The luckiest people in the world (with photos). The luckiest people in the world 10 luckiest

These stories seem incredible and fictitious, but they are not. Did you know the only person who survived being hit by a meteorite? What would it be like to win a large sum in the lottery not once, but twice in a day?

Although some of these people faced difficult trials, luck clearly favored them.

1. The woman pulled out a carrot with a long-lost ring.

While working in the garden, Lena Påhlsson pulled out a carrot from the ground with the wedding ring she lost 16 years ago.

The ring, which Lena designed herself, got lost after she put it on kitchen table in 1995. The ring likely fell into a bucket of fertilizer and later spread throughout the garden. If it weren't for the lucky carrot, he probably wouldn't have been found.

2. A man found his biological mother, who worked with him in the same store.

Steve Flaig had been searching for his birth mother since he was 18, but it wasn't until 2007 that he discovered he was pronouncing her name wrong. New searches ended in success. As luck would have it, Chris Tallady, a 45-year-old cashier who worked with him at the same store, turned out to be his mother.

3. Winning the lottery twice on the same day.

Virginia Fike always played the lottery with the same numbers: her wedding anniversary and her parents' ages, divided by the year they got married.

In 2012, a mix-up at the checkout led to her writing numbers on two tickets instead of one. Later, she saw on TV that two tickets had matched five of the 6 lottery numbers, and were each worth $1 million. The woman looked at her mother and said, "It would be funny if..." and then couldn't stop laughing until she got to the bank.

4. Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived two atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business when the bomb was dropped, damaging his eardrum, causing temporary blindness and burns to his upper body.
Despite his injuries, three days later he found himself in Nagasaki for work. Yamaguchi was discussing the Hiroshima bombing with his superior when sirens sounded and another bomb was dropped. He officially became one of the few who were able to survive these two nuclear bombings.

5. A man survived three days underwater by crouching on an air bubble after his boat capsized.

Nigerian sailor Harrison Okene was on the toilet when his boat suddenly began to sink at 5am. The ship sank almost 30 meters below cold water. Okene, wearing only his underwear, managed to survive thanks to the air bubble in the cabin. He was discovered only after he had spent 60 hours underwater.

6. A man was jumping with a parachute when a meteorite almost fell on him.

Anders Helstrup captured the meteorite's close passage with a head-mounted camera as it jumped to the ground.
He himself did not even suspect that he narrowly escaped death until he watched the filming. “I had a feeling that something had happened, but I didn’t notice what happened,” the Norwegian said.

7. The only survivor of a plane crash.

In 1971, Juliane Koepcke became the only survivor of a plane crash in the Peruvian Amazon.
Koepke fell 3,200 meters while strapped into her seat belt when her plane crashed into tropical forest Amazonia. She walked through a jungle infested with crocodiles and piranhas for 10 days until she was discovered by loggers.

8. Two days inside an active volcano.

In 1992, Chris Duddy, Michael Benson and Craig Hosking spent two days inside the crater of the active Kilauea volcano after a helicopter crash.
The helicopter lost control so suddenly that pilot Craig Hosking had no time to call for help. When the helicopter fell into the hot crater floor, it narrowly missed being caught in a bubbling lava lake, and all three escaped with only minor cuts. While the men were waiting for rescue and heard the lava gurgling beneath them, they had already mentally resigned themselves to a terrible death.

9. We sailed away from the world's highest tsunami on a fishing boat.

On the night of July 9, 1958, an earthquake in Alaska led to the formation of a tsunami wave that was twice as high as the Eiffel Tower (more than 500 meters). The boat of Howard Ulrich and his 8-year-old son was swept away by a wave that was approaching the bay at a speed of 160 km per hour. Surprisingly, the ship was lifted to the top of a wave that carried them over the trees and lowered them back into the bay.

10. The only person in history who was hit by a meteorite.

While this sounds like extreme bad luck, don't jump to conclusions until you hear the whole story.
Late one morning near Sulacoga, Alabama, a young woman, Ann Hodges, was dozing on a couch covered in a blanket when a grapefruit-sized meteorite crashed through the roof of her home, bounced off a radio and hit her in the thigh, leaving a pineapple-shaped scar. If it weren't for the blanket and the radio, the meteorite could have hit her in the head.

Lucky people... What are these lucky people like? The main thing is not to be confused with the rich, famous and successful. After all, sometimes the greatest luck is just to stay alive.
By the way, this does not exclude bad luck from getting into trouble, from which you manage to miraculously escape. This is a strange balance that emerges. Often, luck means winning prizes, even if not the most valuable ones, and receiving money, even if afterward the person becomes poorer than he was.

Fortune plays very strange tricks on people. Here are a few lucky ones whose luck surprised the whole world.

The lucky man from Croatia tried his luck many times. It all started with the fact that he survived a train crash that fell into the water. After some time, the unfortunate man was in a terrible plane crash when the door of the plane was torn out. Selak was thrown out of the plane, and the man successfully landed in a haystack. All other passengers died. After some time, Frain caught fire in his car, was hit by a bus... The apotheosis was an accident when his car flew off the road into an abyss, and Frain himself was left hanging, caught on a tree branch. In fact, they call him “the unfortunate lucky one.”
There is also simply a positive manifestation of his fortune, although in comparison with the miraculous salvations it looks small, he just won a million.

This Briton has practically been given the title “ disaster man" The series of failures (or even successes) began on Friday the thirteenth, when as a boy he broke his arm after falling from a tree. Strange things began when the car carrying him was involved in an accident. And then... John survived sixteen (!) major disasters, including a collapse in a mine, a lightning strike, a fall into a hatch. There was even a double accident when, having fallen from the cart, John was hit by a van.

This is a man who has been haunted by lightning all his life. For the first time, lightning struck next to him, frightening his horse, which threw its rider. The major was paralyzed for a long time. The second time lightning struck him while he was fishing. This time only the right side of the body was paralyzed. The major worked hard to recover and took walks in the park. But lightning found him there too. He never managed to recover from this blow. But he has survived more lightning strikes than anyone else. The most amazing thing is that lightning struck his grave, destroying the monument.

Another amazing survivor. He was sent on a business trip... to Hiroshima. When they dropped it on the city atomic bomb, the business traveler was in the center. But he survived, although he received a large share of radiation. Returning to his hometown of Nagasaki, he was just telling his boss about this terrible event when the Americans dropped the second bomb. Somehow miraculously Japanese survived two nuclear explosions.

She worked as a stewardess on large ships, such as the Titanic. Is it worth talking further? Yes, she survived after being in icy water for many hours. However, after this she continued her career on the ship Britannic, which also sank soon after. And before that, she worked on the Olympic, which also suffered a disaster. Fearless scary woman.

Only once did this Alaska resident have to get into a disaster... but what a disaster! They were fishing in the bay with their eight-year-old son. Suddenly a wave came, or rather a tsunami of incredible height - like two Eiffel towers. In an amazing way the wave lifted the light boat, lifted it above the trees and mountains... and, one might say, returned it to its place. No one from the fishing family was injured.

A Nigerian with a telling surname survived after sixty hours underwater! An amazing story happened when the ship capsized and the lucky one ended up in an air bubble. He managed to survive half in the water for almost three days.

Another amazing case of bad luck and good luck. This is the only person in the world who was hit by a meteorite. At the same time, Ann was at home... and even sleeping. A four-kilogram boulder fell into the house, flew off the radio, and hit a sleeping woman covered with a blanket. The result is a scar the size of a pineapple. But a little more - the space stone would have hit his head.

A more positive case of luck. A US woman found her lost engagement ring (with a personally designed one) after fifteen years. On a carrot! The lucky vegetable grew in her garden, and was crowned with a lost ring that had once been left in the kitchen.

An even more positive story is Liz, who, although she lost her job due to illness, began winning almost all lotteries. Almost everything in her house (also won, they say) are prizes. From expensive equipment to cardboard cartoons. However, she has no need for the latter at all... But sometimes in this series of successes an interesting journey comes across.

And this American woman bought two lottery tickets in the parking lot on the way to the hospital to see his mother. There they watched the drawing. When it became known that there were two winners in the lottery, Virginia could not believe that she had both lucky tickets in her hands. By the way, five out of six were correct on both tickets. Virginia has no secret, she simply entered the dates of birth of her parents. Their wedding day and similar family dates. She decided to spend the winnings, first of all, on her mother’s treatment.

He is also a lucky guy, and he hit a big jackpot - sixteen million dollars. There were even several attempts on his life because of this money. However, he distributed the main winnings to relatives. As a result, after a few years I ended up in debt. In fact, he is poorer than he was before.

Such cases are not uncommon. For example, Mrs. Adams, having won large sums in the lottery twice, lives in a trailer. Not because of the millionaire’s habits, she’s just very bad at managing her money.

All this once again proves that luck alone is not enough - you also need to be able to manage its results. Or don’t give up, but go a long way to victory. Or at least try not to get into trouble again.

We often say: “How lucky he was!” - although we ourselves don’t clearly know what this concept means. If we explain it briefly and clearly, then luck is a positive resolution of life situations. Some people are lucky in the workplace, others are lucky in their personal lives, others win the lottery, and there are the luckiest people who are always doing well, as if their luck was chronic. Even if something starts out bad, then it unexpectedly turns into a happy ending. The names of such darlings of fate can often be seen on the pages of newspapers or on television screens.

The luckiest person in the world is Croatian music teacher Frayn Selak. During his life, he repeatedly found himself in terrible situations, but he always managed to get away with it. His series of troubles began in 1962.

And again, three years later, I experienced a strong shock. The bus he was traveling in ran off the road. As a result, many died. And our lucky guy, again in a state of shock, received only minor injuries.

Another incident

The next event occurred in 1970, when Selak was driving his own car. Suddenly the car caught fire. In a matter of seconds, the Croatian managed to get out of the burning car. A moment later it exploded. Frank was not injured at all.

The subsequent emergency occurred three years later. The old one sprayed gasoline directly onto the running engine. There was a fire. This time Frayn Selak was left without hair - and that’s all.

Then the luckiest man in the world lived quietly for 22 years. Until one day he was hit by a bus in his own hometown. Upon examination, doctors stated the absence of any wounds at all. Just shock.

Last accident

A year later, Selak went traveling in his car. After turning on the road in the mountains, the Croatian suddenly saw a truck rushing straight at him. He jumped out of the car, which stopped over a cliff, and hung on a tree. It was from there that he watched his car fly into the abyss. The result is a slight shock.


In his declining years, fortune did not turn away from the music teacher. He was lucky enough to win a huge amount of money in the lottery.

What happened next in the Croatian's life? Different sources provide different information. According to one source, he distributed all the money he won to his relatives so as not to tempt fate any more. His plans were to build a small chapel. Another source says that the luckiest man in the world bought a house, a car and married a woman 20 years younger than him. Frayn Selak also considered his previous four marriages to be disasters.

The luckiest people on earth live quietly, without even expecting any luck.

Luck can smile on anyone, but no one knows when and under what circumstances it will happen. However, there are people who are literally gifted with luck and luck. It is these people who can find themselves even in the most difficult situations, from which there seems to be no way out, and get out of the current situation without much stress. Therefore, our rating will show how fate can play with people’s lives, ultimately rewarding them for multiple experiences and stress.

People who have been on the verge of death: nothing but luck

We are surrounded by many people who have their own problems, joys and life stories. But it’s probably not every day that you meet a person who was truly on the verge of death and nothing more. In fact, such people still exist, because they are the most interesting stories were made public by journalists, so the whole world now knows about these lucky people.

Sixteen times lucky John Line

This man is truly the luckiest, because he managed to save his life even after many cases in which his life was endangered. And it all started back in early childhood, when John landed awkwardly on the ground while falling from a tree. This led to the boy's arm being broken, which in itself is not mortal danger. And the ambulance in which the guy was traveling for medical help got into an accident and John only miraculously survived.

This marked the beginning of further troubles in the life of this man, which, however, only strengthened John and did not allow him to become disillusioned with himself and life. And this despite the fact that soon 3 more accidents happened to him, a disaster in the mine. And a lightning strike completely eliminates the randomness of the events happening to John and indicates that fate has firmly taken hold of this guy, constantly throwing him new challenges, from which John skillfully emerged. So, this man is one of the luckiest in the world, since so many incidents did not deprive him of either his life or his faith in luck.

William Post: life from millionaire to pauper

And, although William really lost his money and was left with nothing, he still made it into our rating. And all thanks to the fact that this person is simply the luckiest. Even if only because he won 16 million dollars in the lottery. But as you know, money does not always make a person’s life happy, because not only and not so much thanks to material well-being people can be happy.

So, after winning the lottery, William took the money he received too frivolously, so he was unable to hold such a large amount in his hands, and even drove himself into debt. This happened, as Post himself later admitted, due to the fact that he was too kind to his family, to whom he gave most of the winnings.

Another important fact from Post’s life is the attempts on his life, because where there is a lot of money, there is always room for envy and the desire to take away the winnings. But this did not become a decisive factor in William’s life, and he died not at the hands of a killer, but from respiratory arrest at an advanced age. So, he can really be considered the luckiest on earth, since he experienced everything in life: the joys of wealth, betrayal, and failure. Agree, not every person manages to live life so colorfully and diversely.

Frayne Selak: Lucky Loser

This person’s entire life is literally riddled with accidents and emergencies. What troubles did this man have to take part in before fate rewarded him for everything he had experienced? This Croatian has spent his whole life accustomed to getting out of the difficulties that fate throws at him.

He was involved in accidents of various sizes many times and each time he received only superficial wounds that did not affect Frein in any way.

Frayn Selak is one of the happiest people

He had to get out of cars that were burning, drowning, and driving at full speed straight into the abyss. And every time he succeeded. Apparently, Selak has nerves of steel and an unshakable character, because all these accidents did not break him, but only hardened him.

And then, shortly after one of Frein's car accidents, he learned that he had won the lottery. And, moreover, a very tidy sum - a whole million dollars. The Croatian managed to manage this money properly, and unlike the previous lucky one, he did not waste it in vain.

“Unlucky” or people who continue to live despite the circumstances

Who said that luck is about getting something (money, a house, a car)? It must be said that the people in question can be called lucky only because they saved and did not acquire. And they saved nothing more than their own lives. This is how, despite fatal diseases, infections and other circumstances, these people continue to live and prove by their own example that life itself is luck.

“Nuclear” mission of Tsutomu Yamaguchi

The working visit to Hiroshima became the most dangerous for the Japanese in his entire life. By a fateful coincidence, Tsutomu was in Hiroshima on the very day when the American air force dropped an atomic bomb on the city. The man at that time was only a few kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, and therefore suffered from radiation. But the most important thing is that Yamaguchi remained alive.

However, just a couple of days later he was destined to survive the second American bombing, this time of Tsutomu’s hometown - Nagasaki. Ironically, the man was sitting in his boss’s office during the second bombing and telling all the details of what happened in Hiroshima. This is perhaps the only person on earth who survived two nuclear disasters.

Violet Jessop: stepping on the same rake...

This flight attendant, who worked on the largest and most expensive jetliners in history, survived three disasters associated with them, but still returned to work after each crash.

Violet probably worked at the call of her soul, otherwise how can we explain her persistent return to work as a flight attendant after the sinking of first the Olympic, then the Titanic itself, and later the Britannic.

In all three cases, the ships received serious damage, as a result of which they could not ensure the normal evacuation of people. Therefore, each disaster took the lives of many people. But not the life of Violet, who, despite the impending threat, was able to escape from three ships and remain unharmed.

Video about the luckiest people in the world

So these true stories they say that there are people on earth who are the luckiest, because neither life circumstances, nor health problems, nor disasters, nor even the destructive power of natural elements have broken them. Remember: nothing is impossible and you can always receive a gift from fate.

Everything in life is relative. And even the luckiest people in the world are not always the happiest. Don't believe me? Let's see this using three different stories.

Frayn Selak. The luckiest man from Croatia

This lucky man managed to survive terrible disasters. It all started in January 1962. music was traveling by train to Dubrovnik from Sarajevo. For unknown reasons, the train derailed at full speed. The situation was complicated by the fact that the ill-fated train plunged into the icy waters of the river flowing along the tracks. This was the last trip for seventeen passengers. Frain escaped with hypothermia and a year later a new test awaited him. The door of the plane in which the unfortunate lucky man was flying was incredibly torn out at a great height. The only survivor was the hero of our story. All other air passengers died. Three years later, Selak survived a terrible car accident, again escaping with only a couple of abrasions. In 1970 and 1973, his car suddenly caught fire, but Frein didn’t care. In 1995, he was hit by a bus, but the man survived again. A year later he ran off the road in mountainous area. Safely clinging to a tree, Frein watched as his car exploded in flight into a bottomless abyss. Well, who doesn’t need to think about how to become lucky! The climax of the amazing events happening to this lucky guy was winning a million dollars.

The luckiest people in the world: Major Summerfold - the man chased by lightning

The first time a flash of lightning struck a young officer was in 1918. At the time of the tragedy, he was fighting on the fields of Finland. The lightning strike was so powerful that the major fell from his horse. The officer was paralyzed, but managed to return to active life. In 1924, Summerfold faced another test. He was struck by lightning for the second time while fishing. As a result, the right side of his body was completely immobilized. However, after two years he was so strong that he could take walks in the park. Who would have thought that while walking in the shade of the trees the ill-fated lightning would overtake him again! After this tragedy, Major never recovered. He died two years later. However, the story does not end there. The monument on his grave was completely destroyed... by a lightning strike!

John Line

This man can boast that he safely survived sixteen tragedies that directly threatened his life. The series of trials began in childhood. A boy falling from a tree. This is how he first found himself in the hospital. The day he was discharged, he was involved in an accident. And this happened right on the way home from the hospital. John also survived after a sudden mine collapse, lightning strike and fall into a manhole at work. It's no surprise that this man's nickname is Calamity. Once he was injured in two accidents at once. So, John fell off the cart and was then run over by a van!

As you can see, the luckiest people in the world are not such darlings of fate. You wouldn't want to be in their shoes, would you?

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