The most shocking phenomena. The most terrible phenomena in the world. The fall of the Tunguska meteorite

Among the most unusual natural phenomena there are the most terrible ones that pose a real danger to humans. A top list has been compiled from such terrible phenomena. In addition, we know about the most terrible natural phenomenon on the planet.

Top most terrible and unusual natural phenomena

Throughout to the globe From time to time natural phenomena occur that cannot be called usual. We are talking about unusual, terrible natural anomalies. They are dangerous to people. The reassuring fact is that such events happen infrequently.

Brainicle or "Finger of Death"

In the Arctic, very unusual icicles hang underwater, posing a danger to the inhabitants of the ocean floor. Science has already figured out the formation of such icicles. Salt from glaciers rushes in narrow streams to the bottom, freezing sea ​​water around you. After a few hours, such a stream, covered with a thin ice crust, begins to resemble a stalactite.

The “finger of death”, having reached the bottom, continues to spread further along the bottom. This structure is capable of destroying unhurried living organisms in fifteen minutes.

"Bloody rain"

Such a terrible name for a natural phenomenon is completely justified. It was observed in the Indian state of Kerala for a month. Bloody rains terrified all local residents.

It turned out that the cause of this phenomenon was a waterspout, which sucked red algae spores out of reservoirs. Mixed with rainwater, these spores fell on people in the form of bloody rain.

"Black Day"

In September 1938, an inexplicable thing happened in Yamal a natural phenomenon, which remains unsolved to this day. Suddenly the day became as dark as night.

Geologists who witnessed this phenomenon described it as sudden darkness with simultaneous radio silence. They, having launched several signal flares, saw that very dense ones were hanging close to the ground, impervious to sunlight, clouds. This eclipse lasted no more than an hour.

"Black mist"

A fog with this name envelops London from time to time. It is known that it was recorded in 1873 and 1880. At that time, almost nothing was visible on the streets; people could only move by holding onto the walls of houses.

On days when black fog shrouded the city, the mortality rate of its inhabitants increased many times. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to breathe in such fog, even wearing a thick gauze bandage. The last time a “deadly” fog visited the British capital was in 1952.

Fire tornadoes

The top most terrible natural phenomena include fire tornadoes. It is known that tornadoes themselves are very dangerous, but if they are associated with fire, their danger increases sharply.

These phenomena occur in places of fires, when scattered fires unite into a single large fire. The air above it heats up, its density decreases, because of this the fire rises upward. This pressure of hot air sometimes reaches hurricane speed.

Ball lightning

There is no person who has never heard thunder or seen lightning. However, we will talk about ball lightning, which is a discharge electric current. Such lightning can take different forms.

Ball lightning most often looks like red or yellow fireballs. They disprove the laws of physics by appearing completely unexpectedly in the cabin of a flying airplane or inside a house. Lightning floats in the air for several seconds, after which it disappears without a trace.


Impressive but extremely dangerous phenomenon nature - sandstorm. Sandstorm demonstrates the power and strength of Mother Nature. Such storms occur in deserts. If you get caught in a storm, you can die by suffocating on sand.

A sandstorm occurs due to strong air flow. At least forty million tons of sand and dust are transported annually from the Sahara Desert to the Nile Basin.


A natural phenomenon such as a tsunami is a consequence of an earthquake. Having formed in some place, a big wave moves at enormous speeds, sometimes reaching thousands of kilometers per hour.

Once in shallow water, such a wave grows ten to fifteen meters. Having washed ashore at great speed, the tsunami takes thousands of lives and causes a lot of destruction.

The website has detailed information about other large and destructive waves.


A funnel-shaped flow of air is called a tornado. Tornadoes occur more often in the United States, both over water and over land. From the side, a tornado resembles a cone-shaped cloud pillar. The diameter can be tens of meters. The air moves inside it in a circle. Objects that fall inside also begin to move. Sometimes the speed of such movement reaches one hundred kilometers per hour.

Over the past decade, earthquakes have killed seven hundred and eighty thousand people. Shocks occurring inside the earth lead to vibrations of the earth's crust. They can spread over vast areas. As a result of the most powerful earthquakes, entire cities are wiped off the face of the earth and thousands of people die.
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It is sometimes very difficult for us, Russian people, to understand the Chinese. For us they are like people from another planet, with incomprehensible customs, national dishes and other strange features. What is normal for Asians may be considered shocking and unacceptable by Russians. We present to your attention 10 facts about the Celestial Empire that may very much surprise you.

China has overtaken the United States in terms of pork consumption. And surprisingly, the country even has a so-called “pork reserve”, intended for use in the event of an economic crisis and rapid rise in prices.

Many Chinese companies install special networks on buildings to prevent cases of suicide by their employees. Office psychologists are also invited to work with potential suicides.

Self-immolation is an extremely popular form of protest. Therefore, when the country passed power to a new leader, in 2012, firefighters were on duty in the central squares of Beijing to prevent acts of self-immolation.

National interests come first: to perform on stage at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, little Yang Pei was considered not pretty enough, and she was replaced by Lin Miaok, who had to carefully open her mouth to the sounds of the young performer's song. The music director of the ceremony said: “The audience will understand us, since we defended national interests.”

In China, not only some technical items are counterfeited, but also entire hardware stores. Moreover, their quantity, just like their “quality,” so to speak, is growing rapidly, and the most famous store, the “fake” store, is located in the south of the country in the city of Kunming. Its name is not difficult to guess; of course, it is Apple!

To protect tourists and support tour operators, a special law was passed in China some time ago. By the way, the law also contains clauses regulating the behavior of tourists themselves vacationing in the Middle Kingdom. The law was needed after a series of unpleasant incidents in which architectural monuments were damaged and even eaten rare species plants and animals.

In China, actively growing cities and roads are gradually taking away the land that belonged to them from rural residents, but if the owners refuse to move, the authorities have no choice but to resolve the issue, for example, in this way: the house of farmer Luo Baogen and his wife was literally in the middle road after its owners were not satisfied with the government compensation offered for the demolition of the building.

The problem of lack of territory forces inventive Chinese citizens to find new, original solutions: many wealthy apartment owners receive official permission to build a “penthouse” on the roof, but some do it illegally. The “house in the mountains” depicted in the photo had to be demolished at the request of the city administration.

Poverty, corruption and widespread human rights abuses often mean that in countries where the death penalty is legal, rich criminals are tried and imprisoned instead of their doppelgängers. Moreover, this market is actively developing: you can find a person who, for a lot of money, will agree to serve at least 10 years.

To a Russian, such a detail may seem very ordinary, but Western experts and, even more so, ordinary citizens are very surprised if a road or bridge suddenly collapses just a few months after the completion of construction. 1 person was killed and 22 were injured when a new bridge collapsed in China's Fujian province.

The history of human civilization reliably holds many secrets, many of which will never be solved. But the last two centuries have presented the world with many mysteries that researchers are puzzling over. The most mysterious incidents in the world of the XX-XXI centuries - today we’ll talk about ten secrets modern history humanity.

Crop Circles

The most mysterious incidents in the world include mysterious ones. These are various geometric shapes formed by crushed plants in agricultural fields. The drawings are created perfectly smoothly and can form complex pictograms. Their size varies: they can be small or huge, fully visible only from an airplane. They began to attract a lot of attention in the 1970s in England. In 1972, in the south of the country, two eyewitnesses, watching the sky on a moonlit night in the hope of seeing a UFO, noticed how the grass in the field lay down, forming a circle. The peak of interest in the mysterious phenomenon occurred in the 1990s. The most early mentions The appearance of such pictograms (drawings) in the margins dates back to the 17th century.

Various hypotheses for the origin of crop circles are put forward: activity alien civilization, micro-tornadoes, ball lightning and hoaxes of interested parties. Thus, the Englishmen David Chorley and Douglas Bauer admitted in 1991 that the appearance of the first circles was their doing. They claim that they have created about 250 pictograms since 1978. But many continue to believe that the mysterious phenomenon of amazing crop drawings is not a hoax, but unsolved messages mysterious forces. Crop circles are in 10th place among the most mysterious incidents on Earth.

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite

On June 30, 1908, at 7 o’clock in the morning, in the Podkamennaya Tunguska region (the right tributary of the Yenisei, Central Siberia), local residents witnessed the flight of a celestial body, which left a trail behind it, like a falling meteorite. The sound of the fall was heard at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the crash site. A powerful shock wave knocked down trees within a radius of 30 kilometers. This mysterious incident became known to the world as. But what kind of object exploded in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area, and whether it was really a meteorite, is still unknown. Thousands of researchers have been working on the solution to this phenomenon for over years. Many hypotheses have been put forward, none of which have received documented confirmation. The famous Tunguska meteorite, the mystery of which has never been solved, is in 9th place on the list of the most mysterious incidents in the world.

It is also associated with space, causing a huge resonance in the world. In 1947, a catastrophe allegedly occurred near the city of Roswell - the fall of a cosmic body of artificial origin. This incident became one of the most mysterious incidents in the world. There is still fierce debate over the nature of the fallen object. Authorities represented air force countries claim that a weather balloon crashed, which local residents mistook for UFO debris. The Roswell incident is number eight on our list.

The mysterious disappearance of the ship's crew is in seventh place among the most mysterious incidents in the world. In 1872, the sailing ship was found by an English brig. From the trajectory of its movement it was clear that no one was controlling it. Not a single crew member or passenger was found on board. Things were untouched, as were the supply of water and provisions. From the entry in the logbook it followed that the ship reached almost the point where it was found. What happened to the crew is still unknown. The commission that investigated the case suggested that the crew for some reason abandoned the ship, leaving behind all their belongings and provisions. There was simply no other explanation for what happened.

Many mysterious incidents are associated with crimes. The most famous story– the Jack the Ripper case, which was never solved. The 20th century made its contribution to the history of serial killers. From 1918 to 1919, a criminal nicknamed "The Woodman" operated in New Orleans. The murder weapon was an ax, with which the maniac broke open the doors of the victims' houses. Like Jack the Ripper, the Woodcutter wrote letters to newspapers reporting future murders. The crimes suddenly stopped, and the Woodcutter's identity was never established. The New Orleans murder mystery ranks sixth on the list of the most mysterious incidents in the world.

To the very mysterious stories in the world there is a criminal case about the discovery in 1948 of the body of an unidentified man on the beach of Adelaide (Australia). The case received a great public outcry for a number of reasons: it was not possible to establish either the identity of the unknown person or the cause of death. In addition, a piece of paper with a strange inscription “Taman Shud” was found in a secret trouser pocket. As it turned out, the paper was torn from a rare edition of the works of Omar Khayyam. The mysterious story that happened on the beach in Somerton is in fifth place as the most mysterious incidents in the world. This incident inspired Stephen King to write "The Colorado Boy".

In fourth place among the most mysterious incidents in the world is history "Kyshtym dwarf". In 1996, an elderly woman in a village near Kyshtym discovered a living creature of an unknown nature. biological species. Outwardly, it looked like a small humanoid - about 30 centimeters in length. The woman named him Alyoshenka and nursed him for about a month. Then the creature died. His mummified remains were later discovered by the police. Then the body of the “Kyshtym Dwarf” mysteriously disappeared.

- in third place on the list of the most amazing and mysterious incidents in the world. Since the 1970s, a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations began in the United States. For this, a radio telescope was used to scan different parts of the sky. With its help, scientists were able to detect signals from other civilizations. In 1977, at a frequency at which no earthly transmitter operates, a signal was received from the constellation Sagittarius. It lasted 37 seconds. Its origin is still unknown.

Ship "Marlboro"

History - the new "Flying Dutchman" ranks second among the most mysterious incidents in the world. The ship left a port in New Zealand in 1890 with a cargo of frozen lamb. He did not reach his destination, disappearing in the area of ​​Cape Horn. There were 23 crew members and several passengers on board. It was decided that the sailboat sank during a storm. But 23 years later he appeared off the coast of Tierra del Fuego. It was well preserved, and skeletons in rotting clothes were found on board. True, there were ten fewer of them than were listed in the logbook. What happened to the crew, why people died and where ten people disappeared from the sailing ship is unknown. Due to bad weather, the ship could not be brought to port. The Marlboro still plows the seas.

The most mysterious incident in the world is the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group. This tragic story is known to everyone and haunts those who want to reveal the truth about what happened more than 50 years ago. In 1959, a tourist group led by Igor Dyatlov died mysteriously in the mountains Northern Urals. The causes of the terrible death of nine people have not yet been established.

Ghost stories are scary because they involve something unknown to us. The story is interesting because it tells about real events that actually took place. A fascinating middle ground between these two extremes are natural phenomena that we still cannot understand.

While we constantly continue to study the structure of this world, we often encounter natural “miracles” that go beyond our understanding and force us to enter the realm of fantasy and speculation. From jelly falling from the sky to unexplained explosions that destroy hundreds of kilometers of forest and blood-red apocalyptic skies, here are 10 strange natural phenomena.

10. Star jelly

Rain, snow, sleet, hail. No, these are not the four proverbial elements, but theoretically, these are all that can fall from the heavens at any given time. Oddly enough, while we can detect and track precipitation quite accurately, there is something else that can fall from the sky that we have no idea about: star jelly.

Star jelly is a translucent gelatinous material often found on grass or trees that is known to quickly disappear once discovered. Many have reported seeing such a substance fall from the sky. This has led to myths that the falling material is nothing more than parts of dead stars, alien excrement, or even from government drones. Mentions of the strange substance date back to the 14th century, when doctors used star jelly to treat abscesses.

Of course, our scientists had to investigate this strange phenomenon and determine its origin, right? In theory, yes. Some believe the strange substance is frog eggs swollen from exposure to water. The problem is that the study did not confirm the presence of animal DNA or plant origin in this substance, which makes it even more mysterious.

9. Morning Glory Clouds


Pillow-like clouds are not soft or fluffy at all. They are made of water vapor and will not be as soft as pillows if you fall on them. Because clouds contain water, we can understand their shapes and movements, and use this data to predict the weather - at least in most cases.

Morning glory clouds are long, tube-shaped clouds that look quite ominous in the sky. Reaching over 965km in length, they are most often seen in Australia during the transition from the dry to wet seasons. Local Aboriginal people say the clouds appear to warn of an increase in the bird population.

Apart from these Aboriginal myths, there is no serious explanation for why morning glory clouds have the shape they do. Some climate scientists say they form as a result of a combination of sea breezes and changes in humidity, but so far no computer models have been able to predict this strange natural phenomenon.

8. Cities in the sky

No, this is not some kind of comic book story or something from ancient religion. This is reality. On April 21, 2017, in Jieyang, China, many citizens were amazed by the sight of the city floating in the clouds. Many rushed to post photos on the Internet, which scared others, but there was no reason for this, since something similar had happened before.

The same floating cities were observed in five different places in China during the 6 years preceding this event. A large number of Such phenomena have led to various hypotheses: aliens are trying to get through to us from another dimension, the second coming of Christ will soon be, or the appearing images are a holographic test of the Chinese or even American government.

But we need, first of all, facts. There is a possible explanation: it is a rare natural phenomenon known as Fata Morgana, where light passing through thermal waves causes a duplication effect. This explanation could well be accepted if the images in the sky were not different from what is below them, below the horizon.

7. Tabby Star

Photo: National Geographic

Our universe is huge, and there are billions of galaxies in it that our descendants may one day discover. But in order to discover mystical wonders, we do not need to leave our Milky Way.

If you enter: Tabby's Star, you will get this information: KIC 8462852, named "Tabby's Star" in honor of its discoverer Tabet Boyajian, is one of more than 150,000 stars observed by the Kepler Space Telescope. What is absolutely unique about this star is the way it changes its glow.

Typically, stars are observed by the dips in their light that appear when planets pass in front of them. Tabby's Star is surprising because dips in its brightness amount to up to 20% of the total volume at one time, which is significantly more than other stars we observe.

Explanations for such strange light activity vary widely, from large clusters of planets passing in front of the star (which is unlikely) to large accumulations of dust and debris (but not for stars Tabby's age) and alien activity (which is very interesting).
One of the main theories says that aliens are using some kind of huge mechanisms orbiting the star to extract energy. Although this may sound strange, it is much more interesting than cosmic dust.

6. Rain of...spiders


One of the many laws of the universe states that each of us is either a dog person or a cat person. These two personality variants are characteristic of all humanity. Even though many of us love animals, that love is not so strong that we dream of animals falling from the sky. If you love animals that much, perhaps you should seek professional help. But before you do, we have good news.

Although this is not a common natural phenomenon, animals falling from the sky are a reality. Not cats and dogs specifically, but many other animals fell from the sky along with raindrops. Some examples include frogs, tadpoles, fish, eels, snakes and worms (any of these scenarios are unpleasant).

The current theory explains this phenomenon by saying that the animals were lifted into the sky by a water tornado or waterspout that originated in their natural habitat. Unfortunately, such a fact has never been recorded or confirmed by scientists. Even if this theory is true, it cannot explain the fact that raw meat fell from the clear Kentucky sky in 1876. This does not fit into the official theory at all.

5. Blood Red Sky


Answer the question quickly: what are the main signs of the approaching apocalypse? You may have guessed it: war, famine and epidemics. You may have mentioned the name of your favorite politician on this list. All of these answers are accepted, but consider one more: the sky turns blood red for a few seconds and then quickly returns to its normal state.

This phenomenon was observed in April 2016 by residents of Chalchuapa, El Salvador. The sky reportedly turned crimson within a minute and then returned to normal color with a slight pinkish tint. Many in the Christian population believe that the red flash is a sign of the upcoming apocalypse described in the Book of Revelations in the Bible.

Some possible explanations for this phenomenon include light coming from meteor showers, which are common in this area in April. However, this is unlikely because the blood red sky is a phenomenon that has never been observed before.
Another theory is that clouds reflected fires that had engulfed several sugarcane farms in the area. Whatever the explanation, we recommend that you pick up a Bible, or go to a bar, depending on what you believe.

4. The Great Attractor


The generally accepted model for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory: a massive explosion 14 billion years ago caused matter to expand outward at a rapid rate, causing the universe to continually expand. Although it is generally accepted, this theory is one of many regarding the origin of our universe. However, it does not explain some anomalies, such as the Great Attractor.

In the 1970s, they first began to study a strange force located 150-200 million light years away, which attracts the Milky Way and other neighboring galaxies. Due to the location of the stars in the Milky Way, we cannot see what this object looks like, so it has been dubbed the "Great Attractor".

In 2016, an international team of scientists was able to finally take a definitive look at the Milky Way using CSIRO's Parkers Telescope and discovered 883 galaxies concentrated in this region. While some believe that this will solve the mystery of the Great Attractor, others believe that the galaxies were attracted here in the same way that our galaxy is now attracted, and the true reason for this attraction remains unknown.

3. Taos Rumble

Photo: Live Science

Each of us has heard ringing in the ears, and the associated “old wives' tale” that it occurs when someone speaks badly about you. What is most infuriating is that no one hears this except you. Therefore, when we hear ringing in our ears for the first time, we might think that we are going crazy. But what if other people heard the same thing?

The city of Taos in north-central New Mexico is known for its liberal arts community, as well as several celebrities who have lived there. However, it is perhaps more famous for the "Taos Rumble", which is heard by about 2% of the population and which everyone describes differently.

It was first reported in the 1990s, and the hum began to be studied at the University of New Mexico. While most people claimed to have heard the hum, no equipment picked it up. Explanations for this phenomenon come down to factors such as: aliens, government experiments, the norm. Until we find the only true explanation for this hum, our personal explanation will be no worse than anyone else's.

2. Tunguska explosion

Photo: NASA

During Cold War we were all afraid of the destruction that would come with it nuclear weapon. We knew the power of the nuclear bomb not only from the tests being carried out, but also from real life, since it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At that time, people expected that fire would fall from the sky and the earth would open up. But in 1908 people could not have expected something like this.

On June 30, 1908, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia, a massive fireball crashed into the ground before exploding 6 km above the ground. The hot shock wave killed many animals, and trees over an area of ​​tens of kilometers were toppled. Visitors to the Vanavara shopping market, 64 km from the center of the explosion, were knocked off their feet by its force.

Most scientists believe the fireball was a meteorite or asteroid that exploded due to atmospheric pressure, composition, and a number of other factors before making contact with the ground. The biggest mystery is that the crater was never found, making it impossible to analyze the meteorite material. It is possible that the object was entirely made of ice, and therefore left no fragments. However, this cannot be proven.

1. Japanese Atlantis


It is strange when we discover circumstances that confirm that the mystery has been solved. Atlantis is a mythical underwater city ruled by Poseidon, or Aquaman from the comics, depending on who you ask. Since the legend originated in Greece, many believe that real prototype is located somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. Or maybe near the shores of Japan.

Large rock formations are found underwater near Yonaguni Jima Island. Outwardly, they resemble Egyptian or Aztec pyramids and have been under water for about 2000 years. Discovered in 1986 by a local diver, the formations were initially thought to have formed naturally, although this is strange given the 90° angles.

Unlike other mysteries on our list, this one has a completely reasonable explanation. We hope this helps you sleep much more peacefully tonight.

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