Jane Hawking why did you divorce Stephen? Rare photographs from the life of Stephen Hawking: How the childhood of the 21st century genius passed. Three children and divorce

We know about Stephen Hawking as a world-famous scientist, but there is another Stephen - a romantic and a family man. He was married twice, raised three children, and was very close to his grandchildren.

One day he was asked what he thought about most. Hawking admitted that it was about women, because they are a complete mystery to him. Editorial "AWESOME" I decided to talk about the physicist’s personal life, because his love story with his first wife even won an Oscar!

Stephen met his first wife through mutual friends at Oxford University. Jane Wilde was a philologist, and he studied physics. The guy was never popular with girls, but he became more confident when he was hired as a helmsman for the rowing team.

Finally he plucked up courage and invited sweet Jane to the ball. Afterwards, as befits a true gentleman, he took the girl home. This is how their love story began. Later, the girl said that she fell in love with his big eyes, sincere smile and the passion with which he talked about science.

When Stephen for a long time felt unwell, he decided to undergo a comprehensive examination at the hospital. So he was given a fatal diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. That same day, Hawking saw a guy with leukemia and thought that there are worse diseases.

However, he did not tell his girlfriend right away. Doctors assured him that he had only a few years to live. How does he confess to her? Jane, in turn, did not understand why her lover’s behavior had changed so much.

Friends revealed the secret. Jane was not afraid of the diagnosis; she decided to connect her life with this man. The girl supported the guy in every possible way and encouraged him to enjoy every day.

The young couple tied the knot. Jane Wilde gave birth to Hawking's three children, she was loving wife and a caring mother. He, contrary to all forecasts, continued to live and do science.

However, after the birth of their third child, his wife began to experience depression. She couldn’t keep up with her children, her disabled husband, and imagined with horror what would happen when he died.

Jane found solace in the church choir, where she met Jonathan Jones. Sympathy arose between them, but the woman avoided intimacy with him in every possible way. Jones became a close friend of the family and helped Jane in everything.

Despite the unhealthy situation in the Hawking family, his wife continued to take care of Stephen's health. In 1985, he became seriously ill with pneumonia, doctors even advised to disconnect the man from life support, but Jane flatly refused. Later, the scientist will tell how his wife saved his life.

In 1990, they began to live separately, and in 1995 they officially divorced. Jane married choir director Jonathan Jones, and Hawking married his nurse. Subsequently he said that it was just passion. Elaine was married to the man who created the apparatus, thanks to which the scientist could speak after suffering from pneumonia.

Their marriage lasted 12 years. There were various rumors that the woman constantly insulted the man, even to the point of physically abusing him, but the scientist denied everything.

Based on the memoirs of his first wife, the film “Stephen Hawking’s Universe” was made, which told amazing story love of Jane and Stephen. The film received an Oscar for Best Actor. By the way, Hawking was played by Eddie Redmayne.

He was a great dreamer, popularized physics and science, and knew how to love, love like in the movies.

Goodbye and thank you for everything.

Often, next to a great man there is always a woman who influences his destiny. Such was the case with Stephen Hawking, who died today at the age of 76.

Despite his serious illness - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Hawking was married twice. What kind of women were they and what role they played in the life of the physicist and popularizer of science - in our material.

Jane Wilde

Stephen and Jane met as students. The girl was far from science - she studied foreign literature, but Stephen’s bold ideas captivated her. In addition, Jane noted more than once in interviews that at first she was attracted by the scientist’s wide smile and big gray eyes

In his autobiography, My Brief History, Stephen wrote that meeting Jane helped him overcome his depression and gave him hope for the future when he learned of his diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Jane knew about Stephen's diagnosis, but did not refuse his offer, deciding that they would cope. At the beginning of the marriage, Stephen's condition was such that they managed to work and travel a lot. And even give life to three children.

Nevertheless, the disease progressed, and Jane could no longer cope with so many roles: wife, mother of many children, professional nurse.

The woman began to experience depression, which marked the beginning of the collapse of her marriage to Hawking. At the same time, she meets the leader of the local church choir, Jonathan Jones. Jonathan helped Jane with household chores, and over time he became a family friend. The mutual sympathy between his wife and the choir director was obvious to Stephen himself. But, as he writes in his autobiographical book, it was impossible to condemn this relationship, since the doctors claimed that he did not have long to live. And it was necessary to think about who would take care of his wife and children after he left.

Despite the discord in the family, Jane essentially saved her husband. She made a fateful decision when his health condition deteriorated critically. He fell ill with pneumonia, and the doctors suggested that his wife disconnect Stephen from the machine artificially supporting his life.

Jane refused this offer, insisting on treatment and surgery. Stephen was saved, but after that it became very difficult to cope with his care. So the nurse Elaine Mason appeared in the house, who became the second wife of the genius.

Elaine Mason

In 1995, the Hawkings officially divorced: Stephen lets his ex-wife go to Jonathan, and he marries Elaine. Which, in turn, left her husband, with whom she lived for 15 years.

Information about the physicist’s second marriage is very contradictory. He himself describes this relationship in the book as “stormy and passionate.” At the same time ex-wife and the children had a negative attitude towards Elaine, claiming that she only pursues personal mercantile goals.

The caregivers who worked in the home testified that Elaine was physically violent and very cruel to Stephen. The physicist was brought to the hospital with signs of beatings, but he denied all accusations against his wife.

In his book, he admits that he and Elaine had difficulties, but thanks his second wife for the fact that her medical care extended his life. In 2006, Stephen and Elaine finally divorced. This decision was approved by both Jane and the scientist’s children, who were with him until the end.

“We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years to come,” Lucy, Robert and Tim said.

He was married twice and left behind not only numerous works, but also three wonderful children. But the scientist was unlucky in love; he was never able to find his happiness.

The scientist and his first wife wrote a number of biographical notes, from which it is clear that they were connected by love, but because everyday problems everything went wrong. Stephen wrote that both of his marriages brought him enormous pain, although many believe that the scientist did not have the persistence to remain with his first wife. Stephen and Jen Wild met as students while studying at Oskford. Hawking was healthy then, the girl noted his attractive features, and love arose between them. In 1963, Stephen was first diagnosed with lateral sclerosis. The scientist admits that it was Jen who gave him hope for the future. They married in 1965, and their first son was born in 1967.

Hawking continued his scientific career, and Jen studied for a doctorate and took care of her husband. But two more children appeared in their family, and Stephen’s health only worsened. Jen began to suffer from serious depression: doctors predicted a quick death for Stephen; the woman had three children and a sick husband. She began to think about how she would support the kids after Stephen’s death and essentially found a lover. Moreover, it turned out to be Stephen's friend, musician Jonathan Jones. The scientist himself thought that he would soon die and did not object when Jonathan moved to live in the house with Jen and Stephen.

Of course, it is mentally difficult to watch your children and wife having fun with another man, but Stephen noted that they managed to maintain a friendly relationship, and even the other man did not destroy what connected Stephen and Jen. Stephen emphasized that he was very grateful to his first wife for being there during the most difficult moments in his life. Moreover, it was she who made the decision to fight for his life. In 1985, Stephen became seriously ill with pneumonia; doctors advised his wife to disconnect him from the machines, but she decided to save the scientist’s life. And I was not mistaken. However, due to the tracheotomy he lost the ability to speak.

Jen was looking for caregivers for Stephen when one - his wife - was recommended by the engineer who developed the speech apparatus for the scientist. She was hired among others. She turned out to be Elaine Mason. At first, everyone was only happy that Elaine had become friends with the scientist, and that she spent all her time with him, of course, did not bother anyone. What a surprise it was for the children and Jen in 1990 when Stephen announced that he would live separately from Elaine. Elaine, by the way, also had a husband and children whom she abandoned. Stephen and Jen divorced after 26 years of marriage, and in 1995 Hawking married his carer, but lived with her for only 11 years. Stephen's children did not come to the wedding; their father's betrayal was a shock to them.

Elaine immediately changed all the caregivers and, according to relatives, had complete control over Stephen. Which, by the way, could sometimes suit him, because he described their relationship as stormy and passionate. However, the scientist’s children and the public have doubts about how far this passion went. Some argue that Elaine actually mocked the scientist. In 2004, police questioned Stephen about allegations that Elaine used physical force against him, but he denied everything. Although many are sure that he, the famous scientist, was simply ashamed to admit it. Stephen was brought to the hospital several times with cuts, signs of beatings and broken arms. Other nurses said that Elaine bathes him in boiling water, leaves him alone for a long time in the sun, does not remove traces of his natural needs, and spends time with other men in his presence. Be that as it may, Stephen soon got tired of the passion and in 2006 he divorced Elaine, which only brought him closer to his children. His daughter Lucy is a journalist, his eldest son works in software, and his youngest is a foreign languages. Stephen managed to become a grandfather. He communicated with his first wife until the very end.

It’s amazing how a man who was predicted to die before the age of 30 managed to do so much in his career as a scientist, get married twice, raise three children and look after his grandchildren. And although Stephen was unlucky in love, he lived a full life and, according to him, enjoyed every day. Isn't this his most important lesson to us?

Stephen Hawking's life story impresses many. The famous English astrophysicist was confined to a wheelchair and speechless, but this did not stop him from making many scientific discoveries and assumptions about the structure of our world.

Stephen Hawking with his second wife Elaine. From love to hate one step.
Photo by Reuters

Stephen Hawking leaned over the computer screen and typed out letter by letter: “Don’t leave me alone with her┘.” The nurse who read these words had no doubt that “she” was Elaine, Hawking’s wife. It seems that it is not in vain that the children of Jane, the first wife of the outstanding English astrophysicist and cosmologist, are sounding the alarm: they are convinced that Elaine is deliberately inflicting mental and physical torture on their father.

The collision becomes especially intriguing when we consider that for about 40 years of his 62 years of life, Stephen Hawking was literally confined to a wheelchair - amyatrophic lateral syndrome. Only two fingers on one hand are more or less subordinate to him. Moreover, he cannot even speak - the consequences of a tracheotomy operation. He communicates with the outside world through a computer speech synthesizer...

The story became public in 2000, when Hawking was a frequent visitor to the emergency room at the local Cambridge hospital. First it was a broken arm, then a broken wrist, the third time he shocked the doctors with a deep wound on his face, and later he was brought in with a black eye and a torn lip. Despite persistent questioning, the professor refused to explain his various injuries. The police investigation that began then stalled.

Today, when Hawking is in the hospital with pneumonia, the staff do not take their eyes off him for a minute. And the police and newspapers began investigating the strange events that took place in last years in the home of a world-famous millionaire Cambridge professor.

The caregivers caring for the scientist signed an agreement in which they pledged to remain silent about the details, but some of them anonymously broke their promise and described sad scenes from Hawking’s life.

Here Elaine pushes her husband in his equipped last word science and technology wheelchair down the steps and shouts: “You dumbass!”

Bathing in almost boiling water or ice water - his wife deliberately lowered him so low in the bath that the water entered the hole in his neck left after the tracheotomy.

Last summer, Hawking was literally forgotten in the scorching sun in the garden of his Cambridge home. Elaine took his computer mouse and he couldn't call anyone for help. Burns and sunstroke were the result.

Another of Mrs. Hawking’s favorite tricks is to urgently call the nurses into the marital bedroom at night only so that they can see her and the professor in the most intimate positions. “I think this was Elaine’s way of showing everyone that their sexual relationship was not fictitious,” said one of the witnesses.

Why does the professor himself refuse to make official statements about abuse? People who know him well attribute this to his pride and stubbornness. He recently received the Aventis Award for Author Writing in scientific topics, for the next book “The Universe in a Nutshell”. The book " Short story time", published in 1988.

At that time he was still living with his first wife, Jane. They got married very young and had three children. The disease, which led to paralysis, did not prevent Hawking from becoming the author of several best-selling books and numerous scientific works. But their 26-year marriage was not cloudless, because with Stephen's tacit consent, Jane was dating another man.

Elaine came into their lives in the form of a nurse and guardian angel. Her engineer husband designed the same computer speech synthesizer that “speaks” for Hawking.

From the very beginning, Elaine began to isolate him from his family. According to one of Hawking's friends, "she praised him in every possible way and literally kissed the ground under his feet, instilling in him that she was the only one who could properly take care of him." For Jane, this period was especially difficult, she described it in her book “Music Reaching the Stars.”

It was at this time that Elaine began to accompany the scientist on his many trips abroad, providing him with such selfless care in front of the public that Jane felt insignificant and unnecessary. One day, calling home, she heard Elaine’s angry retort: ​​“Why are you calling? Now is my personal time with Stephen.”

In 1990, after several years of confusion in family relationships, Professor Hawking offered his wife a divorce, saying that he was leaving her for Elaine. Five years later he married his former nurse. Jane also created new family with her longtime lover.

Soon suspicious cuts, fractures, and bruises began to appear.

The most famous incident was two years ago, when Stephen Hawking was preparing solemnly, with numerous friends and colleagues, to celebrate his 60th birthday. For him, this date was especially significant also because at one time the doctors, having learned about his illness, promised him, then twenty years old, only a few years to live.

Two weeks before the celebration, however, his stroller mysteriously crashed into a wall. He had to undergo surgery for a broken hip, but nevertheless attended the anniversary party and even joked that he “had a discussion with the wall and the wall won.” He even found the strength to fly in a hot air balloon, specially designed to take a wheelchair on board - it was a birthday gift from his wife. The balloon is currently being sold at auction┘

Shortly before last Christmas, Hawking's daughter Lucy decided to visit her father. Entering the house, she found a noisy, completely drunk company led by the mistress of the house. The only one who could not take part in this fun was Professor Hawking himself, sitting in a wheelchair in the corner of the room. It was obvious that he had been completely forgotten.

Despite all the scientist’s denials, his first wife and children are confident that he was a victim of abuse. Jane says: “The situation is even worse than you can imagine. Stephen is completely defenseless. I don't think he's in control of things." She is so worried about his safety that she believes he should not be discharged from the hospital until the situation is cleared up.

Another former carer is preparing to fly in from overseas to make a statement to police. Once the facts have been gathered, Mrs. Hawking will be brought in for questioning. Investigators plan to talk to the professor himself when he leaves the hospital.

0 March 18, 2018, 20:45

March 14 Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest scientists and geniuses of our time. However, we will not talk about his scientific achievements - a lot has been said about them. But Hawking’s personal life has always remained in the shadows against this background. Since today the main character of our regular column is a very extraordinary man, we will not tell you about just one incident from his life, but we will remember his two wives, who played very important roles in his life. Not very attractive in appearance, due to lack of female attention Hawking did not suffer, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the inability to speak and the almost complete inability to move did not prevent him from marrying twice. How he was able to conquer two women who later married him is described in our material on the site.

Stephen Hawking met his first wife Jane Wilde in 1963. Shortly before this, doctors diagnosed him with lateral sclerosis and measured only two years to live. This, of course, came as a real shock to him and plunged him into severe depression. Jane, one might say, became Hawking’s salvation and brought him back to life. She herself said that she was struck by the open smile and big eyes of the future genius - she could not resist. And the diagnosis given to her lover did not seem so terrible to her then. In 1965, 21-year-old Jane and 23-year-old Stephen got married.

When I first saw Stephen, he was a young man waddling down the street opposite me. An awkward gait, a downcast gaze, a face hidden from the whole world under unruly dark hair. Lost in his thoughts, he did not look around at all and did not even notice us - a group of schoolgirls on the other side of the road. He was an eccentric phenomenon, a nonsense in puritanical and sleepy St. Albans.

His sense of humor and independence won me over. It was so pleasant to listen to the stories of this unusual man - mainly because he told them, every now and then choking with laughter at his own jokes. Many of these jokes were about himself,

- she recalled.

At first, the couple's marriage was very happy, the disease did not progress, harmony reigned in their relationship, and two years later they became parents - in 1967, Stephen and Jane had a son, Robert. Three years later, in 1970, their daughter Lucy was born, and in 1979 their third child, son Timothy, was born.

It was then that big problems began in the family. Hawking by that time was already confined to a wheelchair, and accordingly, not only could he not help his wife take care of the children, but he himself needed it. Jane had a very difficult time, and her emotional state left much to be desired. Living with her husband became painful for her, so she began to look for a man who could take care of her and the children in the event of the sudden death of her husband. However, it didn’t take long to search - Jane began an affair with Jonathan Jones, a family friend who soon began to live with them. She herself, we must give her credit, continued to care for her husband and even saved his life. In 1985, Hawking became seriously ill with pneumonia. The doctors insisted that Jane agree to take him off life-sustaining drugs. She didn’t want to hear about it and insisted on treatment.
Jane Wilde and Stephen Hawking with son Timothy and daughter Lucy

The doctor asked me if the staff should take Stephen off the ventilator while he was still under anesthesia, or if they should try to rouse him. I was shocked. Turning off life support was unthinkable. What a humiliating end to such a heroic struggle for life, what a negation of all that both he and I had fought for! My answer was quick, I didn’t need to think about it or discuss it with anyone: “Stephen must live,”

- Jane writes in her book "Journey to Infinity."

Hawking eventually survived and lived after that for more than 30 years. It is worth noting that in 1985 he already had several million dollars in his account, and in the event of his death the entire fortune would go to Jane, but she did not seem to care.

A few years after this, Stephen and Jane divorced, but Hawking soon married a second time.

Elaine Mason

Ironically, Stephen's first wife introduced him to his second wife. When it became difficult for Jane to care for her husband, she hired him a nurse, Elaine Mason. He quickly set his sights on her and soon moved in with her, and in 1995, Stephen and Elaine legalized their relationship.

Hawking called his relationship with his second wife “turbulent and passionate.” True, many people doubted the sincerity of Elaine’s feelings and said that she married Hawking solely for selfish purposes (she left her husband and two children for the sake of the scientist). Hawking's ex-wife and their children completely ignored the ceremony. There were even rumors that Mason raised her hand against her defenseless husband and treated him very rudely.

Despite the fact that he was brought to the hospital with signs of beatings that indicated his wife’s cruel treatment, Stephen himself never spoke badly (if one can say so, given that he was deprived of the ability to speak) about his second wife and noted that she was very helped him, although they still experienced some difficulties in the relationship. This marriage lasted 11 years - Stephen and Elaine divorced in 2006.

Hawking himself had a rather philosophical attitude towards life. “It is very important to just not give up” and “Where there is life, there is hope” - these are perhaps his most famous quotes, which guided him in his personal life.

Stephen flew in zero gravity in 2007 and returned to Earth unharmed, giving the media a lot of triumphant photos. The smile that shone on his face as he floated freely could have made the stars move. It made me remember once again what a privilege it was for me to travel with him - albeit not over a very long distance - to infinity,

- said Jane.

Stephen Hawking spent the last years of his life in Cambridge - there he had a home and his favorite work at the university, which he did until his death, although he retired in 2009. He had excellent relationships with students and his children, who visited him regularly and took him out to his favorite restaurant on Sundays. Hawking once said that “the universe would have no meaning if it were not a home filled with loved ones.” And, fortunately, there were such people in the life of the great scientist.

Source The Guardian

Photo Gettyimages.ru/Facebook

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