What are the dangers of taking loperamide during pregnancy? Diarrhea during pregnancy: can it be treated with Loperamide. Side effects and contraindications

During pregnancy, most effective medications become unsafe for the normal development of the fetus. One of the drugs that must be taken with extreme caution during pregnancy is Loperamide.

general characteristics

Loperamide is actively used to treat diarrhea of ​​various etiologies. Its effectiveness is due to the action of the main active substance, loperamide hydrochloride, on the secretion of special substances prostaglandins. As a result, the time it takes for digested food to pass through the intestines increases. The drug quickly binds to receptors located on the intestinal walls, simultaneously reducing tone and impairing muscle contractility. In addition, Loperamide medication increases the overall tone of the anal sphincter, promoting long-term fecal retention and, as a result, cessation. Therapeutic effect medicine occurs after forty minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours.

Loperamide practically does not enter the general systemic circulation, concentrating in the intestines and liver. According to the stated data from the manufacturer, the absorption of the drug is 40%. However, the instructions for use of Loperamide during pregnancy indicate its possible risk to the fetus.

A single dose of Loperamide is completely excreted from the body after twelve hours by the intestines and partially by the kidneys.

The drug is available in three forms:

  • capsules;
  • lozenges;
  • drops.

Important: in the Russian Federation the sale of Loperamide drops is prohibited, due to high risk development of severe side effects.

Main indications for prescribing the drug:

  • acute diarrhea;
  • chronic;
  • normalization of stool during ileostomy.

The traditional dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions. However, it is better to start treatment after consulting a specialist to avoid side effects.

Features of taking Loperamide during pregnancy

The use of the drug in pregnant women has a number of nuances.

On early stages, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of the main organs and systems of the fetus is active, while the components of Loperamide can have a detrimental effect on the overall development of the child. From the second trimester, the medication is prescribed only in exceptional cases. In particular, when diarrhea during pregnancy threatens serious complications for the woman, and, consequently, the child. The dosage is set strictly individually.

Do not use Loperamide to relieve symptoms of diarrhea on your own. A bowel disorder may be a reaction to a serious illness. Uncontrolled use of the drug without proper examination and identification of the causes of the disease can cause harm, causing complications.

The dosage of Loperamide during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and, as a rule, in minimally effective proportions.

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Now you know how to take Loperamide correctly during pregnancy and what precautions are important to take. However, the rest of the population also has contraindications to taking the drug, and they are quite specific:

  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • dysentery in the acute phase;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Important: in patients with renal failure Therapy with the drug is possible only under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Due to quite serious contraindications, we remind you that the answer to the question - is it possible to take Loperamide during pregnancy can only be given by your attending physician after studying your specific case.

Side effects and analogues of the drug

As a result of long-term use of the drug Loperamide or a critical violation of the dosage, an overdose is possible. It appears in:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • constipation;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin rash.

Any symptoms of a drug overdose require immediate medical attention. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnant women, since the effect of Loperamide on the fetus has not been fully studied.

Attention: in situations of overdose, Naloxone is used as an antidote.

If for one reason or another you cannot take Loperamide, pay attention to drugs with a similar composition and principle of action:

  • Imodium tablets or capsules;
  • Enterobene capsules;
  • Superilop;
  • Lopedium;
  • Diara.

Of course, you should not change the medicine yourself without consulting a doctor. It is not advisable to get carried away and folk remedies, for example, a decoction of oak bark or walnut. Their influence can also be unpredictable. If you have mild diarrhea, try to improve the condition by eating a few spoonfuls rice porridge, or prepare a decoction of this cereal. Rice has a strengthening effect and is absolutely safe during pregnancy. If there is no improvement, you need to contact a medical facility to make an accurate diagnosis.

Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant disease and not always harmless. To avoid complications and not start the disease, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. There are quite a few methods for treating diarrhea, including the drug Loperamide, which, as we found out, can be taken during pregnancy.

Many women wonder, “can I take Loperamide during pregnancy?” In today's article we will try to answer your question, but first, let's find out what this remedy is and why it is taken orally.

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal agent that eliminates loose stools (diarrhea) in 10-15 minutes. Produced and sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and capsules. The effect of the drug is 4-5 hours.

In most cases, Loperamide is contraindicated during pregnancy, but sometimes doctors still prescribe it to pregnant women. This is because it effectively fights diarrhea and helps in a short time. Within 5-10 minutes after taking the drug orally, it acts on opioid receptors located at the level of the intestinal wall and tones the anal sphincter. This effect of the drug leads to a “binding” effect - loose stools go away.

We have already mentioned above that the effect of the antidiarrheal agent lasts 4-5 hours. Therefore, if you are on maternity leave, you will have time to do household chores and even relax.

Loperamide, unlike its analogues, is less safe, because it is eliminated from the body thanks to the work of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, if you have problems with these organs and your legs often swell, it is better to avoid this remedy.

Indications for oral administration of Loperamide during pregnancy

Loperamide during pregnancy can be taken only in cases where the expected effect justifies the risk of improper fetal development due to the effects of the drug. True, in the first trimester the drug cannot be used for any diarrhea, because this is the most important period. In the second and third trimester, taking the drug is allowed, but only under the supervision of a doctor and for such types of diarrhea as:

  • food (poisoning after eating);
  • allergic;
  • emotional (after severe stress, anxiety and other emotional shock);
  • infectious.

Loperamide during pregnancy, contraindications

Before taking Loperamide, you should read the instructions to avoid unwanted reactions to the drug.

Contraindications include:

  • allergic reaction to one of the components contained in the drug;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • dysentery;
  • diverticula of the digestive tract.

It is better to avoid taking the drug if you have kidney or liver diseases.

Side effects of Loperamide during pregnancy

Like any other drug, Loperamide has side effects. They are, of course, not very serious, but if they appear, it is better to refuse the drug and replace it with another, more effective one.

So, side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • insomnia.

Loperamide, instructions for pregnancy

In the first 2 days, Loperamide is taken 1-2 tablets per day. Next days The drug can be taken only if loose stools recur.

Do not take more than 3 tablets per day to avoid overdose.

Important! During treatment with Loperamide, you need to drink as much as possible mineral water without gas.

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal drug. It slows down the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inhibiting the movement of its contents. This is achieved through interaction with opiate receptors of muscles in the intestinal walls. In fact, their temporary paralysis occurs with a parallel increase in the tone of the anal sphincter. This not only helps retain stool, but also reduces the urge to defecate. The drug also suppresses the secretion of fluid into the intestines and stimulates the absorption of water from it.

The active ingredient of the drug is loperamide hydrochloride. The effect of taking the medicine occurs very quickly, and its duration is about 4-6 hours. Usually the drug is released in the form of tablets or capsules of 2 mg. Almost all of the active substance is excreted by the intestines, and only a small part of it by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Loperamide is intended to eliminate acute or chronic diarrhea developing against the background of:

  • strong emotional shocks;
  • receiving others medicines;
  • radiation sickness;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • changes in the quality and quantity of food.

This medicine is also recommended for any acute or very severe diarrhea that threatens the development of dehydration and other complications, as part of complex therapy. But we must remember that when infectious diseases Loperamide can only be used as aid, helping to reduce unpleasant symptoms and only under the supervision of doctors. In addition, the drug helps regulate stool discharge in patients with ileostomy.

Contraindications for use

It is strictly forbidden to use Loperamide as the only drug for infectious diarrhea. In such a situation, it can aggravate the situation, since the removal of toxins from the intestines will be slowed down. The drug is also contraindicated for:

  • Ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • Pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Constipation;
  • Flatulence;
  • Lactation;
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The medicine should not be used by children under 4 years of age and women. Particular caution is required when prescribing medication to patients with liver disorders. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, this drug can be prescribed only if the potential benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the fetus.

Side effects

Taking Loperamide rarely leads to the development of side effects:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, bloating, pain and discomfort in the intestinal area, dry mouth, vomiting, nausea, intestinal colic, and very rarely, intestinal obstruction may develop;
  • From the outside nervous system possible drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue;
  • From the excretory system, urinary retention is possible (rare).

Patients with hypersensitivity to any components of this drug may develop allergic reactions. In most cases, this is a rash or urticaria; anaphylactic shock and bullous rash, as well as epidermal necrolysis, are extremely rare. It should be borne in mind that in most of the recorded cases, patients were simultaneously taking other drugs that could cause the reaction.

When taking lingual tablets, some patients reported a burning or tingling sensation on the tongue. Usually it appeared immediately after taking the medicine and disappeared over time. Such sensations do not pose any danger.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Loperamide is classified as Category C by the FDA. This means that there are no adequate and reliable studies in pregnant and breastfeeding women. That is why the drug is prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. For long periods it is allowed only in situations where possible benefit for the expectant mother significantly outweighs the theoretical harm to the fetus. If diarrhea threatens a woman’s life or can lead to serious complications, Loperamide is prescribed in the minimum effective dose and only under strict medical supervision.

A study of the effect of the drug on the reproduction of rats and rabbits showed that Loperamide, when taken in doses exceeding the MRDC by no more than 30 times, does not lead to the development of teratogenic effects and does not cause any harm to the offspring.

Today there is no reliable information in what quantities Lopermide passes into breast milk. A study conducted on rats showed that administration of the drug to lactating females at a dosage of 40 mg/kg leads to a decrease in the survival rate of offspring. Loperamide is contraindicated in children, but age restrictions vary depending on different countries. It is known that in children under one year of age, this drug can cause paralysis of the rectum with a very high probability of death. Therefore, it is better for nursing mothers not to take risks without knowing exactly how much of the drug will get into the milk.

According to the results of a study involving 105 women who took Loperamide during pregnancy, all had healthy children, but 21 children were low birth weight. Unfortunately, this example cannot be considered an indicator of the safety of the drug, since the organizers did not adhere to the rules of the event clinical trials- the number of participants is too small, the criteria for determining low birth weight of babies are not known, etc.

Methods of application

Loperamide is taken orally. The capsules are swallowed without chewing and washed down with plain water. Lingual tablets are kept on the tongue until they disintegrate. Then swallow with saliva, without washing down. For acute diarrhea, adults are recommended to take 4 mg, and then 2 mg after the next bowel movement if the stool remains liquid. The maximum daily dose is 16 mg. For chronic diarrhea, 4 to 16 mg of the drug per day is recommended. After the stool returns to normal or if there are no bowel movements for more than 12 hours, treatment with Loperamide is stopped.


Loperamide has relatively many analogues of the active substance. The most popular of them:

  • Diara - chewable tablets;
  • Imodium - tablets and capsules;
  • Lopedium - tablets and capsules;
  • Superilop - capsules;
  • Enterobene - capsules.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring, and everyone undergoes changes. internal organs. For this reason, problems arise with the digestive system, the consequences of which are nausea, constipation or increased acidity.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs due to poisoning or as a result of an infectious process and must be dealt with. For this purpose, doctors prescribe the drug Loperamide during pregnancy. Such a prescription in some situations may be completely justified, because the disorder is a dangerous condition for pregnant women.

Symptoms of intestinal disorder in early pregnancy.

Loperamide hydrochloride during pregnancy is used for the following disorders:

  • food, as a result of which diarrhea occurred;
  • diarrhea of ​​allergic origin;
  • diarrhea caused by stress;
  • infectious diarrhea.

This medicine is prescribed if the expected benefit from it is higher than the expected risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus.

  • kidney disease;
  • liver failure;
  • ulcer;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • dysentery;
  • diverticula in the intestine.

Important! After using the drug, side effects sometimes include swelling of the face, urticaria, and poor breathing; in this case, call an ambulance. You should immediately go to the hospital if you experience abdominal discomfort, increased diarrhea, or severe diarrhea with bloody or watery contents.

Sometimes, as a result of taking the drug, drowsiness and dizziness may occur. Reviews of Loperamide during pregnancy indicate that it is rarely prescribed during pregnancy.

Is it possible to take Loperamide during pregnancy?

The manual for this drug states that Loperamide is not prescribed during early pregnancy. Its use is allowed only in the second and third trimester, in extreme cases.

There is no information about how the active substance of the drug acts on the body of a pregnant woman and on the development of the fetus. Studies were conducted on pregnant rabbits and rats and showed that even if the dosage of the drug is 30 times higher, it is not toxic to the offspring and does not harm them.

But no clear studies have been conducted on pregnant women, so in order to avoid undesirable consequences, the drug is used with great caution. The results of one study in which 105 pregnant women participated are known. They took Loperamide throughout their pregnancy, including the first trimester. Of all the women who participated, 89 used the substance in the first trimester and gave birth to healthy children, the same as those born to women who do not take any medications during pregnancy. The rest - namely 21 women - took the drug for all 9 months and at birth the children weighed 200 grams less than the children of women who did not take medications during pregnancy.

The results of such studies indicate the possibility of using the drug throughout pregnancy to stop diarrhea. However, this is only allowed under the supervision of a doctor, due to severe side effects and many contraindications.

Loperamide hydrochloride tablets.

In most cases, safer methods of combating diarrhea are used, but if the desired effect cannot be obtained, then you can also take Loperamide during pregnancy.

The effect of the drug is noticeable 5 minutes after taking it. It tones the anal sphincter and affects intestinal receptors. The loose stool goes away, but the effect lasts from 4 to 5 hours. The drug is eliminated from the body through the work of the liver and kidneys, and therefore it is considered less safe than its analogues. It is better to refuse such treatment if it haunts you often.

Price for Loperamide tablets (2 mg, 20 pcs.): 20-60 rub.

Loperamide during pregnancy

The pregnant body reacts sensitively to everything negative factors. Therefore, the ingress of even a small amount of microbes leads to diarrhea. The main causes of diarrhea at this time are: food poisoning, infectious diseases.

Since any of these reasons can have a destructive effect on the fetus, you should correct the situation as quickly as possible and get rid of the causes that caused diarrhea. Often women prefer to combat symptoms by using Loperamide. Below we will discuss whether you can drink this remedy during pregnancy.

Indications for use

Loperamide is a standard treatment for diarrhea. This medicine eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea by inhibiting intestinal motility. Slowing down peristalsis becomes possible due to the ability of the drug to influence opioid receptors in the intestinal walls. This leads to a slower formation of acetylcholine and prostaglandins. As a result, the muscles of the intestinal walls relax, and the entire organ begins to work more slowly. The result is a decrease in the number of bowel movements, which is explained by the low rate of movement of feces.

Loperamide is used:

  • to relieve symptoms of diarrhea (both acute and chronic) caused by metabolic disturbances, poor absorption, and poor nutrition;
  • to combat diarrhea, the cause of which is the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Use during pregnancy

Instructions regarding taking Loperamide during pregnancy are in the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to take this medicine in the first trimester. And the reception in the second and third is associated with the condition of the mother. The physician must weigh the potential benefit to the mother against the potential harm to the fetus. The choice is always made in favor of the mother's health.

This drug has been well researched, but this does not apply to pregnant women. Only pregnant rats were used in laboratory tests. These studies make it possible to establish that repeated excess of the dose does not in any way impede the development of the fetus or worsen its condition. However, no one will say with confidence that Loperamide will not harm the unborn baby. Therefore, like many other medications, it is better not to take it during this crucial period. In addition, you can cope with diarrhea by other means.

Loperamide during lactation

Studies have confirmed the possibility of the appearance of traces of Loperamide in breast milk. Since the effects of using this drug during lactation have not been fully studied, it is better to avoid it during breastfeeding.

Analogues of the drug

Not only Loperamide itself, but also its analogues are always on sale in the pharmacy chain. This is Loremid, Lopedium. Different names - the same product. Therefore, the benefits of its use and all the dangers associated with it are the same.

If diarrhea occurs, all pregnant women are advised not to take a wait-and-see approach, but to immediately seek help from their doctor. The use of Loperamide only removes the symptoms (loose stools), but does not eliminate the cause of the diarrhea. During a visit to the doctor, you can determine the cause of the disease and, in case of infectious origin, organize correct treatment. After all, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs to destroy microbes that have entered the intestines. Loperamide will not cope with this task.

In addition, this remedy has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • diverticulosis;
  • dysentery;
  • enterocolitis;
  • obstruction caused by any reason.
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