Folk signs for September 2nd. From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

The human soul is subject to four main temptations, against which you must always be ready to fight. Let your mind urgently enter into battle with them. These are the temptations: imagination - restrain it by saying to yourself: what I am thinking about at this moment is idle; pride - what I am doing is contrary to the common good; lie - what I am going to say will be against my conscience, and therefore against the truth; finally, the feeling of voluptuousness - suppress it with the consciousness that you are causing irreparable harm to your Divine nature by unbridling your flesh and helping your blind animal nature to become higher than your spiritual essence. (Marcus Aurelius)

Common name: Samuel, Samoilin day, beetroot.

Traditions for September 2

This day was completely dedicated beets, people said that “a beetroot worker is a slave for girls,” since, according to tradition, the work of harvesting this vegetable was purely a girl’s job - neither men nor women approached the beet beds.

This work was hard, but it was believed that the lower you bow to the garden bed, the more health it gives the girl. They said: “If you want a ruddy face and not lose your beauty, you need to please the beetroot lady.”

Good weather was very important at the beginning of September, because at this time winter crops should gain strength, long-growing oats should ripen, flax and hemp still have to be harvested. And the people believed that he was asking the Lord good weather the prophet Samuel, who was addressed on this day.

Signs for September 2

If the moles' burrows face north, the winter will be warm.

In the fall, moles drag a lot of stubble (spikelets) and straw into their burrows - for the cold winter.

Field mice are moving closer to the village - towards the cold winter.

From Samoilin's day, the fur coat follows the caftan.

Name day is celebrated on September 2: Victor. Ivan, Maxim, Memnon, Nikon, Panteleimon, Seraphima, Timofey, Fedor.

The name of the day is Victor. Characteristics of a person named Vitya

This name has Greek roots and means “winner.” This person is distinguished by gullibility, he believes every word of his interlocutor and is often upset when it turns out that the words do not correspond to the true state of affairs. But Victor is not vindictive, he quickly forgets grievances and again treats people with trust.

Victor is a man of action; since childhood, he has been more interested in detective stories, books about intelligence officers and action films than in vague musical images or poetry.

Victor, born in September, is excellent at achieving his goals, he is appreciated at work, and he often achieves career growth. But he will be able to succeed only if he learns not to unconditionally trust clients and management, but begins to treat their statements with a certain degree of skepticism.

Victor is a straightforward person, and his career will benefit if he learns to appreciate nuance.

September 2 - Samoilov day, Samuil, beetroot. On this date, the memory of the prophet Samuel is honored. According to tradition, this day was spent in labor, worries and was completely dedicated to beets. In Rus' they said: “a beetroot worker is a slave for girls,” since the work of harvesting this vegetable was purely a girl’s job - neither men nor adult women approached the beet beds.

The work of collecting beets was hard, but people believed that the lower you bow to the garden bed, the more health it gives. The old people said: “If you want a ruddy face and beauty, you need to please the beetroot lady. The more diligently you bow to the earth, the sooner she will like you, the more beautiful your body will be, the more ruddy your face will be, life will become freer, and the table will be plentiful.”

September 2 – folk signs and superstitions

  • The moon in a reddish circle on September 2 is towards the wind.
  • A lot of rowan - for a rainy autumn.
  • There are a lot of acorns on the oak trees - to warm winter, fertile summer.
  • The cranes are flying high, slowly, chirping - expect a good autumn.
  • Rooks fly away on September 2 - it will soon get colder, they fly high - for a harsh winter with lots of snow.
  • If squirrels and moles store more food than usual, it means they are preparing for a harsh winter.
  • Thunder in September - for warm autumn and snowy winter, and October thunder for a winter with little snow.
  • A lot of mice on September 2 - to the winter cold.
  • If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the coming spring will be early, and vice versa.
  • The sun sets in the fog - it means rain.
  • The reed stem is sticky inside - a sign of a long and harsh winter.
  • The larch needles seem to open slightly, seem wider, the groove in the middle is clearly visible - for clear weather.
  • If the moles' burrows face north, the winter will be warm.
  • Field mice are moving closer to the village - towards the cold winter.
  • High clouds on September 2 - to clear weather. Low clouds mean bad weather.
  • Moles dig holes to the north - for a clear winter.
  • Moles steal spikelets from the field on September 2 - the winter will be cold.
  • The rowan tree has grown well - there will be a lot of oats.
  • Cutting your nails and hair is unlucky.
  • Combing your hair with a wooden comb in the morning means money.
  • Meeting a mother-in-law or mother-in-law means a quarrel with them.
  • Whoever you meet on September 2nd will do harm later. The exception is when young girls meet single guys.
  • A love spell made on this day will not be valid. But the treatment of impotence will be successful.
  • Anyone born on this day will be beautiful and loving.
  • If you make a wish on this day, plan for the future, everything will definitely come true.
  • Everything you do with a kind heart and good mood will definitely be beneficial.
  • If a girl intensively harvests beets on this day, her face will be ruddy and her body strong.

Traditions. This day was entirely dedicated to beets; people said that “a beet-keeper is a slave for girls,” since, according to tradition, the work of harvesting this vegetable was purely a girl’s job—neither men nor women approached the beet beds. This work was hard, but it was believed that the lower you bow to the garden bed, the more health it gives the girl. They said: “If you want a ruddy face and not lose your beauty, you need to please the beetroot lady.”

Conspiracies of September 2

Infusion that improves potency

Eleutherococcus grass and roots - 40 g Maral root - 40 g Sesame seeds - 20 g Watercress - 20 g Hazel fruits - 10 g. 1 teaspoon of the collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and drink. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Soften 3-4 daffodil bulbs in cow's or goat's milk. Leave to infuse for one day, and then grind the onions so that they form a paste. Healers always recommend that those suffering from impotence lubricate male organ this remedy, and there has never been a case where it did not help.

Sound, healthy sleep, a gentle mood, and being in the fresh air always have a beneficial effect on potency. Most often, bilious, embittered people suffer from impotence, as well as those who smoke, drink a lot and do not care about their health. Instead of spending the money you earn on wine and beer, buy yourself something that, on the contrary, will improve your health and prolong your life. Eat a lot of fruits, goat cheese, drink juices and live, high-quality milk, which, thank God, can be bought in the markets of any city. Buy flower pollen, it will give you not only male strength, but also strong nerves. Buy royal jelly from bees in pharmacies and also from honey sellers, and it will be as if you were born again. Take care of yourself for those who love you, the peace of your mother and your family is in your hands.

Signs September 2

  • If the moles' burrows face north, the winter will be warm.
  • In the fall, moles carry a lot of stubble (spikelets) and straw into their holes in time for the cold winter.

FOLK SIGNS FOR SEPTEMBER 2 1. High clouds - for clear weather. Low clouds mean bad weather. 2. Moles dig holes to the north - for a clear winter. 3. Moles steal spikelets from the field - the winter will be cold. 4. A lot of mice - for the winter cold. 5. The rowan tree has grown well - there will be a lot of oats. 6. If a girl intensively harvests beets on this day, her face will be rosy and her body will be strong. 7. If you make a wish on this day, plan for the future, everything will definitely come true! 8. Everything you do with a kind heart and good mood will definitely be beneficial. 9. Whoever you meet on this day will do harm later. The exception is when young girls meet single guys. 10. Cutting your nails and hair is bad luck. 11. Combing your hair with a wooden comb in the morning means money. 12. Meeting your mother-in-law or mother-in-law means a quarrel with them. 13. A love spell made on this day will not be valid. But the treatment of impotence will be successful. 14. Anyone born on this day will be beautiful and loving. 15. Cranes are flying high - autumn will be warm.

Autumn signs As you know, calendar autumn begins on September 1, and astronomical autumn begins on the day autumn equinox, that is, September 22. IN folk signs The beginning of autumn is associated with the departure of birds, leaf fall, and frosts. For centuries, people have observed, analyzed, compared natural phenomena, as a result of which appeared autumn signs. According to some distinctive features, without resorting to the help of weather forecasters, of whom there was no trace yet, our ancestors learned to predict a lot. For example, back in the spring they knew what summer would be like and what to expect from autumn. Even in winter, they decided what they would do with the future harvest and what they would sow in the fall. Autumn signs came to the rescue if people were preparing for the holidays. It is very convenient to plan events knowing what the weather will be like on a given day. Our great-grandfathers managed to create signs of autumn for almost all calendar days from the end of August to the end of November. Yes, yes, there are signs for September 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, etc.! The same goes for October, November and all other months of the year! And many of these signs are much more accurate than weather forecasters! 1. There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry. 2. If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn. 3. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn. 4. Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. 5. Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold. 6. If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh. 7. If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late. 8. Warm autumn - for a long winter. 9. In autumn the morning is gray, so wait for a red day. 10. A lot of acorns on an oak tree in September - for a fierce winter. 11. Migratory birds fly high in the fall, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow. 12. Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn. 13. A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter. 14. Cobwebs spread over plants - to warmth. 15. If the first day of Indian summer is clear and warm, then the whole autumn is clear and warm, and vice versa. 16. The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a mild winter. 17. Until the cherry leaf falls cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. 18. If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late. 19. In October there is thunder - snowless winter. 20. Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth. 21. There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, if there are few - it will be dry. 22. If there is a lot of dogwood, there will be a cold winter. 23. If cobwebs fly in the fall, Indian summer has arrived. 24. If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and low, there will be little snow. 25. Aspen leaves lie face up - for a cold winter, inside out - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.

This day is celebrated in distant Japan. Chrysanthemum in Japanese is called Kiku - sun. For a long time the image of a solar flower was considered sacred. The chrysanthemum appears on the Japanese national flag, minted on coins, and depicted on paper bills. The chrysanthemum culture has a thousand-year history. The origin of the flower is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, an evil dragon decided to steal the sun from people, grabbing the luminary, he severely burned his paws. In anger, he began to tear and trample the fireball. The sun sparks that fell to the ground turned into white chrysanthemums. Once upon a time, these flowers were worth their weight in gold and were considered the property of the emperor. In 1876 the Order of the Chrysanthemum was created. The highest award a person could earn. Over time, the flower spread throughout the world. Today it is the most common autumn flower. The luminary that gives life to everything on earth. What kind of chrysanthemum is it? There are more than five thousand species in Japan, and there are also Indian, Korean, and Dutch varieties. Its flowers come in all shades (except blue), and its shape is sometimes curled, sometimes shaggy, sometimes like hedgehogs, sometimes like jellyfish, sometimes a small button, sometimes a huge sunflower, sometimes with spiky petals, sometimes just a pom-pom. She is unique. They wrote poems about chrysanthemums, sang songs, and organized poetry competitions for their sake. Poems by famous poets were carefully written on long strips of paper in ink and attached to trees so that the wind would spread the fame of the beauty of chrysanthemums throughout the world. This was the case during the Heian era. They organize a chrysanthemum festival, where human-sized dolls are dressed in historical clothes made from chrysanthemum flowers. On this day, for example, the Chinese drink sake with the petals of this wonderful flower. By passing cups of drink to each other, people wish them long life and health. In Japan, it is a tradition to decorate your home with fresh flowers on this day. It is believed that in this way they drive out evil spirits and create a talisman for the house and the family living in it.

September 2 is the Day of the Russian Guard. This holiday was established on December 22, 2000 by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Guard (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2032 of December 22, 2000 “On the establishment of Russian Guard Day”). The Russian Imperial Guard was established at the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. In 1918 it was dissolved, and again created during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War(1941-1945). Four who distinguished themselves near Smolensk in 1941 rifle divisions By order of I. Stalin they received the name Guards. In September of the same year, the concept of “guards unit” was introduced in the Red Army. The title "Guards" was awarded military units, ships, formations and associations of the Soviet Armed Forces that distinguished themselves in battles during the Great Patriotic War. Military formation received the Guards banner, and the personnel received the Guards rank and breastplate. Guard modern Russia, which are part of the Russian Armed Forces, are: the Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division, the Guards Motorized Rifle Taman Division, the Guards Motorized Rifle Carpathian-Berlin Division, the Guards Separate Motorized Rifle Sevastopol Brigade, the 28th Red Banner Guards Rocket Division, which is part of the 27th Missile Army, line formations of the Airborne Forces, guards units and ships of the Navy, guards units ground forces and the air force.

Patrol officers celebrate their holiday on September 2. On this day in 1923, the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD published “Instructions for the policeman on duty.” This document regulated general provisions on the post service, as well as the rights and obligations of its employees. By the summer of 1926, patrol service units appeared in almost all cities. By this time, a uniform uniform was introduced for PPS employees and a distinctive sign was installed - a white metal shield with the name of the site and the post number. The patrol service units were instructed to monitor order on the streets, gardens, parks and other public places. Moreover, the country's leadership defined the protection of public peace as one of the main responsibilities of the police. In 1962, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to strengthen the activities of the Soviet police” was issued, which determined its main tasks, role and place in the overall system government controlled. A significant part of it was devoted to the organization of teaching staff. A year later, another important document came into force - the Charter of the Patrol Service. To date, more than 5 thousand teaching staff have been awarded state awards for courage and heroism shown while serving in law enforcement. Today, the patrol service is one of the largest units of the Russian police. Its employees protect law and order and ensure public safety in all corners of the country.

On this day, the memory of the biblical prophet Samuel, or Shmuel (that is, “heard by God”) is celebrated. Samuel was born at the most difficult time for the Israelis, and he was destined to guide his people on the true path. Under the weak high priest Elijah, the moral decay of the Israelites reached a critical point. The result of debauchery, spiritual and physical weakness was the defeat of the Philistines, who captured the greatest shrine - the Ark of the Covenant. However, Samuel, having called his fellow tribesmen to solemn repentance, managed to inspire them to expel the Philistines. After this, the revival of the people began. A big role in this was played by the “prophetic hosts” organized by Samuel, whose task was to enlighten people and also awaken patriotism in them. Samuel ruled the people wisely as chief judge, but when he became old, the people, fearing the return of anarchy, began to ask him to appoint a ruler over them. Thus, they rejected the King of heaven, and desired the king of the earth. And then God told Samuel to do as the people asked, but warned them that misfortunes awaited them, the cause of which was the ordinary greed and cruelty of earthly rulers. The Prophet warned the Israelites and asked them to retract their decision, but they were adamant. Samuel appointed Saul as king, but during his lifetime he secretly anointed another, David, to the kingdom, since the first ruler disappointed him. In Rus', the prophet Samuel was considered the intercessor of the stronger sex, they said: “Samoilo the prophet himself prays to God for a man.” Therefore, Samoilov’s day became a kind of men’s holiday: daughters served the father of the family a new shirt in the morning, wives set a rich table so that the owner would get down to business well and well-fed. On Samoilov day they asked for good weather for autumn work. There was very little time left for them - winter was approaching inevitably. On this day, the first winter honey mushrooms were already appearing in the forests, and children with baskets were going for the “harvest.” A frequent dish on the table that day was fried mushrooms and potatoes.

☀ If the moles' holes face north, the winter will be warm.

☀ Since the fall, moles have been dragging a lot of stubble (spikelets) and straw into their holes - for the cold winter.

☀ Field mice are moving closer to the village - towards the cold winter.

☀ Since Samoilin's day, the fur coat has been following the caftan.

Popular name of the day: Samuel, Samoilin day

Born during one of the most difficult periods in the life of the Israelis, Samuel tried to set society on the right path. He awakened patriotism in people. Before his death, Samuel, by the will of the people, was obliged to choose an earthly king. For his part, he believed that the King of Heaven should rule. However, King Saul became his heir.

In Rus', Samuel was revered as the protector of the entire stronger sex. Therefore, Samoilov Day was considered a men's holiday. “Prophet Samoilo himself prays to God for a man.” According to custom, on this day daughters gave their fathers a clean and new shirt, and wives set luxurious tables in the morning so that the owner could start work well-fed and happy.

Traditions and beliefs on September 2

September 2 is popularly called the day of the prophet Samuel, who has always been considered a patron and intercessor before the Lord. This is how the saying appeared: “On Samoilin’s day he prays to God for a man.” At this time, the rooks are preparing to fly away and gradually gather in flocks. The owners begin to prune red and white currants, dig up beets and carrots. As a rule, rowan berries ripened to Samuel, which after the first frosts were very sweet, so it was time to pick the berries. The ancestors noticed that usually on September 2 the weather is clear and sunny, and the first days of autumn, according to old beliefs, are under the protection of the south wind. However, very soon it will be possible to forget about warmth and sunshine, because the cold will come, and with them gloomy days, rain, and fog.

Folk signs of autumn say that they continue to pick apples on Samuel, but they always do it in the morning so that there is dew on them: then the fruits will be well preserved and can last until spring. Folk calendar advises not to wait until the apples fall off, but to pick them a little earlier, otherwise they may be lost taste qualities, and they will begin to rot immediately. On September 2, women traditionally baked pies with cherries, plums, and apples, but the use of flour from the first harvest became a prerequisite. Such bread was supposed to bring people health and well-being to their homes, so that all troubles and bad weather would be avoided. Those who had not yet managed to hide a small bunch of ears of wheat behind the icons did so now, saying special words of prayer, which included praise to God for the generous harvest and a request for blessings for further work.

The peasants, on September 2, prayed for favorable weather, since there was little time left to work in the fields, winter was inevitably approaching.

There was also an activity for children on Samoilov Day - picking mushrooms in the forest. By this time, the first honey mushrooms had already appeared.

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