Pumpkin Steamer Recipes. Pumpkin in a steamer for babies. Benefits of a healthy diet

Pumpkin is a rather specific vegetable. This is far from an exotic fruit, however, not everyone knows how and what to use it with. On the one hand, pumpkin can be cooked in a variety of ways. It is baked, fried, boiled in water and steamed, and even eaten raw. On the other hand, pumpkin is not accepted by everyone. This is where a compromise is needed, because a pumpkin dish can be prepared so that it does not have a specific and bright taste, but only complements the dish with a light and subtle pumpkin note.

As already mentioned, pumpkin is great for steaming. This cooking method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the orange fruit, and, moreover, the pumpkin will not become watery, as happens when boiled in water. And here, as always, a multicooker comes to the rescue, or rather its “steaming” program.


  • pumpkin – 400-500 g

  • water – 2-3 glasses

  • sugar - to taste

  • butter - to taste

  • seasonings and spices - to taste

How to steam pumpkin:

To steam pumpkin in a slow cooker, we only need two products – pumpkin and water. All other ingredients are optional and, of course, depend on what you plan to do with the steamed pumpkin next.

So, cut off a piece weighing about 400-500 grams from the fruit (a larger piece of pumpkin simply will not fit in the steamer bowl). We clean it from the peel, seeds and fibrous partitions from the inside. Cut into pieces about 2 cm thick.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Place the pumpkin pieces in a steamer basket. Close the lid and turn on the “steaming” program.

How long to steam pumpkin, you ask? The steaming time for pumpkin depends on the size of the fruit pieces. For my cutting, 15-20 minutes are enough for the pumpkin to become soft.

Transfer to a plate. Steamed pumpkin can be served sweet, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and flavored with butter. Another option is to sprinkle with chopped dill and, again, add a little butter.

If you plan to use steamed pumpkin to make the dough, you should cool it, transfer it to a blender bowl and puree it. Steamed pumpkin easily turns into a soft, smooth orange puree. Pumpkin puree makes an excellent, smooth, sunny dough that doesn't stick to your hands. Buns made from this dough come out with pleasant taste and aroma.

Cook with pleasure!!!

We thank Ivanna Yakushova for the multicooker recipe!

Multicooker Scarlett Indigo. Power 900 W.

By default, the recipes on the site are given for the Panasonic 18 multicooker, bowl volume 4.5 liters. Power 670 W. Maximum temperature appliance in “Baking” mode – 180 degrees. The glasses used in the recipes are regular ones, 200 ml in volume. Recipes sent from our users indicate their appliance. Under each recipe sent, the model and power of the MV are indicated. Read the recipe carefully!

Diet food in most cases is perceived by people as some kind of sad forced fate. But in fact, not everything is as bad as it seems from the outside: a few weeks proper nutrition- and people get used to new food. Foods that once seemed tasteless without fat, seasonings and other additives begin to develop a flavor of their own. You can easily get used to tea without sugar, mashed potatoes instead of French fries, and boiled chicken instead of chicken nuggets.

By the way, eating right is not only healthy, but also easy, because dietary dishes, as a rule, are much easier to prepare. An example of this is our recipe for steamed diet pumpkin today.


  • fresh ripe pumpkin – 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • water - about 1 liter.


1. To prepare an amazing soft diet pumpkin steamed with sugar, we will prepare all the ingredients we need. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly and cut it into convenient portion pieces (the skin should not be trimmed). We cut off the loose pulp from the pieces, simultaneously removing the seeds.

2. Pour into a large saucepan cold water, put it on the stove and turn on medium heat. We conveniently place a stainless steel colander on top and place the prepared pieces of pumpkin on it (it is advisable to place them skin side up). The recipe is great for steamers or slow cookers.

3. Steam the pumpkin for about 25 minutes. We check the readiness of the dish with a fork - the device should easily pass through the skin.

How to cook pumpkin in a double boiler? We are looking for the answer to this question, or rather, we have already found it! Now we share with you - read the recipes rice porridge, cutlets and stewed meat with pumpkin in a double boiler.

Do you know how to quickly and deliciously cook pumpkin in a double boiler? Right now we will reveal the secrets of a miracle vegetable that turns out extremely tasty even in a double boiler! For lovers dietary dishes We offer recipes for cooking rice, chicken cutlets and steamed beef with pumpkin.

see also

Rice with pumpkin in a steamer (unsweetened)


150 grams of rice;

2 glasses of water;

400 grams of pumpkin pulp;

1 medium sized carrot;

50 grams of butter;

Salt and pepper to taste.

Rice prepared in this way can be used as a side dish. It goes well with any meat dish.

How to cook:

Rinse the rice and place it in a steamer container. Peel the pumpkin and carrots, cut the pumpkin into medium-sized cubes, and the carrots into as small as possible. Place the vegetables in a container and fill with water. Add salt, add spices, close the lid and cook for 1 hour. You may need to add more water during cooking. Place the butter in a container after the signal. Stir (the butter should melt completely), add salt to taste. Rice with pumpkin is ready - no need to fry!

Rice with pumpkin and milk in a steamer (sweet)


120 grams of rice;

250 grams of pumpkin;

1 glass of water;

1 glass of milk;

60 grams of butter;

Sugar to taste.

How to cook:

Wash running water rice and pumpkin pulp. Place the rice in a steamer container. Add peeled and diced pumpkin, milk, water and sugar to taste. Cook for 50 minutes, immediately after the signal add melted butter, stir, close the lid again, leave the rice and pumpkin in the steamer for another 15-20 minutes. It turns out to be a very tasty dish that children and adults will enjoy. You can also add raisins and dried apricots, improving the beneficial and taste qualities dishes.

Chicken cutlets with pumpkin in a steamer


500 grams of minced chicken;

500 grams of pumpkin pulp;

100 grams of celery root;

1 large carrot;

100 grams of butter;

Salt and spices to taste.

The dish is not for everyone, of course. Definitely tastier than regular steamed cutlets. The amount of butter can be reduced.

How to cook:

Wash the vegetables, grate them on a fine grater, and squeeze out the juice. By the way, you don’t need to pour it out: a mixture of pumpkin, celery and carrot juice is a real vitamin mix! Just drink the miracle juice and continue cooking. Mix grated vegetables with minced chicken, salt and pepper the cutlet mass, mix thoroughly, form cutlets with wet hands and place on the grill. Make a well in the center of each cutlet and place a small piece of butter there. This is done to make the dish more juicy - it’s no secret that steamed cutlets are usually a bit dry. It is this dryness that butter will fight against. Cook the pumpkin cutlets in a double boiler for 45 minutes. After the signal, pour in the remaining butter (melt it in a saucepan first). Serve with boiled rice or buckwheat.

Beef with pumpkin in a steamer


500 grams of beef (tenderloin);

500 grams of pumpkin pulp;

1 large onion;

1 carrot;

Salt and spices to taste;

2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

This recipe involves stewing meat with pumpkin in a double boiler container. First prepare the frying: peel the onions and carrots, chop finely and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until lightly golden. Once the roast is ready, place it in a rice container. Send there the beef, washed and cut into cubes, similarly chopped pumpkin and half a glass of water. There is no need to add more water - during the cooking process the pumpkin will release juice, and the meat will be stewed in it. Close the lid and set the cooking time to 45 minutes. After the signal, stir, add salt, if necessary, add spices.

As you can see, you can cook a lot of dishes with pumpkin in a double boiler. A start has been made, we will definitely continue to please you delicious recipes cooking pumpkin in a double boiler. We are waiting for your recipes! Send them by email (the form for sending recipes is in the “Contacts” section) or leave them in the comments.

The largest vegetable fruit can only be a pumpkin. The average weight of such a vegetable can be tens of kilograms, and record holders can even be hundreds of kilograms. Pumpkins are stored for a very long time and well, about a year, due to their hard and thick peel, even at home, that is, in a warm place, not in the cold. When stored for a long time, pumpkin becomes tastier, since the starch found in this vegetable turns into sugar over time.

Useful qualities of pumpkin

The most useful substance in pumpkin is considered to be carotene, that is, provitamin A. The later the pumpkin was picked, the more carotene it contains.

Pumpkin also contains a lot of vitamins A, B, E, trace elements, minerals, acids, and salts, and this vegetable also contains a lot of water and potassium salts, thanks to this, it dissolves stones in the bladder and kidneys and is a diuretic. Many people eat pumpkin to get rid of atherosclerosis, because the pectins in it “bind” cholesterol well.

Pumpkin pulp is also widely used in healing. It helps in the healing of stomach ulcers, is an excellent remedy for constipation, and when used every day is considered an anthelmintic.

Pumpkin should be on the menu almost every day, for example, pumpkin caviar, pumpkin with porridge, pumpkin juice, steamed, boiled, fried pumpkin and steamed pumpkin. Pumpkin cooked in a double boiler is healthy and tasty. You can cook various pumpkin dishes in a double boiler. For example, steamed pumpkin puree, pumpkin with cottage cheese, pumpkin in apple filling and pumpkin stewed with rice and raisins. These dishes are considered the most common.

Pumpkin puree

For this dish you will need: one kilogram of pumpkin, fifty grams of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Preparation begins with peeling the peel, cutting it into small pieces and removing the seeds, that is, the core, and then into small cubes. Take out the steamer and pour a third of the water into it, boil and salt it, then put the pumpkin in the miracle machine, close and cook for at least five minutes. After the machine turns off, remove the pumpkin from it and scald it with cold water. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and pour it over the pumpkin, stirring. The dish is ready and can be served.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese

To prepare this dish in a double boiler you will need: one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams of low-fat sour cream, a pack of cottage cheese, three tablespoons of granulated sugar, three hundred grams of pumpkin and a pinch of salt.

Dice the vegetable, steam for at least twenty to twenty minutes. Next, sour cream must be mixed with cottage cheese and stirred, sprinkle with salt and sugar. After you remove the pumpkin from the steamer, you need to season it with this curd and sour cream mixture and mix. This dish is only served hot.

Pumpkin in apple filling

To prepare this dish you will need: six hundred to seven hundred grams of pumpkin pulp, one hundred to one hundred and twenty grams of granulated sugar, two glasses of apple juice, ginger and cardamom. These products will be enough to feed four people. Wash and peel the pumpkin, cut into large cubes and pour hot apple juice and leave until completely cool. When the pumpkin has cooled, it must be transferred to a container for cooking rice. Turn on the steamer and set the timer for twenty minutes. This delicious dish served hot in apple sauce.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Many owners of steamers have already appreciated the delights of preparing an ordinary steamed omelet. The dish turns out tender and soft, like a feather bed, and at the same time does not have a single gram of excess fat, because it is prepared without adding sunflower oil. Mothers of little ones love to cook omelet in a double boiler, because it turns out to be both nutritious and dietary at the same time. To make the omelette even more healthy, we will cook it with pumpkin. And by the way, be sure to plan dessert -
Omelet with pumpkin in a double boiler - recipe.

- eggs – 2 pcs.,
- milk – 2 tbsp.,
- pumpkin – 50 g,
- Mozzarella cheese – 50 g,
- salt - to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. We collect all the ingredients for our omelet in a double boiler.

2. We begin to prepare the dish like a regular omelet: break two eggs into a bowl or deep plate. Beat them well with a fork until foam appears. The larger the bubble in the egg mass, the fluffier and higher the omelette will turn out.

3. Add two tablespoons of milk to the beaten eggs and beat together with the eggs. There's one here too little secret: if we take milk from the refrigerator, the omelette in the steamer risks turning out to be harsh and low. But using slightly warmed milk ensures that the egg mass rises during cooking, making the dish very soft.

4. Then you need to add pumpkin to the egg-milk mixture. Cut a small piece from the whole vegetable, rinse it under running water and remove the hard skin with a knife. If necessary, remove seeds from the pumpkin.

5. Then take a peeled piece of pumpkin and grate it on a fine grater. You can also use a coarse grater, but in this case we will need to set the steamer timer 5 minutes longer. So, add the grated pumpkin to the eggs and milk and mix thoroughly. Salt our mixture to taste. Take the plastic rice tray that came with the steamer. Pour the pumpkin and egg mixture into it. If the steamer was sold without a rice bowl, then you can use an ordinary heat-resistant one for steaming omelette Plastic container(the main thing is that it can withstand the boiling temperature of water - 100 degrees).

6. Grate the Mozzarella cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle the resulting shavings onto the egg mixture in the rice bowl. Then place the bowl in the center of the steamer rack and set the timer for 15 minutes. A regular omelette can be cooked faster in a double boiler, but we need the pumpkin pieces to soften, so we turn on the double boiler for 15 minutes.

7. After this time, we get an excellent healthy dish - omelette with steamed pumpkin! It does not stick to the walls of the bowl, so it will not give the housewife any trouble with washing the rice bowl!
And try to cook another amazing one

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