Products and dishes containing fats. What foods contain animal fats? The body's daily requirement for fats

A balanced diet requires the consumption of healthy unsaturated fats. Particularly important among them are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which the body needs for normal functioning, mental and physical activity. The elements remain fluid at any temperature, so they are not deposited as cholesterol and do not cause obesity or serious diseases. A person's diet should include foods rich in fats of natural origin - subject to the daily norm and the correct nutritional balance. Excessive consumption of saturated processed fat is dangerous to your health. It is recommended to replace or exclude such dishes from the diet.


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    Healthy and unhealthy fats

    Fatty acids contained in food are divided into:

    • saturated (animals);
    • vegetable (unsaturated);
    • trans fats (processed).

    To maintain health, the body requires unsaturated, so-called healthy fats. Their sources are unrefined, whole plant products in their original form. They have a molecular structure suitable for humans and move freely through arteries, maintaining elasticity and fluidity.

    Beneficial properties of unsaturated fats:

    • reduce cholesterol levels;
    • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
    • have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs;
    • ensure physical and emotional health;
    • increase mental and physical activity.

    Saturated organic acids have a simple structure. They form compounds that can settle in the human body in the form of fat, contaminate blood vessels with cholesterol, and lead to excess weight and obesity. Harmful or trans fats are artificial and processed. The products list them as “partially hydrogenated oils.” According to research by the American Heart Association, excessive consumption of foods rich in these elements increases the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

    It is wrong to completely give up fats. Food containing trans fats (industrial baked goods, sweets, fast food) should be replaced with healthy food, limit consumption of foods of animal origin (high-fat dairy products, red meat). It is imperative to include in your diet foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 - fish, walnuts, flaxseed oil.

    Daily value as a percentage of total calories:

    Properties of saturated fatty acids

    Saturated fats contain heavy fatty acids. They have a higher melting point than unsaturated ones. This allows them to be used in cooking as substitutes for cocoa butter and margarines, despite the danger they pose to human health.

    A high proportion of saturated fat is found in:

    • palm and coconut oils;
    • red meat (pork, beef);
    • dairy products.

    Their excessive consumption is also associated with cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and obesity. For men, it is recommended no more than 30 g of daily fat intake, for women - no more than 20 g.

    The table shows a list of foods high in saturated and trans fats:

    Features of trans fats

    This is a type of unsaturated organic substances of plant and animal origin, subjected to heat and chemical treatment by hydrogenation (industrial hardening). Thanks to this, the products have a long shelf life, which is beneficial for manufacturers.

    A small amount of saturated organic elements is present in natural dairy products and meat. A significant dose is found in vegetable oils that have been subjected to high temperatures, such as refined and deodorized ones. Representatives of hydrogenated elements are margarines and spreads, as well as products containing them.

    The table provides a description of products with trans fats:

    Types of unsaturated fatty acids

    Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) provide particular benefits to the body if they are not cooked.

    The most popular MUFA is omega-9 oleic acid, which large quantities contained in olive oil. This group also includes palmitic and other acids. Proper consumption of MUFAs prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack and improves vascular tone. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are a class of essential elements that give dry foods containing oils their characteristic properties. Among them are omega-3 and omega-6, which are essential for health.

    The table lists the types of foods containing unsaturated fatty acids:

    Ways to improve your diet

    In many countries, trans fats are banned or have serious restrictions. According to WHO recommendations, their diet should not exceed 1%. In 2009 World organization health care has reconsidered this point of view. Currently, it is advised to completely avoid consuming products containing these components.

    Trans fats remain in the body for a long time and are excreted extremely slowly or almost not at all. If a person does not review his diet and abuses them, this will have a detrimental effect on his health: the risk of heart attacks, strokes, heart and vascular diseases, and excess weight will increase.

    By paying attention to the choice of products for cooking, you can reduce the content of harmful and heavy foods in your diet. Recommended Productsreplace unhealthy fats listed in the table:

    Norm of healthy fats

    A balanced diet must include foods with unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 are especially important, with a normal ratio of 1/4. Polyunsaturated components tend to oxidize quickly, the degree of their usefulness depends on freshness and speed of consumption. It is recommended to give preference to raw and lightly salted varieties. Frying or cooking should be minimal.

    Omega-9 is independently reproduced by the body. In case of acute deficiency, you can eat a handful of any nuts per day.

    The table shows daily norm Omega-3 and Omega-6:

    Unsaturated acids in foods

    Your daily food intake should contain 25-35% healthy unsaturated fats. They are sources vital energy, physical and mental activity, proper heart function. These elements are especially important for a lifestyle with increased physical activity and in nutrition programs for weight loss.

    Polyunsaturated acids are not produced by the body and come only from food, so a proper balanced diet, including natural fats, is the key to health and longevity.

    List of foods rich in healthy fats, is presented in the table:

    Product Fat content (g per 100 g) Number of calories, kcal Compound Benefit for health Mode of application
    Olive oil99 898 Vitamin E, antioxidantsLowers blood pressure, prevents heart disease, reduces risk diabetes mellitus 2nd typeSalads, steamed vegetables, sauces
    Avocado23 160 Potassium, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K, B vitamins, lutein, fiberSource of potassium and fiber, prevention of cardiovascular diseasesSalads, smoothies, sandwiches, butter replacement
    Walnuts45 654 Plant protein, vitamin E, magnesium, omega-3Resists free radicals, reduces the risk of heart diseaseHealthy snack, addition to yoghurts, cereals, salads
    Almond57 575 Antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B9, vitamin PP, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesiumSource of vitamins, body rejuvenation, kidney cleansing, choleretic effect, strengthening bone tissue
    Fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring)Up to 25150-250 Proteins, omega-3Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, depression, dementia, agingBaked, boiled, steamed
    Chicken eggs11,5 157 High-quality protein, carotene, choline, vitamins D, E, K, carotenoids, tocopherols, riboflavin, folic acid, omega-3Nourishes brain cells and vision, strengthens muscle and bone tissue, improves skin conditionBoiled, steam omelet
    Dark chocolate35 560 Vitamins A, B and E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids (plant antioxidants)Normalizes blood pressure, protects the skin from UV rays, improves overall well-being, stimulates brain activityHealthy snack
    Chia seeds31 512 Omega-3, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, antioxidantsRegulation of blood sugar levels, strengthening tooth enamel, reducing appetite and hunger, normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tractAs a food additive in finished form, seeds for germination

    At high temperatures unsaturated fatty acids are lost beneficial features and become harmful, negatively affecting the kidneys, liver, digestion, and metabolism. To preserve nutrients, vitamins and minerals, foods should be steamed, boiled or baked.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Obesity is a real plague of the 21st century. Every person who is overweight is at risk of acquiring a number of chronic and health-threatening diseases. The first step towards slim figure is proper diet. To determine the diet of permitted foods, let’s consider which foods contain fats.

Types of triglycerides

The group of substances called “fats” is extremely heterogeneous in its composition. It is worth highlighting three important categories:

  1. Consisting only of saturated fatty acids. Most of them are found in animal meat. The body absorbs them extremely slowly and with great difficulty. The excess of this substance in the human body is clearly indicated by deposits on the stomach. If you do not change your diet and lifestyle, the appearance of dangerous diseases will not take long.
  2. Vegetable and fish oils. On the contrary, they are very useful when consumed in moderation. They are included in the mandatory menu for those suffering from excess cholesterol.
  3. If the previous type of fat is subjected to trans-configuration, the result will be extremely dangerous to health I. It can be found in abundance in fast food restaurant products, mayonnaise, ketchup and sweets.

Unfortunately, the composition on the label almost never indicates the type of triglycerides it contains.

What contain enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

Particularly popular in dietetics are products that accelerate the process of fat processing. They seem to burn substances that the body does not need, leaving only those that are truly necessary for health.

These miracle products primarily include:

In this video, nutritionist Evgeny Matveev will talk about the rating of products that can burn fat in your body:

What does fish oil contain?

Fish oil is found mainly in the body of salty fish sea ​​waters(mainly mackerel and herring).

The composition of this substance is a real treasure trove substances beneficial to human health:

  • Omega-3- valued in medicine for its remarkable ability to increase the volume of blood vessels. That is why its use is indicated for people suffering from thrombosis. Another positive effect is strengthening the body’s regeneration processes and improving the condition of the integumentary systems. Blood pressure returns to normal. In addition, the effects of stress are reduced;
  • Retinol- plays a significant role in strengthening the defense system of a weakened body. Accelerates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. Also indispensable for people with visual acuity impairments;
  • VitaminD- is crucial in the absorption of some useful microelements. Useful for strengthening the skeleton;
  • Antioxidants- serve as reliable protection for internal organs from the strong attack of free radicals. Increases the stability and lifespan of cells, thereby stopping aging.

What foods contain fats: list of foods

Some amount of triglycerides can be found in many foods. Depending on the proportion of their content, several groups can be distinguished:

  1. The largest amount (4/5 of the mass) of these substances is contained in various types oils used for food: vegetable, butter, etc.
  2. There are also a lot of them in margarine, salted-smoked lard, confectionery pastes made from cream and sugar (a common component of cakes);
  3. About 2/5 of the fats consist of thick sour cream, halva, various types of sausages, smoked canned fish in oil, goose and duck meat, milk cream;
  4. From 1/10 to 1/5 fat is found in broiler chickens, sausages, sea ​​fish, processed cheese, eggs and cattle meat;
  5. In small quantities (less than 1/10) triglycerides can be found in chicken meat second grade, cheap ice cream, kefir and some fish (pink salmon, horse mackerel, etc.);
  6. Bread, beans, as well as fish - pike and hake, contain extremely little fat.

The benefits of fat for the body

According to the medical community, the proportion of fat consumed by an adult every day should not be more than a third. In this case, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated triglycerides should be 1:2, respectively. If a person has chronic diseases, the diet must be regulated with the participation of a doctor.

However, there are a number of cases when complete Avoiding fat consumption can be extremely harmful to health:

  • Physical labor and persistent sports activities;
  • Prolonged exposure to low air temperatures. In winter, an increased amount of energy is spent on maintaining the body in good shape. In addition, fat deposited in tissues serves as an additional barrier against freezing;
  • The period of bearing a child. The processes that occur at this time in the body of the expectant mother require the intake of Omega-3 acid in increased quantities;
  • Men suffering from impotence;
  • Energy deficiency in the body.

Harm of fats to the body

Any substance is salvation, any substance is poison. It all depends on volume of consumption. We list the cases when it is worth limiting the consumption of foods rich in fats:

  • Overweight;
  • For a healthy person in the hot season;
  • Employment in mental rather than physical work;
  • Heart problems;
  • Liver diseases;
  • People of retirement age;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

However, even those who find themselves on this list should under no circumstances give up fatty foods completely.

In a number of countries, stores and manufacturers are required to indicate which products contain large amounts of fat. First of all, sweets, smoked foods, lard and other stars of gastronomy come under attack.

But we should not forget that Avoiding fatty foods completely may be even more harmful than unbridled eating of it.

Video about the dangers of fatty foods

In this video, nutritionist Anton Denisov will tell you all about the dangers of fatty foods, which foods are high in Omega-3 fatty acids:

Uncontrolled consumption of foods high in fat leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and weight gain. But absolute rejection of them does not benefit a person. A “low-fat” diet is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, insufficient brain activity, and changes in the menstrual cycle in women.

To lose weight without harming yourself, you need to know which foods contain the most fat. Avoiding them will help you lose weight and avoid health problems.

At the end of the article we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

Harmful fats or trans fats are dangerous for the human body. They contribute to rapid weight gain, the appearance of insulin resistance, a decrease in the secretion of male and female sex hormones, and the development of a number of diseases of internal organs. Nutritionists recommend avoiding foods rich in trans fats altogether and replacing them with foods high in healthy fats.

Margarine is the main source of trans fats. In domestically produced products their content reaches 40-43%. In America and some European countries, standards have long been established according to which the amount of trans fats in margarine should not exceed 2%.

Russia and the CIS countries did not follow the example of their foreign colleagues. Margarine manufacturers do not even indicate the amount of harmful fats on the packaging, and sometimes the product is called “light butter,” which misleads customers.

Advertising for sweets often emphasizes the fact that cakes, cookies and other “goodies” bring joy to a person. Doctors recommend eating chocolate or chocolate candies to normalize brain function and accelerate the biosynthesis of happiness hormones (dopamine, serotonin and endorphin). Meanwhile, no one mentions that almost all confectionery products contain margarine. It is added to sweets as a substitute natural oil to save on production.

Dieters love to snack on nuts to curb their appetite. But doing this is strictly prohibited. Walnuts and Brazil nuts contain over 60% of harmful vegetable fats. However, they also contain amino acids, protein, micro- and macroelements and vitamins. These substances have positive influence on the human body and prevent many gastrointestinal diseases.

In order not to harm your health, experts recommend eating no more than 80 grams of nuts per day. It is advisable to eat them raw and pre-soaked in warm water.

Mayonnaise is a popular fat-containing sauce. It is used to prepare various delicious dishes, and some simply spread it on bread. But almost no one looks at the composition of the product.

Mayonnaise contains 65% trans fats. There is no such quantity in any known sauce. However, manufacturers of this product also offer low-calorie options. Meanwhile, they are also dangerous to health, because in addition to fat they contain nutritional supplements, carcinogens, flavorings and other harmful substances.

Foods with lots of healthy fats

Unrefined fats, unlike trans fats, bring enormous benefits to humans. They enter the body unchanged and contribute to the rapid absorption of microelements and other substances that relieve inflammation, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

They are also present in squid, shrimp and crayfish.

However, not all seafood is equally beneficial for humans. For example, fish raised in artificial conditions, contains methyl mercury and toxic substances that cause cancer, infertility and impotence. Therefore, it is best to eat mackerel, mackerel or herring. They are caught in the open sea and delivered to store shelves fresh frozen.

The product is the basis of the Mediterranean diet. It contains a lot of healthy fats, but all of them do not increase body weight, but rather promote weight loss.

Olive oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, is easily absorbed by the body, improves intestinal motility, and also prevents the occurrence of stomach and liver diseases. Regular consumption of the product also helps stop the development of heart pathologies and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

It is generally accepted that coconut oil is used primarily in the production of cosmetics for body and hair care. But in fact, it is often used in cooking. Coconut oil is added to baked goods, salads and sauces.

Except good taste and aroma, the product is known for containing large amounts of healthy fats. They accelerate the cleansing of toxins from the body and activate metabolism, thanks to which you can lose 1300-1900 g of excess body weight in just a month.


The daily intake of fat is 1 g per kilogram of weight. For express weight loss, their number is halved.

Studies on volunteers have proven that people who eat a handful of almonds daily do not experience a strong craving for fast food and processed foods. This product contains a lot of unrefined fat (about 48%) and helps reduce appetite.

Why does my body hurt after exercise?

If you eat at least 50 grams of almonds per day, you can significantly improve your health, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize metabolism. And to get the maximum benefit from them, you need to choose unshelled raw nuts. They are a storehouse of antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer.

Everyone knows how harmful animal fats are in large quantities. At the same time, it is impossible to completely exclude them from the diet, since the human, and especially the female body, needs them in moderation. This article will tell you which foods contain animal fats in large or normal quantities in order to eat competently and balanced.

The effect of animal fat on the human body

Fats cannot be excluded from the diet, no matter how harmful they are claimed ordinary people or specialists. Of course, excessive consumption of fatty foods will lead to problems of excess weight, deterioration of the cardiovascular system and a decrease in life expectancy. But if the body does not have enough fat, then the person may even die. Vegetable fat is useful, but cannot fully replace animal fat for a number of reasons:

  1. The membrane of all cells of living organisms consists of 30% animal fat.
  2. It is animal fat that is necessary for the production of hormones.
  3. Vitamins such as Retinol (vitamin A), Calciferol (vitamin D), Tocopherol (vitamin E) and Phylloquinone (vitamin K) are supplied and absorbed in the body thanks to animal fats.

Vegetable fat is also useful; it can create a protective layer of internal organs along with animal fat and replenish the lack of fat as such. In order to understand when and in what quantity to consume vegetable or animal fats, it is enough to know the individual daily fat intake and the nuances of fat consumption.

In what quantity and form should you consume fat?

Daily fat intake

The norm for each person is calculated individually. As a rule, you need to eat about 1.1 grams of fat per 1 kg of weight per day. If you want to lose weight, the norm decreases accordingly; if you suffer from underweight, then the norm needs to be slightly increased. Remember, a complete abstinence from fats or, conversely, constant consumption of fatty foods will not help achieve ideal weight, but will only worsen your health.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats are a real enemy of health. They contribute to increased cholesterol, the formation of cholesterol plaques and the deposition of excess subcutaneous fat. There is no need to exclude them completely from the diet; it is enough to limit the consumption of foods with saturated fats, because they are necessary for the absorption of vitamins and energy reserves.

Unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats are good for joints and nervous system, they are mainly found in plants, but are also found among animal fats, namely in seafood and fish.

Trans fats

The most harmful fats are trans fats, which are abundant in various mayonnaise sauces, margarine and ketchup. Therefore, before you refuse animal fats, citing their harm, pay attention to how often you eat foods with mayonnaise, margarine and ketchup; perhaps you should exclude them.

As for fats of animal origin, it is enough to know which foods contain animal fats and in what quantities in order to properly plan your diet, combining or alternating the use of plant and animal healthy fats, without depriving the body of important elements.

Animal fats: found in common foods such as lard, butter, meat, sausage, dairy products, eggs, fish

Foods high in animal fat

Eating the following foods will not only make up for the lack of fat, but also entails problems with excess weight and health, so you should refuse or limit their consumption as much as possible.


Lard is a source of saturated animal fat, the level of which hovers around 90%. Lard is contraindicated when overweight, all nutritionists say that it is harmful. But if you don’t have problems with excess weight, then a source of selenium and arachidonic acid in the form of lard will not hurt you.


Butter is another source of saturated animal fat, with a fat content of about 75 - 82%. It is best to use the oil in its pure form, adding it to porridge or spreading it on a sandwich, this way you will not harm your health and will receive a source of vitamin D and beta-carotene. Under no circumstances should you fry on butter, so it turns into those same trans fats that are harmful to the body.


Pork is a source of polyunsaturated acids, 100 grams of pork meat contains about 25 grams of fat, this is not so much, but it is better to give preference to dietary meat, because in addition to meat, pork contains lard, which few people can refuse to eat along with meat.


Various sausages and sausages cannot be unambiguously called products with a high content of animal fat, for the reason that on store shelves you can rarely find sausages made from meat rather than soy. All smoked sausages are sources of unhealthy fats, but nothing definite can be said about milk or doctor’s sausage. Before purchasing sausage, ham, pate and other similar products, we advise you to carefully read the label, which indicates the fat content. But it is best to exclude it from the diet, giving preference to dietary meat or at least pork.

Products with normal animal fat content

In order to get all the necessary animal fats without harm to health, you should give preference to the following products:

  1. Milk - 1 liter of natural cow's milk contains about 30 grams of animal fat. It is better to give preference to milk with a fat content of 2.5% per 100 grams, while 3.2% is no longer recommended for people prone to obesity.
  2. Veal, chicken, and rabbit are sources of dietary polyunsaturated acids. 100 grams of such meat contains from 18 to 20 grams of fat.
  3. Cheeses are sources of animal fat, but despite their high fat content, they are very healthy when consumed in moderation.
  4. Fish is a source of unsaturated animal fats. 100 grams of any fish contains from 15 to 20 grams of fat.
  5. Eggs - it is the yolk that is the source of saturated animal fat. The yolk of 1 egg contains up to 18 grams of fat, while the white is a corresponding source of protein, which makes eating eggs quite acceptable.
  6. Cottage cheese is a nutritious and healthy source of animal fats, but again, preference should be given to cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% per 100 grams. 18% cottage cheese is acceptable for consumption if you are not overweight.

Thus, there is no need to give up fatty foods; it is enough to consume your daily allowance, replenishing the lack of animal fat with lean meat and low-fat dairy products.

When we talk about fats, most of us associate this word with excess weight and other related diseases. However, completely avoiding them in the diet is dangerous. Because fat is a component of any cell. It helps absorb vitamins and synthesize hormones, protects our internal organs. How to find a compromise?

The fact is that fats are conventionally divided into harmful and healthy, or, in other words, saturated and unsaturated. It is the latter that improve metabolism, significantly lower cholesterol levels, and regulate blood sugar levels. Our task is to know products containing healthy fats and try to replace unhealthy fats with them as much as possible.

Foods containing healthy fats (unsaturated)

Sea fish

Fatty fish varieties contain the same polyunsaturated acids: omega-3 and 6. Their varieties EPA and DHA are found in tuna, salmon, and salmon. These acids serve to prevent cancer, reduce the formation of blood clots, and make blood vessels elastic. It is advisable to eat fish dishes at least twice a week.

To save as much as possible useful acids, it is recommended to steam or bake the fish. As a preventive measure, also use fish oil - the product tastes nasty, but is extremely healthy. You can buy the fat in capsules and take it without any problems. A whole storehouse of omega-3, 6, 9 has a beneficial effect on brain function, suppresses the stress hormone, and increases the level of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.

Vegetable oils

This is another natural source of polyunsaturated omega acids. Use unrefined flaxseed, peanut, olive and sunflower oils. Thus, you will prevent the deposition of saturated fats on the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, and strengthen the immune system. Oils are best added to porridge or salads. Their heating leads to oxidation and destruction of unsaturated acids. For the same reason, you should not store oil in the light.


To prevent strokes, experts advise introducing nuts into your diet. The fattest ones are hazelnuts and almonds, the least fatty are walnuts. Pistachios help lower lipoprotein levels in the blood, and Pine nuts perfectly satisfy hunger and reduce appetite. Walnuts contain a powerful dose of omega-3. However, try not to exceed the daily portion, which is 30 g, as nuts are quite high in calories.


Eat pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. Their healthy fats reduce bad cholesterol levels. Ground flaxseed you can sprinkle it on your food and use it when baking.


This delicious fruit contains about 75% fat, however, its composition is represented by poly- and monounsaturated triglycerides. Along with plenty of vitamins and minerals, fats will take care of your heart and prevent osteoarthritis. Eat avocados raw in salads, desserts, or making guacamole.


Some dark green vegetables contain omega-3 acids. By eating 3 cups of vegetables a day such as:

  • spinach,
  • Brussels sprouts and kale,

you will provide yourself with healthy fats throughout the day. However, the amount of healthy fatty acids in leafy vegetables is several times less than, for example, in the same fish.


Pay attention to lentils, peas, beans, and soy, which also contain omega-3 triglycerides, which have a positive effect on mental and physical health.


Cocoa butter, which makes up real dark chocolate, contains unsaturated linoleic acid. Monounsaturated oleic acid helps lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, in moderate quantities, you can treat yourself to this yummy.

Artificially enriched foods

In stores you can see products that are artificially enriched with omega-3 acids. As a rule, they are added to eggs, milk, and bread.

Foods containing saturated fats

Of course, the benefits of unsaturated fats are difficult to deny, however, foods that contain saturated fats in limited quantities are also necessary for our body. Among these products it is worth noting the following:


Dietary food includes rabbit, chicken and venison. They are the ones that are preferable to eat if you are a meat eater.


In addition to saturated fats, butter contains some monounsaturated and even some polyunsaturated acids. In addition, milk fat, which is part of it, contains a number of vitamins, including fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin, which reduces cholesterol in the blood and strengthens blood vessels.


It contains, in addition to saturated acids and unsaturated acids, lecithin and fat-soluble vitamins.

So now approach your diet wisely and try to make choices in favor of foods containing healthy fats.

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