Famous Catholic stigmatic women. Teresa newman - the violet flame The secret and human story of giorgio bondiovanni

"The hour of reckoning is coming - and now on this Earth all those who rejected the Word then, during the life of Christ ..." (Abd-ru-shin, "In the Light of Truth", Grail Message, report "What is the obstacle , now separating so many from the Light? ")

One of the perhaps most instructive incarnations of this kind was Teresa Neumann, also known as "Rezl of Connersrate" (Rezl is short for Teresa).

Teresa was born in 1898 in the Bavarian village of Konnersreith. She was the first child among eleven children of one not rich family. Teresa was educated at a local folk school, dreamed of getting a haircut as a nun and becoming a missionary. However, in the twentieth year of life, she suffered a spinal injury, which led to paralysis of the legs, and then the whole body; later, blindness was added to this. Thus began the suffering of Teresa, which over time received widespread publicity, for she spontaneously began to appear so-called stigmas - wounds on her body, similar to those that were once inflicted on the Son of God Jesus. These were bleeding wounds on the head, reminiscent of a crown of thorns; wounds on the feet and hands - reminiscent of nail marks; and the wound in the chest area is like a mark from a spear blow.

This happened for the first time during the Easter Fast of 1926 - the paralysis and blindness had already passed by this time. This is how it is described in one of her life stories:

“On the night of Friday, March 4, 1926, Teresa suddenly had a vision - she saw Christ in Gethsemane, and He, in her words,“ looked intently ”at her. a rather deep bleeding wound appeared in the place. A similar vision was repeated the next week on the night of Friday, and the wound opened again. The same thing was the next week of fasting. On the Friday night before Holy Week, Teresa saw Christ carrying the cross to Calvary, and Before that, Teresa managed to hide her bleeding from her parents, but this time she could not hide what was happening. On Good Friday itself, Teresa, according to her story, witnessed all the torments of Christ until the death of the cross. she is dying, it was so hard for her. Two streams of blood flowed from her eyes down her cheeks. At about 3 pm there was a kind of agony, then the suffering stopped. When Teresa woke up, she immediately felt pain in the arms and legs: stigmata opened up - in her case, these were small round wounds oozing blood. Teresa did not want anyone to find out about this, but her parents could not help informing the parish priest about it, and it would be difficult to hide from him the wounds in the patient's arms when on Easter Sunday he came to commune her. The priest was shocked. The wounds bled slightly for another two weeks, then they were covered with thin skin, and Teresa was able to wash her hands. However, no traces of inflammation or suppuration had ever appeared even before the appearance of the skin. However, when trying to treat wounds with home or medical remedies, serious troubles immediately began, so this had to be abandoned, although Teresa did not give up hope for a long time that the treatment would still help - she was unpleasant that they would now be surprised at her as a rare beast. ... What does all of this mean? She did not know the answer to this question then.

Since then, the wounds were regularly opened every Friday, bleeding and then covered with thin transparent skin again. Before her death in 1962, Teresa experienced this more than seven hundred times, and her suffering was invariably accompanied by immersion in visions of the way of the cross and the death of Christ. "(From the abstract on the book of Wolfgang Ioannes Beck" Teresa of Connersreith ")

Unfortunately, judging by the fact that Teresa's suffering did not end before her earthly death, she, as well as the interested general public, did not find out the correct answer to the question: what does all this mean?

For all this meant not "grace from above" and not the "chosenness" of Teresa, as many believed then and now believe, demanding from the Vatican an appropriate decision regarding the "saint", but the adamant, strict and inexorable action of the Primordial Law of Divine Will, which says: a man sows, then he will reap a hundredfold! Thus, in the stigmas, the opposite effect of the heavy karma of the human soul was manifested, which at one time, especially, without outside compulsion, zealous in mockery of the Son of God Jesus during His torment of the Cross. If Teresa acknowledged this fact, ceasing to consider herself "chosen" and humbly asking God for forgiveness, her stigma would immediately disappear and not renew again.

Then, probably, the promising words that Teresa heard in one of her visions would have been fulfilled, that through her suffering more souls would be saved than through the most brilliant sermons. But for this, both Teresa herself and the interested general public had to rethink many of the familiar concepts and ideas, embarking on the path of knowing the unyielding Divine Will, acting in Creation with the precision of a clockwork! Then it would be necessary to rethink the false doctrine of suffering, which is rooted in human consciousness. The essence of this widespread false teaching is that suffering in one case or another is a kind of sign of the chosenness from Above or a sacrifice pleasing to God on the part of the suffering person.

So this misconception of suffering had to be rethought. And the possibility of rethinking was opened up thanks to the work of Abd-ru-shin "In the Light of Truth", the Grail Message! -

"Think simply like children! This is the meaning of the great words:" If you are not like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God!

Today's thinking is too complicated to be able to find a way to it. In both churches and religions, the situation is no different so far. They preach that suffering promotes ascent, and therefore is the grace of God. There is a tiny grain of Truth in this, but it has undergone not only embellishment, but also a gross distortion. For God does not want His people to suffer! He wants only joy, love, happiness! The Path in the Light simply cannot be otherwise. And the path to the Light can be strewn with obstacles only if the person himself erects them.

A grain of Truth in the teaching about suffering is that suffering can be used to atone for one or another guilt. But redemption comes only where a person realizes that he suffers what he deserves! This is exactly what the prudent thief on the cross did. "(Abd-ru-shin," In the Light of Truth ", Grail Message, report" Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing! ")

Another crucified robber, according to the Gospel, sneered at the crucified Jesus, thereby shouldering the heaviest guilt, so he had to bear stigma on his body in his next incarnations and once again incarnated in the twentieth century as Teresa Neumann from Konnersreith! *
*) Explanations about Teresa Neumann were given by Abd-ru-shin when answering questions asked after his public speeches

Among the many other incidents of stigma, "Jesus' wounds," Theresa's case was indeed exceptional, becoming a worldwide sensation. He attracted the attention of not only clergymen, but also public figures, as well as scientists who racked their brains, for example, over the following fact. During her visions, the uneducated Teresa sometimes heard and could then completely reproduce entire phrases in various dialects of the Aramaic language, which was spoken in Gospel times in Judea.

Gradually, a circle of interested and sympathetic persons arose around Teresa, and, undoubtedly, one of them could direct Teresa's thinking in a conversation towards realizing the real cause of her suffering, having previously independently figured out this issue thanks to the Grail Message.

So it was predetermined that the sufferings of the stigmatized Teresa would receive wide publicity, and that at the same time, many souls, like the soul of Teresa herself, would open up the possibility of deliverance from past guilt and salvation, provided that the inviolable action of the Divine Will would be recognized, Primordial Laws of Creation, and thus rejected false views on the death of the Son of God Jesus as a sacrifice pleasing to God in order to save mankind! -

"The shining or radiant Cross is, therefore, the Truth in its original form. And since a person can soar only through the Truth, and nothing else, the human spirit also gains true salvation only in the knowledge or knowledge of the Divine Truth!

From the fact that salvation is again laid down only in Truth, it follows that the Cross, that is, the Truth, is the saving Cross or the Cross of the Savior!

This is the Cross of the Savior! And the Savior is the Truth for humanity! Only the knowledge of the Truth and the associated adherence to those contained in It, the path indicated by It, can deliver the human spirit from its present obscuration and delusion, rebuilding its present essence and ascending to the Light.

Therefore, the Son of God told people that they should, having taken the Cross, follow Him, that is, accept the Truth and live according to It! To be able to merge with the Laws of Creation, to learn to understand them exactly and only for the Good to use these Laws in their independent action.

But what has the limited human reason created again from this simple and natural fact! Teaching about suffering, undesirable to God and the Son of God! And thus he entered the wrong path, not in the least in tune with the indicated path, but on the contrary, leading far from the Will of God, which leads only to joy and not to suffering. "(Abd-ru-shin," In the Light of Truth, "The Grail Message , report "Universal Teacher")

In the biography of Theresa Neumann, already quoted, there are words that carry a terrible symbolic meaning:

"Today, having arrived in Connersrate, you can visit the grave of Teresa, which is all lined with signs in all European languages ​​-" Thank you! "," I am cured! "," Keep up the good work, Rezl! "

"Keep up the good work ..." - The enthusiastic admirers would know what these words of desire mean for the soul of Teresa herself! In the face of harsh reality, this means nothing more than the wish for spiritual death, eternal damnation, for the "spirit" mentioned in the wish is the "spirit" of stubborn resistance to the Divine Will.

Thus, humanity frivolously missed one of the many opportunities for liberation from the hardest karma, which originates in a terrible crime - the murder of the Son of God on the cross. This opportunity was provided thanks to the life of Teresa Neumann - a human soul, who had once sinned gravely against the Son of God suffering on the cross, but at the same time against the Holy Spirit, the Law of Creation, and was never able to free itself from its terrible burden even in view of the powerful guidance from the Light.

What are stigmata? Stigmata are skin growths or wounds that correspond to the wounds Jesus received when he was crucified.

But if we continue asking and clarify who is the bearer of stigmata, where they come from, what is stigmatization as a phenomenon, for sure we will not hear sensible answers.

In the tens of centuries that have passed since the first case of stigmatization was described, our knowledge of this phenomenon has not deepened.

It is noteworthy that in the Middle Ages, stigmatists were mainly women, and in modern world they are more often carried by men. The geography of the appearance of stigmata has expanded - if earlier they appeared only in Italy, now stigmatics live in others. European countries, and in America, and even in Japan and Korea.

What are the stigmata? Distinguish between imitative (or pictorial), symbolic stigmata, stigmata on internal organs. The imitative stigmata are those that reproduce the wounds on the body of Christ - small wounds on the forehead from a crown of thorns, four through wounds on the arms and legs, a wound on the right side, as well as marks of scourging and a bruise on the shoulder from carrying the cross. Bloody sweat and bloody tears complete the picture.

Stigma is a very mysterious phenomenon. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of stigma is confirmed by numerous documentary sources, it continues to be controversial. It is still not thoroughly known whether the appearance of stigmata is the result of a person's self-hypnosis, or is it still divine intervention? Is this a miracle or a madman's delirium?

For hundreds of years, about 400 cases of the appearance of stigmata have been officially recognized as complete. In this article, we highlight the most famous female stigmatists who have been recognized by the Catholic Church and have undergone a medical examination.

Veronica Giuliani

From childhood, her character was already visible: the girl was distinguished by stubbornness and uncontrollable outbursts of anger, but at the same time she was unusually pious, the priests noted in her signs of mystical grace.

In 1677 she entered a Capuchin monastery, two years later she became a novice teacher there, and in 1716 she became an abbess. She lived in the monastery with great severity. On Good Friday, 1697, stigmata appeared on her body. The church at first did not believe in their authenticity, and Veronica was subjected to cruel tests.

Especially zealous was the Jesuit father Kriveli. But the humility and obedience of mother Ursula, her desire to become like the crucified Christ, her readiness for suffering and clarity of spirit made even the most skeptics believe her.

She is usually depicted as a capuchin with stigmas and a crown of thorns, with a wedding ring on her finger and the wounded baby Jesus.

Veronica claimed that her wounds were bleeding not only outside, but also inside. She even painted what she thought was imprinted on her heart - a cross, a crown of thorns, three nails, swords and the letter X.

Veronica Giuliani died in the monastery on July 9, 1727. An autopsy performed by two doctors in the presence of a priest showed that there were indeed scars on her heart that looked like a cross, and one shoulder blade was bent, as if something had been worn on it for a long time. it's hard.

In 1804 she was numbered among the blessed, and in 1839 - among the host of saints.

Anna Katerina Emmerich

Anna Katerina was born in 1744. Already in childhood, Jesus and John the Baptist appeared to her, in her visions she experienced the life of Jesus, and after each such incident, the wound on her chest, shaped like a cross, became deeper and clearer. But those were not stigmata.

Stigmata appeared in Anna Katerina only in 1799 - a ring of small bleeding wounds suddenly formed around her head, and three years later other wounds appeared - on the palms, on the feet and on the side.

The bleeding weakened the woman so much that she fell ill and since 1813 did not get out of bed. Her doctor said, "Her stigmata was incredible: the wounds in her arms, legs, sides and head were half an inch in diameter."

For the past 12 years, eyewitnesses claim that she has only eaten cachets from the Catholic Mass.

Emmerich had daily visions. She claimed to have seen her guardian angel, as well as the suffering of Jesus on the cross. She saw the smallest details of the crucifixion and felt everything that Christ felt.

Her stories about the sufferings of Christ are extremely detailed, she describes many details that were not in the Gospels, and she gave them in her own interpretation, declaring that Jesus “writhed and trembled like a pitiful worm,” that he “cried out in a choked voice and begged for mercy ”, And also told that the wound on the shoulder gave Jesus the greatest suffering.

However, it is not known whether it is possible to believe the words of Anna Katarina, since there is another factor here. Her stories were recorded by the German poet Clemen Brentano, an ardent Catholic believer, and today it is impossible to establish where Emmerich's words are and where Brentano's inventions are.

Only one thing can be said with certainty: the book "The Mournful Passions of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ", published by Brentano nine years after the death of Anna Caterina Emmerich, is clearly not built on the knowledge of the evangelical texts.

Dominica Lazari

Dominica was born in Italy in 1815. When the girl was 13 years old, her father died. This event shocked her so much that she completely stopped eating, became very weak and soon fell ill. For several weeks, doctors fought for her life and still forced Dominica to eat.

When the girl turned 18, she was accidentally locked in a mill in complete darkness for several hours. As a result, Dominica had a seizure, and she spent the rest of her life in bed half-paralyzed and with obvious signs of mental disorder - she could not stand noise, light, and refused food. Attempts to force-feed her ended in vomiting.

In 1734, she developed wounds corresponding to those of the crucified Christ. The stigmata on her arms and legs were through and, according to her doctors, the wounds were so large that it was easy to stick a finger through them.

Dr. Gregory Kass of Lisbon Central Hospital pointed to another interesting feature Dominica: in whatever position she was, the blood, instead of flowing down, went towards the thumbs and along them, as if Lazari was crucified on the cross.

The wounds on Dominica's forehead, similar to wounds from a crown of thorns, appeared only once, and it happened in the presence of doctors. The scratches formed suddenly, blood flowed from them, and after a while they disappeared.

In this position - stigmatized and without food - Dominica Lazari lived for another 14 years and died at the age of 33.

Louise Lato

Louise was born into a working class family in Charleroi (Belgium) in 1850. At the age of 13, the girl fell under the hooves of a cow, after which she did not get out of bed, since her internal organs were badly damaged.

When the girl was 18 years old, she had a vision, after which she got out of bed.

This event took place on Good Friday, and since then every Friday bleeding has been observed on the thigh, then on the shins, hands, shoulders and forehead. This event caused great excitement among the Catholic clergy, who declared her stigmata miraculous.

Thus, we can say that Louise got rid of one disease, but instead she got stigmata. After getting up, she began to work on the farm, performing simple operations. But her strength was quickly fading away, since with the appearance of stigmata she completely stopped eating, any food intake caused her severe vomiting.

The girl fell ill again. Doctors examined her, but they did not find an explanation for the refusal of the body to take food. Since 1871, Louise had not eaten or drank anything, but she still looked quite healthy.

The Belgian Academy of Medicine, after listening to a report by Dr. Varlomon, who observed Louise in 1874-1875, concluded that the girl was obsessed with a nervous disease known as "stigmatization."

Louise Lato died at the age of 33, it happened suddenly, so that she barely had time to receive communion.

Teresa Neumann

Teresa Neumann was born in 1898 in a small village in Connersreith (Bavaria). She was the eldest of the Nouman children. Teresa was considered a saint from childhood. She did not miss a single mass and always prayed diligently, kneeling before the crucifixion or the Madonna.

When the girl was 20 years old, a fire started in the house. Teresa tried to extinguish it and was badly hurt as a result.

And just a month after this event, she fell down the stairs, receiving a severe concussion, as a result of which she was paralyzed and almost completely blind. The neighbors decided that this was a test of faith for the whole family.

Seven years later, the illness suddenly released Teresa, she got out of bed and regained her sight, and a year later, on Good Friday 1926, Teresa had a vision in which her saint appeared to her, after which the girl was instantly healed of her illness, but acquired a new one: stigmata appeared on her body - a copy of the wounds Jesus received on the cross.

Since then, every Friday until her death in 1962, Teresa fell into a trance in which she experienced the events that took place on Calvary, and she had bloody tears, bloody sweat, deep bleeding wounds on her body - on her arms, legs and forehead. After a week, the wounds healed.

Teresa was repeatedly examined by specialists - doctors, journalists, clairvoyants, and none of them doubted that her wounds were real, whatever the source of their occurrence. The fact that Teresa herself could not apply them to herself was convinced in the very first years.

Dr. Alfred Lechler tried to explain the appearance of stigma on Teresa's body. In 1933 he published a book in which he described the experiments carried out with an Austrian girl. During hypnosis sessions, she developed the classic stigmata of bloody sweat, bloody tears, cuts on her forehead, and swelling of her shoulder. However, the doctor himself admitted that artificially induced stigmata are inferior to the present in terms of intensity, persistence, and clarity.

In 1927, Teresa again had a vision in which she was told that she must give up food and water in order to live. She fulfilled the mandate, so now she is considered her by the Breatharians (not to be confused with the Praetorians and vegetarians, from the English breath - "breath"). This movement advocates avoiding food.

Breatharians believe that humans were eternal until they began to eat. Food deprived a person of wings, brought him closer to the ground. They are categorically against the common saying “you will not be full of the holy spirit,” and they cite Teresa Neumann as an example.

People could not believe that it was possible to live without food and water, so the Bishop of Regensburg in 1960 appointed a commission to verify the veracity of such data. For 10 days, four nuns watched Teresa day and night. She did not eat or drink anything, but her weight remained unchanged. Medicine has not yet been able to explain this phenomenon.

The head of the Brittany movement, Wylie Brooks, believes that one can eat exclusively on the energy of the sun and chemical elements from the air, that refusing to eat increases the production of growth hormones that slow down aging, and stimulates a variety of psychic phenomena, including clairvoyance, which can be observed in other famous women. stigmatists - St. Didvina of Shidamskaya, blessed Elizabeth of Rena, St. Catherine of Siena, blessed Angela of Foligne.

And many years of almost complete abstinence from eating food (prano-eating). She herself and subsequently her grave became an object of pilgrimage. Recognition of her as an official church did not begin until many years after her death, when the process of her beatification was initiated in 2005 by Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. The reality of the stories told about Theresa Neumann is being questioned by both academics and religions.

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Teresa Neumann was the first of eleven children in the family of the tailor Ferdinand Neumann and his wife Anna Neumann, née Grillmeier, was born and baptized in Connersreuth. Information about the exact date of her birth in various church books differs, the original birth certificate issued by the Konnersroyt registry office is lost or does not exist. Her family may have been related to the Cheb architect Balthazar Neumann (1687-1753). Ferdinand Neumann, Teresa's brother, thirteen years younger than her, also called "Ferdi", became a local politician, from 1949 to 1957 was a member of the Landrat in Kemnat, and from 1946 to 1950 - a member of the Bavarian Landtag for the Christian Social union. There is little publicly available information about her other brothers and sisters and their descendants.

In February 1926, Theresa Neumann allegedly developed stigmata for the first time and also began bleeding from her eyes, which led to a large number of visitors. On Good Friday, when its stigmata were allegedly prominent, the number of visitors was reported to be as high as 5,000.

Since 1926, she also allegedly did not consume any other food or drink, except for what was required during the sacrament ceremony. In addition, since then, she has reportedly regularly received visions of Bible scenes from the New Testament.

Teresa Neumann died of a heart attack in 1962 and was buried in her grave at the local cemetery in Konnersreuth. Today her grave is a place of attraction for pilgrims who believe in her history and tourists from all over the world. Before her death, on her initiative and thanks to her financial contributions received from direct donations, Fockenfield Castle and Estate and land for the Fockenfield Monastery near Konnersreuth and Mitterteich were acquired. After her death, a donation-financed monastery called Ceresianum was built next to her grave. Since 2010, the Connersreuth Information and Communication Center has also been named after her.


The first stigmata allegedly appeared in Teresa Neumann's fast before Easter in 1926 - simultaneously with a vision in which she said she saw the blood and sweat of Jesus on the Mount of Olives; then she allegedly developed a bleeding wound about 3 cm long and 1 cm wide in the region of the heart. Later, similar wounds allegedly appeared on her arms, legs and head, while smaller wounds reportedly appeared throughout her body, which were interpreted as marks of flogging. On Good Friday, it was reported that wounds on the shoulders appeared, which were explained as wounds received by Jesus from bearing the cross. The wounds on the backs of the hands and feet were originally supposed to have a diameter of 12-13 mm, and later became square. On the inner surfaces of the limbs, they were supposedly smaller in size. Her head was reported to be bleeding in nine places, which together were arranged like a circle. The wounds on her arms, legs and in the area of ​​the heart allegedly bled every Friday along with her visions of the suffering of Christ. On Good Fridays, it was reported that scourge wounds on the body and head wounds were also bleeding, and bloody tears flowed from the eyes. The stigmata allegedly remained with Teresa Neumann until her death.

Controversy over the reality of history

Teresa Neumann and the reality of her story are the subject of bitter controversy and polarizing assessments. There were and still exist to our time passionate defenders of the reality of its history, especially the residents of the vicinity of Konnersreuth who call themselves eyewitnesses, such as Pastor Josef Naber, doctor Franz Xaver Mayr, historian Fritz Gerlich, but there are also no less passionate opponents of this point of view, such as the Catholic Priest Josef Hanauer, Dr. Joseph Doya or the historian and journalist Hilda Graef, who had a brief conversation with her in Konnersraith in the presence of the parish priest Josef Naber. Repeated visitors, at the request of Theresa Neumann, were often denied access to her; in addition, skeptics and even only potentially doubting the reality of her story have never - with rare exceptions - been accepted by her. When researching both types of sources of information about her, both books and letters to Konnersreuth, for example, the alleged eyewitness Steiner, who described the entire development of events around Teresa Neumann and her alleged mysterious visions, as well as Hanauer, numerous contradictions, inconsistencies and implausible facts were discovered. from the life of Teresa Neumann and the stormy and furious defense of this, in his words, "pseudo-mystics" and "miraculous healer."

In July 1927, the Episcopal Ordinariate of Regensburg ordered an official 14-day on-site observation of Teresa, again undertaken in March 1928. The supervision was entrusted to the doctor Seidl from the Waldsassen Health Council, together with Gerlich Ewald from the Erlangen Psychiatric Hospital, who performed the medical examinations. Regensburg priest and anthropologist Sebastian Killermann also stayed with her for two days in March 1928 and then wrote a report on his observations of Neumann. Killerman concludes his report by saying that there is "great doubt" about the truth of her story, since, he says, he never had a chance to personally observe the moment the bleeding began. When asked to leave the ventilation room, the previously dried blood under Theresa Neumann's eyes was, he said, liquid again when he returned. The "blood on the cheeks" was, as Killerman wrote, "not a real fresh (arterial), but, it seems, softened (possibly with the help of saliva) liquid." Ewald, however, claimed in his report that he saw a clearly spontaneous onset of bleeding. According to him, this "was confirmed by the observations of several doctors, some of whom had magnifying glasses." The artificial origin of the wounds was ruled out by them. He attributed the appearance of stigmata to psychological reasons, "due to psychogenic experience." In addition, Gerlich describes her stigmata and the events surrounding them with detailed delight and detail. Further doubts about the authenticity of Neumann's stigmata and pranoology were also expressed by the Bavarian bishops in 1932, who demanded that Neumann be placed in a Catholic hospital for the most careful observation of all possible processes taking place with her. This and subsequent studies, however, were rejected by the Neumann family.

On the part of the Catholic Church, which already in 1927 - the year of the beginning of official research - discouraged people from the pilgrimage to Konnersroy, neither the stigmatism nor Neumann's pranaism were officially recognized. Even many years after Theresa's death, the church authorities opposed the intensified demands of her adherents for the ecclesiastical recognition of the ecclesiastical phenomenon associated with Theresa Neumann (despite a change in her assessments on the part of the competent Regensburg bishops Michael Buchberger, Rudolf Graber and Manfred Müller), speaking out on this issue in general pretty much discreet.

As a result of recent scientific research Symptoms of Neumann, carried out in the Ludwig-Maximilian psychiatric hospital at the University of Munich, it was found that physical disorders (temporary paralysis and blindness), stigmata and raptures in the context of the formation of psychosomatic symptoms are theoretically explainable as possible reactions of the body under the influence of religious fantasies. The reality of prano-eating, however, raises serious doubts taking into account the results of urinalysis (initially a typical "hungry urine", but later no longer) and changes in Teresa's weight with an initial decrease and subsequent increase, as a result of which her initial weight recovered at the end of the observation period. Nanauer also describes in her books observations and events that involve the constant consumption of food by Theresa Neumann, including those of her niece.

Notes (edit)

  1. German National Library, Berlin State Library, Bavarian State Library, etc. Record # 118587374 // General regulatory control (GND) - 2012-2016.


These visions are well described in the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda:

“The saint told me something about weekly trances. As a helpless spectator, I watched all the passion of Christ. Every week from midnight on Thursday until noon - noon on Friday, all wounds open and bleed; she loses four and a half kilograms of her usual fifty-five kilogram weight. Also suffering in sympathetic love, Teresa nevertheless joyfully awaits these weekly visions of the Lord.

I immediately realized that her strange life intended by God in order to re-convince all Christians of the historical reliability of the life of Jesus and His crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament and dramatically show forever live connection between the Galilean Teacher and those who worship Him. "

“At about half past nine on Friday morning, we arrived at Konnersroit. I noticed that Teresa's house has a special place covered with glass so that there was more light. We were glad to see that the doors were no longer closed, but wide open and hospitable. The number of visitors who submitted permission, of whom there were about twenty, included many who came from far away to see the mystical trance.

Blood flowed from Teresa's lower eyelids in a thin and continuous stream. Her gaze was directed upward to the spiritual eye in the center of her forehead. The cloth wrapped around the head was drenched with blood seeping from the wounds of the crown of thorns stigmata. On her white robe there was a red spot over her heart from a wound in her side, in the place where the body of Christ had once suffered from the last humiliation - a blow with a spear. Teresa's hands were stretched out in a motherly gesture of prayer, her face was martyred and at the same time divine. She seemed thinner than usual, changed not only physically, but in a more subtle way.

Muttering words in some foreign language, she turned with slightly trembling lips to the faces visible to her inner vision. Since I was in a state of unity with her, I saw the scenes that opened up to her at that time. She looked at Jesus, Who, among the mocking crowd, carried a cross made of logs. Suddenly she raised her head in horror: the Lord fell under the merciless weight.

The vision disappeared. Teresa leaned back heavily on the pillow, exhausted with ardent compassion.

This contemplation of Jesus passing the Way of the Cross tells us that God wants us to remember the Way of Jesus and accept them as Reality, and not a fictional story, in order to follow this Way ourselves.

Teresa Neumann is better known as a saint who ate nothing. “Since the Transfiguration of 1926, Teresa, who had not been able to take solid food for four years, stopped eating altogether. Her body did not take any food and she did not want to take anything in her mouth: "I left hunger and thirst on Mount Tabor," she used to say. For some time Teresa still washed down the sacrament with a spoonful of water (she received communion daily), but then there was no need for that either.
Teresa Neumann spent thirty-six years without food or drink.

Teresa herself more than once said that she would gladly become like all normal people again, eat and drink with them - there would be less attacks from skeptics. But what can you do - you don’t want to, and it’s impossible. When her guests sat down to a meal, Teresa sat with them, participated in the conversation, helped set the table and wash the dishes, and people accustomed to her wonderful involuntary abstinence perceived it as something completely natural.

After some time, the visions began to visit Teresa regularly. She witnessed many scenes from the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, and each time she brought out additional details from them, which were not mentioned in the Gospels. Now Teresa was in several states in turn. In her usual state, she was, according to recollections, friendly, active, distinguished by sobriety and maturity of judgments. She did not like excessive ingenuity, she sneered at people who were too proud of their learning, was completely indifferent to art. The sacred pictures that she could see in the Connersrate Church only disappointed her, because, of course, they could not compare with her visions, and Teresa was outraged that many of the details were conveyed incorrectly. In a state of trance, her visions were of a different nature: sometimes she became a witness to various events from the history of Christianity (including the lives of saints), sometimes she saw symbolic pictures, sometimes she saw with spiritual sight some recent event - this was, for example, when her sister Ottilia died, and Teresa saw how her soul was met in heaven by her dead father, mother, and early childhood brother. And in fact, and in another case, her contact with the outside world at the same time completely stopped, she did not answer questions and did not respond to touch. This state could "roll over" to her at any moment - in mid-sentence, in the midst of a coughing fit, at any time, and, coming out of it, she finished the interrupted phrase.

A completely special intermediate state is another matter. Usually Teresa lay in this state, reclined on the pillows, with her eyes closed and her arms crossed over her chest, but she could also gesture. At the same time, she willingly talked with those who wanted it, and answered questions, but she called everyone and everyone in "you", and talked about herself in the third person and, coming out of this state, never remembered what and with whom spoke. The main thing is that Teresa's answers were distinguished in this state by supernatural wisdom, insight and clairvoyance: she could tell about the content of the sealed letter, mention facts that could not be known to her, give accurate advice. This attracted hundreds of pilgrims to Connersraith, many of whom came simply out of curiosity, and left shaken to the core, taking away precious words of help, conviction and consolation, and the lives of many after visiting Teresa changed dramatically - unbelievers gained faith, Protestants converted to Catholicism, sinners repented.

And, finally, the most unusual state - "childish", in which Teresa completely forgot about everything that she learned or experienced in her life, and turned, as it were, into a four-five-year-old child who cannot even count and does not know what is being said in the Gospels (although, "being present" at the Gospel scenes, she always recognized the Savior, but was completely devoid of any knowledge of His "future": for example, contemplating the procession to Calvary, she refused to believe that the Savior was crucified, or, in Gethsemane, seeing Judas kissing Christ, rejoiced, declaring that here came a man who, apparently, “loved the Lord very much”!). In this state, Teresa not only saw scenes from sacred history, but could also comment on them aloud, reproduce what she hears, react to the replicas of those present. At the same time, she spoke exclusively in a dense Bavarian dialect that was difficult to understand even for Germans unfamiliar with him, which, as you know, has its own in every Bavarian town. But Teresa very well remembered everything that the people she saw said in her visions, and could reproduce these speeches with amazing accuracy. Thanks to this, it was revealed amazing fact: An uneducated Bavarian peasant woman sprinkled whole phrases in various dialects of Old Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and French, including the Pyrenean dialect! It was discovered when Theresa was first visited by Professor Wutz, a Catholic priest and lecturer at the Catholic Institute in Eissstadt, not far from Connersreith. Shocked by what he heard, Wutz considered it necessary to regularly attend Teresa's visions and with great meticulousness recorded everything that she said, asking again, clarifying, prompting. But his prompts had no effect on Teresa: she always stood on what she heard. Thus, Oriental studies were enriched with several previously unknown words and word forms of the Aramaic language, which was spoken in the Gospel times in Judea. If we remember, moreover, that the text of the Gospels in Aramaic has not survived or has not yet been found (the first famous lists- Greek!), Then one can imagine the excitement of Professor Wutz when he heard the well-known Gospel phrases "in the original"! For it must be said at once that the visions of Teresa confirmed with amazing accuracy what was told in the Gospels. And if Teresa added some details - always secondary - then this only set off the main thing: if you trust the visions of Teresa Neumann, it turns out that the evangelists convey the words and deeds of Christ with amazing - I want to say, simple-minded - accuracy.

In 1926, after one of the leading Munich newspapers, Newest Munich News (Munchner Neuesten Nachrichten), wrote about Theresa, the Communists launched a whole campaign of the most blatant slander against her.

Teresa inspired newspaper editor Gerlich to expose the true goals of the National Socialist movement and Hitler's regime. She argued that: the will of the Savior was to resist to the end the disaster that was approaching Germany and the whole world. In response to newspaper articles, the enraged National Socialists tried in any way to disrupt the publication of the newspapers and threatened the owner of the printing house, Gerlich himself, and later Teresa Neumann herself. Soon after, all the few opposition newspapers were destroyed and the journalists most hated by Hitler were arrested, who were soon shot.

Hitler, with punctual persistence and consistency, sent out bloodhounds for everyone who belonged to the "circle" of Teresa Neumann and destroyed those who could be captured, but he never touched Teresa herself, although he humiliated her in every possible way and mocked her through the Nazi press, stating that it allegedly posed a threat to "people's hygiene and education."

But in 1945, when Germany surrendered, the Nazis decided to deal with Teresa. Her house was surrounded by tanks, the SS men broke into the house and demanded the extradition of Teresa. Frightened relatives answered honestly that they did not know where she was. Foreseeing the danger, Teresa hid in advance in a hiding place set up by the parish priest to store church valuables and especially important archives. Together with her, fourteen children were hiding in a cache.

The words of St. Teresa of Lisieux came true that suffering can convert many more people to Christ than the most wonderful sermons. No one kept accounting records of those who converted and were healed through the prayers of Theresa Neumann. Those who owned the pen left their testimonies - the bibliography of books and articles about Teresa takes more than one page. Those who had money, at the request of Teresa, invested it in works of charity or donated to the Connersrate Church to buy land for construction or something else. One entrepreneur, who was healed of severe spinal injuries, on his own initiative placed a huge black granite crucifix in the shape of the letter "upsilon" at the Connersrate cemetery, at the graves of Teresa, - this is how Teresa saw the cross in her visions. The crying Mary Magdalene hugs the foot of the cross. But how many were there who did not leave memories and were not recorded in the book of donations! They can only be judged by the number of people who flocked to Teresa's funeral in 1962: according to the most conservative estimates, there were no less than ten thousand of them.

Teresa Neumann possessed the gifts of the Holy Spirit. One of them was the ability to determine the presence of a shrine and the authenticity of relics.

Another unusual gift was the gift of taking on the suffering of others. If Teresa took on someone's suffering, then she experienced them exactly - praying for an asthma patient, dying of shortness of breath, agonizing with a dying person, suffering from thirst with someone who was tormented by thirst (despite the fact that she herself could not drink! ). At the same time, the torment experienced for another was expressed and outwardly... The most incredible thing is that, barely recovering from another bout of suffering or Friday torment, she led the most active lifestyle: she harnessed a horse herself and went around the sick (there was no doctor or nurse in the village), looked after her beloved garden, the flowers of which She decorated the church, worked in the fields, traveled when necessary, and most importantly, received countless visitors and until four o'clock in the morning read mountains of letters every day and answered each of them with prayer.

She kept birds in the house, rode two ponies around the countryside, fed the peasant children and distributed seedlings from her garden to everyone. Rough work not only did not disdain, but also loved her - she removed horse manure, sowed and sting like a man. From childhood, Teresa wanted to become a nun, a missionary sister. But she did not live in a monastery, she was simply accepted into the Order of St. Francis. Once a misfortune happened to her - while working in the field, she damaged a nerve, which led to complete blindness and paralysis. Sick but complete vitality the woman lay motionless for several years. It seemed all over.

From that day on, Teresa Neumann became a world sensation - she did not eat or drink anything, and at the same time she had the stigmata that opened her every week and was accompanied by a huge loss of blood. The most amazing thing is that she looked rather plump than thin, but she always weighed exactly 55 kilograms. Teresa did not want to become either a cult object or a celebrity, but thousands of people came to her house on Easter - and not only peasants who believe in miracles, but also cynical journalists, and meticulous theologians, and curious scientists. A simple Bavarian peasant woman converted Protestants, Jews and atheists to Catholicism.

But not only the strict fast that the woman held for 35 years amazed people. An amazing phenomenon was that stigmata appeared on the body of Teresa - bleeding non-healing wounds in those places where the wounds of Jesus Christ were when he was crucified on the cross. Moreover, from time to time Teresa experienced in reality the suffering of Christ himself. Doctors and scientists have verified and documented that during a painful state, a woman really stopped breathing and stopped working her heart.

Teresa Neumann(Neumann) (1898-1962) was born in Konnersreuth (Bavaria) into a peasant family. She was the first child among eleven children of one not rich family, her father was a tailor. Teresa attended school in her town from 1904 to 1911 and graduated with excellent marks. She received a thorough Christian education in a family, and with early years The Lord endowed her with special gifts. When the girl took the first communion at the age of 12, the Infant Jesus appeared to her while the priest offered the sacrament. Teresa was not surprised: she was sure that Jesus was seen by all the other children who were then present in the temple.

The girl's life changed radically at the age of 20. Teresa hurried to the barn, in which a fire broke out, unsuccessfully stepped, fell and suffered a serious spinal injury, which led to paralysis of the legs. Her suffering increased when, as a result of another unfortunate fall, she became completely blind.

At the time, her father was drafted to war - with the French - during the First World War. Returning from the Western Front, her father brought the girl an icon of Theresa Lisieux, the fame of whose holiness was beginning to spread in Germany. Teresa prayed to the Saint with the greatest zeal until the day of her beatification. Pius XI canonized Teresa the Infant Jesus on April 29, 1923; that day Teresa Neumann was healed of blindness and regained her sight. But this was not the only mercy through the intercession of the Saint: on May 17, 1925, during the canonization of Little Teresa, a Bavarian girl was healed of paralysis and began to walk again. And three years later Teresa - her family and friends called her Rezl - almost died of an attack of appendicitis and again saw a miraculous healing.

On the night of April 1-2, 1926 - it was Good Friday - the Crucified Jesus appeared to Teresa, from whom she received stigmata. After that, Rezl stopped feeling hungry and thirsty and stopped eating and drinking.

The news of her long fasting spread around the world, surprising doctors and scientists and confusing the power of the Nazi regime.
Teresa regularly fell into ecstasy, during which she experienced the suffering of the Lord himself; this lasted 36 years, as some bishops, cultural and artistic figures could testify. Rezl suffered unreasonably, experiencing the same pains that fell to the lot of the Redeemer. She stood on Calvary next to Him, felt the blows of the whip, heard insults, spoke Greek, Aramaic and Latin - in languages ​​that she never knew. Prominent experts in ancient languages ​​who were present during Teresa's ecstasy confirmed that she pronounced words and phrases in these languages ​​with accuracy.

During her "Passion" Teresa continued to work in the field and do housework, and from Thursday on her wounds were bleeding, but she, despite this, continued to eat only the Eucharistic Bread: at six in the morning every day the priest came to her with Communion, and until at the end of her life, it was her only food.
Teresa took the sacrament many times miraculously: a piece of the Body of Christ itself approached it, and sometimes, as biographical stories testify, it itself came out of the tabernacle, heading towards Rezl, who was kneeling in the temple.
Teresa also possessed the gift of bilocation, thanks to which she once even helped to avoid suicide. Biographers talk about the phenomena of levitation, as well as about Rezl's conversations with the Guardian Angel and with the souls of the departed.

Teresa Neumann in a special way entered the mystery of suffering, through the so-called. "Substitutions". There is the testimony of Naber's father, who was suddenly delivered from suffering after Rezl pleaded with the Lord to shoulder the burden of his illness on her. There was another case: a young student of theology fell ill with tuberculosis and was afraid that he would not be able to become a priest due to his illness. Rezl prayed fervently, and the Savior heard her. Teresa suffered a severe sore throat, and the student recovered and was later ordained a priest.

The extraordinary events in Teresa's life reached the ears of the leaders of the Third Reich, but Hitler ordered the Bavarian peasant woman to be left alone, who, meanwhile, prophesied about God's wrath on the Fuhrer and predicted the collapse of his regime.
At the initiative of the Diocese of Regensburg, a number of medical studies were carried out to find an explanation for prolonged fasting and stigmata. They showed that it comes about supernatural interference.

At one time, the famous mystic Yogananda met with Teresa. Here are his autobiographical memories of meeting Teresa.

Teresa greeted me with a very sweet handshake. Both of us, smiling, looked at each other in tacit agreement, and each realized that next to him was a man who loved God.
Dr. Wutz kindly offered his services as an interpreter. When we sat down, I noticed that Teresa was looking at me with naive curiosity, obviously, Indians were rarely in Bavaria.
- You don't eat anything? - I wanted to hear the answer to this question from her own lips.
- No, except for a guest every day at six o'clock in the morning.
How big is the host?
“As thin as paper, the size of a small coin,” she replied, and added: “I eat it because of its holiness, if it is not sanctified, I cannot eat it either.
- Surely, you could not live it for twelve years? - I live by the Light of God! What an Einstein's simple answer!
“I see you are aware that energy is pouring into your body from the ether, from the sun and from the air.
A smile crossed her face:
- I'm so happy to know that you understand how I live.
- Your holy life is an everyday demonstration of the truth expressed by Christ: "... Man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
Again she found joy at my explanation.
- It really is. One of the reasons why I am on earth now is to prove that a person is able to live by the invisible Light of God, and not just food.
- Can you teach others how to live without food?
It seemed to shock her.
- I cannot do this, God does not want it.
When my gaze fell on her strong graceful hands, Teresa told me square, freshly healed wounds on the back of her arms. On her palms, she pointed to the recently healed, smaller, crescent-shaped wounds. Each wound went straight through the hand. The sight of these stigmata brought to my mind the memory of large square iron nails with crescent-shaped tips, still used in the East, but which I cannot remember in the West.
The saint told me something about weekly trances. As a helpless spectator, I watched all the passion of Christ. Every week from midnight on Thursday until noon - noon on Friday, all wounds open and bleed; she loses four and a half kilograms of her usual fifty-five kilogram weight. Also suffering in full of sympathy love, Teresa nevertheless joyfully awaits these weekly visions of the Lord.
I immediately realized that her strange life was intended by God in order to once again convince all Christians of the historical reliability of the life of Jesus and His crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament, and to dramatically show the eternally living connection between the Galilean Teacher and those who worship Him.

Teresa Neumann said that her mission is to make up for the suffering of Christ for the salvation of mankind. Salvation of souls with Jesus: Resl did this every day, without leaving her home, which became for her Calvary.

From the book by Wolfgang Ioannes Beck "Teresa of Connersreith" about the unique gift of St. Teresa.

On the night of Friday March 4, 1926, Teresa suddenly had a vision - she saw Christ in Gethsemane, and He, in her words, "looked intently" at her. At the same moment, she felt an incredible pain in her chest, on the left, and a rather deep bleeding wound appeared in this place. A similar vision was repeated the following week on Friday night, and the wound opened again. The same is for the next week of fasting. On the Friday night before Holy Week, Teresa saw Christ carrying the cross to Calvary and how He stumbled under the cross. Before that, Teresa managed to hide her bleeding from her parents, but this time she could not hide what was happening. On Good Friday itself, Teresa, according to her story, witnessed all the torments of Christ up to the death of the cross. It seemed to others that she was dying, it was so hard for her. Two streams of blood ran down her cheeks from her eyes. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, there was, as it were, agony, then the suffering ceased. When Teresa woke up, she immediately felt pain in her arms and legs: stigmata opened - in her case, these were small round wounds oozing blood. Teresa did not want anyone to find out about this, but her parents could not help informing the parish priest about it, and it would have been difficult to hide from him the wounds in the patient's arms when he came to commune her on Easter Sunday. The priest was shocked. The wounds bled slightly for another two weeks, then they were covered with thin skin, and Teresa was able to wash her hands. However, no traces of inflammation or suppuration had ever appeared even before the appearance of the skin. However, when trying to treat wounds with home or medical remedies, serious troubles immediately began, so this had to be abandoned, although Teresa did not give up hope for a long time that the treatment would still help - she was unpleasant that they would now be surprised at her as a rare beast. ... What does all this mean? She did not know the answer to this question then.

Since then, the wounds were regularly opened every Friday, bleeding and then covered with thin transparent skin again. Before her death in 1962, Teresa experienced this more than seven hundred times, and her suffering was invariably accompanied by immersion in visions of the way of the cross and the death of Christ.

Soon, to the mysterious manifestations of Teresa's distinction by higher powers, one more was added - the most incredible, as if specially brought into the general picture so that no one would believe in the truth of what was happening in Connersraith. Since the Transfiguration of 1926, Teresa, who had been unable to take solid food for four years, stopped eating altogether. As soon as she swallowed something, she immediately vomited. But she didn’t want to take anything in her mouth: “I left hunger and thirst on Mount Tabor,” she used to say. For some time Teresa still washed down the sacrament with a spoonful of water (she received communion daily), but then there was no need for that either.

After some time, the visions began to visit Teresa regularly. She witnessed many scenes from the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, and each time she brought out additional details from them, which were not mentioned in the Gospels. Now Teresa was in several states in turn. In her usual state, she was, according to recollections, friendly, active, distinguished by sobriety and maturity of judgments. She did not like excessive ingenuity, she sneered at people who were too proud of their learning, was completely indifferent to art. The sacred pictures that she could see in the Connersrate Church only disappointed her, because, of course, they could not compare with her visions, and Teresa was outraged that many of the details were conveyed incorrectly. In a state of trance, her visions were of a different nature: sometimes she became a witness to various events from the history of Christianity (including the lives of saints), sometimes she saw symbolic pictures, sometimes she saw with spiritual sight some recent event - this was, for example, when her sister Ottilia died, and Teresa saw how her soul was met in heaven by her dead father, mother and brother who died in early childhood. And in fact, and in another case, her contact with the outside world at the same time completely stopped, she did not answer questions and did not respond to touch. This state could "roll over" to her at any moment - in mid-sentence, in the middle of a coughing fit, whenever she liked, and, coming out of it, she finished the interrupted phrase.

At the time of Theresa's death, there was no one in the room, and those close to her thought for a long time that this was just one of the usual fainting spells. Shortly before her death, Teresa was haunted by especially severe heart pains, but no one saw anything unusual in them. She herself only once gave a hint about a decision regarding her health, which, according to her, should have been made on the very day she died. But not more.

Today, having arrived in Connersrate, you can visit the grave of Teresa, which is all lined with signs in all European languages ​​- "Thank you!" "I am cured!" "Keep up the good work, Rezl!" Nearby stands that very strange crucifix in the shape of the letter "upsilon" (or "igrek"), very high, with a wonderful face of Christ. Some people are quietly talking near the grave. In the parish church, you can buy small brochures about Teresa. Her house (almost opposite the church, below the road) is closed, the curtains are closed, only an enamel icon-picture hangs on the door: a woman lying in bed, and from the sky five lightning strikes her - in her palm, in her feet and in her heart.

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