Green smoothie recipe in a blender. Green smoothies. Green smoothie with berries

Ecology of consumption. Drinks: Insomnia is a sleep disorder that often appears due to daily increased stress, overload at work, a state of constant stress and anxiety.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that often appears due to increased daily stress, work overload, and a state of constant stress and anxiety.

Nowadays, insomnia is a problem for many people, and the longer it occurs, the more noticeable the negative changes in their quality of life.

According to World Organization health (WHO), up to 40% of the world's population suffers from various types sleep disorders. Experts say that such people are very easy to identify: they are constantly in a bad mood, they find it difficult to carry out their daily work and concentrate on their responsibilities.

This problem is of great concern to health experts because there are more than 80 diseases associated with insomnia.

Are you part of the population that suffers from insomnia? If your answer is yes, then you should know that you need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible to avoid negative consequences for good health.

Green smoothie against insomnia

This green drink contains an increased concentration of nutrients that will help relax the body and improve sleep, making it effective means to combat problems such as insomnia. It can improve the quality of sleep and also helps in solving disorders related to digestion, stress and high blood pressure.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 green apple with skin
  • 9 asparagus stalks
  • 2 stalks of celery

How to cook it?

Soak the asparagus in cold water for about an hour.

Cut the cucumber, lemon and apple into pieces.

Place chopped fruit, celery and ginger in a blender. Strain the asparagus water and add it to the rest of the ingredients.

Shake for a few minutes and drink every afternoon.

Lettuce and cucumber smoothie

This effective cocktail combines two products that are good allies in the fight againstinsomnia. Salad contains important nutrients that help you sleep and relieve anxiety.

Cucumber, meanwhile, contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone associated with good mood and good sleep.


  • ½ lettuce
  • 1 cucumber

How to cook it?

Cut the cucumber into pieces and wrap them in lettuce leaves. Place all ingredients in a blender, blend for a few minutes until smooth and drink well chilled.​

Lettuce and banana smoothie

This drink will help cope with stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation of the body and is very good in those moments when you have insomnia.


  • 4 chamomile flowers
  • 90 grams romaine lettuce
  • 1 small banana
  • Juice of ½ lemon

How to cook it?

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers and set it aside.

Wash and chop the lettuce leaves thoroughly.

Strain the infusion and pour it into a blender, along with the remaining ingredients and the juice of ½ lemon.

Shake for a few minutes and drink chilled, half an hour before bed.

Peach and apple smoothie

This delicious smoothie will help you fall asleep easier.


  • 3 peaches
  • 1 apple
  • 1 small bunch of mint

How to cook it?

Wash well, peel and cut the fruit. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a few seconds, drink immediately, well chilled.

This smoothie should be drunk at least 30 minutes before bed.

Carrot and spinach smoothie

This combination is a rich source of antioxidants and other nutrients that will help you improve your sleep quality as well as provide health benefits. You should drink it half an hour before bed to get good results.


  • 1 carrot
  • 5 spinach leaves
  • Water

How to cook it?

Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.

The juice should not be stored for a long time; drink it immediately at the recommended time before bed.

If all these recipes do not help you solve your insomnia problem, it would be best to contact a specialist so that he can select another treatment for you. It is very important to pay attention to this disorder early because if left untreated, insomnia can become a serious problem. published

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Green smoothie perfect option for people who care about their figure. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or a light snack, a glass of a beautiful, fresh cocktail will perfectly satisfy your hunger without bringing unnecessary burden to the body. But, as you know, healthy things cannot be tasty. Let’s argue with this statement by giving an example of the top 6 recipes on how to make a green smoothie that will delight you with its pleasant taste.

5 reasons to start drinking emerald cocktails

  1. Emerald cocktails help relieve inflammation.
  2. All vitamins without a trace go directly into the blood + no sugar in cocktails.
  3. Plant enzymes quickly break down beneficial substances inside the body.
  4. Even green smoothies for weight loss give us maximum energy, despite the minimum calories.
  5. Medicinal properties for gastrointestinal tract. Green smoothies to cleanse the body calm the stomach and gently restore the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Dukan salad cocktail

The leader of all dietary green smoothies is a fat-burning drink from the Dukan diet. A famous drink is prepared from the following products:

  • 1/5 cucumber;
  • 50 gr. black radish;
  • 50 gr. dill;
  • 50 gr. celery;
  • bunch of basil;
  • a couple drops of lime juice.

The process of preparing the drink, which many modern showbiz stars sip from straws, is as follows:

  1. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.
  2. We also wash all the greens and simply chop them into the blender bowl.
  3. We turn all the ingredients into puree.
  4. At your discretion, add ice cubes to the drink.

This recipe is best prepared in the morning. Green smoothies for weight loss should be consumed exclusively fresh.

Banana and strawberry temptation

Simple and delicious drink You can prepare it yourself by taking:

  • 4 strawberries;
  • 1 banana;
  • a bunch of spinach (optional);
  • a couple of spoons of protein mixture;
  • a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • water (for the desired consistency).

The recipe for preparing a healthy green smoothie is as follows:

  1. Peel the banana and cut into medium pieces.
  2. Cut the strawberries in half, chop the spinach, and place everything in a blender along with banana slices.
  3. Pour in the yogurt and add the protein mixture.
  4. Beat until smooth. Add water if desired if the smoothie is too thick.

Serve in a pretty glass. For those who don't like spinach, note that delicious combination banana, yogurt and strawberry almost neutralizes the taste of the spinach itself. And all the useful vitamins remain in the drink.

Cucumber Pepper Bomb

For an incredibly fresh dish, you need to take:

  • a glass of tomato juice;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • half a sweet pepper;
  • a small spoon of chopped onion feathers;
  • a small spoon of soy sauce;
  • a small spoon of lemon juice;
  • salt and pepper (to taste).

Prepare a light breakfast according to these instructions:

  1. Peel the cucumbers.
  2. Chop cucumbers and peppers into a blender.
  3. Pour in tomato juice, soy sauce, lemon juice.
  4. Place the onion in a blender, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Beat the entire mass until smooth.

The dish should be served in glasses immediately after preparation.

Herbal mix

Green smoothies are great for cleansing the body. From the most ordinary products, you can prepare a cocktail that will gently help cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Ingredients diagram:

  • 100 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 100 gr. parsley;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • 2 bananas;
  • a couple of glasses of water.

Instructions for making an excellent invigorating drink yourself:

  1. Wash the ingredients.
  2. Grind into medium pieces.
  3. Place everything in a blender and turn it into a homogeneous mass.

To cleanse the body, green smoothies are consumed separately from other foods, as an independent dish.

Grandma's garden bed

Green smoothies are a great solution for dinner. And on a hot summer day, they quench your thirst much more effectively than carbonated drinks. For self-cooking you need:

  • a bunch of green fresh lettuce;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 cucumber.

This option, like many other diet green smoothies, is prepared in a matter of minutes.

  1. We wash and dry all the greens.
  2. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.
  3. We transform the ingredients into a homogeneous mass in a blender.

You can also add ice cubes to the drink. It is better to do this after completing the cooking process.

Lime-apple flavor

Many dietary green smoothies are made with apples. The juicy pulp is rich in fiber, and the addition of lime will gently detoxify and soothe nervous system. Take:

  • a couple of green apples;
  • 1 lime;
  • ice cubes.

Scheme for preparing an excellent citrus smoothie:

  1. Peel the lime and remove seeds, separate the unnecessary white membranes, and cut into small slices.
  2. Wash and chop the apples.
  3. We send all components to the grinder. Turn it into a smooth drink.

This drink is perfect for a light snack. Even children will enjoy its citrusy freshness.

Fashion for healthy eating V Lately gaining momentum. If you want to maintain and improve your figure, it is better to stop eating buttery cakes and buns. Now you have learned how to make a green smoothie, and you can have a satisfying and tasty snack, getting the maximum benefit from the emerald brightness of nature.

Video: Making an Invigorating Green Smoothie

A green smoothie will always consist of three parts:

1. Liquid part- this is most often ordinary water, you can take mineral, carbonated or non-carbonated. You can also use fruit juices - apple, orange, a little lemon juice with water. Or plant milk - almond, soy, rice, oatmeal.
The addition of dairy products of animal origin (cow's milk, yogurt, kefir) undoubtedly makes any smoothies more tasty, but they will be much worse absorbed by our body.

The amount of liquid can be arbitrary, depending on how thick the smoothie you want.

2. Fruit or vegetable part- it could be an apple or a banana (the most commonly used fruits). You can also do it with peach or apricot, although these fruits with their bright color will make the color of the smoothie not quite green.
A smoothie with kiwi will also be delicious.
I use vegetables for smoothies less often; most often it is either a cucumber or young zucchini.

Amount of fruits or vegetables - for 2 servings I usually take 1 apple or banana, or 1 cucumber, or 1 zucchini, or 1-2 peaches, or 4-5 apricots.

Smoothies with only one type of vegetables or fruits will be better digested, without mixing them.
If you still want to mix, then, for example, the following combinations will be tasty:
1 apple + half a cucumber
1 apple + half a zucchini
1 banana + 1 kiwi
1 apple + half a banana

3. Green part- these are any greens and green leafy vegetables. The amount is arbitrary (depending on how much greens you want to eat).
It could be spinach, beetroot or carrot tops, parsley, green salad, celery stalk with leaves.
You can also add basil, mint and even... young nettle to the smoothie, scalding it with boiling water first (young nettle is considered to be small in size, which has not yet begun to bloom).

You can add one type of greens or mix them. It is better not to take too many greens with a rich taste, such as parsley, basil, mint, and carrot tops. Use these types of greens with caution, otherwise the taste of the drink will be too strong.

Additional Additions to Your Green Smoothie:
- flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds (1-2 tbsp.)
-nuts (cashews, almonds - about 10 pcs.)

It is better to pre-soak these additives in a small amount of water for 3-4 hours (or overnight), and then use them to prepare smoothies.
Grind flax seeds in a blender before soaking. Poppy seeds do not need to be soaked, just crushed or ground in a mortar.
Flax or chia seeds will make your smoothie thicker, and nuts will make your smoothie more filling and delicious.

How to cook:
Take a bunch of herbs or green leafy vegetables, cut them with a knife, place them in a blender bowl. Add a little water and grind well.
Then add the rest of the ingredients (pieces of fruit or vegetable, nuts or seeds if using them, some liquid). Grind again with a blender.
Taste: if necessary, add a little honey (we do not use sugar) or a couple of dates for sweetness, a little lemon juice (optional).
If it turns out too thick, add more liquid and mix everything with a blender.

It is better to consume the smoothie immediately after preparation, do not store it (at least, only a couple of hours in the refrigerator).

My favorite smoothie options:

1 apple, 1 stalk of celery with leaves, carrot tops, parsley, 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp honey, water

Cleansing the body with green smoothies is a gentle and natural way to normalize all body functions. Health drinks are prepared from vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, which are known to be rich in fiber. The latter works like a sponge that absorbs a huge amount of toxins and removes them from the body naturally. Unlike freshly squeezed juices, during the preparation of which the fiber remains in the juicer, in a smoothie it completely enters the glass, satisfying hunger for a long time.

Green smoothies are a great way to start taking care of your health. If until today you have not been involved in sports, spent most of your time indoors and abused junk food, then vegetable smoothies will be a good, and most importantly smooth, transition to healthy image life. You will not have to radically change your usual nutritional system, which means your body will not experience stress from the change. eating habits. Over time, when you experience the benefits of these drinks, you will no longer want to eat junk food.

The benefits of green smoothies

Very healthy as they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids.

Greens that are added to smoothies contain a unique component - chlorophyll. Numerous Scientific research show that there are hardly any diseases that could not be improved with the help of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll counteracts development oncological diseases, heals the liver, removes toxins, and also acts as a weak diuretic. Improves the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas. Helps with anemic conditions, regulates blood pressure, strengthens intestinal function, reduces nervousness, and resists food toxins.

Green smoothies improve the functioning of the digestive tract. This means that waste and toxins will be eliminated from the body regularly, which will have a positive effect on overall health (including immunity and weight control).

Green smoothies are a convenient way to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Very easy and quick to prepare - all you need is a powerful blender.

They have a pleasant taste. With a ratio of even 40% greens and 60% fruits, the fruity taste wins.

Leaves skin soft, smooth and radiant.

Relieves swelling.

Gives a feeling of vigor.

Very useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

How to drink

You should start drinking green smoothies little by little. During the first month, stick to this norm - 1 glass of drink per day. The ratio of fruits (vegetables) and greens should be such that it is tasty for you to drink. After a month, you can start drinking 1.5 glasses of the drink, gradually increasing the number of cocktails to 3-4 glasses a day.

Basic Rules

Drink green smoothies alone or as a complete meal. Try drinking a couple of glasses of smoothies for breakfast, a tasty afternoon snack, or a light dinner.

Drink the smoothie in small sips, chewing it in your mouth. You can use a teaspoon.

For smoothies, choose combinations of “fruits + greens” or “vegetables + greens”. Do not blend carrots, broccoli and oranges. This mix is ​​unlikely to please your digestion.

It is better to drink the smoothie as soon as it is prepared. If stored, keep it in a closed bottle in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

What to cook with

For the cocktail you can use fresh and frozen fruits, berries and vegetables.

Fresh herbs are the healthiest ingredient for juices and smoothies.

List of edible greens:

Regular salad greens, sorrel, parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, mint, spinach;

- “spicy” greens: watercress, nasturtium (capuchin) leaves;

Bitter greens: dandelion;

Weeds: chickweed, purslane, alfalfa, quinoa, nettle, duckweed;

Edible flowers: nasturtium, red clover, marigolds (marigolds), chrysanthemums, etc.

Berry leaves: leaves of strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, as well as those leaves that are usually collected and dried for tea.

Tops of carrots, radishes, beets, kohlrabi cabbage, because they contain many times more nutrients than the root vegetables themselves.

If the greens are from the store, you can soak them in water with lemon for 5-10 minutes, then they will become more fragrant.

What else can you add to a cocktail?

To make it more satiating, use nut butter (about 1 tablespoon per serving) or olive oil. If your blender has increased power, then you can add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed (add healthy Omega-3) or chi seeds into it.

Ginger and cinnamon will brighten the taste.

Add sprouts to your smoothies for a super healthy ingredient.

Banana, dates, honey or maple syrup will add sweetness to the cocktail.

The classic option is a smoothie with water. For a thicker, more nutritious drink, use soy or nut milk instead of water, or add a handful of rolled oats.


If you have contraindications for taking vitamin K, which is found in very large quantities in green leaves and cabbage, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before including cocktails in your diet. Follow moderation: introduce cocktails into your diet gradually and listen to your body’s reactions.

« Absolute contraindications to drinking smoothies are any acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis or hepatitis. It is also not advisable for people with kidney disease to abuse this drink. An allergic reaction may occur to the components of cocktails, in which case it is better to exclude them from the diet completely, - advises nutritionist at the Delekos clinic Ekaterina Pavlova. - Do not forget that fruits in smoothies contain a large number of fructose, which is absorbed very quickly, because is in liquid and easily accessible form, so any sweet smoothies are prohibited for patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity, and in large quantities are not recommended for those wishing to lose weight».

Cocktail options

Avocado smoothie


Green smoothies are ideal for weight loss: most of them are water, a lot of fiber, and take longer to digest than other drinks.

Scientists and nutritionists have proven that green vegetables and fruits have a positive effect on the condition of our body. They contain a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, while they have a low calorie content. They are best consumed in the form of cocktails or currently popular drinks - smoothie.

They perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, and also speed up metabolism.

The most popular products for such vitamin assortments are green apples, cucumbers, spinach, avocado, cabbage and any greens. Many may think that this cocktail will not taste very good. But don't be upset, add some sweet fruits to add a delicate aroma to the smoothie.

Let's try to figure out what the main beneficial features these green drinks:

Gives vitality and energy to the whole body

Cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxic substances

These cocktails are easy to digest

They give off a positive attitude

The desire to eat foods with high levels of sugar or salt disappears

Smoothies have a positive effect on weight loss

After cleansing the stomach, the skin becomes clean and velvety

Blood sugar levels return to normal

There is a desire to engage in physical activity

Nails become less brittle

Hair stops falling out, it is silky and shiny

Green smoothies for weight loss, recipes:

We present to your attention the most healthy and delicious types of smoothies that have a beneficial effect on the human body, cleanse away toxins, improve metabolism and give good spirits. Preparing such cocktails is not difficult, because all you need to do is put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and mix until smooth. If the mixture turns out thick, you should add a little fresh juice or water.

-Spinach and kiwi

Spinach is considered one of the most popular smoothie foods. If you add green fruits to it, it will perfectly tone the body and saturate the body with energy. It also fills the body with minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for humans. And kiwi is a great help in the fight against extra pounds. In tandem, they do an excellent job of cleansing the body. For an unusual taste and softness of the drink, you can also include a banana. Then this assortment can be used as a light breakfast.

1. Wash and dry 2 bunches of spinach

2. Peel the banana and kiwi and cut into medium pieces

3. Place everything together in a blender glass and beat thoroughly

-Cucumber and avocado

This drink can serve as an excellent lunch, because the pulp of the fruit contains monosaturated fats, which perfectly saturate the body.

1. Peel the avocado, cut it in half, remove the pit and finely chop it into cubes.

2. Peel a medium apple from seeds and stem and chop into medium slices

3. Peel the cucumber and chop finely

4. Place ingredients in a food processor and chop

To make it more convenient to peel the avocado, you should use a sharp knife to separate its slices without cutting to the skin. Then turn out the pieces and spoon out the pulp with a teaspoon. Fresh ginger is also sometimes added to this smoothie. You need very little to get a soft taste and delicate aroma.

-Parsley and lettuce

For those who don’t eat after 6 and watch their figure, a green smoothie is perfect. We recommend choosing lettuce and parsley; you can also include 1 cucumber. This drink quenches thirst, while it is tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

1. Thoroughly wash and dry a bunch of parsley and 2 bunches of lettuce

2. Peel the cucumber and then cut it into medium pieces

3. Place the ingredients in a blender and grind Avocado and cabbage

This is one of the most effective cleansing smoothies. After all, cabbage contains a huge amount of fiber and protein, which are perfectly absorbed by the body, and avocado pulp makes the mixture satisfying and nourishes the body.

1. Place 3 cabbage leaves in the freezer for 3 hours, then mix with water and chop in a food processor.

2. Wash and dry the spinach, peel and pit the avocado, cut into slices

3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the cabbage and mix one more time in the blender bowl

-Apple and lime

Lime, which is included in this assortment, perfectly calms the nerves, gently removes toxic substances, and also gives energy to the body. And a green apple will refresh the drink and make the taste invigorating. If you include cucumber in the composition, the freshness will only increase.

1. Wash the lime thoroughly, remove peel, seeds and white film.

2. We also peel the apple and cut it into medium slices.

3. Then mix everything in a blender until smooth

-Lime and broccoli

One of the healthiest green vegetables is broccoli. It contains a record amount of protein compounds, so it is an ideal product for vegetarianism. IN summer time You don’t really want to eat because of the heat, but the body still needs to receive nutrients. At this time, this smoothie comes to our aid.

1. Take 200 grams of broccoli, wash and cut into medium florets

2. We clean the lime from skin, films and seeds.

3. Beat it all in a food processor

4. To give this drink more pleasant taste, we recommend adding 1 green apple

-Cucumber, pineapple and kiwi

An excellent combination can be sour and sweet ingredients. Pineapple promotes fat burning, enriches with bio-additives and rejuvenates the body. It reduces appetite, but at the same time helps remove excess fluid from your body.

1. Cut 200 grams of pineapple into cubes.

2. Peel the kiwi and chop into pieces

3. Wash and peel the cucumber

4. Place all ingredients in a food processor and beat

5. At the final stage, you can add a little lemon juice for piquancy and sourness.

-Celery and green apple

1. 2 medium-sized green celery stalks, rinsed and dried

2. 1 large green apple, seeded and peeled

3. Blend in a food processor until smooth.

Rules for use. Although green drinks are mixed from natural ingredients, you shouldn’t lean too much on such mixtures either. For the first month, the norm per day should not exceed more than 250 ml. Try to find combinations that make the taste pleasant. At the same time, you should give up salt, spices and sugar. Such smoothies contain a large amount of vitamins K, so before starting daily use, you should consult a specialist.

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