Which club can a girl go to? How to choose additional activities according to the child’s character. Martial arts for kids

Perhaps it’s worth starting with an analysis of what, in your opinion, your son or daughter has abilities, inclinations, and what interests them. It is not necessary for a child to have a talent for anything. Since in most cases we pursue the goal of organizing the child’s leisure time, emotional release from the stress accumulated during the day, sometimes it is advisable to choose a type of activity for which the child has no ability, but has a desire to engage in it. The exception is sections for which you must initially have certain abilities and skills. If the child does not have them, then they will not take him, no matter how great his desire. Naturally, if you want a child to achieve significant success in a particular area, he should do something for which, firstly, he has the ability and, secondly, what, given these abilities, is interesting to him.

Wise parents think not only about what is interesting to the child, but also about what will be useful to him in life. In particular, in this regard, girls should have their own selection of clubs and sections, and boys should have their own, boyish set.

Ask your child's opinion. Perhaps he already has some kind of circle in mind that he would like to go to. Or maybe he doesn't know anything about it at all. Then you will have to explain why he needs it and talk about possible options, offering the most attractive one to choose from. You should not enroll your child in the section without consulting. Of course, children are not always able to correctly assess the situation and make an informed decision. Sometimes they feel like they don't want anything at all. Sometimes, on the contrary, as in Agnia Barto’s poem, “drama club, photo club, and I also want to sing...” Sometimes a child chooses something that is completely beyond his capabilities, just because a classmate is studying there, who he wants to be like. But still, taking a child against his will to where he does not want is not worth it: it will not bring pleasure to either you or your child.

What kind of sport you want to do is discussed. But the fact that you play sports is not discussed. This is a must in our family.

If your son or daughter insists on their own and does not agree with your arguments, then it is possible for you to give in. Choosing a club is not as important as choosing a school. In the worst case, the child will soon leave the circle he was so eager to join. This will be a useful life experience for him: next time he will evaluate himself more critically and listen more carefully to the advice of his parents. If the child did not cope with what he strived for, you should not say: “Yeah, I told you, but you didn’t listen!” It’s better to calmly, without reproach, discuss with him the reasons for the failure.

It is advisable to ask where the child’s friends at school and around the yard study. He will be more comfortable if extracurricular activities take place within his usual social circle.

If a child does not have good relationships with peers, then perhaps communication on neutral territory will help improve them. However, be careful if the child clearly has negative relationships with classmates, you should not enroll him in the same section where his “enemies” study. The conflict will “move” along with him to the new team, and visiting the circle will become not a pleasure for the child, but a punishment. It's better to start with clean slate. What if the child is luckier in the new team?

The proximity of the circle to home and school is also an important factor. After all, the child will either have to go there alone or accompanied by an adult. Visiting even the most beautiful club on the other side of the city is hardly a good idea. The journey will take too much time and will be very tiring for the child.

From a practical point of view, of course, the price that such development and entertainment of a child will cost you is also important. Choose a club that you can actually pay for. Most likely, if you choose something incredibly expensive, you will begin to demand reciprocal sacrifices from your child: so that he doesn’t miss classes, so that he tries his best, so that there are tangible results. Otherwise, what are you literally giving your last money for?! But in fact, classes should bring joy to your child and you. In addition, the high price does not always correspond to the quality of the classes.

If you have roughly decided on the section (or sections) where you want to send your child, go on a reconnaissance mission to the area. When you come to the club, talk to the teacher, the leader of the circle. Consult with parents of children who are already studying there. If possible, ask the children themselves for their opinions. Look around to see if the club is cozy and if it has everything you need for classes. Be sure to find out what else you will have to bring for your child’s activities, what kind of clothing is accepted.

If you liked everything and the conditions suit you, attend a trial lesson with your child. As a rule, it is free. After the lesson, find out whether he liked the leader, the other children, and the lessons themselves. And if you liked it, then you can safely sign up.

Parents who have enrolled their child in the section experience new problem: There are more things to do, but the number of hours in the day is still the same. It is necessary to organize your son or daughter’s time in a new way in order to get everything done.

  • The time and day of the week should be chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. For example, if after school he is very tired or cannot do his homework without your supervision, then it is more advisable to attend the section after school, and do homework in the evening, when the child has rested or when mom and dad come home from work. Classes can be on weekdays or only on weekends. The last option should be chosen if there is no one to take the child to the club during the week, and he cannot get there himself, or if the child has a very heavy workload at school.
  • The frequency and duration of classes depend on many factors: the child’s performance, workload at school, the complexity and tediousness of classes in the section, the ability of parents to accompany the child. The only thing general rule, which should be kept in mind: classes should not turn into punishment for your family.
  • How many clubs can a child attend? The answer is simple: as much as the child has enough time, energy and desire, and you have the money.
  • If classes in the section are not more important for you than studying (and as a rule, this is the case), then it is obvious that the child’s hobby should not harm the educational process. The task of parents is to organize the child’s time in such a way that he can do everything. In this case, it is advisable that all the obligatory work be done first, and then the entertainment. Such a rule may be one of the points of the agreement between you and the child.

It is advisable to involve the child himself in developing the daily plan. The likelihood that he will follow a daily routine that he seems to have developed himself, rather than being forced to obey, is higher. When drawing up a daily plan, offer your child alternatives and choices. In the end, he will be the one who will have to live according to this plan.

Make it clear to the child that the circle is a pleasure for him, which, in principle, he can lose if he behaves badly. Explaining this to the child clearly and categorically once, at the very beginning, is correct and simply obligatory, but it is not worth mentioning this for every little thing: use this agreement only in important cases.

Get rid of illusions in advance. The child is still quite small and is not able to bear full responsibility for himself. His interests are unstable. This means that even in the best case scenario, you will have to be aware of when and what activities your child has, what he should prepare at home, and what he should bring with him. You need to know this not in order to do everything for the child, but in order to insure him. If he forgets, remind him. More than once or twice you will have to persuade your child to go to classes, even to his most favorite club. However, you should only do this if you are really sure that your child’s reluctance to go to the class is due to a momentary mood, and is not a persistent reluctance to study there at all.

Remember that you are taking care of the physical, mental, creative, social development your child. Are the difficulties you face so great compared to your goal?

Do you have a child and are you concerned about his all-round development? It’s worth thinking about what speaks in you when you choose this or that circle for your child: concern for his development, your own unrealized ambitions, or something else?

Child psychologist Galina Ushatova talks about how to choose the right one, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the child.

So, in order to navigate through the variety of additional activities for children, and then choose from them the one that will bring maximum benefit and pleasure to the child, you need to take several steps.

1. We observe the child, determine his interests and abilities. Everything is simple here. Your little one will happily sculpt from plasticine and draw - you need to send him to an art studio, of which there are a great many in Belgorod (all kinds of art schools and private workshops are eagerly awaiting little talents). The baby loves to dance and gets to the beat of the music - feel free to go, etc.

2. We ask the child. Of course, your parental opinion is authoritative and important, but no less important is what the child himself thinks about this. Even if you think that singing is not your child’s strong point, but he wants to sing, you need to listen to his opinion and give him a chance. little man try his hand at something he likes.

3. Trial and error method. If it’s difficult to decide on your preferences, you need to try several clubs and sections to choose from. So at least it will become clear what is definitely not suitable for the baby.

4. We take into account the psychological characteristics of the child.

5. Getting rid of illusions. There is no need to demand from your son or daughter to become the best in their chosen activity, because they are still small, their interests are unstable, and their margin of safety is low. Instead of blindly chasing a place on a ghostly pedestal, enjoy with your child his passion, the process itself, supporting him in achievements and especially in failures.

Activities and sections for choleric children

Children with a choleric temperament are active and determined. Such guys fearlessly go into a dark room, bravely climb tall trees, are very energetic and inquisitive, but can also be aggressive. They can take away a toy or push another child on the playground.

If you recognize your child in this description, then his irrepressible energy needs to be directed in a more productive direction. Sports sections such as athletics and gymnastics are recommended. And team sports (football, rounders, hockey) will help you learn to better understand the feelings of other children and work in a team. Swimming is also a great option for them. Breathing control will teach your little fidget to manage his feelings.

As for sports such as martial arts, boxing, etc., it is better to avoid them.

We develop sanguine children

If your child is the leader of the company, has a developed imagination, is active and sociable, he can most likely be classified as sanguine. Such “stars” are favorites of both children and adults. For them, routine is the heaviest punishment. Therefore, try to choose activities for your child with frequent “changes of scenery.”

They also say about such people that they “spray” a lot. Parents need to be prepared to change more than one activity group before their child settles on just one.

For additional activities, a sanguine person can be offered a theater studio, drama club, dancing or singing. As for sports, we can talk about team sports.

Circles and sections for phlegmatic people

Balanced and slow, phlegmatic children are also very reasonable, but are often sedentary and passive, living in their own mode.

These guys will enjoy additional activities in which they can show their stylish side (patience, perseverance). This can be design, construction, modeling. If you have a girl, then embroidery and beading will suit her just fine. And of course, such children will find themselves in modeling, drawing, wood carving, checkers and chess.

We must not forget about physical activity. Phlegmatic children can safely try their hand at martial arts and yoga. Please note that these are all activities where you can take your time to think about your next steps.

We send melancholic children to a circle

Your son is the prince of a sad image, and your daughter sighs sadly every now and then? Perhaps these are melancholic children. They are characterized by tenderness, anxiety, and shyness. They are kind and sensitive, often unable to fight back the offender. They worry when someone gets into trouble, but they perceive their own problems as a true tragedy.

Such children who lack self-confidence are “treated” by clubs in which they will have to be the center of attention. This could be all kinds of creative clubs in an art or music school, as well as foreign languages ​​and theater clubs.

In a team sport, these children will most likely feel out of place, and for martial arts they are too timid and vulnerable. But sports that develop in an aesthetic direction will come in handy. This includes skiing, skating, swimming, yoga. A love for animals will be useful for melancholic children in horseback riding and in young naturalist clubs.

It is almost impossible to meet representatives of “pure” types of temperament. Most likely, your child will have a combination of traits from several of the types described. It is necessary to determine which features predominate at this stage.

But no matter what temperament your child has, no matter what successes or failures accompany him on his path, the main thing is your support. If a choleric person needs to be praised, but in moderation, then it is almost impossible to over-praise a melancholic person; they need a lot of kind words in order not to lose faith in themselves.

And one more piece of advice. There is no need to send your child to several clubs and sections at once. There is no need to overload it. Fatigue will not only interfere with your studies, it will take away your childhood with its games and selfless fun. Moreover, in the end, as a result of excessive workload, a child’s psychological defense in the form of lack of motivation may work. And no matter how capable and talented he is, learning will not be easy later.

Mom, you and dad just became grandparents of the best grandson, congratulations - three five hundred, fifty one centimeters!
- I waited! I know where it's better to send the boy. I will take him to the ballet.
- Mom, what ballet? He will go to boxing. You must understand what times we live in.

Here the grandfather also enters the conversation:
- You can’t wait! As soon as my grandson turns 3 years old, his grandfather will send him to chess.

Did you smile? Familiar dialogue? In this article you will learn:
- how to better understand which club to choose for your child;
- how to develop your baby in the best direction for him;
- what you need to know and understand when choosing additional training and education for a child;
- how to understand your child’s wishes and whether they need to be taken into account;
- dance club: the story of three boys.

Send your child to your mother's favorite club

Recently I happened to attend the reporting concert of the Belarusian community. Before the start, I met young mothers - my friends. They did not hide their excitement and pride - now their sons will perform. The mothers had been friends since school and danced themselves. They also decided to send their boys to the same creative team - they couldn’t find a better one.

What a concert it was! It was opened by the youngest children - 7 years old - three girls, three boys. The children lined up one by one. The music started playing. The smallest boy stood in the foreground. From the first seconds I literally attracted attention. He was the best. The performance was a ready-made artist: flexible, precise movements, relaxedness, rhythm, smile. It was clear how much fun the child was getting. At the same time, I tried to look into the eyes of the audience, trying to understand what the response would be. I wanted to watch and enjoy the wonderful dance.

Circle as a shape additional education schoolchildren has always been a priority for teachers. This work not only provides an additional incentive for schoolchildren to achieve various skills, but also helps children expand their horizons, gain new knowledge and conduct free time with benefit.

The need for circle work

A circle is a teacher’s method of conveying to children knowledge and skills that are not included in the compulsory education program, but are meaningful for the process of further learning and maturation of schoolchildren. In addition, children who attend such organizations of various directions have the opportunity to enrich their horizons and expand their knowledge on the topic of the section’s work.

For younger schoolchildren, a club is a way to improve fine motor skills or the general condition of the body. If the organization works in this regard. For older schoolchildren, the club as a form of additional education allows them to choose a professional direction or learn useful work skills. Currently, children's sections offer a variety of ideas and hobbies for children of different ages.

Physical education and sports club

A physical education and sports club is an additional load on all parts of the children’s body through sports activities and training. In such groups, children not only learn a specific sport (for example, football, volleyball, gymnastics), but also improve their health. Classes can be held both after school and on weekends.

A sports club as a form, as a rule, works on the initiative of the teacher; payment for attending it is not required. In private schools, club work in physical education and sports is such that any sports that are available to the administration are offered. There are no restrictions here - even horse riding lessons are possible.

There are also additional sports schools that train professional athletes in their chosen sport.

Artistic and aesthetic circle

Artistic and aesthetic direction is the most common form of extracurricular work. This includes classes in drawing, modeling, manual labor, dancing and vocals. Such departments develop children’s creative abilities, instill the ability to produce a product with their own hands, and guide educational activities children into the world of culture.

The artistic and aesthetic circle is a whole layer of knowledge, which often becomes a priority when choosing a profession for high school students. Having a certain knowledge and skills in their luggage, schoolchildren who attend such organizations become choreographers, professional singers or artists.

Tourist and Local History Club

The tourism and local history club is an organization for teenagers or schoolchildren high school. In such groups, children study the nature of their native land and its features. The main goal of such associations is to prepare children for tourist life. They learn to pitch a tent correctly, find a landmark in unfamiliar terrain, make a fire, use insurance correctly, and help friends in trouble. These organizations, as a rule, practice frequent hiking trips to get acquainted with the vegetation and attractions of their native land. Schoolchildren learn the history of their city, get acquainted with famous people of his homeland.

Work in such studios is aimed at the general improvement of children’s health, broadening their horizons, developing attention and survival skills in difficult conditions, which gives adult life the ability to realistically perceive the existing situation.

Ecological and biological circle

The ecological-biological direction is the development of the creative potential of schoolchildren through the study of nature. Sections working in this direction offer their participants various events, experiences, excursions, nature observations, which develops in children a love for native land and its nature.

A visit to an environmental-biological organization develops in the younger generation a sense of caring for animals and birds, environment, morally develops the personality and gives the desire to competently approach the intended goal.

Schoolchildren who attend such children's groups often become winners of Olympiads and easily enter universities in their chosen field.

Sociological-pedagogical circle

Such organizations began to appear relatively recently, because the science of sociology was not a priority in school curricula. Now teachers are paying much more attention to this area. A sociological-pedagogical circle is a form of extracurricular work to instill activity and self-confidence in schoolchildren, which becomes very important during the period of growing up.

In such groups, schoolchildren learn free self-expression, organizational skills, and teamwork. Such circles help teenagers to correctly place emphasis when communicating with adults, not to focus on conflict situations, and to act in an organized and active manner in a peer group. Classes in such organizations are conducted in the form of lectures, trainings and games of a psychological nature.


Any circle work is carried out by teachers to improve children’s knowledge in areas that are not included in the compulsory school curriculum. This makes it possible to acquire additional skills: schoolchildren learn to draw conclusions correctly and navigate difficult adult life.

Regardless of the direction, the circle is able to instill in children the ability to receive joy from teamwork, guide them towards goals, and instill a love of work. In addition, the club is a useful pastime for schoolchildren who do not know the value of free time. Children who attend such organizations are not capable of crime and have a calm character.

Music school or football section, swimming pool or art school, dance studio or martial arts? Such agony of choice is not uncommon for modern parents. The school and the city today provide enormous opportunities for additional education. There are the desires and abilities of the child, the expectations and ambitions of the parents... An expert from the Association of Organizations for the Development of Humanistic Psychology in Education explains what you need to pay attention to when choosing clubs and sections for your child.

Why does a child need a boxing section or a theater club?

This is the first question that parents need to answer themselves honestly. Surveys show that there are three main vectors for choosing additional activities for a child:

  • For general development
  • For success and achievements
  • To correct and/or overcome any personal characteristics of the child and difficulties in communication

In the first case, the task of keeping the child busy, satisfying his current interests and developing general abilities is usually solved. Usually the family follows this path if the baby does not show any obvious abilities or inclinations for something specific. In this case, the child usually attends several clubs and studios and can often change them.

Sometimes this worries parents: it seems to them that the child’s interests are changeable and fickle, and he does not complete the task. If you look at the situation from the other side, then it is the variety of clubs and sections that opens up the opportunity for the child to try himself in different areas, feeling out in such a way that he is more interested in what he can do better.

The second vector is chosen by the family if the child from an early age shows (or the parents think he shows) special abilities for something. In order to maximize the development of special abilities and achieve results in this area, parents select additional classes. Movement in this direction presupposes the child’s high employment and a transition from level to level of mastery of skills. This path often chosen by parents - professional musicians (artists, athletes) or mothers and fathers who, for some reason, did not realize their own childhood dream of being a hockey player, violinist, dancer, etc.

The third vector is the ability to compensate for the child’s characteristics or difficulties. For example, if a child is shy and anxious, he is enrolled in a theater studio so that he can relax there. Can't stand up for yourself? For martial arts. Poor health? For swimming or figure skating. Speech problems? To join the choir at a music school. This direction can be transformed into either the first or the second, depending on the style of family education.

Additional education exists to:

  • the child could maximize his abilities;
  • the child had the opportunity to feel successful in any type of activity;
  • the child was able to form an idea of ​​his capabilities, interests, preferences;
  • the family and society were calm that the children were under supervision and were doing interesting and useful things.
A child attends clubs and sections because what he does there is interesting to him!

Where can I find extra activities for children?

As soon as you receive an honest answer from yourself to the first question, you can decide where to solve the tasks.

In the first case, clubs at school, children's creativity studios, classes in which are built on the project principle: achieving a specific, visible practical result for some organic (not very long) period, then moving on to new tasks, are suitable. These could be school theater or music studios with the preparation of concerts and performances for holidays, sports sections with participation in competitions between classes or schools, creative workshops with the preparation of exhibitions or decorations for performances, scientific and educational clubs with preparation for the defense of design and research work etc. The main task in this case is to interest the child, hold and develop the interest that has arisen in any activity.

If you decide to develop special abilities, the child has the resources (health, character) and desire, and the parents have the time to help him achieve results in a competitive environment, you can choose a music, sports, or art school. With the understanding that these activities can hardly be called “additional”: they will take a lot of time, require a lot of work and keep the whole family busy for at least 5 years.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that even the most successful young athlete or musician will more than once be ready to give up the business on which so much time and effort has been spent, and parents and their child will have to make a difficult decision in this regard. But if the family can handle this path, the bonuses are obvious: character education, high self-organization, the ability to work, an alternative circle of communication with peers who are busy with business, and of course, special skills.

If a family wants to overcome some difficulties in the development of a child and chooses clubs and sections as a means for this, it is important to understand that in this situation (as, indeed, in any other) the main principle is “Do no harm!” Parents should consult a specialist. If a child goes into sports, then it would be logical to discuss this in advance with a pediatrician and coach; if in a theater club or courses foreign language- then with a speech therapist; if in a creative studio, then with a teacher of additional education. And in each of these cases, valuable information can be obtained in a conversation with an educational psychologist. An unsuccessful choice of a club or extra activity can either help or aggravate the difficulties that the child experiences.

How to enroll a child in clubs and sections?

When the strategic problems of choice have been solved, tactical measures need to be taken. First of all visit days open doors V educational organizations(schools, children's art centers) and additional education organizations (music, sports, art schools, art schools). Information about their conduct is published on official websites.

At a minimum, open days are organized twice a year: at the beginning school year(September) - for informational purposes, and at the end of the school year (April) - to demonstrate the results and achievements of the children. At such events, parents have the opportunity to observe at what moment the child’s eyes lit up, how teachers communicate with the children, talk with the leaders of clubs and sections, with children and parents who already attend them. Such first-hand information cannot be compared with any advertising.

When the final choice is made, it's a small matter. Enrollment in any clubs in the general and additional education system of Moscow is carried out through the official website of the Moscow Mayor www.mos.ru, in the section “Enrollment in clubs, sports sections, creative houses”. Parents just need to fill out an application electronically, and representatives of the organization will contact the family themselves.

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