How to improve blood flow in the body. Proven folk remedies to improve blood circulation. Traditional medicine

In our difficult times, chronic diseases have become not the exception, but the norm. Added to the inevitable age-related changes negative factors chronic fatigue, depression, forced sedentary lifestyle and eating unsuitable foods. Stroke is among the top three most common diseases. Therefore, the first priority was the question of how to improve blood circulation in the brain.

Causes and signs of the disease

The most important continuous process in the human body is blood circulation, through which nutrients and gases are exchanged. Disruption of this process in the brain area often leads to death; the few survivors can no longer fully work and live.

The cause of circulatory problems may be various factors: constant stress, excessive physical and psychological stress, chronic fatigue, head injuries, hypertension, blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques (atherosclerosis), chronic spinal diseases, systemic diseases.

The health of a sick person remains stable for a long time and does not cause concern. But gradually the situation worsens, and a person can no longer cope with problems on his own. If you have certain conditions, you must immediately undergo a full examination: frequent attacks of headaches, eye pain, dizziness, vomiting and nausea. Numbness of fingers, tinnitus, memory loss, fast fatiguability, pressure surges, irritability, apathy, unsteady gait, bad dream– all these symptoms clearly indicate problems with the head vessels. There is no need to expect the body to cope with ailments on its own. Along with blood, oxygen and nutrients enter the brain. If the supply is insufficient, pathological processes may develop that will lead to irreversible results.

Important! Some of the listed signs of the disease may be caused by other diseases.

Chronic insufficient blood circulation to the brain is called discirculatory encephalopathy. Its cause is pinching and compression of blood vessels. To develop recommendations for treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and find out the causes of the onset of the disease. This is what a neurologist does.

Expert advice on normalizing cerebral circulation is simple and accessible to everyone. To achieve an impressive effect, you need to put in a little effort and patience. The following actions will help restore the functioning of the vascular system: performing aerobic exercises, consuming certain foods, normalizing weight, quitting smoking, memory training, positive emotions.

Medicines to improve blood circulation

As a standard, a complex treatment method is used, which includes a whole range of vascular drugs with various effects:

  1. anticoagulant drugs that prevent blood thickening and the formation of blood clots;
  2. vasodilators and strengthening drugs;
  3. nootropic substances that affect the brain.

Useful to know: The medulla oblongata, what functions it is responsible for and what diseases it suffers from

For persistent pain, painkillers are added.

Important! Only a doctor, based on tests, can draw up a regimen for taking the necessary medications.

However, all drugs have many side effects. Many are prohibited for pregnant women, children and people with professions that require increased attention.


Drugs that dilate the lumen of blood vessels are used for many diseases. In addition to their direct purpose, their functions include stimulating cellular metabolism and ensuring cell saturation with oxygen and nutrition. These include the following: Decalor, Alodipine, Nifedipine.

Alodipine– blocks calcium channels, dilates coronary vessels, prevents arterial spasms, lowers blood pressure;

Nifedipine– selectively blocks calcium channels, which leads to vasodilation, decreased blood pressure, and increased blood circulation.

Reducing blood viscosity

Drugs increase blood fluidity and prevent the risk of thrombosis: Aspirin, Heparin, Fragmin.

They are taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor and are monitored by blood tests. If bruises or bloody diarrhea are detected, medication intake requires immediate adjustment.


Nootropics– the strongest antioxidants that enhance mental performance, cellular metabolism, and reduce fatigue. They are used for memory and concentration problems, lack of oxygen, and mental retardation. The action of the drugs is aimed at improving all mental processes. Often these medications are prescribed to prevent and protect the nervous system from overload.

This group includes the following medications: Glycine, Cerebrolysin, Piracetam, Aminolon, Phenotropil, Picamilog, Glycine.

Cerebrolysin– contains several thousand substances. It stimulates the growth of new nerve cells, strengthens the vascular system, calms nervous disorders and improves mood.

Piracetam– improves metabolic function in nervous system, increases attention and memory, improves brain nutrition.

Aminolon– inhibits excitation of the central nervous system, eliminates headache attacks. Prescribed for memory loss and lack of attention, difficulty speaking, after head injuries and strokes.

Fenotropil– improves blood circulation, strengthens memory and enhances attention, has a calming effect.

Picamilon– stimulates blood circulation, fights fatigue.

Glycine– calms and improves memory. It is recommended to be taken by schoolchildren and students during exams.

Strengthening blood vessels

Ascorutin, Flavit, dietary supplements– complexes of vitamins and minerals improve the body’s vital functions, the production of blood components, and strengthen blood vessels. They must include vitamin PP, calcium, selenium, and silicon.

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Vitamin PP expands capillaries, reduces their fragility, without affecting large vessels. To restore microcirculation and blood circulation, improve blood composition, Nikoshpan, Acipimox, Enduratin are used.

Homeopathic remedies

Golden iodine– the effect of the drug is aimed at improving brain activity and restoring blood circulation. Prescribed in courses lasting at least two months.

Cerebralic– taken for impaired brain function, developmental delays and memory disorders.

Herbal remedies

Preparations based on plant alkaloids have virtually no contraindications and are prescribed as a maintenance agent or for prevention. The general course lasts at least three months. The volume and duration of treatment is determined by a neurologist based on tests.

Herbal preparations based on gingko biloba: Doppelhertz Ginko Biloba+, Ginko Biloba S, Memory. They enhance blood microcirculation in the capillaries, thin the blood, relieve spasms and swelling, and strengthen blood vessels.

Important! Products containing gingko biloba cannot be used with other drugs of similar action due to the possibility of hemorrhage.

Preparations based on herbal raw materials from periwinkle act similarly: Kaviton, Telektol. You can use ready-made alcohol tinctures of plants such as hawthorn, eucalyptus, peony, valerian, mint, and celandine.

Folk remedies

After the diagnosis has been made and the acute condition has been relieved, a satisfactory condition can be maintained using proven traditional methods. traditional medicine.

Improves cerebral circulation garlic tincture by reducing bad cholesterol levels. Prepare a mixture of peeled and crushed garlic and a glass of vegetable oil. A day later, the juice of one lemon is added to it and kept in a dark place for a week. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. before eating.

Garlic has long been famous for its ability to regulate blood pressure and cleanse the walls of blood vessels. Eating a clove of garlic daily can significantly improve your health and eliminate many ailments.

Sophora japonica normalizes cerebral circulation, relieves pain and tightens the walls of blood vessels. It grows in the Caucasus. The therapeutic effect can only be achieved by regularly taking 1 tbsp 2 times a day. decoction Take in equal quantities medicinal herb and boiling water, after mixing the broth is infused for half a day.

Melissa herb normalizes blood circulation, eliminates migraines and dizziness, its smell has a relaxing and calming effect. The medicine is used in courses like regular tea.

Periwinkle can be consumed not only in tablets, but also in decoction. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into half a liter of boiling water and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour 2 tbsp into the broth. hawthorn berries and leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass an hour before meals.

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Often used herbal teas, which not only improve blood circulation, but also help get rid of atherosclerosis. For these purposes, birch leaves, hawthorn flowers, mint, immortelle, oregano, and flax seed are used. The duration of the course of treatment should be determined by the attending physician.

Prevention – diet and exercise


Any prevention begins with adjusting the diet and lifestyle that contributed to the development of the disease.

The following products will help improve brain blood circulation when consumed regularly: natural undesedorated vegetable oils, nuts and pumpkin seeds, bran, seafood and sea fish, currants, cranberries and blueberries, apples, citrus fruits, vegetables (beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots , garlic), dark chocolate, herbs, green tea, red wine.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, animal fats, and sweets.

Exercise and physical activity

Many physiologists believe that all diseases begin with a disease of the spine. Maintaining a flexible and mobile spine allows a person to remain healthy for a long time.

The best exercises for the spine were developed in the Indian system of physical exercises - yoga. Many exercises are aimed at developing flexibility and strength. After completing them, a person feels at ease, nervous tension goes away, and psychological pressures are removed.

However, Orthodox teachers are categorically against yoga. In this case, a set of physical exercises developed by doctor Yuri Popov and published in the Healthy Lifestyle newspaper will help. It is designed to prevent and cure diseases of the spine and the entire body.

In addition, a small daily warm-up of the neck muscles, performed smoothly and most importantly regularly, will help significantly improve a person’s condition:

  • circle your head left and right
  • turning the head to the right and left to the chin;
  • inclined movements forward and backward.

Sauna, bath, hot shower and bath, massage warms up the body, improves mood, improves blood circulation, helps dilate blood vessels and relieves tension.

Physiotherapy with warming also provides a good therapeutic effect.

Physical activity should be selected depending on the condition and age of the person. Even ordinary ones hiking outdoor activities can significantly improve your health.

It is necessary to identify the cause of the malaise

With such a serious ailment as deterioration of cerebral circulation, a person is obliged to reconsider his behavior, identify the cause and do everything so that the improvement in cerebral blood circulation to normal occurs in as soon as possible. It is just as possible to put your body in order as it is to completely destroy it.

The role of proper blood circulation is difficult to overestimate. Normal blood circulation is the key to longevity and health of all organs.

Poor circulation is one of the main factors leading to the emergence of serious diseases that require competent and immediate treatment.

For example, problems with blood circulation in the limbs and pelvis can lead to such unpleasant phenomena as increased capillary fragility and, as a result, varicose veins.

Why is the state of the blood flow system so important?

The fact is that it is with blood that oxygen and other nutrients vital for the normal functioning of the body enter all organs of the human body.

Also, it is through the bloodstream system that toxic substances waste by cells are eliminated - when blood circulation in the extremities or pelvis is impaired, the waste products of cells accumulate in the body, which contributes to the development of complex pathological processes.

What are the causes of circulatory disorders?

There are a huge number of reasons that can cause various disorders of normal blood circulation.

The main factors contributing to blood circulation disorders can be identified:

What can poor circulation in the extremities lead to?

Disturbances in normal blood flow in the arms and legs can lead to very serious consequences.

Problems with blood circulation in the extremities lead to the following consequences:

  1. The first results of these problems with proper blood circulation can be called the appearance of an unpleasant sensation of numbness in the limbs, convulsive attacks accompanied by intense pain. Seizures can appear at any time of the day - both at night and during the day.
  2. As a result of problems with blood flow heat exchange is disrupted, subsequently causing the body temperature in the area of ​​the affected limbs to noticeably decrease. Experts call this phenomenon “cold hands or feet syndrome.”
  3. With poor blood circulation in the legs, the so-called, as well as networks of small blood capillaries, may appear. This indicates that in the very near future you can become more familiar with such a disease as varicose veins. The initial stage of varicose veins in the vast majority of cases is accompanied by a feeling of constant fatigue and heaviness in the legs, and the appearance of swelling of the limbs.

When the first signs of disorders in the circulatory system appear, it is necessary to immediately take appropriate measures, since the consequences of circulatory disorders in the extremities can be the most dangerous.

Also, a natural result of problems with blood circulation can be:

  1. Rapid development, the main signs of which are the appearance of a fine network of blood vessels on the extremities, pain and a feeling of heaviness, swelling of the legs.
  2. In some cases, disorders of normal blood flow may be accompanied by the appearance of painful trophic ulcers. At the first signs of this process, you should immediately contact a specialist to prescribe a course of treatment. In the absence or delay of treatment trophic ulcers on the surface of the extremities can provoke a gangrenous process, which has the most dangerous consequences.
  3. A dangerous consequence of circulatory disorders can be critical ischemia lower limbs , which also requires immediate treatment.

Improving blood flow throughout the body

Of course, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This also applies to various circulatory disorders.

It is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​how to improve blood circulation in the legs, arms, pelvis and the whole body itself.

The necessary measures are as follows:

Proper blood circulation is the key to excellent well-being and health of the whole body.

Circulatory problems can trigger the development of serious diseases that will require long-term treatment.

It is enough to regularly follow the rules that improve blood flow in order to save yourself from numerous health problems.

The circulatory system provides the body with nutrients, oxygen, and is also involved in the delivery of hormones and enzymes from one organ to another. It resembles an extensive transport highway along which millions of vital “cargo” move without stopping. Any obstruction to healthy blood flow can lead to problems such as:

  • weakened immunity;
  • impairment of cognitive functions of the brain;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • erectile dysfunction or infertility;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • necrosis of soft tissues, etc.

Acute circulatory failure can lead to fatal consequences in the form of stroke and acute heart or pulmonary failure.

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To improve blood circulation in the body, it is necessary to restore the vascular walls and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. This can be done by taking potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, omega-3, vitamins and microelements. These and other substances can be found in common foods - vegetables, fruits, meat and nuts, grains and legumes, fish and seafood.


Cereals, including wheat, oats and rye, contain a large number of magnesium This element is considered essential for smooth muscles, as it is structural element at the cellular level. With regular consumption of cereals and bran as food, the elasticity of the vascular walls increases, their reactivity improves - the vessels do not react so sharply to external and internal stimuli, due to which their spasm does not occur.


To improve blood circulation, any variety of cabbage is suitable. Especially useful in this regard are cabbage and cauliflower, as well as broccoli. In addition to vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, these vegetables contain calcium and phosphorus - they participate in the regulation of blood viscosity and help increase its fluidity. In addition, these substances participate in the restoration of the vascular wall and stimulate the heart, which has a positive effect on blood circulation in general.

Greens and leafy salads

All green crops contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as a complex of trace elements and minerals in combination with essential oils. The combination of such ingredients allows you to normalize the condition of the entire circulatory system, starting from the heart and ending with the smallest capillaries. Green leaves also contain calcium, an essential component of blood involved in the regulation of its viscosity.

Garden and forest berries

Raspberries, currants and cranberries are the best natural sources of salicylic acid, vitamin C and iron. Regular consumption of these products allows you to normalize blood viscosity and reduce the likelihood of blood clots, restore the lumen of blood vessels and reduce their fragility, and increase the saturation of tissues with oxygen. Most garden and forest berries contain lycopenes and antioxidants, which promote self-rejuvenation of organs and tissues.

Fish and seafood

Fatty sea fish, shellfish and other seafood contain elements essential for blood circulation - iodine and omega-3 organic acid. The first one participates in metabolic processes and normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system as a whole, and the second element protects blood vessels from clogging with cholesterol plaques. Regular use sea ​​fish in food helps keep the cardiovascular system in excellent condition longer.


Tomatoes are considered record holders for lycopene content. This compound is one of the most powerful antioxidants that allows you to break down heavy fats, including cholesterol. With regular consumption of tomatoes, the risk of vascular atherosclerosis is reduced to a minimum. In addition, lycopene has a positive effect on the tone of the heart muscle.


Garlic is an antimicrobial and antiviral product, and at the same time it contains a complex of powerful antioxidants. Garlic also helps break down and remove cholesterol from the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores their tone.

Products that improve blood circulation in the brain

Poor circulation in 80% of cases leads to insufficient blood circulation in the brain. Such phenomena are accompanied by a significant decrease in intellectual abilities, headaches, and deterioration in general well-being. Insufficient blood circulation to the brain is especially dangerous for children. Even short-term interruptions in blood supply can result in mental retardation, epilepsy, hydrocephalus and even cerebral edema.

Fig. 1 - Deterioration of brain nutrition is manifested by headaches, deterioration of mental abilities and general well-being.

If you have the diseases mentioned above, it is highly advisable to include in your menu foods that restore blood flow in the brain. These include:

  • dairy products containing calcium and microelements - milk, kefir, cottage cheese, unsalted cheeses;
  • sea ​​fish containing iodine and omega-3 - pink salmon, halibut, sturgeon, herring, salmon;
  • seaweed containing iron and iodine - seaweed, nori;
  • vegetable oils containing organic acids and healthy fats, - sunflower, flaxseed, olive;
  • red and orange vegetables and fruits containing lycopene and vitamin C - tomatoes, persimmons, oranges, pumpkin;
  • products containing vitamin B 2 - mushrooms, legumes, offal;
  • nuts and cereals containing zinc - pumpkin and sunflower seeds, pistachios, Walnut and cashews;
  • foods rich in vitamin A and carotenoids - carrots, pumpkin, offal, eggs.

Foods high in vitamin C are very beneficial for cerebral circulation - berries and fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables. It is advisable to consume them without heat treatment, since vitamin C is destroyed already at 80 degrees.

If you suspect a circulatory disorder, expressed in decreased endurance, sensitivity of certain parts of the body, convulsive muscle contractions, etc., it is recommended to consult a doctor. In the early stages, such conditions are eliminated much easier.

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Poor circulation is accompanied by the most various diseases, often being their cause. This pathology occurs everywhere, and the number of people affected by it is increasing all the time. In conditions of impaired blood circulation, organs and tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen brought by the blood. In order to understand how to improve the body’s blood circulation, you need to know under what conditions its disturbance occurs. The limbs, brain, and pelvic organs most often suffer from poor blood flow.

Causes of circulatory disorders

Circulatory disorders can be local or systemic, affecting the entire body.

In case of local disturbance, the causes usually lie in vascular pathology in a certain area -

  • narrowing or vice versa, dilatation of the vessel,
  • crimp or bending
  • compression of the vessel from the outside by muscles, bone elements, neoplasms,
  • vascular injury, hemorrhage,
  • blood stasis,
  • thrombosis, embolism.

General circulatory disorders may be due to

  • cardiac pathology affecting myocardial contractility;
  • properties of blood - an increase in its viscosity or dilution, the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, the ability to carry oxygen (in case of poisoning), the number of red blood cells;
  • massive bleeding;
  • lung diseases that interfere with oxygen saturation in the blood.

How to improve blood circulation in the body

In the case of acute conditions, for example, myocardial infarction, stroke, traumatic bleeding, shock, development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, carbon monoxide poisoning, extensive burns, it is necessary to improve the body’s blood circulation immediately, and emergency medical care, administration of drugs, blood and blood substitutes will be required.

With the gradual development of circulatory failure, the following measures can be applied.

In the initial stage, it is enough to reduce the intensity of physical activity and increase rest time. You should also focus on preventive measures -

  • compliance proper diet with salt restriction,
  • diet without overeating,
  • daily routine with enough time to sleep,
  • taking vitamin complexes,
  • hardening procedures that strengthen blood vessels,
  • avoid stress and infectious diseases
  • quit smoking,
  • maintain normal weight.

When the symptoms of circulatory failure worsen, when shortness of breath and swelling appear, cardiac drugs (usually cardiac glycosides) and diuretics are added to treatment. To prevent blood thickening, medications are prescribed that prevent this, as well as medications that strengthen and tonify the vascular wall. Physical therapy carried out in at a slow pace, monitoring pulse and blood pressure readings.

Normalizing blood circulation in the body, first of all, helps to eliminate the causes that caused the disorder - treatment of heart, lung, and kidney diseases, combating bleeding, poisoning and disorders of blood properties.

How to improve blood circulation in the brain

Poor blood circulation in the brain is a very serious problem that can be fatal in some cases. Therefore, at the first symptoms of trouble:

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness, unsteady gait;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • tinnitus;
  • attacks of nausea in combination with other symptoms;
  • changes in perception;
  • unexpected seizures or changes in sensation

You should consult a doctor to prescribe a comprehensive examination and treatment. Along with nootropic, vasodilating and anticoagulant drugs, surgical treatment may also be necessary (for example, for blockage of blood vessels supplying the brain).

Breathing and movement

You can improve blood circulation in the brain by establishing a physical activity regimen. This is especially true for those who constantly sit or are motionless in a forced position. It is necessary to take breaks from such work and introduce into practice exercises with bending and turning the head, elements breathing exercises with periods of holding your breath. These measures will strengthen blood vessels and saturate the blood with oxygen. The technique of combining breath holdings with simultaneous physical exercises gives the greatest effect.


By including certain foods in your diet, you can improve blood properties, strengthen the vascular wall, and stimulate brain activity. Beneficial for cerebral circulation

  • vegetable oils;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • seafood;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds.

Medicinal herbs in the form of infusions and decoctions also stimulate cerebral circulation and help eliminate the effects of osteochondrosis, which sometimes affects the patency of the vertebral arteries that carry blood to the brain. Most effective for improving cerebral blood flow

  • Red clover;
  • swollen carp;
  • Dioscorea Caucasica.

How to improve blood circulation in the limbs

Acute or fatal disturbances of venous or arterial blood flow in the form of vein thrombosis, arterial blockage or bleeding are eliminated by doctors in a hospital setting.

Non-critical disorders are treated on an outpatient basis with

  • vascular drugs,
  • physiotherapy,
  • balneotherapy, visits to health resorts
  • reflexology,
  • massage and self-massage,
  • carrying out hyperbaric oxygenation,
  • physical exercises,
  • diets,
  • herbal medicine,
  • wearing compression hosiery to improve venous outflow from the lower extremities,
  • hardening procedures - contrast shower,
  • wearing comfortable shoes and clothes that do not compress blood vessels.

How to improve blood circulation in the pelvis

Poor circulation of the pelvic organs is most often expressed in the form of congestion. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work. The consequences are diseases of the uterus and its appendages in women, prostatitis in men. To avoid this trouble, you should firstly change your lifestyle to a more active one, walk more, ride a bike, get into the habit of doing physical exercise.

If manifestations of stagnation in the pelvis have already made themselves felt, a set of measures will help, including

  • medications that increase the tone of blood vessels, strengthening their walls, preventing blood thickening and the formation of blood clots;
  • therapeutic physical exercises specifically designed to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs (if you have varicose veins, you should consult your doctor about the types of exercises);
  • herbal medicine courses, including decoctions and infusions of thyme, hawthorn, raspberry;
  • a diet that prevents weight gain, constipation, bloating and blood clots;
  • sufficient fluid intake into the body to maintain optimal blood density.

When eliminating circulatory disorders, it is important to understand that one measure will not solve the problem. Complex treatment is most effective, and the best way to select its components is to have a competent doctor, whom you should contact for advice.

When available circulation problems, it's hard not to notice. Pressure surges, fatigue, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet in any weather, sudden attacks of headache are clear signs of impaired blood circulation. You can’t envy such a state of health...

Stagnation of blood flow leads to hypertension, varicose veins, fragile capillaries and dark circles under the eyes. Besides, poor blood circulation- one of the factors in the occurrence of heart failure.

To avoid serious health problems, use natural methods to support your heart function. They act instantly!

How to improve blood circulation

  1. More spices!
    Adding more spices to your diet means taking your health seriously! Red chili pepper, black pepper, aromatic rosemary, thyme, cinnamon and even garlic: all these active additives increase blood circulation. They are necessary for good metabolism and preservation of youth!
  2. Walk up the stairs
    This is the most reliable prevention of varicose veins! By giving up the elevator, you will constantly train your heart muscle and strengthen the walls of your blood vessels.
  3. Stretch!
    If you sit at the computer a lot, be sure to stretch and get up at least every hour. Lack of oxygen leads to blood stagnation, but thanks to regular stretching, you will improve the situation.
  4. Stop smoking
    Nicotine not only removes vitamin C from the body. This harmful substance directly affects the functioning of the heart! By giving up smoking even for a couple of days, you will notice significant changes in your well-being.
  5. Enjoy your massage
    Massage gets the blood pumping and helps to cope with congestion. Self-massage is very effective for a constant feeling of cold in the hands and feet.
  6. Rest in the right position
    To improve blood circulation, simply rest with your legs above head level. Lie on the floor with your feet on the sofa for at least 15 minutes a day.
  7. Eat a varied diet
    Add pumpkin and sunflower seeds, avocados, tuna, persimmons, and more fresh herbs and fruits to your diet. In addition, dark chocolate is extremely beneficial for active blood circulation.
  8. Cold and hot shower
    A contrast shower will not only invigorate you, but also help protect you from serious health problems! Remember to take a cool shower after a hot bath and you can reduce your risk of stroke by 30%.
  9. Move
    The best way to support your heart muscle and improve blood flow is to be active. Cycling has been proven to be an excellent preventive measure for heart disease.
  10. Wear comfortable shoes
    Walk barefoot more often or wear shoes that make you feel just as comfortable as without them.
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