Buckwheat and kefir diet with menus and recipes for weight loss. How to lose weight with buckwheat and kefir Buckwheat with kefir for weight loss

According to the opinions of qualified nutritionists, the kefir-buckwheat diet is one of the most effective diets that has a positive effect on the body. Another advantage is the absence of eternal hunger. What recommendations do experts give for consuming the “buckwheat and kefir” diet will be discussed further.

Buckwheat and kefir separately from each other are very healthy foods, but in pairs they represent complex nutrition to cleanse the body and restore gastrointestinal functions.

Buckwheat is a cereal containing rutin (vitamin PP). Rutin helps restore blood vessels, increases the number of contractions of the heart muscle and improves blood clotting. Buckwheat promotes rapid restoration of functions gastrointestinal tract, replenishing the microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.

Along with this, buckwheat is a dietary product; despite the relatively high calorie content of the finished porridge, the fats it contains are polyunsaturated. Thanks to these fats, metabolism speeds up and more calories are burned. Buckwheat also has cleansing properties for the body; it frees the intestinal walls from the remains of undigested food.

Kefir is the result of fermentation of whole or skim cow's milk using fermented milk fungus.

The main properties of kefir are:

  • purgation;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • raising the level of immunity;
  • improvement of the whole body as a whole;
  • help with weight loss.

What effect does the “buckwheat and kefir” diet have on the body?

The buckwheat and kefir diet is a gentle diet, according to experts. What is the benefit of eating just two foods for a week? Firstly, buckwheat is a dietary, low-calorie product, and as you know, in order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit.

Diet buckwheat and kefir. You will find how to use it and the menu for the week in our article below.

Secondly, kefir has a laxative effect and helps the body get rid of accumulated food residues.

Why such a pair: buckwheat and kefir? Firstly, it is very difficult to eat only dry, uncooked buckwheat for 7 days. Secondly, kefir supports the microflora of the stomach during the diet, making it much easier to get out of a mono-diet without injuring the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the buckwheat-kefir diet

The advantages of the buckwheat and kefir diet include the following:

  1. Buckwheat is rich in fats and proteins, which allows you to replace protein foods without harm to the body.
  2. During this diet there is no pain.
  3. The cereal itself and fermented milk drink are relatively inexpensive, which makes this type of diet accessible.
  4. Contained in cereals useful substances and components allow you to improve the health of the entire body.
  5. Highly effective diet. Within a week, weight loss ranges from 4 to 7 kg.

If with positive aspects Everything is very clear, then it is better to consider the controversial issues in more detail. The most important thing is that mono-diets quickly become boring, and the lack of variety in nutrition quickly becomes satiating.

It takes willpower and self-discipline to prevent relapse. Second controversial point is the complexity of mono-diets for the body, this point is regulated by the duration of the diet for no more than 7 days. And you can repeat this diet no earlier than after a month.

Carefully! If, in the first few days after starting the diet, pain, weakness and dizziness appear, or the functioning of the entire body is disrupted, you should immediately return to your normal diet and not cause harm to your health.

For whom the kefir and buckwheat diet is not suitable: contraindications

To people suffering low blood pressure, eating the “buckwheat and kefir” diet without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited, since daily consumption of only buckwheat in food lowers blood pressure.

The “buckwheat and kefir” diet should not be consumed in cases such as diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidney diseases, as well as gastritis. Another contraindication is an allergy to buckwheat or kefir.

Women during pregnancy, or Any mono-diets are contraindicated for nursing mothers. During such periods, expectant and established mothers should first of all take care of their child. The baby receives all the necessary vitamins and elements only through the woman who is carrying or nursing him.

Note! If there is a coincidence on at least one of the points in the contraindications, then you should completely abandon the use of such a diet as “buckwheat and kefir”.

Basic rules of the buckwheat-kefir diet

There are several types of buckwheat-kefir diet, but the rules are the same for all types:

Diet “buckwheat and kefir”: how to use (options)

There are several options for using the diet. From the most gentle and simple, to the toughest, requiring prior consultation with a specialist.

Diet “buckwheat and kefir”, how to use it with the classic version

ProductsQuantityMeal frequency
Buckwheat1–1.5 glasses per dayEvery 2-3 hours
Kefir 1%1 liter per dayEvery 2-3 hours

In addition to the main products, experts recommend adding herbs, dried fruits or just soy sauce.

Diet “buckwheat and kefir”, options for how to use:

  1. Option 1. Light or gentle option. In addition to the main products, you can add any fruit, but only for breakfast. For lunch, cottage cheese is optional, and for dinner, a small piece of beef (but only boiled) and vegetables in any form are allowed.
  2. Option 2. Average. In this case, in addition to kefir and buckwheat, it is permissible to consume a green apple and any vegetables. Apples in the morning.
  3. Option 3. Hard. Only kefir and buckwheat are allowed. Additionally, still water and green tea without sugar. Before completely switching to 2 products, you need to consult your doctor and prepare your body.

Buckwheat and kefir diet recipes

Recipe 1

Buckwheat doused with kefir. It is necessary to place the cleaned buckwheat in a saucepan or deep cup. Pour two glasses of kefir, wrap in a towel or blanket, and leave overnight. Eat no more than 500 g of buckwheat at a time.

For breakfast, buckwheat with kefir + green/white tea (do not add sugar).

For second breakfast, a fruit or vegetable.

For lunch, porridge + cottage cheese + kefir.

For a snack, buckwheat with kefir.

For dinner, buckwheat with kefir or vegetable salad.

Recipe 2

Buckwheat with kefir and green apples. Cleaned buckwheat is placed in a saucepan or other deep container, poured with boiling water and steamed overnight (or 6-8 hours).

Fresh kefir 1%. Apples are green.

For breakfast buckwheat no more than 500 g + green apple.

For second breakfast, a green apple.

For lunch, buckwheat + kefir.

An apple for a snack.

For dinner kefir + buckwheat.

Recipe 3

Buckwheat with dried fruits. Also, as in previous recipes, you need to steam the buckwheat overnight.

Stock up on a liter of fresh kefir, as well as dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes).

For breakfast, porridge + dried fruits + green/white tea.

During the second meal - fruit.

For lunch, buckwheat + lean meat + kefir.

Any vegetable for a snack.

For dinner, vegetables with oil + kefir dressing.

Diet “buckwheat and kefir”: what results to expect

The “buckwheat and kefir” diet, according to experts, is one of the most effective. During a seven-day course, 6 and sometimes 16 kg of weight are lost. The numbers vary so widely because the initial weight of those losing weight is different.

Apart from reset excess weight the whole body is healed as a whole, and waste and toxins are removed, which in turn will not lead to weight gain again. Even after completing the diet, you can lose weight, since the body is completely cleansed of harmful substances.

How to get out of the buckwheat-kefir diet correctly

Upon completion of the seven-day diet, you need to properly structure your diet so as not only not to gain back all the kilograms, but also not to gain excess.

The withdrawal should be smooth and soft without sudden overeating.

First, you need to add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet. In the first week, the calorie content of the total diet should not exceed 700 calories.

The second stage is the introduction of lean fish and poultry meat, increasing the calorie content of the total diet to 1,400 calories. Eat in this mode for the next two weeks.

Before starting a mono-diet, consultation with a doctor is required. or a nutritionist. Start the diet only after a complete examination internal organs, otherwise there is a risk of doing more harm to the body than good. It is also necessary to follow a diet regimen (no more than a week).

Buckwheat and kefir diet, menu for the week is presented in this video:

Buckwheat diet with kefir recipe for weight loss in this video:

Buckwheat diet with kefir (or kefir-buckwheat diet) is one of the best and safest for weight loss. Oddly enough, the buckwheat diet with kefir is based on buckwheat and kefir. A diet based on buckwheat and kefir has a wonderful effect - you can lose 7-10 kg in 1-2 weeks!

However, buckwheat diets with kefir can be repeated at least at intervals of a month. The peculiarity of the buckwheat diet is that you will not feel hungry, since buckwheat porridge satisfies hunger quite well. The buckwheat diet with kefir not only allows you to lose extra pounds, but also improves the condition of the skin and cleanses the body of all toxins.

The benefits of kefir-buckwheat diet

Buckwheat- beautiful dietary product which contains few carbohydrates, and at the same time a lot of protein, amino acids, magnesium, potassium, iron, fiber, phosphorus, iodine and vitamins B1, B6 and P. Which has a very good effect on your health, for example, the fiber present in buckwheat helps remove toxins from the intestines.

Nutritionists advise consuming buckwheat more often, especially if you have anemia, hypertension, edema or liver disease. And for cosmetologists, buckwheat is a natural beauty product that improves skin, nails and hair.

Kefir - healing and delicious drink. It contains protein, calcium, vitamins A, B2, B12. Kefir is especially beneficial for the digestive system. The lactic acid bacteria in kefir cope with putrefactive processes in the intestines.

As a result, the buckwheat diet with kefir, in addition to reducing excess weight, also improves intestinal function, as a result of which the skin and liver are also cleansed.

Kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss recipe

First, a few words about how to prepare buckwheat for this buckwheat diet with kefir:

Pour boiling water over the buckwheat, then drain the water and add boiling water again (about 1.5 cups of boiling water per glass of buckwheat). Wrap up and leave this glass with buckwheat and water overnight. There is no need to cook buckwheat.

Buckwheat diet with kefir menu

You can eat buckwheat as much as you want (but without salt, seasonings and sauces). It is better to take your last meal four to five hours before bedtime. If you are really hungry, drink kefir before bed.

Drink 1% kefir 30 minutes before meals, or 30 minutes after. But if it is very difficult for you to eat buckwheat in a dry drink, then you can wash down (or pour) the buckwheat with kefir.

Drink as much as you want (at least 1.5 liters per day). You can drink it neat mineral water still, green tea, Herb tea. You can add lemon. If you really want to, you can also have a couple of cups of black tea or coffee, but do not add sugar. Don't forget that in order to lose weight effectively, you need to drink a lot of fluids.

The buckwheat diet with kefir is a mono-diet, so it is advisable to take multivitamins.

Today's kefir (released no more than 24 hours ago) weakens and can cause flatulence. And one that lasts more than three days, on the contrary, strengthens and can lead to constipation.

There are options for the buckwheat diet with kefir where soy sauce is used (to make it tastier). But you should take into account that buckwheat will taste better this way, and therefore you will eat more buckwheat, and as a result, the effect of the diet will probably be less.

If after a few days of such a diet on buckwheat with kefir you can no longer see this buckwheat, then you can eat your choice:

  • some dried fruits (for example, dried apricots, prunes). A buckwheat diet with dried fruits will provide the body with useful substances.
  • Some fruit, preferably not sweet.
  • Cabbage salad
  • A spoonful of honey
  • Greens will also only bring benefits.
  • It is better to eat fruits and vegetables separately from buckwheat (except for apples, which, like dried fruits and herbs, can be added directly to buckwheat).

Unsalted buckwheat removes excess fluid and cleanses the body. However, if there is a lack of salt in the body, weakness may occur, headache or blood pressure drops. Therefore, you don’t need to torture yourself, just add a little salt to the buckwheat. It is better to sacrifice the result a little for the sake of health. A lack of salt in the body usually occurs if you sweat frequently, for example when playing sports or walking in the heat.

If you are weakened, you will have to intellectual work, then if you wish, you can eat a teaspoon of honey. Do not swallow the honey, but dissolve it, or alternatively, you can stir it in water and drink this honey drink. But don't worry, all the glucose will go not to fat, but to the brain.

A diet on buckwheat and kefir is not a hunger strike. If you are hungry and you can’t eat buckwheat anymore, try adding onions, garlic, herbs, soy sauce, lemon juice, etc. whatever suits your taste best.

In the first days, a diet on buckwheat and kefir eliminates water, so the weight loss is greater than on other days. However, the fat will begin to disappear, so be patient - you should not assume that since the weight began to decrease more slowly, you need to eat less. This can result in rapid weight gain after dieting.

In the first days of the buckwheat diet on kefir, there may be no weight loss, this may be due to the fact that:

You switched to a kefir-buckwheat diet after a low-calorie or no-salt diet.

  • Your period will begin soon (this does not apply to men)
  • You use too much soy sauce (and it contains salt)
  • The kefir and buckwheat diet is simply not suitable for you. Therefore, it is better to choose the product that suits you best. If you don’t like buckwheat, then you don’t need to force yourself, there are other good diets. For example, since childhood I couldn’t tolerate buckwheat, so this diet definitely won’t suit me.

How to avoid gaining weight again after a buckwheat and kefir diet?

After the kefir-buckwheat diet, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Since after a buckwheat diet the stomach becomes smaller, there is no need to immediately stretch it out by overeating. And don't eat three to four hours before bed.
  • Don’t give your stomach a feast right after the diet with lots of fatty and sweet food.
  • At the end of the buckwheat and kefir diet, eat light foods at first (eggs, grain bread, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat soup, salad with fish/low-fat meat, buckwheat, fruits)

Then you can gradually expand your diet.

Contraindications for buckwheat diet with kefir

The buckwheat and kefir diet is similar to other mono-diets, therefore, if you have chronic diseases, then you can go on the kefir-buckwheat diet only after consulting a doctor. If you have low hemoglobin or blood pressure, then be careful with a diet based on buckwheat and kefir. In addition, mono-diets are generally prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Why do people love buckwheat? It is full of vitamins, perfectly cleanses the intestines, quickly gets rid of extra centimeters and is a staple product for those who want to lose weight. Oh healing properties there is no need to mention kefir. The buckwheat-kefir diet today is a great success among those who strive for an ideal figure. What is the difference between this diet and the usual buckwheat diet?

The healing properties of kefir - an important component of the buckwheat-kefir diet

Most of the cells responsible for immunity are located on the surface of the mucous membranes, in particular the stomach. Disturbed microflora of the digestive system leads to a decrease in the body’s overall resistance to infections that attack it. Fermented milk bacteria in kefir provide restoration of damaged mucosa. You can also note the following properties of kefir:

  • Immunomodulation
  • Help for insomnia, crashes nervous system and chronic fatigue
  • Help the body in the removal of fat metabolic products
  • Relief from heaviness in the stomach
  • Improved digestion, skin condition, complexion

And one of the main and most famous benefits of kefir is low calorie and diuretic properties , which allows you to successfully use it for weight loss and swelling.
About the benefits buckwheat everyone knows. In combination with kefir, it becomes one of the best means for regaining your ideal figure.

Kefir with buckwheat. Fasting day

There is no need to cook cereals for a fasting day. The buckwheat is sorted and washed the night before, then poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left overnight. This cooking method helps preserve all the nutrients and vitamins in the cereal. A liter of one percent kefir is added to the menu and used by one of several ways:

  • As a replacement for a portion of buckwheat
  • As a drink thirty minutes before meals
  • As a drink thirty minutes after eating

Buckwheat diet with kefir for beauty and slimness

Steamed buckwheat is divided into five servings. During the first two days, only buckwheat is consumed, and nothing else. From the third day you can introduce kefir into your diet - no more than half a liter per day . The last meal is four hours before bedtime. The most effective is kefir, drunk before (after) meals half an hour.

Features and rules of the buckwheat-kefir diet

The effectiveness of the buckwheat-kefir diet

The process of this diet is usually painless. As a rule, there is no particular tension - weakness, severe hunger, etc. This is due to the nutritional value of buckwheat, which is comparable to meat in terms of the amount of protein. The main advantage of the diet is effective weight loss (up to fourteen kg in a couple of weeks). Of course, it is also worth noting normalization of metabolism, improvement of skin and hair condition, reduction of signs of cellulite .

How to get out of the buckwheat-kefir diet?

Sticking to a diet is half the battle. It is important that the weight does not return. During the diet, the size of the stomach becomes more modest, and your task is not to stretch it again. That is:

  • Don't binge on food after diet
  • Don't overeat
  • Exit your diet slowly so as not to shock a tired body
  • Gradually add vegetables stewed fish, fruit, boiled chicken .

Contraindications for buckwheat-kefir diet

  • Diabetes
  • Childhood
  • Breastfeeding, pregnancy
  • Tendency to flatulence
  • Hypertension
  • Gastrointestinal diseases

What is the difference between buckwheat-kefir and buckwheat diets?

There are many options for a diet based on buckwheat. The difference between kefir-buckwheat and just buckwheat is that for the first, a liter of kefir (1%) is consumed per day. Buckwheat-kefir diet course – seven days. Well main differences:

  • The buckwheat diet is aimed at rapid weight loss
  • Buckwheat-kefir - for weight loss, cleansing the body and strengthening the nervous system

The website warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Before using the diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

When fighting extra pounds, as a rule, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed and reduce calories to a minimum. What if, on the contrary, you add or replace one of the dishes with an equally tasty one? For example, buckwheat porridge with kefir - satisfying and delicious dish, which will help you lose weight without going on a hunger strike. What is the secret of buckwheat and what determines the effectiveness of combining porridge with kefir?

Benefits for those losing weight

The combination of buckwheat and kefir is unique, since both food products have beneficial properties for the body. To understand the full value of this dish, it is worth examining each product separately.

A diet based on buckwheat with kefir, especially consumed on an empty stomach in the morning, is very effective method lose weight. Nutritionists recognize this, often prescribing it to their patients.


Despite the fact that buckwheat is a porridge, it contains mainly protein and does not contain as many carbohydrates as porridge. Buckwheat is rich in the following substances:

  • Amino acids arginine and lysine.
  • Vitamins C and groups B and P.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Cellulose.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Quercetin.
  • Cobalt.
  • Copper.

The benefits of buckwheat for the body are:

  • Stabilization of hemoglobin levels.
  • Activation of the brain.
  • Normalization of pressure.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Protect teeth from caries.
  • Strengthening nails and teeth.
  • Increasing stress resistance.
  • Removal of toxins.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Toning the body.
  • Preventing the appearance of tumors.
  • For pregnant women: reducing the risk of blood loss after childbirth, intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus and hemorrhage in the child’s brain.

It is magnesium in buckwheat porridge that allows you to more effectively fight excess weight, and the cleansing properties of the cereal make it possible to remove all excess from the body.

Kefir is often used in the diet of those losing weight as a low-calorie but nutritious snack or dinner replacement. The composition of the fermented milk product mainly includes:

  • Protein.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Vitamins of groups A, B and D.

The benefits of kefir for the body are manifested in:

  • Normalization of liver function.
  • Improved vision.
  • Stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased secretion of gastric juice.
  • Eliminating food rotting in the intestines.
  • Removing excess fluid, waste and toxins.
  • Getting rid of allergies.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Relieving swelling.
  • Improving skin condition and evening out its tone.

Perhaps the kefir diet is the most popular way to quickly lose weight. Moreover, doctors of the “Soviet school” often promote kefir days as a natural and safe way to eliminate the consequences of overeating

Such a complex useful properties allows you to improve the functioning of the digestive organs and cleanse the body of excess.

Buckwheat + kefir

The combination of beneficial properties of cereals and fermented milk products allows them to complement each other and accelerate the process of losing weight:

  • When removing toxins from the body, kefir does this gently and carefully, but buckwheat kernels allow you to scrape off from the intestinal walls all those accumulations that kefir cannot remove on its own. Therefore, their combination allows you to more effectively get rid of toxins in the body.
  • Buckwheat porridge provides the required amount of calories, but is a fairly dry product. Kefir, in turn, supplies the body with the required amount of liquid and provides the missing fat.
  • Buckwheat and kefir in combination allow you to have a comprehensive effect and normalize the functioning of all organs, which allows you to use the dish for the treatment of individual diseases and to maintain the general condition of the body.

By eating the dish for breakfast or around the clock, you can lose from two to ten kilograms in one to two weeks, depending on the condition of the body.

How to cook properly

The most popular way to prepare the dish is the following classic recipe: pour a glass of dry cereal with half a liter of kefir and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. By morning the cereal will absorb fermented milk product and swell. The dish is ready!

  1. For weight loss, you cannot use boiled cereal, since after heat treatment the benefits of buckwheat are lost.
  2. You should choose only fresh kefir with a maximum fat content of 2.5%, but it is better to purchase a low-fat fermented milk product.
  3. It is not recommended to season the dish with spices or sugar, as the desired result cannot be achieved with such additives.

How to use

There are several options for using buckwheat with kefir for weight loss. This could be a full-fledged diet, several fasting days, or simply a replacement for the main dish.

Strict diet

On such a diet, you are allowed to eat only buckwheat with kefir and plenty of liquid (water or green tea without sugar). You can also eat one or two apples per day if you are very hungry.

Ready-made dish prepared according to classic recipe, divide into three equal parts and eat throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The diet lasts one week, no more than two weeks, after which you need to take a break for 2-3 months. You can lose 12 kilograms in a maximum of two weeks.

It's not easy to restrain yourself from temptation tasty food during a diet, but a violation of the diet, and especially the consumption of flour products during this course, will reduce all your work and results to zero.

Non-strict diet option

  • Breakfast and dinner: 1 glass of kefir and 100 g of buckwheat in water, an apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g porridge with kefir, 200 g salad with olive oil, water.
  • Breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat cooked with kefir, apple, water.
  • Lunch: 300 g of kefir buckwheat, green vegetable salad and water.
  • Dinner: 100 g of kefir buckwheat, water.
  • Breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat and cottage cheese, 1 glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: 150 g of porridge with kefir, 100 g of boiled meat and vegetables, 1 glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: 100 g of porridge and 1 glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner: 200 grams of buckwheat with kefir, water.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner: 200 grams of buckwheat in water, 1 glass of kefir.

Fasting days

Once every 3–5 days you can arrange special fasting days, during which you need to replace breakfast, main course or dinner with buckwheat and kefir, or consume it throughout the day with an interval of two hours. Repeating such days can, if necessary, decompress, remove extra pounds and cleanse your body. In one such day you can lose a maximum of three kilograms.

Alternative nutrition

For adherents separate power supply There is a special way to use buckwheat with kefir. To do this, you need to rinse one glass of dry buckwheat in the evening and fill it with warm water, completely covering the cereal. In the morning, the buckwheat will swell and be ready to eat.

Divide the finished cereal into three equal parts, eat them throughout the day, evenly distributing the dosage, and each time wash down the porridge with a glass of low-fat kefir. The last meal should be no later than two to three hours before bedtime. This food can be used during a diet or fasting days.

Green buckwheat

Fans healthy eating More and more people are resorting to replacing regular buckwheat, preferring green buckwheat kernels. The principle of preparation and consumption is no different from ordinary cereals, but it is believed that it is green buckwheat that preserves even more nutritional value product.

Who is the diet not suitable for?

Buckwheat and kefir in a normal diet will not cause any harm, but such strict diets and fasting days are contraindicated for people with:

  • Individual intolerance or allergy to certain components of the dish.
  • Reduced hemoglobin.
  • Low blood pressure, anemia.
  • Inflammation and pathologies of the digestive organs.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the liver, pancreas.
  • Migraines, thrombosis and varicose veins.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

If contraindications are violated and the diet is abused, the following side effects may occur:

  • Headache.
  • Fatigue.
  • Apathy.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Most diets that contain only one or two healthy ingredients are difficult to follow, can cause nutrient imbalances in the body, and do not provide a proper feeling of fullness. The buckwheat diet with kefir has the opposite effect, whose effectiveness and benefits have been repeatedly confirmed by nutritionists. This diet is easy to tolerate, there is no feeling of hunger, there is a constant feeling of satiety and lightness throughout the body.

The benefits of buckwheat diet with kefir for weight loss

Buckwheat porridge and kefir are healthy on their own, but together they have become an ideal platform for a diet containing substances necessary for the body. Buckwheat is an irreplaceable source of fiber, vegetable protein, which provides the necessary amount of energy, relieves hunger, and prevents the destruction of muscle tissue. Kefir also contains important element for normal functioning of the body - calcium. It contains animal protein, which preserves the natural microflora of the stomach.

Thanks to these properties, the diet is not harmful to health and provides required quantity energy. This way of eating is useful not only for those losing weight, but also for people looking after their health. Here are some other beneficial effects that come with the diet:

  • Buckwheat with kefir helps normalize blood pressure, especially in people with hypertension. Helps eliminate toxic substances and free radicals.
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, maintains normal bacterial microflora. Prevents the occurrence of anemia.
  • Reduces the secretory processes of the sebaceous glands. Normalizes liver function.
  • Helps the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Reduces the load on the kidneys, prevents the appearance of sand and salts in them and the bladder.
  • Resists the processes of food rotting in the intestines.
  • Removes swelling.
  • Prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

The benefits of the kefir-buckwheat diet are due to the high content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12), A, P, amino acids, microelements such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, iron, phosphorus, etc. Despite the undeniable benefits of this type of diet, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting a diet lasting about 10 days.

Diet rules

To achieve the desired result, not harm the body and make it easier for yourself to lose weight, you need to adhere to several mandatory rules regarding nutrition.

  • Buckwheat and kefir are the only products allowed for consumption. You need to cook porridge without using salt, spices, or oil. More gentle options for the buckwheat diet may include the consumption of some vegetables and fruits, but in this case the effectiveness will be lower.

  • Buckwheat is allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities when hunger strikes. If the diet is portioned, if there is a severe lack of food, you should eat another portion of porridge, otherwise there is a risk of “breaking down”.
  • Kefir should be drunk no more than one liter per day. The product is drunk thirty minutes before meals or thirty minutes after. If this diet is too difficult, you can wash down buckwheat with kefir.
  • The last meal should occur four hours before bedtime - this will help digest foods well, avoid heartburn and reduce the load on the pancreas. An hour before bedtime, you are allowed to drink one glass of kefir.
  • The volume of liquid that should be consumed per day: 1.5-2 liters.
  • Be sure to take multivitamins during your diet, which will supplement the microelements missing in buckwheat and kefir.
  • When following a diet, it is imperative to follow physical exercise so that the skin does not lose elasticity. The loads should not be too strong - this can deplete the body. Recommended use cosmetics, increasing skin tone and elasticity.

If all rules and instructions are strictly followed, weight loss can range from three and a half to ten kilograms. It is worth mentioning separately about the “exit” from such a diet. Under no circumstances should you immediately consume fatty, fried foods. After several days of this diet, you should have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese with whole grain bread, and prepare a light salad with olive oil for lunch. Lean meat (no more than 200 g) or fish (up to 150 g) is allowed for the second dose. For dinner, 150 g of porridge and a glass of kefir are suitable after 30 minutes. In the following days, you must gradually begin to introduce soups, fruits, legumes, etc.

Recipe for brewing buckwheat for dieting

In order for the buckwheat diet to help you lose weight, you need to prepare buckwheat in a certain way without losing nutrients. There are two popular ways to prepare buckwheat. First cooking method:

  1. Rinse the buckwheat with cold water and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Pour one glass of buckwheat into a saucepan, pour hot water in a ratio of one to two.
  3. Close the pan with a lid and wrap it in a warm blanket or rug.
  4. Leave it overnight or for 8-9 hours.

Watch the video, which describes in detail how to cook porridge for the kefir-buckwheat diet:

The second method of preparing buckwheat, which will allow you to achieve a more “cooked” and familiar taste. How to cook:

  1. Wash the buckwheat with water and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Pour half a glass of cereal into two glasses of clean water.
  3. Place on the stove, bring to a boil.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel or blanket and leave to infuse for three hours.

As a rule, one glass of buckwheat is enough per day; if you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you are allowed to brew one and a half glasses.

Buckwheat diet menu with kefir for a week

The main dish of the kefir-buckwheat diet menu is buckwheat porridge. It can be taken in three doses or in small portions(5-6 times) throughout the day. Breakfast should be light (about 100 g of ready-made buckwheat), followed by a glass of kefir. For lunch – 200 g of buckwheat, followed by a glass of water. Dinner is the same as breakfast. In a simplified version, breakfast can be supplemented with a green apple, and lunch - light vegetable salad. In between meals, drink kefir (no more than 1 liter per day). During the first days of the diet, and also if it is impossible to eat ready-made dry buckwheat, you can mix buckwheat with kefir, but you should remember that any addition to the diet with other products or simultaneous use with a drink will contribute to less weight loss.


A diet based on buckwheat porridge and kefir has several contraindications:

  • Any diseases of the digestive system that may worsen after following this diet (disorders of the liver, gastrointestinal tract);
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Low level hemoglobin;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
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