Eastern horoscope for the year of the pig from Khayal Alekperov. Aries should take care of their backs, and Libra should take care of their throat: health horoscope for December Stb horoscope from hayal for the year

On the website website. What events will the stars predict for us this week? See the answers online in the new horoscope from January 11 to January 17, 2016 from STB.

IN latest issue transmission Everything will be good 01/11/2016 fresh awaits you. Khayal Alekperov will help you and your loved ones get back on track after New Year's holidays and get ready for work.


This week will be a great time to start implementing new ideas and plans, no matter what area of ​​life they concern. The main thing is the desire to finish the job. And your intuition will help solve all issues easily and quickly.


This week you will be torn between work and home. Misunderstandings with colleagues, financial instability and emotional distress are possible. The stars advise you not to go on the warpath and resolve all differences peacefully.


Representatives of the Gemini sign may experience tension in their relationship with their loved one this week. This can happen completely unexpectedly. Don’t be afraid to be the first to raise the white flag, and then in the near future there will be a truce on the love front.


Being busy at work will help Cancers figure out which colleagues are friends and which are enemies. You may need help in new things and endeavors. Therefore, be careful when choosing the person from whom you ask for help.


Try to forget about daily worries and problems! You have more important things to do - your well-being, which may fail. Spend more time in the fresh air, try to get more positive emotions, and take care of your nervous system.


Everything you dream and want can come true very soon. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your actions and thoughts. Dedicate your weekend to communicating with your loved ones or take up your favorite hobby.


The week has prepared challenges for you that you simply must cope with. At the same time, relationships with work colleagues will not be the same as usual, and even conflicts are possible. Don’t force things, now it’s wiser to wait. You will still have a chance to prove that you are right.


The stars advise you not to make too many demands on yourself during this period, because disappointments are possible. The week will pass quietly for you - without any special victories, but also without defeats. Keep your ambitions in check and focus on current affairs.


A person whom you have until now considered family may upset you. Don’t rush to draw conclusions, it’s better to talk frankly. Usually, hidden grievances are the main cause of conflicts. For singles, the stars predict the possibility of an interesting acquaintance. Expect bright impressions at the end of the week.

Monkey in eastern horoscope- an artistic and eccentric nature, at the same time possessing strong intuition. Willful, capricious and unpredictable. Her actions can change depending on her mood: she can be either kind and cheerful or angry and aggressive. The mistress of 2016 will be the Red Fire Monkey - its power will last from February 8, 2016 to January 27, 2017. The red color and the fire element make us understand that the year will be bright and eventful. Treat the wayward mistress of the year with respect, although not everyone will like her antics and whims. After a relatively calm year of the Goat, many will have to rebuild.

Good luck to the brave!

Those who decide to change their field of activity will be able to successfully bring even the most daring, complex or extraordinary ideas into reality. The decisions will often be unexpected, as will the sources of funding. But this does not mean that you won’t have to work at all - laziness can be punished by the Monkey in the most unexpected way. However, there is no point in making serious plans and waiting for global changes in 2016: the Monkey will do everything in his own way.


Motto of the year:"All in your hands!" Your success will be proportional to your efforts. The main thing is to overcome laziness!

Love and family

On the love front, no fewer victories await you than in other areas. Your confidence in your attractiveness will incredibly attract people of the opposite sex. If you are single, all you have to do is make a choice from among the contenders for your heart. In an already established couple, Aries is able to refresh familiar feelings, adding romance and novelty to them. The main thing is not to suppress your partner and listen to his opinion more often.

Career and finance

Trust your intuition more, it will not let you down. Projects that involve quick decision making will work best. At the beginning of the year, absent-mindedness may hinder you, but from August you will still get down to business seriously. Enthusiasm, determination and strict organization of the work process will allow you to move mountains.

beauty and health

You will be very tempted to let your health take its course, not caring about it at all. However, this should not be done: in the first half of the year, the body’s defenses will be weaker than usual, opening the way for viral diseases. But in the fall you will be cheerful and full of strength. The year is good for solving problems with chronic diseases.


Motto of the year:“The main thing is calm!” Excessive emotionality this year is the main obstacle to success.

Love and family

In terms of love, the year will be unpredictable, bright, memorable, but not too stable. You are able to bring a sea of ​​tenderness and romance into an already established relationship, but your passionate impulses may periodically give way to irritability. Lonely Taurus will be amorous and fickle. However, if Taurus meets his true soul mate, his tossing and searching will end on their own.

Career and finance

The year will bring stability to the financial sector. At the beginning of the year you will have to work twice as hard. Starting in March, life will throw more and more new ideas at you. The second half of the year is good for bringing new beginnings to life. Oddly enough, it is your colleagues who will help you not miss new opportunities.

beauty and health

The first half of the year is a great time to seriously think about a healthy lifestyle: quit smoking, start going to a fitness club, go on a diet. In the second half of the year, emotions can greatly influence your health. Stress, anxiety, and even just suspiciousness can reduce immunity. At the end of the year, problems with the spine are possible.


Motto of the year:“Gather your will!” Circumstances may not be in your favor. But this is not a reason to retreat and give up.

Love and family

In 2016, Gemini will be full of inspiration. Their creative out-of-the-box thinking will allow you to look at everything from a completely new angle. This will bring a bright, fresh vibe to everyday life and feelings. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will begin to confidently look for it. But be on your guard: fate can throw you very bright and passionate, but fleeting novels.

Career and finance

Success awaits you in any matter related to creativity, be it music, design or scientific insights. But in everyday work, things will not go so well. In 2016, you may be late for work more often than usual, make annoying mistakes and mistakes. To make the year successful for you, you will have to take on self-discipline.

beauty and health

Until April, the saying that all illnesses come from nerves will be very relevant for Gemini. For the most part, your ailments will directly depend on what mood you are in. this moment. By setting yourself in a positive mood, you can quickly cope with all your ailments.

Motto of the year:"Everything flows, everything changes". If you overcome pessimism and step out of your comfort zone more often, you can move mountains!

Love and family

Changes await you in your personal life. On the agenda is moving to new apartment, and on a larger scale - to another city or country. The second half of the year is a turbulent period. Single people may have an unsuccessful romance, which may start well, but then bring disappointment. Family people may be concerned about the problems of children, for whose needs large sums will be spent.

Career and finance

The first half of the year is a calm but productive period. Free entrepreneurs will begin to expand their business. Real estate transactions will be successful. The second half of the year may bring a number of problems, especially with finances. During this period, serious disagreements with friends or business partners are likely, and, as usually happens, main theme money will become discord.

beauty and health

In 2016, your energy potential will be low, and there will also be a tendency to gain weight, which will affect both your well-being and your mood. The stars recommend thinking about diet, leading healthy image life and regularly go to the gym. Already at the beginning of the year, it is worth reconsidering your daily routine: sleep more and spend time in the fresh air.

Motto of the year:“Catch up!” Energy in full swing? Guide her to achieve her dreams

Love and family

Leos will want certainty in their relationships. In the second half of the year you will be able to withdraw your love relationship to a new level, be it marriage or the decision to have a child. For single representatives of this sign, the year will provide a lot of opportunities for romantic acquaintances. However, of all the options, they will prefer the one where, along with bright feelings, there is stability and reliability.

Career and finance

Career-wise, 2016 promises to be a memorable year. Until June, Leos will be especially successful in the creative field, as well as in any other activity where no one interferes with their flight of fancy. But in the summer, high demands on themselves and healthy ambitions will come into play. This will allow you to carry out any project brilliantly. The main thing is to focus on one goal, and not take on a hundred things at once.

beauty and health

Until September, Leos will tend to devote little time to their health and turn a blind eye to diseases that have already begun. This may have a negative impact on your health. Listen to your body's signals and respond to them in a timely manner.


Motto of the year:“Hurry slowly!” There are a lot of things waiting for you, so plan your time and energy carefully.

Love and family

No special changes are expected in my personal life. Relationships in unfriendly couples can become strained. But a bad peace is still better than a good quarrel. Remember this and try to avoid caustic remarks about your loved one. In the second half of the year, problems will arise with relatives, and a serious quarrel within the circle of immediate family is not excluded.

Career and finance

Great year for your career! If you have been wanting to change your job or even your field of activity, now is the time. In the first half of the year, entrepreneurs will discover a real “gold mine”, and employees will receive a lucrative offer. Difficult situations this year include conflicts with individual partners and the need to make a choice between them.

beauty and health

The stars advise in 2016 to pay attention to healthy eating and getting rid of bad habits. This year you will have the willpower to quit smoking or go on a sensible diet. But in order not to harm your health, this must be done gradually. In general, no matter what you do, remember: your body is not set up for records and sudden loads.


Motto of the year:"It's time for change!" It's time to stop, think carefully and make the important decision to completely change course.

Love and family

Family connections are extremely important to you now. Friendly spouses together can solve all the problems of this year, including those related to children. This year will be difficult for most lovers too. Problems that you have ignored for a long time will again make themselves felt and require solutions.

Career and finance

You've already achieved everything you could in your previous position, and now you have a great opportunity to take on something new. The first half of the year will bring a lot of work. Most of your plans will be implemented; there will be people ready to help you in word and deed. The second half of the year will be more difficult, but overall the year will be successful.

beauty and health

Already at the beginning of the year, you may experience an exacerbation of a chronic illness. It's time to think about prevention! By the middle of the year, your health will improve, but from time to time stressful situations will arise that can weaken your immune system. In winter, you will experience a surge of energy that will enhance your creativity.


Motto of the year:"Fasten seat belts!" So many exciting events await you!

Love and family

If you are still single, trust your intuition, and then there is a chance to find love. In the second half of the year, fate will favor you. If you have difficulties in your personal life, do not rush into drastic statements. Take time to weigh and think things through in a calmer environment.

Career and finance

The stars will awaken your fighting spirit, which will greatly surprise your colleagues. Despite the fact that you are not the type of person who likes to be in the shadows, advancement up the career ladder is only possible in the second half of the year. The stars advise you to be softer - this will not reduce your strength, but it will make it easier to resolve issues. During the period from April to July, you will face financial difficulties.

beauty and health

The beginning of the year will give a lot of energy and vitality necessary to overcome the physical stress that may befall you. To replenish your balance of strength, do not forget to rest at least sometimes and remain calm.


Motto of the year:“Not a day without caring for loved ones!” The main subject of your troubles will be those who make up your inner circle.

Love and family

Family Sagittarius will rejoice at the success of their children and devote a lot of time to their loved ones. Singles will experience true ardent passion. Closer to autumn, the relationship will be sorted out. There may be disagreements, and to maintain peace, someone will have to make concessions. At the same time, family representatives of this sign may be faced with the fact that not everything will be in order in the affairs of a loved one. He may need your support, and nothing will stop you from providing it.

Career and finance

This is a great year to make the necessary connections, as well as become indispensable in your environment. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will be important. The second half of the year is more difficult; you have to work tirelessly. The financial situation is stable, and in the first half of the year pleasant surprises are possible - gifts, bonuses.

beauty and health

Your powers will increase, especially when interacting with others. In June, your energy will reach its maximum, which will allow you to complete all your planned tasks. Health will be good in 2016, but the stars advise avoiding hypothermia and stressful situations.


Motto of the year:"I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles!" Your perseverance and determination will help you stay on top in this very difficult year for you.

Love and family

In 2016, Capricorn will have pure and open relationships. Overcoming obstacles will require answering important questions that will help achieve harmony and peace. On the other hand, you will be surrounded by people who need protection. There may be difficulties in relationships with a permanent partner; he may show distrust. Frank communication will help solve problems.

Career and finance

In 2016, almost all of your goals are achievable, so you need to set really important goals for yourself and not waste your potential on trifles. To avoid financial losses, think through every step and give preference to, albeit conservative, proven methods.

beauty and health

In 2016, Capricorn will enjoy excellent health. If you experience any ailments, they will be associated more with an excess of strength than with a lack of strength: high blood pressure; consequences of overeating; fatigue caused by an overly active lifestyle. In September-October, fatigue, stress and seasonal loss of strength may manifest themselves. Relax and get outside more


Motto of the year:"Wait for change!" Great news: this year you will escape your routine and immerse yourself in something that truly interests you.

Love and family

Radical changes are coming in your personal life. Many will decide to move, and at different times of the year it will actually happen. In the first half of the year, new people will appear in your environment, and some of them may really interest you.

Career and finance

In the first half of the year, the main thing in your work will be contacts with partners from other cities or countries. Frequent trips and meetings with new people who will influence your future are possible. In the second half of the year, deceptions and unexpected losses are likely. But your income will grow, which may be a consequence of the successful development of your business. In the second half of the year, expenses will increase. This will be related to both business and personal life,

beauty and health

A healthy lifestyle and moderate exercise will help you avoid health problems. Instead of sweating for hours in the gym, in 2016 it is much more effective to exercise for twenty minutes, but every day.


Motto of the year:“He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne!” Take a risk - this year fortune will smile on you"

Love and family

Your attractiveness will increase this year, you will see that many are interested in you and want to get closer to you. This will help lonely hearts leave their single status and start new relationships. You will again feel the taste of life, find agreement with your feelings and emotions, which will allow you to move on.

Career and finance

In the financial sphere, Pisces will have problems that require urgent solutions. Due to lack of time, a feeling of fear may arise. You will need to take serious steps to overcome your money problems. Stop, focus and decide how to manage your budget Think carefully before you make a purchase. Be careful when working with documents - typos and errors are possible, which will lead to financial losses.

beauty and health

At the beginning of the year, health problems will arise. The reason for this is excessive activity in 2015. Slow down the pace of life. Avoid heavy loads. At the beginning of the year, take a vacation and think about all the issues that concern you. Good dream restores the nervous system and normalizes emotions.

Horoscope for 2016 from twice winner and judge Psychic battles, project expert The investigation is being conducted by psychics, clairvoyant and astrologer Khayala Alekperova.

The Monkey in the eastern horoscope is an artistic and eccentric nature, which at the same time has strong intuition. Willful, capricious and unpredictable. Her actions can change depending on her mood: she can be either kind and cheerful or angry and aggressive.

The mistress of 2016 will be the Red Fire Monkey - its power will last from February 8, 2016 to January 27, 2017. The red color and the fire element make us understand that the year will be bright and eventful. Treat the wayward mistress of the year with respect, although not everyone will like her antics and whims. After a relatively calm year of the Goat, many will have to rebuild.

Good luck to the brave!

Those who decide to change their field of activity will be able to successfully bring even the most daring, complex or extraordinary ideas into reality. The decisions will often be unexpected, as will the sources of funding. But this does not mean that you won’t have to work at all - laziness can be punished by the Monkey in the most unexpected way. However, there is no point in making serious plans and waiting for global changes in 2016: the Monkey will do everything in his own way.


Motto of the year: “Everything is in your hands!” Your success will be proportional to your efforts. The main thing is to overcome laziness!

Love and family

On the love front Aries expects no less victories than in other areas. Your confidence in your attractiveness will incredibly attract people of the opposite sex. If you are single, all you have to do is make a choice from among the candidates for your heart, in an already established couple Aries is able to refresh familiar feelings, adding romance and novelty to them. The main thing is not to suppress your partner and listen to his opinion more often.

Career and finance

Trust your intuition more, it will not let you down. Projects that involve quick decision making will work best. At the beginning of the year, absent-mindedness may hinder you, but from August you will still get down to business seriously. Enthusiasm, determination and strict organization of the work process will allow you to move mountains.

beauty and health

You will be very tempted to let your health take its course, not caring about it at all. However, this should not be done: in the first half of the year, the body’s defenses will be weaker than usual, opening the way for viral diseases. But in the fall you will be cheerful and full of strength. The year is good for solving problems with chronic diseases.


Motto of the year: “The main thing is calm!” Excessive emotionality this year is the main obstacle to success.

Love and family

In terms of love, the year will be unpredictable, bright, memorable, but not too stable. You are able to bring a sea of ​​tenderness and romance into an already established relationship, but your passionate impulses may periodically give way to irritability. Lonely Taurus will be amorous and fickle. However, if Taurus meets his true soul mate, his tossing and searching will end on their own.

Career and finance

The year will bring stability to the financial sector. At the beginning of the year you will have to work twice as hard. Starting in March, life will throw more and more new ideas at you. The second half of the year is good for bringing new beginnings to life. Oddly enough, it is your colleagues who will help you not miss new opportunities.

beauty and health

The first half of the year is a great time to seriously think about a healthy lifestyle: quit smoking, start going to a fitness club, go on a diet. In the second half of the year, emotions can greatly influence your health. Stress, anxiety, and even just suspiciousness can reduce immunity. At the end of the year, problems with the spine are possible.

Find out also:


Motto of the year: “Gather your will!” Circumstances may not be in your favor. But this is not a reason to retreat and give up.

Love and family

In 2016 Gemini inspiration will follow. Their creative, out-of-the-box thinking will allow you to look at everything from a completely new angle. This will bring a bright, fresh vibe to everyday life and feelings. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will begin to confidently look for it. But be on your guard: fate can throw you very bright and passionate, but fleeting novels.

Career and finance

Success awaits you in any matter related to creativity, be it music, design or scientific insights. But in everyday work, things will not go so well. In 2016, you may be late for work more often than usual, make annoying mistakes and mistakes. To make the year successful for you, you will have to take on self-discipline.

beauty and health

Until April for Gemini The saying that all diseases come from nerves will be very relevant. For the most part, your ailments will directly depend on what mood you are in at the moment. By setting yourself in a positive mood, you can quickly cope with all your ailments.

The motto of the year: “Everything flows, everything changes.” If you overcome pessimism and step out of your comfort zone more often, you can move mountains!

Love and family

Changes await you in your personal life. On the agenda is moving to a new apartment, and on a larger scale, to another city or country. The second half of the year is a turbulent period. Single people may have an unsuccessful romance, which may start well, but then bring disappointment. Family people may be concerned about the problems of children, for whose needs large sums will be spent.

Career and finance

The first half of the year is a quiet but productive period. Free entrepreneurs will begin to expand their business. Real estate transactions will be successful. The second half of the year may bring a number of problems, especially with finances. During this period, serious disagreements with friends or business partners are likely, and, as is usually the case, the main topic of contention will be money.

beauty and health

In 2016, your energy potential will be low, and there will also be a tendency to gain weight, which will affect both your well-being and your mood. The stars recommend thinking about a diet, leading a healthy lifestyle and regularly visiting the gym. Already at the beginning of the year, it is worth reconsidering your daily routine: sleep more and spend time in the fresh air.

Motto of the year: “Catch up!” Energy in full swing? Guide her to achieve her dreams

Love and family

Leos You will want certainty in your relationship. In the second half of the year, you will be able to take your love relationship to the next level, whether it is getting married or deciding to have a child. For single representatives of this sign, the year will provide a lot of opportunities for romantic acquaintances. However, of all the options, they will prefer the one where, along with bright feelings, there is stability and reliability.

Career and finance

Career-wise, 2016 promises to be a memorable year. Until June Lions They will be especially successful in the creative field, as well as in any other activity where no one interferes with their flight of fancy. But in the summer, high demands on themselves and healthy ambitions will come into play. This will allow you to carry out any project brilliantly. The main thing is to focus on one goal, and not take on a hundred things at once.

beauty and health

Until September Lions will tend to devote little time to their health and turn a blind eye to diseases that have already begun. This may have a negative impact on your health. Listen to your body's signals and respond to them in a timely manner.

Find out also:


Motto of the year: “Hurry slowly!” There are a lot of things waiting for you, so plan your time and energy carefully.

Love and family

No special changes are expected in my personal life. Relationships in unfriendly couples can become strained. But a bad peace is still better than a good quarrel. Remember this and try to avoid caustic remarks about your loved one. In the second half of the year, problems will arise with relatives, and a serious quarrel within the circle of immediate family is not excluded.

Career and finance

Great year for your career! If you have been wanting to change your job or even your field of activity, now is the time. In the first half of the year, entrepreneurs will discover a real “gold mine”, and employees will receive a lucrative offer. Difficult situations this year include conflicts with individual partners and the need to make a choice between them.

beauty and health

The stars advise Virgos in 2016, pay attention to healthy eating and getting rid of bad habits. This year you will have the willpower to quit smoking or go on a sensible diet. But in order not to harm your health, this must be done gradually. In general, no matter what you do, remember: your body is not set up for records and sudden loads.


Motto of the year: “It’s time for change!” It's time to stop, think carefully and make the important decision to completely change course.

Love and family

Family connections are extremely important to you now. Friendly spouses together can solve all the problems of this year, including those related to children. This year will be difficult for most lovers too. Problems that you have ignored for a long time will again make themselves felt and require solutions.

Career and finance

You've already achieved everything you could in your previous position, and now you have a great opportunity to take on something new. The first half of the year will bring a lot of work. Most of your plans will be implemented; there will be people ready to help you in word and deed. The second half of the year will be more difficult, but overall the year will be successful.

beauty and health

Already at the beginning of the year, you may experience an exacerbation of a chronic illness. It's time to think about prevention! By the middle of the year, your health will improve, but from time to time stressful situations will arise that can weaken your immune system. In winter, you will experience a surge of energy that will enhance your creativity.


Motto of the year: “Fasten your seat belts!” So many exciting events await you!

Love and family

If you are still single, trust your intuition, and then there is a chance to find love. In the second half of the year, fate will favor you. If you have difficulties in your personal life, do not rush into drastic statements. Take time to weigh and think things through in a calmer environment.

Career and finance

The stars will awaken your fighting spirit, which will greatly surprise your colleagues. Despite the fact that you are not the type of person who likes to be in the shadows, advancement up the career ladder is only possible in the second half of the year. The stars advise you to be softer - this will not reduce your strength, but it will make it easier to resolve issues. During the period from April to July, you will face financial difficulties.

beauty and health

The beginning of the year will give you a lot of energy and vitality needed to overcome the physical stress that may fall on you. To replenish your balance of strength, do not forget to rest at least sometimes and remain calm.

Find out also:


Motto of the year: “Not a day without caring for loved ones!” The main subject of your troubles will be those who make up your inner circle.

Love and family

Family Sagittarius They will rejoice at the successes of their children and devote a lot of time to their loved ones. Singles will experience true ardent passion. Closer to autumn, the relationship will be sorted out. There may be disagreements, and to maintain peace, someone will have to make concessions. At the same time, family representatives of this sign may be faced with the fact that not everything will be in order in the affairs of a loved one. He may need your support, and nothing will stop you from providing it.

Career and finance

This is a great year to make the necessary connections, as well as become indispensable in your environment. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will be important. The second half of the year is more difficult; you have to work tirelessly. The financial situation is stable, and in the first half of the year pleasant surprises are possible - gifts, bonuses.

beauty and health

Your powers will increase, especially when interacting with others. In June, your energy will reach its maximum, which will allow you to complete all your planned tasks. Health will be good in 2016, but the stars advise avoiding hypothermia and stressful situations.


Motto of the year: “I see the goal, I see no obstacles!” Your perseverance and determination will help you stay on top in this very difficult year for you.

Love and family

In 2016, Capricorn will have pure and open relationships. Overcoming obstacles will require answering important questions that will help achieve harmony and peace. On the other hand, you will be surrounded by people who need protection. There may be difficulties in relationships with a permanent partner; he may show distrust. Frank communication will help solve problems.

Career and finance

In 2016, almost all of your goals are achievable, so you need to set really important goals for yourself and not waste your potential on trifles. To avoid financial losses, think through every step and give preference to, albeit conservative, proven methods.

beauty and health

In 2016 Capricorn will be in excellent health. If you experience any ailments, they will be associated more with an excess of strength than with a lack of strength: high blood pressure; consequences of overeating; fatigue caused by an overly active lifestyle. In September-October, fatigue, stress and seasonal loss of strength may manifest themselves. Relax and get outside more


Motto of the year: “Expect changes!” Great news: this year you will escape your routine and immerse yourself in something that truly interests you.

Love and family

Radical changes are coming in your personal life. Many will decide to move, and at different times of the year it will actually happen. In the first half of the year, new people will appear in your environment, and some of them may really interest you.

Career and finance

In the first half of the year, the main thing in your work will be contacts with partners from other cities or countries. Frequent trips and meetings with new people who will influence your future are possible. In the second half of the year, deceptions and unexpected losses are likely. But your income will grow, which may be a consequence of the successful development of your business. In the second half of the year, expenses will increase. This will be related to both business and personal life,

beauty and health

A healthy lifestyle and moderate exercise will help you avoid health problems. Instead of sweating for hours in the gym, in 2016 it is much more effective to exercise for twenty minutes, but every day.


Motto of the year: “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne!” Take a risk - this year fortune will smile on you"

Love and family

Your attractiveness will increase this year, you will see that many are interested in you and want to get closer to you. This will help lonely hearts leave their single status and start new relationships. You will again feel the taste of life, find agreement with your feelings and emotions, which will allow you to move on.

Career and finance

In the financial sphere, Pisces will have problems that require urgent solutions. Due to lack of time, a feeling of fear may arise. You will need to take serious steps to overcome your money problems. Stop, focus and decide how to manage your budget Think carefully before you make a purchase. Be careful when working with documents - typos and errors are possible, which will lead to financial losses.

beauty and health

At the beginning of the year, health problems will arise. The reason for this is excessive activity in 2015. Slow down the pace of life. Avoid heavy loads. At the beginning of the year, take a vacation and think about all the issues that concern you. Good sleep will restore the nervous system and normalize emotions.

A brief overview of the main events in the main areas of life is given by the horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs from Khayal Alekperov, a psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer who predicts the future with amazing accuracy.


2019 will be a prosperous year for you. You can easily solve housing issues through generous financial income. Moreover, money will not come to you through your career. The housewife of the year does not like to work. Her laziness will rub off on you. Happy changes will also occur in your personal life. It promises them not only to single Aries. Family representatives of the sign will also taste the fruit of love, but in their case it will be forbidden. Health promises to be good.


Already at the beginning of the year you will feel that your career itself is moving you upward. This will be possible thanks to your perseverance and creative approach to tasks. You will be very lucky with finances twice: in the middle of the year (money gain) and towards the end (profitable financial project). Stabilizing your financial situation will allow you to take care of your health, which can be undermined by stress caused by unrequited love.


The coming year will bring you many useful acquaintances and new friends. They, in turn, will affect your financial position. But, unfortunately, in order to gain money, you first have to lose it. In love, no special changes are expected. Although lonely Geminis can try their luck - autumn months will promote romance. Work issues will be resolved easily. As for health, take care of your bones. Possible injury.


Your efforts at work will be appreciated and expressed in decent monetary terms. True, this will happen closer to autumn, when your professionalism reaches a high level. Or perhaps a new unexpected job will lead you to financial success. In the summer, be sure to take a vacation and take care of your health. At a minimum, you will need preventative measures. Relationships in love will be smooth, and only at the end of the year a significant event is possible.


The year will bring major successes in education and career. But giving too much can have a negative impact on the family. To maintain balance, you will need clear self-organization and discipline, as well as tremendous patience. In the middle of the year, when your career is rapidly taking off and money starts appearing literally out of nowhere, remember that your love is not with money, and not with work. Spend more time with your family, otherwise stress on this basis will put you in a hospital bed.


You will have to earn your luck in 2019 as if a precious metal– with effort, assertively, but interestingly. In your career, you will have a unique chance to demonstrate your talents and significantly increase your business reputation, and at the same time, your salary. Some Virgos will even switch to their own, more satisfying “bread.” At the beginning of summer, catch Cupid's arrow. It looks like it will cut you to the heart, forever.


This year will be very changeable for you, in almost all areas (except for health - it will remain consistently strong). Changes are coming in your career associated with a passion for a new type of activity that has nothing to do with your main profession. Total dedication will bring good financial results. In love, beware of envy. If you are already in a relationship, keep it away from your best friend. If not yet, keep your potential romance a secret.


This year will be declared the year of your career and high achievements in business. Spare no effort on education and development. Everything (even expensive investments) will pay off handsomely. You won't have to wait long. There can be a hitch with love, especially if you are in search. You will have to choose between your career and personal life. If you try to “sit on two chairs,” you risk getting a bunch of illnesses caused by stress.


If you go through the zodiac signs, your sign will be the most fruitful this year. A flurry of interesting and profitable offers will contribute to your successful career. Dedicate yourself to one. Intuition will tell you which one. She will also protect your love from evil eyes and envy. In the financial sector, sudden large profits are expected. Your health will not let you down either. It will return to normal, especially if you have complex chronic diseases.


If you're thinking about changing jobs, the start of 2019 is not best time. Take your time with this. Your old job can still pleasantly surprise you, including financially. In a year you can save up for a very desirable purchase. Monetary losses are also possible, but their lack will be compensated by a person who will come to you with love. You may feel like you are being bought. Well, it's up to you, but the deal promises to be very profitable.


A good year to introduce ideas about your own business. Especially if your work activity associated with science and education. No shocks are expected in his personal life. For many Aquarius, this will be a wedding year. You will be better with money, which cannot be said about your health. Yours nervous system may fail. Reconsider your attitude towards conflicts, rest more and look for the positive in any circumstances.


All year you will be busy with family matters and people you love. But don't get too carried away. Remember that only happy man. Make your own dreams come true first. There will be positive changes in your career if you do not ignore the help of an influential person. Pride can get in your way. Yours financial well-being depends on health. If you take care of it, by the end of the year you will have accumulated strength for a very profitable project.

Twice winner and judge of the “Battle of Psychics”, expert of the “Investigation is Conducted by Psychics” project, clairvoyant and astrologer Khayala Alekperova compiled a horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac until January 2, 2017. What awaits us in last days New Year, reported the website of the STB television channel.


During this period, irritability and sudden changes in mood can cause quarrels and conflicts with family. The advice of the stars is to take things easier. Don't try to control everything and everyone. Otherwise, you will never be able to enjoy the magic of the winter holidays.


Trying to please everyone can really push you into a corner and even cause depression. Is it worth it to overshadow the upcoming holidays? Therefore, the stars advise spending more time with your loved ones - shopping or going to the spa - something that is vitally necessary for you now.


Your sociability and incredible charisma will help you make new useful contacts. There is a high probability that along the way you will meet those people who will become good friends or reliable business partners.

Thrift and savings are wonderful qualities that allow you to feel confident in any life situations. But now, on the eve of the holidays, stars advise pampering yourself and your loved ones a little with spontaneous purchases. Moreover, they will be profitable.

No matter how much you would like to put a logical end to the things you have started, you should not deprive your loved ones of your attention in favor of labor issues. Most likely, you won’t be able to deal with the mass of accumulated worries, even if you spend the night at work. But on the eve of the New Year you can seriously rock the family boat.


The stars advise paying more attention to your appearance. A new haircut or new things in the wardrobe will not only lift your spirits, but will also become a reason for compliments and flirtation, which both single and married Virgos so lack.


Favorable time for finishing things started. Try not to slow down, even one step away from the goal. In the personal sphere of single representatives of the sign, dramatic changes are quite possible - such as romantic acquaintances.


During this period, you will have a busy life schedule. Because of various concerns and the day's activities can be scheduled minute by minute. But the stars advise you to put aside the hustle and bustle at least for a while and devote time to your hobby. This will help you recharge and gain inspiration for further achievements.


The week will be successful for the money sphere. There is a high probability of making a profit and returning old debts. But with your health you need to be on alert - there will be an unpleasant surprise. New Year may become an exacerbation of chronic diseases.


Your stubbornness during this period can lead to a large number conflicts, both at work and within the family. In order not to spoil the upcoming holidays with insults, be more restrained. Praise your loved ones more often and turn a blind eye to their minor mistakes. After all, ideals do not exist!


This week, Aquarians may face disappointments or unjustified hopes. But surprises in the personal sphere will be a pleasant compensation. It is possible that your loved one will please you with a gift or a pleasant surprise.


Shouldn't be perceived possible difficulties on the way like the rock of fate. Most likely, the reason for your failures is indecision. As soon as you manage to convince yourself that the chosen goal is within your reach, everything will turn out just fine.

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