Friendly feelings. Friendship between a man and a woman - myth or reality? How to distinguish love from friendship

Friendship between a girl and a guy can be found quite often. The reasons for this may be different - some people simply like to communicate with each other, others are united by common interests. Together, friends go to the cinema, art exhibitions and clubs. They like to communicate with other companies and problems in friendly relations never arise.

However, it happens that either a girl or a guy begins to understand that their relationship is more than friendship and begins to doubt their feelings, worrying that now they will not be able to be friends as before. Often this requires some kind of catalyst. For example, a friend has a girlfriend and now they spend a lot of time together, but he meets his girlfriend less and less. She begins to be jealous and soon realizes that her friend is much closer to her and it seems that these are completely different feelings, not friendly. Feelings can also be affected by separation. Having met a couple of months later, the friends realize how much they missed each other and realize that the relationship has gone beyond the border of friendship. How do you understand that love has truly emerged between friends and they can no longer just be friends?

Analyze the feelings you have for your friend.

1. Understand yourself and your feelings for young man, with whom you are friends. If you notice at least one of the following signs in yourself, it means that you are in love with your friend.

2. You are jealous of your friend's girlfriend. You are annoyed that they spend a lot of time together, and therefore you try in every possible way to interfere with their privacy. You ask to go on dates with them, arrange random meetings, and all in order to demonstrate to your friend’s beloved that he is not her property and that you, too, are vying for his attention.

3. If there is some tension in your relationship with your friend’s beloved, most likely she sees you as a rival, just as you see her. You just can't find mutual language, which your friend really doesn’t like. If a friend often refuses to meet you because he goes out with his girlfriend, it means that she is jealous of him, otherwise she wouldn’t mind rare walks together.

4. If you are in love, you are constantly trying to find some flaws in your friend's girlfriend. You make fun of her, calling her pompous or stupid, and never tire of repeating that she is absolutely not suitable for the young man with whom you are friends.

There is never any awkwardness between friends. They can sit and discuss events, eat chips and laugh if someone has crumbs on their lips. It’s not a problem for friends to talk about a time when they embarrassed themselves in public, as they don’t feel any embarrassment. If you are in love with a friend, you cannot behave like that. You will always try to look good and positive, and be sensitive to any criticism. It will be extremely important for you what your friend thinks of you, how you looked in front of him, so you simply cannot behave frivolously in front of him. Often in a conversation you will even stumble if you are embarrassed, because you will realize that you really like your friend.

Friends may not meet for a couple of days or weeks and this is absolutely normal for them, since they do not feel the need to see each other every day. However, if you love your friend, you really need to know where he is now and how he spends his time. You want to call him or meet him by chance. All your thoughts are occupied with the guy, you are worried that another girl will take your place. When parting with a friend, you catch yourself thinking that you really want to meet tomorrow or at least talk on the phone.

A friend is someone you can relax with and talk nonsense to, knowing that he will try to understand everything. Scandals and conflicts rarely arise between friends. If in Lately your feelings for your friend become stronger, emotions simply go off scale, scandals simply cannot help but occur between you. You will not be indifferent to the fact that he forgot to call you yesterday, forgot about the meeting, or that he made an unfortunate joke about you. In general, there will be many reasons to be offended. Out of resentment, you may even burst into tears in front of a friend, and he simply will not be able to understand why your relationship has become so tense and difficult.

When falling in love, a girl is sensitive to what her friend says and does. Therefore, if you are in love, you cannot be indifferent to what your friend drinks in large quantities or hangs out with young people obviously of dubious reputation. You will try to change it in better side, you will criticize and prevent you from doing what seems wrong to you. A cigarette smoked by a friend on your part will be accompanied by a long tirade about how smoking is harmful and that he needs to take care of his health. The fact is that people in love try to treat each other with care, so they try to be aware of all their plans and always warn against possible risks. If you treat your friend in a friendly manner, you will not be bothered by the fact that he is overcome by the desire to take part in auto racing. Only a girl in love will try to stop him and talk some sense into him.

Analyze what you do together

To understand what kind of relationship you have with your friend, you can also analyze how you spend time with him, where you go and how often.

If you are in love with your friend, you try to hang out as often as possible. You don’t even want to think about dating someone, since you already feel good with your friend. On Friday and Saturday evenings you always meet with him and even if you are in company, you practically never part. If there is just friendship between you, you can meet several times a month, and that will be enough for you.

When going to a meeting with a friend, you try to look very good, choose makeup and appropriate clothes, because you simply cannot afford to look bad. Spend hours in front of the mirror and not because you think you will meet some guy with whom you can possibly start a relationship. If it is taboo for you to come to a meeting with a friend in sportswear and with an unwashed hair, it means that you want to make an extremely positive impression on your friend and most likely this is another sign that you are in love.

If a friend said that you look simply amazing and this made you blush, then you are not at all indifferent to how he treats you. You hope that he has romantic intentions, since you yourself have thought about it more than once.

If you treat your friend in a friendly manner, then it is completely normal for you to hang out with him and his lover. You react normally if a friend kisses a girl and cares for her in front of you. If such a pastime annoys you, like your friend’s girlfriend, then you are in love. Your suspicions should increase if your friend’s beloved is wary of you. This means that she sees you as a rival and naturally no friendly relations can arise between you.

If you're just friends, it won't occur to anyone around you to say that you're acting like a couple. Everyone sees that there is only friendship between you and there are no ridicule or hints from your company towards you and your friend. If you are in love with your friend, there will be a couple of people who will express their guesses about this.

Note that from the outside the situation is always seen more objectively, and if someone told you that in the presence of your friend your eyes light up and you feel embarrassed, then it is quite possible that you have a feeling of falling in love. If you think this is stupid and you just walk away from such conversations, perhaps you really are friendly towards the guy. But if these words made you blush and think that your friend is really very close to you and your friendship has become very important to you, perhaps you really have romantic feelings.

Friends can go to another city for a while and forget, tell their friend about it. They will not worry that something happened to their friend and will be convinced that everything is fine with him. However, if you are in love, you will try to tell the guy your plans, and will be interested in what he plans to do and when you can meet. Communication with a friend is very important to you and you painfully endure parting with him, which means you are either very attached to him or in love.

When your friend invites you to go out, your heart is beating wildly, and you are chaotically thinking about what to wear, then you care about how you look in front of your friend. The phone rings and you happily run up to it, hoping that it’s the guy you’re friends with? It's not like a simple friendship, your feelings are definitely deeper.

Talk to your friend

If you realize that you have fallen in love, you should not drown out your feelings and pretend that nothing happened. Love is a wonderful feeling, and if there is at least one chance in a hundred that your friend also cares about you, you should definitely talk to him. Observe your friend, how often he smiles at you, how he cares for you, and you will understand the depth of his feelings for you.

Confessing your love to your friend, you have many advantages, since you know him very well and therefore can structure the conversation in such a way that neither he nor you feel awkward.

For such a conversation, you should plan everything so that no one can interfere with you. The most relaxed atmosphere is at home, so make a friend some coffee, treat him to his favorite cookies and share with him the reasoning that your relationship has changed recently and you would like to know how he views trying to start a love relationship. By saying this, you risk absolutely nothing, because your friend already loves you and values ​​you, which means he will never allow you to be ridiculed or offended.

If the guy doesn’t mind and wants to start a new stage in your relationship, that’s great, because you have smoothly moved from the “friends” category to the “lovers” category. As a friend to your boyfriend, you will be able to trust and know that you can always rely on him.

You can hear a different answer from a friend. However, in this case, you do not lose anything, since friendship between you is already impossible. You are not going to silently look at him when he kisses other girls, and you certainly will not discuss his problems with him. love relationship. Therefore, if you heard “No”, it is better to let your friend go, you don’t need to ask him to think, he will do it anyway, because you have given him considerable food for thought. Perhaps, realizing how much he misses you, he himself will understand that he is in love and after a while you will talk about your feelings again, but on his initiative.

Under no circumstances should you use your friendship and your mutual friends to achieve your goals. This can hopelessly ruin everything; if a guy wants a relationship with a girl, he will definitely let her know about it, especially if she previously told him about her feelings. In any case, perceive your friend’s reaction to your confession adequately and without unnecessary emotions. A girl should always hold herself proudly and not lose composure, only then will a guy respect her.

If your friend has a girlfriend, things are much more complicated. But even in this case, talking to a friend is better than constantly being tormented by jealousy and gradually spoiling your relationship with your friend. However, this does not apply to cases where you know that your friend is in love with his girlfriend and they are in a serious relationship. No matter how painful it is, in such cases you will have to step aside. You can gradually reduce your communication with your friend, and if he directly asks why you don’t want to communicate with him, you can tell him the truth and he will understand.

If you know that the relationship between your friend and his girlfriend is far from ideal, you have a chance to positively solve your problem. Perhaps, if you admit your feelings, you will not only save your friend from a useless relationship, but also make him happy. The main thing is that when building your new relationship with a friend, be careful and patient. Just because you were friends before doesn't mean you need to rush, be yourself and open your heart to your new lover.

Pages of love

Friendship or love, how to determine? How to understand what connects a guy and a girl, because there is often a rather thin line between friendship and love relationships.

If you have doubts about what connects you, take time and analyze each other's behavior in different situations, remember the times when you felt love, and compare with how you feel for your friend now. If there is a similarity, then one can suspect love.

Signs of how to determine what it is: friendship or love?

So, what is between you: friendship or love, how to determine? There are 10 signs that indicate love.

  1. Physical contact. A constant desire to hug, hold hands, as well as the habit of kissing on the cheek. The fact is that loving person always looking for contact, although he doesn’t allow himself anything serious.
  2. Jokes. Other characteristic love relationships - the desire to joke and tease each other: “what muscles you have!”, “you’re a beauty,” “good, villainess.” It seems to be nothing serious, but at the same time there are a lot of compliments.
  3. Interest. A person who has an uneasy relationship with his friend always asks ambiguous questions, for example: “Where were you today, why didn’t you call all day, did you hang out with someone today?” to check if there was some kind of romantic encounter with him. by someone else. And don’t believe that he is doing this out of curiosity.
  4. He is always there. If your friend spends all day with you, you visit together Gym, theaters, exhibitions, running together in the morning - this indicates that he does not want to part with you, because you are not just a friend for him. Otherwise, he would definitely have things to do that are not related to you.
  5. Jealousy. Even if he supports you before a romantic date, gives you instructions on how best to behave with a new acquaintance, know that he suffers greatly from this. Of course, he will not be jealous of everyone, but if you start talking about how nice you had time with a new friend, then perhaps he will not be able to restrain himself - he will get angry, stop listening, or switch the conversation to another topic.
  6. There is no “I” - there is “we”. When two people love, there is no concept of “I,” they have everything in common. Friends have their own lives. They, of course, walk side by side in life and have a lot of things to do together, but only love makes people one.
  7. Influence. Of course, our friends influence our choice, for example, of clothes, a university or a car model, but a loved one has great authority in these matters. A friend in love begins to perceive his life through the prism of his loved one. This doesn't happen between friends.
  8. My friend is the best. Of course, it's great when you find the person who is the best for you. best friend, but you will still find flaws in it. But it’s hard to see anything bad in a friend you’re in love with; he’s often idealized.
  9. Common goals. Only romantic couples can have a future together. Friends who may have completely identical opinions on many issues, from religion, politics to lifestyle, will never have common life goals.
  10. Support. A friend will never leave you in trouble, even if you call him in the middle of the night, telling him about your troubles, but, unlike a lover, he will show selfishness - he will interrupt his emotional outpourings when he gets tired, he will not go to the ends of the world because of the whim of a friend and will not risk your life to score points in the eyes of your comrade. The lover will embody the qualities of all superheroes who will come to the rescue at any moment when called upon.

Having found out who is in front of you - a friend or a lover, it will be easier to build relationships, especially if you reciprocate. And who knows what your reverent friendship will develop into? Perhaps into a strong marriage, because first of all there should be camaraderie and complete mutual understanding between the spouses!

Loving your friends is common. Who doesn’t love their comrades, who are always ready to help, who you can cry on and with whom you can have a great time? Of course, we love our friends.

How to distinguish friendship from courtship, sympathy, manifestations of romantic feelings?

But can you say with confidence that your feelings for your friend are not romantic? Sometimes platonic friendship is difficult to distinguish from love, as well as vice versa: people mistake the strong friendship of two bosom friends for love.

If you doubt the feelings between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend, you should think about and analyze your relationship. Don't rush to do it at your expense. Let's talk in more detail about what the concepts of friendship and love are and how to distinguish them from each other. Maybe you should take it to the next level with your buddy? Or should you not risk your friendship by confusing it with a romantic relationship?

Love and friendship, what do they have in common?

Note that you would hardly be interested in the question: “How can you tell if this is friendship or love between you?” if you didn’t doubt your feelings for your friend. If we talk about friendship between a guy and a girl, it is worth recognizing the sad truth: there is no long-term friendship between different sexes. One or both will one day think about how they really feel and whether their relationship can continue.

The phenomena of love and friendship are similar to each other, and we can safely say that they are components of each other. True friends love each other without showing romantic feelings, and their love is based on mutual respect and affection. Just like lovers, they cannot exist without friendship between each other.

But not every couple is ready to cross the threshold of friendship and enter into a romantic relationship; there is a fear of losing a faithful comrade or being rejected.

So how to distinguish love from friendship if they are so similar? We can conclude that friendship includes spiritual intimacy, and relationships consist of aspects of friendship and physical attraction.

Let's take a look at the differences between these two phenomena to learn how to distinguish love from friendship.

Differences in feelings: sympathy for a potential rival

Analyze your behavior around your friend. This is a sure way to differentiate between friendship and love. How? Start with obvious signs of affection.

How do you react when your friend tells you about his sympathy for another person and shows it in front of you?

If you are on friendly terms with this person, you will be glad to get to know his choice, you will also, when the opportunity arises, help him build a happy relationship, because you wish him happiness and true pure love.

If you are in love, jealousy will betray you. You are unlikely to like the object of his affection, but this does not mean that you do not wish him well. It’s just that in your mind you’ve already imagined him next to you, you’ve gotten used to this thought, and your subconscious is at a loss: “How can this be, after all, I exist, why did you choose not me?” Jealousy is one of the main signals about your romantic feelings.

Behavior in his/her presence

Do you behave calmly in the presence of a friend or do you feel embarrassed when he appears in your company?

When a friend appears, you feel free, no matter what state you are in, no matter how you look. You feel comfortable with this person, even if you are wearing a nightie, one slipper, disheveled, with a thermometer and a snot bucket at the ready.

If you are still in love, you try your best to look better than you are. Do you care about your appearance, you are worried whether your friend will like your new jacket or hairstyle. You feel embarrassed when you receive compliments from him; they give you extraordinary feelings of joy and embarrassment.

Personal space

How to distinguish love from friendship? There is another obvious way. How do you feel when your friend is not around?

In friendships, you feel relaxed if you know your friend is spending time with someone else. If you haven't seen each other for several days, emotions won't unsettle you and won't take away your sleep.

But if you do fall in love with your friend, then your thoughts are probably occupied only with him, you want to meet more often and spend more time together. You miss your crush. You are in love.

Showing emotions

Emotions play an important role. If you are friends, you experience lightness, freedom, fun with a friend. No drama, only positive emotions.

But if you are in love, quarrels may occur between you. Did you think the opposite? Quarrels are not only a manifestation of mature love, but also an expression of love that has not found expression. Perhaps subconsciously you are trying to cover up your sympathy with friendship, but you want reciprocity. Without meeting her, you become irritable and demanding of your friend.

Habits and reactions

Your reaction to a person's habits, behavior and plans can reveal your attitude towards your friend. How to distinguish love from friendship, based on the habits of the suspected subject of sympathy?

If you are just friends, you do not judge your friend for his habits, you accept him as he is, and do not try to change him. You made friends with him this way and accept him this way, and his habits and behavior will not affect your life in any way. You will, of course, advise your friend to quit smoking, but not take it as personally as a lover would.

Of course, you are worried and wish your friend well, and even a truly unloved friend would have to make a scandal if your close friend does not want to quit his addiction. This is what a person in love will do, who hopes for the further development of relations with a person and is worried about his health. A lover can try to reshape a person at his own discretion, which is less often seen with real friends.

Note that lovers try to change themselves if a friend points out to them what he doesn’t like, wanting to please the object of his sympathy.

Friend in love

If you have come to the conclusion that you are in love after all, do not despair. Love is a wonderful feeling, let's better find out if it's mutual. You can watch your partner. Here's how to distinguish a man's friendship from love? Based on this list, you can understand how your friend feels. Maybe it's time to talk to each other and take things to the next level?

You can judge that your friend is showing sympathy by the following points:

  • your friend does not want to part with you and tries to spend more time together;
  • your friend goes to meet potential competitors during a parade;
  • your friend is gallant with you, he will offer his hand, pull up a chair, open the door;
  • they are trying to pay for you;
  • you are invited to go for a walk without company;
  • they are always ready to help you;
  • he suddenly gets into your music;
  • a friend is silent about his personal life, but reacts sourly to stories about yours;
  • they are trying to see you off;
  • They love to chat with you.

This list can be endless, because everyone expresses their sympathy for the opposite sex in their own way, but these are some of the most popular signs that they feel more than just friendship for you.

Based on these tips, you can distinguish love from friendship. We hope that this knowledge will be useful to you and that your feelings will be mutual.

Analyze not only your manifestations of feelings towards a friend, but also the friend’s attitude towards you. Take a closer look at his behavior, how he communicates with you, how he reacts to you. Observing your relationship from the outside is an ideal way to help answer the question of how to distinguish friendship from love.

Gifts between friends are not as common as they are in relationships. They are usually given on holidays and birthdays. At the same time, approximately the same amounts are spent, and a balance in quantity is maintained. But if a guy starts giving his girlfriend flowers and small gifts at every meeting, most likely he is counting on something more. In addition, he will show his wealth by paying for cafes and movies for you.

It is difficult for a person in love to say “no” to someone for whom he has feelings. Therefore, at the slightest request for help, all agreements with other people are canceled. And friends help when it does not harm their personal plans.

When people are truly friends, there is no tension in conversation or awkward topics. They discuss the other person's personal life and give relationship advice. But a person in love will not be able to calmly listen to stories about his lover’s dates. Most often, he will criticize his partner, try to provoke a breakup, so that to attempt to be with the object of your love.

At parties and other fun gatherings, friends spend time together, but if the opportunity arises to meet someone, they take it. If a person is in love, he will not look around and look for other people to communicate with. In addition, he can prevent a friend from meeting people of the opposite sex in order to be always together.

If a person loves his friend, he will try not to disappoint him and look in the best light. Any oversight will be immediately followed by an apology. He is never late for meetings and tries to quickly complete any of your instructions. Every day enamored a friend will remind you of his existence - an SMS, a call, a message online, or just a like on your photos. Friends are calmer in this regard; they may be late, forget to buy you a portion of ice cream, or not call you for a week.

Watch your friend, because feelings are very difficult to hide. People in love look closely and attentively at their loved one. They try to touch more often, hug, laugh at all the jokes and smile.

If you find that your best friend corresponds to the whole list about lovers, there is no need to arrange a showdown. Decide how you feel about him, and if it's not mutual,

tell him more gently. You need to make it clear that you don't feel the same way, but would like to remain friends. Be careful what you say so as not to hurt his feelings and lose him forever.

Our feelings are sometimes so contradictory that we ourselves cannot understand them. It would seem that falling in love is an obvious thing, and immediately catches the eye not only of you, but also to those around. However, it is not always possible to understand yourself and your feelings towards another person. It is not always possible to say with certainty: “I am in love.” Sometimes we mistake friendship, respect, and sometimes even hatred for love! To distinguish one from the other, you need to delve into your inner psychology.

Psychologists clearly distinguish between infatuation and love. The first feeling is brighter, spontaneous, the second is smooth and durable. Falling in love often occurs at first or second sight in the form of a burning interest in a person. then this interest gives way to admiration. If you like your boyfriend or girlfriend in everything he does: how he dresses, eats, walks, smells, then you are in love. As a rule, when we fall in love, especially at first, we do not notice any shortcomings in our partner. It’s not for nothing that people say that “being in love blinds the eye,” that is, it closes critical and even objective perception of the world. Often, lovers rush things; they want to make far-reaching plans. Girls begin to come up with names for their future children and dream about the style of their wedding dress. The guys introduce their chosen one to their friends.

If you can't figure out whether you're in love or just interested in a new person (or maybe an old friend), try spending some time without seeing or talking to them. At least for one day, stop communicating by phone or ICQ, don’t meet, don’t study his VKontakte page. Listen to your feelings. Do you miss this person? Do you think about him all the time and can’t be distracted by anything else? Want to call or text immediately to make sure he's okay? If you answered “yes” to at least one question, it means you’re in love.

Jealousy is an integral part of falling in love. At the same time, a person can be in love with not just one, but several at once. And they will all be jealous. Because chemical reactions a program of possessiveness is launched in the body. You are in love if you always want to be close to your chosen one and get annoyed if someone else claims this role. You want to take your beloved (or lover) so far away that neither friends, nor fans, nor relatives can bother him there.

Sometimes consuming love forces a person to live a different life. He listens to the music that his chosen one likes, dresses in the same style, finds himself the same hobbies, and may even forget about old friends and try to find new ones.

Falling in love very often deprives us of sleep and appetite; a person is always in an excited, sometimes even semi-feverish state.

The lover begins to take more careful care of himself in order to please and arouse the interest of his chosen one.

“Another day off: the pound has fallen, the children are noisy, your chest is aching, and the doctors are on strike - you feel bad, but your friends will take care of you - this is forever.” These lines made Queen's song "Friends Will Be Friends" a hit. No surprise! After all, she's about a feeling that occurs more often than love, and leaves few people indifferent. After all, even love, as Cicero said, is just “the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with his beauty.”

Friendship that lasts for centuries

When we are just going to chat with a friend, we don’t even think about the fact that the feeling of friendship has existed on our planet for thousands of years. But the fact remains: going hunting in the Paleolithic era and on a crusade in the Middle Ages was safer with trusted comrades. Proof of this is the culture, which everything - from ditties to epics - is imbued with the theme of friendship. Neither ancient Greek tragedies, nor Russian epics, nor impressionist paintings, nor modern sitcoms can do without it.

Moreover, over time, the space that friendship captures in art, and therefore in life, only becomes wider. Almost until the twentieth century, not a single book was written about female friendship (writers were more attracted to male friendship). But in modern world There is a real cult of her. For this we have to thank the creators of a good film adaptation of a bad novel by Candace Bushnell. "Sex in big city“proved: a good girlfriend is sometimes more important than anything else. Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha have turned into the new D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and millions of girls around the world go shopping with their girlfriends with such importance, as if they were bringing pendants to the queen.

At the same time, no one canceled the importance of friendship between men, children and even animals (remember the popular cartoon “Madagascar”). And this is a reason to rejoice! The more of this centuries-old, noble, like wine, feeling on earth, the better for each of us.

Friendship is a mental antidepressant

Many psychotherapists and stress management specialists consider friendship an important factor in the fight against depression and stress. After all, having friends, you are already insured against feelings of loneliness. The heroes of Helen Fielding’s cult novel “Bridget Jones’s Diary” were well aware of this, declaratively declaring: “In any case, we are not alone. We have extended families in the form of a network of friends connected by telephone.” Which of us is not living proof of this “manifesto”, rushing to our mobile phone in moments of mental discord?

In a modern world full of negativity, cakes eaten in company become real antidepressants. best friend, and going to the gym with her (to burn extra calories). A meeting with classmates if you still have warm feelings for them, or a visit to a childhood friend can add to your mood. What can we say about friendly parties, joint travel and picnics.

Friendship is a game by rules

In the 21st century, scientists began to actively dissect friendship, and British psychologist Michael Argyle finally came up with the rules of friendship. If you want to save your relationship, keep it.

Rules of Friendship from Michael Argyle:

  • Share news about your successes;
  • Show emotional support;
  • Volunteer to help in times of need;
  • Respect your friend's inner peace and autonomy;
  • Return debts and services rendered;
  • Feel confident in your friend and trust in him;
  • Protect your friend in his absence;
  • Do not be jealous or criticize the other person's other personal relationships;
  • Be tolerant of the rest of his friends;
  • Don't criticize your friend in public;
  • Keep trusted secrets;
  • Don't be annoying, don't lecture;
  • Try to make your friend happy to be in your company.

However, recommendations are recommendations, but sometimes true friendship makes us go against them. We may not talk about some of our successes if a friend is going through a bad period in his life. We can try to warn him when we see that he is going the wrong way. In friendship, as in any close relationship, everything is always individual. No matter what dry science says.

Friendship is the pleasure of communication

Friendship is not an idealized state of chivalry. Not something invented for romantic and courageous guys like midshipmen and musketeers. In the end, sometimes you need a friend not to throw himself in front of a bullet for you, but... to pee on your leg, which was allegedly bitten by a supposedly poisonous snake. As in the series “Friends” - a real hymn to modern friendship in its most diverse aspects (hate and flow into love, competition and mutual assistance, irritation and psychotherapeutic conversations). The whole world watched this series for ten long years and was finally convinced that friendship is a common laugh. A similar sense of humor not only brings people together, but also allows them to maintain relationships for years.

Friendship 2.0

Social media different levels force users to “friend” and “add” someone every day. Of course, these acts have nothing to do with “stable, individually selective interpersonal relationships characterized by mutual affection of the participants” (this is how dictionaries define friendship).

The number of contacts that the Internet offers a modern person can really harm personal relationships. The reason is the “cheapness” of communication on the Internet, the lack of great moral effort. Sometimes it turns out that the whole world becomes closer, but family and friends are further away. We spend less and less time and mental energy on our loved ones. Therefore, friendly ties weaken. They are multiplying, but at the same time they are becoming less and less obligatory.

However, in general, a normal person who can easily distinguish between the virtual and real worlds, and also adequately assesses the degree of their importance for himself, has no social media, blogs and other web2.0 do not bring much harm. Those who are capable of making friends and are ready to do so have received additional opportunities to show attention to their friends, as well as make new friends. If a person has a tendency towards Internet addiction, then he should turn to specialists.

It turns out that the Internet is just another means of helping to maintain real friendships. “Friends will be friends,” no matter what technological know-how is offered to us in return.

So, whether you have one friend or ten, this is an inexhaustible source of strength. A pill for a bad mood, a vitamin cocktail in bad weather, support and support, a personal Carrie Bradshaw with shoes as a gift and a personal D’Artagnan with a sword at the ready. But while receiving numerous benefits from such relationships, we must not forget to give back. Because friendship is team game.

What is friendship for you?

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