Becherovka with beer

  1. In Slovakia, the herbal liqueur is washed down with wheat foam, preferably live. This use option is suitable for all types of drugs, the main thing is to pre-cool the liqueur.
  2. Choose glasses of your favorite shape with a volume of up to 50 ml, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the glass temperature drops to 5-7 degrees.
  3. Pour about 45 g. Becherovka. Fill another glass with beer. First, put the liqueur in your mouth, count to 30, and swallow. Immediately drink beer in 2 sips.
  4. This option involves a snack with hazelnuts or almonds without salt. It should be remembered that foam in combination with strong liquor quickly kills you on the spot.

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Method No. 5. How to drink Becherovka in cocktails

  1. Bianca. Mix 45 ml. sparkling rose wine or martini with 50 ml. Becherovki Original. Pour into a 200 ml glass and fill with crushed ice. Drink through a straw, snacking on raspberries or lime wedges.
  2. Punch. Combine 85 ml in a shaker. carbonated mineral water, 45 ml. Becherovka Lemond or Original. Add 20 ml. sweet sugar syrup, 15 ml. fresh lemon juice. Shake the ingredients in the bowl, then heat to 68 degrees. Consume with a snack of citrus fruits.
  3. Jellyfish. Mix 40 ml. currant liqueur with 20 ml. ale (ginger). Add 35 ml. Becherovka "KV-14", juice of half a lemon. Fill a glass with cocktail and sprinkle with crushed ice. Garnish with lemon and serve chilled.
  4. Lagoon. Chop a whole lime into slices and sprinkle cane sugar or powder. Soak in a wide-bottomed glass for 1 hour, then pour in 60 ml. Becherovka (any). Stir the cocktail by swirling the glass in your hand. Consume in one gulp.
  5. Sherry. Mix 60 ml. chilled cherry juice with 30 ml. Becherovka Original or Lemond. Add 10 gr. vodka (you can replace 30 ml Martini). Stir, garnish with fresh cherries, and consume.
  6. Oasis. For this cocktail you will need 50 ml of Triple Sec liqueur. Pour it into an elongated glass, drop 5 ml on top. lemon juice. Now pour in 30 ml. Becherovka of any kind, again cover with lemon juice. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and drink immediately.
  7. Concrete. The cocktail is often served in Europe under this name. In Russia the drink is called “Beggitto”. Mix tonic with original Becherovka in a 2:1 ratio. Cool, drink in small sips, holding the mixture in your mouth for 20 seconds.

For medicinal purposes, they drink Becherovka mixed with tea or coffee. If you want to fully experience the taste, drink liqueur in its pure form. It should be noted that the drug with beer quickly intoxicates. It makes sense for ladies to consider cocktail recipes based on Czech herbal infusion.

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Video: how to drink Becherovka

Gained worldwide fame thanks to its original recipe and unsurpassed taste. Connoisseurs of elite alcohol are often interested in what ingredients are present in Becherovka, how to drink this drink correctly and what medicinal properties it has.

History of the invention of the drink

Becherovka liqueur was invented in the early 19th century by Czech pharmacist Josef Becher. In addition, Dr. Frobring, a native of Britain, took part in the development of the main recipe. These scientists met in Karlovy Vary, together they studied the healing properties of plants and conducted research, collected medicinal herbs in the vicinity of the city and created from them. Before returning home, the Englishman gave Becher a note in which he noted the main ingredients of the future liqueur and their proportions.

Over time, the Czech pharmacist finalized the recipe and in 1807 began selling the tincture as a means of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. Since the drink was popular, its production was expanded, the bottle design was improved and a trademark was registered. At the end of the 19th century, the herbal liqueur was introduced to the European market.

Composition and types of liquor

The exact recipe and proportions of ingredients used are a trade secret and are protected by the state. Becherovka, whose composition of herbs and spices includes more than 20 types of plants, contains the following components:

  • water from Karlovy Vary springs;
  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • anise, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, wormwood, allspice, etc.;
  • orange zest.

The liqueur is produced using complex technology, but during the manufacturing process the natural healing properties of herbs are completely preserved. In addition, the liquid contains no preservatives, dyes or flavors.

There are 5 varieties of the drink produced under the Becherovka trademark:

  1. Original Becherovka. At the core - classic recipe, unchanged since 1807. Alcohol content: 38%.
  2. Becherovka Cardial. A dessert type of liqueur with a strength of 35%. Made with the addition of white wine, honey and linden flowers. Bottled in brown bottles decorated with golden inscriptions.
  3. Becherovka Lemond. A low-alcohol drink that contains 20% alcohol. It has a sweet taste, a mild lemon aroma and a light yellow color. The main ingredients include citrus fruits. Sold in branded transparent bottles with a yellow and blue label.
  4. Becherovka KV14. A strong type of liqueur, alcohol content - 39-40%. It has a burgundy tint due to the red wine it contains. Does not contain sugar, suitable for people with diabetes. The bottle design contains red and black colors.
  5. Becherovka ICE&FIRE. A relatively new product on the market, it was first released in 2014. The strength of the drink is 30%. The liquid has a specific taste and intense fresh aroma. The recipe contains chili pepper, menthol, citrus fruits, various herbs and spices. Pairs well with ginger ale, tonic and other drinks. The bottle is made of black glass and decorated with a beautiful label made in a modern style.

Becherovka, the types of which differ in their components, is often used by bartenders to create many alcoholic cocktails. You can find 2 types of the drink on public sale; the rest are sold in branded stores in the Czech Republic or are included in souvenir and gift sets.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the medicinal herbs included in its composition, Czech liqueur has a beneficial effect on the body and has the following medicinal properties:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: promotes better absorption of food, accelerates metabolic processes, increases the amount of gastric juice secreted, increases appetite, normalizes stool, etc.;
  • can be used to prevent heartburn, flatulence and belching;
  • fights colds;
  • helps improve immunity;
  • relieves insomnia and improves sleep quality.

Despite all positive traits, Becherovka Original and other types of this liqueur are alcoholic beverages and, if consumed excessively, can be harmful to human health. The daily dose recommended by doctors is 20 ml.

How and with what to drink correctly

If you don’t know what Becherovka is drunk with, follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and drink the herbal liqueur undiluted. The drink should be served well chilled in a small glass or cognac glass. You can drink the tincture as an aperitif or as a digestif. The best snack in these cases is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon powder. If you want to combat insomnia, drink fluids before bed.

The liqueur can also be heated until warm and consumed in small sips. This will help get rid of sore throat and cough.

In addition, many doctors advise regularly adding 1-2 tsp for medicinal purposes. Becherovka in tea or coffee. This method will increase the body's immune resistance to viruses and bacteria, give vigor and good mood.

Use in cocktails

Czech liqueur goes well with many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so it is often included in cocktails. The most common mixes:

  1. Becherovka village This method of drinking the drink was invented in Slovakia and has gained popularity all over the world. First, drink a small glass of chilled liqueur in one gulp, and then a glass of light beer. It is believed that in this case, hops and malt reveal the herbal taste of the tincture in a new way. However, due to the combination of strong alcohol with a weaker alcoholic drink, intoxication quickly occurs.
  2. Becherovka with juice, tonic or other non-alcoholic drinks. Traditionally, liqueur is diluted with apple, cherry or currant juice. If you add tonic to the original Becherovka and add a slice of lemon to the cocktail, you will get a taste reminiscent of the lemon variety of the drink. A combination of Becherovka with Coca-Cola and Sprite is possible.
  3. Becherovka with other types of alcohol. The drink can be combined with champagne, ginger ale, and other liqueurs.

When making cocktails, add ice, mint, sugar syrup, ginger, water, lemon, lime or orange slices, and other fruits and berries (raspberries, grapefruit, cherries, etc.). Alcoholic drinks that Becherovka absolutely cannot be combined with include,.

Traveling to the Czech Republic means ancient Prague, amazing cuisine and an excellent climate. But there is another concept that is inextricably linked with the culture of this country and its flavor - Becherovka liqueur. This business card Czech Republic.

The history of this alcoholic drink began in Karlovy Vary back in 1805, when the English doctor Frobrig appeared in the house of local pharmacist Joseph Becher. The men quickly found a common language, largely thanks to their common professional interests. The doctor and pharmacist often spent time together, mixing various herbs and oils with alcohol. They soon created the basis for preparing the tincture, which Joseph Becher refined on his own.

In 1807, a Czech pharmacist completely developed a recipe for a tincture designed to improve digestion. Soon it went on sale under the name Carlsbad English Bitter gastric drops. After some time, Joseph came up with the idea that it would be nice to perpetuate his name - this is how the legendary Becherovka liqueur appeared, the recipe of which was kept secret for a long time.

The medicine to stimulate digestion was in demand, and Joseph Becher decided to tell his son about the secrets of its production. Johann Becher turned out to be more enterprising than his father - it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a flat green bottle and a bright label (until that moment, Becherovka was sold in nondescript containers).

Subsequently, the family business was continued by Joseph Becher's grandson and his brother. Thanks to the latter, the tincture became known far beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. At one time, even the Austrian king was pleasantly surprised by the rich taste of Becherovka and annually ordered more than 50 thousand liters of tincture for the royal court.

Czech tincture: secrets of production

"Becherovka" is a symbol of the Czech Republic. Of course, no one will tell all the secrets of its manufacture and production.

But a wide audience knows that it includes more than 20 species of plants: some of them grow in the Czech Republic, and some are brought from abroad. There are only a few species of plants known that are clearly included in the tincture:

  • Cardamom and cinnamon.
  • Cloves and anise.
  • Allspice.

All plant components are placed in a canvas bag and infused in alcohol for about a week, then the mixture is poured into oak barrels of a specific oval shape and one of the most important components is added - sweetened Carlsbad water. Legend has it that someone once found out the secret recipe for making the tincture and took it outside the Czech Republic. However, “Becherovka” did not turn out the way it should really be, and all because it contains healing water from Karlovy Vary.

The tincture, which is not yet ready, is stored in cellars for several months, while the room is maintained at a certain temperature and air humidity level.

The healing properties of Czech tincture

"Becherovka" is a medicinal tincture that is intended to improve the functioning of the body. At least, this was the original purpose of this liqueur. Currently, doctors are quite skeptical about the healing properties of this drink, believing that it does not have a healing effect on the digestive system.

Becherovka, the recipe of which is carefully kept secret, is recommended for consumption as follows: 20 ml immediately before meals. By the way, it has been said that drinking liquor in moderation has never harmed anyone.

How to drink Becherovka tincture correctly?

It’s very difficult at home; besides, the drink still won’t turn out the same as it is produced in the Czech Republic. How to drink Becherovka correctly? There are several ways to drink this drink:

  • Manufacturers strongly recommend drinking the tincture in its pure form, from cognac glasses, while enjoying a pleasant conversation in the company of loved ones. A classic appetizer - fresh oranges sprinkled with cinnamon. This is how you can truly enjoy the exquisite taste of the drink and appreciate its properties.
  • In Slovakia, for example, they like to make cocktails with Becherovka - most often they drink it with beer. Liqueur (40-50 grams) is cooled in the refrigerator, drunk in one gulp and washed down with good beer.

Types of Czech liqueur

Becherovka is part of Czech culture. And if earlier this drink was made only on the basis of one recipe, now the manufacturer offers several interpretations of this legendary liqueur, which differ in different tastes and methods of preparation:

  • BECHEROVKA LEMOND - Czech liqueur with a rich aroma of citrus and kumquat. The liqueur has a pronounced lemon aroma with light orange notes. This drink is characterized by a lower strength than traditional Becherovka - 20%.
  • BECHEROVKA KV is a Czech liqueur, the main composition of which is good red wine. This drink has a fairly high strength - about 40%.

"Becherovka" at home

Of course, no one knows the exact recipe - this drink is prepared exclusively in Karlovy Vary. However, many lovers of this liqueur were able to create a recipe that, to some extent, could convey the taste and aroma of the Czech traditional drink. To prepare this tincture you will need the following ingredients:

  • a little more than 1200 ml of alcohol with a strength of 50-55%;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 15-20 pieces of cloves;
  • 1 gram of cardamom;
  • 2 grams of anise;
  • 8-10 peas;
  • orange zest (without the white part);
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • about 300 grams of clean water.

All spices must be poured with alcohol, the container tightly closed and placed in a dark, warm place. The tincture should stand for a week, during which time it is advisable to shake the container periodically. After a week, strain the infused mixture.

To prepare the syrup, dilute the sugar in water and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, while making sure that the syrup does not boil. Cool the water and add the syrup to the tincture. It is worth noting that it is advisable to pour alcohol into water, so you first need to pour the syrup into a large container and after that add the filtered infusion.

The result should be homemade Becherovka. The recipe is not complicated; you can treat your friends and family to this drink.

The cost of Czech tincture

The piquant Czech liqueur has been popular for two centuries. This drink can be bought in shops and salons specializing in the sale of elite Becherovka tincture, the price of which varies between 1000 rubles, is a traditional drink that eloquently reflects the Czech flavor.

You need to choose a drink very carefully, fearing counterfeits. You should pay attention to the shape of the bottle and the label. It is advisable to visit the company’s official website and see what the tincture itself should look like in order to avoid purchasing an uncertified product.

How to drink Becherevka correctly? The Czech Republic is a wonderful country with good organization of national production.

So much has been written about the delicious Czech beer, but we must not forget that this Central European power also produces the famous drink from the Becherovka herb, which bears the original name Becherovka.

This is a unique high-strength liqueur with an alcohol content of thirty-eight percent.,bitter-tasting.

Many gourmets expect a pleasant mint taste from this product, because Becherovka was originally a medicine for stomach pain. This liqueur promotes the secretion of gastric juice due to its high herbal content.

Also, after taking even twenty milliliters of Becherovka, food is absorbed much faster and much better. With the help of Czech tincture you can also eliminate irritation of the rectum.

How is the drink made and what is its composition? This question interests everyone who has ever encountered the Czech drink Becherovka.

The recipe for the tincture itself is a real national secret, but at least it is known that Among the ingredients there are about twenty types herbs- both domestic and imported.

They are prepared in the form of a tincture with alcohol for about a week. After this, all liqueurs are transferred to oval oak barrels. There they are combined with sugar, as well as Karlovy Vary water.

And as a result, this whole mixture is stored for another two to three months in special cellars with a stable temperature.

There is a tincture various types. In addition to the pure appearance of the drink, the manufacturer offers the public several options using the maximum variety of flavors. Let's look at a few of them:

1. BECHEROVKA LEMOND – tincture with citrus and kumquat flavors. The lemon-orange flavor is its distinctive feature. This liqueur is less strong than others, because its strength is only twenty percent.

2. BECHEROVKA KV 14 – red tincture, which she acquires due to the addition of red wine. Its strength level is thirty-nine percent.

3. BECHEROVKA KV 15 – this variety is not currently available, but its strength previously was forty percent.

4. BECHEROVKA CORDIAL – traditional herbal tincture. Linden blossom and white wine are added separately to the drink. Its strength reaches thirty-five percent.
5. BECHEROVKA ORIGINAL is the most traditional Becherovka, the recipe of which has not changed since 1807. The strength of this drink is thirty-eight percent.

How p Is it right to drink Becherovka?

How to drink this herbal tincture correctly? We will tell you about the most popular methods of using Becherovka.

Firstly, in its pure form, the drink is presented on the table chilled to a temperature of five to seven degrees. This is done either in anticipation of the evening, or later during an exciting conversation with family or friends.

Secondly, herbal tincture can be consumed with beer. A glass of liqueur should be drunk in one gulp, washed down with good beer. This method is very popular in Slovakia.

You will feel a rather original aftertaste, but you need to remember that a couple of such “approaches” can provoke intoxication quite quickly. Don't get too carried away!

Third, use the drink for medicinal purposes. A tablespoon of original Becherovka can be consumed with tea or coffee. This mixture will improve digestion and increase vitality.

However, you shouldn’t get carried away, because this drink was intended as a medicine first and foremost. Therefore, it should be consumed no more often than one cup per day.

Fourth, with other drinks. Becherovka can be safely diluted with juices; it will be especially tasty when combined with cherries, apples or currants. Proportions are up to your taste.

An elegant way to consume the drink is to prepare cocktails with Becherovka. The most commonly used cocktail is eloquent name« Concrete" To prepare it, you just need to mix Becherovka with tonic (or Schweppes), adding lemon juice, and, of course, ice.

Another famous cocktail with tincture – « Red Moon" For it you will need forty milliliters of Becherovka, ten milliliters of currant juice, ice cubes and fill the whole thing with soda around the edge of the mug. You can garnish the drink with a slice of orange.

In general, there are enough options to combine Becherovka with various ingredients and enjoy this wonderful Czech drink!

There are not many companies in the world whose history goes back several centuries. These include the Becherovka TM, the main product of which - the world-famous liqueur - first appeared on the shelves in 1807. For many decades it has been very popular in all corners of the planet. After all, “Becherovka”, the composition of its herbs allows this tincture to be classified as a medicine, effectively helps with many problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and the Czechs themselves call it the thirteenth source of Karlovy Vary.

History of the invention of the drink

It turns out that the world-famous Czech liqueur appeared in the early 19th century in Karlovy Vary as a result of research carried out by the pharmacist Josef Becher and the British physician Frobring, trying to invent a cure for stomach problems. To do this, they spent whole days in the vicinity of the resort and collected medicinal herbs.

Before returning home, Frobing gave his colleague his notes regarding the proportions in which the ingredients needed to be mixed. Becher summarized the Englishman’s information and refined his recipe, so in 1807, guests of the resort could already buy drops called “Carlsbad English Bitter.”

Creation and development of the company

For almost a quarter of a century, the medicine invented by Dr. Frobing and the pharmacist Becher was known only to a small number of regular customers of the latter's pharmacy, located on the street that today bears the name of Masaryk. However, the situation changed dramatically when, in 1941, Joseph's son, Johann, became the owner of the distillery and launched the production of tincture based on his father's invention. By the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of Becher liqueur had grown so much that spies were often sent to enterprises trying to find out the recipe for its preparation.

After World War II, the family of the company’s founder was expelled from Czechoslovakia due to his German origin, the company was nationalized, and the drink was renamed Becherovka. Over the 7 decades that have passed since then, the brand’s products have gained recognition among spirits connoisseurs in more than 33 countries on different continents. In addition, several new varieties of Becherovka liqueur have been created, the composition of which differs in the presence of additives. Unfortunately, most of them are not exported outside the country, and therefore many tourists try to be sure to bring a couple of bottles of Becherovka with them from a trip to the Czech Republic.

Types of liquor

Currently, the company’s plant located in Karlovy Vary produces the following versions of this drink:

  • “Becherovka is original.” Produced according to a recipe invented in 1807. A significant part of the products is intended for sale outside the Czech Republic.
  • “Becherovka lemon”. In addition to the 20 herbs of the original recipe, it contains citrus extract. Strength 20%. Intended also for export.
  • Becherovka Cordial. This type of liqueur, which for some reason we call “Becherovka Cardinal” (the composition is the same as the original, but with the addition of linden blossom), has a strength of 35%.
  • Becherovka KV 14. It is an original version of an ancient liqueur with the addition of good dry red wine.
  • Becherovka ICE & FIRE. At the moment, this is the latest creation of specialists from the company’s laboratory. It is an alcohol tincture of almost black color with a slight menthol flavor and a small amount of chili pepper.

“Becherovka”: composition

The recipe for the drink has not been solved to this day and is kept in the strictest confidence. The company's management even assures that only two people in the world know the exact proportions of ingredients and their complete list today, and this data is stored in written form in a safe in a Swiss bank. It is difficult to judge how true this statement is, but so far no one has been able to prepare this liqueur so that connoisseurs cannot distinguish it from the real thing.

It is assumed that the composition of “Original Becherovka” is a complex mixture of 20 herbs and spices. Only a few of them are known, which are easily recognized by their taste. This:

  • anise;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom
  • orange zest.

Factory production of the drink

Judging by the information leaked, despite the mystery surrounding the enterprise where Becherovka is produced (the composition is unknown for certain), the famous Karlovy Vary liqueur is prepared as follows:

  • a mixture of herbs and spices is poured into bags made of natural canvas;
  • immerse them in containers with alcohol;
  • leave the herbs to infuse for about 7 days;
  • pour the extract into oak barrels; add Carlsbad water and sugar;
  • Infuse the liqueur for 2-3 months.

At all stages of production, Becherovka liqueur (the composition is a closely guarded secret) is not subjected to any technological processes that could destroy the natural healing substances contained in the herbs. That is why it turns out to be a “live” drink that can bring tangible benefits to human health.

By the way, some chefs are trying to create something reminiscent of Karlovy Vary liqueur at home. This often produces quite tasty versions, but none of them have anything in common with the original.


As already mentioned, the Becherovka drink (see composition above) changed its name and label several times. However, the liqueur bottle design, invented in 1841 by Josef Becher's son-in-law, has remained unchanged for almost 175 years. In addition to the options in standard packaging, the company’s plant where Becherovka is produced also produces relatively small batches of gift sets. They consist of 6 bottles with a capacity of 50 ml, decorated with labels with designs developed in different years of production of the drink.

“Becherovka”: medicinal properties

According to doctors, this liqueur contains substances that help increase the secretion of bile, gastric juice and antispasmodic substances. They have a relaxing effect in case of pathological compression of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. As a result, food is absorbed better and the stomach is emptied faster.

Drinking liquor is also an excellent prevention of indigestion, belching, flatulence, loss of appetite and heartburn. When consumed regularly in small quantities, irritation, which is a consequence of intestinal congestion, and stool disorders, is eliminated.

In addition, by adding a few drops of Karlovy Vary healing liqueur to tea, you can quickly cope with a cold and also get rid of insomnia. Some substances contained in Becherovka also affect the pituitary gland, which normalizes the body’s specific protective reactions and promotes healing, for example, of the mucous membranes of internal organs. The latter circumstance is extremely important for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers.

How to drink correctly

Manufacturers recommend using their product in its pure form. At the same time, you can hear two diametrically opposed opinions from “experts”. Some believe that Becherovka liqueur, which is rich in choleretic substances, should be drunk before meals as an aperitif to improve appetite, while others call for drinking it as a digestif that stimulates digestion.

Sometimes those who intend to drink this drink solely for medicinal purposes are advised to add a few drops of liqueur to tea or coffee.

As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle and it all depends on the type of drink. In particular, Becherovka KV 14 has the ability to cause the secretion of gastric juice, and “Ice and Fire” is best consumed after the main meal.


Becherovka tincture (the composition of the Becherovka Original variety is described in general terms above) can also be used as a base for cocktails. They can be very diverse and for every taste.

For example, for the bicentenary of the invention of the drink, bartender Ales Puta created the B-Celebration cocktail. Its ingredients include, in addition to 30 ml of liqueur, a little lemonade, a sprig of fresh mint and a wedge of lime. In addition, it is worth adding apple juice in an amount of 10 ml. If desired, the last component of the cocktail can be replaced with liqueur from the same fruit, then the drink will be stronger and have a richer taste and aroma.

Another option based on medicinal herbs, which also has a healing effect, is obtained by mixing 45 ml of Becher's tincture, 120 ml of red wine, 2 tbsp. l. natural liquid honey and 10 ml of lime juice. The resulting composition should be slightly warmed and poured into a glass for hot drinks. For best results, it is recommended to serve the drink with a cinnamon stick, which should be used to stir it before taking a sip.

Now you know how Becherovka liqueur appeared. You also know the composition and medicinal properties of this liqueur. Therefore, if possible, do not refuse to try this amazing alcoholic drink, which experts put on a par with the most effective medications that help solve digestive problems.

The complex liqueur Becherovka is one of the most famous and truly legendary Czech drinks. Invented by pharmacist Josef Becher, this tincture has evolved from a common medicine over its long history into the most recognizable herbal liqueur in the world. The strength of the drink is 38 degrees, its color has an unusual greenish-yellow tint and a bitter aftertaste with the aroma of herbs and citrus fruits.

In the article:

Becherovka – a little history

In 1805, two friends, representatives of the pharmaceutical business, Joseph Becher and Dr. Frobrig, met on vacation in Karlovy Vary. Becher owned one of the best pharmacies in the city, and Dr. Frobrig was a practicing physician. This meeting was marked by an experiment to invent a new herbal tincture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Some time after his friend's departure, Joseph finally developed and launched an alcohol-containing tincture, which he called Carlsbad English Bitter.

Carlsbad English Bitter

Becherovka tincture was initially sold in pharmacies as an auxiliary medicine. But, after the rights to produce the tincture were transferred to his son Johann in 1841, sales increased due to updated equipment and a change in packaging. 10 years before the end of the 19th century, the grandson of the famous pharmacist, Gustave Becher, improved appearance drink, completed production buildings and officially registered the Becherovka trademark.

With the beginning of the 20th century, the tincture began to be in demand outside the Czech Republic. Companies involved in the distribution of alcoholic beverages began to actively buy it. Among the fans of the tincture were the royal court of the Emperor of Austria.

Composition of Becherovka

The Becher family carefully guards the recipe for making the tincture. Today it is known that the herbal mixture includes at least twenty varieties of herbs growing in the Czech Republic and abroad. Experienced tasters were able to identify some components, including: coriander, chamomile flowers, wormwood, cloves, honey, anise, cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, as well as orange and lemon zest.

The original taste of the drink is given by the water, which is unique in its composition. In Karlovy Vary there are 12 different sources of mineral water, which is an effective remedy for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Proportions and composition are kept in the strictest confidence.

According to one legend, an employee of the enterprise found out the composition of the drink and took it abroad. In the process of mixing the components and further tincture, the liqueur was very different from the original. Many then thought that the main secret of the signature liqueur was water from Karlovy Vary. Therefore, no one in the world has yet been able to repeat the success of the drink.

The production process consists of mixing various herbs and spices, then placing them in fabric bags and immersing them in pure alcohol. Containers with alcohol are heated at special equipment to a certain temperature, after which they are left in a warm place to cool. The process takes seven days, after which the finished concentrate is poured into large oak barrels, sugar, mineral water and alcohol are added, covered with lids and the drink is infused for 2-3 months in a cool room. The next stage is filtration, the cooling process and the final removal of unwanted impurities.

The liqueur is famous for the fact that it is a natural tincture without the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavoring agents and stabilizers.

The infusion is usually bottled in branded green glass bottles. The label design and flattened bottle shape have become a recognizable brand since the trademark was registered.

You can find gift sets on sale:

  • small bottles of 50 milliliters, the labels of which are decorated in retro style;
  • a bottle packed in a cardboard box with a white porcelain cup or several small glasses;
  • a set of all five varieties of Becherovka. It is quite expensive, but such a gift will certainly please lovers and will become a worthy decoration for any bar.

Views of Becherovka

Today, five varieties of liqueur are produced under the Becherovka brand. Among them:

Becherovka Original (Original)

Becherovka Original

A classic recipe from 1807, which has won its place of honor among. The strength of the drink is 38 degrees.

Becherovka Cardinal (Cardinal)

Becherovka Cardinal

Premium tincture with a slightly lower strength of 35 degrees. It is distinguished by a honey flavor, linden color of the drink and white wine content. Bottled in milky brown color. It is a favorite delicacy of the fair sex. Used as a dessert.

Becherovka Lemond (Lemon)

Becherovka Lemond

Low alcohol drink (strength reaches only 20 degrees). It has a sweet taste with mint and citrus notes. The color of the bottle is white, which perfectly matches the light golden tint of the liqueur. The label is made in yellow and blue colors.


Becherovka KV-14

A strong herbal infusion with a high alcohol content (40 degrees). It contains absolutely no sugar, making it suitable for people with diabetes. Red wine, which is part of the liqueur, gives the drink a noble burgundy hue. The bottle is decorated in red and black colors. Sold only in specialized stores and included in a gift set.

Ice and fire

Becherovka Ice & Fire

The recipe was developed in 2014 specifically for making cocktails. The strength is medium (30 degrees). Ideal with tonic or ginger ale. It is distinguished by a variety of tastes, successively replacing each other until a chilling feeling as an aftertaste. Externally the bottle is made of black glass. The label is made in a modern style, combining cool blue and hot yellow colors.

Currently, Becherovka is popular among lovers of strong drinks, and occupies a worthy place in the arsenal of bartenders. Its 200-year history allows us to speak about the quality of the tincture. The Czechs themselves nicknamed the liqueur “Living Drink” due to its healing properties.

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Created on Czech soil, Becherovka (from the English “Becherovka”) gradually turned into one of the symbols of the country. This is one of the varieties of herbal liqueurs popular in Europe, which includes more than twenty different ingredients from different parts of the world. globe. Among the components of Becherovka, in addition to alcohol, sugar and water from Karlovy Vary, you can also name chamomile, wormwood, coriander, cloves, allspice, honey, orange and lemon.

Views of Becherovka

In addition to the classic 38-degree Becherovka, made according to an authentic two-hundred-year-old recipe, there are a number of modifications of the liqueur offered by the official producers of this drink, namely:

  1. Becherovka Cordial

    35-proof liqueur with the addition of linden blossom.

  2. Becherovka Lemond

    A 20-degree variation of the drink, flavored with citrus.

  3. Becherovka KV 14

    40-degree drink with the addition of red wine. Becherovka Ice&Fire is a 30-proof black liqueur enriched with chili pepper and menthol.

How to drink Becherovka

A frequent question from many lovers of this liqueur. Let's look at several ways to drink Becherovka correctly at home:

  1. Becherovka in its purest form

    Since Becherovka was conceived as a self-sufficient digestif, it is preferable to consume it in its pure form after a hearty lunch or before bed. The drink is served in small glasses, chilled to a temperature of 5-7°C. This method of serving somewhat weakens the aroma of the liqueur, but improves its taste. The only acceptable snack in this case is a slice of orange, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon.

  2. Becherovka in tea and coffee

    For medicinal purposes only, a couple of tablespoons of classic Becherovka can be added to tea or coffee. Perhaps the taste of the liquor will be almost imperceptible, but it will give you vigor and increased resistance colds and excellent digestion will be provided to you.

  3. Becherovka with beer

    The closest neighbors of the Czechs, the Slovaks, invented their own method of consuming Becherovka. 40-50 grams of a chilled drink are drunk in one gulp, after which a mug of light beer is used. The addition of hops and malt to the herbal base of the liqueur allows you to obtain an incomparable taste effect, coupled, however, with quite strong intoxication.

  4. Becherovka in mixes and cocktails

    The traditional liqueur goes very well with some juices. First of all, we are talking about currant, apple and cherry. If we talk about KV 14, then orange juice goes well with it.

Rating of the best alcoholic cocktails with Becherovka according to the editors of the Alkofan website. When compiling the list, the main selection criteria were: taste qualities drinks, ease of preparation at home, availability of ingredients (available for free sale in large supermarkets) and popularity of recipes.

Attention! Use classic Becherovka Original. In the case of other types of drink (Cordial, Lemond, KV 14 and Ice & Fire), the taste of the cocktails may vary greatly.

1. "Concrete".

A very popular cocktail among young people, the name of which was formed by adding the initial syllables of two main ingredients - Becherovka and tonic. Despite the ease of preparation, the drink has a balanced, pleasant taste with light herbal notes.


  • Becherovka – 40 ml;
  • tonic – 200 ml;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml (optional).

Thanks to lemon juice, a slight sourness appears in the taste, but it is not necessary to add it. Without juice, the amount of Becherovka needs to be increased to 50 ml to get a ratio of 1:5.

Recipe: fill a glass with ice, pour in Becherovka with lemon juice. Add tonic on top and mix gently (a lot of foam will appear). Garnish with lemon zest. Drink through a straw or in small sips.


2. “Bechefruit.”

An excellent combination of Becherovka and grapefruit juice. The mineral water somewhat softens the taste and makes the cocktail carbonated.


  • Becherovka – 40 ml;
  • grapefruit juice – 150 ml;
  • soda (mineral water) – 50 ml;
  • sugar - half a teaspoon.

Recipe: mix Becherovka, grapefruit juice and sugar in a glass. Add a few ice cubes. Slowly pour in mineral water and stir. Garnish with a grapefruit slice.


3. "Hooligan."

Why the cocktail was named this way is unknown; the name of the author of the recipe has not been preserved in history. It can be assumed that after a few drinks, bar patrons do not behave very diligently. The drink has a specific herbal taste with a slight bitterness, which is offset by cola.


  • absinthe – 30 ml;
  • vodka – 30 ml;
  • Becherovka – 30 ml;
  • cola – 150 ml.

Recipe: Fill a tall glass to the top with ice. Alternately pour in absinthe, vodka, Becherovka and cola. Mix. Garnish with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.


4. "The Alchemist".

A hot cocktail with Becherovka is memorable for its original presentation, in which you not only need to drink, but also inhale the vapors, as is the case with set fire to sambuca. From the outside, what is happening looks like alchemy or an ancient shamanic ritual.


  • sambuca – 15 ml;
  • absinthe – 10 ml;
  • white rum – 5 ml;
  • Jägermeister – 5 ml;
  • Becherovka – 5 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 pinches.

Recipe: pour all the alcohol into a cognac glass in any order. Spin the glass several times in your hands to wet the sides. Pierce the napkin with a tube. Set the mixture on fire, let it burn for about 10 seconds, throw cinnamon into the flame. Pour the cocktail into another glass (rocks), cover with cognac on top. After 7-10 seconds, alcohol vapor from the bottom should rise into a cognac glass, which should be placed on a napkin with a straw in the center. Drink the cocktail in one gulp, then inhale the vapors.

Alchemist - served like hot sambuca

5. “Czech ruff.”

Nothing more than Becherovka with beer. The cocktail is popular in bars in the Czech Republic, where tourists are offered to try it. The combination has a relatively low strength, but quickly intoxicates.


  • Becherovka – 45 ml;
  • light beer (lager) – 90 ml.

Recipe: Fill a tall glass (highball or beer) halfway with ice. Pour in Becherovka and beer (carefully). Stir lightly. You can drink it in one gulp or in small sips.

Czech ruff

Another variation is to drink a shot of Becherovka and immediately wash it down with a glass of beer.

6. “Apple Sling.”

Summer refreshing cocktail instant cooking. All components must be well cooled before mixing.


  • Becherovka – 45 ml;
  • apple juice – 45 ml;
  • tonic – 45 ml.

Recipe: Pour herbal liqueur, juice and tonic into a tall glass filled with ice. Stir with a bar spoon. You can decorate with thin apple slices.

Apple sling

7. "B-Cola".

A simple mixture of Becherovka and cola. Those who like to dilute alcohol with soda will find a lot of new things in this combination.


  • Becherovka – 40 ml;
  • cola (Coca-Cola or Pepsi) – 150 ml.

Recipe: Pour Becherovka and cola into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with lemon slices.


8. "Bianca"

Women's cocktail with Becherovka, champagne and martini. The drink is remembered for its soft, delicate taste.


  • Becherovka – 30 ml;
  • white vermouth (Martini Bianco) – 30 ml;
  • champagne (any sparkling wine) – 30 ml.

Recipe: Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass, stir gently with a bar spoon (foaming will appear), then pour into a serving glass filled with ice. Garnish with berries, fruit slices or zest. Drink through a straw.


9. "Avalanche"

A hot cocktail that can be called one of the varieties of mulled wine. Perfect for keeping you warm on cold winter evenings.


  • Becherovka – 45 ml;
  • red wine (semi-dry or semi-sweet) – 120 ml;
  • liquid honey – 20 ml;
  • lemon or lime juice – 10 ml.

Recipe: Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Pour hot cocktail into cups. Top with a cinnamon stick.


10. “Czech Collaborator”.

Famous shot with Becherovka (cocktail in a shot glass). According to legend, an American company hired a Czech immigrant. Every Friday at the end of his shift, the man drank several servings of this cocktail. Over time, other employees and even the company's management adopted this tradition.


  • Becherovka – 25 ml;
  • Schnapps (can be mint) – 25 ml.

Recipe: mix very chilled Becherovka with schnapps in a glass, drink in one gulp.

Czech Employee

11. “Baby Becher.”


  • vodka – 30 ml;
  • Becherovka – 30 ml;
  • tonic – 120 ml.

Recipes: Pour vodka, Becherovka and tonic into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with mint or citrus zest. Drink in small sips.

Baby Becher

12. "Beherita".

An unusual combination of Becherovka with tequila, hence the name. Other ingredients perfectly complement the taste.


  • white tequila – 60 ml;
  • Becherovka – 60 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 15 ml (water and sugar in equal proportions);
  • egg white – 30 ml;
  • peach juice – 60 ml.

Recipe: mix all ingredients in a shaker, pour the mixture through a strainer into a glass with ice.


All connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages have heard about the existence of Becherovka more than once. Many people also know that this herbal tincture is produced in the Czech resort town of Karlovy Vary. This place has long been Eastern Europe was known for its 12 healing springs.

However, when Becherovka began to be sold there in 1807, it was either jokingly or seriously began to be called the 13th source. Indeed, it is now unknown what exactly attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world to Karlovy Vary every day.

Becherovka is a worldwide popular tincture or liqueur made from a unique composition of herbs and spices, the secret of which is known only to the director and chief technologist of the factory. It has a sweetish taste, in which piquant bitterness is adjacent to a velvety spicy aftertaste. The strength of the classic drink is 38 degrees.

By the way, in the word Becherovka the stress is correctly placed on the first syllable.

Composition of the drink

As we have already said, the composition of Becherovka is one of the biggest secrets of the Czech Republic. However, it is known that it is made from 20 herbaceous plants. There is also an opinion that 4 types of herbs grow in the vicinity of the Doup Mountains, in which Karlovy Vary is located. The remaining 16 are brought to the plant from other places.

Don't forget about the sommelier. These alcohol professionals are able to taste quite accurately what components are included in the drink. Of course, they did not deprive Becherovka of their attention.

However, there are as many opinions as there are people. Each specialist, having tasted this wonderful tincture, makes his own verdict. With a high degree of probability, it was possible to establish that Becherovka contains: coriander, chamomile, cloves, wormwood, lemon and honey.

In addition, let's not forget about the unique Karlovy Vary water. Without it, who knows what the taste of the most famous liqueur in the Czech Republic would have been like.

Interestingly, when Becherovka first appeared, it was presented to everyone as a medicine. This is exactly how Joseph Becher, the man to whom we owe the very fact of its existence, treated it.

Many may be interested, which anyone can easily implement at home.

How to drink correctly?

This tincture can be drunk in three usual ways and one medicinal way. Let's look at them all in detail.

1. First of all, there is the classic version, which the manufacturer and all true connoisseurs of Becherovka insist on. They believe that it must be drunk undiluted.

The liqueur should be cooled to a temperature of 6-7 degrees Celsius and poured into small shot glasses or glasses. Becherovka served in this way is considered an excellent aperitif or digestif. In such a situation, no snacks are provided with it. The only thing you can afford is a slice of orange flavored with a pinch of cinnamon.

You should drink it in small sips. Enjoying a soft, enchanting taste.

2. Becherovka with beer. Of course, the Czechs simply could not help but mix their two main national drinks. Let this mixing occur only in the stomach.

Everything is simple here. Drink a shot glass with the tincture and then immediately take a good sip of light beer. I guarantee you will like it. However, you should be careful because this method of using it is fraught with rapid intoxication.

3. Becherovka can also be drunk in combination with freshly squeezed or packaged juices. Apple, blackcurrant and cherry juice are good for these purposes. Everyone chooses the proportions to their own taste. Classic version 1:3 or 1:4.

The healing properties of Becherovka

We wrote above that this liqueur was originally invented as a medicine. Of course, he is not one in the full sense of the word. But at the same time, it undoubtedly has useful properties.

First of all, when drunk before a meal, Becherovka awakens a strong appetite. In addition, consumed daily in small doses, it helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. This “treatment” normalizes the production of gastric juice and bile, and also maintains the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines and stomach.

There are two options for medicinal use of this liqueur. Firstly, you can drink 20 ml in pure form once a day 10 minutes before meals. Secondly, you can add 3-4 teaspoons to a cup of coffee or tea after meals.

In both cases, the classic Becherovka Original should be used.

Existing types of drink

Nowadays, four varieties of Becherovka are produced:

  • Original is a traditional bitter, which is what this article is about;
  • Aperitiv KV 14 – this option features less sugar, the addition of red wine and an alcohol content of 40%;
  • Cordial - white wine and linden blossom are added to this liqueur, alcohol content is 35%;
  • Lemond is a lemon Becherovka with an alcohol content of 20%.

By the way, the manufacturer states that if the recommended storage conditions are observed, the shelf life of this herbal liqueur is unlimited. In practice, this means that, unopened, it can be stored for as long as desired.

There is one more interesting fact, which will help you avoid fakes. Only original Becherovka and Lemond are exported. Other varieties can only be purchased in Karlovy Vary.

Eternal controversy and dangerous delusion

Fans of original herbal bitters have long been arguing which drink is better: Jägermeister or Becherovka. It must be understood that this dispute is purely speculative. Here, as they say, it's a matter of taste. Each person must decide this for themselves. And there is only one way - tasting. Who has already found the answer for themselves - write your review in the comments to the article.

As for misconceptions, I have heard the amusing opinion several times that Becherovka is vodka from the Czech Republic. I think that after reading this article, such a maxim can only amuse you.

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