What happened to Larisa Chernikova, Domogarov's wife. Alexander Domogarov’s friend died of cancer. Russian pop star

The woman he loved, Alexander Domogarov, passed away on the night of October 7th. Larisa Chernikova, for a long time who was battling lymphoma, died in a clinic in Vienna, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.


For five last months Chernikova was in a coma. About how this happened on your page in social network said her sister Kira. "I want to tell you the story of my beloved and only sister. I love her very much and am really looking forward to her returning to us. She has always been and remains very beautiful girl, special. Her beauty was combined with intelligence and kindness. She has a very kind heart and has helped many people in need. She herself earned a lot of money, was very successful in business, and such a girl could not help but please the wonderful actor Alexander Domogarov! They had a very touching relationship until the moment when she fell into a coma. Sasha never turned away from her and also supported her as best he could. Maybe now he's just given up. And we understand him. I hold on and believe only thanks to the persistence of my mother, who does not give up and fights together with the doctors for Larisa’s life,” said Kira Chernikova.

As they wrote Days.Ru, eight years ago, young successful Larisa was diagnosed with lymphoma. Alexander Domogarov met her in 2010, he tried to support his beloved.

“This diagnosis was made a long time ago, even before we met. I knew it was so. But no one knew when this X-hour would come. It’s scary to live and understand that it will come. She really is a fighter. She is a fighter even now, in this state. This is oncology. Such serious oncology. She lived with this for many years, all those years that we knew each other. And periodically she took rehabilitation courses in different clinics,” Domogarov said during the program “Live ".

Famous Russian actor Alexander Domogarov is accused of meanness: he abandoned his seriously ill girlfriend Larisa Chernikova, who actually supported him for a long time. As it turned out, Domogarov needed Chernikova while she was rich and healthy.

Domogarov’s romance with successful businesswoman Larisa Chernikova began five years ago. They were first seen together at the premiere of the film “The Last Sunday.” Further, information regularly appeared in the press, either about the future wedding or about Chernikova’s pregnancy. But, apparently, Domogarov had no intention of getting married. It was convenient for him anyway: young and rich, fulfilling all his whims - be it expensive things or an elite vacation at an overseas resort. From the sidelines of the theater, the media regularly reported stories about how Domogarov boasted about his “trouble-free Larka.”

Moreover, plans for marriage disappeared (if, we repeat, they existed at all) after the actor learned that his passion was seriously ill.

Last fall, Larisa Chernikova went to Austria to undergo treatment for oncology. This spring, the patient’s condition worsened and she fell into a coma. Larisa's sister, Kira Karpova, out of despair, launched a cry on social networks asking for financial assistance- a day’s stay in the clinic costs more than a thousand euros. The amount for the Chernikov family turned out to be unaffordable; all the money had already been spent, so they turned to Alexander for help.

« Where do I get this kind of money?!- Eg.ru quotes the actor’s response cry. - I need to support my home and my family!»

Larisa's sister reminded him how much money her sister had pumped into his person.

Familiar couples say the same thing: “A house in Bulgaria, in the town of Bansko, was bought with the help of Larisa. Our Larochka also took care of the situation in the Bulgarian mansions. Domogarov took all her gifts for granted. Actually, he is no stranger to female attention, he even managed to complain to Larisa how his ex-lover Aigul refused to give him an ATV for 250 thousand rubles! Sasha couldn’t understand how anyone could refuse him.”, - said Marina Grom, a close friend of the Chernikov family.

When Chernikova had no time for gifts to her friend - all her money was consumed by the unfortunate cancer - Domogarov cooled down to her.

Larisa is forced to undergo treatment in various clinics abroad. Larochka went to Europe for another course of treatment in September last year. The once ardent lover had not found an opportunity to visit her for almost a year.

“On television he did not hesitate to tell how in January, on Larisa’s birthday, he helped her climb the steps. We, close friends, are simply shocked by these tales! In winter, there was no trace of him next to Larisa. Besides everything, he was flattered by the compassion of his fans. When Kira Karpova went on an open offensive, revealing what she thought about him, Domogarov began to publicly insult her. He demanded that she sell the apartment and pay for her sister’s treatment.”, says Marina Grom.

It is appropriate to remind the post Kira Chernikova - Larisa's sister- on Facebook in May of this year. Then Kira Chernikova reported that her beloved (at least that’s what he says is her beloved) Alexandra Domogarova fell into a coma: “I want to tell you the story of my beloved and only sister. I love her very much and am really looking forward to her returning to us.

She has always been and remains a very beautiful girl, special. Her beauty was combined with intelligence and kindness. She has a very kind heart and has helped many people in need.

She herself earned a lot of money, was very successful in business, and such a girl could not help but please the wonderful actor Alexander Domogarov!

They had a very touching relationship until the moment when she fell into a coma. Sasha never turned away from her and also supported her as best he could.

Maybe now he's just given up. And we understand him. I hold on and believe only thanks to the persistence of my mother, who does not give up and fights together with the doctors for Larisa’s life.”, Kira Chernikova wrote on a social network three months ago.


Singer Larisa Chernikova was born on August 17, 1977 in Kursk. Her maiden name is Shepeleva. Our heroine practically does not remember her father. The girl was raised by her mother. My grandmother also provided financial and physical assistance.

When Larisa was 6 years old, she and her mother moved to Moscow. The woman received a prestigious job in the Ministry of Culture. As a professional pianist, she was given a large room in a communal apartment.

In 1984, Larisa went to first grade. The cute and smiling girl was immediately found mutual language with the rest of the guys. Teachers always praised Lara for her diligence and active participation in the life of the class.

Creative skills

In 1980, our heroine was accepted into the church choir. Her angelic voice could be heard in the Epiphany Cathedral, in Elokhov. Larisa devoted 10 years to this business. The mother persuaded her daughter to continue her musical career.

In 1990, the girl entered the institution. However, she did not last long in this institution. Larisa transferred to the capital's Institute of Culture. In 1997, she was awarded a university diploma.

Few people know that Chernikova performed in a folk song ensemble under the direction of N. Babkina. This happened between 1992 and 1994. Then our heroine decided to develop a solo career.

Performances and first success

In 1994, singer Larisa Chernikova recorded the song “Music of Rain.” A video clip was also shot. Our heroine performed this song at Luzhniki. The audience received her performance with a bang. In the same 1994, the girl began collaborating with producer Sergei Obukhov. The parties signed a 10-year contract.

When was Larisa Chernikova's debut album released? This happened in 1995. The record was called "Lone Wolf". The entire circulation was sold out by the singer's fans in a matter of days. In 1996, Larisa recorded her second album, “Give Me the Night.” The song of the same name, as well as the composition “Don’t Laugh”, became real hits.

In the fall of 1996, a serious conflict arose between Chernikova and her producer. The fact is that the singer did not fit into the schedule drawn up by Obukhov. Our heroine broke her contract with the producer. She changed the composition of the dance group. And the position of the artist’s producer was taken by her mother. In August 1997, the singer gave her fans a pleasant surprise. It's about about the release of the third album entitled “The Secret”.

Russian pop star

In the fall of 1997 it reached its peak of popularity. The song “Airplane in Love” she performed could be heard from every window. The video filmed for the composition was shown daily on Russian music TV channels. Men went crazy about the blonde beauty with a gentle voice. And the girls and women of the country wanted to be like her.

In the period from 1998 to 2000, singer Larisa Chernikova recorded several incendiary songs, including “Sailor”, “Don’t Wake Up!”, “I Want to Be with You” and others. Then another of her albums, “Sunny City,” was released.

In the next 2 years, our heroine did not work as fruitfully as before. She managed to star in only two videos - for the songs “Sea Romance” and “I Was Waiting for You.” Chernikova released 3 more albums: “I will become rain” (2003), “About love without melting” (2004) and “Angel” (2008). After this, the girl left show business forever.

Personal life

Larisa Chernikova got married when she was 17 years old. Her chosen one was businessman Andrei Chernikov. He supported his beloved in her singing career. But 2 years after the wedding, the businessman was killed by unknown people. The singer had a hard time experiencing the loss of her beloved husband. She threw herself completely into work to avoid prolonged depression. Larisa dedicated the album “Give Me the Night” to her late husband.

In 2000, Chernikova decided to improve her personal life. On one of the sites she met American businessman James. The man was fascinated by the beauty of the Russian girl. James learned that Larisa was a popular singer only a year after the wedding.

In 2005, our heroine gave birth to her first child - a charming son. The boy was given a Russian name - Kirill. James was the main breadwinner in the family. Larisa spent her time with her son. In 2008, the singer returned to the stage with the album “Angel”. She continued to live in America, and came to Russia only for performances and recording songs.

Singer Larisa Chernikova: illness

For many years nothing was heard about the 90s star. However, recently journalists have again begun to take an interest in her career and personal life. Articles about Larisa began to appear in the Russian print media. The singer was not spared from dirty rumors either.

In May 2015, many started talking about the fact that Larisa Chernikova (singer) and Alexander Domogarov were secretly dating. To dispel rumors and tell the truth to the people, the actor went to one of the television shows. A. Domogarov said that he had a close friend Larisa Chernikova. But it is not famous singer. Larisa is a 30-year-old Muscovite. For several years the girl struggled with cancer. The actor helped get her admitted to an Austrian clinic. But on the night of October 6-7, 2015, Domogarov’s acquaintance died.

Is singer Larisa Chernikova sick or not? Her fans have no reason to worry. The singer of the hit “Plane in Love” feels great. She eats right, exercises and travels a lot.


Now you know what path Larisa took to popularity. There were ups and downs in her life. But she was able to overcome all difficulties and become happy woman. We wish Larisa Chernikova creative success and financial well-being!

Larisa Chernikova, a friend, died in a Vienna clinic famous actor Alexandra Domogarova. Sister of someone who recently died.

The former lover of the famous Russian actor Alexander Domogarov, Larisa Chernikova, died on the night of October 6-7 in one of the clinics in Vienna from cancer. Chernikova had lymphoma.

Chernikova’s treatment took place in Vienna, in a hospital where one day of stay cost 1,100 euros.

However, even regular financial payments to the hospital treasury could not convince Austrian doctors of their pessimistic forecasts. IN last weeks doctors even refused to treat Chernikova, not seeing any prospects for her. The patient was supposed to be transported to Moscow, but they did not have time to do this.

Alexander Domogarov met successful businesswoman Larisa Chernikova in 2010. They developed a relationship, which, however, did not develop into marriage, although Chernikova really wanted it.

“This diagnosis was made a very long time ago, even before we met. I knew it was so. But no one knew when this X-hour would come. It’s scary to live and understand that it will come. She really is a fighter. She’s even a fighter now, in this condition. This is oncology. Such serious oncology. She lived with this for many years, all those years that we knew each other. And periodically she took rehabilitation courses in different clinics,” Domogarov said on the “Live” program. .

However, the actor himself was accused of abandoning Chernikova at the most difficult moment - when she fell into a coma.

This is what Kira Chernikova wrote: Native sister deceased Larisa- on my Facebook in May of this year: “I want to tell you the story of my beloved and only sister. I love her very much and am really looking forward to her returning to us. She has always been and remains a very beautiful girl, special. Her beauty was combined with intelligence and kindness. She has a very kind heart, she helped many people in need. She herself earned a lot of money, was very successful in business, and such a girl could not help but please the wonderful actor Alexander Domogarov! They had a very touching relationship right up to that moment , when she fell into a coma. Sasha never turned away from her and also supported her as best he could. Maybe now he just gave up. And we understand him. I hold on and believe only thanks to the persistence of my mother, who does not give up and fights together with doctors for Larisa’s life.”

Chernikova fought the disease for 8 years.

At first everything went well, but at Easter this year there was a sharp deterioration. Larisa’s sister wrote on her Facebook page that Chernikova decided to go to the hospital herself rather than call an ambulance, but fell into a coma right at the entrance. Doctors were then able to “start” Chernikova’s heart, but on the night of October 7, 2015, it stopped completely.

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