All the subtleties of the Nauli technique: a detailed explanation and the effect of belly wave practice. Performing nauli to cleanse and heal the body Nauli breathing

Every woman dreams of having a thin waist and a flat stomach. But where can you find time to go to the fitness center or exercise at home?! We tell you how to do a very simple but effective exercise to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle - vacuum.

There are three powerful and effective exercises for losing belly fat, regular implementation of which leads to the desired results. They do not require much space or time to complete. The latter, coupled with patience, will be needed only to master these practices. However, all these exercises have contraindications: pregnancy, menstruation, postoperative and postpartum periods (at least 4 months must pass after childbirth), any pain during the practice. If they are present, it is better to postpone the lesson.

Photo by fizkes/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Thanks to the “vacuum for the abdomen” exercises, a good massage occurs internal organs, blood flow increases, which helps remove harmful substances from the body. There is a general improvement of the abdominal organs and pelvic organs. In addition, these practices stimulate digestion and promote proper bowel function. And, no less pleasant, they strengthen the abdominal muscles, shaping the waist.

You need to perform such exercises, including those aimed at losing belly fat, on an empty stomach - either in the morning or four hours after eating. It is most convenient during the morning shower, which is modern world is almost the only place privacy. Believe me, you will leave the bathroom more than refreshed!

1. Vacuum for the abdomen, or maha bandha (big lock)

The large lock includes four small ones: the root (or mula-bandha), the abdominal (uddiyana-bandha), the throat (jalandhara-bandha) and the tongue (nabho-bandha). This exercise is the basis for the other two, so mastering yoga practices for weight loss should begin with it.

Place your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly and rest your hands on your thighs (just above your knees). We transfer the body weight into the hands, the support should be noticeable, and the lower back and abdominal wall should be relaxed. This is the body position in which it is easiest to master our magic exercises.

Now you need to focus on each lock separately. Mula bandha (root) is performed by contracting (retracting) the muscles of the perineum and holding them in a static position. It's like a Kegel exercise, but without the dynamics. It is the most important because it is a kind of basis for the next three castles. It is advisable to maintain it constantly, then you will not be afraid of organ prolapse at an advanced age, and as a pleasant bonus, your lower abdomen will tighten.

The throat lock is performed as follows: we pull the top of the head up, along the spine, while directing the chin into the jugular notch and moving the head slightly back, as if we want to show a double chin. Now try swallowing your saliva. If it didn’t work, the exercise was performed correctly. If it works, you need to stretch the top of your head more and move your head back, with your chin pointing down. Thanks to this lock, the windpipe is blocked and pressure from the abdominal cavity will not hit the head while performing the abdominal lock.

The tongue lock is the simplest. We turn the tip of the tongue upward and place it on the upper palate behind the teeth. All.

Before moving on to mastering the abdominal lock, learn to hold the three previous ones simultaneously while holding your breath after exhaling in the above body position.

The abdominal lock, or, in fact, the vacuum itself for the abdomen, is performed while holding your breath after exhalation and after the three previous locks are closed. Our task is to take a false breath, lifting and spreading your ribs as if you were inhaling deeply. But at the same time we do not let air into our lungs. The relaxed abdominal wall is freely pulled up, without the participation of muscles, but only due to the vacuum that forms in the abdominal cavity.

The step-by-step “vacuum” exercise looks like this:

1. Exhale, take a deep breath with your stomach and slowly empty your lungs of air. It is important to exhale all the air!

2. Pull your stomach towards your spine and up, as if under your ribs, and freeze for 5-10 seconds.

3. Exhale, relax your stomach, take a few free breaths, then empty your lungs of air again. Repeat 5 times.

Some people need a long time to master this exercise, while others succeed the first time. The main thing is that you are already on the right path.

2. Vacuum for the abdomen - advanced version, or agnisara-dhauti (“stomach flopping”)

As mentioned earlier, this exercise builds on the previous one. We make a simple vacuum, and then, continuing to hold our breath, we lower and again tighten the abdominal wall.

That is, one more step will be added to the previous instructions: after several free inhalations and exhalations, again empty your lungs of air and draw in your stomach as much as possible. As you pull in, try to tighten your abdominal muscles, and then push your stomach up without inhaling.

While performing this practice, heat comes from inside the body, do not be alarmed, it means you are doing everything correctly. Between approaches to practice, straighten up, relax your whole body, and observe the sensations with your eyes closed. Then we start over. The number of approaches is not limited, rely on your own feelings. But if you want the fastest result, then the more, the better.

3. Nauli

The most powerful of these practices. An excellent exercise not only for the stomach, but also for the sides. At first it seems completely impossible to master it. But, as the experience of most practitioners and my own shows, this is not so. You can master nauli (abdominal vacuum with wave) within two weeks if you practice 20 minutes a day. Checked! The main thing is not to stop in the middle of the path, when it seems that you are a real mediocrity and you are not given it. It is given to everyone who wants it, there is nothing complicated.

So, we take our starting position, perform a large lock and then push the rectus abdominis muscles forward. We push it, not strain it. A tourniquet is formed. Then we transfer the body weight to the left hand - the tourniquet moves to the left, transfer it to the right hand - the tourniquet will be on the right. The practice can be performed statically, but most often the wave is moved across the abdomen, in fact simply transferring the body weight from one hand to the other. The most difficult thing in the exercise is to learn to isolate these same rectus abdominis muscles that need to be pushed forward. To do this, it is useful to place a small mirror in front of you so that you can see what is happening.

I have long wanted to learn how to make nauli, but I just couldn’t do it.

But finally, I found time, and there’s a video online with an excellent explanation (thanks dana_pro ).
It turns out it's not that difficult at all!

I had two problems: I did not completely exhale the air, because of this I did not get a “vacuum”, and I did not know the main trick - transferring weight from one hand to the other. And one more tip from Dana - it’s convenient to watch the process in a mirror, placing it on the floor. For example, my breasts prevent me from seeing my retracted stomach :)

Yesterday I saw that I was already doing something! A little more training and I’ll learn how to do a wave :)

Nauli is a very useful thing, especially for people with my type of constitution - with high kapha and lack of fire. Girls only - be careful, there are nuances, see below the cut.

Original taken from dana_pro to Nauli with explanation

It is shown and told in such detail, I don’t even know if it could be better. I had been teaching for several years and thought that everyone knew such things as nauli, neti kriya (including a cord in the nose), swallowing bandages and other shatkarmas. That a person needs a teacher to build asanas, and so much has been written about shatkarmas and other yoga... It turned out, no. Not long ago, one of my students asked: why didn’t you ever tell us about nauli???? I discovered this practice for myself just a couple of months ago, I started practicing - and for the first time in my life I understood what a healthy feeling of hunger is!

In general, nauli is something that, from the first minute, will tell you about your problems with the internal organs. Secondly, how well you eat. Thirdly, this is the inclusion of a system of three heaters, these are non-freezing paws, this is heat emanating from the center of the body and spreading to the ends of the limbs))

For those who have never done anything like this, I would recommend starting with the first part, where Vera shows deep bandha. Some people experience difficulties already at this stage, so it’s not a sin to set aside a week to master it. And then - step by step. Master gradually, carefully. If you are doing bandha and there is a local sharp pain in your stomach... well, stop, rest. If, no matter how many times you start, there is always this sharp pain, go to the doctor. If yesterday you ate half a kilo of cutlets with a couple of chocolates, then don’t panic - the pain is quite understandable. If you try to repeat it and everything seems to be going well, congratulations, we are in the same boat. Because there is nothing mystical or transcendental in nauli, it is a rather simple and useful thing, it perfectly wakes you up in the morning, gives you a boost of energy and speeds up your metabolism.

In India it is considered a means of contraception, I will not encourage you to experiment, but if you are doing nauli and cannot get pregnant, it makes sense to quit for a while. My Ashtanga mentor Nancy Gilgoff was able to get pregnant at age 32 after stopping her Nauli practice, for example. During menstruation, obviously, nauli is excluded. There is minimal danger for girls with a well-conscious body to manage to rupture the egg and cause bleeding, but this requires very good control of your muscles. I saw this only once in my life, and the girl there not only had the abs of an athlete, but also controlled them as she pleased.

The main point is the transfer of weight from one hand to the other. With bandha, of course. Press first on one thigh, then on the other, with force. And your muscles will do everything for you)

As with any new business, you will most likely need time. Don't give up, this is a really cool thing for your health. Especially those who have a “cold stomach,” as Tibetan doctors say. And may the force be with you!))

The benefits of nauli are great: in terms of health, this practice relieves constipation, indigestion, functional (nervous) diarrhea, increased acidity, bloating, and also treats depression, hormonal imbalances, genitourinary disorders (including sexual ones), and relieves against apathy, laziness, energizes and gives inner peace.

Nauli, or “Wave”, otherwise known as “churning the belly”, is one of the most important practices of the series of shatkarmas, and hatha yoga in general, but for some reason it is often neglected. Perhaps because few people have the enthusiasm and understanding of the importance of this technique to master it. In fact, learning how to do nauli well is not at all difficult - if you know one little secret of this practice (more on that below.

“Lean forward, push your stomach out and quickly rotate from right to left. Siddhas call this nauli” - this is how the sage Swatmarama describes the Nauli Technique “hatha - yoga pradipika” very laconically. Unfortunately, according to this description, mastering nauli is very problematic, and many simply skip this technique - even a fairly weighty description of the benefits that this practice provides does not help: “nauli is the most important of the hatha yoga practices. It kindles the fire of digestion, removes indigestion, slow digestion, and all imbalances of the Doshas, ​​and brings happiness." Swatmarama gives a description of these “Bonuses” in the next shloka, as if he had realized that this practice would otherwise be neglected! Let us therefore figure out how to master nauli in order to become happy and solve all stomach problems.

To begin with, in order to effectively learn nauli, you need to master uddiyana - bandha, so that it comes out easily. This is halfway to Nauli.

In fact, nauli is the contraction of the muscles, which doctors call Rectus abdomini, and the release of other abdominal muscles. Control over the necessary muscles allows you to isolate a dense tourniquet from them in the middle of the abdomen (madhyama nauli), and also further rotate this tourniquet from left to right (counterclockwise) - “Dakshina Nauli”, or from right to left (clockwise) - “vama nauli”. The muscles we need are two long vertical stripes on the front wall of the abdomen - they run from the lower ribs down almost to the pubic bone. However, to perform the exercise you will also need to use the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.

Remember that this practice must be done on an empty stomach (at least 5-6 hours must pass after eating, and don’t even drink a lot of water before practice. It is best to do nauli in the morning, naturally before breakfast. Performing the “Wave” on a full stomach (even a full one) water) is not comfortable and not useful - unless prescribed by the guru for special purposes according to indications.

There are contraindications to performing nauli:
Heart disease, umbilical hernia, high pressure, stones in gallbladder, peptic ulcer, as well as a period of 1-2 months after any operation. Nauli is not performed during pregnancy in any month (but this practice is recommended 4-6 months after childbirth to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Madhyama nauli (central tourniquet:

We stand on the mat, feet widely spaced (45-100 cm from each other. Slightly bend our knees and stand in a half-squat, resting our hands on our legs just above the knees (with our thumbs inward. We don’t lower our heads, our eyes are open (you can look at your stomach, lifting the T-shirt and pressing it with your chin. Exhale.
We take a slow breath in through the nose and quickly exhale powerfully through the mouth, stretching out the lips; We perform bahiranga kumbhaka - holding the breath after exhalation - and close jalandhara - bandha (throat lock.
Now we pull in the stomach (while holding the bahiranga kumbhaka) and perform uddiyana - bandha. Hands on knees.
Now, with a mental effort, we release the muscles in the center of the abdomen (around the navel), as if relaxing the navel. A vertical cord of muscles appears on the stomach - this is Madhyama Nauli - “Central Wave”. At the same time, we pull in the stomach from both sides (where the waist is. The tighter the tourniquet in the center, the better. We hold the tourniquet for as long as possible (20-30 seconds, if possible with ease. Holding your breath for half a minute should already be comfortable for the harmonious implementation of this practice!
To complete, relieve tension from the abdomen, raise your head and body. We take a slow, deep breath (the stomach expands. We relax in a normal stance for several breathing cycles.

Vama and dakshina nauli (moving the tourniquet left and right:

We stand on the mat, feet at a distance of approximately 50-100 centimeters from each other. We slightly bend our knees and stand in a half-squat, resting our hands on our legs just above the knees (with our thumbs inward. We don’t lower our heads, our eyes are open. Exhale.
We take a slow breath in through the nose and quickly exhale powerfully through the mouth, stretching out the lips; We perform bahiranga kumbhaka - holding the breath after exhalation and close jalandhara - bandha (throat lock.
Now we pull in the stomach (while holding bahiranga kumbhaka) and perform uddiyana - bandha as usual.
Now - attention, secret! - We slightly raise our right palm (tear it off the knee), transferring the weight of the body to the left hand (and, as it were, the knee), while trying not to lean to the left. This trick allows us to “Automatically” (to a certain extent) - that is, without conscious effort on our part - select the necessary muscles and shift the “wave” to the left.
To complete the practice, remove the uddiyana bandha, slowly raise your head, straighten up and inhale slowly, in a controlled manner.
We have fulfilled you - nauli.
For dakshina - nauli, we start as usual, and in step 4 we do the opposite: we raise our left arm, the muscles shift to the right.
Rest between sets! Be sure to take a few normal breaths and exhalations before starting the next circle.

From the point of view of yoga practice, nauli allows you to control the desire for food and sex (along with the desire to sleep - the most important human desires according to yoga theory. Regular practice of nauli significantly strengthens the will. This technique increases heat in the body, therefore it is especially recommended for those who are cold in the cold season The nauli technique increases the body's ability to optimally absorb food.Being content with a small amount of food, yogis who do nauli daily are able to more effectively get rid of toxins and waste in food, while getting the maximum of nutrients from it (that's why the treatises say that this technique reduces the amount of discharge.In terms of its effect on the body, this technique is superior to both asanas and pranayama, and is actually a self-massage of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which largely determine the health of the body as a whole.

Nauli is a contraction of muscles. Depending on which abdominal muscles are contracted, separate techniques are distinguished. Madhyama nauli is the tension of a tight cord in the middle of the abdomen. The practice is done like this:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Using your hands to rest on your mid-thighs, lean forward slightly.
  • Inhale fully, then perform uddiyana bandha as deeply as possible.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles so that you can highlight the central part of the abdominal muscles. In this case, you need to press your hands on your thighs.
  • If performed correctly, a roll formed from the longitudinal abdominal muscles appears in the middle of the abdomen.
  • This position must be maintained until the desire to inhale appears.

This is what the Madhyama Nauli execution cycle looks like. Do it as long as necessary, resting between each cycle. Variations of nauli: vama nauli and dakshina nauli Vama nauli is the movement of the central cord of abdominal muscles formed as a result of madhyama nauli from right to left (clockwise), and dakshina nauli - from left to right (counterclockwise). They are carried out inseparably from each other.

Technique for moving the central harness:

  • It is necessary to stand in a comfortable position so that your feet are located at a distance of 50-100 cm from each other. You need to take a half-squat position, for which your knees are slightly bent and your hands rest on your legs above the knees. The eyes should look straight ahead. Exhale.
  • Now you need to take a measured breath through your nose and, pursing your lips like a tube, exhale powerfully through your mouth. It is necessary to hold your breath and close the throat lock (Jalandhara bandha).
  • Next, you should pull in your stomach, remembering to hold your breath after exhaling. Perform uddiyana bandha as usual.
  • Raise your right palm, which lies on your knee, transfer the weight of your body to your left hand, but try not to tilt to the left. This “secret” move will allow your body to independently, without any serious effort on your part, isolate the necessary muscles and make a “wave” to the left.
  • Remove the uddiyana bandha, raise your head, straighten up, and regulate your breathing. Just all this needs to be done slowly and calmly.
  • Having completed vama nauli, you can begin dakshina nauli. To do this, you should do everything exactly as described above, with the only difference being that the movement of the tourniquet should be directed in the other direction.

Do not forget that between cycles you need to rest and restore your breathing. There is a more advanced version of the nauli technique. It is suitable for those who have perfectly mastered the basic practice.

Nauli Kriya is one of the most important cleansing practices of Hatha Yoga, during which the abdominal muscles are involved. The word “nauli” should be understood as “wave” or “churning of the stomach.” Experts believe that every muscle must be used every day, otherwise energy will stagnate, which will cause problems in the body (primarily in the intestines). It is the Nauli technique that allows you to kindle the digestive fire (Agni), say goodbye to the problem of sluggish digestion and imbalance in the doshas. If you practice nauli kriya regularly, those who have digestive problems will quickly feel the power of this technique. Surprisingly, anyone can master it, you just need to follow the rules and be persistent.
Effects of Nauli Kriya on the body The practice of Nauli is amazing. She is able to equalize the balance of the elements of fire, water and air concentrated in the human body. By establishing this balance, you can get rid of many ailments. It is not without reason that Nauli is considered the dominant one among all cleansing techniques. The technique greatly enhances the effects of other kriyas, mudras and asanas. Effect and benefits of nauli:

  • Due to deep massage, which occurs under the influence of the formation of a vacuum in the abdominal cavity, blood flow to the internal organs is activated, which helps to get rid of digestive and genitourinary systems. Operation is stabilizing endocrine system, the concentration of sex hormones reaches balance. Practice helps eliminate displacements of organs that have arisen under the influence of various reasons. Eliminates problems of indigestion, diarrhea of ​​psychosomatic origin, constipation, increased acidity, flatulence. Nauli has a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the psychological state. In case of stress and depression, this technique is simply irreplaceable, since thanks to the balancing of hormones, calmness and a feeling of happiness come.

In yoga, it is believed that many diseases originate in the digestive system. If you influence it correctly, you will be able to improve the health of the entire body, normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches and reduce the manifestations of skin diseases. We have figured out the benefits of this technique and are now gradually approaching how to learn how to perform the nauli practice. Where to start preparing for nauli Before you start mastering nauli, you need to master uddiyana bandha perfectly. It's already halfway there. If you can hold the technique for 10 seconds or more, then you are ready to comprehend nauli. It is also highly recommended to master agnisara kriya. The technique is performed as follows. You need to stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Inhale deeply through your nose. Exhale through your mouth. In this case, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees and your hands should be placed on your hips. Your abdominal muscles should relax and you should hold your breath. It is in this state that you should begin to perform movements of the abdominal wall - at a fast pace and powerfully. Do this 10-15 times. Inhale through your nose and assume an upright position. These steps need to be performed 3-5 times.

This technique is performed only on an empty stomach and in the absence of diseases of the pancreas and intestines. There is no need to do agnisara kriya for pregnant women either. If everything goes correctly, then after a short period of time you can thoroughly prepare for nauli.

Madhyama Nauli - the technique of performing Nauli is a muscle contraction. Depending on which abdominal muscles are contracted, separate techniques are distinguished. Madhyama nauli is the tension of a tight cord in the middle of the abdomen. The practice is performed like this: Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Using your hands to rest on your mid-thighs, lean forward slightly. Inhale fully, then perform uddiyana bandha as deeply as possible. Tighten your abdominal muscles so that you can highlight the central part of the abdominal muscles. In this case, you need to press your hands on your thighs. If performed correctly, a roll formed from the longitudinal abdominal muscles appears in the middle of the abdomen. This position must be maintained until the desire to inhale appears.

This is what the Madhyama Nauli execution cycle looks like. Do it as long as necessary, resting between each cycle. Variations of nauli: vama nauli and dakshina nauli Vama nauli is the movement of the central cord of abdominal muscles formed as a result of madhyama nauli from right to left (clockwise), and dakshina nauli - from left to right (counterclockwise). They are carried out inseparably from each other.

Technique for moving the central tourniquet: It is necessary to stand in a comfortable position so that the feet are located at a distance of 50-100 cm from each other. You need to take a half-squat position, for which your knees are slightly bent and your hands rest on your legs above the knees. The eyes should look straight ahead. Exhale. Now you need to take a measured breath through your nose and, pursing your lips like a tube, exhale powerfully through your mouth. It is necessary to hold your breath and close the throat lock (Jalandhara bandha). Next, you should pull in your stomach, remembering to hold your breath after exhaling. Perform uddiyana bandha as usual. Raise your right palm, which lies on your knee, transfer the weight of your body to your left hand, but try not to tilt to the left. This “secret” move will allow your body to independently, without any serious effort on your part, isolate the necessary muscles and make a “wave” to the left. Remove the uddiyana bandha, raise your head, straighten up, and regulate your breathing. Just all this needs to be done slowly and calmly. Having completed vama nauli, you can begin dakshina nauli. To do this, you should do everything exactly as described above, with the only difference being that the movement of the tourniquet should be directed in the other direction.

Do not forget that between cycles you need to rest and restore your breathing. There is a more advanced version of the nauli technique. It is suitable for those who have perfectly mastered the basic practice. Tips Don't try to master nauli too quickly. It is much more effective if everything happens slowly and measuredly. At first, you can move your hips in a circle, thereby helping the movement of the abdominal muscles. When it starts to work out, you can already try to make movements directly with the abdominal muscles. If during the process you feel the urge to urinate, then there is no need to be alarmed. That's right. This means that the process of cleansing and healing has begun. Nauli is performed only on an empty stomach. If you do eat, then you need to wait at least 5 hours before starting practice. When you have problems with breathing, throat, or have developed a cold, you should not do nauli. Contraindications for performing nauli Despite all the benefits of nauli, the technique can also be harmful if performed in the case of certain diseases or conditions of the body. Do not practice in the following cases: presence of an umbilical hernia; hypertension (high blood pressure); severe heart disease; period 1-2 months after surgery (any); gallstones; peptic ulcer; pregnancy (you can and even need to start performing nauli after 4-6 months after pregnancy - to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall).

If you perform nauli for some time, but do not use yogic methods of cleansing, spinal breathing and meditation, it can cause energy imbalance in the body. Therefore, so that there is no negative consequences, it is better to master the technique under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. If this is not possible, then there is no need to rush, trying to quickly comprehend the Nauli philosophy. Listen to your body, sensations and how your physiology responds to changes.

To ensure that laulika does not cause any harm, you need to follow several tips: Training should not begin earlier than 4 hours after your last meal. You can inhale after holding your breath only after completing all the bandhas. While holding bandhas, breathing is prohibited. You cannot hold your breath for a long time. A correctly performed exercise retains the ability to inhale calmly and naturally. Before you start mastering lauliki, you need to mandatory master Agnisara Kriya and Uddiyana bandha. Moreover, knowledge and practice in these areas must be perfect. All exercises must be performed only under the supervision of an experienced instructor. The starting position for performing the movement for beginners is standing; only experienced yogis can move into a sitting position.

Subject to all the listed rules and the absence of contraindications, nauli will only bring benefits. If this type of yoga is practiced for a long time, but the techniques of spinal breathing, meditation, and cleansing are not used, an energy imbalance may occur. To avoid this, you should learn the technique only from an experienced instructor, and it is also better to obtain a doctor’s permission before the first lesson. This video talks about how to perform nauli technically correctly. Nauli: the benefits of Laulik have undoubted benefit for the body. Among its positive effects are: improvement of digestive function; increasing the body's ability to absorb nutrients; elimination of constipation, diarrhea; reducing the level of acidity in the stomach; eliminating flatulence; strengthening the abdominal muscles; regulation of blood pressure; normalization of function nervous system; toning the intestines.

Also, such training helps to normalize the function of the endocrine and excretory system, which allows you to: have a stimulating effect on the organs of the reproductive system; normalize the process of production of sex hormones; eliminate hormonal imbalances; fight genitourinary pathologies.

Also, from the experience of many yogis, it is proven that regular training of this nature helps to increase interest in life, give a person energy, fight laziness, and also provide effective therapy for depressive conditions.

Nauli with your stomach: technique for beginners You can master laulik according to the following instructions. Before you start nauli, you need to master agnisara kriya. To do this, you need to take a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. During exhalation lower limbs You need to bend slightly and place your hands on your hips. After exhalation, the abdominal muscles relax and breathing is held. In this position, it is necessary to move the abdominal wall at an active pace - 10-15 repetitions. Then inhale and assume a vertical position. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times. You can start nauli only after 2-3 weeks of regular agnisara kriya practice. Take a standing position, legs slightly apart. A deep breath is taken through the nose and exhale through the mouth. In this case, the torso leans forward, but the back remains straight, the legs are slightly bent, and the hands are placed on the hips. Breathing is delayed, the stomach is drawn in, and you must try to feel the rectus abdominal muscles. Inhale and straighten up. This exercise is repeated 5-6 times. After mastering this practice, you can begin to move the rectus muscle from right to left and vice versa. Subsequently, it is necessary to master the technique of performing circular movements.

Beginners should master the technique at a measured pace; all exercises must be done gradually, mastering the easier movements first. This approach will allow you to get the maximum benefit from your classes. This video shows how to do nauli correctly. Don't forget to leave your tips, suggestions and comments on the article.

Technique: how to learn how to do nauli

To begin, you need to stand straight, legs slightly apart, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees slightly and place both hands on your hips. While holding your breath, pull in your stomach (abdominal cavity) strongly and quickly and try to feel the rectus abdominis muscle. On your next inhalation, straighten up again. This process can be repeated 5-6 times. After practicing for some time, you can move on to moving the rectus abdominis muscle from right to left, then from left to right, and later try to carry out circular movements of these muscles in nauli. Execution technique - how to learn? Helpful advice will be as follows: everything should be done gradually, since it will still not be possible to perform complex combinations at once; the process of mastering the practice requires time and patience.

Nauli and the digestive system

Nauli Kriya tones the digestive organs and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Lauliki tones the intestines and normalizes its functioning. You can find out what other yoga techniques can influence the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by watching the video.

Video How to properly do nauli - the queen of all yogic cleansings?

Nauli - vacuum exercise for women

Vacuum exercise for women will help get rid of a bulging belly. Each of us wants a beautiful slim body and, of course, a flat tummy. I hope that many of you already know that in achieving a beautiful body, 80% of success is nutrition and only 20% is physical activity.

We have already discussed the main points on nutrition and my personal recommendations and rules for accelerating metabolism. The main rule for burning waist fat is a properly tuned metabolic process. Do you know what visceral fat is, what its features are and why it is important to find ways to get rid of it? There is a wonderful exercise that not only removes belly fat, but does it from the inside, helping us defeat the so-called visceral fat, the most insidious and dangerous fat in the human body. This is a vacuum exercise for women.

This exercise is more difficult for men. Every day, waking up in the morning, before drinking a glass of water, I perform a vacuum exercise for women or, as it is called in Eastern practices and yoga, nauli. A very effective and useful exercise for defeating visceral fat. The purpose of the vacuum itself is to ensure the activity of the most difficult muscle of the abdomen and press - the transverse muscle. The decrease in volume in centimeters is carried out due to the combustion of visceral fat, the most dangerous and insidious in our body.

Nauli is the name given to rotation of the abdominal muscles in yoga. There is a saying that every muscle should move at least once a day. This prevents energy from stagnating, like water that stands still and becomes unclean and smelly. On the other hand, flowing water always remains clean. This is the reason why the intestines should be moved every day. What is the Nauli technique? How to learn how to do a kind of internal massage of the organs, which has a beneficial effect on the processes of digestion and cleansing in the body?

Where to begin?

As a preliminary exercise, it is recommended to practice mastering a technique called agnisara kriya. It is performed as follows: you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then inhale deeply through your nose. You need to exhale through your mouth, while slightly bending your knees, placing both hands on your hips. After exhaling, allow your abdominal muscles to relax and hold your breath. In this state, begin to move the abdominal wall powerfully and quickly 10-15 times. After this, inhale through your nose and take a vertical position. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. This technique activates the manipura chakra and awakens the “digestive fire”, which has a stimulating effect on metabolism, strengthens the immune system and is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Agnisara Kriya should be practiced strictly on an empty stomach and in the absence of any diseases of the intestines or pancreas. You should not practice this technique during pregnancy. When the abdominal muscles adapt and strengthen over several weeks as a result of such breathing exercises, you can begin directly to practice nauli.

Execution technique: how to learn to do nauli?

To begin, you need to stand straight, legs slightly apart, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees slightly and place both hands on your hips. While holding your breath, breathe strongly and quickly (abdominal cavity) and try to feel the rectus abdominis muscle. On your next inhalation, straighten up again. This process can be repeated 5-6 times. After practicing for some time, you can move the rectus abdominis muscle from right to left, then from left to right, and later try to perform nauli with these muscles. Execution technique - how to learn? Some useful advice would be the following: everything should be done gradually, since it will still not be possible to perform complex combinations at once; the process of mastering the practice requires time and patience.

Advantages of technology

Nauli strengthens muscles by massaging the intestines and organs of the lower abdomen, regulates blood pressure, and relieves heartburn. Due to the stimulation and regulating effect on the entire digestive system, the technique is considered an incredibly useful exercise for the entire body. The cause of many diseases originates in the digestive system: headaches, skin diseases, and sometimes cancer. Toxic substances and wastes that are not eliminated in a timely manner and remain in the body are in most cases the cause of these misfortunes. Nauli quickly tones the abdominal muscles - nerves, intestines, every part internal system organs are stimulated by this practice. It balances the endocrine system and helps stabilize the production of sex hormones. With practice, one can control sensual desires and even strengthen willpower. What is nauli (execution technique), how to learn? The beneficial effect is achieved when performed correctly and taking into account all recommendations. For example, you should not perform muscle massage on an empty stomach, during pregnancy, or if there are stones in the kidneys or gall bladder.

Nauli training

What is the technique and how to learn to correctly apply one of the advanced practices in yoga? Improper execution poses a certain risk of injury. It's hard to learn this from books. It is necessary to work with a teacher who has mastered nauli perfectly and clearly understands all the features of the process. How to learn to practice without pain and without physical discomfort? Nauli training usually occurs in several stages:

1. Study the contractions of uddiyana bandha (agnisara) for several weeks or even months.

2. Performing central nauli is possible only after mastering the first stage.

3. After mastering the central nauli, you can try shifting to the left and right, and also try to roll the abdominal muscles in a circle.


If nauli is practiced for a certain period of time without using cleansing techniques, meditation and spinal breathing, it can lead to energy imbalance in the body. It would be preferable to learn from an experienced practitioner. People with heart disease or disease gastrointestinal tract You should seek professional advice before learning nauli.

Abdominal Muscle Isolation

What is the Nauli practice technique? How to learn? The abdominal rotation procedure is also called abdominal isolation because you need to isolate the muscles, bring them together, or push them out. When mastering it, you should follow the advice of an experienced yoga teacher. This exercise can be done either sitting or standing, but students should begin in a standing position with their feet approximately 12 inches apart to ensure a firm, stable position. Isolation of the abdominal muscles is only possible in a practically vacuum space, so as you exhale, you need to forcefully open your mouth and bend over to remove all the air from the abdomen. Clockwise and counterclockwise muscle movements are more advanced and complex practices. Having mastered the technique in a vertical position, you can try to do it in a sitting position.

When to practice nauli? Execution technique

How to learn? The method of optimal mastery is based on frequency and regular practice. Since there is a good massage of all internal organs, these exercises will have a positive effect on the kidneys and liver, bladder and urinary tract, pancreas and gall bladder, prostate gland or ovaries, as well as reproductive organs. The effect of massage on the digestive system has a stimulating effect with regular practice, and also prevents problems with constipation. Nauli is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. The use of this technique for women with gynecological problems - from menstrual irregularities and pain during menstruation to problems with the ovaries and uterus - has an incredibly beneficial effect. In addition, such hard breathing exercises burn excess belly fat.

Is Nauli’s technique so complicated? How to learn? The effect will be positive only if you do everything correctly. The whole point is not to do everything quickly, you should train yourself to do it slowly, it is much more effective and healthier for the body. At the beginning of mastering, you can help the movement of the abdominal muscles by moving your hips in a circle. Later, when the skill is more or less mastered, you can try to do exercises only with the abdominal muscles. During or after practice, you may feel the urge to urinate. This is completely normal, it means that the process of cleansing and healing has begun. You can do nauli only on an empty stomach or 5 hours after eating, otherwise pain and discomfort may occur. In case of a cold or problems with the throat and breathing, you should also refrain from exercising. This advanced practice should ideally be done when the person is completely healthy. If you have any doubts, you should see a doctor and talk to your yoga teacher about it. The practice is certainly not recommended for heart patients and people suffering from hypertension, colitis, ulcers, bowel cancer, diarrhea, hernia or gallstones or kidney stones.

Yoga is the science of healthy living

Yoga techniques involve all aspects of a person's physical and emotional health on the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual levels. The word “yoga” means “unity”, referring to the universal union of body, soul and higher reality. One of the advanced practices is nauli. Execution technique, how to learn, rules of technique - all these questions require detailed description. So, nauli is an abdominal massage. This Sanskrit word is derived from the root "nala" or "nali" which means a tubular vessel, a vein or nerve of the body, a reed or a hollow stem. It is also interesting to note that the Sanskrit word "nau" means ship, and indeed, when the technique is perfected, the movement of the abdominal muscles resembles the rolling waves of the ocean, similar to those created by a ship. Nauli - which involves isolating the rectus muscle. Each rotation has its own name and is responsible for a specific process in the body.

Nauli from the inside

The rectus abdominis is made up of two long, vertical muscles located in the front of the abdomen that run from the center of the chest near the diaphragm to the external obliques. The technique may also involve the external obliques. Nauli is first practiced with hands on the hips just above the knees and the body bent forward. As your skills improve, you can practice other positions, in a more upright position, with your hands placed on your upper thighs. This is what the traditional nauli technique looks like.

How to learn tragaka, neti, kalabhati, dhouti and other techniques in yoga?

You can answer as follows: from simple to complex. The Nauli technique is considered quite complex. How to learn kapalabhati, neti, pranayama and other similar techniques in yoga? First, agnisara is mastered, during which the ability to control the abdominal muscles is developed. Other techniques can be learned later. The most advanced techniques are considered to be dhouti and basti; they are usually learned after the age of twenty. Basti is a colon cleansing using a special enema made from honey or coffee. Kapalbhati is similar to breathing exercises, which is simple and takes little time. Tragaka is a close observation of an object; this technique aims to improve the health of the eyes and relieve psychological stress. Often the object of contemplation is a burning candle. Many techniques are difficult for beginners, so it is not recommended to perform them without prior training and an experienced yoga instructor.

Nauli is a classical hatha yoga exercise that is not often taught in yoga schools as it is considered quite difficult. The technique of muscle rotation can only be mastered with perseverance and patience. As a rule, it takes about 3 months of regular training to master the very basics of practice. The benefits of using this technique are difficult to overestimate. After inhaling, the heart begins to pump blood at an accelerated pace, and this is a kind of aerobic exercise for the body. At this time it is thrown away a large number of oxygen, which helps destroy and remove toxins from the body. Another huge benefit is the burning of fat in problem areas, especially in the abdominal area.

N Auli is the practice of contracting and isolating the rectus abdominis muscles.. In the book Gherand Samhita this practice is called lauliki. The root word nala means "thread of the navel", that is, the rectus abdominis muscles. It also means a tubular vessel. Lauliki comes from the word lola, which means “rotating” or “stirring.”

When the rectus abdominis muscles rotate from left to right (counterclockwise), it is called dakshina nauli. When they rotate from right to left (clockwise), it is vama nauli. When the muscles are pulled together and protrude middle group muscles, that's madhyama nauli. Before attempting nauli, you must be able to perform uddiyana bandha correctly.

Rectus abdominis muscles- These are two long vertical muscles located in the front of the abdomen that run from a point located under the center of the rib cage near the diaphragm to the pubic bone. Although these are the muscles you manipulate in nauli, the obliques and transverse abdominis muscles are also used.

You first practice nauli by bending your body forward and resting your hands on your thighs just above your knees. Once you have mastered this, you can practice in a more upright position with your hands on your upper thighs.

As it says in the 34th shloka of the book “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”:

“Nauli is the main purification practice in Hatha Yoga. It ignites the digestive fire, eliminating indigestion, sluggish digestion and all disturbances in the doshas, ​​and also gives birth to happiness.”

Shatkarma and asanas stimulate digestion, but they say that the best remedy for this is nauli. It quickly tones the abdominal muscles, nerves, intestines, reproductive and excretory organs. There is virtually no part of the human internal system that is not stimulated by this practice. When manipulating the abdominal muscles, not only are they toned, but all internal organs are also massaged.

The practice of asana and pranayama definitely generates energy, but nauli activates the system in a much shorter time and with greater force. Its effects are especially noticeable on the digestive and excretory systems. It generates heat in the body, stimulates digestion, assimilation and absorption of nutrients, thereby reducing waste. It balances the endocrine system and helps control the production of sex hormones.

Nauli is especially useful for relieving constipation, indigestion, nervous diarrhea, hyperacidity, flatulence, depression, hormonal, sexual and genitourinary disorders, laziness, boredom, lack of energy and emotional disorders. Through this practice, the practitioner can control his appetite and sensual desires, and strengthen his willpower. If this can be achieved, the practitioner will definitely experience deeper inner satisfaction.

Not everyone, however, can practice nauli. It cannot be practiced by those who suffer from heart disease, hypertension, hernia, stomach ulcers and duodenum, and those who are recovering their health after any internal injuries or abdominal surgery.

Nauli: effects and indications for practice

  • Improving venous outflow (for varicose veins)
  • Stimulation of the large intestine (for atonic constipation)
  • Strengthening the respiratory muscles
  • Stimulation of peripheral circulation
  • Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (calmness, relaxation)
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs
  • Stimulation of the endocrine system (hypofunction of the pancreas and liver)
  • Stimulation of excretory systems
  • Choleretic effect (bile duct dyskinesia, hypofunction of the gallbladder)

Nauli: contraindications

  • period
  • pregnancy
  • uterine fibroids (bleeding or growing)
  • spicy infectious diseases abdominal and pelvic organs
  • exacerbation of chronic digestive diseases (gastritis, ulcers)
  • thromboembolic disease
  • malignant tumors of any location
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