Winter holidays in Greece. The best countries for wintering. Humming Athens and sleepy Peloponnese

Winter Greece continues to be a “dark horse”, and therefore in Lately We are especially actively trying to penetrate into those corners of it that may appeal to lovers of winter recreation. And while some of these spots don't have a clear seasonal focus, we relied on our subjective taste to present our version of the TOP 5 Greek destinations for the winter season. Some of them are more popular, others less so, but each of them undoubtedly deserves special attention.

Pelion - Mountains of the Centaurs

Opening the winter pages of Greece, our first stop is in Thessaly - Central Greece - near the town of Volos on the Pelion Peninsula. Pelion is a special place and is shrouded in the haze of a mythical past. These places are the birthplace of the legendary centaur Chiron, the instructor of Jason, Theseus, Achilles and even the great Hercules. It was from here that the Argonauts once went on a campaign for the Golden Fleece, and Asclepius collected his medicinal herbs in the local forests. The Olympian gods often visited here, resting on the peninsula from heavy divine duties.

But these are things of a long time ago. Today Pelion in Greece is a rare hinterland with a magnificent combination of sea and mountain recreation.

Arachova - Rich and famous

Located not far from, Arachova is the most popular point of winter ski tourism in Parnassus, and, perhaps, in all of Greece. Successfully combining local flavor with modern service and technology, as well as reaping the benefits of its popularity among the Greeks, Arakhova can hardly be called a cheap destination, but its infrastructure and originality are well worth the cost.

Arachova is the most famous winter resort in Greece

Kaimaktsalan – the pearl of Macedonia

Nestled 140 km from Thessaloniki, Kaimaktsalan is considered one of the most “glamorous” places in winter in Greece. This center has its own characteristics that make it stand out among similar Greek ski resorts. Thus, Kaimaktsalan is located much higher than its competitors at an altitude of more than 2 km, it is excellently equipped, and its size also allows it to be included in the list of the largest in the country.

While on Kaimaktsalan, it makes sense to take a trip to the top of the mountain to the Church of Elijah the Prophet, built by the Serbian military during the First World War. To facilitate the ascent, they even installed a special tracked vehicle for this purpose.

The central chalet also makes a strong impression on visitors. The highlight of the building are the huge windows, through which a stunning view of both the center itself and the surrounding area opens up. Sitting here over a cup of coffee and looking at, you will, without a doubt, be imbued with a special feeling for this place.

There are a total of 13 trails in the Center different levels difficulty, accessible by 4 lifts. So it’s a good place to take note for winter recreation lovers. However, not only winter - the season on Kaimaktsalan lasts from the beginning of December to the end of April.

Kalavryta – Ski track with a taste of Independence

Kalavryta is a family-oriented winter tourism in Greece for those who prefer to immerse themselves in the appropriate atmosphere, but at the same time not be too far away from the developed urban infrastructure. It is worth highlighting separately that there are actually two Kalavrits. One is a town of the same name, and the second is a ski center. Moreover, both Kalavritas are very popular among the Greeks. The first is due to its historical significance, the second - thanks to the slopes aimed at skiers of all levels.

In Greece there is not only snow, but also real ski resorts

The ski center is located 14 km from the town of Kalavryta on the northern side of Mount Helmos. There are 12 trails with a total length of about 20 km, equipped with 7 lifts. The season lasts from late December to mid-April.

As for the town of Kalavryta itself, this is a place popular at any time of the year. And it's not just that it's a cute town. In 1821, in the local monastery of Ayia Lavra, Archbishop Patras raised the Greek flag as a sign of disobedience to the Turks who occupied Greece. This gesture marked the beginning of the War of Independence. On the anniversary of the event - March 21 - many Hellenes consider it a civic duty to come to Kalavryta in order to take part in the corresponding celebrations.

Athens – impressions regardless of the season

Thanks to the abundance of attractions and the busy pace of life, you are unlikely to get bored in Athens, no matter what time of year you come here. We have already written a lot both about and life. Of course, it’s especially chic to come here at Christmas, when the capital of Greece is decorated with festive lights, but even outside the Christmas holidays, Athens is able to give unforgettable impressions to its visitors.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, especially for those who like to travel in December and January. Greece is especially beautiful in winter and is great for skiing in the mountains, meeting new year holidays, celebrate Christmas and just relax with friends by the fireplace.

Greece in winter - weather and climate features

Those who dream of going on a winter holiday to Greece in 2018 should be aware that there will be no beach holidays there. At this time of year the weather in the country is quite cool, and you won’t be able to sunbathe - there are plenty of other options for that warm countries. But this does not mean that there is nothing to do in Greece in winter. On the contrary, this amazing country will give you so many amazing experiences that you will have enough memories until your next vacation.

The winter climate in Greece is mild and sunny. You won't have to wrap yourself in a lot of scarves because average temperature even in the coldest time of the year (January-February) in the south of the country the temperature drops no lower than 10 degrees Celsius during the day. If you are accustomed to Siberian weather, in the north of Greece, in the mountains, you can encounter real winter, with plenty of snow.

Where to relax in winter in Greece?

When going on a winter holiday to Greece in December 2018, you should decide in advance how you plan to spend your vacation:

  • in an active sporty style;
  • according to the health program;
  • with mass visits to holy places and attractions;
  • in privacy with family.

Ski holiday

Greece is famous for its ski resorts, so if you are in good shape or want to get back into shape, skiing in the mountains is the best option. The slopes in Kalavryta, Arahovo, Kaimaktsalane, Seli, Pileo are very well maintained and suitable for skiing for both adults and children.

Wellness holiday

Thanks to a huge number of special health tours, in Greece you can not only have a good rest, but also restore your health. Greek hot springs are especially popular, where you can get maximum relaxation and recover from many diseases.

The SPA centers operating at most Greek hotels provide wide range massage services and big choice health treatments at competitive prices.

Excursion tours

When it comes to attractions, Greece is rich cultural heritage and historical monuments. Under the hot rays of the scorching summer sun It is difficult to fully enjoy the beauty of ancient buildings. But at Christmas it is so comfortable here that you can wander the old streets for hours, occasionally warming up with a cup of hot coffee.

Main resorts and attractions of Greece

Acropolis- an attraction that you cannot do without visiting when visiting Greece and its capital. From this point there is a magnificent view of the surrounding area, so the Acropolis is considered an excellent observation deck for tourists.

Kaimaktsalan– a favorite place for skiers, as its location is higher than other resorts and has 13 slopes. The temperature here is slightly lower, but severe frosts are not observed in December and January. At the top of the mountain you can visit the Church of St. Elijah the Prophet, and from the central chalet you can enjoy views of Olympus, the habitat of the ancient Greek gods.

Arachova– a popular ski resort in the Parnassus area. The place is quite original, with rich nature. At the same time, Arachova has good infrastructure and a favorable climate, suitable for a quality and comfortable holiday even with children.

Pelion- a mystical place with ancient history. It is considered the birthplace of the centaur Chiron and Hercules, known to us from school. From this area of ​​Ancient Greece, the Argonauts set out in search of the Golden Fleece. Modern Pelion is a cozy outback with magnificent rural landscapes for relaxing alone with nature.

Archaeological Museum– this famous institution houses a rich exhibition of monuments of Greek culture from antiquity to the present. The museum is located right in the center of Athens, so getting here is not particularly difficult.

Cape Sounion– a favorite place for romantics. The ruins of the Temple of Poseidon look especially magical against the backdrop of a stunning sunset. You can sit here for hours, admiring the play of light and passing clouds. Poets and composers receive special inspiration at this place and create new masterpieces. In winter, the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees.

“My own director”

If you decide to go to Greece on your own to meet New Year and enjoy a secluded holiday with your family, you can get your bearings on the spot and, if you wish, take part in excursions or special tours. In winter, Greece often hosts all kinds of exhibitions, tastings, and sales to celebrate the holidays with joy. Therefore, Greece is just the place where you can combine business with pleasure and return home with gifts. You can also visit ski resorts on your own.

Prices in Greece

Tourists often ask how much travel, food and household services cost in the country. The bus is the most common means of transport, with the average fare in Athens being €1.20.

Attention! If you decide to rent a car, you will have to pay from 200 to 400 euros per day, including VAT and insurance.

Celebrating New Year 2018 at the resorts of Greece

Celebrating New Year and Christmas in Greece means immersing yourself in an unforgettable atmosphere of real celebration and fun. Exotic settings, vibrant carnivals, and beautiful music can lift the spirits of even an inveterate pessimist.

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, Athens and other cities in Greece are lavishly decorated with festive lights, immersing you in childhood memories and creating a feeling of home comfort. Celebrating the New Year in Greece will be something you will remember for the rest of your life!

New Year here falls on St. Basil's Day - he is the prototype of our Father Frost for Greek children, who happily expect gifts from him.

Important! In winter, vacationing in Greece is much more profitable than in summer, when most tourists vacation in the country. There are more hotel rooms in January, and prices are lower, however, this does not affect the high level of service.

Property rentals in Greece in winter

Today, renting a cottage and other real estate during the New Year period is becoming increasingly popular. Using the services of agencies, you can rent a villa, apartments for rent, a private house, an apartment in any city or region of Greece. Housing prices, depending on the place of residence and conditions, range from 25 to 1000 euros per day.

The amazing country of Greece pleases tourists not only with its gentle sea and sun in the summer. Here are popular ski resorts and unique natural regions that attract vacationers thanks to their well-developed infrastructure, comfortable living, excellent cuisine and impeccable service. Where is it worth visiting in Greece in winter?

Holidays in Greece in winter in the Parnassos ski center on Mount Parnassus

Parnassos is a place filled with history. Ancient Delphi with the ruins of the Temple of Apollo and the “navel of the earth” will not leave lovers of antiquity indifferent, and the well-organized ski resort will not leave tourists indifferent who prefer an active lifestyle. For them, in the nearest villages there are comfortable hotels with additional services that ski lovers may need, specialized stores, skiing schools, and children's centers.

Vacationers have 14 ski lifts, 25 ski and 12 alpine ski slopes, 4 cable cars. It is worth mentioning the excellent cuisine of local restaurants and cafes. Here you can try olives from the “gardens of Apollo” prepared in various ways, national Greek dishes, popular cheese, complementing your lunch with the best wines of local winemakers.

Holidays in Greece in winter in the Arcadia region (Peloponnese Peninsula) - Mainalo Ski resort

Arcadia is one of the most beautiful regions of the country, where nature itself has created all the conditions for quality good rest. Connoisseurs of active recreation come to these places - hiking tours, horseback riding, skiing. Rafting enthusiasts also loved these places.

And it is here that one of the most modern ski resorts operates - the Menalo resort (Menalo).

Winter Greece – Kastoria

Kastoria – located on the border with Albania, the area amazes with natural landscapes and opportunities for active recreation. There are fans of rafting, water skiing, sailing, water rowing and fishing. There are also opportunities for rock climbing. In winter, the pearl of the region, Lake Orestiada, freezes and becomes a natural skating rink.

The city is considered the center of religious life; it has many historical and architectural monuments. All conditions have also been created for entertainment lovers - numerous nightclubs, bars and restaurants open their doors to visiting epicureans.

Greece in winter in Corinthia

Corinthia – located a two-hour drive from Athens, the winter resort offers a calm, measured holiday.

Luxurious chalets and hotels, gourmet restaurants and traditional taverns await their guests and offer relaxing holiday among picturesque landscapes and lakes.

To Greece in winter in Zagorochoria

Zagorochoria is a picturesque area consisting of 48 traditional villages connected by walking routes. In the national reserve operating on the territory of the area, you can endlessly walk along forest paths, swim in clean lakes, admire the life of animals and plants in the Valia Kalda park. For lovers of educational tourism, excursion programs to places of worship will be fascinating, the most famous of which are the Monastery of St. Paraskeva, the Monastery of Panagia Spileotisas, and the Monastery of Viviku.

Ethnographic researchers will remember trips to the villages of Monodendri, where the “Center of National Crafts” is located, and Skamneli, where the recreated Sarakatsan settlement is located. Fans of alternative tourism and mountain holidays can go to the village of Kipi, the mountain settlement of Greventiti or the high-mountain Vovus.

Winter Greece in Tzoumerka

Tzoumerka is another popular tourist region located in close proximity to Zagorochoria, which is currently actively developing travel business. Mountain ranges, deep gorges, centuries-old coniferous forests, the cleanliness of reservoirs attracts an increasing number of tourists to these places. Travelers will be interested in tourist routes passing through local villages with visits to places of worship - ancient monasteries and churches, inspections of ancient stone houses and dilapidated bridges.

Considering the natural resources and excellent conditions for various types of recreation, tourism is actively developing in the region, new luxury hotels are being built that meet the level of the 21st century, infrastructure is being created, new tourist routes are being laid and tested.

If you have not yet decided on a winter holiday, get acquainted with the resorts of northern Greece, a stay at which will remain a highlight of your life!

You may find these articles about the best ski resorts in the world useful:

We got to know a little about this extraordinary country and its people, who continue the traditions of the ancient Hellenes.

Visiting modern Hellas at different times of the year, you will discover it from a new side each time. Greece is a country of bright contrasts and fabulous landscapes. There is never bad weather here. Each season brings something new and interesting, so that you want to come back here again and again.

So, as you probably already guessed, today we will talk about what to see and where to relax in Greece depending on the season, which Greece is in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

In winter, Greece welcomes ski lovers. The most popular slopes are Kelaria and Fterolaka, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Ancient mythology says that the muses and the god of arts Apollo lived here in time immemorial, so skiing here will bring fresh ideas and emotions into your life.

Despite the decrease in temperature, the winter climate in Greece remains mild. There are almost never frosts here. In most areas of Greece, the rainy season begins in winter, but the plants continue to delight the eye with their flowering.

Indian summer comes for a few days in January and during this period small alkeonid birds breed their offspring, for which this period is called alkeonid days.

In addition to ski holidays, various winter holidays and carnivals are very popular. In Greece they continue throughout the winter from Christmas until the beginning of Lent, which is observed very strictly in this very pious country.

Carnival "Raghutsarya" in Kastoria

On January 6-8, Kastoria invites you to the Ragutsarya carnival, dedicated to the ritual of expelling evil spirits. Everywhere they dance, have fun and try to scare each other with scary, but very skillfully made masks. A little later, you can visit another famous festival called the “Parade of Lights”, which takes place in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece.

The cheerful and generous Greek people will involve you in their fiery dances, exciting games, and treat you to great delight. traditional dishes. There will definitely never be a dull moment! And the whimsical nature of Greek festivals, with its mixture of Orthodox and ancient pagan traditions, will remind us of our Russian holidays, in particular Maslenitsa.

Shopping lovers can expect one of the large-scale sales in January (the second usually occurs at the end of July - August). During this period, stores reduce prices and sell off everything that has accumulated during the season. These are, of course, mainly fur products for which Greece is so famous.

Greece in spring

Greece blooms in spring, presenting an amazing sight. A sea of ​​flowers appears already in March. Light showers are still possible. The air temperature reaches +19 C°. The sea is still cold - no more than +16 C°.

In April, real spring begins. The temperature tends to reach twenty degrees, flowering continues and covers even the driest areas. Answering the question: “What to see in Greece in spring?” - it is best to pay attention to sightseeing tours and programs. The sun is not yet as scorching as in summer, and there is not a strong influx of tourists. This month, Greeks celebrate Easter and the arrival of spring. Festive processions and large-scale celebrations cover the entire country.

Since May, the temperature has been pleasant - you can already swim, but there is still no risk of burning. The most favorable climate for swimming in Greece occurs in the second half of the month. And you can see the sights without the risk of getting lost in the endless stream of tourists.

Greece is famous not only for its beaches, ancient artifacts, mountain trails and shopping. Flora and fauna attracts with its richness and diversity. And it is in the spring, during the period of flowering plants and birds building nests, that a number of travel companies offer special tours. They pass mostly through the Peloponnese and the northern regions of the country. Lovers of ornithology and botany will find a real treat! And the Greek Ornithological Society will provide assistance to them.

Spring is also very comfortable for hiking and cycling tours. And the Pelion peninsula is Greek mythology the homeland of centaurs - can offer an excellent opportunity for horseback riding. The well-established routes will take you either on an exciting trip along the coast or to the forested hills inland.

Greece in summer

Greece in summer is associated primarily with beach holiday. June is very comfortable in this regard. In July, the temperature reaches forty degrees, and the water does not provide the desired coolness - it is almost hot. In August, the sea monsoons begin their work to mitigate the summer heat.

The heat is especially sensitive on the mainland. The climate on the Greek islands is milder, but also depends on their location. During this period, Crete and Rhodes are in greatest demand. The influx of tourists, despite the heat, is huge.

Greece is famous for its beaches, because it is washed by as many as five seas - the Ionian in the west, the Mediterranean and Cretan in the south, the Aegean and Thracian in the east. Greece includes more than 2,000 islands and three peninsulas. The coastline is huge. Many beaches are marked with a blue flag for the cleanliness of coastal waters. The water here is amazingly clear and transparent, its inhabitants are visible - sea ​​urchins and curious fish. In addition, far from the coast it is clearly visible that the Ionian Sea turns purple, and the Aegean changes from emerald to turquoise. Extraordinary beauty!

In addition, the Aegean Sea is considered a paradise for diving. There are a huge number of grottoes, caves and sunken ships here. A great place for underwater adventures! However, before you dive, you need to know the rules specific to the area. After all, in some places it is prohibited to swim close, take photographs and touch underwater wonders. And in others, diving can only be done with a group and a special guide.

Very popular different kinds water sports. In large resort towns you can easily rent equipment for windsurfing, jet skiing, parasailing, as well as water skiing equipment. You can rent a yacht either without a crew (if you have the appropriate skills and documents), or with part or a full crew. Or you can move as part of a flotilla.

Sea cruises on ships of varying comfort are also popular.

Some companies boast an unusual approach to travel. For example, immersing yourself in the past with a walking tour around Athens. You will have two actors as your guides, representing the citizens of the ancient metropolis.

Extreme sports are also practiced, such as bunge jumping in the Corinth Canal.

Greece in autumn

And finally, autumn. Golden season in every sense of the word. The climate in Greece in autumn becomes mild again after the stifling summer heat. In September, the temperature drops and does not rise above thirty degrees. In October, light rain and slight cooling are possible, but the weather remains comfortable and it is quite possible to swim until the middle of the month. November drives you away from the beach, threatens with clouds, but is great for excursion trips to historical sights.

The flow of tourists noticeably thins out with the arrival of autumn. You can leisurely wander through the streets, admire the autumn colors of nature and beautiful architecture. In addition, autumn attracts with an abundance of fruits and young wine.

So, Greece is a country of enormous opportunities for recreation. all year round. Everyone will find something for themselves. These include mountains, an immersion in the history of an ancient majestic civilization, beaches, shopping, holidays and carnivals, and much, much more. It’s hard not to fall in love with this country after your first visit, and it’s impossible not to come back here again and again. Also, a story about her will take more than one post. Very soon we will take a fascinating gastronomic tour along the sunny shores of Greece. This is definitely not to be missed!

Should you be upset if you have been dreaming of visiting Greece for so long, and your vacation in 2018 falls on one of the winter months? Not at all. After all, in winter in Greece you can do everything that you can do in summer, except that you have to wait a bit with swimming in the sea.

Weather in Greece from December to February

Winter weather in Greece is not conducive to long walks along Greek streets, and a cold, piercing wind often blows from the sea. Temperature sea ​​water maximum +15 °C. However, sunny days are not uncommon. During the New Year, the weather in Greece often gives gifts in the form of several sunny days in a row. The most precipitation falls in February.

In December, the average air temperature is +8 °C ... +10 °C, night frosts occur, but rarely.

In the coldest month - January - the air does not warm up above +10 °C. Light frost can be found on the grass in the morning.

February - heavy rains seem to wash away all the bad past, preparing Greece to meet spring. The temperature reaches +15 °C by mid-February.

You can comprehend the true beauty and mystery of Greece only in winter

Attention: slightly warmer than continental island Greece. The temperature there in winter is 1-2 degrees higher.

What to do as a tourist in winter in Greece

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype that Greece is interesting only in summer and a little in autumn, winter holidays here can be extremely eventful and interesting.


Rafting can be an extremely interesting pastime. From October to May, the season officially begins for those who like to tickle their nerves while descending the mountain rivers Greece. There are many interesting tourist centers in the mountains on mainland and island Greece, specially designated for rafting enthusiasts. It has everything you need to teach beginners.

On a note. For those who crave the most difficult paths and many water rapids, the Aoos River (flows in national park Vikos Aoos north of the city of Ioannina) and Mylopotamos (“apple river” on the island of Kythira). Among the quieter rivers are Achelus (a river in the Evrytania region) and Nestos (near the city of Xanthi).

Shopping in winter

The winter discount season traditionally begins in mid-January and lasts until early March. In order to attract tourists and somehow hold out until the summer, many shops in Greece set very high discounts on goods, sometimes reaching up to 80% of the original price. Then you can buy a fur coat or, for example, household appliances for a relatively small amount.

Attention! Unscrupulous store owners, taking advantage of the rush among customers, can “dilute” stale or defective goods with goods from the previous collection, so you should be especially careful at this time.

When, if not in winter, should you buy yourself a fur coat?


Winter is the best time to get acquainted with historical Greece: there are no “loud” tourists, prices for excursion tours are significantly reduced, and there is no “summer” bustle in museums. In Greece, many historical monuments are found at relatively a short distance from each other - in November or December you can safely take a leisurely walk.

Christmas and New Year holidays

“What would New Year be without snow? What would it be like without Christmas frosts? And there will be no fireworks? Well, at least they’ll serve Olivier?” Alas, the answer to all questions is negative, so people who cannot imagine the main holidays without these “attributes” will be extremely uninterested in celebrating the New Year in Greece.

If it's New Year's

The Greek Santa Claus is called Saint Basil, he also brings gifts on the night of January 1st, and also leaves them under the tree, but then the celebration traditions diverge somewhat.

Thus, a tourist from Russia will be interested in taking part in the burning of the Christmas tree (there is a belief that its warmth will warm the hearth throughout the year. You should not refuse a friendly visit to the home of an ordinary Greek family in New Year's Eve(you can even ask for it yourself), because There will certainly be a “special” pie with a coin on the table - it will go to the one who liked Saint Basil the most.

On a note. If the owners allow it, it will be possible to break a grenade (not a combat one!) on the corner of the house and, depending on how much the grains scatter, determine the degree of luck in the coming year. Locals say that this custom is more than 2000 years old.

Among the cities where you should go to celebrate the New Year, the capital is the leader. On New Year's Eve, the main square of Greece (Syntagma) is filled with tourists from all hotels, local residents join them, and together they begin to sing, dance and have fun. The longest fireworks display lasts only 10-12 minutes.

In Kastoria, Siatista and other cities on this day (and night) they traditionally burn an effigy of the passing year, carnival processions of various sizes take place, taverns and restaurants offer Greek holiday dishes.

Note! In other regions, especially on the islands, New Year celebrations are boring and very prosaic.

Christmas in Greece

Preparations for Christmas in Greece begin about a month in advance. It is celebrated on the night of December 24-25. By this time, cities are decorated with garlands and ships - they are a symbol of prosperity. Christmas in Greece, as in Russia, is a family holiday, so you shouldn’t count on anything extravagant.

Good to know!“Fotiki” - fruit and berry skewers that Greeks exchange at Christmas - this is how they wish each other well-being and good health.

It's worth going to Greece for Christmas sketches like these.

Greece in winter - top 5 ski resorts

About 20 ski resorts annually welcome tourists from all over the world. Choosing where to go on vacation is not so easy.


This town is more often found in guidebooks as “a village at the foot of Mount Pindos” (Epirus region). However, this is where the Aniliu ski resort is located. Many hotels, taverns and cafes are open seven days a week and without breaks in winter. Fans of winter sports will love Metsovo.


This area, whose closest neighbor is the city of Volos, is conveniently located between the mighty Pileon Mountains and the sea. Thanks to this location, it is crowded not only in summer, but also in winter. Pelion consists of 24 villages where tourists who prefer a quiet, relaxing holiday like to rent accommodation. Agriolefkes is rightfully considered the most popular ski resort in the area.

Attention! Hundreds of tourists come here to relax during the Christmas holidays, so you should book hotel rooms in advance.


Another popular resort that welcomes guests all year round. And even in the off-season there are many tourists here. The amazingly beautiful mountain landscapes smoothly flow into spacious fields and gardens of fishing villages. Just 20 km from central Kastoria is the ski resort Vitsi (Vitsi). It includes:

  • 5 trails of varying difficulty and length;
  • taverns and cafeterias, bars, confectionery;
  • shops (including souvenir shops);
  • hotels and hostels;
  • lifts;
  • a skating rink where famous figure skaters often conduct master classes.

Healthy know! You can save significantly on housing if you rent a room or house in a neighboring village.


In Arachova there is a ski resort that needs no introduction - the famous Parnassus. Weather conditions are conducive to winter holidays for six months (from November to April). It is worth admitting that a holiday here will cost more than other ski resorts.


A favorite winter holiday destination for European tourists in Karpenisi is the Veluhiu ski resort. Located at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, it has 10 slopes of varying difficulty levels, 7 ski lifts, hotels and many cafeterias and restaurants.

A beach holiday can barely compare with the winter experience

Holidays in Greece in winter are for those who like to break stereotypes and find beauty where a common person does not notice. Multi-level ski slopes, a wide range of rooms in “star” mountain hotels, rafting, shopping with huge discounts, celebrating Greek Christmas, leisurely acquaintance with the sights of Greece, and finally, banal admiration of fantastic winter landscapes - all this is possible for every “winter” tourist.

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