White water lily. Soil for nymphs in still water

Syn.: overcoming grass, overcoming white, white water lily, European white water lily, white lotus, quicksand, balabolka, mermaid flower or mermaid flower, water poppy or water poppy, white hens, bliskalka, water companion, beaver, water flower, nymphea, large lapushnik.

A perennial rhizomatous aquatic plant with round, large, floating leaves and luxurious snow-white flowers. The white water lily not only predicts the weather, but also has an anti-inflammatory, soothing, antipyretic, analgesic, and hemostatic effect.
The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

White water lily flower formula: *CH4L15-31T75-110P14-20.

In medicine

White water lily is not a domestic pharmacopoeial plant, but is widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Traditional healers use water lily rhizomes as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic, astringent, hypotensive agent orally for dysentery, cystitis and diseases of the excretory system (kidneys and bladder), hepatitis, for some gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, in order to increase lactation in women , externally in the treatment of long-healing purulent wounds. European folk medicine recognizes the rhizomes of the white water lily in the form of aqueous decoctions and oil extracts as an effective remedy in the treatment of tumors of various origins. The alkaloid nymphein in the composition of water lily roots affects the central nervous system, nymphalin glycoside has a calming, analgesic and hypnotic effect. In crushed form, water lily roots act as mustard plasters if this remedy is used externally, applied to inflamed areas of the skin in order to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

A decoction or extract of the leaves of an aquatic plant is used for, in homeopathy - for diseases of the kidneys, intestines and hypertension. Water lily flowers are used as a sedative, antipyretic, hypnotic and analgesic. Chinese folk healers use all parts of the aquatic plant in the form of various decoctions and tinctures, believing that the white water lily brings youth, health and beauty. The flowers of the plant have a sedative, astringent, antipyretic and analgesic effect. In the form of tinctures and poultices, they were used as an antispasmodic for myalgia, neuralgia, and for acne and freckles. Infusions of water lily flowers are effective for jaundice; they were used as a sedative for painful emissions, an antipyretic, and to quench thirst in patients. Baths with an infusion of water lily flowers are used as an external pain reliever, and water infused with the petals of the plant is used for lotions and washes as a cosmetic. effective remedy from sunburn, acne and freckles.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the beneficial properties of the white water lily, contraindications to its use are individual intolerance and hypotension, since preparations based on the rhizome of the plant reduce blood pressure. The plant must be used carefully, adhering to dosages, not forgetting the presence of a significant amount of tannins and bitter substances in the composition. White water lily is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 18, the plant is poisonous.

In cooking

Water lily seeds, roasted and crushed in a mortar, are used to prepare a drink, according to taste qualities reminiscent of coffee. The rhizomes of the plant contain up to 20% starch; when dried, the roots are ground into flour, from which bread and flat cakes are baked. Fried rhizomes in vegetable oil are also served as a side dish or a separate dish.

In cosmetology

A decoction of fresh white water lily petals is used as a cosmetic. remedy for whitening and cleansing the face from acne, freckles, age spots. An infusion of the plant's flowers is used to rinse your hair to stimulate hair growth.

In other areas

In landscape design.

Hybrid winter-hardy varieties White water lilies are often used to decorate garden ponds. The choice of plant for a pond in the garden should be determined by the size of the reservoir, that is, water lilies should occupy no more than half the surface of the reservoir. The most popular forms of white water lily: variety "Colorado" - distinguished by a pale pink tint of flowers and large round leaves, "Yellow Sensation" - with olive-colored leaves and light yellow tint large flowers with orange anthers, "Marliatsia Gromotella" - variety primrose, whose cream flowers with yellow anthers open at the end of May.

On the farm.

Plant rhizomes have long been used as an effective means for exterminating cockroaches indoors.


White water lily (lat. Nymphaéa álba) is an aquatic perennial plant, the type species of the genus Nymphaéa, belonging to the water lily family. On European territory, only three types of water lily are found out of the existing 53 species: the pure white water lily (Nymphaea candida Presl), in Siberia the small water lily (Nymphaea tetragona Georgi) is found and the most common is the white water lily.

Botanical description

White water lily is an aquatic perennial plant whose height reaches 2 meters. The rhizome is fleshy, thick, dark brown in color, attached to the bottom of the reservoir by adventitious roots. The rhizome consists of a whole system of air channels that hold the aquatic plant on the surface of the water, provide a sufficient amount of oxygen for breathing, and also give strength to the tissues to avoid possible ruptures from a strong gust of wind and current. The leaves are large, round-oval, with a deep notch at the base and pointed, equilateral lobes, located on long cylindrical petioles. The color of the leaves changes with the age of the plant itself: at a young age the leaves are reddish in color, over time they become dark green on top and reddish-purple below.

In July-August, green buds appear on the surface of the water on long peduncles. The flowers of the white water lily are the largest (up to 15 cm in diameter), fragrant, white, solitary. The flower is bisexual (has female and male organs), flowering duration is 3-4 days. The calyx of the water lily flower is four-leafed, green in color, the corolla consists of white petals. There are many stamens, the stigma is multifid, radiate. After fertilization, the petals fall off, and the pistil grows, turning under water into a barrel-shaped fruit-box, inside which numerous mealy seeds ripen. The flowering of the water lily is a very interesting and unforgettable sight. The original flowers open instantly, right before your eyes, and throughout the day they turn to follow the movement of the sun. Towards evening, the buds close and are completely immersed in water. In windy or rainy weather, water lily flowers do not appear above the surface of the water; its buds are closed. This feature of the plant allows you to determine the weather: if the buds do not open in the morning, you need to expect bad weather in the evening, and vice versa, water lily flowers opened in the morning foreshadow a sunny day. Fishermen have their own sign: the fish have left those places where the water lily flowers did not open in the morning. The formula of the white water lily flower is *CH4L15-31T75-110P14-20.


The white water lily is widespread in Europe, including in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the European part of the Russian Federation, the Urals, Ukraine and Belarus, the North Caucasus and Central Asia. This plant is an inhabitant of water bodies (lakes, ponds, slow-flowing or standing rivers, the depth of which is no more than 2 meters) forest and steppe zones. Regardless of the water level, even if it drops significantly, the water lily will actively bloom and bear fruit. IN Lately The white water lily can be found in nature less and less often; the plant is listed in the Red Book. The water lily is also grown as an ornamental plant in garden ponds.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Almost the entire plant is used for medicinal purposes: rhizomes, flowers, leaves and seeds of the white water lily. The supply of medicinal water lilies is limited, so it is recommended to use existing plants carefully and leave up to half of the specimens in the reservoir. Harvesting of rhizomes of an aquatic plant begins at the beginning of the water lily's flowering and until autumn. The roots are extracted from the bottom of the reservoir using hooks, then they are cleaned of leaf petioles and small roots. The rhizomes are washed well and cut into approximately equal pieces. The raw materials are dried in the attic in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight.

Flowers or buds of water lilies are harvested from June to August, that is, during the flowering period of the plant. Given the peculiarities of the opening of the buds, they must be collected before 7 am and no later than 5 pm, before the cups are immersed in water. For medicinal purposes, water lily flowers are used fresh, but sometimes they are dried. A shady, ventilated place is suitable for drying flowers.

The leaves of the white water lily are collected at any time of the day from early spring until the onset of cold weather. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated area. The seeds are collected from the surface of the water (they float in specific “capsules”), the fruits of the plant are under water. Seeds and fruits are dried in the shade under the same conditions as other parts of the plant.

Chemical composition

The rhizomes of the white water lily are rich in starch (up to 49%), protein (8%), contain tannins (tannins), the alkaloid nymphein, glycosides nymphalin and myricitrin, gallic and tartaric acid, up to 20% sugars, resin, bitterness, ammonia, gum, essential oil. The petals of the white water lily contain the glycoside nymphalin, which can enhance cardiac activity, and flavonoids (glycosides of kaempferol and quercetin). Tannins in the seeds of the plant are almost 10 times less than in the roots, also found essential oils And fatty acid. Water lily leaves contain oxalic acid, flavonoids, and tannins.

Pharmacological properties

The glycoside nymphalin contained in the white water lily has an analgesic and hypnotic effect on the human body. The alkaloid nympheine, found in the rhizomes of the plant, affects the central nervous system and has a psychoactive effect. The leaves contain the flavone glycoside myricitrin, which stimulates cardiac activity. Tannins are effective against staphylococci and salmonella, have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect on the digestive tract. Flavonoids contained in nymphea petals help reduce the fragility of small capillary vessels, regulate blood pressure and the functioning of the heart muscle. Resins have a laxative and antibacterial effect.

Use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine practices the use of white water lily for various diseases. The rhizomes, leaves and flowers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Rhizomes in the form of a decoction or alcohol tincture are used as an astringent, used externally for rheumatism, for wounds as a hemostatic agent, for inflammatory processes of the skin, for the treatment of diarrhea, cystitis, dysentery and gonorrhea, for gynecological problems, in particular for leucorrhoea. Water lily roots are often used as mustard plasters. They drink a decoction for tuberculosis, as well as to increase lactation in nursing women. An infusion of white water lily leaves cures ulcers in the mouth. The foliage of the plant is used externally for boils, skin inflammations, neoplasms, dropsy, abscesses, and wounds as an anti-inflammatory agent. Tincture of leaves and stems is indicated for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, intestinal ulcers; a decoction of leaves and roots treats liver diseases and hepatitis. The flowers of the herb are used as a sleeping pill, an analgesic for neuralgia, rheumatism, a sedative for neuroses, depression, an antipyretic and an emollient. Since ancient times, water lilies have been used to treat cramps and get rid of toothache. A decoction or tincture of the seeds was used by singers to strengthen their voices. A decoction of the roots in beer is effective for hair loss. Fresh or canned water lily juice removes freckles and pigmentation on the face and whitens the skin. Water infused with water lily petals - excellent cosmetic product, if used for baths.

Historical reference

The white water lily is the oldest representative of aquatic plants. It is believed that this plant grew back in the time of dinosaurs. IN ancient Rus' knew that the water lily or “overcome grass,” as the peasants called it, has beneficial properties and used its roots, petals and leaves for medicinal purposes. Doctor Avicenna also noted healing properties water lily, using a tincture of the roots for neoplasms of the spleen, and a decoction of seeds or leaves for poorly healing wounds and ulcers. It was believed that the aquatic plant protects against all troubles and misfortunes, defeats witchcraft and evil spirits. The water lily has long been used by magicians as a love potion; the plant was popularly considered a symbol of mercy, beauty and purity. There is a belief that fairy-tale creatures, nymphs and elves, live on the petals of water lilies. Our ancestors called the water lily the “flower of mermaids” because the long rhizome resembled a tail, and White flower- the very body of a mermaid. One of the weeks in June was called “mermaid”. The Slavs believed that these days mermaids turn from white water lilies into bare-haired maidens. During Mermaid Week, girls were afraid to go swimming, they said “the mermaids will tickle you.” Decoctions of water lily rhizomes were once part of the diet of monks, as these drinks pacify, soothe and dull sexual desire. At the monasteries there were large reservoirs with beautiful nymphs, and the monks looked after them.

There are many legends around the world about the origin of the plant. The ancient Greeks believed that the water lily was a white nymph, which, due to unrequited love to Hercules, turned into a snow-white flower - a water lily. North American Indians believe that the water lily flower was formed from sparks from the Polar and Evening stars during a collision, during a dispute over who would catch the arrow of the great Indian leader, launched into the sky. An Italian legend says that the water lilies are the children of the blond beauty Countess Melinda and the ugly swamp king who kidnapped her. A North German legend says that water lilies grew in the place where mermaids died at the hands of an evil nixa (mermaid) who lived in a pond.

The white water lily is a good weather predictor: its flowers close before rain or its buds do not appear at all on the surface of the water before bad weather. The buds open on a sunny day at sunrise and remain open until about 6 pm.

The origin of the Latin name for water lily is also associated with legends and tales. Biologist Carl Linnaeus collected legends about this in his time graceful plant: the name “white nymph” is a consequence of Linnaeus’s passion for the legend of the nymph, rejected by Hercules, and soon turned by the gods into a charming water lily. So white water lily in Latin is white nymphea. The plant acquired the poetic name “water lily” because of the fruit’s similar shape to a pitcher.


1. Maznev N. Highly effective medicinal plants. Great encyclopedia: Litres, 2015. – 370 p.

2. Wild edible plants / Ed. acad. V. A. Keller; USSR Academy of Sciences; Moscow nerd. garden and Institute of History Mat. culture named after N. Ya. Marra. - M.: b. i., 1941. - P. 8. - 40 p.

3. Encyclopedic reference book. Treatment with plants. - M.: “ANS Publishing House”, 2005. - 1024 p.

The water lily, also known as the nymph, became known thanks to one of the ancient Greek legends, according to which an unrequited nymph in love disappeared forever in the depths of the sea, turning into a flower. For a long time, the water lily has been associated with the mystical inhabitants of the underwater world.

Many ancient Greek drawings, sculptures and carvings that have survived to this day testify to the beauty and reverence of this amazing plant, with which it was customary to decorate one’s home, to perpetuate the image of a flower in sculpture and to paint ancient temples with images of water lilies. The water lily or white lotus was immortalized in the whole complex of Egyptian buildings near the Temple of Amun.

Water lily, plant description

Blooming water lilies exude a pleasant, lasting aroma.

The root system is shallow and well developed. It has one main stem and several additional ones. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 12 to 20 cm. The leaves are fleshy, bright green, and reach about 25 cm in size.

One of the very first and famous species. Another species is called the Egyptian lotus or Egyptian lily. The blue water lily inhabited the coastal zone of the Nile River, then began to spread throughout Africa, India and Thailand. The foliage of the plant is sinewy, large, about 35 cm long. Flowers with such large foliage seem small, reaching a size of 16-20 cm. The shade of the petals varies, from sky blue to cornflower blue, lilac and blue.

Tiger water lily

It is distinguished by large dark green leaves, uneven tiger color.

The distinctiveness of the tiger water lily is created by the pattern of the leaves (brown and red spots). It is seasonal, does not tolerate frost well, and is suitable for growing in aquariums. Africa is considered the birthplace of the tiger nymph. The flowers are small, white or cream in color. The root system is well developed and does not tolerate fast currents and cold water bodies.

Water lily Victoria Regia or Amazonian nymphea

Another species of impressive size. The Victoria water lily was discovered by the German botanist and naturalist Eduard Pelling in the 19th century. The Amazonian water lily blooms only once a year, blooming only at night, and sinks under the water before dark.

The shade of perhaps the largest flower changes during the flowering process from white to pink. When in full bloom, the Amazonian water lily can reach 35 cm. Victoria Regia has a persistent, noticeable aroma, and its foliage can support the weight of a teenager.

Yellow water lily is a perennial, with a well-developed root system lying deep in the ground. It has underwater small foliage with jagged edges, on short petioles.

The above-water floating leaves are ovoid, large, up to 20 cm in diameter. The flowers are large, green on the outside and yellow on the inside. They reach a size of about 17 cm. Flowering occurs in June and lasts almost until September.

water lily

Water nymph, from the water lily family. Botanically, it is similar to the white water lily; it has medium-sized floating foliage and small underwater leaves. The flowers are emergent, reach medium size, have a cream color and a bright yellow center. Water lily is used in pharmacology, and starch is obtained from the roots.

The most popular varieties of water lilies among flower growers were recognized as:

Alba (large, snow-white flowers), Gold Medal ( yellow flowers with a large core), James Brydon variety (very beautiful variety with large, fluffy, burgundy corollas), Blue Beauty (has memorable blue flowers with a yellow core), Rosea ( pink flowers, with a bright purple cup).

Growing water lilies

To ensure that the process of growing water lilies does not cause unnecessary trouble, take the choice of planting material seriously. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The miser pays twice.” Buy planting material in specialized stores or borrow from trusted gardeners.

Warm temperatures are considered a suitable time for planting water lilies. summer months. The plant can be immediately planted on the bottom of the reservoir, but it is worth considering that water lilies are terrified of frost and cold, so looking ahead, you should take this fact into account and plant the plant in a deep container, and only then install it on the bottom of the reservoir, this will make it easier to remove the flower and send for the winter.

You can get a planting substrate for water lilies in the store by purchasing ready-made soil for water lilies, or you can prepare it yourself. The optimal composition can be considered a layer of peat of 4 cm and 10 cm of turf soil with sand in equal parts.

During planting, make sure that the growth bud is on the surface of the pot; stick feeding balls made of clay mixed with mineral fertilizers onto the roots of the water lily.

3-4 pieces the size of a paintball ball will be enough. Afterwards, the rhizome is placed in a pot on a layer of peat and covered with prepared soil mixture on top, leaving room for a layer of river pebbles to weigh it down.

Immediately after planting the water lily, the plant must be placed at the bottom of the reservoir; the optimal depth for immersing the pot is usually calculated based on the varietal data of the plant. Dwarf varieties are placed at a depth of half a meter, tall ones from a meter or more; the growth bud of a water lily will serve as a guide for you.

In order for the water lily to develop faster, it is better to place it in shallow water before the first leaves appear. When the first two floating leaves appear, the pot with the plant is deepened.

Plants planted on time will bloom in your first year of growing season, and some varieties will delight you with even several blooms.

When planting, pay close attention to the cold resistance of the variety you choose. Some types of water lilies can survive mild winters without additional shelter, for example, water lily or snow-white water lily. Most often, high survival rate of water lilies is observed only in high grades, whose rhizomes lie deep under water.

But if in your region the winter is long and harsh. For the winter, water lilies should be removed from the reservoir and sent to a dark, cool place, and with the onset of spring, after the ice has melted, returned to the reservoir.

Caring for water lilies in the garden

Nymphea is an unpretentious plant and caring for it will not be difficult. In their usual wild environment, water lilies grow without care, multiplying and blooming on time. However, do not allow the water lily to cover the surface of the water with its leaves; this may lead to the flowers becoming smaller.

Dead flowers and yellowed foliage should be removed from the pond to prevent the water from “blooming.” In order for the plant to produce more flowers, do not leave the water lily more than two floating leaves.

Make sure that the plant has enough space in your pond; do not plant too many nymphs in small reservoirs.

Small artificial reservoirs with standing water are subject to periodic cleaning. After removing the water lily for the winter, the reservoir should be drained and cleaned of dirt and debris, and with the arrival of spring it should be filled with fresh water. clean water, let it brew for about a week and begin planting the water lily again. A week before planting, the water lily should be watered with mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests of water lilies

The water lily is not susceptible to disease and is extremely rarely attacked by insects. The plant has a fairly strong immune system.

However, in the hot months, stagnant bodies of water are often inhabited by the pitcher leaf beetle, a small brown beetle whose larvae devour floating leaves.

The method of combating it is simple: damaged foliage is removed, and the larvae will have to be collected manually, since most insecticides are dangerous for water bodies, causing its poisoning and the death of living creatures.

Another enemy of the “queen of ponds” can be called aphids. Small insects spoil appearance flower and cause premature flowering of the plant. The fight against aphids involves only a mechanical method, for example, washing off harmful insects with a stream of water. Attracting entomophages to a pond can also be a life-saving option in pest control.

The main problem with the extinction of water lilies today remains not pests and diseases, but the constantly deteriorating ecology and human interference in the population of the plant species.

The drainage of water bodies and the collection of water lilies on an industrial scale led to the catastrophic extinction of this amazing and beautiful plant. Some species of nymphs are already included in the Red Book, and if “man” does not come to his senses, we may completely lose one of the most beautiful flowers on Earth.

The water lily has been known since ancient times. Legends were made about it, endowed with miraculous powers, and worn as a talisman. Its ancient name is overpowering grass. And in Latin its name is pronounced “Nymphea”.

The flower is extremely beautiful and looks fabulous on the surface of the water. Today, nymphea is the most beautiful, vibrant plant on home ponds and lakes.

Water lily is listed in the Red Book- protected by law due to the decline of the species.

What does a flower look like and where does it grow?

If you watch a water lily at dawn, you will get an indelible feeling!

When this magical creation of nature rises from the depths of the reservoir and then opens a bud before your eyes, you understand that a flower is being born right now. And so one after another.

What's surprising is During the day, the flower moves throughout the body of water following the sun, turning his head towards the rays. If clouds come into the sky, the bud instantly closes.

And closer to sunrise, the lily prepares to dive under water. If the weather is cloudy in the morning, then the water lily may not rise to the surface of the water at all.

Nymphea blooms from early June to late October, depending on the variety. About 50 species can be found of this flower.

Useful information: the uniqueness of the flower lies in the fact that the water lily is an amphibious plant and can grow both on water and on land.

Can grow in lakes and rivers with slow flowing water. In reservoirs from moderate, tropical zone to the forests and tundra of Russia, Canada and Scandinavia. Some frost-resistant species can easily survive wintering in freezing bodies of water.

The appearance of the flower is so diverse that you can find a plant with a diameter of 3 to 30 centimeters, not to mention the palette of inflorescences.

Water lilies have a powerful root system in the form of tubers. Long roots extend down from them, also serving as an anchor for the flower.

Planting and caring for white water lily

Can it reproduce?

According to the biological description, nymphs reproduce vegetatively by rhizomes, less often by seeds, (with the help of fish that shake the plant upon their contact), and also pollen(thanks to bugs and insects).

In its natural environment water lily reproduces by shoots from rhizomes. It is enough to cut off the rhizome with a bud and plant it in a pot.

Dividing and planting nymphs:

How to plant this flower in water?

It is optimal to plant a water lily at any time, from May to the end of September. If the pond is heated and large, then the plant can be planted directly into the ground. In small ponds they are placed in special containers.

If you plant a flower directly in a container, this will greatly ease your labor costs of moving the plant to a warm place during wintering.

Containers should be wide and low, with drainage holes. If the holes are too large, then line the bottom with burlap to avoid washing out the soil.

And do not forget about the external component of the flower container: it should be dark in color so that it does not look out from the bottom of the reservoir.

The soil for a water lily should consist of garden soil, sand and compost. You can add bone meal, it will have a positive effect on the development and growth of the flower.

When planting, the rhizomes must be placed on the ground with the roots down so that they do not float up. But it is necessary to plant the rhizomes so that they protrude slightly from the ground. Otherwise, the water lily will grow and develop poorly.

Also it is possible to grow a flower from its seeds. To do this, you need to take a container, container or pot and pour some water with sand. Press the seeds into the sand and add water again. You will get about 3-4 centimeters of water above the seeds.

In just 6-12 days it will be possible to observe the rise of the first adventitious roots. At the same time, it is time for the first transplant into 2-4 cm pots, and after the second transplant, 7 cm pots are chosen.

The second transplant is carried out in pots directly into the reservoir, with temperature conditions water +18-22C.

The next stage is the final one. Select 20 cm pots and transplant the flowers into a pond with water to a depth of 40-50 cm, where they are kept at a water temperature of +20+22C.

In order for the nymph to survive the winter well, it is important that the depth of the pond reaches 1-1.5 meters. If the depth is less or greater, the flower must be placed in a dark place.

To do this, it is first prepared: the dying leaves are removed and the container with water is put in a warm place. This is how the water lily goes into hibernation.

The water level in the container should be up to 4 cm above the rhizome. And in the spring the beauty will return to her pond.

Use on the farm

Water lilies are used on the farm for various needs.

For example, rhizomes are used for food. Cut into slices, dry, grind to flour. Next, they are washed and used for baking bread and flatbreads.

For acute respiratory infections, the roots of the flower are used as mustard plasters. And decoctions and infusions are used in the treatment of malignant tumors. The decoction also has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

For its hemostatic properties, often used for wounds. Soothes and reduces pain. The rhizomes are also used for inflammatory processes on the skin.

A drink is prepared from nymphea seeds, reminiscent of coffee. For insomnia and neuroses, healers use it as a sedative.

And for rheumatism and neuralgia, water lily is used as an analgesic, and for fever as a mild antipyretic.

However, the use of the plant for medicinal purposes should be careful, especially when taking decoctions and infusions, as it significantly lowers blood pressure.

It is imperative to consult a competent doctor and obtain his permission to self-medicate with this plant.

Beautiful pond decoration

There is a beautiful legend about green tea and white water lily. If you place green tea in a blooming flower at dawn and collect it at the end of the day, then drinking it, a person will gain the necessary vitality.

If a water lily has settled in your pond, then an interesting solution would be the appearance of fish in it. Fish not only decorate the pond, but also serve good helpers flowers.

The most popular fish will be Koi carp and comets. They are extraordinarily beautiful. Comets are more mobile and live in the upper layers of the reservoir; moreover, they do not disturb the flowers. And carp are more fussy, rushing around in plants and making a mess.

If the reservoir is large (2-3 meters deep), then carp will fit into the picture better. If the body of water is small (up to 70 centimeters), then opt for a comet.

White water lily is a perennial aquatic plant, which is distinguished by a round rhizome and leaves floating on the water. Large white flowers with many petals catch the eye. The fruit of the plant can be green and round; it develops only under water. The water lily begins to bloom in early summer - June and ends in autumn - September. The plant can form thickets in a variety of waters, both flowing and standing. The water lily inhabits lakes and ponds 2 meters deep. You can meet this plant in Belarus, on Far East, Caucasus, Urals.

Description of white water lily

White water lily is an unusually beautiful, useful and interesting plant. At first you can notice that the plant produces unusual buds, then over time they turn into beautiful white crowns. In the evening, the flowers seem to go to bed and close, then gradually sink under water. In the morning you can see how the flower reappeared above the water. With its strong roots, the water lily is powerfully attached to the bottom of the pond, making it very difficult to collect for medicinal purposes. The flowers resemble a rose in their appearance, only they are much larger.

The leaves of the water lily are green and round. They may turn red underwater. It all depends on the type of plant, the size of the leaves and how deep it is submerged in water.

The rhizome of the white water lily is rich in starch, sugar, essential oils, alkaloids, and proteins. A tasty paste is prepared from the roots, which is an excellent antifungal, antibacterial and anti-trichomoniacal agent. Decoctions from the rhizome are used for serious problems with the renal system and bladder.

Tincture with rhizome is a healing medicine that can have a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. But remember that the rhizome in its raw form is very toxic; a person can be seriously poisoned by it.

With the help of white water lily flowers you can learn about the weather, because among people there are many signs associated with this plant. White water lily is a mysterious and mystical plant; it has long been used by magicians and folk healers. It was believed that with its help one could get rid of evil spells; it was considered the best amulet that could protect the body and spirit. TO white look Water lilies are still treated very carefully; there is a belief that mysterious creatures live on its petals - elves, nymphs. If a person picks a white water lily without a talisman, he may die.

This plant is valued for medicinal purposes, so it is very important to stock up on white water lily flowers, leaves and rhizomes. This plant helps to cure even cancers that have not yet developed, quickly heals wounds, and relieves cramps and toothache.

It is believed that if a singer drinks a decoction from the seeds of the white water lily, he will be able to restore and strengthen his beautiful voice.

Useful properties of white water lily

The rhizome of the water lily contains a large number of tannin, starch and nymphair alkaloid. Flowers are rich in imphalin glycoside. Therefore, the plant is often used to reduce inflammation in a variety of tumors. Using the root of the white water lily, you can stop diarrhea and relieve pain that often occurs with cystitis in the bladder. Since ancient times, the seeds of the white woman's water lily were used when they were bothered by heavy menstruation.

A decoction based on flowers will help get rid of for a long time from and will not allow jaundice to worsen. Using a wine tincture that contains white water lily root, you can relieve severe lacrimation and get rid of frequent purulent discharge from the eye area.

Also, a decoction in which white water lily flowers are used will help a woman get rid of the tormenting discharge that appears as a result of various diseases of the female genital organs.

White water lily is an effective and reliable remedy for rheumatism, neurosis, neuralgia, and the plant also helps get rid of fever.

Medicine has long been using the white water lily, which is part of Zdrenko’s collection for oncological diseases, bladder problems, peptic ulcer stomach and papillomatosis.

In folk medicine, an extract based on the white water lily is popular; infusions of the plant’s flowers are recommended for nervous imbalance, insomnia and fever.

Externally, white water lily is used to get rid of pigmentation, acne and poor tanning. Also, an infusion from the plant is quite effective for joint problems.

Use of white water lily

The leaves from the plant are best used only for external purposes; this is an excellent remedy that helps relieve inflammation.

Using the rhizome of the white water lily, you can eliminate pain and other unpleasant sensations that arise from skin inflammation.

There is no better remedy for flu, viral infection and colds than mustard plasters based on the root part of the plant.

A tincture from the root is prepared in order to improve the patient’s condition with tumor diseases, as well as with other cancerous tumors.

To prepare antipyretic, sedative and sleeping pills, you need to take fresh petals and boil them in 250 ml of water. Take half a glass 2 times a day.

If the cardiac system is weak, traditional healers recommend mixing water lily petals with, pouring everything into one liter boiled water, leave for up to 3 hours and drink half a glass 3 times a day. It is necessary to treat for at least two weeks.

Contraindications to the use of water lilies

Remember that everything medications Water lily based products should be used with caution because it is a poisonous plant. Under no circumstances should you increase the dosage on your own. Before consuming decoctions and infusions based on water lilies, it is very important to consult with a specialist.

White water lily is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension, because it significantly reduces blood pressure.

White water lily, also known as water lily lily- This herbaceous plant, which lives in water - lakes, river creeks, ponds. Its roots are long and thickly branched, they need a weak current. The flower is rightfully considered the most beautiful inhabitant of water. It is listed in the Red Book of many regions as an endangered species.

Legendary plant

The white water lily from the Red Book is truly fabulous, it’s not for nothing that there are many myths and legends about it. In the history of many nations, it is called a talisman that can help against illness, the evil eye, conspiracy, and various evil spirits.

Note! In numerous rituals using the plant, it is not the charming flower that is involved, but the rhizome.

According to an old belief, a traveler who takes the root of this plant with him on the road will be protected from all diseases and evil spirits, which may overtake you on the way. Another name is overcoming grass, that is, grass that can overcome everything.

For the ancient Greeks, the water lily was a symbol of beauty and chastity; a wreath of water lily flowers was woven for girls who were getting married. If we turn to Latin, the name of the water lily is nymph, that is, a semi-deity who is part of nature.

Weather by water lily

The water lily accurately predicts the weather! Main signs:

  1. If in the middle of the day the flower is completely or partially closed, you should wait for rain.
  2. If by 9 o'clock in the morning the flower has not yet bloomed, then by lunchtime it will rain.
  3. If the bud opens at 7-8 and closes at 17-18, then you should wait for clear weather.
  4. When the lily has not risen from under the water at all, it is better to hurry home, as a long and cold downpour is coming.
  5. If in the middle of the day the flower closes and hides under the water, expect bad weather.
  6. When the leaves have completely covered the surface of the reservoir, frosts can no longer be expected.

Myth of Nymphea

This legend tells of a young girl who one day got lost in the forest. In her wanderings, she came across a forest lake, which was so beautiful that the girl wanted to stay there forever. She was tired from her journey and fell asleep on the shore. The gods liked this beauty and turned her into a lake nymph. The nymphea fell asleep at the bottom of the lake every night, and at dawn she rose and washed herself in the first rays of the sun. She lured men to her who were drowning in deep but beautiful waters.

And one day a very handsome young guy came to the shore of the lake and the nymph fell in love with him. But he did not succumb to her charms and did not go to the bottom. She waited a long time for her beloved, and it was this wonderful feeling that turned her into a beautiful white water lily, the flower of which can be seen in the photo.

Other memories of the plant

The white lily is often remembered not only in myths and legends, but also in poems and songs. It is with it that the beauty of the water surface is associated. Anyone who has ever seen this plant on the surface of water will certainly understand the admiration for its beauty.

Description of the water lily

The pure white water lily grows only in fresh water bodies. It is fragile in appearance, but its rhizome reaches 3 meters. Distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, in some places it is found in Central Asia. It is successfully used in medicine – both traditional and folk. For this and for its attractive appearance, the water lily has earned universal love.


They cling tightly to the muddy surface of the reservoir. The root is thick and strong, its color is dark brown. It is creeping and has leaf petioles on the surface. The rhizome is densely filled with air channels, which guarantees the flower's breathing and strengthens the tissue. Due to this system, water lilies are very difficult to pick.

Stems and leaves

The stems are erect, or more precisely, erect-floating, their cross-section is round. Due to its dense structure, the plant does not move when there is a gust of wind. Does not produce additional stems. The roots are located under water, and the stem stretches all the way to the surface of the water. Its color ranges from burgundy-green to light green depending on the age of the plant.

The leaves float on the surface, not attached to the stem. Their color and heart-shaped shape. The diameter is up to 35 cm, the petiole has the same length as the whole plant, it is connected to the rhizome.


This is what is considered the most beautiful thing about the water lily. When asked what a white water lily looks like (pictured), almost everyone can describe the flower. It is large and deep white. The peduncles are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. The calyx consists of 4-5 petals, the flower itself has many petals, they are located densely along the contour, stamens.

The water lily blooms and pleases with its flowering only in sunny weather and exclusively in the morning. In the evening, when the sun sets below the horizon, it closes. Flowering can be observed from late June to early September. The aroma of the flower is weak.


The flowering of the water lily results in fruits. They are green in color and pitcher-shaped - hence the name. They ripen under water by the end of August - beginning of September.

Beautiful and dangerous

No matter how beautiful the white water lily is, not everyone still knows that it is poisonous. The flower is the most dangerous, followed by the stems and leaves. Although the roots are used for food, they are edible only after heat treatment.

When used externally, there is a risk of allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance.

Important! Children under 2 years of age should not use any preparations based on water lily. In extreme cases, this is possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Those who work with the plant in bodies of water also need to exercise extreme caution. It is important to remember that some fish cannot tolerate this plant, especially if they are aquarium fish. The danger increases if the stem or flower is damaged. Most cyprinids are insensitive to white water lily.

Contact of children with the stem and flower should be prevented. If this happens, you need to urgently wash your hands with soap and prevent juice from getting into your mouth and eyes. That is why this beautiful but poisonous plant is not used to decorate ponds in places of children's games and leisure.

White water lily: collecting a plant for treatment

It is undesirable to collect flowers, leaves and rhizomes in the territory where the water lily lives, as this leads to its destruction. The plant population renews itself very slowly. If conditions allow for collection, then this must be done extremely carefully. Some important points:

  1. You need to make sure that the target plant is definitely a water lily. If a mistake occurs, then at best the drug will not help, and at worst it will harm your health.
  2. Collection should be carried out in places of intensive growth.
  3. Leaves and flowers are collected during the flowering period. It is during this period that the green parts have the maximum content of nutrients.
  4. The roots are collected from flowering until the end of autumn, while they can be reached.
  5. The parts of the water lily are laid out in a thin layer, the rhizomes are pre-washed and cut into thin slices and dried. The drying temperature should not exceed +60 °C. Dried leaves, flowers and roots can be stored for 2 years.


The beauty and benefits of the white water lily are simply amazing. But you need to act carefully with her; it’s not for nothing that she is associated with forest nymphs, who, according to legend, destroyed people with their beauty.

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