Basil compote recipe with citric acid. Basil. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes for winter preparations: compote, soup, salad, pesto. Terms and conditions of storage

An original, unusual drink will help you diversify your summer and autumn menu. The colorful compote will quench your thirst on hot days and serve as a warm drink on cold rainy evenings. Its unique taste and delicate aroma will appeal to lovers of original and healthy dishes. All we need to create such a compote are a few simple budget ingredients and a healthy spice that can be found in any market or purchased at the market.

The delicate, pleasant taste of basil compote is successfully complemented and complemented by the light sourness of the citrus fruit. For this drink, it is recommended to use only dark basil leaves. It is this spice that has the necessary aroma, taste and will make our compote incredibly colorful and rich.

Based on this recipe, you can easily create other drinks: lemonades, kvass and jelly. You can also supplement and change the composition of the products at your discretion. Basil goes well with raspberries, bird cherry or pieces of juicy peaches. By adding and changing the ingredients when making compote, you can each time create bright and healthy drinks that will please all your loved ones.


  • basil (1 bunch);
  • ½ pcs. lemon;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • water (1500 ml).


  • 1 Pour granulated sugar into a suitable container for making the drink. We can exclude it from the ingredients or replace it with any sweetener available to us.

  • 2 Add clean and prepared maroon spice leaves. We use only red basil, since other greens will not add the necessary color and taste to the drink.

  • 3 Place thin slices of lime or lemon in the pan with the remaining ingredients.

  • 4 Pour the recommended amount of liquid into a saucepan with spices and citrus.

  • 5 Cook the aromatic basil compote with lemon for 20-25 minutes (after boiling). Let it sit for 40-60 minutes. Strain the aromatic liquid and serve basil compote with lemon at any time.

Basil is an annual plant used in cooking as a spice.
But besides the wonderful culinary merits it has the ability to actively influence the human body.
Beneficial features and contraindications of basil are related to its chemical composition and allow its use for medicinal purposes.

Of the nearly 70 plant species, common basil is widely used and comes in two varieties: green and purple. The predominant use of one or another variety is associated with national culinary traditions: green is most popular in European and Mediterranean cuisine, and purple variety is most popular in Eastern (Caucasus, Asia).

The difference between green and purple basil in terms of basic properties is not significant. There is also lemon basil with a corresponding aroma.


The diverse properties of the plant are determined by its rich chemical composition. It contains essential oil (up to 1.5%), rutin, phytoncides, vitamins C, PP, B2, A, tannins, glycosides and other bioactive components.

Basil essential oil is found in all parts of the plant, giving it its expressive aroma. Has bactericidal and antioxidant properties.

Calorie content of basil: raw – 27 kcal/100 g, dried – 251 kcal/100 g.

The benefits and harms of basil

Let's consider how basil is useful, what its positive properties are and in what cases it can be harmful to the body.
Medicinal properties basilica:

  • strengthens the immune system, is active against oncology and even HIV infection,
  • has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal properties, is effective against inflammation of the respiratory tract,
  • reducing inflammation, improves asthma,
  • A decoction of the plant eliminates bad breath, prevents the development of caries, strengthens gum tissue,
  • and the antiseptic properties of the decoction ease the course of sore throat,
  • effective against flatulence,
  • calms,
  • , prevents the formation of kidney stones,
  • active in the treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma),
  • reduces dental and menstrual pain.
For medicinal purposes, decoctions and infusions of this plant are used. A basil drink tones and soothes. Recipe:
  • to boil water;
  • Remove leaves from a bunch of basil;
  • cut the lemon into slices;
  • after the water boils, put basil, sugar and lemon into the pan;
  • Bring to a boil again, remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes.

Beneficial features:

  1. Dishes with basil, especially meat, are better digestible, because this spice and absorption of nutrients.
  2. The benefits of basil for women are undeniable. The decoction reduces menstrual pain, and the paste from the leaves of the plant reduces the excess oiliness of the facial skin.
  3. Inhaling the aroma of this spice.
  4. Foot baths with cold infusion eliminate excessive sweating of the feet and unpleasant odor.
  5. Tea made from dried basil flowers invigorates and reduces high pressure. A paste of crushed fresh fruit, if applied to your temples, will help remove headache.

But there are also contraindications for basil. These include:

  • bleeding disorders,
  • heart attack, ischemic heart disease,
  • epilepsy,
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

Basil is known to contain mercury compounds, so the plant can be dangerous in large quantities.

Basil essential oil should be dosed especially carefully.

The benefits and harms of basil make it possible to use it for many ailments, but in moderate dosage.

Basil during pregnancy

The basil herb, like any table green, is a natural source of nutrients and consuming basil during pregnancy is beneficial for expectant mother and for fetal formation, if there are no individual contraindications.

Pregnancy itself is not considered a contraindication, but the spice should be consumed very rarely and not used for medicinal purposes, because large quantities Basil can increase the tone of the uterus.

At breastfeeding spice helps increase lactation.

Uses of basil in cooking

There are a variety of uses for basil in cooking and canning. It is used to season fish and meat dishes, and to flavor salads, sauces, and pasta. The French add the green variety of this spice to desserts, and the Italians make jam from it. When used dried or fresh, the beneficial properties of basil are preserved.

A simple recipe for a very tasty snack - tomatoes with mozzarella and basil.

  • – 0.5 kg,
  • mozzarella – 200 g,
  • bunch of basil,
  • – 100 ml,
  • vinegar - tbsp. l.
  • salt pepper.
  1. cut the tomatoes into circles, place on a serving plate,
  2. cut the cheese into slices according to the diameter of the tomatoes or grate through a coarse grater,
  3. salt and pepper the tomatoes, put cheese on top,
  4. Chop the basil leaves, pour them over the tomatoes, pour oil over everything and serve.

Can be preserved for the winter tomatoes with basil. Recipe:

  1. For 1 liter of marinade take 50 g of salt, 50 ml, 100 g;
  2. Place washed tomatoes in sterile jars, alternating with basil;
  3. cook the marinade, pour hot over the tomatoes;
  4. Close the jars and sterilize for 10-15 minutes.

Basil preparations for the winter

Harvesting basil for the winter can be done in several ways:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • filling with oil;

Dried basil has a richer flavor. In order for the dried plant to retain its beneficial properties, it must be properly collected and dried.

When to Harvest Basil?
The collection is carried out before flowering begins: during flowering, the leaves of the plant become hard and unsuitable for food. But dried basil flowers are also used as a seasoning.

How to dry basil?
Dry it in the shade of a ventilated room or in the oven (t 40 o C for an hour with the door ajar). You can dry only cut leaves or whole twigs by collecting them in brooms and hanging them for a couple of weeks. Then they are crushed and hermetically packaged.

Store dried spices in glass containers or canvas bags without access to moisture and away from sunlight.


And now a video about this plant.

Basil is an aromatic herb that appears in the form of green leaves. Most often, the product is consumed as an addition to main courses and is used in the preparation of sauces. In addition to its aesthetic qualities, basil has many benefits. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine to get rid of many ailments. On this basis, many are interested in the benefits and harms of the plant.

Effect of basil

Positive qualities are reflected in the properties of basil, which extend to the entire body. So, the product has the following actions:

  • raises blood pressure, fighting hypotension;
  • strengthens the body's protective functions;
  • responsible for proper digestion;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • kills germs and bacteria;
  • has anthelmintic properties;
  • fights bleeding gums;
  • has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;
  • prevents diseases of the male reproductive system;
  • removes excess bile from the body;
  • eliminates swelling of internal organs and limbs;
  • fights malignant cells;
  • regenerates tissue;
  • used in cosmetic masks for face and hair;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins during the off-season;
  • removes mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • reduces fever;
  • fights purulent acne and inflammation on the skin.

Benefits of basil

  1. Infusions are prepared from the seeds and dried leaves of basil. The drink eliminates the likelihood of cancer cells appearing by blocking blood access to tumors.
  2. The included vitamin and mineral complex fills the body with the necessary enzymes. This quality is valued during transitions from one season to another, when the body experiences a lack of vitamins.
  3. A drink made from green or dried leaves increases blood pressure, eliminates headaches and frequent migraines, and muscle spasms during the menstrual cycle.
  4. Consuming basil during illness relieves the respiratory tract of phlegm. Basil lowers body temperature, kills bacteria, and increases the body's defenses. When taken systematically, the risk of developing pneumonia and bronchitis is reduced.
  5. Doctors recommend that students and school-age children consume a decoction of dried raw materials with the addition of honey or sugar. This drink will enhance concentration, memory and overall brain activity.
  6. The plant fights diseases of the oral cavity. If your gums are bleeding, rinse your mouth with basil decoction twice or thrice a day until the problem disappears. Such actions will prevent caries and whiten teeth.
  7. Basil is recommended for use by people with impaired digestion. Green leaves remove even the oldest stagnation from the intestines. As a result, the microflora is normalized internal organ, weight loss begins.
  8. Essential oil is prepared from basil seeds, which is often used in cosmetology. Add 2-3 drops to face or hair masks to improve the condition of your hair and skin.
  9. Adding basil essential oil to the bath will help you get rid of excessive sweating, small pimples, ulcers, and small scars. For headaches, rub the leaves of the plant and apply to your temples, massage.

  1. For the kidneys. Basil decoction and green leaves remove excess water because they have a diuretic effect. The composition also eliminates urea, preventing the formation of stones and sand in the organ cavity. If you have an existing illness, basil relieves pain in the kidneys. Green leaves have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire genitourinary system.
  2. For the nervous system. The value of the plant is determined by the essential oils it contains. They have a positive effect on the central nervous system, relieving the effects of stress. Basil eliminates anxiety, irritability, and excessive fatigue (chronic). A decoction of dried raw materials stabilizes sleep, fights migraines, and calms a person.
  3. For the respiratory tract. Essential oils and vitamins, which are concentrated in basil, perfectly eliminate diseases of the respiratory system. It is useful to eat leaves for bronchitis and pneumonia. The product has anti-inflammatory properties, which eliminates infection. Basil enhances the effects of medications for respiratory diseases. It is useful to do inhalations with oil, lotions, compresses.
  4. For the whole body. The general strengthening effect has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire human body. Basil is recommended for use by people who have recently undergone serious abdominal surgery. The product also allows you to recover faster from illness. It is necessary to consume the spice to prevent vascular diseases, nail and hair growth. The plant slows down premature aging of tissues, accelerates all metabolic processes and helps to lose weight. Systematic use reduces spikes in blood sugar. Basil gruel treats dermatitis and other dermatological problems.
  5. For heart. The use of spice is recommended for people with pain in the heart muscle, as well as abnormalities in the functioning of this organ. Basil provides serious prevention of heart attack and stroke, ischemia, and bradycardia. It is useful for men 45+ to eat greens; they are the ones at risk. Incoming iron prevents the development of anemia (anemia) in adults and children.

Benefits of basil for men

  1. The direct effect of basil on blood circulation has been proven, it improves. From this we can conclude that the plant has a beneficial effect on the male body, in particular, it increases potency.
  2. Basil is in demand among athletes. The product is rich in natural protein, which helps the body in short time recover after serious training.
  3. The plant has an excellent diuretic effect. Therefore, basil is recommended for use by women and men. The composition cleanses perfectly genitourinary system person.

  1. Due to its unique taste and lack of calories, basil helps those losing weight diversify their usual dishes. If you want to lose extra pounds, nutritionists recommend using plant seeds for such purposes.
  2. It is worth knowing that such raw materials must be purchased in stores in the department food additives. Don’t even think about buying seeds from garden stalls. Industrial raw materials are subjected to chemical treatment for long-term storage, you can get poisoned.
  3. The best option would be to grow your own basil in the garden or at home. Do not indulge yourself with illusions; the plant is not able to completely lead you to the desired result.
  4. Basil speeds up metabolism, do not forget about diet and exercise. At the moment, there is no specific diet that will include the plant. Experts do not recommend consuming basil in large quantities.

Benefits of basil for girls

  1. The systematic inclusion of basil in the daily diet will help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and all metabolic processes.
  2. This way you can control your figure. The plant has a positive effect on reproductive function and improves overall health.
  3. In addition to cooking, basil has found wide application in cosmetology. The basis of face and skin masks are fresh leaves of the plant.
  4. Infusions used as lotions are quite popular. The composition eliminates fat content and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The dermis becomes smooth and velvety.

Benefits of basil for pregnant women

  1. During pregnancy, girls are recommended to use basil to strengthen the body's protective functions. Including the plant in your regular diet helps protect you from harmful infections.
  2. Basil has proven itself well as a remedy for cramps and bloating. The dried product is popular in the form of tea. The drink relieves headaches and anxiety. It is prohibited to abuse the product due to its tonic properties.
  3. To improve your health and get rid of some problems, it is enough to consume basil 2 times a week, 1 sprig. It is not advisable to include it in the diet for people with high blood pressure.

  1. If we take into account all the above qualities of basil, we can confidently say that the plant brings undoubted benefit. There is still a significant “but” - the product contains mercury.
  2. It is forbidden to consume basil in any form for more than 3 weeks in a row. Take a break between courses, then continue treatment or diet. Women are allowed to consume basil only after receiving individual consultation from a specialist.
  3. Also use basil-based tea with caution during lactation. As a result, the quality of milk improves. The use of the plant by individuals who have suffered a heart attack or stroke is prohibited.
  4. Consumption is not recommended for diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, hypertension and gastrointestinal problems. Impact essential oils does not have the best effect on the damaged pancreas and stomach.

Basil has a positive effect on the activity of the whole body. It is recommended to use greens for abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, heart muscle, thyroid gland, and respiratory tract. The plant's pulp treats dermatological ailments and tightens acne scars. The oil tidies up hair, nails and skin. To avoid negative consequences Before taking, exclude contraindications.

Video: beneficial properties of basil

Basil compote - recipe for the winter:

Beautiful compote is obtained only from leaves purple. In order for the compote to be saturated with all the “goodies” from the leaves, a bunch of basil should look appetizing: glossy, tight leaves, a fresh, spicy smell. If you come across dry and limp leaves, they will hopelessly ruin the taste of the drink.

Basil is washed. The leaves are handled carefully: do not crush or break.

Cut off the hard parts of the stems that are not covered with leaves.

Place the wet basil in a large saucepan.

Add citric acid. In ordinary basil compotes, natural lemon juice is used, but in a recipe for the winter you need to give preference to citric acid, it will be a very reliable and tasty preservative.

Basil is sprinkled with sugar, 300 grams is enough for a tonic and good taste drink A sickly sweet compote will not be “in demand.”

Poured into a saucepan cold water. Please note that after boiling for 10 minutes, the amount of liquid will decrease. Therefore, water is poured “with a reserve” so that in the end exactly 3 liters remain.

Place the pan on the stove and turn on medium heat. You won't need a lid. Basil compote for the winter is boiled for 10-12 minutes. A sign of readiness is a beautiful, uniform pink color of the liquid.

The hot compote is poured into a dry, sterilized bottle. Some cooks do not part with boiled basil leaves and put them in a jar. But the taste of the drink has already formed, and the leaves have fulfilled their role. If you throw soft stems and leaves into a jar of compote, you get the complete illusion of drowned algae.

The preparation is rolled up for the winter.

The bottle is turned over and “warm clothes” are thrown over it. The time of passive sterilization under a warm cloth is 12-15 hours.

For the cooled compote, they find a place in a cool cellar. Basil compote is ready for the winter!

Basil is a spice that is widely used in cooking and medicine. There are many types of this herb, and depending on the type, the taste and aromatic properties of the plant vary. So, the smell of spice can have pronounced mint or lemon notes, or a cinnamon flavor. Thanks to this, basil can be used not only as a seasoning for salads, meat and first courses, but also in drinks.

We most often use green and purple basil. You can use one of these types, or both at once. You can put just a few leaves of spice into the drink, this will already add its own flavor.

Basil can be added little by little to tea, or you can prepare a special drink with lemon. To make the basil and lemon compote even more healthy, prepare it with honey instead of sugar.

We value lemon for the presence of vitamin C in it. But when heated, this vitamin is destroyed, so we will squeeze the juice from the lemon and will not heat it.

Cut the skin into thin strips, put it in a pan along with the basil, fill the pan with water and put it on the fire.

Boil for 7 minutes from the point of boiling, then strain the drink.

Honey should also not be added to hot liquid, as it loses its beneficial properties, so let’s cool the drink a little, then add honey and lemon juice. Now our basil and lemon compote is ready, and it turned out not only tasty, but also healthy.

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