Scenario for a kindergarten prom in a modern way. Graduation in kindergarten: a fun, unusual scenario for parents and teachers Graduation in kindergarten in a modern way

Solemn music sounds.
The presenters enter.
Ved. 1. How solemn and quiet
The hall froze, what was he waiting for?
Ved. 2. There is an old poplar tree outside the window
Rusting, the leaves sing.
Doves rose to the sky,
Starting your own round dance.
Ved. 1. And so quickly, imperceptibly
This year has flown by too.
Ved. 2. Is it possible not to love children?
Unselfishly, carefully and tenderly?
Children are our happiness on earth,
Our conscience, joy and hope.
Ved. 1. We live with care every hour,
So that the children are better than us.
To move more confidently and further.
Ved. 2. Our children are leaving, we know that this is how it should be!
And yet I still have a lump in my throat.
Kindergarten and dolls are being left behind.
And soon the bell will ring for them.
Ved. 1. So, meet - here they are!
Ved. 2. The best graduates!
Children's entrance. Dance.
1. Our hall is accustomed to holidays -
I saw quite a few celebrations!
I've read poetry here more than once
And my mother clapped for me.
2. How many years have we been coming here?
How many tears have been shed here at times.
Here for the first time we beat our knees,
Here they pitied and loved us all.
3. We are leaving today,
Like birds from a nest.
It's a pity I have to say goodbye
Happy kindergarten forever.
4. And today is a farewell day
We will not lose heart.
Our kindergarten will be here for a long time
A kind word to remember.
Ved. 1. So the happy, carefree years have flown by, spent in an amazing fairy-tale world called “kindergarten”
Ved. 2. And today we want to invite you on an excursion to our museum. The exhibits that we collected over the course of 5 years while the children were in kindergarten are stored here.
Ved. 1. Dear guests, today the “Museum of Unusual Things” opens its doors for you!
Fanfare sounds.
They bring in the 1st exhibit - a diaper (folded and tied with a bow)
Ved. 1. Let's remember how it all began.
Like dad was freezing at the maternity hospital,
And mommy shouted to him through the window:
- Was born! Boy! Now we have a son!
Child. Dads walk under the windows, toil.
Dads are walking around, terribly worried.
For no apparent reason they hug,
Out of nowhere they suddenly kiss.
They immediately become tearful,
And they wipe their noses with handkerchiefs...
And outside the windows there are happy mothers
Dance (to I. Sarukhanov’s song “Lyalechka in an envelope”)
Ved 1. This is how our first exhibit appeared. But time passed, the children grew up. And the time has come to go to kindergarten for the children.
The next exhibit is brought in - a pot and a jar of “tears”.
Ved. 2. When you came to kindergarten,
Boys and girls
Moms recently took off your diapers.
They drank from the nipples and sucked pacifiers.
You wanted to go to your mother and sobbed loudly.
But then a week passed, then another.
And you realized that life here is different.
Scene “On the potties” (tantamaresque)
Girl: I’m sitting on the potty, I’m sitting and crying...
Boy: I’m sitting on the potty, I’m laughing and pooping...
Girl: I don’t want to go to your kindergarten, I want to go home to my mother.
Boy: What are you talking about, it’s great here, and there are mountains of toys here.
Songs, dances and poems, and theater and dramas...
Girl: My beloved mother is still missing here!
Boy: This aunt is a teacher, she keeps counting us, counting us.
He thinks that he will lose, but we are all here as one,
Here we are sitting on the potties.
Auntie the cook cooks soup for us and a side dish with cutlets...
Girl: It would be better if we went to the store...
Boy: Why?
Girl: For chocolates.
Boy: Doctors taught us in kindergarten that sweets are harmful.
Girl: They are not healthy, their robes are pale.
Boy: This aunt is the boss here,
Everyone calls the manager
This is the ceiling
Made it beautiful here.
Girl: The ceiling, of course, is great,
Wouldn't fall on us
Boy: That she puffed up her cheeks and sat down on the potty,
Play nice with me, don’t upset these aunts.
It's boring and sad at home, I just watch cartoons,
And if you end up in kindergarten, you’ll fall over laughing.
Girl: Oh, hold on, oh, hold on,
I'll fall off the potty
So be it, they persuaded
I stay in the garden.
Boy: It will be difficult - we won’t cry,
Everything will pass by itself
Nanny will tie our shoelaces.
Auntie will sing music.
Together: Moms, don't worry,
We will find friends.
Every year your children
They will be better and more mature.
Ved. 1. You were once such little kids. Do you remember five years ago when you went to kindergarten?
1. Why didn’t you go?
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.
2. I remember crying every day,
I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And someone walked around with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.
3. Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.
The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.
4. And if we didn’t sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
After listening to “bayushki-bayu”,
We closed our eyes.
5. They were such naughty people,
They fought with their hands and feet.
And some even use their teeth.
After the song, the children sit down.
Ved. 2. Yes, you came to us as kids, cute and funny. You knew little, played pranks and asked thousands of questions.
Ved. 1. Just like these kids.
Children enter to the music junior group. A teacher in a chef's costume, children in caps with ladles.
Playback ml. gr. We need to accumulate strength before school.
We came to your holiday,
To feed you all.
Cooks, come on boldly:
Children. Let's get down to business!
They bring in a pan of “porridge.”
Dance "Merry Cooks"
After the dance, they take gifts out of the pan and give them to the graduates, then line up along the wall.
Playback ml. gr. The same crumbs
You have arrived at kindergarten.
We learned to stomp our feet.
Now you have grown up.
And we came to congratulate you
With the transition to first grade.
Children Jr. gr.
1. You kids today
Congratulations from the heart.
You are enrolling in first grade
And don't forget about us.
2. You are already quite big.
You are beautiful and smart.
So that we can reach you
You must stand on your toes.
3. Very soon, very soon
You are entering school.
It's time to wish
“No fluff, no feather!” to you!
4. Your dolls are sad
The bears were sad.
You need it more now
Notebooks, pens, books.
Ved. 1. Yes, it's time to say goodbye to your favorite toys.
Reb. Goodbye toys: nesting dolls, little bunny.
Yula and the cars, and you, little bear.
Farewell to all dolls, we will not forget you.
Let us go to school, but we will remember you!
Dance with toys.
After the dance, the toys are given to the kids, and the kids leave the hall to the music.
Ved. 1. And we have the next exhibit in line. So, welcome.
A pillow is brought in while the music plays.
Ved. 2. Kindergarten is not a school.
Everyone plays all day long.
They sleep in beds at quiet times,
They are saving strength in reserve.
Sketch “Quiet Hour” (all roles performed by children)
Dev. 1. A-pchhi!
Dev. 2. Be healthy!
Playback Quiet Liza Kuznetsova!
Dev. 2. Tanya, Tanya...
Playback You again!
Dev. 2. I wish her health! What is she - deaf?
Dev. 1. I can’t hear, I was sleeping!
Playback Hush, Tanya!
Dev. 2. Lied! Is it possible? Who sneezes in their sleep?
Playback Stop it! All! With us - have you forgotten? Quiet hour!
Boy 1. Oh, look, Seryozha, a fly
On Polina's pillow
Boy 2. What kind of fly is this?
Dev. 3. Right now I’ll give you a pillow.
Boy 1. And Sveta has a dragonfly.
Play: Close all your eyes. I have no peace with you.
Boy 3. gets up.
Playback Sasha sleep! Well, what is it?
Boy 3. Do you hear Matvey snoring?
Pretends to be asleep.
Boy 4. Sneaky! You will receive it.
Dev. 4. Natasha disturbs my sleep; she pinches my hand.
Dev. 5. I didn’t bother her at all, I straightened the pillow.
Playback Children, sleep - quiet time!
I know for sure for you
Daytime sleep is still beneficial!
Let's turn on the lullaby.
And we quietly fall asleep.
Dance "Quiet Hour"
Ved. 1. And this exhibit remains in our museum, since children will not need it at school.
Ved. 2. And we meet the next exhibit.
A “milk tooth” is brought in.
Ved. 2. There is a popular saying: “If a baby tooth falls out, it’s time to go to school.”
Song "Milk Tooth".
Ved. 1. And we continue our tour of the museum.
Ved. 2. Now I want to introduce you to the most expensive exhibit for us, here we have collected everything bad habits, which our children got rid of. Please help me bring this exhibit.
The presenters carry the jar, drop it, and the lid opens.
Ved. 1. Ah! What will happen now?
Bad Habits comes on to the music.
Ved. 1. Oh, hello aunties, who are you? Perhaps you are late guests? Come in, have a seat.
Habits laugh.
1st visit What kind of aunties are we? That made me laugh!
2 priv. And we are not guests. That's a funny teacher you have.
Ved. 1. And if you are not guests, then who?
1st visit We are your sisters.
Together. Bad habits.
2 priv. We in your group have been living with you for a long time.
Ved. 2. And our children do not have bad habits.
1st visit Oh oh! So really not? And who sat over porridge for an hour at breakfast, shedding tears?
2 priv. Who took three hours to get dressed for a walk?
Ved. 1. Yes, this happened. But this won't happen again. Our children have become adults, they are going to school, but they won’t take you, bad habits, with them.
1st visit How can they not take it? How can they not take it? We are dissenters!
2 priv. We will also go to school with them. We are nowhere without them.
Ved. 2. No way! You will part with them! At school, our children will be exemplary, neat, diligent, and they will have only good habits.
1st visit Take us, take us to school. We want to be with you.
2 priv. We have already collected our briefcases. We have everything ready. Here are our portfolios.
Briefcases are shown.
Ved. 1. I wonder what you put in your briefcases? They are too huge.
1st visit Huge? Yes, first-graders carry so much to school, their briefcases are too heavy to lift. They don’t need to buy backpacks, but suitcases on wheels.
2 priv. So we have put together everything we need. Now we'll show you.
He gets it and shows it.
Here's a pillow. I can sleep during class if I get tired.
1st visit Here's some chocolate. Get some food if you need it.
2 priv. Here's a mobile phone. Play games.
1st visit Here are the buttons. Place it on the girls' chairs.
Ved. 2. It seems like you don’t know at all what to take with you to school?
1st visit How do we not know? We know everything.
Ved. 2. Now I’ll tell you riddles about school supplies. Let's see how you guess them.
2 priv. We'll guess, of course, guess.
Ved. 2. Guys, don’t tell them the answers. And you, habits, listen carefully.
Every student must take with him to school...
1st visit Picnic. Here I have (shows) Yes, guys, did I guess correctly? A picnic to eat during class. No? What should he take? Diary? Why take it... it’s not tasty at all. What is it for? Oh, I see.
Ved. 2. To write with pens, we will prepare………
2 priv. Bed. Lie down on the bed and write to yourself. Right guys? No? And what?
Ved. 2. So that the pencil doesn’t disappear, let’s put it in...
1st visit Into the basement! Let it lie in the basement for safekeeping.
2 priv. To the channel! You need to throw it into the channel. He won’t disappear, who will hiccup him in the canal? Nobody. Right? No? Where should it be removed?
Ved. 2. You don’t know anything and don’t know how to put together briefcases. Look, you now
The guys will show you how to assemble briefcases.
Game "Collect a briefcase"
Ved. 1. This is how quickly and correctly our children collected their briefcases.
1st visit You have collected everything, only the most important things are not in your portfolios.
Ved. 1. What is the most important thing?
2 priv. Breakfast. But what about it? Mom or dad must put breakfast in the child’s briefcase. The child is hungry, and he doesn’t even have anything to eat.
1st visit Would you like us to teach your parents how to pack breakfast for school?
Ved. 1. Teach, very interesting.
Habits take out two tables.
2 priv. So that's it. (Performs actions with comments) Take a sausage, take a bun, put together a sandwich. Now we wrap this sandwich in a piece of paper and put it in a lunch bag.
1st visit Now put the apple and juice in the same bag. Now you need to tie this bag with a ribbon. So that all this does not fall apart in the briefcase. Take a ribbon and tie it. All. The first grader's breakfast is ready.
2 priv. Well, parents, have you learned how to pack your child’s breakfast?
Ved. 1. Of course, we learned. Now we will show you. And at the same time we’ll play.
Game "Collect Breakfast".
Two pairs of parents are called, mom and dad. Dad holds Mom's left hand with his right hand or his right hand with his left, and with his free hands they do what they showed their habits.
1st visit Well, that's it. We are ready to go to school. The children collected our briefcases and our parents provided us with breakfast. We can go.
Ved. 2. We have already told you that we will not take you to school with us. Why do we need bad habits at school?
1st visit Ah well? We taught you how to collect briefcases!
2 priv. We taught you how to pack breakfast.
Ved. 1. We taught you how to collect briefcases, but you don’t need breakfast at school. There are canteens there. Children are fed in them.
1st visit And we can teach you something else. For example, at school you have to sit at a desk like this, but you don’t know how.
Ved. 2. We can. Show me guys.
2 priv. And at school, you have to raise your hand like this, but you don’t know how.
Ved. 2. We can do the best we can. Show me, guys.
2 priv. What to do, what to do?
Ved. 1. Expensive habits. Would you like me to tell you what you need to do to get your children to take you to school with them?
Habits. Of course we want!
Ved. 1. To get your kids to take you to school, you need to develop good habits. Useful.
1st visit Exactly!!! Right.
2 priv. We need to become good! I will make it a habit to get up on time in the morning so as not to be late for school. Is this a good habit?
Ved. 1. Of course it’s good!
1st visit And I will make it a habit to do my homework on time. Is this also a good habit?
Ved. 1. Yes! This is also a good habit; this habit will be very useful for children at school.
2 priv. So, will you guys take us with you? Hooray!!!
1st visit Hooray! Hooray! Let's go again and put the briefcases together correctly. We need to get ready for school!
2 priv. Let's go to. Goodbye, guys. Meet me at school!
Habits go away
Ved. 1. The next exhibit of our museum is something special.
They bring in the box.
Ved. 1. This box contains children's dreams. Well, shall we open the box a little so that everyone can find out what children dream about?
Dramatization of "Three Friends".
Presenter: Three friends on a spring day
Were in a nice mood
They cooed on the benches
And they dreamed about the future.
Dev. 1. When I grow up,
I'll get married right away
I will choose a husband, like dad,
To meet me at the gangway.
Oh, I forgot to say:
I'll be flying in the sky.
I want to become a flight attendant
I'll go on the plane.
Dev. 2. Don’t get distracted, Mila,
What else did you forget?
Dev. 1. And then I will become a mother,
And I'll tell you straight.
What about your children, Natasha,
I won't stuff myself with porridge,
I will take them to the cinema,
Buy them popsicles!
Dev. 2. Would you like to become your daughter?
Dev. 1. You can only dream!
Dev. 2. And I want to become an artist,
To perform on stage,
So that flowers are always given,
They only talked about me.
So that I can be filmed,
The main roles were given,
I received a lot of money
I bought everything I wanted!
Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?
Dev. 3. I will study at school,
I promise not to be lazy
Because when I grow up,
I want to become a scientist.
And study the computer
Be friends with mathematics
Own geography
To see the whole world.
Geometry and Russian,
Biology, French
You need to study at school
To be the smartest!
Host: This is what our children are like!
Everyone wants to know the world,
Let's wish them good luck
So that all problems are solved.
Ved. 2. Dear guys! We all really want your dreams to come true, so that all your wishes come true. And now I suggest you close your eyes - a surprise awaits you.
The presenters spread blue cloth on the carpet.
Ved. 2. Open your eyes. This is the magical Sea of ​​Desires. We invite girls to make their deepest wishes.
The girls walk onto the fabric, music plays, the girls dream, make wishes, and at this time the boys take the edges of the fabric and sway it. Then the boys come onto the fabric, and the girls move the fabric.
Ved. 1. The next exhibit is the graduates themselves. Look how grown up they have become, how beautiful and solemn they have become.
Ved. 2. Dear parents, from now on graduates are at your disposal. But “graduate” is a complex instrument. When purchasing any tool, we are always given instructions for use. Therefore, we give you instructions for using the graduate product.
Instructions for use of the product “Graduate”.
The product “graduate” is complex. It contains advice from educators and teachers, instructions from parents, fantasies and dreams.
The product "graduate" contains elements such as Napoleonic plans and a passionate desire to do nothing.
The “graduate” product requires special care rules.
It is not recommended to wash the “graduate” product, in other words, give it a wash;
Ironing is allowed as often as possible.
If you do not handle the graduate product with care, it may deteriorate.
If you strictly follow the rules for caring for the “graduate”, then the product can go to a new quality, becoming, for example, an excellent student.
Ved. 2. We really hope that you will handle the “Graduate” product with care.
After all, today your children are leaving our kindergarten safe and sound, so I ask the parent committee to hand over a receipt for receiving the children to our museum.
One of the parents reads from his seat
We, the parents of today's graduates. We issue a receipt stating that we actually receive our children, who have been deposited, raised and trained in kindergarten No. 5.
However, the parent committee notes one circumstance: we deposited small-sized children, but we receive large-sized ones. It is more difficult to feed them, clothe them, and put them on shoes in market conditions. But, nevertheless, looking at the happy, beautiful and inspired faces of children, we hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten, will help our children at school.
Let this receipt be kept in your museum. And we want to donate another exhibit to your museum.
To the music, parents march around the hall, then line up along the wall.
Genus. (commander). Experimental, parent, search group of strict security with belt-butt control in hopelessly extreme situations...
All. Ready!
Genus. (commander). Our goal:
Genus. 1. Surround our child with care, warmth, attention, so that he grows, grows, grows and grows.
Genus. 2. No, this is not the goal. The goal is to find the golden key with the help of which happiness will be ensured for our children.
Genus. (commander). And for this reason?
All. Not a day without moralizing.
Genus. (commander). Our portrait.
Genus. 1. We are all very different, but when we go in search of the golden key
All. We have the same face
At the same time, the parents hide behind a portrait depicting a searching parent
Genus. (commander). Our emblem.
All. Carrot and stick
The poster shows a belt and a sandwich.
Genus. (commander). Our parent:
One - two (walk in place)
All. Three four
Genus. (commander). Three four
All. One - two
Genus. (commander). Who walks together in a row?
All. Our parent group.
Genus. (commander). Who walks in step together.
All. Make way for us.
Genus. (commander). We are a caring people.
All. We will plow the garden for the children.
Genus. (commander). And as the kids grow up.
All. And the car is right there.
Genus. (commander). The child won't blink an eye
All. He will go to college.
Genus. (commander). How will we complete the science course?
All. We will find grooms and brides
Genus. (commander). What should we take with us on the road to help our children?
All. Money, gingerbread, a bunch of books, for growing children.
Genus. (commander). What more could they want?
All. All they have to do is chew.
They stop walking.
Genus. (commander). Oh, hard life, oh, hard times!
All. Our children are going to school, woe to us for their intelligence.
Genus. (commander). Previously, we blamed the kindergarten, but now who is to blame?
All. We will have to go to school with backpacks with them.
Genus. (commander). Attention! Preparatory group, line up! To take out the handkerchief, stand still! Bring in the scarf!
During the “March” they bring in a large handkerchief with autographs.
Genus. (commander). Dear educators, we give you this handkerchief so that you can dry the abundant tears that will fall from your eyes over the departure of your beloved children.
Genus. And no matter how bitter the moment of parting is, we would like to tell you:
All. We will remember the kindergarten and you especially.
Parents sing a song.
To the tune of “The Team of Our Youth.”
1. Thanks to the wonderful teachers,
You were a second family for the children,
And all mothers and fathers know,
It can be difficult with children sometimes.
Chorus. To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How difficult it is to be a teacher.
2. And it’s a pity that we are parting so soon,
But time cannot be appeased or contained,
A team of the best teachers,
You could always surprise us.
3. Talents are tested for loyalty,
We have something to thank fate for
And if something happens, then immediately to this kindergarten,
We will bring all our children to you.
Genus. Thank you, bow to the ground,
Please accept us from all the children,
And also carefully, lovingly,
Teach your other children!
Children read words of gratitude to the staff, and parents give flowers at this time.
Congratulations to the watchmen
What's a song without a button accordion?
What is a kindergarten without security?
Check door locks and deadbolts
Windows, bars, and then everything again...
They will check the areas and fencing,
Running water and heating.
Can you sleep on a farm like this?
Our watchmen are not familiar with fear!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the janitor
Our yard is always in order,
The verandas are clean,
Children love it on the playground
To frolic for a reason,
This is all your merit,
Our flower beds and flowers,
Don't get sick, don't get old,
Let your dreams come true!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the laundresses
White napkin, clean sheet,
The apron and scarf shine white,
To keep it clean - simply top class
Lyudmila Nikolaevna took care of us!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the chefs.
We walked outside, worked up an appetite,
The chefs cook deliciously -
You will be healthy and fed!
We tell the cooks:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Go around the white light -
There are no better dishes than yours!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the caretaker.
In whose hands always skillfully
Is any matter controversial?
Who's in charge seriously?
The whole household? Our caretaker!
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks!
Let the enthusiasm sparkle in your eyes,
And it’s not good for you to be sick.
Let's break up. The hour has struck.
Remember us often!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the speech therapist.
We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.
Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!
Thank you!
Congratulations to the psychologist
Slowly, slowly,
To a big, complex life
You hold the baby's hand,
They introduced it carefully.
We followed you, barely breathing,
On the road of knowledge,
Children are no longer afraid
School assignments.
Thank you!
Congratulations to the music director.
There are no more interesting things to do
More musical and louder.
We danced with you together
And they tried their best.
You taught us to sing and play and listen.
Even those whose ears were stepped on by a bear.
Thank you!
Congratulations ml. teacher
Our group is always clean.
Both the floor and the dishes sparkle.
Our nanny in the morning
Brings order everywhere.
Yes, and she teaches children
Set the table and be neat,
Every prankster, of course, knows:
Our nanny’s work needs to be appreciated.
Thank you!
Congratulations to the methodologist
To raise children correctly,
There is a lot to know.
You need to know psychology
And know physiology.
To be an ace in pedagogy,
Rhetoric and logic.
But the main thing is to be a methodologist,
Children need to be loved.
Thank you!
Congratulations from the Teachers
Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't you
Take it with you to first grade.
Thank you!
Congratulations from the manager
And our manager is simply beautiful.
She handles all tasks deftly.
And her work is extensive,
And we will thank her very much
For comfort and beauty,
For warmth and kindness,
For fresh food
And prosperity for the kindergarten!
Thank you!
The manager's word
Presentation of diplomas and gifts to children.
1. Our kindergarten, goodbye!
2. How sad it is to part!
3. And tears themselves roll from the eyes.
4. Our song is a recognition for your love and understanding,
5. Kindness and tenderness to each of us!
6. Say thank you for everything, for everything!
7. Kiss you tenderly and hug you!
8. And don’t cry and say...
All. See you soon!
Children perform the song “Parting” by the muses. etc. A. Evtodieva
Ved. 1. The ball is over and the candles are burning out,
Involuntary tears from the eyes...
After all, I won't meet you tomorrow morning
You on the site as always.
Ved. 2. And our group will be empty,
The toys by the window will be sad.
I know that children grow up,
I know it's time for them.
Child. Don't be sad, we are sad too.
Only tears are not needed now.
Tomorrow to kindergarten, tomorrow to our group
Other kids will come to you.
Final dance
After the dance, with music in the background:
Ved. 1. Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May you have many, many more in your life different holidays, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most wonderful!
Ved. 2. And now we suggest that you take your balloons, the children make their deepest wishes and release the balloons into the sky.
On the street, close your eyes, make a wish, then say the words:
“Balloon, our balloon,
Fly up boldly.
And all my desires
Hurry up and do it!”

Built in the form of a children's journey through the pages of the site. On the way to school they will have to visit the pages “Elementary”, “Adult”, “Governor’s”, “Farewell”. During the ceremony, graduates will share their dreams and recite V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to Be” in a modern manner. The plot also involves the participation of parents in competitions and quizzes that are held during the event.

The kindergarten graduation script has been drawn up Sologubova Milyausha Ferdinatovna, music director, MBDOU "Kindergarten of a compensatory type with priority implementation of qualified correction of children with visual impairments No. 70", Nizhnekamsk, r. Tatarstan.


Music sounds and the presenters enter the hall.

Presenter 1:

- The day is cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many dressed-up guests in the hall!
Our kids have grown up so quickly
We are escorting the children to school!

Presenter 2:

- I remember the first tears,
Like peas are rolling down,
And millions more questions,
If you don’t know something, hold on!

Presenter 1:

- We lived with children's worries,
Our kids grew up,
Every day they hurried to meet them,
Giving away a piece of your soul!

Presenter 2:

- Today, here, they are beautiful, elegant,
And our festive hall froze!
Let's greet them with applause,
Please, children, come to us!

Children enter to the music “There is a streak in our life” by A. Ermolov.

1 child:

- Well, that’s all, the time has come,
The one we've all been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

2nd child:

— Brightly decorated hall
Live bouquets.
We came to the kindergarten for the ball
With friends and family.

3rd child:

- We had so much fun here,
We sang and danced...
And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

4th child:

- We’re standing dressed up now,
We say the words, worryingly,
How sad it is to leave our garden,
But we have already been given a start to school.

5th child:

— The school opens the door for us,
But you, beloved garden, believe me,
What we will never forget.
Your preschool years!

Presenter 1:

— You have grown up imperceptibly,
The kindergarten has become like a home,
We are attached to you with all our hearts
And they loved it with all their hearts!

Presenter 2:

- What a pity, the moment of parting
Getting closer, closer every day.
We don't really want to say goodbye
And we will be a little sad!

6th child:

- Yes, we are just a little sad!
But time cannot be turned back!
And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road!

All children: - Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Children perform the song “Kindergarten” by A. Ermolov.

7th child:

- “Preschool child, preschool child!” -
I can hear it almost from the cradle,
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me that:
I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I’ll become a “school kid”!

8th child:

- Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
Are you on your way today happy
You see off preschool children.

9th child:

- Goodbye, our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

10th child:

— Our favorite kindergarten,
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...

All: - Hello!

Children sing the song “Now we are first-graders.”

After the song is performed, they sit on chairs.

Presenter 1: - Dear Guys! How fun and friendly you lived in kindergarten: you played, sang, drew, sculpted, danced and became strong friends. What can you come up with, what can you do so that you don’t forget each other?

Presenter 2: - Maybe you will exchange addresses and write letters to each other?

Child: — We will not learn to write quickly and competently very soon, and in general, this is a little not modern!

Presenter 1: - Then maybe you can exchange phone numbers and call back?

Child: — Phone numbers change and get lost. No, not interesting!

Presenter 2: - Guys, I don’t even know what to offer you!

Children: - I know! You need to create your own children's website for meetings, like the adults' "Odnoklassniki", and call it "Preschoolers - dot - ru".

“That’s where we’ll meet and communicate with each other.”
My best friend– computer, everything is super-duper for me!
In the morning I’ll go online and tell all my friends: “Hello!”

All: - Great!

Presenter 1: - Let's open our website today! So – the first page of our site is “Initial”. Let's remember how it all began...

Children reading poetry line up facing the audience.

- Now we have grown up, and we
Waiting for the very first class at school.
Do you remember, five years ago,
How did we go to kindergarten?

- Why don’t you go!
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

- I remember crying every day,
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And someone walked around with a pacifier
And he even wore diapers.

- And I did this:
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.
Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.

- And if we didn’t sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
After listening to “Bayushki-Baya”,
We closed our eyes.

- We loved to throw sand,
We loved to laugh together.
They were such naughty people.
They fought with their hands and feet.
And some even use their teeth.

All: - Yes! We were all good!

Children come out to the music nursery group, stand facing the graduates.

1 child:

We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2nd child:

- We are funny, funny,
You were like that too,
We'll grow up a little -
We will also come to your school.

3rd child:

- We promise you guys,
What would it be like in my native garden without you?
We won't break flowers
We'll save all the toys!

4th child:

- Don’t be naughty, don’t be lazy,
Don't make noise, don't fight!


- We also wish you to study with straight A’s!
And today, as a farewell, we’ll invite you to dance!

Dance with kids “Let's quarrel and make up.”


- And the little ones say goodbye
They will unanimously say “Goodbye!” to you.

Children from the nursery group go away to the music.

Presenter 2: — So, the second page of our website is “Adolescent”.

- Days and months go by, the children are growing and growing.
They grew big - that's how big they are!
They began to dream out loud,
What would you like to become in life?

Music is playing. Children stand on dots.


- How can we find the truest, best path in this life?
How can I not stumble anywhere and get out of it?
Who will tell us, who will teach us who is better for us to work with?
To receive money and become a support in the family.

1 child (wears glasses):

“I dream of becoming a great geneticist in order to solve the problems of old age!”
And in this 21st century, give immortality to a person.

All: - But why?

1 child:

- But because since childhood I have wanted to know:
Is it true or a lie that parrots live for 200 years?

2nd child:

“I dream of becoming an architect, of building a city without corners.”
Now I’m making my dream come true: I’m drawing houses out of circles.
My house is completed, there is not a corner in it. Mom, a dream has come true!
You will no longer be able to put me in a corner, as before, lovingly!..

Child 3 (adjusting his tie, looking important):

— Maybe I should become a deputy? Anyone can be this.
I will drive with a flashing light and divide the budget among everyone.

4th child:

- And I want to sing like Galkin!
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!

5th child:

- Oh, don’t think about her,
You're wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!…
I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To become very smart,
To go abroad.

6 child in sunglasses:

- I want to be a secret super-agent,
To reveal the truth to everyone “out there”!

All: "How's Mulder?"

6th child: - A thousand times better!

All: - And Scully?

6th child: “And I’ll find Scully myself!”

7 child puts on a leather cap:

— And I dream of becoming a taxi driver, moving around the city quickly,
Know all streets, boulevards, alleys and deliver passengers to the train faster.

8th child:

- And when I grow up, I’ll get married right away. I will choose a husband like Natasha Koroleva.
I will wear fashionable dresses and everyone will talk about me...

9 the child puts on a chef's hat:

I will become a skilled cook, I will prepare all your dishes deliciously.
Dumplings and shish kebab, okroshka and salad, everyone will be happy to try my sushi.

10 child comes out with a whip:

— I really dream of performing in the circus, they will recognize me on all the posters,
There are 15 tigers and 6 lions in the arena at the same time, and Zapashny will certainly have me on shift!

11th child:

- I will be a businessman,
Let them teach me!
I'll buy mom a fur coat
Dad - a cooler Jeep!

12th child:

“Being a businessman is good, but being a model is better!”
I want to be at shows, let them teach me!
To get the crown,
Conquer the whole world with beauty!

13th child:

- Well, model, what's wrong?
What did you find cool in her?
I'll run for president
I will receive gifts
I will rule the country
Increase everyone's salary!

14th child:

- It’s good to be president, but I’ll become a banker.
I will make money, like all fakirs can.
My bank will prosper
Give interest to everyone.

15th child:

- Are you guys interested?
Only fame and salary.
But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and school
That's where it all begins.
Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as children,
And then they find themselves,
To conquer the whole world!


- We told you dreams,
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out.

Presenter 1:

— Kindergarten is a warm home,
Where we all live together.
Every day you went to the garden.
Here they met you and fed you.
This is where you were taught to play,
Songs to sing and dance.

All: “And that’s why now we want to dance for you.”

Children perform the dance “In the Viburnum Grove.”

Presenter 1: — The next page of the site is “Guvernerskaya”.

The phonogram “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” plays. Mary enters the hall wearing a hat, an umbrella, and a large bag. Dancing to the music of "Lady Mary".

Mary Poppins: — Hello, my name is Mary Poppins. I'm not mistaken, do you need a nanny for your children? I am the best nanny in the world. Of course, all children know about this.

Presenter1: — Do you accept our offer to become our children’s nanny? Amazing! You will see that they are very smart, kind, well-mannered and obedient children.

Mary Poppins: - Yes, I agree. I'll stay with you until the wind changes. Well, it's time to start studying. You are ready? So, friends, let's start with grammar.

The game “Add the Word” is played.

Mary Poppins: - Well done boys! And now I will arrange an exam for your parents, asking questions to test your wits.

  • What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons.)
  • Which hand is better to stir tea? (Better with a spoon.)
  • What baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty.)
  • Locators that are always with you? (Ears.)
  • Which tail sticks out of the water? (Wet.)

Mary Poppins: - You have coped with the questions, and I hope that you will help your children at school. And for this you must take an oath. You must say loudly and clearly: “We swear!”

Parents take an oath.

Whether I am a mother or a father to a child, I undertake to always say: “Well done!” I swear!

I swear not to interfere with my child’s education, I swear to learn foreign languages ​​together with him. I swear!

For bad marks, I swear not to scold him and to help him with his homework. I swear!

And if I break my oath, I promise to feed the child boiled condensed milk every day. I swear!

I will be an ideal parent and I will never forget my vow. I swear!

Mary Poppins: - Don’t forget your oath, help your children with their studies.

The noise of an approaching car is heard.

Presenter 1: - Someone else came to us.

Miss Andrew enters with a suitcase on wheels.

Miss Andrew: - Out of the way, please, out of the way, I’m coming in! I hope this taxi driver took me where I needed to go. This preschool No. 70? Wonderful! Are highly qualified teachers with experience required? I hope you know who I am? My name is Miss Andrew. (Suitable for any girl.) What’s your name? (Answer.) I never approved of such a name. Your dress is too loud. Wow, what manners! In my time, all the girls wore the same gray dresses. (Looks at Mary.) So, punish, deprive of sweets and toys.

Mary Poppins: - Thank you, madam, but I raise children in my own way and do not ask anyone for advice.

Miss Andrew: - Young lady, you are forgetting yourself! How dare you answer me like that?! I am forced to take measures to have you removed from this institution. Can I talk to the manager of this kindergarten?

Presenter 1: - Yes please.

Miss Andrew (addressing the manager): — My dear, there is an outrageous mess on the territory of your institution: flowers, flower beds. This is a breeding ground for allergies! Take my advice: uproot all these flowers and bushes. Much less worries. Better yet, fill everything with concrete. At least there will be a decent yard.

Manager: - But we love flowers very much.

Miss Andrew: - Nonsense! Nonsense and nonsense! Ladies' nonsense. And your children need a new nanny. However, I will take care of their education myself. As for this young lady, you must fire her.

Manager: - You are mistaken, Miss Andrew, I assure you! We think Lady Mary is a real treasure.

Miss Andrew: - You don’t understand anything! I'm never wrong! Calculate it! (Looks around.) Yes, you have a kindergarten... Who paints the walls in light colors now? Dark brown is what you need: it’s cheaper and the dirt is not so noticeable. (Paints attention to the parents.) So, why are there strangers in kindergarten? Get everyone out the door immediately! What is the reason for all of you gathered here?

Presenter 1: — Our children have grown up and will soon go to school. We have a holiday today.

Miss Andrew: — Do you think these children are ready for school? So I arrived on time. Now I’ll check how ready they are for school. Well, let's start by showing me your knowledge of mathematics.

He sits down on a chair and puts a sign next to it that says “Admissions Committee.”

There is a game with numbers.

Miss Andrew: - And now the exam for parents.

Playing a game with parents .

Presenter 1: - Well, did you like it, Miss Andrew?

Miss Andrew: - This is not enough. Now I want to arrange a dance exam.

Girls dance and show gymnastic sketches.

Miss Andrew: - Well, you don’t need a lot of intelligence to wave your hands. I don’t understand what is in these children’s heads, what they are thinking about.

Three girls and a boy come out.


- Three maidens by the window
We daydreamed in the evening.
The first sister says:

Girl 1:

- Looks like a cute nose
I would do a decent workout
I would say boldly -
I wanted to become a manager.

Girl 2:

- I wish I could become an actress,
That's right on our city
I would give a concert right away.

Girl 3: - If only I were a singer...

Boy: - Her sister says...

Girl 3:

- I wish I could sing great
Like Larisa Dolina.


- We are from our pop stars
We are not lagging behind one step,
We are without any soundtrack
We’d rather sing to the Valley.
Since we have a cool choir,
The performance is simply class.

Children sing the song “We’re Just Little Stars.”

Miss Andrew: - Nightmare! This is a complete disgrace! Yes, everything is clear to me. These children are not ready for school. Another year under my strict guidance, and they will be trained like soldiers! I believe that the issue with my employment has been resolved? (Addresses the manager.)

Manager: - No, Miss Andrew, you are not suitable for us.

Miss Andrew: - How? It's outrageous! I will complain to higher authorities. I'll go to the factory. You will still remember me!

Miss Andrew leaves.

Presenter 1: - Well, it immediately became lighter and the weather improved.

Mary Poppins: -Yes, it seems the wind is changing. Dear guys, excuse me, but I have to go. Other children will also need my help. Goodbye! I hope that we will meet again.

"Wind of Change" sounds. Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and pretends to fly away.

Presenter 1: — Shall we look at the next page of our website? (Surprised.) What is it? I don't understand! There is no next page on the site. She disappeared.

Presenter 2: - We forgot about protection. A virus has entered our computer!

The Virus enters to the music.


- Is this a kindergarten?
Is this where academics are raised?

Presenter 2:

- Yes, this is a kindergarten.
Who are you? Why did you come to us?


- You don’t go to a fortune teller,
There is a big flaw in your network,
You forgot about protection -
The evil “Trojan” made its way to you.
Worms crawl into your computer
Yes, and a horde of viruses -
Will get on your nerves
Slow Windows.

- I, Virus-Compirus, an evil TROJAN!
I love to spoil and delete everything!
I hastened to look at you,
To look at the schoolchildren.
Oh, what's going on in the world!
Children go to school.
You are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered here,
Dads and moms are watching now and trying to understand:
Have your worries ended or are they just beginning?!
Do you know what awaits you at school?

They show the skit “The Best Student”.

Presenter 2:

— There are all sorts of stories in life.
We will show you one of them now.
We all came up with this scene together,
Well, now we ask you to clap.

Dad reads, mom is on the phone, older brother is at the computer, grandma is doing laundry.


- Hello! Girlfriend, how are you doing?
The 103rd episode has already passed.
I watch “Daddy’s Daughters” every day,
And I’m not too lazy to continue watching.

The youngest son is pulling a heavy backpack:

- Hello, Mommy, you asked so much,
That I can’t move my backpack from the threshold.
Help me do my homework.


- Better take care of your health.
Sorry, son, important conversation,
Eat and go for a walk in the yard.

Son (to dad):

- Dad, you hear me, help me solve the problem.
Because the lessons almost make me cry...


- You know, son, there is a hurricane in Europe,
Finally reached our countries.
Such an interesting article
It was not for nothing that I brought the newspaper home.
Then I’ll run to watch football
I can't help you, son.

Son (to older brother): - Brother, don’t leave me in trouble.


- Don't distract me with any nonsense.
To me new disk a neighbor gave me a listen,
Then I need to get on the Internet.
In short, I'm busy with important things,
Your grandmother will help you.

Son (to grandmother):

- Grandma, you have to save me.
I'm so tired and want to go to bed.


- Go, grandson, I will complete the tasks,
Granny still has some knowledge left. (He goes out the door.)

Son (after him):

- Thank you, grandma. Oh! I completely forgot:
We need to take waste paper to school
And bring skis to physical education.
Today we are taking cross-country skiing.

Grandmother (comes out with a backpack over her shoulders, in skis and with waste paper in her hands): - I wish you, grandson, had already grown up.


“They gave me a medal, and you a diary.”
Let's see who is the best student?

They open the diary: “Grandma is 10.”

Virus: - Well, do you want to go to school?

Children: — …

Virus: “Well, we’ll find out what each of you is thinking about with the help of my magic cap.” What, you don’t believe me? As soon as we put on the magic cap, we immediately know everything!

The game “Guess the Thoughts” is played.

Questions for boys:

1.- What day do you think it is today?
/What a wonderful day/

2.- What car will you drive in 10 years?
/black BMW/

3. - Do you go to school eagerly or are you a little afraid?
/What is snow to me, what is rain to me/

4. - Will you tell your friends at school if they are called to the blackboard?
/I don’t know anything...I won’t tell anyone anything/

5. - Will you spy on your friend at school?
/Oh, once again/

6. — What will you think if you are called to answer to the board in the 6th lesson?
/Tili-tili, trawl-vali/

For girls:

7. — What is our _________ thinking about?
/After all, that’s who I am/

8. — Our hat knows all __________ secrets.
/I'm a fashionista, I'm a fashionista.../

Questions for parents:

9. — Summer will fly by quickly, and what awaits our parents on September 1?
/Not a moment of peace/

10. - What do you think? What is necessary for your child to be successful in school?
/Two tape recorders.../

11. - Let's meet this dad, introduce yourself...
/I'm smart and handsome.../

12. — Do you need a lot of money to be happy?
/Million US dollars/

Manager's question:

13. - Do you like our holiday?
/It’s great that we all gathered today/

Virus: - I see that you are all ready, both children and parents! So be it, I won’t spoil the program for you!

The virus is going away.

Presenter 1: — Our website turned on and the next page was “Growing Up.”

A lyrical melody sounds.


-Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news? –
Girlfriends suddenly became adults!
And their lessons, notebooks, and books are waiting for them...
Our boys say goodbye to us.
What a pity to leave! Everyone is in tears...
Let's wave to our beloved girlfriends!


— We played together, we were strong friends.
They gave flowers and smiles to each other.
And the first feelings, and the first songs.
Listen to a song about children's wishes.

A child soloist performs the song “My Childhood Desires.”

Presenter 1: - Today there is only one page left on our website - “Farewell”.

Children stand in pairs in a checkerboard pattern.

Presenter 2:

- What adults you have become, friends!
There is no need to be sad today.
And no matter how many years pass, it’s still the same
You won't forget our kindergarten.

Presenter 1:

- Let them wait on the school route
A lot of big changes.
You left here in adult life
From these kindergarten walls.

Presenter 2:

- We wish you a good summer:
Play, sunbathe and swim.
After all, childhood passes so quickly, but it’s a pity...
Everyone wants to stay there longer!

1 child:

- Goodbye, cozy kindergarten!
Here for so many years.
You gave us your warmth
And an unquenchable light.

2nd child:

- It’s a bit of a pity that we’ve already
We will only be guests here.
But you are always in our soul,
And we are with you with all our hearts.

3rd child:

- Let's give each other our word,
That in a year we will gather here again
And we will not betray our friendship,
Even if it's just for a day, we'll be back again.

4th child:

- Let's come back to stroke the fat pillow,
To the crib, which is already a bit cramped,
Hug the teachers, our nanny
And everyone, all the employees, right, guys?

5th child:

- Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!

All: - We say: “THANK YOU!”

6th child:

- You have revealed our talents,
We are singers and musicians,
We are artists, dancers
And a little bit of actors.
Thank you for your efforts,
For your patience and attention.
Here, now and only for you
Our first graduation waltz!

Children perform the dance "The Little Prince".

Presenter 1:

- Our prom has come to an end.
What should I say to you goodbye at this touching hour?
To make your wishes come true
And your dreams came true.

Musical director:

- To walk through life boldly,
They took on any task,
So that you don't go astray,
To make everyone proud of you,
Build, sing and dare,
But don't forget about us!

Presenter 2:

- And in a moment of farewell, but beautiful,
Ready for another surprise to boot:
Take your happy ball,
As a sign of achievements and good luck!
And let him take away all troubles
Your ball is light-winged!
Start your flight with him,
May he be happy!

Children perform the song “Balloons”.

After singing the song, the children sit on chairs.

A word of congratulations to the manager. Children are awarded a diploma, and parents are given letters of gratitude. Parents' response.

Presenter 1:

We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Presenter 2:

— The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school. Good morning!

Scenario High school prom"Wishing Stars" (2016)

Presenters enter:

Ved1. Oh, how many times have we celebrated holidays in the spacious hall!

But we've been waiting for this one for so many years. And now the solemn moment has come!

Ved2.Ved2. We are seeing off our lovely kids to school today,

We wish you good health and happiness! Make way for schoolchildren quickly!

Children enter with balloons and perform a dance.

Ved1. Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

Ved2. Oh, how difficult it is for us to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the world!

You became family, you became friends

And it seems you couldn’t be found better!

Reb1. The sun shines gently in the sky, the breeze plays with the leaves.

Well, we are very sad today, kindergarten, we say goodbye to you!

Reb2. We say thank you, our dear kindergarten,

That you tirelessly raised and educated the children.

Reb3. We learned the letters and syllables, we can sing and dance.

We know how sternly they will look at us when we start being mischievous.

Reb4. We often remember the group, the gentle warmth of the cribs,

How we watered the flowers and sprinkled grain for the birds.

Reb5. But time cannot be turned back. Now the moment of farewell has come,

We love kindergarten very much and we tell you

All: Goodbye!

Song "Magic Land of Childhood".

A girl and a boy with stars come out.

Dev. Even for adults, sometimes childhood comes back

AND colorful rainbow smiles in the morning.

Boy Well, the time has come to reveal the secret to you.

And give wishing stars.

Ved1. Guys, let's give the wishing stars to your parents.

Well, how can we not remember today those

Who shared with you grief, joy, laughter,

Who gave you life and opened new horizons!

Ved2. We present the wishing star to (parent’s name) and recognize her dream.

(The parent goes out to the center of the hall.)

Genus. I dream of finding myself in the future and finding out who our graduates will become when they grow up.

Children come out:

Reb1. My years are growing, I will be seventeen,

Who should I work then, what should I do?

I will be a businessman, let them teach me.

I'll buy a fur coat for mom, a cooler jeep for dad.

Reb2. And I really want to become a flashy top model,

But grandma says that they are all boards.

Reb3. Well, a model, so what? What did you find cool in her?

I will run for president, I will have apartments.

I will govern the country and increase everyone’s salaries.

Reb4. When I grow up, I’ll get married right away.

I will choose a husband like Natasha Koroleva.

Reb5. Like Yakubovich I will be a showman, all mustachioed and bright.

I will spin the wheel and receive gifts.

Reb6. It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Basques, let them teach me.

Reb7. I want to become Volochkova so I can perform on stage,

So that they always give flowers, they only talk about me,

So that I can get a lot of money and buy everything I want!

Reb8. But I want to sing like Galkin, I can handle a parody.

Maybe Alla Pugacheva will like me too.

Reb9. I have my own dream. She has simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher, let everyone be surprised,

After all, everything begins in kindergarten and school.

(Teacher's name) I would. Let them teach me.

Reb10. Have you thought at all? The nerves will be tormented!

All: Yes, the work of a teacher is difficult! But it is very, very wonderful!

We want to say thank you today.

After all, every child was loved by you!

Song "Soon to school."

Genus1. Well, your choice is not bad. In parting, I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Ved1. And now the wishing star goes to (name of the next parent).

Genus2. I will say definitely, to become strong, seasoned,

I dream that you will be friends with sports and everyone will be healthy.

Sport is joy, a game, there is pressure in it.

Maybe show your prowess and enthusiasm?

Reb. Games and sports have always been friends with music.

Music is very important for mood.

Hey musician, come on, charge.

Here kids, start our dance!

Dance “Top-Top on the Parquet”.

Ved2. And now the wishing star will be revealed to you by your mother (child’s name and


Rod3. Girls and boys are the best.

In the life of parents, you, children, are the main ones.

I really want to wish you all:

Be smart, get straight A's in school!

Fathers and mothers with children, be sensitive.

Attention, don’t forget to give care.

Patience is important for everyone in life,

It will help children develop all their skills.

Ved2. All parents, without exception, want to see their children excel. What happens if suddenly there is a deuce? Let's watch a film about this.

The music is “Film, film, film.”

Director. How to make a film? Great movie? What will it be about? A! Exactly! About school! And the film will be called “Deuce Again.”

Director assistant. Frame one, take one.

Enter the stage: a cameraman, a son with a briefcase, a mother with a basin, a father with a newspaper.

Mom does the laundry, dad reads the newspaper.

Son (sad). Mother! I got a bad grade.

Mother. Father, our son got a bad grade.

Dad. How? Did our son get a D? Where's my belt?

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! Something is not right here (thoughts). Exactly! Necessary

something more fun!

Assist. dir. Shot one, take two.

Rock and roll sounds, the son dances and says:

Son (cheerfully). Mother! I got a D!

Mother. Father! Our son got a D! (Joyfully waves the laundry.)

Dad. How? (Dancing merrily.) Our son got a bad grade? Where's my belt? (Laughs.)

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! (Wipes forehead.) Something is wrong here.

(Thinks.) Exactly! We need something sportier!

Assistant director Shot one, take three!

A sports march sounds, my son does exercises.

Son (clearly). Mother! I got a D!

Mother. Father! Our son got a D! (Rhythmically erasing.)

Dad. How? (Showing his muscles.) Did our son get a D? Where is my belt? (Walks.)

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! (Waves his arms.) Not right again... (Thoughts -

It turns out.) Exactly! We need something more tragic!

Assist. dir. Shot one, take four!

Tragic music sounds.

Son (tragically). Mom! (Puts hand to forehead.) I got a bad mark!

Mother. Father! (Puts his hand to his forehead.) Our son got a bad mark!

Dad. How? (Waves his arms.) Our son got a bad grade? Where is my


Dad falls to the floor. Then all the characters fall.

Director Stop! Stop! Stop! (Looks around confused.)

Everyone bows and says:

We promise you, parents, to get straight A's.

Today we are leaving kindergarten for first grade.

We invite you to our farewell dance.

"Dance with Moms."

Ved1. Dear parents, are you worried about how your children will go to school? You love them, cherish them, undead. Who will cook them breakfast? Who from school will you meet? Who will help carry the heavy briefcase? We urgently need to look for a nanny. Let's write an advertisement that a nanny is needed for our children.

(The presenters write the announcement together with the parents.)

Nanny needed for future first grader! Honest, with good character. Well-mannered, loving children!

(The advertisement is placed on an easel.)


The announcement is ready. Now we just have to wait to see who will respond.

(Knock on the door.)

How quickly information travels these days! This must be her already!

(Freken Bok enters to the music, holding the cat Matilda.)

F.B. Good afternoon. I'm following an ad. Is it you who needs a nanny? My name is

Freken Bock. I'm bored alone. The baby went on vacation, and I decided to work for you. Who is your boy or girl?

Ved. Hello, we have both boys and girls.

B. You're lucky! I am both a governess and a housekeeper. And here is my Matilda! (Puts the cat on a chair.)

Ved. Very nice, but we need a nanny, not a housekeeper.

F.B. (with pressure). You're in luck, I'm two in one!

Ved. I hope F.B. Do you love children?

F.B. Uh...How can I tell you...Crazy! Come on, children, say hello to me!

Children. Hello!

F.B. Matilda, did you hear these children? What disorganization! Well,

Dear guests, set an example!

Guests. Hello!

F.B. Yeah! Is this how you set an example? Well, one more time, more friendly, all together!

Family and children. Hello!

F.B. Now that's better. It is immediately obvious that I have done the work. Learn! Is this your apartment? The apartment is suitable, there is even a piano.

You know, I really like to play all sorts of symphonies. Well, who needs to be educated here? (Looks at the children.) Are these all your children? And I have to educate them all? I have never tried to raise such a bunch of children at once. Well, it’s okay, we’ll manage! The approach will be different: we build everything together, sometimes individually. (Draws attention to the talking boy.)

Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Come on, tell me, oh

What were you chatting with your neighbor just now? (The boy covers his mouth with his hand.)

F.B. Already a conspiracy! So, the children are already neglected, but not lost. I’ll take them seriously while they’re soft, like wax, then they’ll harden, and it’ll be too late.

Ved2. No, no, our children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor... This

they were joking.

F.B. I will eradicate the sense of humor! Got it, comedians? Okay, no

interfere with raising children. Sit up straight, straighten your backs and don’t move, otherwise you’ll give me a headache and spoil my mood. I’d rather sit at the table and drink some tea with something tasty.

(He goes to the table, pours tea, tries the sweets.) The tea is not bad, not bad at all. Well, I'm back in power, now let's do the vocals.

(Music director.) Go away, don’t interfere with raising the children. Children, sing): la-la-la... (Press one key and sing.) “Bloomed

The chrysanthemums have been in the garden for a long time now...” Children, I can’t hear you, sing with me. To you

What, did the bear step on your ear? (Music hand.) Your children don’t know how to sing.

Music hands Our children sing wonderfully. Listen here.

Song “What is childhood”

F.B. Matilda, have you seen these children? Interesting, they really know how to sing! Simply outrageous! Now let's check your attentiveness. You must answer “Yes” and “No”

We'll go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes. We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes.

We will study at school - Yes... And we will fight with friends - No...

We will take the diary to school - Yes... To get bad marks - Yes...

We will play with dolls - No... We will solve problems - Yes...

May I ask you to answer, what will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase - Yes... We also need slingshots - Yes...

Album to draw - Yes... Matches, - to set the school on fire - No...

Let's take outfits for the dolls - No... We need markers and paints - Yes...

We’ll take the kitten to school - No... We’ll put the gun in the briefcase - No...

Plasticine to sculpt - Yes... We'll take pills at school - No...

We will become students - Yes... We will do our homework ourselves - Yes...

F.B. Children, do you know the letters?

Reb. We already know all the letters, we even read the signs,

And the names of newspapers and candy wrappers.

F.B. Now let's see how you can read.

Game “Fold the word and read it”

F.B. And now I want to test your knowledge in mathematics. I will ask you questions, and you will answer, don’t forget to raise your hand, like in school.

In the morning, 20 children came to the kindergarten group,

They took 20 in the evening, how many are in the group? Speak.(Zero)

There were 10 mittens, 8 were suddenly eaten by moths.

And I know that there are exactly mittens left... (Two)

Pears ripened on the pine tree, we decided to eat them.

It was 8, now it's 3, how much did you eat? Speak. (They don’t grow on pine trees)

I live in the house where my friends live, I have neighbors.

5 and 7 are their names, but what is my name? (6)

Cunning little brothers live in a smart book.

There are 10 of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world. (Numbers)

You solved all the problems correctly. Now is the time to have a dance.

Do your children know how to dance?

Ved1. Our children dance well and you will see this.


F.B. Well, this is the first time I’ve seen so many smart children who know everything and are completely ready for school. None of them need my babysitting services.

Matilda, let's go home to bake buns and watch TV. See you!

Ved1. We have only one star left with the most cherished desire and

We will entrust it to our manager (I.F.O.)

Manager Childhood will remain a good fairy tale for you.

Today you are leaving for school, first grade.

Don’t forget happy and joyful days to everyone,

Remember our kindergarten and be kind.

Our children's preschool childhood is over. They all have a wonderful future. They are all wonderful, talented, bright, like stars, who bring joy and light to everyone. And may this light accompany them throughout their lives.

Dance “We are little stars”

Ved1. The moment of farewell is coming, you will not come back here.

Goodbye, friends, goodbye, let's graduate the guys today.

Books remain here, toys and friends remain with you,

New meetings are waiting for you, girlfriends... At school, the doors are open for you.

Ved2. Look, children, in this hall are those who took care of you,

Who met you in winter and summer, who was here with you every hour.

You will study at school, and let the years fly by,

But never forget these dear faces!


We are sad, very sorry to leave. We promise to visit our garden!

But the time has come to say goodbye, we want to say “thank you” to everyone.

We came to kindergarten as little kids; we couldn’t even hold a spoon.

And now, you all see for yourself, you have grown wiser and grown up.

Employees of our kindergarten, we will remember you often.

After all, it’s probably not easy to give your heart to children.

It was always cozy and beautiful here, we were happy to go to the kindergarten in the morning.

We tell you all together

So tnank you! And bow to you to the very ground!

Song "Farewell"

Ved1. All games have been played, all songs have been sung.

The holiday is over, good luck, friends!

Good luck at school, courage, patience,

Kindergarten family wishes you!

Ved2. We want you to be honest.

They were good at work.

So that we can say with pride,

What have you grown in our garden!

(Presentation of diplomas and gifts.)

Nadezhda Lomakina
Scenario for graduation party in kindergarten


Manager: Dear guests! An unusual, exciting celebration awaits you today! Our children say goodbye to children's kindergarten and are preparing for a new stage in life - entering school. I really want this day to be remembered by both children and adults.

Reb. 1Who is everyone talking about today?

And for whom are these smiles?

Ours is worried kindergarten!

There is a reason - of course, children!

Reb 2. Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers are rushing in the morning

Solemnly welcome us

Applause, friends!

Manager: Meet them!

Graduates« Kindergarten No. 26» groups "Bell" Novoizobilny 2016!

Music is playing "Where does it go childhood

Children enter (boys with mothers, girls with fathers, balls between them, parents stop behind the children, the head calls each one. Parents sit down.

Reb 1. The hour has come, friends.

The one everyone was waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room.

Reb 2. Bouquets, music, flowers

And the hall is bright with smiles

Today we Graduates!

Today is our farewell ball!


Reb. 3Our holiday begins!

But let's tell you at the beginning

About those who were next to us

Both in happiness and in sadness.

And wipe your nose with a handkerchief,

And every day like a mother

Messing around in the group with us

Reb. 5Words can’t describe it here,

Let's do some magic!

Reb. 6 So, create now let's start:

Let's scoop up a little love

Reb. 5 Let's add some dreams and stars,

Reb. 6 Decorate with rose petals,

They did a great job...

(together) And here are our teachers!

Manager: So, see off our dear ones graduates Wonderful teachers - the second mothers of your children - are even more excited and a little confused by the upcoming separation! Meet Nadezhda Vitalievna Lomakina and Elena Sergeevna Avramenko! (boys get teachers)

Teachers enter amid fanfare

Ved. 1: Thank you, dear ones, we are glad to see you,

We tried not to offend you here,

Ved. 2:Everything we know, we taught you,

But what can you do, first class awaits you!


Ved. 1: There is a wonderful planet,

Here are the answers to everything,

Here is a game, fun, a fairy tale,

Dance, song, even dancing.

Friends live here together.

What is that planet's name?

Ved. 2: That planet is not on the map.

And in outer space

If you go straight,

You'll get to the planet.

Everyone is glad to find themselves

On the planet ….

All: Kindergarten!


Ved. 1: Dear parents, on this solemn day we congratulate you too! It was you who brought these children to our garden as little children! We have been thinking for a long time about what to give you on this day. Finally, we decided that we would make and show you a short film about our life in kindergarten. So, Columbia Pictures is taking a break, 20th Century Fox is just jealous, and we present to you a new short film "Where does it go childhood.

Ved. 2: So, first of all, let’s summarize, over five years in kindergarten our children ate two tons of porridge and drank a thousand liters of compote.

Ved. 1: They slept two thousand quiet hours, took five thousand walks.

Ved. 2: They drew 50 kilometers of paper and listened to a thousand hours of music.

Ved. 1: They did endless amounts of physical and mental exercise.

Ved. 2: Yes, it doesn’t matter. Because they have matured and are ready to go to school.

Music screensaver "A movie is being made".

Ved. 1: My friends, we’ll decide without disputes:

I am the director, and you are the actors.

Ved. 2: I am a costume designer and decorator,

Our chief operator is on site.

Ved. 1: And so, the conversation is over.

Attention, friends, engine.

Music Screensaver "Movie, movie, movie."

Frame one: “Small, but remote.”(Claps "cracker").

Ved. 2:Somewhere in the distant kingdom,

In our glorious state,

In Novoizobilny, in the city

Our kindergarten is worth,

Raises new smart people

Trains, teaches, notices all talents,

Ved. 1: So that there are no questions, everything is exactly according to FGO-su

Personalities kindergarten forges, gives new knowledge...

Ved. 2: Expensive Graduates, today the children of the junior group came to congratulate you, welcome them.

Ved. 1: Someone is knocking on our door

And he's afraid to come here

I'll go and have a look

And then I'll tell you

They take out a table on wheels with a box with a lid on it. To the melody of K. Orbakaite "Little Dwarves"

Ved. 2: Oh, guys, what a gift this is. This is probably for us. Let's take a look into it.

A little girl looks out of the box and reads a poem.

Reb. We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

We're tired of waiting for our performance

We want to dance for you now.


Frame two: "Theatrical…."


Characters: Fly, Mosquito, Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf, Bear.

Children's the choir sings to the tune of the song "About Love" by the group "Factory" ("There is a star in my fist, I put it to my ear - it rings").

CHORUS: There is a tower in the field,

He is neither short nor tall

Teremochek is not simple,

It is beautiful, “golden”.

This is a school for children

For children and animals.

A fly flies across the sky

It flies up and knocks.

Fly departure

The Fly Girl “flies up” to a pre-designated house, knocks and sings to the tune of the chorus of Katya Lel’s song “Musi-pusi”.

FLY: Musi-pusi, musi-pusi, open the door,

I want to go to school, oh-oh-oh!

I flew over everything like a butterfly

And everything is no problem, but the time has come

Everyone should learn. (2 times)

VED: Mushka flew into the tower,

Now she's waiting for a call,

A mosquito has arrived

And I wanted to study.

Flying out of a mosquito

KOMARIK: What a school-teremok!

Maybe it's already a lesson?

Ved:And a mosquito is knocking here.

KOMARIK: I want to study quickly!

FLY: Oh, mosquito, come in,

Look at the desk,

Both on the board and in the classroom,

They will teach us everything here!

There will be happy faces.

KOMARIK: I want to study quickly,

This will be useful in life.

(sings to the tune of the verse of the song “It’s cool you got on TV”)

I want to make my dream come true in my life,

But without school, without learning, I can’t see happiness,

And my dream is like this: I want to become an artist (2 times)


Cool you got on TV

You are a star,

You are a star, let's surprise the people. (2 times)

Ved:A mosquito flew up

And I sat down at my desk with a fly,

Not even half a minute has passed

The mouse came running

And, of course, she goes to class

She knocked immediately.

Mouse output

MOUSE: Did I really have time?

That's how I wanted to study

That I got up early today,

Didn't wake up for school this morning

So she ran, she was in a hurry,

That I almost fell into a puddle.

(sings to the tune of the song Yegor Creed "Oh God mom, mom, I'm going crazy")

MOUSE: Oh, God, mom, mom, I want to go to school!

And I’ll definitely learn everything there quickly.

I want to sit at the first desk already,

I want to go to school, I can’t stand it anymore!

MOUSE (extends his hand to the mosquito):

Shall we meet? I am Mouse

And I'm no longer a baby.

I'm enrolling now

To the long-awaited first grade!

Ved: Here Mouse sat down at the desk,

She has a notebook, a book.

Everyone heard footsteps.

FLY: Mouse, who's there? Look!

Exit frog

MOUSE: Oh, frog! Oh, wah!

You will be my girlfriend!

The frog sings to the tune of the chorus of the song "And you are so handsome with a beard"

FROG:I really want to get straight A's

Want high altitudes get it yourself

I dream of becoming a rich TV star!

Ved:The Frog sat down with the Mouse,

She became her friend

Then Bunny came running

There was a soft knock on the door.

Hare coming out

Bunny: Hello, here I am,

My name is Bunny!

(sings to the tune of the chorus of the song "Chocolate Bunny")

I am an uneducated bunny, but I am an affectionate boy,

I will be a student, hic, hic, hic!

I hiccup from fear, but I know so little

I can only - prik (jump, prik, prik, prik.

(jumps several times)

I am an uneducated bunny, but I am an affectionate boy,

I will be a student, y-che-nik!

Ved: So the bunny galloped up,

He began to look at the class,

Met everyone

I sat down at my desk and said:

Bunny: Well, when is class already?

The bell hasn't rung yet.

I hear someone coming there,

Sings a sonorous song.

Ved:And he’s still going to study

Red fox to school

Cheerful singer.

Here she comes into the classroom.

Exit FOX

CHANTERELLE: Well, who do we have here?

(looks around the class)

Who will offer to sit at the desk,

He will pour tea for the little fox,

Will give you candy, chocolate

And will he carry my briefcase?

Bunny: What's your name, girl?


Well, anyway.

(Sings the chorus to the tune of the song "Oh my God, what a man")

Oh, summer flew by quickly,

Warmed by the sunshine

We are in shape and with a bright briefcase

Let's open the school doors.

I will sit at the school desk,

I'll look at everyone with a cheerful look,

You, Mama Fox, don’t be sad,

Be patient!

Ved: Here the Fox sat down with the Bunny,

But the bell doesn't ring,

Just someone, very quickly

He's in a hurry and running to class.

Exit of the wolf

WOLF: It seems like I wasn’t late,

But did I get there?

I'll probably ask you,

This is a school? First grade?

Bunny: Yes, you came to first grade,

What is your name, tell me?

(extends his hand to the Wolf)

The wolf sings to the tune of the Star Factory song "Sasha + Masha" ("Her name is Masha, she loves Sasha.")

WOLF: Your name is White, my name is Gray,

The fox's name is Red, after all.

The frog is a croak, and the mouse is a norushka,

It’s not easy to remember, but everything is ahead!

Let me study soon,

I want to know everything in order to be literate.

I want to know letters, I want to know numbers,

Let me study, otherwise I will howl!

The animals show the wolf a desk, sit him down, not allowing him to open his mouth so that he does not howl.

Ved: That's it, the bell is already ringing,

The lesson begins.

It's coming in now

Our first grade teacher.

Everyone is excited, everyone is quiet,

But the door opened, and there...

The Bear's Exit

Teddy bear on the doorstep

He's a little late

He walks through the rows

You can hear rustling here and there,

Stepped on the Fox's tail

I crushed the hare's paw,

And accidentally to the Frog

I pressed my lower back.

Nudged the mouse in the side with his elbow

And Komarik shoved

And when I reached the Wolf,

Gray shouted loudly.

WOLF: What kind of elephant is this?

How will he study?

FOX: We have no place for him,

Your friend is not in first grade!

HARE: You belong in the garden,

Where do carrots grow?

You will stand as a scarecrow

There's a way to scare the crows!

Ved: The little bear cried and said.

BEAR: I'm clumsy

Stepped on a hundred puddles

I didn't want to offend you.

And I'm not very brave.

But everyone is happy to learn,

I graduated kindergarten

And where to go now?

There's no turning back!

Ved:Then the teacher entered the class

And he said to Mishutka:

"Hurry, my friend, sit down,

Learn wisely.

Well, you little animals, sit down,

Don't offend anyone

Be it small, big,

Clubfoot or lame.

School teaches only good things,

Increases knowledge

First graders today

The school accepts!"

(Everyone sings together the final chorus to the tune of the song "Wish")

ALL: We promise to be an example in everything,

May the teachings shine bright and beautiful over us!

We will be friendly children, we know that for sure,

We have a lot of discoveries ahead!


Frame three: “Developing...”

(A correspondent enters, hung with cameras, video cameras, with a microphone in his hands)

Correspondent: Everyone! Everyone! Hello! I'm a fun correspondent! Are you really late? Has class started yet? Oh. That is graduation party ! How so! While I was reporting on the meeting at the village administration, I missed the filming of a film about children kindergarten?

Ved.: Don’t worry, dear correspondent, filming continues! Look at our graduates! To happy parents!

(The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions)

Core: Then everything is fine!

I am a cheerful correspondent,

I want to take you to school!

I'll connect my microphone.

I'll interview you!

Let graduates will answer: what do they want to become?

What are their plans for the future?

(the children come out. Cor-t puts the microphone in front of them)

1. My years are growing,

I'll be seventeen.

Who should I work with then?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart,

To go abroad.

2. I will be a businessman,

Let them teach me!

I'll buy mom a fur coat

To dad - "Jeep" cooler!

3. Being a businessman is good, but being a model is better!

I want to be at shows, let them teach me!

To get the crown,

Conquer the whole world with beauty!

4. Well, model, what's wrong?

What did you find cool in her?

I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's salary!

5. It’s good to be a president, but I’ll become a banker.

I will make money, like all fakirs can.

My bank will prosper

Give everything at interest.

6. When I grow up, I’ll get married right away.

I’ll choose a husband, like dad, to meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say, I will fly in the sky,

I want to become a flight attendant, I’ll fly on an airplane.

7. I will study at school, I promise I won’t be lazy.

Because when I grow up, I want to become a scientist!

And study the computer, be friends with mathematics,

Master geography in order to see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian, biology, French,

You need to study at school to be the smartest!

8. And I will be a showman,

All mustachioed and bright.

I'll spin the wheel

Receive gifts.

9. Mom, Dad, grandmother, friends dream for me...

But I'm a stubborn guy - you can't give in to them.

Everyone gives me advice vying with each other.

Despite this, I will be myself!

Cor.: Why are you silent? Are you saying anything?

You can't tell us

Who do you dream of becoming?

10. Are you guys interested in

Only fame and salary.

But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher

Let everyone be surprised.

After all, with kindergarten and school

That's where it all begins.

Baby in kindergarten both the artist and the banker come,

And then they find themselves,

To conquer the whole world!

There is no more honorable job! There is no profession more needed

Give care every day -

What could be more important!

11. You are one hundred percent right,

Kindergarten is the head of everything

12. We told you the answers, clap, try,

It was you who raised us, so figure it out!

Dance "Little country"

Court: Thanks for the interview guys. And now I need to interview my parents. Don't worry, I will help you. After my question, you will take the note and read it.

(the presenter distributes notes with inscriptions: mom, dad, child, aunt. Uncle, neighbor. Neighbor. The whole family, grandparents)


1. Who will be set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. To whom? I'll have to pack my briefcase?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

Correspondent: I am a cheerful correspondent,

I managed to take you to school.

I'll turn off my microphone

I'll interview you at school! (leaves)

Ved.: And now in our "Developing" In the frame we will find out who is the smartest, most attentive and witty.


In what month do children go to school?

Third day of the week?

Break between lessons?

Bag to carry school items?

What do they write on the blackboard at school?

A signal warning about the beginning and end of a lesson?

On what day of the week do children not go to school?

The building where children study?

Ved.: And now we invite parents to take part in our film!

Ved: So, 8 interested parents are invited to the studio!


4 pairs of gloves with letters on the palms - make up a word whose team is faster.

1. Certificate

Ved.: Thank you very much To our parents, you are well prepared to go back to school with your children. Well, we continue filming our film.

Ved.: Soon our group will be empty,

All farewell words will fade away.

Golden rustling carousel

Autumn leaves will spin.

On a long journey for knowledge, science

You will go into the autumn hour.

But I want you to know Guys:

Here, in garden, we are happy to see you!

Presenter 2: Well, of course, they will come...they will come running...they will fly. You know, the guys even prepared a musical surprise for us.


Frame four– "Gratitude"

Ved. Frame four – thank you (children come out and stand in a semicircle)

You've grown up baby, now you've learned a lot

Here the door to the world is open for you to walk boldly

Became children's garden for your family, like a mother's look

But the clock strikes to part with him, they tell you

Under the rustle of September leaves you will go to first grade.

But we will not forget you, and you. you remember us.

Ved.: Come on, children, goodbye

Let's say thank you at this hour

And teachers and nannies

And to everyone who is in the room here now.

1. Reb.: And our manager is a beauty. And he handles everything!

And her work is extensive! We will thank her very much

For the ability to compete, for the effort to finance,

Here's to fresh food and prosperity to the kindergarten!

2. Reb.: Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Took care of us

Who gave us a lot of strength,

Prepared for first grade.

3. Reb.: “Thank you!” we speak tenderly

We are our teachers

We also confess to you

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times!

We will remember you all our lives!

4. Reb.: Good word“assistant” will help you assemble toys,

He will help the guys undress and quietly put them to bed.

From dawn to dark she is in our kindergarten.

Who will bring us lunch and clean up the dishes?

5. child: We, of course, helped: we set the tables,

And we learned not to crumble and not to apply sand

Our group is not more beautiful, everything is clean and bright!

Maybe our nanny has not 2, but 10 hands?

Let's say "thank you" to her now for her care and comfort.

And for dedicating this time to us with her work!

6. Reb.: It’s a very difficult task to get something

Talent is needed and luck is a thing find a kindergarten.

Even the gods are unable to tell the farm today.

In order to kindergarten We have a good caretaker.

7. Reb.: Because they washed our sheets in white powder

Because napkins and scarves are always clean

Warm greetings from us today to our laundress.

8. Reb.: For sunny porridge, for pilaf and for cutlets,

And our full bellies,

For the most delicious lunches in the world

We will say thank you to the chef!

9. To everyone who was next to us

He raised us, raised us.

Showed concern for us

Did different jobs

To everyone who worried about us every minute

We are grateful now.

10. Reb.: Employees of our kindergarten,

From noisy and loving children

Please accept these awards -

Our smiles and these flowers!


Ved.: Frame 5 "Congratulatory"(Graduations)

Ved.: The solemn ceremony has come moment:

We hand over the document to the children.

It's called a diploma

And for life, as a keepsake.

All will be: school, institute,

Your very first diploma is here!

And try to learn like this,

So that we can be proud of you!

And now we give the floor to our respected head Mangot L.N. - for congratulations and presentation of diplomas, gifts and medals.

The floor is given for congratulations and presentation of diplomas to the head.

Issuance of diplomas and gifts.


1. Alina loves to sing, dance,

We wish to learn it only at "5"

And develop your talents at school.

2. Artem has no equal in the gym.

AND "great to receive".

3. We wish Denis from the bottom of our hearts

Meet good friends

To be as kind and nice

And get straight A's.

4. Kostya grew up quickly,

He managed to learn everything.

He strives for new knowledge.

This will be useful at school.

5. Our Nastya is a laugher,

A cheerful and nice girl.

She will be very loved at school.

6. We accompany Lenya to school

And with all our hearts we wish,

So that the lessons are answered

Without hesitation, without difficulty,

And the teacher even gasped

And said: "Wow!"

7. Zhenya loves to tinker,

Talk a lot.

And slender as a spikelet.

Likes to help adults

And you couldn’t find a kinder one.

9. Daniel from any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize

You will never be lost.

10. We accompany Vadim to school

We wish you with all our hearts

At school you try

And study hard.

Thank you words from parents (or as desired)


Thank you very much, teachers,

For your heart of gold,

That our children were loved so much

As if they were raising their own children.

Let your heart make everyone happy

May only success always await you!

Leading frame 6 Final

Ved.: Our film is coming to an end.

Only one shot left...

Our film is children!

Our film is happiness!

Our film is a ray of sunshine in bad weather!

2 Ved. It took many years to create!

There were victories and there were adversities!

And now the time has come to part...

Reb The time has come to part,

Farewell ours kindergarten!

I would like to stay

But the school is waiting for the children.

Reb I'm afraid there are not enough words in the world,

To thank you all.

You give your heart to children

And we will remember and love you!

Reb.: Goodbye to our kindergarten

Our dear cheerful home.

We don't cry goodbye

We will sing a song for everyone!


Ved.: So your first one is over prom!

We all wish you happiness in this farewell hour,

You will all go to first grade in September.

Ved.: Take backpacks, primers, notebooks, diaries,

And the school bells will sing the song to you loudly!

Ved.: Well, guys, we shot a new film,

Ved.: From the film we learned about how we lived.

Ved.: Let school life be as wonderful as

Ved.: How bright, cheerful and clear this day is! Congratulations!

Ved.: The time has come - the children have grown up,

Ball we have graduation today.

Dear mothers, dear fathers, dear teachers

It's so good to have you around now

Because you are the best in the world

The children give you applause.

Ved.: And now, our dears Graduates and dear parents, let's all go out into the courtyard of our beautiful kindergarten, under the bright sun and blue sky, to say goodbye to our loved one kindergarten, say goodbye to childhood and take the first step into a big and joyful life.

A farewell melody sounds, the children take the balloons and go out into the yard.

Formed in a circle

Presenter1 Now everyone make a wish!

And when I say: One two Three!

We'll let our balloons fly

And then our wishes will definitely come true!

Children release the balls and wave after them. The song by T. Morozova is playing "Goodbye, kindergarten, Goodbye"

Children and parents return to kindergarten.

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