The power of the planets. Abode, exile, exaltation, fall. Strength of planets in natal chart

What to do to achieve your goal? And what not to do. Expulsion and fall of planets

The astrological chart is divided into 12 houses. If this is a natal chart, then this division is responsible for the structure of our psyche. Roughly speaking, these are 12 segments of our perception of the World and response to it, depending on the sphere. In primitive language, what kind of self-expression are we in, what kind of relationship we have with money, with society, how we behave at home, how creative we are and whether we love people and God, how we work, how we build partnerships, etc. These 12 houses completely cover ALL of our reality. Everything a person can live with. And the specific distribution of planets and signs among the houses of the natal chart makes some spheres more significant and others unimportant.

A person constantly strives for something. Everyone has goals, dreams, desires, needs. And in astrology the principles of absolute harmony are encoded. Having understood the principles inherent in each home, we can find for ourselves the answer to a very important question: “How to behave competently in order to achieve our goal?”

The topic of houses is very voluminous, enough for a full book. Here I am limited by the format of the article. And I will look at it from one perspective - through its connection to the symbolic management of signs and the manifestation of planets in signs.

The 12 houses are symbolically ruled by the 12 zodiac signs. 1st house by Aries, 2nd by Taurus, etc. Further in astrology there are 9 planets (including luminaries). And each planet rules some sign or pair, and is exalted in one. In them she is most active and successful. Well, the opposite signs are respectively the places of its expulsion and fall. These are the conditions in which it is most difficult for the planet to express itself. In them, she either remains silent or begins to behave in the worst possible way. And only at a truly high level of personal development do planets in exile and decline begin to sound in their highest octave.

Let's summarize. We have a matryoshka doll. Houses are ruled by signs. Signs differ from each other by a specific unique set of planets that rule them, are exalted in them, fall into exile and fall. This is the source material. Let's comprehend it - we will get the installation for correct behavior.

For those who are just beginning to study astrology, it is usually not difficult to understand why certain signs and houses are places of power for the planet. Their characteristics simply resonate most with the principles of the planet. But the places of suppression are more difficult to feel. It’s just that we all subconsciously reject prohibitions, we categorically disagree with them. Let us dwell on them, because they are not given by chance. And most of our life violations or mistakes are connected precisely with the failure to accept prohibitions.

In its abode, the planet is the mistress, here it is most calm and confident, at the same time firm and noticeable, everyone will have to take its opinion into account. In a place of exaltation, the planet seems to be at work or on stage; here it is most active, expansive, emotional and sometimes self-confident. But I suggest that you immediately feel the places of defeat using specific examples. Looking ahead, I will say that the expulsion of a planet gives advice to turn off its principle. And a fall puts a complete block on its manifestation, otherwise everything can be ruined.

1 house

Aries. The abode of Mars, the exaltation of the Sun, Venus in exile, Saturn in debilitation.

The theme of the first house sounds every time we want to reveal ourselves to the World. This is our self-expression and self-display, our PR. This is attracting and maintaining attention to yourself. So the goal is set - to become a star. The rulership of Mars hints that one must act rather than think. Be swift, decisive, assertive, expansive. Just sweep away barriers. The exaltation of the Sun requires more often inserting the pronoun “I” and being less modest. More personal initiative, charisma, ideas and suggestions. And there are usually no problems with this.

What does the expulsion of Venus give us? Refined Venus is responsible for sensual and aesthetic perception, for the subtlety of relationships. If you try to maintain balance and harmony, sorry, how can you pull the whole blanket over yourself? The principle of the “star” (1st house) is “crowd others, promote yourself!” There is no time for etiquette here, and no time for balance. Turn off Venus. We don't care what others feel right now. Because if we think about it, we’ll have to stop shining. Because we definitely took someone’s place and not everyone is pleased with our finest hour. Those whose tail we have now stepped on and crossed the path are the majority. In general, successful people are little liked; they are mostly envied. If you want to rise above the rest, be prepared for the fact that few people will like it.

The fall of Saturn gives even more imperative instructions. There can be no talk of any rationality, maturity, doubts or long-term thoughts. If you want to attract attention to yourself, on the contrary, be light, fluid, reckless, impetuous, devoid of complexes and boundaries. As soon as you allow Saturn to tell you something, you will instantly be overcome by doubts, remorse for your rashness and frivolity. It is impossible to anneal at the moment Saturn turns on.

2nd house

Calf. The abode of Venus, the exaltation of the Moon, Pluto and Mars in exile, Uranus in debilitation.

The second house is responsible for material values, ethics in the world of things. The most common goal of the second house is the desire for wealth and material comfort. The ruler Venus presupposes aesthetics, a sense of beauty, and a sense of proportion is not superfluous in this (even in clothes, even in gluttony, without it there is trouble). The exaltation of the Moon indicates the complete right to give free rein to your needs. Take for yourself exactly what you sincerely and very much want. Do not be ashamed of your desire to possess anything, dream of comfort and abundance. Well, in fact, a shopping promenade is not at all the time for asceticism.

And now about the prohibitions and restrictions. Pluto in exile does not advise giving or letting go of anything voluntarily. Those who regularly clean out closets will not save much. And a constant reminder of higher laws and karmic retribution greatly interferes with getting rich. Mars does not recommend making unnecessary movements. This is a waste of energy and money. Agree, those who move often waste a lot. Active actions also involve material investments. This is wasting your time and energy on something other than hoarding.

The fall of Uranus completely prohibits eccentricity and revolutionary change. As soon as you allow Uranus to turn on, you will be blocked by a wave of irritation at old things. You will simply rip off the wallpaper from the walls, throw out the old sofa, distribute old junk among your friends, or even take it to the trash heap. And start all over from scratch, then sit with an empty pocket and meager belongings. With an acute craving for change, it is very problematic to get rich. If you want prosperity and comfort, categorically ban all kinds of adventures.

3rd house

Twins. The abode of Mercury, in exile Jupiter.

The third house is responsible for the accumulation of knowledge and relationships with people, for ethics in the field social relations. The goals of the third house can be: gaining knowledge, learning; the desire to understand people and position oneself in society, building a reputation. The axis of the third and ninth houses is least loaded with planetary indications. There is no exaltation and no fall. That is, there are no strict instructions and categorical prohibitions.

The control of Mercury focuses on a continuous mental process. Don’t be lazy to think, analyze, compare, discuss more. Express your opinion and engage in debate. This is generally clear. Learning requires the inclusion of brain activity. And first of all, you need to negotiate with people.

But what does the expulsion of Jupiter mean? In general, when a planet has a reputation as a “great benefactor,” it’s not entirely clear why one should refuse its help, right? Let's figure it out together. Jupiter gives expansion. These are all situations when you are supported the mighty of the world this, or when you yourself act as a sponsor and philanthropist. Well, as well as any other options for fallen abundance. This is where the dog rummaged. If someone is too favorable to you, you will see him exclusively in a rosy light. Or vice versa, get angry and despise him for his superiority over you. When you yourself begin to give gifts to others, you will also no longer be able to see them. true face. They will flatter you, they will fawn on you. If you want to understand people, just stop giving to them and don’t rush to take from them.

And with acquiring knowledge it’s the same. We only learn what is difficult for us. Easy receipt, without tension on our part, will give an equally easy attitude. We won’t appreciate it, we won’t save it, we won’t learn it. One must go to knowledge through thorns.

4th house

Cancer. Abode of the Moon, Jupiter exalted, Saturn in exile, Mars in debilitation.

The fourth house is our deepest attitudes and views, our ethics, our connection with ancestral roots, relationships with parents. And our relationships with those with whom we live together. The 4th house is also responsible for real estate. The overall goal of the 4th house is to achieve harmony in your family. It’s different for everyone at different stages of life: starting a family, having a child, buying your own home, etc.

The control of the Moon tells you to hear your inner voice, rely on your deepest needs, and understand your emotions. Allows you to be sentimental. The exaltation of Jupiter orders just in this case to accept the support and help of loved ones and to stand up for them like a mountain and be a support (a benefactor, if you want). Constantly strive for expansion and new horizons.

And now to the restrictions. Saturn is responsible for experience and wisdom. He speaks somewhat superiorly and from a position of suppression. Try to become like this yourself and you will understand everything from experience - you can’t do that in your home. And when your loved ones take a similar position towards you, it destroys trust, it alienates and closes people off from each other. Even when those who are legally in charge of the eldest in the family - parents, husband - do this. And no matter how old your child is, he expects to be treated as an equal, and not from the position of “you’re stupid, but I know better.”

The fall of Mars sounds even more severe. If Saturn exhorts, then Mars puts it in a corner, hits soft spots, locks it, etc. Mars is a real physical impact. If you want happiness in your home, forget about using and demonstrating force. In a softer version, Mars gives constant activity, active seething. This also tires and irritates everyone. Coming home, everyone wants first of all peace and relaxation. Those who abused this - stop the constant general cleaning and repairs, let your loved ones relax.

5th house

A lion. The abode of the Sun, Pluto exalted, Uranus and Saturn in exile, Mercury in decline.

This is the home of creative manifestation. This is also the birth of children, as well as our creative realization through their upbringing, the manifestation of the imprint of our personality in our children. It is impossible to create and hold attention without making a statement and emphasizing your own personality. Everything rests on personal charisma and personal decisions. With raising children - also by personal example. This is our Sun.

The exaltation of Pluto orders one to firmly feel the invisible laws of the World and adhere to them. And it also indicates maximum effort and the application of all one’s strength to the limit of one’s capabilities. It doesn't matter whether you're investing in a creative project or raising a child, this rule applies the same. Pluto also guides you to seek the support of the crowd and take public opinion into account. And also in a timely manner and without regret, get rid of everything that will interfere and slow down, and restrain further growth.

The expulsion of Uranus puts a ban on eccentric behavior. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about your creation or a child, but in both cases you are responsible for what you produced. And we must also spend effort to fit it all into the World and society. To do this, we must meet social expectations. The magnetism of Pluto is very useful, but the eccentricity of Uranus will scare off many. One must be consistent both in the educational process and in creativity. In the first case, the child’s psyche is at stake, in the second, the expectations of your fans. They will turn away and feel betrayed if you suddenly change your style. And the child will no longer understand what his eccentric parents want from him.

The limitations of Saturn are the same as in the 4th house. There is no need to suppress and discourage, there is no need to restrain creativity. There is no need to give free rein to fears and too much thinking. Be lighter.

The fall of Mercury deserves special attention. Creativity doesn't have to be mental. This process is not thought, it is felt, lived. If you turn on your head, your final creativity will be well thought out, but through this it will cease to be spontaneous. It will slide into stereotypes, stereotypes, and standards. And there will no longer be creativity at all, but rather work. If you are capable of thinking something, then someone else is capable of it too. You will become predictable, which means you will cease to be interesting. Let Mercury rule - and they will immediately forget about you, you will cease to be the Creator.

6th house

Virgo. The abode of Mercury, the exaltation of Mercury, Neptune and Jupiter in exile, and Venus in decline.

Through the sixth house we learn to work and sign up for the results of our work. As a variety, it is also about taking care of your body and health. The goal of the 6th house is to get a job, fit into it, and be needed at your workplace.

The abode and exaltation of Mercury simply requires one to constantly think, analyze, discuss, consult, learn and teach others. Make gray cells work.

The expulsion of Neptune warns against unnecessary meditation. You should not get carried away by reasoning about meaning, about usefulness, about lofty matters. There is no need to allow the fog of utopias and illusions. If you undertake to do some work, then just do it, delving into it at the level of logic (Mercury), but without getting lost in reasoning about how important it is and how necessary it is for the Universe. These arguments will quickly justify idleness and laziness, which are inescapable and insidious obstacles to any work.

Well, the most important prohibition is the fall of Venus. She is responsible for sensual pleasures. And that’s how we came to work. If you let her insert her sound, the dodging will immediately begin. It’s too hard, it’s too dusty, it’s harmful here, and here I don’t look beautiful, and in general, something made me want to sleep... Work is a heavy burden, not fun. If you want to achieve something, stop feeling sorry for yourself (Neptune) and don’t look for comfort. It’s better to think more and understand the issue.

It is significant that active Mars has nothing to do with the 6th house (work). In work, what matters is how much you understand it, and not how much hectic activity you create around you. Although the latter is not prohibited.

7th house

Scales. The abode of Venus, exaltation of Saturn, exile Mars, debilitation of the Sun.

This is an orientation towards partnership and manifestation (realization) of oneself through the achievements of a partner. The most common purpose of the 7th house is to create a union. Anything, from marital or love affairs to business.

Having set this as a goal, immediately consult with Venus. She will tell you how the acquaintance will turn out, whether it will improve your image, whether you will be pleased to be with a new person. Does your partner match your status? And in general, the main thing is how you feel towards him. Well, then Venus will give you charm to attract attention to yourself.

The exaltation of Saturn strongly advises one to be careful, restrained, prudent and mature in these matters. It’s easy and quick to make acquaintances, but parting ways later without losses can be extremely problematic. And in matters of establishing communication, intelligence, tact, patience and wisdom are definitely not superfluous.

The expulsion of Mars limits activity. In its negative manifestation, Mars is a direct force influence. I think there is no need to comment on its harm. Relationships are not built with fists. But even in a milder form it is extremely unhelpful.

At the moment of creating an alliance, attracting a partner, a game is underway. At a subtle level, it is established who needs all this more. Accordingly, he will continue to invest more. He discovered his interest in the alliance or even dependence on the second. And here you are - Mars. You begin to be the first to be active and develop activities. Sorry for the slang - you got burned! Your partner now knows exactly how much you need his participation and will twist ropes out of you. So if you want a profitable partnership, restrain your activity.

Well, and completely prohibited - the fall of the Sun. While the sunny “I said!” - the partner is simply suppressed. It remains in the shadows and downtrodden. Libra suggests detachment and fairness, the desire for harmony and friendship. And the 7th house suggests achieving a goal together. To do this, you absolutely must forget your selfishness and egoism. The principle of the Sun is strictly prohibited. While we pull the blanket over ourselves, both lose in a pair. You can only achieve something together by voluntarily giving up your power.

8th house

Scorpion. The abode of Pluto and Mars, the exaltation of Uranus, Venus in exile, the Moon in debilitation.

The eighth house is very complex and multifaceted. He is responsible for group ethics and group resources or partner resources. It is active every time you make changes in your life that involve adapting to new people. This is a change in marital status (marriage or divorce is not important), the beginning and end of studies. The 8th house is included with each new job and when losing a job, when moving to a new department or team. Previously, in ancient times, he was also responsible for sex. But then sex almost inevitably led to the appearance of a child. Now the 5th house is responsible for sex.

There are two common goals in the 8th house - to fit into a new team and make some changes in life.

So, Pluto’s control orders us to work at full capacity. Focus on the laws of the World and the charter of the monastery where you came. Completely accept someone else's ethics and abandon your own. And in general, be ready to let go of all those views and personal baggage that will interfere with adaptation.

Mars tells you to get down to business yourself. Show yourself, be active and proactive. This is where (unlike the 7th house) you should demonstrate your most sincere interest and involvement. Without this, the team simply will not accept you. And, as you know, any team is stronger than the individual.

The exaltation of Uranus tells us to boldly open up to any (the most unexpected) changes. Take risks, forget about your old life. By clinging to the past, miss the opportunities here where your future is now being formed.

Now about the prohibitions. The expulsion of Venus vetoes one's own feelings. The fact is that we first perceive everything new as foreign and reject it. Beautiful new shoes are tight at first, and only with time do they wear out and become comfortable. The Venusian desire for pleasure and pleasure will not allow us to go to places where we are not yet loved and valued, we are driven around like new hands and are still hired for the most unpopular jobs.

The moon completely falls under repression. She will begin to scream even deeper and more persistently than Venus about discomfort, fears, doubts, injured pride, exorbitant and inflated demands, and much more. Let her turn on at such a moment and you will hear everything yourself.

Do you want changes in your life, do you want a new job, do you want to start a family or break free from a hateful marriage? Silence your EGO. Quiet your inner voice. Manage emotions and tantrums at all costs. Just believe that everything will be fine, and act, act.

9th house

Sagittarius. The abode of Jupiter, in exile Mercury.

The ninth house is responsible for our relationship with God, religiosity, the ability to transform ourselves, and work on personal self-improvement. Under the 4th house, we choose for ourselves what to believe. And then from the 9th house, our religion (or simply the moral and ethical core) determines how we should live. The 9th house is active when we need to understand a foreign environment and fit into it. This is emigration, a radical change of environment. It also turns on when received higher education and during any work on oneself. The goal of the 9th house is to obtain new knowledge and its further application.

Jupiter shows us the need for expansion. He tells us not to stop there, to strive and desire more. Help others and accept support. Be expansive and open. Constantly push boundaries and horizons. And share, share, share it all further.

The expulsion of Mercury is interesting here. And quite naturally. It is not possible to believe in God mentally. It cannot be conceived. You should not try to analyze a foreign culture. You grew up in a different environment, which means your logic is simply different. How many scientific concepts are there that simply blow your mind? All this must simply be accepted in essence.

In order to let in truly new information, you need to completely turn off logic, analysis, your ideas about how it should be and what is correct. By sticking to what we already know, we can only block ourselves from the new and as yet unknown.

10th house

Capricorn. The abode of Saturn, exaltation of Mars, exile of the Moon, debilitation of Jupiter.

The tenth house is responsible for our external and visible achievements. He is also active when you have to make a responsible decision that affects not only you. This is career and relationships at work. The goal of the 10th house is to achieve important milestones (each has their own).

Saturn's management focuses on the importance of self-control, composure, organization, and responsibility. It is customary to go to serious matters with a serious face.

The exaltation of Mars requires a lot of work in a very direct way. Work hard, not sparing physical strength, forget such a word as “fatigue”.

The expulsion of the Moon puts a limit on whining and doubts. We will feel sorry for ourselves and relax later, when all the milestones have been achieved. The moon - what is it like? That's right - timid. In a state of labor overload and even faced with global ideas, she either drowns in doubts and fears, or whines about self-pity. In fact, when you sign a mortgage agreement for 25 years, it is better not to listen to your inner voice. The signature will come out smoother.

Fall of Jupiter. It would seem the same? How can the “benefactor” interfere? When you take out a mortgage for 25 years, you will find out for yourself. Jupiter opens horizons. And you need to gather yourself and concentrate on something meaningful and serious. You just need to temporarily stop yourself from getting excited and thinking about anything other than. And Jupiter in this situation only gives temptations. As for the “benefactor” - in serious matters you shouldn’t expect real sponsorship. They help not the one who is successful and makes a career (but in the 10th house of exactly this type of goal). They help the orphans and the poor. Those who in their situation look helpless and weak. So no one will rush to help you get rich and gain power anyway.

11th house

Aquarius. The abode of Uranus and Saturn, the exaltation of Mercury, the Sun in exile, Pluto in its fall.

This is creativity, loyalty to your dream, freedom and communication in informal groups. This is how we spend our leisure time. Hence the goal of the 11th house is to fulfill your dream, a long-standing idea.

The 11th house is considered very pleasant and easy. I would argue with this. The fact is that we all dream very boldly and a lot. But not many people dare to implement all this. As a rule, everything is associated with burden, high risks and personal costs. To follow your dream requires courage like nothing else.

The management of Uranus in the light of what has already been written requires almost no comment. Just let him destroy the hateful and old and boldly rush towards a bright future. To hell with doubts and rules.

Saturn's co-government calls for self-organization, otherwise even the most talented ideas will not be able to see the light of day.

The exaltation of Mercury pushes us to discuss, look for like-minded people, enter into debates, and argue. Think through, fantasize, adjust. Build logical connections. Look for ways to implement. The gray cells have enough load here...

How does this relate to the expulsion of the Sun?

The sun is responsible for our image, our reputation. This is our conscious behavior, our volitional decisions, what we ourselves want to be. And the dream is free. Remember Alice in Wonderland. You have to be a little crazy. So, in order to become free, you must not be afraid to look stupid. A dream comes with no guarantees. You can simply fail, not succeed, needlessly destroy the usual petty-bourgeois world, and remain misunderstood. Well, yes, you can take off, proving to everyone what you are capable of. And the Sun strives to be only on top. It clearly avoids shame, fall, and risks. That is why he goes into exile in the 11th house.

The fall of Pluto. He's a cleaner. Pluto is in charge of the laws of the World and monitors the disposal of all unnecessary things. He takes away what is obsolete and unviable. A dream is a sprout. It has not yet proven itself and has not gained a foothold. This is something that is not yet in the World, and for now everyone can do without it. Don't kill her with the exact knowledge that you can live without her. Take care of her contrary to all logic and rules. Don’t give it to anyone and never part with it. No matter what laws of the World and no matter who tells you.

12th house

Fish. The abode of Neptune and Jupiter, the exaltation of Venus, the expulsion and fall of Mercury.

The twelfth house closes the circle of personal evolution. At this stage, we ourselves give something to the World. This is service and mercy. This is also a house complete care from vanity and self-immersion. This is in a harmonious way. In case of resistance, it becomes the most severe. He either harshly takes away something for the benefit of the World, or imperiously limits activity, for example, by illness, disability, imprisonment, etc.

The goal of the 12th house is the desire to do something for this World, to somehow decorate it, to do something for others, to do charity.

Neptune's control focuses on a subtle sense of the World and the needs of other people. To irrational perception, to empathy. This is the case when you can go into the fog of dreams and illusions, empathize, have compassion and love without any logic.

Jupiter orders you to generously give your support and help, and not to be shy about accepting someone else’s for good deeds and public purposes. He makes sure that we receive more and more new information, sets new and new tasks.

Venus in exaltation includes a vision of harmony, a desire for beauty and friendship, and subtle personal feelings. And attention to the emotions of your neighbor. When decorating the World, rely on your aesthetic perception and sense of proportion.

But Mercury fell into complete disgrace. That's right. They do not give alms with their minds. It’s a sin to talk about these topics and decide for yourself who and how much. It must be irrational. Whoever asked, it means it’s bad for him now. If you can give it, give it. You can’t - so what now? But don’t you dare reason and judge.

Give to this World as much as you can and when you can, but only without analyzing and demanding an account from God - where it went, why and how much. It’s a pity for now, the toad is strangling - just don’t give it, it means they’re just not mature enough yet. The world will not judge, believe me, it will wait until you grow up.

So we figured out together what to do and what to refrain from in order to achieve any of our possible goals. I hope this will help some of you avoid unnecessary energy costs and mistakes.

Here we considered planets in exile and decline from the point of view of indicating which principles should be blocked and in what situations. But at a high level of elaboration, planets in decline and exile sound in their highest octave and are capable of incredible achievements. By expressing yourself you can be extremely conscious (Saturn), striving for prosperity, someone can be extraordinary (Uranus), others will understand people and giving them help (Jupiter), and in the house you can achieve harmony through joint work (Mars), it is sometimes possible to understand the essence of your creativity (Mercury), embrace the immensity in work (Jupiter), express yourself in partnership (Sun), hear yourself during changes (Moon), understand God (Mercury), get help in big things (Jupiter), remove all unnecessary , but keep your dream (Pluto) and comprehend the logic in the structure of the World (Mercury).

The world is big and multifaceted, the main thing is not to stop.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2015

Power of planets in signs

Planets are channels through which signs can manifest themselves; through them the connection with the cosmos is characterized.

Abode- it's a sign, manager which the planet is. This is potential energy, showing the capabilities of the sign. Here there is a uniform, complete manifestation, the planet has positive features.

Exile- it's a sign, opposite monastery. This is the other side, the subconscious. Here the planet has weak energy, but knows how to cleverly hide its shortcomings.

Exaltation- these are signs where the features of the planet exaggerated, convex. This provides for the evolution of the sign and creativity. Often this can be difficult to work through, since the energy is visible to everyone, as they say, “rushing” from everywhere, “gushing out”, unbridled.

A fall- these are signs where the features of the planet turn into complexes requiring compensation. This sign needs cleansing! This shows the area in which a person loses sense of proportion, shows excessiveness. This is weakness, a pronounced sin that is obvious to others and striking.






(quickly inspired, creative energy)


(Selfishness, crisis, trials, humility needs to be developed)


(ugly, loud, quick feelings, fall in love quickly, heroes for an hour!)




(creative state, artistry, psychological abilities, moment of suffering)

Saturn, Uranus

(concentration on matter, physical work, greed)

Mars, Pluto


Mercury (Vulcan)


Neptune(subconscious feeling of loss of authority, hidden pride)


Jupiter(motherhood viewed broadly, expansion of education)

Mars(caution, indecisiveness, cowardice, uncertainty, sometimes aggression)

Saturn, Uranus



Neptune(illusion of love, search for ideals, artistry)

Uranus, Saturn

Mercury (Proserpine)


Venus(rationalism in love, often – inability to love, love according to the model accepted in society, coquetry, debauchery, intellectual approach)


Jupiter(atheism, lack of faith)



(the core of balance, you need a partner to see yourself through a partner)

Sun(no energy, weakness, self-confidence, vanity)

Mars, Pluto


Pluto, Mars

(not afraid to lose life)


Moon(desire for intense feelings, extreme sports, uncontrollable emotions, nervousness, everything bad sticks, pessimism, penchant for gourmands, unusual sexuality)

Venus(the concept of beauty on a sexual level, insatiable in sex, emotional, passionate)

Jupiter, Neptune

Saturn, Uranus


(commanders, able to concentrate energy)


Moon(no soulfulness)

Uranus, Saturn

(originality, higher intelligence, calculation)

Mercury, Neptune

(thought penetrates everywhere, information from above, intuition, high spirituality)



Neptune, Jupiter


Venus(high, sacrificial love, creativity, sensitivity, search for ideals, partners change)


Mercury(chaos of thinking, think emotionally, creativity, poetry, need order, logic)

Astrologers of the past believed that fall is opposite to exaltation in sign and degree. Now this system has been slightly expanded.

And the fact that all planets, except the Moon and the Sun, have 2 abodes, explains their ability to retrograde movement which changes their character. IN forward movement they have 1st house, and in retrograde - 2nd house. 1 house is on half of the Sun (day house), the other is on half of the Moon (night house).

Neptune - mystery and mysticism, deception and self-deception. Neptune in the birth horoscope endows its wards with a bright and lively imagination, an ideal ear for music - and this is only in the simplest case. In general, under strong influence Neptune gives birth to psychics, clairvoyants, people with extraordinary and special abilities.

  • Neptune symbol- trident.
  • Properties: secret, deception.
  • Neptune Energy- YIN, feminine principle.
  • Key meanings of the symbol: extrasensory perception, clairvoyance and clairaudience, mysticism, mystery, spiritual sphere, religion and faith, alcohol and drugs, mental disorders, fluids, talents, genius, illusions, fantasies, flight of thought.

Symbolic correspondences of Neptune

  • Neptune color: purple, light green, aquamarine, turquoise.
  • Neptune Stones and Minerals: amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine, aventurine, labradorite.
  • Landscape: seas and reservoirs, beaches and coastal areas, river deltas, ponds and swamps.
  • Cityscape: churches, baths, chemical industry enterprises, bars, drinking establishments, brothels, sewers, water and gas supply networks, railway stations, ports, embankments.

Neptune in the natal chart

Neptune in a person’s birth horoscope is a connection with the subtle world. The influence of Neptune haunts the human psyche. Since Neptune, strong in its manifestation, constantly excites her, he activates the right hemisphere of the brain, and sometimes even its sleeping, unexplored zones - which awakens talents and superpowers in a person.

But is it easy to live with that subtle nervous organization that Neptune gives? In fact, not everyone is able to appreciate such a gift, but only those who have already embarked on the path of spiritual growth: for only spiritual person able to adequately perceive Neptune's trends and not go crazy.

What happens under the strong influence of Neptune? The human psyche becomes so refined that a person overreacts to everything the world, he has premonitions, he is visited by visions, he feels the world too subtly. His psyche, his brain are in a state of extreme tension. Firstly, they receive immeasurably more information than ordinary people: for example, from a simple conversation, their brain captures not only the meaning of the words spoken, but also their emotional coloring, it picks up the frequency of the voice and tries to involuntarily evaluate and state of mind interlocutor at that moment, and in general the traits of his nature. And any information received is also acutely experienced by him emotionally.

Secondly, increased brain activity constantly gives birth to some images that do not leave him day or night and do not give him peace. Thus, his brain always works in enhanced mode. But the main problem is that his brain simply does not know how to work differently. It is vital for him to constantly experience strong emotions, to receive vivid and strong impressions from the world around him, as a basis and reason for his own experiences. It's kind of food for his brain. And if he does not receive a portion of experiences on time and in the required quantity, then the brain begins to look for them in itself, gnawing into the depths of memory, and pulling out the most difficult and unpleasant memories from them, again and again forcing itself to experience all these negative emotions, poisoning the soul and the mind of the individual, plunging him into melancholy and depression. Trying to drown out the melancholy that has arisen, a person is at great risk of becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Aspects and configurations of Neptune

The configurations of Neptune with the planets determine the type of impressions required. The most striking aspect is the configuration between Neptune and Mars. With this aspect at the moment of birth, a person simply does not know how to live calmly: he craves passions, and crazy, Latin American passions, very strong emotions, without which he finds it unbearably boring to live. He does not want to live in an atmosphere of calm and stability, he wants adventures and challenges. This is especially noticeable when we're talking about about conjunction, quadrature or opposition: a person like air needs scandals, preferably with insults and assault. The fact is that for the normal functioning of his nervous system, a high level of adrenaline in the blood is necessary. That's why he tries to go to places where fights are very likely. One thing is certain: he has an outstanding talent for finding trouble for himself, which he does willingly. Advice to those whose husband or wife has this configuration: no matter how poor and unhappy your significant other may seem to you, under no circumstances solve problems for her, do not try to create conditions for stability for her - in the end she will only get bored with you. It’s better to throw in the necessary extreme: in the heat of a quarrel, your significant other will like your sudden change of course towards sexual actions, or sex in extreme conditions.

When Neptune and Venus are configured, a person needs a constant change of sexual impressions and sexual experiences (during sextile or trine). When Neptune is configured with Mercury, he is carried away by gossip and fiction, non-binding chatter. When Neptune is configured with Jupiter, philosophical questions arise. There is a desire to travel, to gain impressions from being in other countries, and an interest in the culture of other peoples. It means a change of residence, moving to another region.

With a strong manifestation of Neptune in the birth horoscope, the human brain works at increased capacity. That is why to this person It is important to constantly load your brain with various information. He should definitely get a good education, and then constantly continue to educate himself and expand his horizons. What happens if you don't do this? In this case, the brain continues to work, so to speak, in vain. Not receiving the necessary load, it begins to fade. And this is a very difficult process for the nervous system. In this situation, a person seeks to begin to stimulate his brain activity with medications, alcohol, drugs and eventually becomes addicted to them.

The brain of a person with a strong Neptune at birth acutely senses and deeply experiences any situation. A big disaster in his life could be negative event, causing strong negative emotions. This could be the death of a loved one, the loss of a job - or anything. When the brain begins to process this event, the level of negative emotions formed in its soul simply goes off scale: it seems that the head is simply bursting from such strong experiences. In this case, there is also a desire to drown your pain in alcohol or drugs. But otherwise you can go crazy.

But a completely reasonable question arises: how can one avoid falling into alcohol and drug addiction when Neptune is strongly manifested in the horoscope? There can be only one answer: to engage in spiritual growth as soon as possible. And the first step in this is constantly learning something, learning something new, expanding your horizons and erudition. This approach already loads the brain with useful information that will have a good effect on its work. You should also learn to have a philosophical attitude towards life - this will reduce psychological dependence and acuity from negative emotions. And finally, start self-improvement. The steps in this case are inevitable, but what will be the return from Neptune already at the beginning of spiritual growth?! Neptune activates many, including unexplored, areas of the human brain; and in this regard, his reward for spiritual growth is simply priceless: he gives a person superpowers, the gift of foresight and healing, and other extrasensory abilities. And Neptune gives a more or less educated person nothing less than genius.

And here is the main mystery of Neptune - madness and genius: two sides of the same coin. With a strong manifestation of Neptune in the birth horoscope, spiritual growth is also important because psychic abilities In this case, a person may manifest them from birth (and even turn out to be hereditary). But a person with low spiritual potential is not able to correctly evaluate his images and visions. He cannot use them for good. His wild fantasy gives him no peace, and especially if he also drinks alcohol, he very soon begins to confuse his fantasies with reality. Moreover, it is precisely their own fantasies: people with high spiritual development, with a strongly pronounced Neptune, are also distinguished by their rich imagination, but at the same time they know how to separate their fantasies from real premonitions. And at a low spiritual level of development, a program of self-deception is activated, when a person begins to believe in the reality of those events and images that he himself invented. He begins to escape from reality into his fantasies. At first, this only happens with situations that he really cannot resolve: then he attributes to himself connections in government circles and comes up with a favorable ending to the problem that has arisen, furiously convincing everyone around him of its reality. Then he completely loses contact with reality. This is how schizophrenia develops - the main scourge of incorrect and inadequate perception of Neptune’s energies.

By the way, psychiatrists are convinced that the line between schizophrenia and genius is very thin, if it exists at all - both are distinguished by bright and unconventional thinking, overly active brain function, the only difference is the ability to use this resource. And the ability to use the resource of increased brain activity depends on the degree of spiritual level. A high spiritual level allows you to gain insight and benefit from the abilities of your brain. Thus, Neptune patronizes geniuses and schizophrenics, psychics and the unemployed, churchmen, deceivers and alcoholics, actors and prostitutes, sailors and scammers.

It is associated with water, liquids and solutions, the sea and chemical industry, as well as with dirt, including social dirt: with the dregs of society. Neptune symbolizes deception, betrayal, fraud. Neptune controls the church, religion, monasteries and, in general, all places associated with restriction of freedom. It is associated with secrets and falling out of public life.

Neptune's participation in natal, solar arcs and transits often indicates job loss. And long transits and progressions with his participation mean long periods of unemployment. But one way or another, the influence of Neptune will always interfere and counteract stability, the normal course of life, and social growth.

Another key position of Neptune is deception and secrets. With any cosmic status of Neptune, it is important to pay attention to its aspects with the Black Moon, Lunar Nodes, Pars, as well as conjunctions, squares or oppositions with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto and any configuration with Mercury. And if there are any, then the risk is almost inevitable that this individual will become a thief or a swindler, a deceiver and a traitor, a gossip and an intriguer. An indicator of fraudulent activity is the presence of any of the listed elements of the Birth Chart in a configuration with Neptune in the first, second, seventh, eighth, tenth house.

And the conjunction, square or opposition of Neptune with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter warns against the fact that a person himself will become a victim of swindlers and schemers, deceivers and traitors. And if Neptune is determined in the second or eighth house, then he will lose serious amounts of money, and if he is determined in the fourth house, then he risks losing his own house altogether. But it is clear that fraudulent activity does not contribute to spiritual growth - and easy money will push a person into the abyss of revelry and entertainment, booze and drugs. And as a result, such a lifestyle will sooner or later lead him to the very bottom of his life. Actually, Neptune can lead there when configured with the Black Moon, Lunar Node, Pars of Doom, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto. Any of these configurations greatly activates Neptune, enhancing its manifestation, and therefore creates a great risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs.

If a child has such a configuration in the birth horoscope, then maximum measures should be taken to protect him from falling into this dependence, including developing and shaping his intellectual and sports interests, saturating his spiritual and emotional side of life.

It is interesting to note that Neptune is in sextile with Pluto from 1939 to 1996 and from 2012 to 2037, diverging from it only sometimes, and then for a couple of months: all generations born during this period will be forced to face the gifts and troubles of Neptune . And Neptune in conjunction with the Black Moon, the Descending Lunar Node, the Pars of Doom, in conjunction, square, or semi- or sesquiquadrate opposition with Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus will always interfere social adaptation a person, pushing him to the bottom of life.

So, with its location in the sixth house, it will create unbearable working conditions, lack of demand and chronic unemployment; in the tenth house it will push you onto the path of fraud and crime; in the second house foreshadows poverty, misery and loss of money; in the fourth house - homelessness; in the eleventh house - deception and betrayal by friends; in the seventh house - public condemnation, betrayal by a husband or wife, organizes bullying; in the fifth house it foretells separation from children; and in the eighth house - poverty and strange incidents and trials, schizophrenia; and in the third house - betrayal of relatives, intrigue of colleagues and neighbors.

Neptune in the houses of the horoscope

Neptune, located in the first house, has a very strong position: here it reveals itself in all its power. Gives genius and psychic abilities. But if a person does not engage in moral self-improvement, gravitates toward alcohol, and indulges in inappropriate and eccentric behavior, it can lead him to a madhouse. Insists that a person leave the money path and take up creativity, extrasensory perception and healing. And at the same time I did not feel any selfish interest, but only a sincere desire to help. He warns that deceptions and fraud will push him down the path of drinking away easy money, and wasting his life while still young will bring him to the very bottom, including leading to imprisonment. In their youth they sin with unreliability and irresponsibility, lack of commitment and deceit. You should overcome these traits in yourself - this is what spiritual growth consists of.

Neptune in the second house indicates chaos in monetary matters. The most important thing here is not to fall under the power of money, since very easy and large earnings are possible here, especially through deception and fraud. But if a person passes such a test and is not seduced into obtaining income through criminal means, despite any difficult financial situation or poverty, the genius gifted by Neptune for this will sooner or later improve his financial situation.

If in your natal chart Neptune is located in the third house, then spiritual development here can bring success as a brilliant writer, popular journalist, or simultaneous interpreter. You should avoid lying to relatives, colleagues and neighbors. There is a danger of losing important documents. The risk of becoming addicted to alcohol is, as they say, for company. You should lead a sober lifestyle.

Neptune in the fourth house speaks of some family secret. Often indicates parental alcoholism. And with tense configurations or with the participation of the Black Moon, Descending Lunar Node, Pars of Doom - homelessness, loss of home. Often poor living conditions.

Neptune in the fifth house foretells separation from a child or adopted children (especially when the elements of the 5th house are connected with the elements of the 3rd house). There is a great craving for entertainment and fun - it is important to learn to observe this in moderation. There is an inevitable danger of losing money at cards, drinking away all the money, and losing it in other gambling games. An irresponsible attitude towards raising children should be avoided and children should be helped to develop their talents.

Neptune in the sixth house of the birth horoscope indicates strong love to their profession, but have great difficulties in finding employment. Characteristics include unbearable working conditions, work schedules, envy of colleagues, or chronic unemployment. Holders of this determination of Neptune are distinguished by periodic efficiency: sometimes they throw themselves into work and have phenomenal productivity, sometimes fast fatiguability and depression. A qualified top manager must use this feature of nature for the benefit of production and create such an employee a flexible or even free schedule in order, on the one hand, to save him from wiping his pants during the period when he has a “creative crisis”, and to use him as efficiently as possible in hours of increased work capacity, giving very difficult tasks.

Neptune in the seventh house brings chaos to relationships with the outside world. To strengthen their financial situation, they are ready to agree to a marriage of convenience, which will bring nothing but suffering. A marriage made for love will be ideal in every way. You should not be afraid of a partner with strange abilities or desires. If spiritual harmony has arisen, it will not leave.

Neptune in the eighth house will bring sorrows and trials into life, cause a lot of negative emotions, and will test a person’s endurance. Under no circumstances should you succumb to the temptation to take the path of criminal earnings. If this happens, what awaits? early death of a mysterious nature or murder by criminal elements. If you belong to a criminal group, you face a complete loss of personal freedom and complete dependence on the interests of the group. Risk of long-term imprisonment. Strange incidents in life and encounters with anomalous phenomena are possible. Amazing extrasensory abilities, mastery of hypnosis.

If in your horoscope Neptune is in the ninth house, then only in time will spiritual growth begin to help avoid the tragedy of falling into the network of religious sectarians.

In the tenth house it speaks of the talent of a criminal. But the criminal path will have a sad end.

In the eleventh house - about friends among psychics and clairvoyants. With harmonious configurations with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and the Ascending Node of the moon, friends will help spiritual growth, promote personal development, and help in difficult times. But squares, oppositions, semi- and sesquiquadrates with luminaries and planets warn of deception and betrayal on the part of friends.

And the configuration with Mercury or conjunctions, squares, oppositions, half- and one-and-a-half squares with Mars, Saturn also warn about the fact that wasting life, constant irresponsibility and non-commitment, a disdainful attitude towards friendship will simply turn away real friends from him, destroying and killing everything their friendly feelings, leaving the individual alone on his life's journey. And a conjunction with the Black Moon or the Descending Node of the moon indicates direct deceptions of one’s own friends, using them for selfish purposes - but when the deception is revealed, the person faces universal contempt.

In the 12th house of the horoscope, Neptune from birth gives phenomenal and extraordinary abilities, genius, clairvoyance and clairaudience, and the gift of healing. Inclines towards activities in solitude. Life path can lead to a monastery or prison. But all this will be a search for the spiritual path.

Neptune in sextile, semi-sextile or trine with the Sun or Moon indicates innate genius, creative abilities, excellent instincts, extrasensory or parapsychological abilities, but at the same time impracticality in everyday matters, exaltation, and deprives of interest in the social side of life and career. Arouses a strong desire to live away from the bustle of business, in a quiet place, preferably in a house on the coast in a tropical or subtropical mild climate, so that you can quietly engage in creativity.

And Neptune in conjunction, square, opposition half or sesquiquadrate with the Sun or Moon warns of the danger of alcoholism or drug addiction. Reports that the human body breaks down alcohol very poorly, and its nervous system overly sensitive to stimulants. You should be wary of nervous overload, as mental disorders are possible. Here, too, there is a desire to have a house in a cozy place somewhere on the coast with a warm, mild climate.

In all other cases, a strongly manifested Neptune (located in the I, IV, VII, X house or configuration with the Ascendant or Meridian, positioned above the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or its ruler) endows such character traits as irresponsibility, optionality, unreliability, inconstancy , frivolity, laziness, deceit, deceit and unscrupulousness.

It is important to understand that spiritual growth comes down to the struggle and elimination of these very negative character traits and dispositions. The development of positive antipodes instead: loyalty, honesty, decency, responsibility. For without such a struggle with such shortcomings of one’s nature, which are especially acute during the retrograde phase of Neptune at the moment of birth, the path of spiritual degradation begins, which inevitably leads a person not only to the spiritual, but also to the social bottom!

It should be noted that Neptune is associated with illusion. Under the influence of Neptune, a person can form an image for himself that is completely different from reality. At the same time, Neptune can be convincing, making you believe in the illusion or fairy tale he created. Thus, Neptune is also associated with acting and diplomacy. But a tall man spiritual development he turns him into a storyteller, inviting him to express his enormously rich imagination in such an interesting way.

The sign of exile is opposite to the sign of the monastery. What does the expulsion of a planet give to a person? Each sign carries with it a certain set of hidden qualities inherent in the sign, but repressed inside. A planet in exile is an indicator of internal hidden qualities that manifest themselves at the deep level of a person’s consciousness and in the manifestation of which on the external plane a person experiences difficulty. In the best case, being sublimated, these qualities will have a creative outlet; in the worst case, they can give a hidden complex, damage, disharmony, vulnerability. A planet in exile is the hidden, internal ruler of the sign. A planet in a monastery shapes the sign externally, a planet in exile shapes the sign internally. As many planets in exile a person has, there are as many hidden complexes. A planet in exile is " weakness“A person’s Achilles heel is what he likes to cling to and through which he can be hurt. Any planet in exile can be creatively used, then its “weakness” will turn into a source of human development.

The Sun is in exile in the sign of Aquarius. The Sun complex: the desire to be singled out, to be an informal leader, also gives an outcast complex (I am against everyone), egocentrism, internal arrogance, the inability to naturally “shine,” a complex of unrecognized genius, a pose under the guise of reluctance to accept honors, hidden forms of vanity. These qualities are hidden, repressed, they are not visible to the naked eye. The Sun in Aquarius can be creatively sublimated, then it will give an active solar principle, inner brilliance, more true highlighting, not ostentatious, but inner hidden dignity, something that a person is embarrassed to show to others.

The Moon is in exile in the sign of Capricorn. Moon complex: emotional pressure, infringement, deeply hidden emotions that have nothing to do with reality, suspiciousness, hypochondria, suspicion, inability to relax; a person is forced to play the role of a cold person. The moon gives melancholy, illusions, sadness, unexpressed hopes, painful fear of inner revelation, pessimism; a person does not like it when someone gets into his soul. Externally, Capricorn manifests Saturn, and internally the Moon. A planet in exile manifests and becomes visible in extreme circumstances, when the top layer of a person’s psyche is removed and his essence is revealed. Under normal conditions, a planet in exile is hidden and, like a worm, eats away from the inside. The planet in exile needs to be worked on. The transformed complex of the Moon gives intuition, sensitivity, romanticism - these are hidden, intimately internal traits, and therefore truer character traits. The internal structure of the house is determined by the planet in exile, and the facade is determined by the planet in the monastery. Capricorn has a true ruler, but not a manifest one - this is the Moon. The artist Paul Cezanne found a creative outlet for his negative qualities and became a full-fledged person. Every Capricorn has lunar sadness and capriciousness, but you feel it only when you are in close contact with this person. There is more of a hidden child in Capricorn than in Cancer.

Mercury is in exile in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. The Mercury complex can be expressed in the question: “Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?” In Sagittarius, intolerance towards other people's thoughts is very strongly expressed; Sagittarius recognizes only his own opinion and does not tolerate the opinions of others. At best, Mercury in Sagittarius gives mobility of mind, a mood for contact, search, liveliness, and internal mobility. Mercury in Pisces gives cunning, insincerity, plagiarism, a person passes off other people's thoughts as his own, self-interest (“I don’t have my own - I’ll borrow from a neighbor”). At best, Mercury in Pisces gives purity of mind, the ability to perceive the thoughts of other people, a person, like a pure vessel, accepts any idea, mental agility, an inquisitive, observant mind, a love of reading, a thirst for knowledge. Only outwardly this does not manifest itself in Pisces; these qualities are hidden. Mercury is the true ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. The expulsion of Mercury also manifests itself as a complex of communication.

Venus is in exile in the signs of Aries and Scorpio. The Venus complex is a deficiency in the area of ​​feelings, inharmony, a hidden need for love, which can lead to sadism or masochism. For Scorpios, the complex can manifest itself in the form of sadomasochism; they suffer themselves and torture others. At best, Venus in Scorpio gives an active need for love, a desire for beauty. In Aries, Venus gives screaming, naked feelings, hysteria, love suffering; There is no measure in feelings, there is no harmony or comfort in love. At best, Venus in Aries gives the ability to love, a heightened sense of harmony. Venus is hidden in any Aries and Scorpio.

Mars is in exile in the signs of Libra and Taurus. Disharmonious Mars manifests itself in the inability to manage, internal harshness, and conflict. Libra has hysterics, mood swings, imbalance, and instability. Mars causes damage in energy that does not have harmonious control (Paul I; S. A. Yesenin - the connection of the Sun and Mars in Libra). At best, Mars gives Libra peace-making energy, energy to restore order. In Taurus, Mars gives strong passions, dissatisfaction, wild and blind jealousy, all destructive, inharmonious energies. Mars can also be the true ruler of these signs, then it will give peaceful, creative energies.

Jupiter is in exile in the signs of Virgo and Gemini. Jupiter is a complex of authoritarianism, gives the desire to be more significant than one actually is, hidden arrogance. For Virgo, Jupiter gives hidden serviceism, careerism, lackeyness, for Gemini - a lack of authority, a desire to play with authority, and ambition. Geminis often imitate stronger ones in order to achieve their goals with someone else's hands. At best, Jupiter in exile can give a mood for higher authorities, a hidden desire for hierarchy, for sociality, a sense of community, collective ideas, hidden altruism, helping others, responsibility for others, a sense of great significance, great problems. These qualities are hidden, hidden. A planet in exile is often more important than a planet in a mansion.

Saturn is in exile in the signs of Leo and Cancer. Saturn complex

The life of any person certainly has ups and downs. Various situations in our lives constantly require us to grow and develop, physically and spiritually. In astrology, our life experiences can be seen through the planets in .

When hit, it gains an “essential strength” or weakness.

Planet in the monastery- shows pure available qualities. Innate talent, a person does not make any effort, everything is given to him with ease in the area for which the planet is responsible.

Planet in exaltation- indicates a certain specific talent; it manifests itself more narrowly than the planet in the monastery. This is a good guideline for choosing a profession, what you should strive for.

Planet in exile- indicates a lack of some qualities in the area for which this planet is responsible. The likelihood of problems occurring. This is the lowest energy on the planet.

Planet in fall- shows the lack of qualities in a narrower sphere for which the planet is responsible. It is the opposite of exaltation.

Table: strength of the planet in a sign





A fall












a lion




In addition to the sign in which the planet is located, the planet is also influenced by the house in which it is located. Houses show a certain area of ​​life for which they are responsible, and according to their location in houses, planets will acquire different qualities. This quality of the planet is called accidental force and is translated as “ random force" The accidental power of the planet is more important in implementation than the essential (according to the zodiac sign).

For example: Hillary Clinton had very strong support (essential strength), but lost the US election to Donald Trump, who had accidental strength.

Assessing the accidental strength of planets in houses

When assessing accidental strength, the following scheme is followed: corner houses - maximum strength, subsequent houses - average strength and falling houses - weak.

Corner houses (strong)

I, IV, VII And X- corner houses. They allow the planet to express itself as much as possible, despite the essential qualities that are acquired in the sign. When located in these houses, the planet will manifest itself naturally and noticeably in the area and affairs for which the house is responsible. If a person has many planets located in angular houses, then his affairs will be noticeable, and his life will be full of rich events.

If a planet is strong in a sign (essential strength) and is located in one of the angular houses, such a planet will maximally manifest itself with bright achievements in life, to which a person will go through harmony and satisfaction.

If the planet is in decline or exile - weak essentially, but located in one of the angular houses - have accidental strength, such a person will achieve his achievements by any means, sweeping away his competitors by all available means.

It is believed that angular houses are strong because their planets are visible. They are distributed according to strength: I,X, VII IV houses.

Subsequent houses (medium strength)

II, V, VIII XI— Subsequent houses. The planets located in them will not have the same effective effect as in the angular houses; to be comparable, a person will need to spend twice as much energy.

The following are distributed according to strength: XI, II, V, VIIIHouses.

Falling houses (weak)

III, VI, IX and XII— Falling houses. They have the lowest score. If in the natal chart most of the planets are in cadent houses, then such a person will need to work very hard for his achievements to become noticeable to others.

According to traditional astrology, cadent houses do not see the ascendant, and therefore a person has little control over these spheres, they are hidden from him. Planets in these houses work only 25% compared to angular ones.

The following are distributed according to strength: I X, III, VI, X IIHouses.

There is also William Lilly's method for determining the strength of houses, in which the order is slightly different. To complete the picture, I will give it here too.

Power of planets in houses according to Lilly:

Corner houses (strong): 1, 10, 7, 4 houses
Subsequent houses (average strength): 11, 5, 9, 3 houses
Falling houses (weak): 2nd, 8th, 6th, 12th houses

Note that the 2nd and 8th houses are considered weak, so are placed lower in the hierarchy of planetary support. The meaning of this is beyond the scope of this article, but the experience of William Lilly's system confirms this.

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