The problem of reading arguments correctly. Arguments for reading. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

  • People who don't read books are depriving themselves of the wisdom of previous generations.
  • Literary works teach a person to think, analyze, and look for hidden meanings
  • The ideological influence of a book can last throughout a person’s life.
  • By reading, a person becomes smarter and more intelligent
  • You can find solace in books even in the most difficult times.
  • Books are a collection of all human wisdom accumulated over many centuries
  • Without books, humanity is doomed to destruction


A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". For Tatyana Larina, the main character of the work, books are a completely special world. The girl reads a lot of novels and, in her fantasies, sees herself as their heroine. She imagines life as it is presented in her favorite books. When Tatyana falls in love with Evgeny Onegin, she begins to look for traits in him that are common to the heroes of her favorite works. When Evgeny leaves the village, the girl studies his library, learning more and more about this man from the books.

Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" The importance of books in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. In Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel, we see a world devoid of literary works. By destroying books, humanity destroyed its historical memory and its freedom, forgot how to think and delve into the essence of things. Literary works were replaced by completely stupid TV shows and talking screens with “relatives.” People themselves did not understand how they turned into creatures unable to think or grasp the essence of what they read. Their brains are accustomed to accepting light, entertaining information. People seriously decided that books bring only evil and that there is no need to read them. By losing the books, humanity doomed itself to destruction by allowing itself to be controlled.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The Bible had a huge influence on the life of Rodion Raskolnikov, the main character of the work. Sonya Marmeladova reads an episode to the hero, the meaning of which will be important for his future life. The passage telling about the resurrection of Lazarus conveys the idea of ​​​​the all-encompassing mercy of God and the forgiveness of sinners: sincere repentance leads to the rebirth of the soul. While in prison, Rodion Raskolnikov reads the Bible. The book helps the hero take the path of spiritual resurrection.

Jack London "Martin Eden". Reading books helped Martin Eden transform from a poorly educated sailor into the smartest man of his time. The hero spared no time and effort in reading: at the same time he read and studied grammar, admired beautiful poems, and studied the works of Herbert Spencer. With the help of books, Martin Eden received a comprehensive education without spending time at school and university. While reading, the hero regretted that there was so little time in the day. The life story of Martin Eden confirms that books are a huge store of human knowledge, in which one can find the answer to any question.

K. Paustovsky “The Storyteller”. As New Year's gift the boy receives a book with fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy tales captivate the child so much that he forgets about the holiday and the fun. While reading, he falls asleep under the tree, and in a dream he sees the author himself. The boy thanks the writer for opening the way to the world of fairy tales. The hero is sure that it was fairy tales that taught him to believe in miracles and the power of good.

What is the role of books in a person's life? The problem of choosing books to read. Why do young people read less?


Books are a tool for imparting wisdom.

The newest and most original book is the one that makes you love old truths.

The greatest treasure is a good library.


- “The world of the book is the world of a real miracle” (L. Leonov).

- “A good book is just a holiday” (M. Gorky).

- “Reading is the best teaching” (A.S. Pushkin).

- “Literature is the conscience of society, its soul” (D.S. Likhachev).

- “In order to educate yourself and not stand below the level of the environment in which you find yourself, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize a monologue from Faust... Here you need continuous day and night work, eternal reading, study, will... Every hour is precious here” (A. P. Chekhov)

She can't sleep from French books,

And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.

- (Griboedov A.S.)

- “Seeing a beautifully published empty book is just as unpleasant as seeing an empty person taking advantage of everyone.” material benefits life" (Belinsky V.G.)

- “Books of sayings... not only do not suppress the independent activity of the mind, but, on the contrary, cause it” (L. N. Tolstoy)

The book is the life of our time, everyone needs it - both old and young. (Belinsky V. G.)

- “Love a book, it makes your life easier, it will friendly help you sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity” (Gorky M. )

Literary arguments

What is the meaning of the Gospel reading scene in the novel? Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"? It’s not about the book, which Raskolnikov never opened, but the thought flashed through him: “Couldn’t her convictions now also be my convictions?” Sonechka’s thoughts, supported by reading this book, are organic: “You can overstep yourself, but you cannot overstep someone else’s life.” Even books not read, but passed through the soul of another person can have a strong impact on feelings and views.

Home and city - traditional components Bulgakovsky artistic world in the novel "White Guard". The space of the novel is the Turbins’ Kiev apartment. The motifs of comfort, spirituality, and divine warmth are reinforced by objects: a tablecloth, a book, a hearth. The center of this world is Pushkin’s book “The Captain’s Daughter”: an instruction to protect honor and dignity. Home, family, and spiritual values ​​remain for most writers the main hope for a return to normal life and for the preservation of culture.

Tatiana (A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin”) after Onegin leaves, he goes into his office, where every little thing reminds him of him. As a result of her acquaintance with Onegin’s library, with the notes he made in the margins of his favorite books, the hero’s inner world is revealed to Tatyana. By touching the books, she touched the soul of another person and realized that besides love there are other interests and aspirations. Pushkin showed how rebirth occurs in Tatiana thanks to inquisitive reading.

Possible variant introduction/conclusion

When reading, we travel not through pages, but through the vast expanses of Russia. We rest our souls in hospitable Oblomovka, admire Turgenev’s noble nests, suffocate in the heat with Raskolnikov in St. Petersburg, wander in search of happiness with Nekrasov’s peasants...

There are facts in literature about how heroes perceived and passed through themselves, through their souls, the books they read...

Our Russian literature is our pride: it captures great impulses of the spirit. We are entering the wonderful world of literature, as if into a fairy-tale temple, where the minds and hearts of true artists burn brightly. In the temple, purifying our soul, we get up from our knees in life. Literature elevates the human soul, creates a hymn to feeling and reason.

VI. Cultural problems

The problem of preserving monuments of the cultural heritage of the past.

The problem of preserving ancient monuments and caring for them


The monument enhances the memory left by a person.


Literary arguments


Problem careful attitude To cultural heritage always remained the center of everyone's attention. In the difficult post-revolutionary period, when a change in the political system was accompanied by the overthrow of previous values, Russian intellectuals did everything possible to save cultural relics. For example, academician D.S. Likhachev prevented Nevsky Prospect from being built up with standard high-rise buildings. The Kuskovo and Abramtsevo estates were restored using funds from Russian cinematographers. Caring for ancient monuments also distinguishes Tula residents: the appearance of the historical city center, churches, and the Kremlin is preserved. The conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments in order to deprive the people of historical memory.

The problem of the Russian language

(preservation, clogging of the Russian language). The problem of the loss of language culture


Language is alive like life.

The word is also a matter.

Language must be carefully preserved, just as valuables are protected.

The struggle for language is a struggle for culture.

Without words there is no thought.

- “By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value” (K. Paustovsky).


- “There is no point in writing concentration when we have our own good word– condensation” (M. Gorky)

The Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque for expressing simple, natural concepts (V.G. Belinsky).

The language has a guardian, reliable and faithful; this is his own and true spirit, genius (V.G. Belinsky).

Language is the confession of the people, their soul and way of life (P.A. Vyazemsky).

Where the word has not perished, the deed has not yet perished (A.I. Herzen).

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself (N.V. Gogol).

The immortality of the people in language (Ch.T.Aitmatov).

Language is the centuries-old work of an entire generation (V.I. Dal).

The richness of language is an act (N.M. Karamzin).

The word is the deed (L.N. Tolstoy).

Language is the history of a people. Language is the essence of civilization and culture. That is why learning and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing better to do, but an urgent necessity (A.I. Kuprin).

Literary arguments

In the novel T. Tolstoy “Kys” people have ruined the Russian language so much that one can no longer recognize its former melodiousness; they “throw around” words, while pronouncing them incorrectly. After reading such books, I want to protect and protect our language from jargon and slang.

M. Zoshchenko. Story "Monkey tongue"

I. S. Turgenev. Prose poem "Russian language".

N.V. Gogol. Poem « Dead Souls» (digression at the end of Chapter V).

A. Akhmatova. Poem "Courage".

V. I. Dal. " Dictionary living Great Russian language."


When we talk about the wealth of Russia, we first of all mean its forests, rivers, and minerals. At the same time, we often forget about such a value of a country as the language spoken by its people. The Russian language is one of the richest languages, which in the 19th century produced the best literature in the world. Unfortunately, in our time, the Russian language is undergoing many negative changes and today we can talk about a serious disease of the language.

The problem of art perception. The problem of spirituality in art. The problem of perception of beauty. (What is true beauty?)



Literary arguments

Articles by D. Likhachev.

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

The role of art (means mass media) in the spiritual life of society.

The problem of anticulture



Literary arguments

M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. MASSOLIT employees write bad works and at the same time dine in restaurants and have dachas. They are admired and their literature is revered.

The problem of scientific progress


Nothing can stop the knowledge of the world.

Scientific progress should not outstrip human moral capabilities.

The purpose of science is to make people happy.

Science is a strong support in life.

It is impossible to stop scientific and technological progress.

Man and scientific progress are always in a state of struggle.

Scientists have a huge responsibility for the consequences of scientific discoveries.


- “We boarded the plane, but we don’t know where it will land!” (Yu. Bondarev).

Science reduces our experiences of fast-flowing life (A.S. Pushkin).

Progress is inevitable, it cannot be canceled (A.D. Sakharov).

Who needs such technical progress that does not make a person kinder, warmer, more noble (Yuri Bondarev).

Literary arguments

In the story M. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog” Doctor Preobrazhensky turns a dog into a human. Scientists are driven by a thirst for knowledge, a desire to change nature. But sometimes progress turns into dire consequences: a two-legged creature with “ with a dog's heart“- this is not yet a person, because there is no soul in him, no love, honor, nobility.

In the work of the Russian Soviet writer and playwright M. Bulgakov. "Fatal Eggs" The consequences of a careless attitude towards the power of science are most fully reflected. A brilliant and eccentric zoologist, Professor Persikov, accidentally breeds giant reptiles that threaten civilization instead of large chickens. The capital, as well as the rest of the country, is in panic. When it seemed that there would be no salvation, a terrible frost by August standards suddenly fell - minus 18 degrees. And the reptiles, unable to withstand it, died.

In the novel “We” by Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin the main character, D-503, describes his life in the totalitarian “United State”. He talks enthusiastically about the mathematics-based organization and community life. The author in his work warns people about the harmful influence scientific and technical progress, about its worst sides, that scientific and technological progress will destroy morality and human feelings, since they are not amenable to scientific analysis.


“We boarded the plane, but we don’t know where it will land!” - wrote the famous Russian writer Yu. Bondarev. These words sound a warning addressed to all humanity. Indeed, we are sometimes very careless, we do something, “get on a plane,” without thinking about what the consequences of our hasty decisions and thoughtless actions will be. And these consequences can be fatal.

At times it seems that the books may suffer the same fate as old tape cassettes or computer floppy disks. More than a decade has passed since they lost their significance. Perhaps not now, but sometime in the distant future, books will lose their primitive meaning, and reality will turn into a soulless, mechanized and automated organism. And if it’s an edge, life will best illuminate this question.

How it all began

When the problem of reading books arises, arguments from literature do not always provide a comprehensive answer to this question, but they address it from all sides.

Books appeared in human life back in the 5th century. These were papyrus scrolls that were joined together. Two centuries later, sheets of parchment began to be sewn together, thereby forming a prototype of the first books. It is not known for certain who and when decided to write down information, but thanks to this noble impulse, writing appeared, and over time, books.

In the Middle Ages, the ability to read was considered a privilege of noble people. And only the wealthiest family could have a book in their home. When paper was introduced, the price of books decreased somewhat, they became more affordable, but still remained a valuable acquisition.

During World War II, rarely did anyone have books in their house. As V. Lakshin notes in his works: “in those days, reading a book was happiness.” He tells how the boys spent 10 years reading Turgenev and Dostoevsky. They did not neglect the works of Schiller, whose most popular work at that time was “Cunning and Love.”

And finally, the digital age. Urbanization and mechanization of society are relegating the book to the background. Young people read little, especially fiction(in particular classics), because now most outstanding works have been filmed - watching a film is much faster and more interesting.

The influence of a book on a person

Maxim Gorky once said: “You should love a book, it will make your life easier.” And often books become the main factors that shape a person’s personality. If the problem of reading books is considered in this context, arguments from fiction will illuminate it very well.

For example, you can remember Tatyana Larina from Eugene Onegin. She read the works of the Romantic era, endowed Onegin with qualities that he never possessed, and when she realized what was happening, she was not even disappointed. Because of her hobby, she is constantly in some kind of elevated state, denies the vanity and pettiness of the mortal world, her ideals were largely outlined thanks to books, which is why she is so different from her peers.

The influence of books on the formation of the human personality can also be traced in Dostoevsky’s work “Crime and Punishment.” It is worth remembering the moment where he reads a passage from the Bible. Imbued with the idea of ​​God's boundless mercy, Raskolnikov, while in Ostroh, reads it.

The book is the last refuge

And no matter how positively a book influences a person, no matter what the arguments, the problem of reading books has always existed in society.

Now this is a problem of “non-reading”, and before it was a problem of lack of books. In difficult times, when a book appeared in a person’s hands, he literally came to life before his eyes. Running his eyes over the first lines, the man seemed to disappear into another world.

It is worth remembering A. Pristavkin’s story “Rogozhsky Market”. Military Moscow. Everyone is trying to survive as best they can. Main character history managed to sell a bunch of firewood and now wants to buy potatoes. But, having succumbed to the persuasion of the cripple, he acquires a book. Realizing that what has been done cannot be undone, he begins to reluctantly turn over the pages of “Eugene Onegin” and, being carried away, does not notice how the noise of the market square subsides, and he himself is mentally transported to a world where balls are circling, champagne is flowing and there is real freedom. The book gave him a feeling of delight and hope for the best.

I wonder if potatoes can have a similar effect on a person?

Pill for “faith in miracles”

And if you raise the question: “The problem of reading books,” arguments from literature open up another facet of it. Namely, faith in miracles. The book makes you not only take your mind off reality, but also make you believe that everything will be fine. It is worth recalling the story by K. Paustovsky “The Storyteller”. The time when the events take place is the beginning of the twentieth century. On Christmas Eve, the main character is given a collection of Andersen's fairy tales; he was so carried away by reading that he dozed off under the tree and saw the famous storyteller in a dream. The hero is grateful to Andersen for appearing in such a difficult period and making him believe in a miracle. He revived the hope that everything will be fine, and showed the true beauty of life, its greatness and transience, which is worth enjoying every day.

The problem of reading books: arguments from life

But it is worth returning to modern times. The problem of reading books, the arguments of which are presented above, has not yet been exhausted. Today people have really begun to read less. Several decades ago, when it still existed Soviet Union, its inhabitants were considered the most reading nation in the world. Every house had a collection of books, and there were queues in the libraries. In particular, this was provoked by fashion and the lack of other means of entertainment, but they definitely read more then. And the attitude towards books was different. Nowadays you can often see a neatly tied stack of books near the trash can. She, of course, quickly disappears from there, but the facts speak for themselves: throw away the books, could there be any stronger arguments?

The problem with reading books these days is not that people don't read at all, but rather that they absorb too much information.

If earlier children were simply read fairy tales, now mothers and grandmothers are looking on the Internet for advice on how to read a fairy tale correctly, which fairy tale will be good and which will be bad. All books can now be found in electronic format. But this does not affect the fact that people are reading less. Now people simply consume information, superficially viewing the content, and good old books, which enchant with their style, remain in the shadows - there is no time for them.


Here it is, the problem of reading books in modern society. Arguments on this matter can be cited from the work of Ray Bradbury. He describes a world where there are no books. Also in this world there is no place for conflicts, crimes and humanity. Where do they come from if no one reads? Therefore, nothing triggers the creation of a thought process. One of the moments that sticks in my memory is the conversation between the main character and his wife. The author writes that she sat for days in a room with large hologram screens and communicated with non-existent relatives. And in response to all my husband’s questions, she only said that she needed to buy another screen, since all the “relatives” did not fit. Is it a utopia or a curse? Let everyone decide for themselves.

Life-giving literature

Very often literary critics call good works"living books" The modern generation is rarely interested in reading, and if they read something, it is mostly ephemera. A simple plot, a simple style, a minimum of complex information or facts - an excellent trio to while away your commute to work. But after such literature it is difficult to pick up the works of Tolstoy, Gogol or Stendhal. After all, here all the information is presented in a complex format - a polished literary style, subtext, a complex intricacy of sentences, and most importantly - a topic that always evokes a desire to think.

So, the problem of reading books... Arguments can be given endlessly on any issue. But the main problem of our time is the graceful “mutation”. A virus in which readers have turned into consumers of information: they don’t care about an elegant style, conclusions or introduction, they want to know the answer to a specific question. And books that have transformed into content. They can be downloaded or viewed, but they rarely come to thoughtful reading.

A book is a unique source of knowledge that can give a person much more than he imagines. Reading a book always implies a choice of method, fast or slow, thoughtful or with the goal of finding the main meaning. And this problem of choosing a reading method in his text is raised by V.A. Soloukhin.

The relevance of this problem is beyond doubt, because in our time, in the age information technologies and globalization, much depends on the ability of humans to find information and transform it, like a computer, into useful data. For this, as stated in the text by V.A. Soloukhin, there is a high-speed reading method that allows you to quickly understand the main content of what you read. But is this method suitable for fiction? According to the author, the great Russian classics cannot be absorbed by reading “casually”, diagonally. He gives the example of one woman who is used to reading books at speed, but in the works of S.T. Aksakov “the page is read slowly, with every line, every word read.”

What about descriptions of nature? Their point is precisely to convey every detail to create an overall picture, an image. What if you use the speed method when reading the work “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol? The author describes in such detail the life of each landowner with whom Chichikov is visiting that it is difficult to imagine the characters without these details. Take the same Sobakevich. The author did not write that he was a prudent owner, a cunning tradesman, a tight fist, but the reader was able to understand this for himself by the way everything was sound in the landowner’s village, even though the estate resembled a barracks.

At the same time, one cannot say that the speed reading method is useless. In order not to spend a lot of time studying a huge amount of information, for example, a scientific article, you can use diagonal reading, then the main meaning will be clear, and unnecessary details will not confuse you even more.

Also, the speed reading method is useful when taking notes. Using this method, I was able to quickly understand the main content of V.G. Belinsky’s critical article about the work “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. Although the article took up many pages, and studying it in detail would take several hours.

Thus, when reading a work, you need to consider its genre and choose appropriate methods. Not only the importance of some details, but also the understanding of the text as a whole may depend on this.

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language.
Reading. Books. Literature.
The problem of reading, the role of reading, the role of literature, attitudes towards literature, choice of books, displacement of books, the influence of books on a person, language, perception of literature and language.

What is the role of reading in a person's life? What is the role of literature in human life?

Every person is obliged to take care of his intellectual development. This is his responsibility to the society in which he lives and to himself. The main way to intellectual development– reading.

How to love reading?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
Reading, in order to be effective, must interest the reader. You need to develop an interest in reading. Interest can be largely the result of self-education. Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life, and makes you wise. But all this is given only when you read, delving into all the little things. Because the most important thing is often hidden in the little things. And such reading is possible only when you read with pleasure, not because this or that work needs to be read, but because you like it. A person should have favorite works that he turns to repeatedly. “Disinterested” but interesting reading is what makes you love literature and what broadens a person’s horizons.

How to choose the right books?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
Reading should not be random. This is a huge waste of time, and time is the greatest value that cannot be wasted on trifles. You should read according to the program, of course, without strictly following it, moving away from it where additional interests for the reader appear. You need to create reading programs for yourself in consultation with knowledgeable people, with existing reference manuals different types. But try to choose a book to your liking, take a break from everything in the world for a while, sit comfortably with a book, and you will understand that there are many books that you cannot live without, which are more important and more interesting than many programs.
Therefore you need to read and modern literature. Don't just jump at every trendy book. Don't be fussy. Vanity causes a person to recklessly spend the largest and most precious capital he has - his time.

How to read correctly?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
The danger of reading is the development (conscious or unconscious) of a tendency to “diagonally” view texts or to various types speed reading methods.
“Speed ​​reading” creates the appearance of knowledge. It can be allowed only in certain types of professions, being careful not to create the habit of speed reading; it leads to attention disorders. Works read in a calm atmosphere make a great impression.
Know how to read not only for school answers and not only because everyone is reading this or that thing now - it’s fashionable. Know how to read with interest and slowly.

Why is TV replacing books?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
Yes, because TV forces you to slowly watch some program, sit comfortably so that nothing disturbs you, it distracts you from your worries, it dictates to you how to watch and what to watch. I'm not saying stop watching TV. But I say: look with choice. Spend your time on things that are worth spending. Determine your choice yourself, depending on the role your chosen book has acquired in the history of human culture in order to become a classic. This means that there is something significant in it. Or maybe this essential for the culture of mankind will be essential for you too?

What does a book boom mean?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
Today, personal libraries are in many homes. There is even such a phenomenon - a book boom. The book boom is wonderful! And the fact that people are interested in books, buy them, stand in line for books is good, it speaks of some kind of cultural upsurge in our society. But they can tell me that the books don’t go to those who need them. Sometimes they serve as decoration; purchased because of beautiful bindings, etc. But this is not so scary. A book will always find someone who needs it. We remember how people began to become interested in literature - through the libraries that they found with their father or with their relatives. So the book will one day find its reader.

How to properly compile a personal library?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
As for a personal library, this issue must be approached very responsibly. Not only because a personal library is considered business card owner, but because it sometimes becomes a prestigious moment. If a person buys books only for prestige, then he is doing it in vain. In the first conversation he will give himself away. It will become clear that he himself did not read the books, and if he did, he did not understand. You don't need to make your library too big. At home there should be books of repeated reading, classics (and favorite ones at that), and most of all reference books, dictionaries, bibliographies. They can sometimes replace an entire library. Be sure to keep your own bibliography and, on the cards of this bibliography, note what in this book seems important and necessary to you.
I repeat. If you need a book for one-time reading, you should not purchase it. And the art of compiling personal libraries is to refrain from acquiring such books.

How can books influence a person?
An argument from Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451
A striking example that shows the value of books is Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. The main character Guy Montag works as a fireman, but not in the usual sense: instead of putting out fires, he burns houses that have books in them. Books are strictly prohibited in this society, because it is easier for the government to control people who do not have knowledge and a free mind. Everything changes in Montag’s life when he gets acquainted with the world of books: he begins to think critically, he has his own opinion. This is how the hero turns into an agent of the resistance. At the end of the novel, there remains hope that perhaps it is he and people like him who will change the terrible reality.

How does literature influence a person's life?

Literature makes a person spiritually developed. In the dystopian story, M. Gelprin paints the reader a terrible picture of reality, in which literature could not get along with progress and completely faded away. Literature was what shaped minds, it determined the inner world of a person, his spirituality. “Children are growing up soulless, that’s what’s scary,” exclaimed one of the few remaining literature teachers, Andrei Petrovich. Most people were not aware of the problem. The exception was the robot tutor, who realized that children were growing up soulless, and secretly from his masters, he came to one of the few literature teachers to learn the basics. His goal was to educate children. A robot named Maxim, who came into contact with the world of literature, “at first deaf to the word, not perceiving, not feeling the harmony embedded in the language, every day he comprehended it and knew it better, deeper than the previous one.” As a result, he was disposed of, but his sacrifice was not in vain; he taught Anya and Pavlik, the children of the owners, to love literature. This means that all is not lost yet.

What is literature?
Argument from Michael Gelprin's story "".
The main character of the story “On the Table” by M. Gelprina, while teaching the robot Maxim, talks about what literature is. “Literature is not only what is written about... It is also how it is written. Language... the very tool that great writers and poets used.” In other words, in literary works It is not only the intricate plot that is important, but also the richness of the language, which becomes a tool that awakens life in the reader. Language is harmony. The purpose of literature is to educate minds, and beauty literary language helps achieve this main goal.

How to learn to perceive the beauty of artistic words?
Argument from the book by D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
The art of words is the most complex art, requiring from a person the greatest internal culture, philological knowledge and philological experience. This word, which is Greek in origin, can be translated as “love of the word.” But in reality, philology is broader. At different times, philology was understood as different areas of culture: namely culture, and not just science. Therefore, the answer to the question of what philology is can only be given through a detailed, painstaking historical study of this concept, starting from the Renaissance.
The role of philology is precisely connecting, and therefore especially important. It combines literary studies and linguistics in the field of studying the style of a work - the most complex area of ​​literary criticism. She demands deep knowledge not only in the history of languages, but also knowledge of the realities of a particular era, aesthetic ideas of their time, the history of ideas, etc.
I will give examples of how important a philological understanding of the meaning of words is. New meaning arises from the combination of words, and sometimes from their simple repetition. Here are a few lines from the poem “Away” by a good Soviet poet, and, moreover, a simple, accessible one - N. Rubtsov:
And everything sticks out.
The neighbor is sticking in the doorway,
The awakened aunts are hanging around behind him,
Words stick out
A bottle of vodka sticks out,
A senseless dawn sticks out the window!
Again the window glass is in the rain,
Again it feels like fog and chills...
If there were no last two lines in this stanza, then the repetitions of “sticks out” and “stick out” would not be full of meaning. But only a philologist can explain this magic of words...
The fact is that literature is not only the art of the word, it is the art of overcoming the word, acquiring a special “lightness” for the word depending on the combinations in which the words are included. Above all the meanings of individual words in the text, above the text, there is still a certain super-meaning that turns the text from a simple sign system into an artistic system. Combinations of words, and only they give rise to associations in the text, reveal the necessary shades of meaning in the word, and create the emotionality of the text. Just as in dance the heaviness of the human body is overcome, in painting the uniqueness of color is overcome through combinations of colors, in sculpture the usual dictionary meanings of a word are overcome. Words in combinations acquire shades that cannot be found in the best historical dictionaries of the Russian language.
It is absolutely clear that one cannot study literature without being at least a little linguist; one cannot be a textual critic without delving into the hidden meaning of the text, the entire text, and not just individual words of the text.
Words in poetry mean more than what they say they are, "signs" of what they are. These words are always present in poetry - whether when they are part of a metaphor, a symbol or are themselves, or when they are associated with realities that require readers to have some knowledge, or when they are associated with historical associations.
Every intelligent person should be at least a little philologist. Culture demands this.
You may ask me: what, I encourage everyone to be philologists, to become specialists in the field of humanities? I don’t call for being specialists, professional humanitarians. Of course, all professions are needed, and these professions must be evenly and expediently distributed in society. But... every specialist, every engineer, doctor, every nurse, every carpenter or turner, driver or loader, crane operator and tractor driver must have a cultural outlook. There should not be people who are blind to beauty, deaf to words and real music, callous to goodness, or forgetful of the past. And for all this we need knowledge, we need intelligence, which is given by the humanities. Read fiction and understand it, read history books and love the past of humanity, read travel literature, memoirs, read art literature, visit museums, travel with meaning and be spiritually rich. Yes, be philologists, that is, “lovers of words,” for the word stands at the beginning of culture and completes it, expresses it.

What role do books play in our lives?
An argument from L. Ulitskaya's novel "The Green Tent"
A book is a man's friend. With the help of books, children learn about the world, and adults return to their childhood memories. In L. Ulitskaya’s novel, the book occupies an exceptional place in the life of the main characters: Mikha, Sanya and Ilya. While still at school, the children join a circle of lovers of Russian literature, become interested in Pushkin and Tolstoy, re-read the letters of the Decembrists and write their first poems. The love of reading does not fade in them over the years: during their student years they try to get forbidden books, carefully pass them from hand to hand, copy and photograph passages. Thoughts and theories gleaned from books become food for long night conversations. In them, children learn about new trends and “get acquainted” with an alternative position prohibited by official literature. You could say that books define their lives. Ilya becomes a dissident and distributes samizdat, and Mikha publishes in banned literary and political magazines. In the final chapter of the novel, the already elderly Sanya, who is in exile, goes to visit Joseph Brodsky to listen to his poetry for the last time.

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