Ozone therapy: how many procedures are needed? Intravenous ozone therapy: indications, possible contraindications and patient reviews. Contraindications to intravenous ozone therapy and side effects

Many people talk about ozone therapy today. Whether this procedure brings benefit or harm is what worries doctors. Traditional medicine cannot answer this question unambiguously. Doctors recognize the effectiveness of this technique, but also remind about the possible side effects of such therapy

Today, many people talk about such non-standard physiological treatment as ozone therapy. Doctors are constantly researching questions regarding what ozone therapy is, the benefits and harms of this procedure, and the effectiveness of its use.

Ozone therapy: what is it?

Ozone therapy belongs to the physiotherapeutic methods of alternative medicine. This area of ​​therapy is viewed very differently throughout the world. Some doctors recognize the effectiveness of this method of treatment, while others believe that healing with ozone is dangerous or useless.

The essence of the procedure

The basis of ozone therapy, as can be seen from the very name of this technology, is the practical use of ozone gas - O3. The latter is generated in special medical ozonizer devices. This is a must, since ozone is considered a very toxic compound. The maximum permissible inhalation concentration of ozone is 10−5 percent. Ozone is toxic to the lungs and irritates the mucous membranes of the nose.

Due to the high toxicity of ozone, safety precautions must be observed when using gas. If ozone is introduced into the bloodstream, the gas is pre-mixed with physiological solution (gas is never administered intravenously in its pure form!). Or the patient undergoes autohemotherapy (ozone is mixed with the patient’s own blood). As a disinfectant, ozone in its pure form is injected into the subcutaneous tissue and joints (including externally).

Who is it shown to?

The use of ozone therapy has a wide range. The main indications for this procedure are as follows:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • clogged blood vessels in the legs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • asthma;
  • pulpitis;
  • migraine;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • ulcers in the digestive tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • arthritis;
  • viral diseases;
  • arthrosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • infected and bleeding wounds;
  • gastritis;
  • death of the retina or optic nerve;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • diseases of the upper airways;
  • acne;
  • stomatitis;
  • lichen;
  • anemia of pregnant women;
  • cellulite;
  • periodontal disease;
  • corneal injuries.


The following contraindications exist for ozone therapy:

  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic reaction to ozone composition;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • internal bleeding;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Menstruation is not a serious contraindication.

Types of ozone therapy

There are several types of ozone therapy - systemic and local. Each method has its own characteristics.

Types of local ozone therapy and their purpose

Local ozone therapy is microinjections of an ozone-oxygen mixture into problem areas of the skin: wrinkles, folds. For these purposes, super-thin needles are used - which is why the painful “action” of the injection is not felt.

The effect of the session is visible instantly. Literally before our eyes, the patient has fewer wrinkles, skin tone improves, and the double chin disappears. The oval of the face becomes clearer. In addition to an excellent cosmetic effect, local ozone therapy can quickly improve weakened immunity.

Types of systemic ozotherapy

Systemic or intravenous ozone therapy involves intravenous infusion of an ozonized complex saline solution. Blood enriched with ozone saturates all tissues and internal organs of the patient. This leads to improved blood circulation, normalization of metabolism, dilation of blood vessels, and reduction of intoxication.

Systemic ozone therapy can be carried out in several ways, in particular:

  • mix the patient’s blood with ozone (autohemotherapy with ozone);
  • administer intramuscularly;
  • administer enemas with ozone composition;
  • give the patient ozonated water to drink;
  • install ozonated droppers;
  • inject ozone subcutaneously.

Application of ozone therapy in cosmetology

Today, ozone therapy is widely used in cosmetology to effectively combat various aesthetic imperfections of the figure and skin. Specially purified ozone, which is additionally enriched with oxygen, allows you to solve the problem of sagging and dry skin. The therapy helps remove wrinkles from the face and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

With the help of ozone therapy in cosmetology, the issue of rosacea on the face, which is very difficult to treat with other cosmetic procedures, is perfectly solved.

Ozone in the fight against cellulite

Ozone therapy is excellent for cellulite. The essence of the treatment comes down to the fact that in specialized offices, cosmetologists inject therapeutic ozone into problem areas using ultra-thin needles. The number and duration of sessions are prescribed by cosmetologists individually, depending on the scale of the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Elimination of skin defects

The introduction of ozone into the body helps remove unsightly stretch marks on the body. After a course of ozone therapy sessions, stretch marks become almost invisible.

Prevention of hair loss

Ozone therapy for hair helps solve the problem of hair loss. The introduction of ozone not only treats, but also restores hair follicles. Epidermal division processes are corrected and stimulated. The positive effect is achieved due to the disinfecting and immunostimulating properties of ozone.

Progress of the procedure

Like any other physiotherapeutic procedure, ozone therapy has its own distinctive features. There are also specific rules for conducting sessions for treating a person with ozone.

Preparation for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy of the body is impossible without prior preparation. A mixture of ozone oxygen of the required concentration is passed through a bottle with saline solution - this is done immediately before the session. The resulting solution retains beneficial features within thirty minutes, no more.

Before the session, the patient must have a snack - the food should be light. You should not smoke half an hour before the procedure. Experts also advise sitting in a calm environment before ozone therapy and “tuning in” to the upcoming “work.”

How is the ozone therapy procedure performed?

Ozone therapy sessions are carried out only under the supervision of specialists; on average, the procedure takes about thirty minutes.

The patient receives treated ozone through a needle. At the end of the session, the needle is removed and the injection site is covered with a tight bandage.

Side effects and possible complications: what to do?

Side effects after ozone therapy do occur. Basically, these are isolated cases. As a rule, ozone treatment is successful without negative consequences. Gas bubbles during the intravenous administration of ozone do not enter the blood, therefore, the technique is absolutely harmless and does not pose a danger to the body. Side effects are possible if doctors’ recommendations are not followed, for example, if the procedure was performed on an empty stomach or the patient, on the contrary, ate too much before the session.

When administered intravenously

During intravenous ozone treatment, alcohol breakdown products are removed from the patient's body. Blood circulation improves and hepatocytes are restored. The blood thins, the brain is saturated with oxygen. With the intravenous method, sometimes patients experience convulsions, blurred vision and paraplegia - when a person loses the ability to move an arm or leg on one side of the body. Headaches also occur.

Inhalation of ozone

Inhaling ozone can lead to the destruction of lung surfactant, which prevents the walls of the alveoli from sticking together. The depth and rhythm of breathing may also change (even to the point of stopping breathing - in especially severe cases).

Ozone therapy is beneficial and harmful at the same time. This technique is certainly effective, but has side effects, like any medical and cosmetic procedure. To avoid unpleasant consequences, sessions should not be performed if the patient has contraindications. This will avoid side effects almost one hundred percent.

Video: the whole truth about ozotherapy

Ozone therapy is a procedure that has mixed reviews. Now we offer you to learn about the sensations of therapy first-hand, as well as see ozone therapy aimed at removing fat deposits.

Ozone, like oxygen, can safely be called vehicles, which can very quickly deliver various beneficial substances and water into cells, while simultaneously removing many unnecessary components from them. In cosmetology, such treatment is called ozone therapy - we will try to reveal what it is in this article.

Ozone therapy, the cost of which is quite affordable and even a person with average income can afford, has wide range actions. Ozone, being triatomic oxygen with one free bond, actively interacts with skin cells, which is successfully used in modern cosmetology.

When fighting cellulite, ozone therapy (the cost of the procedure depends on the area of ​​skin in need of treatment and ranges from 800 to 2500 rubles per “place”) is not just an effective, but also a fully justified solution.

Ozone therapy is the latest technique that demonstrates excellent results as part of a comprehensive treatment program various diseases. Ozone is effective in combating many types of pathogenic flora and has an analgesic and wound-healing effect.

Penetrating into the cell during the procedure, it, like an invisible warrior, destroys all foreign microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. In this case, the cell not only is not damaged, but also receives additional oxygen supply.

Ozone therapy is a great opportunity to improve your health and get in shape. You can get the shape of your dreams without grueling workouts in gyms, as well as starvation diets that exhaust your body.

Classic ways to combat cellulite are massage, which gives only a short-term effect, and low-calorie diets. But the appearance of “ orange peel", is nothing more than a violation of blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous layers. In cosmetology, oxygen-ozone injections are increasingly being used as a means of combating this cosmetic defect.

Depending on how such a mixture will be introduced into the human body, the following types of ozone therapy are distinguished:

  • Applying a mask;
  • Sauna with ozone;
  • Ozone therapy by injection;
  • Delivery of the mixture to the body by rubbing oils that are enriched with ozone;
  • Applying the medicinal mixture to individual areas of the body or face.

For weight loss, ozonother apia is carried out using special devices. This particular method is used for weight loss because ozone as a substance is capable of destroying fat cells, subsequently causing the oxidation of these fats. This procedure is best performed in the initial stages of manifestation. excess weight, since this will require fewer sessions, and the procedure itself will effectively fight fat cells. The process itself consists of transforming fat cells with ozone, followed by their removal from the body by the lymphatic system. Even the cosmetic procedure of ozone therapy is therapeutic in nature. That is why the seemingly completely safe process of ozone therapy has its own indications and contraindications and its own side effects.

Ozone therapy - indications and contraindications for weight loss

In order for the result to be noticeable, it is worth conducting 5 sessions over two weeks. For people with large fat deposits, 12-15 sessions are recommended.

This procedure can be carried out in the following cases:

  • Deposition of fat throughout the body;
  • The presence of scars, stretch marks and cicatrices;
  • In the presence of a vascular network of small capillaries;
  • Cellulite;
  • The appearance of wrinkles.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • — Allergy to ozone;
  • — Menstruation period;
  • - Pregnancy, or breast-feeding;
  • — Cardiac and vascular pathologies;
  • - Reduced blood clotting.

Many patients wonder if the procedure has any side effects. As a rule, negative consequences from ozone therapy do not occur often and do not cause any particular trouble for patients.

  • Taking into account the bactericidal properties of ozone, used to destroy pathogenic flora, in parallel, disturbances in the balance of beneficial microflora can occur.
  • The procedure is quite painful, and given that an active gas is used, you can get a burn to the respiratory tract. But this is only possible if the dosage is not observed, which is practically impossible.
  • After the procedure, urination increases.
  • After the first procedures, you may experience increased drowsiness, as well as slight dizziness.
  • Sometimes there is a slight increase in body temperature.
  • During local application, there is a high probability of an allergic reaction such as urticaria. But it goes away quite quickly without any medical intervention.
  • Slight swelling or hematoma may occur at the injection site.

Procedure intravenous ozone therapy is a drip injection of an isotonic solution of medical sodium chloride enriched with ozone.

Intravenous ozone therapy, the price of one procedure ranges from 800 to 2500 rubles, helps restore normal microcirculation of all tissues, activates metabolic processes, eliminates the consequences of intoxication of the body, the number of procedures ranges from 6 to 8 (with the standard version). The most common tandem is intravenous and subcutaneous ozone therapy.

Intravenous ozone therapy is also used in plastic surgery as part of a complex of postoperative rehabilitation programs, thereby reducing the healing time of postoperative scars. Systemic ozonation helps improve mood and overall well-being, and also copes well with chronic fatigue.


How is intravenous ozone therapy useful and what is it?

This method of saturating the body with ozone is considered one of the most effective. Most often it is used in medicine for the complex treatment of certain diseases. But it can also be used in cosmetology.

This is explained by the following abilities of ozone:

  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Healing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Detoxification;
  • This gas helps normalize metabolism, improves blood flow, and removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Ozone allows you to restore the balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the body.

Ozone is often used intravenously during pregnancy. Expectant mothers not only tolerate the procedure well, but also feel much better after it. Ozone entering the body also passes through the placenta, having a beneficial effect on the unborn baby.

The basic principle of the effects of ozone is that it helps saturate the body's cells with oxygen. As a result, all the processes that should take place in it are normalized.

A healthy body means beauty and youth. This is a law of nature that cannot be deceived. This is the reason that with the improvement that ozone brings, a person begins to look better:

  • The skin is tightened and gets a beautiful color;
  • Resulting in normal skin type;
  • Pimples and acne are eliminated;
  • Hair and nails are strengthened.

The benefits of intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss are due to the ability of the substance to normalize hormonal levels, stabilize the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and stimulate metabolic processes.

At the same time, intravenous ozone therapy, which is rapidly gaining fans, is not a medicinal method of healing and rejuvenation. Experts today regard it as an auxiliary method, widely practiced in gynecology, surgery, cosmetology, dermatology and many other industries.

A little about the cons

Intravenous ozonation can also cause harm, according to some doctors. To a greater extent, this point of view is shared by Western experts, who are somewhat skeptical about the use of this technique.

Ozone is one of the substances that can trigger the release of radicals in the body. They, in turn, have the ability to destroy cell structure. This is a plus if we're talking about about fatty, pathogenic cells, but their differentiation from body cells may not occur. In this case, a program for the development of various diseases, in particular cancer, can be launched.

If the optimal amount of ozone is used, none of this will happen, but if the norm is exceeded, such a result is possible.

Ozone therapy has been used intravenously since the 70s of the last century, and during all this time no serious side effects have been recorded. The key to avoiding negative consequences is the correct calculation of the ozone dose and proper implementation of the procedure.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to evaluate what benefits and harms intravenous ozone therapy can bring. It is necessary to consult a doctor, and it is he or a cosmetologist who must carry out the procedure and, most importantly, determine the amount of ozone that needs to be used in each specific case.

Intravenous ozone therapy: indications for use

The list of situations in which this technique can be used is quite extensive:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (with the exception of pancreatitis in chronic or acute form);
  • Diabetes mellitus, but only if it is not severe and is not accompanied by damage to the retina;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of a viral, infectious nature, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Presence of allergic reactions;
  • Dermatological diseases, in particular eczema, psoriasis, pathologies of fungal origin. Facial diseases can also be treated;
  • Ulcers, burns, other skin problems;
  • The need to strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, and relieve stress.

The benefits of intravenous ozone therapy are great in the treatment of diseases of almost all internal organs and systems.

In cosmetology, the technique is also widely used for:

  • Hair loss;
  • Cellulite;
  • The need to correct your figure;
  • Skin defects, inflammatory processes, pimples, acne;
  • The need to bring too oily or dry skin to a normal state.

The complex effect on the body leads to its healing and rejuvenation.

You need to understand that when it comes to intravenous ozone therapy for weight loss, we are talking about getting rid of large quantity there are no kilograms.

Normalization of metabolic processes and other beneficial effects lead to the fact that the body gets rid of a certain amount of excess fat, the contours of the figure become more correct, and the waist tightens. In the future, a healthy body can continue to gradually lose excess weight, but this will also require leading a correct lifestyle, exercising, and watching your diet.

Contraindications to intravenous ozone therapy

If you do not take them into account, you can do a disservice to your health.

There are contraindications to the procedure:

  • Pancreatitis (especially in acute form);
  • Diseases associated with bleeding disorders, hemophilia;
  • Existing bleeding in internal organs or bleeding that was stopped 3-4 or less days ago;
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • A stroke or heart attack suffered six months or less ago;
  • Allergy to ozone;
  • Taking medications that help reduce the rate of blood clotting;
  • History of head injuries;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Tendency to seizures;
  • Diabetes mellitus with severe course and damage to the retina;
  • Age less than 18 years;
  • The first days of the menstrual cycle;
  • The presence of tumors – both malignant and benign;
  • Alcohol intoxication, poisoning, intoxication.

Doctors do not recommend using ozone therapy for people who are at risk for cancer (for example, those with a genetic predisposition to it).

Intravenous ozone therapy: side effects, complications

The procedure may result in the following side effects:

  • Allergic reaction to ozone;
  • Painful sensations during the session, which can be felt when ozone passes through the vein. They can persist for several more hours after the end of the manipulation;
  • Hematomas that appear in the place where the IV was placed;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Some patients complain of short-term dizziness after sessions;
  • Headache;

The consequences of intravenous ozone therapy can be more serious:

  • Rapid development of a cancerous tumor, if the patient has one;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Acute hemolysis, which can lead to a tragic outcome;
  • Pancytopenia is the destruction of blood cells due to the toxic effects of ozone on them;
  • In rare cases, patients develop acute psychosis and depression;
  • The risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the bloodstream, which can cause sepsis, cannot be ruled out. It exists not only during this procedure, but also during any injections or administration of drugs by drip.

Minor complications after intravenous ozone therapy usually quickly subside, so they should not cause concern.

The serious consequences of using the technique can also be avoided if the session is carried out by an experienced doctor or cosmetologist who correctly calculates the dosage of ozone for droppers (it is combined with the patient’s blood or saline solution) and complies with all the norms for carrying out the manipulation.

How is intravenous ozone therapy performed?

As a result of the prevalence of the technique, today there are not only ozone therapists, but also entire ozone therapy centers. You can get a referral for the procedure from your doctor.

If the technique is performed for cosmetic purposes, it is also worth consulting with your doctor. Taking into account the patient’s health condition, he will tell you whether this method can be used at all in a particular case, and which type is best to choose.

In order for the doctor to give the most useful advice, it is worth telling him in detail about your well-being and existing health problems.

It itself is performed in the same way as the administration of any other medications by drip, at any time of the day.

How long does it take to drip a medical solution with ozone intravenously as part of ozone therapy? This process itself continues for half an hour. After this, the patient needs to rest for about a quarter of an hour.

After the manipulation, you can return to your daily activities - work, driving, etc. Ozone therapy performed intravenously does not contribute to drowsiness, decreased attention, or other effects on human cognitive processes.

The course of ozone therapy is usually 6-8 sessions. In more rare cases, it contains 10-12 procedures, but for this there must be special indications.

Don’t be alarmed if the doctor prescribes additional maintenance sessions. Such an appointment may well be justified, but such recommendations can only be given by a specialist.

As for the frequency of procedures, it is set at the discretion of the doctor. They can be performed once/several days at the same interval. In some cases, sessions are first conducted daily, and then less frequently – once/several days.

If maintenance ozone therapy is prescribed, sessions can be carried out once/week, and sometimes once/2 weeks.

Ozone therapy intravenously: before and after

The body's first reaction to the use of the technique may be harmless consequences. Some patients note that during the course and immediately after its completion they experience some deterioration in their health.

If this is a significant deterioration, medical attention is needed, possibly a change in course, additional methods of treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to completely refuse to continue the course so as not to cause damage to the patient’s health.

When patients feel better, the following effect of intravenous ozone therapy appears:

  • Immunity increases;
  • Existing diseases recede;
  • The level of stress resistance increases;
  • Improves appearance.

Intravenous ozone therapy is used for any indication, and by assessing the results before and after it, you can notice a retreat of certain problems.

The benefits and harms of ozone therapy are two important factors that need to be compared to determine whether there is a need to use this technique. Do not ignore your doctor's advice regarding this issue to avoid negative consequences.


Essence and mechanism of action

Intravenous ozone therapy is a method of introducing an ozone-enriched physiological solution into the human body. Ozone is a substance that consists of three oxygen molecules and has one free bond. Thanks to this connection, it is highly reactive and, when it enters the body, immediately begins to interact with cells. As a result of this interaction, ozonoid biologically active groups are formed, which, through oxidation, are able to destroy the membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, improve the functioning of the immune system and eliminate signs of severe oxygen starvation of all organs and tissues.

This procedure is used to solve the following problems:

How is intravenous ozone administered?

The procedure for intravenous administration of ozonized saline solution is carried out exclusively by a doctor in a medical institution (clinic, hospital).

A physiological solution for administration is prepared immediately before the procedure (since the half-life of ozone does not exceed 30 minutes), for this purpose an oxygen-ozone mixture is passed through it using a special medical ozonator.

The concentration of the active substance is chosen by the doctor (it depends on the indications for intravenous ozone therapy), the volume of the administered drug usually does not exceed 300 ml (this is the amount of solution that can enter the body through a dropper within half an hour). To prepare for the procedure, patients are advised to have a snack and then lie down for 15-20 minutes. There are no further recommendations or restrictions.

Ozone drip course

The number of injections per course depends on the problem that needs to be solved:

  • a skin rejuvenation course consists of 5-10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1-2 days;
  • a course of intravenous ozone therapy for acne and treatment of baldness consists of 5 procedures, droppers are placed daily;
  • The course of cellulite treatment consists of 10-15 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Maintenance drips are placed once every two weeks (according to indications).

Video: “Ozonation of saline solution”

Contraindications to intravenous ozone therapy and side effects

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • tendency to seizures;
  • epilepsy;
  • alcoholic psychosis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • low pressure;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • myocardial infarction (history);
  • Ozone therapy is not recommended during pregnancy, but there have been cases of its use for the treatment of diseases that threatened the health of the fetus.

Complications and side effects:

  • pain at the site of injection of the solution (disappears a few hours after the end of the procedure);
  • anaphylactic shock – occurs due to the body’s individual reaction to medical ozone;
  • blood poisoning (sepsis) – occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis;
  • blurred vision, seizures, headache– high concentration of ozone in the injected solution;
  • acute hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) with subsequent death - ozone overdose (too frequent procedures, incorrectly selected solution concentration).

Some doctors call the ozone injection procedure completely safe and beneficial for the human body, but other opinions can be found in the medical community. Due to insufficient quantity scientific research Doctors in the USA and Europe classify intravenous ozone therapy exclusively as an alternative treatment method, so before performing it, doctors in foreign clinics first show the patient a document stating that droppers of an ozonized solution are an experimental method of treatment (in Russia they do not provide such a document).

Most foreign doctors leave negative reviews about the intravenous ozone therapy procedure, and US doctors claim that this technique threatens human health, because during its implementation, free radicals are formed in the body, which can have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.

Video: “What is intravenous ozone therapy and in which branches of medicine is it most effective?”

Approximate prices

The price for intravenous ozone therapy depends on the dosage of ozone and what problem needs to be solved. On average, one session of intravenous ozone therapy costs $20-40. You can save money by purchasing the full course.

The relevance of a wide range of methods for treating and healing the body with the help of ozone is confirmed by scientific and clinical trials, but practice shows that the method of intravenous ozone therapy, along with its positive effects, can have a detrimental effect on human health.


Description of the procedure and its purpose

Ozone therapy is treatment with ozone, a powerful antiseptic. The procedure can be carried out in three different ways:

  1. The patient is injected with a saline solution enriched with ozone intravenously by drip;
  2. The patient is injected intravenously with a mixture of oxygen and ozone in the form of a gas substance;
  3. Intravenous administration of patient's blood with ozone. Another name for the procedure is autohemotherapy using ozone.

These three methods are widely used when prescribing ozone therapy. The first method involves saturating the saline solution with ozone immediately before the procedure. The same rule applies to blood saturation. Blood sampling must be carried out before ozone therapy, after which it is saturated with ozone. As for the second method, it is rarely carried out, since there is a risk of complications.

When ozone enters the blood, it reacts with blood cells; in a physiological solution it can exist for about half an hour, after which the element disintegrates completely.

The procedure is carried out in combination with other types of therapy to treat the following diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Complications after operations.

Is not full list diseases for which intravenous ozone therapy is prescribed. Sometimes such therapy can be prescribed by a doctor to a patient with cancer. Ozone therapy is not a treatment for diseases; it should be prescribed in combination with other therapeutic procedures. The answer to the question of how many sessions are needed to achieve the most positive effect depends on the type of disease and its stage.

If ozone therapy is prescribed as a general tonic to keep the body in good shape, a complex of vitamins A, C and E is prescribed. They are antioxidants.

Many patients are interested in the question of contraindications of this method, the possibility of performing it during pregnancy, as well as possible side effects.

Therapy process

A referral for the procedure is issued by the attending physician. He can prescribe it even during pregnancy, if necessary. Indications for ozone therapy can be different; the decision is always made not by the patient himself, but by the doctor. The appointment will require a thorough study of the medical record in order to exclude a number of contraindications that the person has.

If a person is interested in the procedure and is not sick, then to get a referral it is best to contact a specialist - an ozone therapist. He will get acquainted with the person’s chart, ask the necessary questions and, if there are no contraindications, prescribe a course of preventive therapy. Here the specialist will determine how many sessions this patient needs.

Having heard favorable reviews from friends about the procedure and that it has no side effects, you should not self-medicate or hide the presence of certain diseases from your doctor. Ozone therapy can cause a number of complications, which is why a survey is carried out in a specialist’s office.

After receiving the referral, the person goes to the doctor's office. Depending on the method of carrying out this method, blood may be taken from him in an amount of 100-200 ml. The procedure is carried out in a separate room. The nurse first prepares a solution or enriches the blood with ozone, and then invites the patient to the couch.

This therapy is practically painless, it is carried out for half an hour under supervision, after which the patient will need to lie down a little more, and then you can go home. A person can drive a car and work; the procedure does not affect these abilities in any way.

The next procedure can be scheduled after two days. As a rule, the number of procedures is 6-10 times. They are carried out through certain time and sometimes at certain hours. At each visit, the nurse asks about the patient's condition. This is an important point in determining the effect it has on it.

While undergoing treatment, you should not drink alcohol in large quantities. It's better to give it up completely.

Contraindications for this method, as well as possible complications

There are a number of basic contraindications that a patient referred for this type treatment:

  • First of all, a contraindication is an allergic reaction to ozone directly;
  • Heart attacks and strokes suffered in the near future;
  • Chronic pancreatitis or any other form of it;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Severe diabetes;
  • Beginning of the menstrual cycle (there are indications for prescribing this treatment in last days menses);
  • Convulsions;
  • Previously suffered brain injuries;
  • Diagnosing any tumors in a patient;
  • Presence of alcohol in the blood;
  • Thyroid diseases.

This list is quite large, so here are the main indications for which this method of treatment cannot be prescribed. As for pregnancy, a woman is prescribed ozone therapy only if a positive effect is guaranteed.


A person may well not know that he is allergic to ozone. One possible complication may be anaphylactic shock. In this case, a team of resuscitators will be urgently called.

Hematomas are the most common, and sometimes patients do not pay much attention to them. But they often complain of pain at the injection site. This is due to the difficulty of administering the drug. Also among the complications:

  • Headache;
  • Convulsions;
  • Depression;
  • Toxic poisoning;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Possible influence on the growth of cancerous tumors.

It should also be noted that if the rules of this method are violated, disastrous consequences are possible, including infection with HIV, hepatitis and other diseases, blood sepsis, and so on. Treatment should only be carried out in an official medical facility. Indications for ozone therapy are often missed; procedures are carried out for cosmetic purposes, including during pregnancy, which can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Ozone therapy and pregnancy

Indications for ozone therapy during pregnancy may vary. If there are contraindications, such techniques should be prescribed only by specialists. Often, especially in late pregnancy, women experience cramps. This should be reported to a specialist, since this information may be a contraindication.

There are some indications for which ozone therapy can be prescribed exclusively during pregnancy. The gynecologist will have to approve the referral for the procedure.

Ozone therapy is part of the complex treatment of various diseases. Indications for therapy should be assessed by a specialist with medical education. Particular care should be taken when prescribing the method during pregnancy.


Types of ozone exposure and procedure method

Ozone by its nature is much more active than oxygen. It reacts an order of magnitude faster with various organic compounds. As a result of their interaction, organic ozonides and peroxides are formed.

With the controlled administration of a certain amount of gas, the following therapeutic effects can be achieved:

  1. increasing the level of immunity;
  2. increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood;
  3. acceleration of metabolism;
  4. reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes;
  5. reducing the number of bacteria and viruses;
  6. muscle relaxation due to the influx of more oxygen;
  7. an increase in the amount of proteins, as well as their breakdown product - urea.

The procedure can only be performed in clinical institutions that have an ozonator available. The reason is that ozone is in close contact with the liquid for only twenty minutes. As a standard, ordinary saline solution is ozonated, after which it enters the patient’s circulatory system using a dropper. The procedure does not last longer than the already stated twenty minutes, so the rate of infusion is adjusted depending on the amount of solution. Its volume ranges from 200 to 400 ml and is determined by the patient’s weight.

There should be no uncomfortable or unpleasant sensations throughout the procedure. Any deviation from the normal state indicates that the process of intravenous administration of the drug must be interrupted. After the IV is removed, a pressure bandage is applied to the puncture site on the elbow. It is advisable to wait and lie down for about fifteen to twenty minutes, rest and wait for the ozone to completely disperse throughout the body. Only after this short break can you begin your daily activities. Half an hour before and half an hour after the procedure, smoking is strictly prohibited.

Indications and contraindications for treatment

Based on the therapeutic properties of ozone, the following groups of diseases have been identified that can be successfully combated through ozone therapy:

  1. group of internal and private diseases;
  2. surgical group;
  3. gynecological group;
  4. neurological group;
  5. dermatology and cosmetology group;
  6. ophthalmology group;
  7. otolaryngology group;
  8. dental group.

This treatment method is used in the presence of diseases such as ulcers, hepatitis, non-ulcerative colitis, gastritis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

In relation to surgery, it helps to cope with osteoarthritis, purulent arthritis and soft tissue wounds, general peritonitis, trophic ulcers and bedsores, osteomyelitis of long bones and others.

For example, in gynecology, intravenous ozone therapy will help in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or in the lower genital tract. In addition, it can be used during pregnancy in case of intrauterine infection, threat of miscarriage or severe early toxicosis.

There are a number of contraindications to intravenous ozone therapy, which must be taken into account when prescribing this type of treatment or general health improvement. These include the patient’s tendency to have seizures, severe intoxication of the body (alcohol), individual ozone intolerance, the presence of blood diseases (thrombocytopenia), hyperthyroidism, the patient being in the early period after internal or external bleeding, after a hemorrhagic stroke or acute myocardial infarction.

Practitioners identify only very minor side effects: an increase in the amount of liver enzymes, increased urination, and the occurrence of renal colic.

Clinical studies and patient reviews

Ozone therapy as a treatment method is in the initial stages of study. Abroad, the principle of the effect of ozone not only on harmful cells, but also on healthy ones is being studied, for example, how the composition of plasma and compounds in cell membranes. At the moment, there is not a single medical association of doctors that could recommend this type of treatment. In a limited number of countries where its use is permitted, doctors assign it the status of alternative medicine.

Reviews about intravenous ozone therapy also vary significantly. Many patients note an improvement in their health, some do not notice any results at all, and quite a large number of people complain about side effects that are not voiced by clinic workers: dizziness, nausea, bloating of the veins, increased body temperature and others.

In addition, it is the reviews of ozone therapy through a dropper that are most negative. Local introduction of the device is much safer than systemic treatment. Introducing too much ozone into the blood can lead to poisoning and intoxication. After all, this gas is very toxic and is presented in the form of a strong oxidizing agent.

The final decision regarding ozone therapy should be carefully weighed and made only by the patient himself. A doctor who insists on this particular procedure is most likely not qualified enough, because he can only recommend or inform the patient that such a treatment option is available. In addition, he must warn that the mechanism of action has not been thoroughly studied and the consequences may be extremely unfavorable. Pregnant women should be especially careful, because the effect of ozone on an unformed fetus can be harmful. It is advisable to refrain from carrying out ozone therapy until it is well researched and equated with official methods of medical treatment.


Effects of ozone therapy

Thanks to the free bond that the ozone molecule has, this substance easily enters into the human body chemical reactions, which determine its positive effects:

  • activates metabolism (entering the body, ozone reduces blood viscosity, improving its rheological properties, increases tissue consumption of glucose, increases oxygen content in the blood and subsequent gas exchange in tissues);
  • has a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and pathogenic fungi (damages the membranes of microorganisms, increases their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs);
  • slows down the growth of tumors;
  • anesthetizes (helps reduce the transmission of pain signals to the central nervous system);
  • inhibits the inflammatory process (destroys inflammatory mediator substances, improves oxygen consumption by affected tissues and restores metabolic processes in them);
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body (improves the functions of the kidneys and liver, which subsequently better remove toxic substances);
  • improves immune function (stimulates the formation of substances that provide an immune response).

Ways of introducing ozone

Depending on the method of administration, ozone therapy is divided into local and systemic.

Local ozone therapy

  • External use of ozone is gassing in a plastic bag. It is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds, radiation injuries, fungal and herpetic infections, bedsores and gangrene. Has a disinfectant effect and accelerates wound healing processes.
  • Ozonated oil. As a rule, it is widely used by massage therapists to combat cellulite (destroys the shell of fat capsules), as well as as part of anti-aging creams and face masks. In addition, it is used to treat gynecological and ophthalmological pathologies.
  • Balneotherapy with ozonized water. It is carried out to fight infection, accelerate wound healing processes, and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Subcutaneous ozone injections. They improve local blood circulation and have an antibacterial effect. Among the general effects, it should be noted an improvement in mood, well-being and neuropsychic status. When introduced into acupuncture points, they have an analgesic effect and increase the ability of tissues to regenerate.
  • Rectal insufflation of an oxygen-ozone mixture.

Systemic ozone therapy

  • Intramuscular injections of ozone dissolved in the patient’s blood (or minor ozone autohemotherapy). Has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Intravenous administration of ozone dissolved in saline or the patient’s blood (major ozone autohemotherapy). As a result, tissues receive more oxygen, metabolic processes and the processes of removing toxins from the body are activated in them, and immunity is improved, pathogenic microorganisms die.
  • Drinking ozonated water. Improves the functions of the digestive tract and is also widely used in dentistry.

Indications for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy as one of the methods of complex treatment is effective for many diseases. Indications for its implementation are:

  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, ulcers and injuries of the cornea, optic nerve atrophy, eyelid hernias and others);
  • skin diseases (dermatosis, furunculosis, acne, exanthema and enanthema, trophic ulcers, mycoses of the skin, atopic dermatitis);
  • cosmetic problems (stretch marks on the skin, cellulite, spider veins or telangiectasias, expression wrinkles);
  • infections of any location and nature;
  • heart and vascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias and others);
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum, chronic gastritis, duodenitis;
  • intestinal diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, UC (ulcerative colitis), sigmoiditis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, conditions after intestinal surgery, dysbacteriosis);
  • viral and alcoholic hepatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis);
  • in men – prostatitis;
  • in women - salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, leukoplakia and cervical erosion, pelvioperitonitis, bacterial vaginosis and others;
  • in obstetrics – threat of miscarriage, gestosis, infection, premature aging of the placenta, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, prevention of weakness of labor;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis, muscle pain associated with sports;
  • peripheral diseases nervous system(neuritis, plexitis and others).


For some diseases, ozone therapy not only will not have the expected positive effects, but can also worsen the patient’s condition. So, the contraindications are:

  • organic pathology of the brain, convulsive syndrome;
  • tendency to bleeding (diseases of the blood coagulation system);
  • suffered a hemorrhagic stroke or internal bleeding of another location in the last six months;
  • acute alcohol intoxication;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • age under 18 years;
  • individual hypersensitivity to ozone.

Features of the procedure

Depending on the diseases of a particular patient, the doctor determines the method of introducing ozone, its concentration, the frequency of sessions, as well as their number per course of treatment. As a rule, they are carried out at intervals of 1-4 days in a course of 10-12 procedures.

Ozone therapy sessions are usually tolerated calmly by the patient. Depending on the method of ozone administration, the procedure can last from several minutes (for example, minor autohemotherapy) to half an hour to an hour (intravenous infusion of an ozone-containing solution). During the injection or infusion, the patient may feel slight pain and swelling at the injection site, which disappears soon after the procedure is completed.

There is no need to adhere to a special regime after an ozone therapy session - the patient is allowed to immediately exercise everyday affairs. But! After this procedure, it is highly not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium, visit a massage therapist, or steam in a sauna - these activities should be postponed for at least two days. In addition, you should not combine ozone treatment with laser and mesotherapy.

Side effects and complications

When ozone is administered subcutaneously at the injection site, pinpoint hemorrhages (popularly referred to as bruises) and slight swelling may occur, and the patient may experience mild pain that goes away after stopping the drug administration or within the first 24 hours.

With systemic administration of ozone, the following extremely rarely occur:

  • paraplegia (impaired motor activity in the limbs on one side of the body);
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • visual impairment;
  • low-grade depression;
  • pancytopenia (a sharp decrease in the content of formed elements in the blood - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets);
  • allergic reactions.

As a rule, these complications are caused by the introduction of too high a concentration of ozone and the doctor’s lack of full awareness of the patient’s health status (that is, the latter has diseases that he hid from the doctor).

Video on the topic “How is ozone therapy useful? Expert says:


Ozone treatment first became known at the beginning of the last century. Today, its healing properties are actively being introduced into medicine. Intravenous ozone therapy has great therapeutic potential. Perhaps very soon it will become a worthy replacement for all medicinal methods.

Ozone is considered one of the most powerful antiseptics. It is this property that allows ozone therapy to be considered more effective, for example, than antibiotic therapy. Ozone has a detrimental effect not only on all types of bacteria, but also on viruses, fungi and protozoa that are resistant to antibiotics and antiviral drugs (including herpes virus, hepatitis, chlamydia). For treatment, it can be administered in several ways: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly. In addition, there are ozone therapy techniques that involve administering gas rectally and intravaginally. Methods of local and general ozone therapy make it possible to treat and prevent various diseases, allow you to cleanse the skin and the entire body as a whole, strengthen the protective functions of the body, and also normalize metabolism.

The essence of intravenous ozone therapy.
The effectiveness of this treatment method is based on medicinal properties ozone. Getting into the body's cell, it forms biologically active groups of ozonides, which have an oxidative effect on the membrane of microorganisms, as a result of which the integrity of its membranes is lost. This ability determines the antiseptic effect of ozone. In this case, damage to the body cells themselves does not occur; on the contrary, they are energetically recharged.

Ozone therapy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, healing, immunomodulatory, and detoxification effects. Ozone therapy is expressed in the intravenous administration of ozonized saline solution. In addition to this solution, the patient’s autologous blood can be used for intravenous administration. Thanks to this therapy, oxygen transport is restored, oxygen is released, metabolism and hormonal levels are normalized. In addition, intravenous ozone therapy has the ability to dilate blood vessels, improve microcirculation, relieve intoxication, and also strengthen the immune system. In addition, this type of therapy copes with chronic fatigue syndrome, allergic reactions, the effects of stress, and solves sexual problems (increases sexual activity). Using the technique of introducing an ozone-oxygen mixture intravenously, it is also possible to restore protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolic processes. And finally, this treatment method has a beneficial effect on overall well-being, mood and performance.

This therapy is usually well tolerated by patients, including pregnant women. Moreover, this technique is easy to use. This method of therapy is highly clinically effective; in the complex treatment of patients, it can reduce treatment time by twenty percent when compared with traditional methods of treatment, and also makes it possible to reduce or eliminate medications.

This method of non-drug treatment is beginning to gain momentum in popularity. This is due to the properties of ozone to influence the transport and release of oxygen in tissues and its disinfecting effect. Thanks to this, ozone therapy has found its application in such areas as surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, therapy, immunology, neurology, endocrinology, dermatology, as well as in the treatment of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases.

Efficiency of the procedure.
After exposure to ozone, the body's protective properties are significantly increased and the immune system is strengthened. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of ozone, the procedure helps to quickly cleanse the body of inflammation. As a result of this introduction of ozone, metabolic processes are activated, membrane functions and their permeability are restored. In addition, the intravenous ozone therapy procedure increases the effectiveness of the antioxidant system, which eliminates the harmful effects of free radicals, improves skin regeneration and restores its ability to retain moisture.

This procedure helps to thin the blood, as a result of which its microcirculation through the vessels is accelerated, and, consequently, the delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary to the cells of all organs and tissues is improved. Due to this, the brain is quickly saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body: apathy disappears, performance and intellectual functions increase.

Ozone therapy is especially important in treating the liver of alcoholics and neutralizing the negative effects of ethanol. Everyone knows that people who drink often have impaired liver function. These disorders lead to the liver not being able to cleanse the blood, resulting in incomplete oxidation of alcohol when it enters the body. As a result, toxins begin to accumulate in the blood, which have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole: blood plasma is poisoned, the process of protein synthesis is disrupted, resulting in a significant loss of the ability of hepatocytes to recover. In turn, this is fraught with consequences in the form of severe changes in the liver, in particular the development of fatty degeneration and cirrhosis.

The procedure for intravenous ozone removes alcohol breakdown products from the body, significantly reducing the load on the diseased organ. Improving blood microcirculation gradually leads to the restoration of hepatocytes, preventing the risk of their degeneration into adipose tissue.

In addition, the procedure neutralizes negative impact free radicals, promoting overall rejuvenation of the body.

During intravenous ozone therapy, ordinary physiological solution is used, enriched with ozone using a special medical ozonator. The procedure looks like a regular intravenous infusion or drip. I note that this solution retains its qualities only for twenty minutes after saturation, so this procedure should be carried out only in a clinical setting where there is a special apparatus.

The amount of solution administered depends on the individual characteristics of the body and ranges from 200-400 ml. The duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes. Then the needle is removed and a pressure bandage is applied to the injection site. Usually the procedure is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

At the end of the procedure, according to the doctor’s recommendations, you should sit quietly for fifteen minutes. This procedure cannot be performed on an empty stomach or after a heavy lunch. It is better to do this after a light snack. It is not recommended to smoke for half an hour before and after ozone therapy. This procedure does not provide for any other restrictions, including driving and physical activity.

Ozone therapy in dermatology and cosmetology.
This method allows you to non-surgically rejuvenate the skin and give it tone. As a rule, many skin problems (premature wrinkles, decreased tone and sagging skin) occur against the background of hypoxia or oxygen starvation of tissues. Oxygen is the main component of the life of any cell. By promoting oxidative processes, it maintains all tissues and organs in working condition. Oxygen deficiency in tissues can be caused by nervous and physical overload, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, and simply age. With a lack of oxygen in the tissues, oxidative processes in the body slow down, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, wrinkles appear, and fat deposits appear. This procedure prevents the development of hypoxia, rejuvenating the body as a whole. This is very important, since ozone therapy does not give a temporary cosmetic effect, since there is a general cleansing and healing of the body, but a good result that will last for a long time.

Ozone therapy for the face.
The intensity of exposure of facial skin to ozone varies. The use of a high concentration of ozone disinfects, a medium concentration reduces pain and inflammation, and a low concentration heals and rejuvenates the skin. Ozone therapy for the face is carried out by introducing ozone injections under the skin in the area of ​​wrinkles and other signs of age. This increases blood supply, promotes renewal of subcutaneous tissue, as well as cell regeneration. This technique can eliminate age and expression wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes.

Treatment of acne and other purulent skin lesions with ozone therapy is an effective and safe method. After three or four treatment procedures, an amazing result is noticeable: the network of wrinkles is smoothed out, skin turgor increases, the skin becomes moisturized, and the complexion noticeably improves. At the same time, your mood and overall well-being significantly improves.

Ozone therapy of the body.
This procedure is also effective in solving problems such as cellulite, obesity and skin stretch marks (striae). The unloved “orange peel” by all of us appears in places where subcutaneous fat accumulates. Ozone injections help burn fat cells, improve microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous fat, stimulate the process of resorption of the membranes that surround fat cells and form cellulite nodules. Ozone injections are administered into problem areas (thighs, buttocks, abdomen). The duration of the course of cellulite treatment is from seven to ten procedures with a break of three to four days.

Treatment of obesity using ozone therapy is carried out by breaking down adipose tissue and actively removing it from the body, as well as by cleansing and healing the body. After the procedure, body functions are restored, as a result of which the body independently begins to get rid of unnecessary fat deposits.

To rejuvenate the body and combat fat deposits, after injection with ozone, a special massage is performed, with the help of which the ozone-oxygen mixture is evenly distributed.


  • The presence of congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases (favism).
  • Tendency to seizures.
  • The presence of blood diseases, including blood clotting disorders.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke.
  • The presence of various bleedings and the early period after them.
  • Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count, which is accompanied by problems stopping bleeding).
  • Acute alcohol intoxication.
  • Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function).
  • Allergy to ozone.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.

Intravenous ozone therapy may contribute to side effects. Among them:

  • an increase in liver enzymes (as a rule, after a course of procedures they are normalized);
  • increased frequency of urination, but this effect, for example, in the second and third half of pregnancy with edema, can be considered therapeutic;
  • the appearance of renal colic;
  • Women expecting the birth of a baby may experience a feeling of warmth in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature in the armpits and rectal temperature, but this is not dangerous for the mother and fetus.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you can use special dietary supplements (dietary supplements).


Ozone is a special gas consisting of oxygen atoms. Thanks to this structure, the substance is highly effective. In a diluted state, it is good for health, stabilizes all internal physiological processes, improves immunity, and improves the functioning of vital organs.

In medical and cosmetology practice, ozone is used in the ozone therapy procedure.

What is ozone therapy

It is an effective method of physical therapy used in different forms:

  • subcutaneous administration;
  • mixing with blood;
  • intravenous drips;
  • ozonated massage oil;
  • solutions;
  • rectal applications.

Clinics in many countries use this technique. Carbonation of the body and external tissues has a beneficial effect on the body, improves blood circulation, and activates immune processes.

Everyone knows the life-giving properties of the ozone-oxygen mixture, which is administered in the form of droppers. Ozone procedures in cosmetology help eliminate cellulite tubercles, stretch marks after sudden weight loss or pregnancy, and stop the aging of the body.

Using ozone they get rid of acne and acne, excess weight and baldness. Any procedure should be prescribed after consultation with a doctor or experienced cosmetologist.

The powerful substance ozone has an antiviral and antiseptic effect. It also kills bacterial pathogenic flora and dangerous viruses.

Effects of ozone therapy

The ozone molecule has free bonds, so it easily interacts with other cells, providing the following positive effects on the body:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • kills pathogenic fungi, viruses and bacterial accumulations;
  • improves tissue sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • activates all metabolic processes;
  • thins blood mass, improves oxygen saturation of cells;
  • enhances gas exchange in the lungs;
  • increases the amount of glucose consumed;
  • has an analgesic effect, relaxes the nervous system;
  • slows down oncological processes;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other excretory systems;
  • removes toxins and waste;
  • enhances the body's immune response.

According to recent studies, ozone therapy acts as a cytostatic, rejuvenating, healing agent.

Indications for an ozone therapy session

Carrying out such a procedure is useful and even necessary in many situations, but before starting the course you should undergo an examination and see if there are any contraindications:

Ozone is also used by cosmetologists to eliminate wrinkles on the face, rejuvenate the body, get rid of “orange peel”, it makes the dermis velvety and smooth, frees it from toxins, removes stagnant water and bags under the eyes.

The ozone mixture treats hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, muscle pain, and coronary heart disease. The gas is also used in ophthalmology, after injuries and necrosis of the optic nerve, corneal dissection, to prevent blindness.

Dentists use ozone therapy to eliminate stomatitis, acute pulpitis, and periodontal disease.

Types of ozone therapy

To get the most positive result, you need to choose the right type of procedure:

The procedure can be local or general. In the first case, specific local pathologies are eliminated, in the second, the effect is on the entire body as a whole.

Systemic ozone therapy intravenously

This is an intramuscular injection of gas, which is dissolved in the patient’s blood, that is, ozonation of the blood mass is carried out. This is necessary to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes inside the body.

Ozone can also be administered intravenously, mixed with saline. The tissues are eventually saturated with oxygen, remove toxins faster, all metabolic processes are activated, and fungi and bacteria die.

It is possible to drink special ozonated water. It stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract and digestive functions, and is widely used by dentists and therapists.

Local ozone therapy

This technique involves the external use of useful gas.

They cure:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • poorly healing burns and wounds;
  • stretch marks and cellulite deposits;
  • gangrene and erysipelas;
  • radiation exposure;
  • herpes and fungal infections.

The procedure eliminates pain, redness, promotes rapid healing and regeneration of healthy tissue.

Healthy ozonated oil has long been used by massage therapists for anti-cellulite massage. It is included in anti-aging complexes and creams, as well as in the treatment of eye diseases and gynecological pathologies.

Special ozonized water helps fight infectious processes on the skin, stimulates blood microcirculation in the epidermis and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks on the body, cleanses warts and other tumors.

Ozone can also be administered subcutaneously. This is important for local improvement of blood circulation, improvement of vascular function, and relieving nervous tension. Insulfation with an ozone mixture is used rectally to eliminate many proctological pathologies.

Method of intravenous ozone administration

The liquid for intravenous administration is made from saline solution and the human blood mass itself. It is enriched with healing gas by passing it through a special device - an ozonator. The resulting mixture must be administered immediately. It dissolves in the human body and begins its beneficial effect on the body, forming ozonides. These are special molecular formations.

The gas inside the body is subsequently eliminated natural ways. This procedure is performed to treat varicose veins of the extremities. Microdoses of a mixture with ozone are injected into the affected vein.

It expands quickly and then sticks together. This technique is rarely used, as there is a high risk of blood clots and other complications in the bloodstream.

Ozone therapy in medicine

A unique oxygen-containing gas is widely used throughout the world in medical practice. It triggers all metabolic processes, energy reactions, calms the nervous system, and helps normalize fat and lipid metabolism.

Ozone is an excellent remedy against viral and bacterial infections, an anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing supplement. It is used in gynecology, general therapy, dentistry, urology, surgery and many other areas.

Ozone for children

Ozone carbonation is very useful in childhood, especially for frequently ill and weakened children susceptible to nasopharyngeal diseases, allergic reactions and bronchopulmonary pathologies.

In Russia, young patients are extremely rarely prescribed oznotherapy, but in vain. It is believed that active gas in the blood can be harmful, but massage with it and rinsing are good for health. They are used to treat cerebral palsy and neurological disorders, inflammation in the nasal canals and throat.

Ozone therapy for hair

Some beauty salons offer the service of introducing ozone under the scalp. This is useful for active hair loss and skin diseases. Sessions strengthen root system, improve tissue nutrition, restore the previous volume of curls and make it even larger.

After ozone injections, hair becomes thick, flexible, manageable and shiny. It is also an excellent preventative against graying and excessive dryness of strands.

One more thing effective method treatment and hair restoration, read the article - face and hair

Ozone therapy for weight loss

Since ozone activates metabolism, it promotes the rapid burning of lipid deposits and excess calories.

The ozone technique not only eliminates obesity, but is also useful for reducing cellulite, tightening the skin, it destroys toxins that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight, improves digestion and enriches cells with oxygen, resulting in their natural functioning returning.

Ozone therapy for facial rejuvenation

Experienced cosmetologists know that ozone procedures are very beneficial for the dermis. They not only remove dryness and excess oiliness of the skin, but also stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse pores, smooth out wrinkles, and tone the epidermis, making it firm and elastic.

Under the influence of ozone gas, the active production of elastin and collagen begins. Peeling, porosity, pimples and blackheads are eliminated, facial contours, scars, age-related and solar hyperpigmentation are tightened.

Ozone therapy in gynecology

Ozone injections, suppositories and infusions are used not only while expecting a baby. They are used if an acute infection, herpes, or sexually transmitted diseases has developed.

Ozone actively fights papillomas on the cervix, cauterization of erosive tissues is carried out with ozone. Pregnant women are prescribed ozone for fetal hypoxia, acute toxicosis, and mycotic lesions of the vagina.

Ozone injections for joint treatment

Ozone-oxygen injections are used by doctors to treat diseased joints and bones. They help with sprains and for better healing of fractures and injuries.

Gas treatment stabilizes the condition of the musculoskeletal system, promotes tissue regeneration in osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and gout. It cleanses of toxins, excess salt, and has a powerful anti-edematous and analgesic effect.

Contraindications to ozone therapy sessions

Sessions with ozone gas have their contraindications, so before starting treatment you should consult a medical specialist:

  • allergy to gases;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • low pressure;
  • stroke;
  • acute intoxication;
  • tendency to blood clots;
  • internal and external bleeding.

In such situations, ozone therapy sessions are not indicated and can only cause harm to health.

Side effects

Among the side effects from exposure to ozone, doctors identify bruising at the injection site and a depressive state. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

How much does the procedure cost?

In medical centers, the price per session can be several times higher than in public clinics. It can range from 5,000 rubles per session to infinity.
The main thing is to choose a place where sterility rules are observed and experienced specialists in the field of ozone therapy work. Rejuvenation sessions with ozone cost up to several thousand rubles in an average beauty salon.

Ozone is a gas whose molecule consists of three oxygen atoms and has one free bond. It is this that ensures the high activity of this substance. In its pure form, ozone is not only not useful for the body, but also toxic - it is a toxin for the respiratory system - it irritates the mucous membranes and destroys surfactant. However, when introduced into the body in a diluted form, this gas activates a number of physiological processes, improving the functioning of many organs and systems. Our article will discuss exactly what effects ozone has on the human body, what routes of introducing this substance into the body are used today, as well as the indications, contraindications and complications of ozone therapy.

Effects of ozone therapy

Thanks to the free bond that the ozone molecule has, this substance in the human body easily enters into chemical reactions, which are responsible for its positive effects:

  • activates metabolism (entering the body, ozone reduces blood viscosity, improving its rheological properties, increases tissue consumption of glucose, increases oxygen content in the blood and subsequent gas exchange in tissues);
  • has a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and pathogenic fungi (damages the membranes of microorganisms, increases their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs);
  • slows down the growth of tumors;
  • anesthetizes (helps reduce the transmission of pain signals to the central nervous system);
  • inhibits the inflammatory process (destroys inflammatory mediator substances, improves oxygen consumption by affected tissues and restores metabolic processes in them);
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body (improves the functions of the kidneys and liver, which subsequently better remove toxic substances);
  • improves immune function (stimulates the formation of substances that provide an immune response).

Ways of introducing ozone

Depending on the method of administration, ozone therapy is divided into local and systemic.

Local ozone therapy

  • External use of ozone is gassing in a plastic bag. It is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds, radiation injuries, fungal and herpetic infections, bedsores and gangrene. Has a disinfectant effect and accelerates wound healing processes.
  • Ozonated oil. As a rule, it is widely used by massage therapists to combat cellulite (destroys the shell of fat capsules), as well as as part of anti-aging creams and face masks. In addition, it is used to treat gynecological and ophthalmological pathologies.
  • Balneotherapy with ozonized water. It is carried out to fight infection, accelerate wound healing processes, and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Subcutaneous ozone injections. They improve local blood circulation and have an antibacterial effect. Among the general effects, it should be noted an improvement in mood, well-being and neuropsychic status. When introduced into acupuncture points, they have an analgesic effect and increase the ability of tissues to regenerate.
  • Rectal insufflation of an oxygen-ozone mixture.

Systemic ozone therapy

  • Intramuscular injections of ozone dissolved in the patient’s blood (or minor ozone autohemotherapy). Has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • , dissolved in saline or the patient’s blood (major ozone autohemotherapy). As a result, tissues receive more oxygen, metabolic processes and the processes of removing toxins from the body are activated in them, and immunity is improved, pathogenic microorganisms die.
  • Drinking ozonated water. Improves the functions of the digestive tract and is also widely used in dentistry.

Indications for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy as one of the methods of complex treatment is effective for many diseases. Indications for its implementation are:

  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, ulcers and injuries of the cornea, optic nerve atrophy, eyelid hernias and others);
  • skin diseases (dermatosis, furunculosis, acne, exanthema and enanthema, trophic ulcers, skin mycoses, atopic dermatitis);
  • cosmetic problems (stretch marks on the skin, cellulite, spider veins or telangiectasias, expression wrinkles);
  • infections of any location and nature;
  • heart and vascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias and others);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, duodenitis;
  • intestinal diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, UC (ulcerative colitis), sigmoiditis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, conditions after intestinal surgery, dysbacteriosis);
  • viral and alcoholic hepatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis);
  • in men – prostatitis;
  • – endometritis, leukoplakia and cervical erosion, pelvioperitonitis, bacterial vaginosis and others;
  • in obstetrics – threat of miscarriage, gestosis, infection, premature aging of the placenta, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, prevention of weakness of labor;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis, muscle pain associated with sports;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, plexitis and others).


For some diseases, ozone therapy not only will not have the expected positive effects, but can also worsen the patient’s condition. So, the contraindications are:

  • organic pathology of the brain, convulsive syndrome;
  • tendency to bleeding (diseases of the blood coagulation system);
  • suffered a hemorrhagic stroke or internal bleeding of another location in the last six months;
  • acute alcohol intoxication;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • age under 18 years;
  • individual hypersensitivity to ozone.

Features of the procedure

Depending on the diseases of a particular patient, the doctor determines the method of introducing ozone, its concentration, the frequency of sessions, as well as their number per course of treatment. As a rule, they are carried out at intervals of 1-4 days in a course of 10-12 procedures.

Ozone therapy sessions are usually tolerated calmly by the patient. Depending on the method of ozone administration, the procedure can last from several minutes (for example, minor autohemotherapy) to half an hour to an hour (intravenous infusion of an ozone-containing solution). During the injection or infusion, the patient may feel slight pain and swelling at the injection site, which disappears soon after the procedure is completed.

There is no need to adhere to a special regime after an ozone therapy session - the patient is allowed to immediately engage in daily activities. But! After this procedure, it is highly not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium, visit a massage therapist, or steam in a sauna - these activities should be postponed for at least two days. In addition, you should not combine ozone treatment with laser and mesotherapy.

Side effects and complications

When ozone is administered subcutaneously at the injection site, pinpoint hemorrhages (popularly referred to as bruises) and slight swelling may occur, and the patient may experience mild pain that goes away after stopping the drug administration or within the first 24 hours.

With systemic administration of ozone, the following extremely rarely occur:

  • paraplegia (impaired motor activity in the limbs on one side of the body);
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • visual impairment;
  • low-grade depression;
  • pancytopenia (a sharp decrease in the content of formed elements in the blood - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets);
  • allergic reactions.

As a rule, these complications are caused by the introduction of too high a concentration of ozone and the doctor’s lack of full awareness of the patient’s health status (that is, the latter has diseases that he hid from the doctor).

Video on the topic “How is ozone therapy useful? Expert says:

New techniques are regularly introduced into medical practice and are successfully used in the treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. One of the effective and affordable procedures is ozone therapy, which can improve treatment results by 30%.

Ozone therapy is one of the types of physiotherapy in alternative medicine, which involves the use of ozone gas (O 3) produced special equipment- ozonator.

Ozone therapy: what kind of procedure?

The treatment method consists of intramuscular, intraarticular or intravenous injection of blood or saline solution saturated with ozone into the painful area. Patients who do not want to undergo injections can try external treatments using ozone-based creams, ointments or gels. The use of ozone therapy in domestic medicine began relatively recently. But since the results of the procedures are predominantly positive, equipment for health procedures is now available in many physiotherapy rooms.

How is ozone therapy performed?

Ozone for therapeutic injections is produced special devices. The optimal volume of O3 is calculated individually for each patient, depending on the size of the affected joint.

After the substance enters the blood, specific molecules are formed - ozonides, which improve the body’s protective properties, enhance blood circulation and metabolic processes. Also, as a result of health procedures, general tone increases. Thanks to ozone, the elasticity of red blood cells increases and their premature deformation is prevented. This allows for unimpeded delivery of oxygen even to the most inaccessible areas. The highest effect after ozone therapy is achieved in the early stages of the disease.

Intravenous ozone therapy

A physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at enriching internal organs with ozone is divided into the following types:

  • Injection– this form of introducing ozone into the body is considered the most effective today. Ozone therapy has a high antibacterial effect and is prescribed intramuscularly mainly to neutralize inflammatory processes. Ozone is administered intravenously along with saline using a dropper. Ozone can also be mixed directly with the patient’s blood, which is collected by a medical professional immediately before the procedure. Venous blood is withdrawn using a syringe, saturated with oxygen, and then reintroduced into the human body intramuscularly.
  • Rectal insufflations are used primarily in the complex treatment of urological problems and gastrointestinal diseases. Ozonated water is a prophylactic agent that enhances the body's protective functions. This is an indispensable procedure during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

For the best results, injections can be combined with taking ozonated water and external procedures. But you should not get too carried away with ozone therapy, especially without medical prescription. Everything should be in moderation. Why ozone therapy is needed and why it should not be considered a panacea for arthritis should be explained to the patient by every attending physician.

Indications for use

  • Spinal diseases and musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteomyelitis, bursitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • Neuralgia, cerebrovascular accident.
  • Decreased performance, migraines, chronic fatigue.
  • Disease conditions caused by immunodeficiency.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Alcohol intoxication.

What are the benefits of ozone therapy?

Despite all its benefits, ozone therapy will not replace traditional treatment. Physiotherapy is recommended to be combined with medications, massage, and magnetotherapy. With proper integrated approach You can quickly achieve progressive results.

It is worth remembering that ozone therapy in most cases does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only alleviates the patient’s condition, preventing serious consequences. The main advantages of therapy using ozone are that the treatment takes a minimum of time and does not require special training or rehabilitation.

Efficiency ozone therapy:

  • Pain syndrome is relieved - this occurs due to the fact that ozone oxidizes the biologically active substance responsible for nerve impulses.
  • Bactericidal protection – gas has a destructive effect on harmful bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Detoxification – harmful toxic substances are quickly removed from the body.
  • Blood circulation is normalized - when ozone enters the blood, it liquefies and breaks down blood clots. Accelerated blood circulation helps improve cell nutrition in the damaged area and accelerates regeneration processes.
  • The destruction of integumentary cartilage and joint tissues is slowed down.
  • Swelling and stiffness in movements are eliminated - due to an increase in the volume of synovial fluid, the patient’s functional capabilities improve.

First positive result The procedure is observed after several sessions. With osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, patients note the disappearance of an unpleasant crunch during movements, strengthening of tendons, and improved elasticity of ligaments. The patient becomes more active and experiences significantly less discomfort. One course of treatment provides remission for 6-12 months. If the patient's condition begins to decrease, the specialist will prescribe repeated therapy.

You can personally answer the question whether ozone therapy is useful after completing the entire course, which consists of an average of 10-12 procedures. Single sessions are absolutely meaningless for health. In order not to burden the body, there should be a break of up to five days between procedures. Your doctor will be able to determine the frequency that suits you best.

Side effects

In order for ozone therapy to bring only health benefits, you should tell your doctor in detail about your condition, the presence of allergic reactions, and provide an outpatient card to study your medical history. After ozone therapy, you should not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium, or visit the bathhouse or sauna.

All of the above procedures should be planned two or three after the session.

Also, the doctor must warn patients that ozone therapy and alcohol are absolutely incompatible. You can drink alcohol only after the last healing session.

According to medical statistics, when ozone therapy is performed in a hospital setting, the risk of side effects is minimized. A possible complication is severe intoxication of the body, which can occur with high ozone concentrations. Subcutaneous needling causes only minor discomfort and usually leaves no traces. Bruises and swelling at the injection site occur due to unskilled intervention.

If during the session the specialist notices a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, the procedure is stopped immediately. To continue treatment, the patient may be advised to undergo testing for individual ozone intolerance to exclude allergic reactions.

Intravenous ozone therapy: indications and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of ozone therapy, in some cases the procedure should be abandoned and other alternative treatment methods should be considered. The use of physiotherapeutic procedures using nitrogen is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Problems with the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys.
  2. Individual intolerance to ozone.
  3. Serious diseases of the nervous system, predisposition to seizures.
  4. Alcohol syndrome.
  5. Tendency to bleed.
  6. Transferred within the last 6 months. myocardial infarction.

Temporary contraindications for ozone therapy are: minor age, pregnancy and lactation, menstruation, the presence of open wounds in the affected area. Also, health sessions are not available for children.

External ozone therapy

If injection ozone therapy is not suitable for you for some reason, you can use external procedures. They are less painful and not dangerous in terms of side effects. But the result that external therapy gives is not as effective as the internal administration of ozone.

Types of external ozone therapy

  • Carbonation using a special container - the affected area of ​​the body is covered with a small bag and left for a certain time. This procedure has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The result is short-term, therefore, in case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, carbonation is used only for the purpose of emergency pain relief, mainly in the arms or legs.
  • The use of ozonized preparations - oils, gels and ointments - have an amazing restorative effect, helping to regenerate even in the deepest layers of the skin.
  • Balneotherapy is the use of ozone-rich baths, which has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Benefits and harms

Like all medicinal products, ointments and creams containing ozone should not be used without a doctor's prescription. Apply the product to the damaged area according to the instructions. Often patients use such remedies inappropriately, at the slightest pain. As a result, the drug stops working and even worse leads to the development of inflammatory and allergic reactions. Medicines containing ozone should only be purchased in pharmacies.

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