How much does a domestic lemur cost: types and prices. Lemur at home. Is this possible? What to feed the loris lemur at home

Lemurs (lemuriformes) are an infraorder belonging to the suborder of wet-nosed primates.

This group unites all representatives of the order living in Madagascar.


The internal taxonomy of the taxon is as follows. The lemur-like infraorder includes six families:

  • hand-footed;
  • dwarf lemurs;
  • Lepilemuraceae;
  • lemurs;
  • megaladapids (an extinct group of animals);
  • indriaceae.

The lemur family, in turn, is divided into five genera:

  • common lemurs (includes species such as crowned lemur, white lemur, mongoose lemur);
  • gentle lemurs (which includes golden lemur, gentle lemur);
  • lemur (ring-tailed lemur);
  • prolemur (includes the broad-nosed lemur);
  • ruffed lemurs (including species such as ruffed lemur and rufous ruffed lemur);
  • pachylemur (extinct).

What kind of animal is a lemur?

Different types of lemurs differ significantly from each other in their external characteristics. What an animal looks like depends on its species. Common to all representatives of the order is the presence of incisors and canines of the lower jaw, which protrude forward. Another unifying feature is an elongated claw on the second finger. lower limbs, which animals use to “comb” their thick fur.

Lemurs are endemic to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. The name "lemur" in Ancient Rome meant “ghost”, “spirit”. This is probably due to the nocturnal lifestyle of mammals, as well as the large size of the eyes of these animals. A lemur with large eyes, flying from branch to branch, almost invisible to the human eye under the cover of darkness, emitting a specific cry, can really be associated with a mysterious spirit or ghost.

Primates range in size from the smallest (“mouse-sized”) to comparable to a small dog. Some fossil species were the size of a large dog. The most major representatives Lemur-like animals are indri - they grow up to a meter and can weigh up to 10 kg. The smallest are dwarf lemurs, whose height does not exceed 23 cm, of which 10 cm is the length of the tail. The weight of mouse lemurs is 50 grams.

The habitat of these animals is tropical forests. In these conditions they feel very comfortable due to their ability to climb and jump well on tree branches. The limbs of lemurs are five-fingered, and the thumb of the front paws is opposed to the rest, which makes it possible to firmly cling to branches and irregularities in the bark.

Most members of the family are nocturnal, and during the day they sleep in nests. Lemurs live in groups of 4 to 60 individuals, as well as in pairs and alone.

The muzzle of most of these animals has an elongated shape. The eyes are usually disproportionately large and the gaze is directed forward, giving the impression of a surprised expression. Eye color ranges from orange-red to brown-yellow. In rare cases, blue-eyed primates are found, in particular Sclater's black lemur.

The ratio of the lengths of the fore and hind limbs depends on the species of the animal. Some members of the family have much longer front legs than their hind legs. This is due to the way of life of lemurs, namely the need to climb trees. Species of lemurs that live on land, on the contrary, have more developed hind legs, or relatively the same size of both pairs of limbs.

Most lemurs boast a luxurious tail, which performs a number of important functions:

  • help balance while running and jumping;
  • serve as a means of grasping branches and holding the animal suspended;
  • are a signaling tool for relatives.

Indri lemurs are deprived of such capabilities, since the length of their tail does not exceed 5 cm.

IN Lately lemurs have become very popular among pet lovers. People are attracted by the unusual appearance of these animals and their funny behavior. Pets most often become small lemurs (for example, the mouse lemur - loris), which quickly and easily get used to a new environment. At the same time, owners are recommended to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.


  • a house for shelter during the day;
  • branches (or even wood) for climbing;
  • drinking bowl and food bowl;
  • filler for rodents.

The material from which the cage is made is not particularly important. Drinking water should be changed as often as possible. It is highly not recommended to heavily clutter the space, since the animal needs a lot of space to play. It is best to place the cage in the corner of the room, where there is no access to drafts and too bright lighting.

Lemurs feel most comfortable in twilight. The cage can be equipped with an ultraviolet lamp, which should be turned on during the daytime for 1.5-2 hours. It is recommended to fill the bottom of the home with sawdust. It is necessary to clean the cage daily of lemur waste products. Thorough cleaning is carried out monthly.

What do domesticated lemurs eat?

It is known that lemurs eat mainly plant foods. IN wildlife their diet also includes small birds, lizards and invertebrates. At home, animals should be fed vegetables and fruits.

Also, the animals will not refuse bread, meat and eggs. One of the most favorite delicacies of lemurs are insects - to please your pet, you can purchase such food at a pet store. For proper nutrition and maintaining the health of the animal, do not forget to treat your pet with vitamin supplements. Feeding is carried out once a day.

Animal habits and maintenance features

It is noteworthy that Lemurs don't respond to names, therefore, accustoming the animal to a name is completely useless. Lemurs are neutral towards other animals in the apartment.

These animals do not have the habit of chewing furniture.

If treated well, the lemur quickly becomes attached to its owner.

The mouse lemur does not like to be left alone; it needs affection and attention. To make the animal feel happy, it is enough to spend only 30 minutes a day with it. It is allowed to keep lemurs in pairs.

The nature of these animals is such that It seems impossible to train them to go to the toilet in the same place. You should not force the animal to do something against its will. Otherwise, other than aggression on the part of the animal, the owner will not get any result.

Lemurs are characterized by curiosity and the habit of exploring the surrounding space.

Animals are clean, so it is not necessary to wash them.

How long do lemurs live at home?

In the wild, the lifespan of these mammals can reach 15 years. At home, a lemur can live from 20 to 30 years. The longevity of a pet will depend on the quality of its maintenance.


If you decide to have an exotic animal at home, the lemur is perfect for this. Of all the possible representatives of exotic fauna, this animal is perhaps the most unusual. To make the lemur feel comfortable, it is enough to follow the recommendations in the article for its maintenance and care.

The Madagascar lemur is a unique animal of its kind, business card the island of Madagascar, located east of the African continent. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the island considered lemurs to be magical creatures, with whom many superstitions, fairy tales and fables were associated. This is due to the unusual appearance of the lemur and its large eyes. As for the name “lemur” itself, it is translated as “ghost”. Our article is about the habits of these unusual animals, their way of life, habitats, and much more.

Lemur: description, structure, characteristics. What does a lemur look like?

Lemurs are mammals and belong to the order of primates, the suborder of wet-nosed monkeys and the information group of lemurs themselves or lemuriformes. The closest relatives of lemurs are monkeys, although lemurs have many differences with them. As for the lemurs themselves, their entire family is divided into 5 subfamilies, numbering as many as 101 species of different lemurs. We will definitely describe the most interesting of them in this article.

The size of a lemur depends on its species; the smallest dwarf mouse lemur easily fits in a human palm. Its size is 18-22 cm in length including the tail (if measured without the tail, then only 9-11 cm) with a weight of 24-38 grams.

The largest lemur, the short-tailed indri, is 50-70 cm in length. The average weight of a lemur of this species is 6-8 kg.

An interesting fact: zoologists believe that once upon a time, both in Madagascar and on the African continent, there were truly gigantic lemurs weighing up to 200 kg. They were larger than modern gorillas. Unfortunately, these giant lemurs became extinct before they survived to our times.

The lemur's body is elongated and dense, its head is round and slightly flattened. The lemur's muzzle is somewhat similar to a fox's, just as elongated and pointed. Also on the muzzle there are antennae, which nature gave them not only for beauty, they perform the function of touch.

The lemur's eyes are unusually large, yellow or orange in color (however, there is also a species of blue-eyed lemur in nature - Sclater's black lemur). Sometimes lemur eyes look like saucers, the expression of their eyes often speaks of simultaneous amazement and fear.

The lemur's teeth have a special structure: on the upper jaw the incisors are spaced very widely, while on the lower jaw they are very close to the fangs and are at a significant inclination forward, thus creating a kind of “tooth comb”.

All four paws of the lemur have 5 toes, the thumb is opposite the others. In general, the structure of the paws of lemurs is very similar to that of monkeys and, of course, us humans: lemurs have nails on their fingers, and the nail of the lemur’s index finger is especially long, since lemurs use it for hygienic purposes, it is called “toilet.”

The lemur's tail is especially long, bushy and luxurious. The length of the tail is often equal to the length of the body, and sometimes even exceeds it. Lemurs have a tail not only for beauty, but also with its help they communicate with each other, and like squirrels, the tail helps them maintain balance when jumping from branch to branch.

But the species of lemur - the short-tailed indri, alas, cannot boast of its long tail; it has the shortest tail in the lemur family - it is only 3-5 cm in length.

The lemur's fur is thick and can have a wide variety of colors: some types of lemurs have gray-brown colors, others are black and white, and others have red or red-brown fur. The ring-tailed lemur has a funny coloration, whose long tail is decorated with black and white stripes.

How long do lemurs live?

Lemur lifespan natural conditions depends on their type. On average, many lemurs live about 20 years. The exception here is ring-tailed lemurs, which are able to live up to 35-37 years.

Where do lemurs live?

IN old times The ancestors of modern lemurs lived in Africa and on nearby islands, but only the lemurs of Madagascar have survived to this day. Also, in natural conditions, lemurs live on the Comoros Islands neighboring Madagascar. And, of course, many lemurs were exported from Madagascar, and now they can be found in zoos around the world. These animals take root well and reproduce in captivity.

As for the island of Madagascar itself, the homeland of lemurs, they have mastered all the natural biotopes of the island. They can be found in the Madagascar jungle in the east of the island and in the temperate maritime climate central regions and in the dry forests of western Madagascar.

Lemur lifestyle

Lemurs spend most of their lives in trees, which they climb very well, jumping from branch to branch, balancing their tails. However, there are also species of lemurs, such as the ring-tailed lemur, that spend a lot of time on the ground.

Lemurs, as a rule, lie on trees, basking in the Sun, where they make their lairs from branches, rest, and breed their offspring. If necessary, lemurs are able to cover long distances by jumping from branch to branch. For example, the jump of the Verreaux sifaka lemur is 9-10 meters.

Lemurs are social animals with a strong territorial sense. They live in family groups of 3 to 20-30 individuals. Within such a lemur group there is a strict hierarchy, the leader is the strongest female (yes, lemurs have matriarchy), who can choose males for herself to mate with during the mating season, and she also has an advantage when choosing food. The number of females and males in such a group is approximately equal, but if the females remain in the group until the end of their days, then the males sometimes go to other groups or may even begin to lead a solitary lifestyle.

Each group of lemurs has its own strictly defined territory, the area of ​​which can range from 6 to 80 hectares. Lemurs mark the borders of their “kingdom” with a special secretion and urine, so that the alien lemurs can smell that there is nothing for them to do here.

Being social animals, lemurs actively communicate with each other using grunting or purring sounds, and sometimes they even scream. Additionally, lemurs communicate using their long tails.

Interesting fact: some species of lemurs, such as the dwarf lemur, go into a kind of state during the dry season. hibernation- they sit in a daze on the branches, eat absolutely nothing, and at this time their body uses up pre-stored fat reserves.

How does a lemur sleep?

Most lemurs are crepuscular animals that sleep among the foliage in their cozy dens during the day and come out in the evening to search for food. Lemurs sleep right on tree branches, tightly grasping them with their paws.

Sleeping lemur.

What do lemurs eat?

Lemurs, like monkeys, are omnivores, but they are still much more vegetarian than carnivores. Their main diet is: trees, ripe fruits (lemurs especially love figs and bananas), plant shoots, seeds, tree bark. But sometimes various small animals can become prey for lemurs; usually lemurs eat different large insects:, nocturnal, spiders, cockroaches.

Some lemurs can hunt arboreal and, as well as eat small birds and their eggs.

Many lemurs eat like monkeys and humans, first taking food with their paws and then putting it in their mouth.

Enemies of lemurs

Despite their agility, lemurs often become prey to various large predators. The greatest threat to them is the Madagascar long-eared owl and barn owl, as well as. They are also attacked by snakes (especially the Madagascar tree boa) and some carnivorous mammals(narrow-banded mano, mongooses and even domestic dogs).

But be that as it may, lemurs suffer the most due to the destructive activities of humans. It has gotten to the point that now lemurs in Madagascar have officially been given protected status, since many of their species are on the verge of extinction. The intensive deforestation of Madagascar's tropical forests– traditional habitats of these animals.

Types of lemurs, photos and names

As we wrote above on this moment Zoologists have counted 101 species of lemurs, which make up 5 large families. Next, we will describe in detail the main families of lemurs and their most interesting species.

Family Arupodaceae

This species of lemur is the only representative of the family of bats. It is nocturnal and is the largest among nocturnal lemurs. The length of the Madagascar arm is 30-40 cm, with a weight of 2.4-2.8 kg. The fluffy tail of this lemur grows even larger than the body, its length is 45-55 cm. The body of the Madagascar lemur is covered with black-brown hair and dense undercoat.

Also, the Madagascar monkey has a round head, a short and wide muzzle, orange or yellow eyes and large ears, somewhat reminiscent of spoons in their shape. Characteristic difference The difference between its arms and other lemurs is the fact that its big toe is practically not opposed to the rest. Another difference of this species is the absence of fangs, which is why zoologists even at first mistakenly classified the bat as a rodent, and only later found out that this is a specific variety of lemurs, which has deviated somewhat from the main group in the course of evolution. At the moment, the Madagascar bat is listed in.

Family of dwarf lemurs

This family includes the smallest representatives of the kingdom of lemurs, whose size resembles mice or rats. Although dwarf lemurs are more similar in lifestyle, they also live in the crowns of trees and jump on branches.

This is the most little lemur in the world and one of the smallest primates (only the pygmy marmoset, a small monkey, is smaller than it). In its size and appearance it resembles a large mouse, its length is 18-22 cm, with a weight of 24-38 grams. It has a reddish-brown coat color on the back and a creamy white belly. The eyes of the dwarf mouse lemur are surrounded by dark rings and therefore appear especially large.

Another representative of the dwarf lemur family. In size, the rat lemur is slightly larger than its mouse relative; its body length is 20-25 cm and weighs up to 140 grams. The large eyes of this lemur are equipped with a special choroid - tapetum, thanks to which these animals are able to see perfectly in the dark (such a built-in biological night vision device). The gray or red-brown color of their fur is somewhat reminiscent of a rat's, hence the name of this species.

Family of lepilemurids or slender-bodied lemurs

This includes medium-sized lemurs, with a body length of about 30 cm and a weight of about 1 kg.

It is one of the smallest representatives of the family of slender-bodied lemurs, its body length is 28 cm, weight – 700-800 grams. It differs from other lemurs in its small ears and completely vegetarian lifestyle; these lemurs eat exclusively plant foods.

Small-toothed lemur

This lemur differs from other fellows in that it leads a solitary lifestyle. He is also a true vegetarian. The body length of the small-toothed lemur is 25-29 cm, weight - 0.9-1.2 kg.

Lemur family

It includes the most famous and well-studied species of lemurs.

Ring-tailed lemur

He is also the ring-tailed lemur, he is also the catta lemur, he is also the common lemur - one of the most striking representatives of the lemur family. It is similar in size to the ring-tailed lemur; its body length is 39-46 cm, with a weight of 2.3-3.5 kg. At the same time, their luxurious striped black and white tail is larger than the body; the length of the tail of this lemur is 56-63 cm.

An interesting fact is that with the help of their tails, male ring-tailed lemurs sometimes sort things out, smear the tail into a special odorous secretion under the armpits, then poke each other with their tails; the stronger the smell coming from the tail, the higher its owner will have a position in the lemur hierarchy.

Also, although these lemurs are excellent at climbing trees, they prefer to walk on the ground, and more than all their other relatives spend time not in the trees, but below.

He's a macaque lemur. Another representative of the lemur family, it is quite different large sizes, its length is 38-45 cm and weighs 2-3 kg. Like the ring-tailed lemur, it has a very long tail, 51-64 cm long. The fur of the black lemur, surprisingly, is also completely black, although in daylight you can see reddish-brown shades.

Another representative of the lemur family, also quite large. Its body length is 38-50 cm, with a weight of 1.9-4.2 kg. It has a brown or gray-brown coat color. In addition, its head and muzzle have a more intense black and gray color.

He's Sclater's black lemur. The main difference between this lemur is its blue eyes, which are uncharacteristic of other relatives. The blue-eyed lemur is a close relative of the black lemur, as evidenced by the black coat of its males. Females are red-brown in color. The body length of this lemur is 39-45 cm, weight – 1.8-1.9 kg. And of course there is a huge long tail.

This lemur is the largest among the lemur family (but not among all lemurs), its body length is 51-56 cm, weight 3-4.5 kg. The thick and fluffy fur of this lemur is colored black and white.

A close relative of the lemur Vari, it is slightly inferior in size; the length of the red Vari is 40-50 cm, with a weight of 3-4 kg. The back of this lemur is red in color, while the belly and head are black. And the red-haired Vari is unusually fertile even for other lemurs; their females give birth to 5-6 cubs, while other lemurs give birth to no more than 2-3.

Indriaceae family

A distinctive feature of lemurs from the Indriidae family is their muzzle, which is completely devoid of hair.


He is also a short-tailed indri, aka babakoto (as the local Malagasy people call him) - the largest lemur in the world. Its size is 50-70 cm, weight – 6-7.5 kg. Having the most large size Among lemurs, the indri's tail, on the contrary, is the smallest, its length is 4-5 cm. Although the indri's muzzle is devoid of hair, its ears are quite large and shaggy. The indri coat color is a combination of black, white and gray.

He is also a crested sifaka, he is also a crested indri. A fairly large lemur, its body length is 42-45 cm, weight 3.4-3.6 kg (males are usually larger than females). It also has a large and fluffy tail. These lemurs are interesting because they can move vertically on their hind legs. It has a white coat with black areas on the head, sides and forelimbs.

Lemur breeding

The mating season for each species of lemur is strictly defined and is usually confined to a specific season. For example, dwarf lemurs breed from December to May, and indrius lemurs only during the spring.

Also, lemurs reach sexual maturity in different ways; dwarf lemurs become sexually mature at 1.5 years, while indri lemurs mature only at 4-5 years.

Mating flirtations among lemurs manifest themselves in the form of loud screams and touches. And as we wrote above, many lemurs are dominated by matriarchy, which means that females can choose suitable males for procreation.

Also, indri lemurs usually form strong monogamous pairs; only in the event of the death of one of the partners can the male or female look for a new pair. But other types of lemurs are not so faithful; they usually lead a polygamous lifestyle.

Pregnancy lasts different times for different lemurs, averaging from 2 to 5 months. Also, all types of lemurs, with the exception of bats, usually give birth once a year. As for the arms, they are slower in this regard and bear offspring no more than once every 2-3 years. Usually 1-3 cubs are born at a time, and only the more fertile lemurs have 4 to 6 small babies.

Lemurs, like kittens, are born blind, but regain their sight on the second day of life. Newborn dwarf lemurs weigh 3-5 grams, while little lemurs weigh more large species at birth they weigh from 80 to 120 grams. As soon as they are born, newborn citizens of the lemur family hang on their mother’s belly, clutching her fur with tenacious hands. Some lemurs carry their babies in their mouths, and baby dwarf lemurs spend the first 2-3 weeks of their lives in secluded nests or tree hollows. But the cubs of ring-tailed lemurs and common lemurs have the habit of climbing onto their mother’s back.

During the first months of their life, little lemurs are under the constant care of their mother, and in monogamous indri lemurs, they are under the constant care of their father. Breastfeeding with mother's milk lasts 4-5 months. After this period ends, lemurs begin to grow rapidly and soon become fully grown.

Lemur at home: maintenance and care

Sometimes lovers of exotic pets get a pet lemur. And why not, many species of lemurs (but not all) are easily tamed by humans, they are not aggressive and docile. But before you get yourself such a Madagascar pet, you need to know the nuances of caring for a lemur, and how to feed it correctly.

It is very important that the cage or terrarium in which the lemur will live is spacious; you must place tree branches there and hang artificial vines on which the pet will climb, remembering its native Madagascar forests. The bottom of the cage should contain sawdust; they will have to be changed periodically, since it will not be possible to train a lemur to a tray. If you don’t clean it regularly, then both the cage and the lemur itself will soon begin to smell very bad, you know what. Also, there should always be a bowl of drinking water in the cage so that the lemur can quench his thirst at any time.

Although lemurs are protected by fur, nevertheless, being heat-loving animals, they do not tolerate drafts well, so the cage with the lemur should be in a place protected from drafts.

What to feed a lemur at home

Since lemurs are crepuscular and nocturnal animals, they should always be fed in the evening and at night. During the day, a lemur may well refuse food and this is normal for them. As for the foods that the lemur eats, this includes a variety of plant and animal foods:

  • boiled beets and potatoes,
  • cabbage and cauliflower, steamed,
  • fresh cucumbers, turnips, carrots,
  • various fruits, citrus fruits will be especially useful for the lemur,
  • cottage cheese and raw eggs,
  • bread (both white and black),
  • cereal porridge (but without oil),
  • boiled meat and fish (it is important that it is boneless).

Occasionally, lemurs can be given milk and even kefir, but only in small quantities. Since lemurs in natural conditions eat small insects, you can also purchase live crickets, cockroaches or mealworms for your pet lemur at a specialized zoological store, which they will happily eat.

Lemurs also have a sweet tooth and sometimes you can pamper them with boiled dried fruits, nuts and honey.

Compatibility of the lemur with other pets

In general, being non-conflict creatures, lemurs easily get along with other pets: cats, dogs. Lemurs, as a rule, do not destroy, break, or gnaw anything. The only thing you can be afraid of is that the lemur will tear the curtains or break the window curtains. Being fans of climbing to the maximum height and observing what is happening from there, lemurs, once outside their cage, will definitely climb curtains and curtain rods if there are any in the house.

  • Residents of Madagascar, the Malagasy, have long believed that lemurs are the souls of their dead ancestors, so in some villages residents even bring them special fruit offerings.
  • But another funny Malagasy superstition did not benefit the lemurs: it is believed that the dried index finger of a lemur can restore... lost male potency. Therefore, sometimes lemurs became the subject of hunting by elderly Malagasy people who wanted to again feel like 19-year-old boys in amorous affairs.
  • Malagasy people have a special superstitious fear of the lemur. According to the islanders, any person who kills a little hand will die within a year. Scientists still do not know what the locals call the little hand, since they never say its name out loud.
  • The vocal range of lemurs has 12 different sounds. With their help, these animals communicate with each other, and what’s interesting is that some of these sounds sound at the ultrasound level.

Lemur, video

And finally interesting documentary about ring-tailed lemurs.

When writing the article, I tried to make it as interesting, useful and high-quality as possible. I would be grateful for any feedback and constructive criticism in the form of comments on the article. You can also write your wish/question/suggestion to my email. [email protected] or on Facebook, sincerely the author.

Category: Pets

Why lemur?

Science knows about 98 species of lemurs. The most common subspecies for home keeping is the ring-tailed lemur. Domesticated ring-tailed lemurs, unlike other primates, are quite calm and affectionate. The advantages of this animal include its small size.

An adult reaches a maximum of 45 cm in length and weighs up to 3.5 kg. A special feature of this species is the striped tail, the length of which reaches 60 cm. The long tail is not just an accessory, but a functional part of the body. It provides balance while moving and jumping. If properly maintained and disease-free, ring-tailed lemurs can live up to 20 years in captivity.

Features of behavior

The historical homeland of ring-tailed lemurs is sunny Madagascar. But this does not prevent them from adapting to other living conditions. In the natural environment, these primates live in groups of up to 30 individuals, so it is better to keep them in pairs. This will make your pets feel more comfortable.

Ring-tailed lemurs are not inclined to show aggression; they are generally friendly and willing to communicate. It is best to buy a young lemur as a pet. In this way, the animal will quickly get used to its owners, since by nature they are quite distrustful. Having adapted to a new place at a young age, the animal will show affection and trust in its new family.

The ring-tailed lemur, unlike other species, is active during the daytime. This greatly simplifies its maintenance in the house. Lemurs are not picky eaters. The diet in the wild consists of fruits, insects, leaves and flowers. The food of domesticated lemurs can be varied with milk, rice porridge, eggs and nuts.

To communicate, these animals use a variety of sounds - from whistling and purring to squealing and clicking. Lemurs are very sociable, so it is always interesting and fun to be with them.

Conditions for keeping lemurs

A spacious, durable enclosure or cage is perfect for this pet. It is important to take into account the fact that lemurs can easily catch colds, so the cage should not be placed in a place under direct air flow from an air conditioner or in a draft. It is very good if the lemur has the opportunity to be under sunlight. They tend to sit for a long time, spreading their front legs, warming their chest and stomach.

For comfortable stay Be sure to place several branches, driftwood or stones in your home. This will be great fun for pet. Having a sociable character, lemurs do not like to be bored, so they play a lot and can even watch TV.

Due to the fact that lemurs are quite mobile and love to frolic, they can walk around the apartment. No need to worry about damaged things. These animals do not damage furniture and, due to their cleanliness, behave very carefully. For the same reason, it is important to keep the enclosure clean by removing leftover food and regularly wiping the floor. In the lemur's home, you can arrange a sleeping place in the form of a box with natural filling.

To maintain your pet's health, you should visit your veterinarian regularly and not self-medicate at home. At home, you can carry out deworming using medications for cats.

In the tropical forests of Asia lives a marvelous animal, which is considered one of the most ancient animals on the planet. For a long time this mammal was classified as a sloth, but since 1766 everything has changed. Then the famous naturalist from France, Buffon, called the lemur loris a prosimian. This funny animal has begun to be used quite actively by lovers of exotic creatures of nature.

Now we know of three species of such prosimians. These are thin, slow, thick (large), and also small. Each of them differs in their behavior and character, but they all have common features. They are slow, quite cowardly and active at night. As a rule, at home they keep either the slow loris or the small loris. It is these animals that we will talk about today. We will also tell you what the animal looks like, how long the lemur loris lives, where to buy it, how to choose it, and give advice on keeping it.

Characteristics of a funny animal

This animal with its appearance evokes only tenderness. On the small muzzle, large sad eyes are visible from afar, the expressiveness of which is emphasized by dark rings. There are two types of loris: greater and lesser. How are they different? Now we'll tell you.

The first is size. The small loris weighs no more than 700 g, and the great loris weighs no more than 1.2 kg. That is, the difference in mass is almost twofold. Color is the second difference. The small loris is beige, and the big one is light gray with a beige (or red) butt and a stripe on the back. The third difference is the degree of biting. The small one bites less and does not hurt as much as the big one. The first one gets used to environment faster than the second, who adapts rather slowly to the new home. Fourth - nutrition. Of course, the great loris eats more (several times) than the little loris.

How to choose the right pet

Of course, you need to choose a healthy animal. But how appearance determine your health status? A healthy loris lemur has shiny eyes, fluffy clean fur and white strong teeth. A healthy animal hisses and escapes from the hands. There must be documents for this animal: a pedigree, as well as a health certificate.

The lemur loris is a very cautious animal. It will take a long time for it to get used to you. For the first few days, try not to touch the animal, then gradually accustom it to hand feeding. When your animal recognizes you as its owner, it will become very sweet and affectionate.

Before buying an animal such as a loris lemur, you need to prepare a cozy place in the house for it, so that upon arrival it will have a place to settle down. Either a large cage or a vertical aviary is suitable for keeping.

You need to locate your home in a warm room, where there are no sudden temperature changes, drafts or high humidity. These animals can catch a cold very easily. It is also necessary to remember that lorises are very curious animals. Therefore, do not place the cage near any objects, as the animal may reach them. Remember that loris can be poisoned indoor plants, injure limbs with piercing objects, become entangled in ropes or wires, or become a victim of other pets.

Lori leads an active nocturnal lifestyle and sleeps during the day. Therefore, you need to make a house in a cage or in a higher enclosure so that the animal feels calm and can hide from prying eyes at any time. Wooden poles or branches should be tied to the walls. The animal will be happy to climb on them. By the way, did you know that lorises leave their marks on branches? Thanks to them, the animals feel calmer.

Be sure to place a tray with fillers in the enclosure. A smart animal will understand for itself what it is needed for. Some people, however, have trouble getting used to the toilet. Then you need, instead of a tray, to cover the entire floor of the cage or enclosure with sawdust or a special wooden filler.

Another important note

Lori does not have a long tail with which it could cling to vertical perches. Therefore, the animal needs horizontal crossbars and shelves. Vertical branches should be of small diameter, otherwise the animal will not be able to cling to them firmly. Thick trunks can cause falls and injuries (fractures, etc.).


If you plan to have several lorises, then remember that conflict situations may arise between the animals. Although usually males and females get along well, there may still be times when one of the animals wants to be alone. If you keep several individuals in one cell, then in any case a hierarchy will appear. Weaker ones will avoid the aggression of dominant lorises. Therefore, it is important to have several cells (just in case), as well as places to hide if a conflict suddenly breaks out.

Since these animals are intelligent and curious, the door to their home should be equipped with a locking mechanism that the loris cannot open. An escaped animal is a problem; it can get into various troubles in the apartment.

Lemur loris: care and maintenance

You shouldn't have any difficulties caring for your pet. After all, everything here is quite simple. You need to feed the animal once a day. The cage needs to be cleaned every three weeks, and the tray every four to five days. The bedding in the house should be changed every day, since during sleep the loris can urinate on it, and sleeping on a wet animal is prohibited due to pain.

Feeding wondrous animals

In their natural environment, these animals feed on insects and other small prey. They eat small reptiles and birds with great pleasure. In addition, such lemurs feed on plant foods.

Some lorises specialize in a high-calorie diet, which consists of tree sap (gnawed from the bark of a tree) and flower nectar. By the way, it is likely that for this reason lorises actively gnaw branches in their cage or enclosure.

What does an animal eat in captivity?

In captivity, the main food is plant matter. Loris eat bananas, kiwi, grapes and tomatoes with great pleasure. These lemurs also consume other vegetables and fruits. Let us note the fact that each loris is an individual person who has his own preferences in food. In addition, the animal’s daily diet should include insects, such as locusts, crickets or zoophobass. Sometimes you can give your pet chicken meat (boiled) and raw eggs (it is advisable to use quail eggs, not chicken). What to feed the loris lemur, besides what we have already listed? The animal's diet should also include dairy products: baby cereal, cottage cheese.

In order to establish contact with the animal, use its favorite food (feed by hand). Most of all, lorises love insects such as zoophobas. For the sake of this delicacy, even the most grouchy animal will be ready to leave its shelter. Remember that the loris lemur is not as easy to tame as it seems at first glance; this animal has rather sharp teeth and bites painfully.

Health problems

To avoid many problems, do not feed your pet sausage, yoghurt, sweets and other goodies from the table. Lori will eat it all, but then there may be various diseases digestive system. If you feed only soft food, then the animal will develop. It can also lead to the formation of tartar.

Lemur loris at home must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals from food, since a deficiency will cause health problems. If there is a lack of roughage in the pet’s diet, then constipation, flatulence, etc. are possible. By the way, bloating is dangerous for loris, since the intestinal walls are very thin, as a result of which there is a high probability of their rupture. For flatulence, you need to give your pet activated charcoal or dill tea. It is also advisable to stroke his tummy clockwise.

For constipation, give lori Vaseline oil (1 teaspoon). If there is still no stool, you should contact a specialist. He will tell you exactly what to do to make the loris lemur recover.

How to care for an animal's fur? Many people do not know the answer to this question, and this is very bad. Since these animals, like cats, lick themselves, hair can get into the digestive tract, as a result of which the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted. To remove it, you need to give your pet the drug “Kittimalt” 1/3 teaspoon once a week. Do you know how many times a week it should be combed? A couple of times will be enough. Note that loris fur does not cause allergies, as it is similar in structure to human hair.

An unbalanced diet is the cause of many metabolic diseases, for example, urolithiasis, obesity or, conversely, exhaustion, rickets. Loris are also very susceptible colds. Such diseases begin in these animals with sneezing and nasal discharge. As soon as you see the first signs, take action immediately, otherwise a common cold can turn into pneumonia.

Otitis is often found in such animals. A sick loris behaves restlessly, does not allow its ear to be touched, and refuses to feed. After a while, discharge from the ear appears. At the first suspicion of otitis media, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.


Lorises do not reproduce very actively even in nature, not to mention home breeding. Although now there are people who build a business on such animals. The duration of pregnancy in a female is a little more than six months. After the babies are born, the mother lemur feeds them milk for another five months. Loris can be sold no earlier than when they are ten months old - until this period, the cubs must be with their mother.


  • Can loris swim? No, he can't. This is an arboreal animal, so avoid such experiments.
  • How long does the lemur lory live? In captivity good conditions these animals can live up to 25 years.
  • Do I need to trim my nails? No no need. Their claws look like children's depressed nails, that is, they do not exist as such, which means there is nothing to cut.
  • What vaccinations do these animals receive? None. Lori is prohibited. The only thing that needs to be done is deworming every six months, and even then it is better to do a stool test to detect the presence of worms. If they are not there, then you should not once again poison the animal’s body with drugs.
  • Is the lemur loris smart? Yes, he knows where his bowl, house, etc. are, but he doesn’t play ball or follow any commands. This animal loves to ride on vines and climb branches.
  • Is there a smell from loris? No, the excrement of this animal does not stink, nor does the animal itself.
  • Is it possible to change his lifestyle? No you can not. Night mode is an instinctive behavior that, of course, cannot be avoided. You can only move it slightly if you place the cage with the animal in a dark corner of the apartment.

How much does a lemur like this cost?

A domestic loris will cost you 70-90 thousand rubles. Where to buy a loris lemur? It is best to purchase an animal from breeders who have been breeding such exotic animals for a long time. So the risk of buying a sick animal is close to zero. Very often, by the way, such animals are caught by poachers, so when purchasing, check all documents for loris. Let us also note the fact that the lemur business, as you understand, is quite profitable.

As soon as the animal comes to you, be sure to contact a veterinary clinic that specializes in such animals, since it happens that lemurs reach their owners already sick or weakened by long transportation from their homeland. Sometimes after acquisition they need to be nursed.

This animal with its appearance evokes only tenderness. On the small muzzle, large sad eyes are visible from afar, the expressiveness of which is emphasized by dark rings. There are two types of loris: greater and lesser. How are they different? Now we'll tell you.

The first is size. The small loris weighs no more than 700 g, and the great loris weighs no more than 1.2 kg. That is, the difference in mass is almost twofold. Color is the second difference. The small loris is beige, and the big one is light gray with a beige (or red) butt and a stripe on the back. The third difference is the degree of bite. The small one bites less and does not hurt as much as the big one.

Lemur Lori - a modern representative of ancient nature

Popular name The lemur lory animal became famous in connection with the expensive acquisitions of exotic animals as pets the size of a domestic cat.

This mammal is considered one of the few surviving oldest animals on the planet. All representatives of the species are classified as protected objects and included in the Red Book.

In their usual habitat, lemurs feed on fruits, small fish and birds. But the basis of its diet in the wild is insects.

Butterflies, flies, beetles are a natural source of protein for the animal. Do not discourage your pet from eating caterpillars, lizards and spiders.

Advice! Don't exclude insects from your diet. Take the loris for a walk in the summer: for him this is not only an opportunity to hunt, but also entertainment. If possible, freeze butterflies and caterpillars to feed the animal in winter.

Of course, you need to choose a healthy animal. But how can you determine your health status by appearance? A healthy loris lemur has shiny eyes, fluffy clean fur and white strong teeth. A healthy animal hisses and escapes from the hands. There must be documents for this animal: a veterinary passport, pedigree, and a health certificate.

The lemur loris is a very cautious animal. It will take a long time for it to get used to you. For the first few days, try not to touch the animal, then gradually accustom it to hand feeding. When your animal recognizes you as its owner, it will become very sweet and affectionate.

Before buying an animal such as a loris lemur, you need to prepare a cozy place in the house for it, so that upon arrival it will have a place to settle down. Either a large cage or a vertical aviary is suitable for keeping.

You need to locate your home in a warm room, where there are no sudden temperature changes, drafts or high humidity. These animals can catch a cold very easily. It is also necessary to remember that lorises are very curious animals. Therefore, do not place the cage near any objects, as the animal may reach them.

Lori leads an active nocturnal lifestyle and sleeps during the day. Therefore, you need to make a house in a cage or in a higher enclosure so that the animal feels calm and can hide from prying eyes at any time. Wooden poles or branches should be tied to the walls. The animal will be happy to climb on them. By the way, did you know that lorises leave their marks on branches? Thanks to them, the animals feel calmer.

Be sure to place a tray with fillers in the enclosure. A smart animal will understand for itself what it is needed for. Some people, however, have trouble getting used to the toilet. Then you need, instead of a tray, to cover the entire floor of the cage or enclosure with sawdust or a special wooden filler.

Features and habitat

If you plan to have several lorises, then remember that conflict situations may arise between the animals. Although usually males and females get along well, there may still be times when one of the animals wants to be alone. If you keep several individuals in one cell, then in any case a hierarchy will appear.

Since these animals are intelligent and curious, the door to their home should be equipped with a locking mechanism that the loris cannot open. An escaped animal is a problem; it can get into various troubles in the apartment.

The animal is easy to remember once you see its large eyes, surrounded by dark spots and separated by a yellowish stripe. Nature has endowed him with good night vision thanks to the reflective substance tapetum, which allows him to navigate in the dark. The eyes may have given rise to the name "Loeris", which means "clown" in Dutch.

In 1766, the French naturalist Georges Buffon called the loris a prosimian (lemur), while it was considered a sloth for its slowness. Today there are three main types:

  • slender loris;
  • slow loris (lemur loris);
  • dwarf (small) loris.

Each species is divided into several subspecies. Zoologists consider them to be a species of wet-nosed primate, mistakenly classified as a lemur.

The forests of South and Southeast Asia in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and India are home to the distribution of funny animals. The homeland is considered to be Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore.

The body of the animal, depending on the species, ranges in size from 20 to 40 cm, and weight from 0.3 to 1.6 kg. Loris are covered with short, dense and soft fur of a brownish or yellow-gray color.

Pictured is a slender loris

The abdomen is always lighter in color. A dark stripe always runs along the spine like a belt. Small head with a short muzzle. The ears are small and round. The tail is either completely absent or protrudes 1.7-2 cm and is covered with hair, so it is hardly noticeable. Fat loris is distinguished by the presence of white areas on the head.

The fore and hind limbs are approximately equal in size, equipped with grasping and tenacious hands and feet. The toes have nails, among which there are special “cosmetic” claws for grooming.

Unusual big-eyed animals live on the tops of trees, in dense crowns. Different species live in lowland forests or high mountains. They almost never descend to the ground and lead an arboreal lifestyle.

Pictured is a slow loris

Lories are often called slow for their indifference to sudden and fast movements. Sad eyes emphasize their individual expressiveness.

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