The ancient name Miroslav: meaning and origin. The meaning of the name Miroslav

At birth, every person receives a name. What does it mean and what influence does it have on fate? Many people have questions like these at least once in their lives. This article will reveal the meaning of the name Miroslav.

A little history

This name is of ancient Slavic origin and consists of two bases: “glory” and “peace”. The name received the meaning “glorifying the world” or “glorious by the world” thanks to the daughter of St. Vladimir. After her marriage to the Polish king, 800 Russian people were released from captivity.

Nowadays, the name is gaining popularity again. Little Miroslava can be found in Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Macedonia and Ukraine. Quite often this was the name given to girls born in the USSR in the late 50s of the last century.

There is a male pair version - Miroslav. The meaning of the name and character have significant differences from its female counterpart. There may be many contradictions in the relationship between Miroslav and Miroslava.

This name is not in the Orthodox calendar. Therefore, during baptism, its owner is called differently, choosing the most consonant option (for example, Miropia or Maria).

The diminutive forms are Mila, Slava or Mira. The latter is also used as an independent name.


The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl is generally favorable. This is very active child, showing persistence in any situation. Miroslava can be noisy, mischievous, stubborn and even impudent.

For her, dolls are not of much interest. Mira spends her time in the company of boys with great pleasure. Often a girl can be seen in a fight. However, Miroslav will never allow himself to be offended.

Unfortunately, her explosive nature prevents her from studying. Disputes with teachers, misunderstanding of parents - all this is reflected in academic performance.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl is not always positive. Its bearer is stubborn and does not compromise during conflicts. With such behavior she brings a lot of trouble to her parents. She does not help her mother at home, and her father is not an authority for her either. Quite often Miroslava is called a difficult child.


The girl does not always live up to her name - Miroslava. Its origin and meaning bear the characteristics of restraint and grandeur. Mira grows up to be a very conflicted person. However, in this way she is only trying to prove that she is right, the recognition of which is of great importance to her.

Miroslava's self-esteem is usually a little high, which is not a minus for her. Thanks to this, she sets herself seemingly impossible tasks, but always achieves her goal.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a child and an adult woman is not the same. With age, character changes better side. When communicating, softer traits begin to appear, Mira becomes a balanced person. It should be noted that such metamorphoses do not occur immediately, but gradually.

Many character traits remain, the girl just uses them differently. For example, activity and perseverance will help her not only in work, but also in her personal life.

But with age, a tendency towards intrigue also begins to appear. At the same time, no one can influence the opinion of Miroslava herself.

Character traits depending on time of birth

The owners of this name, depending on the time of year in which they were born, are characterized by different traits.

Thus, “winter” Miroslava is extremely stubborn, but at the same time very hardworking. You can entrust her with any difficult task and have no doubt that she will cope with it.

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl born in spring will be different. She doesn't like long trips or delays at work. “Spring” Mira can be very soft and affectionate with her family. She has few friends, but she completely trusts them. She is very close spiritually to her husband; she endures any quarrels in the family very hard. In rare cases, the woman herself can take the first step towards reconciliation.

“Summer” Miroslava is her complete opposite. Sharp, energetic and impetuous. She is constantly busy with something, she simply cannot sit idle. Movement for her is life. Prefers to work in places where you need to travel on business trips. The relationship with her spouse is very intense. During quarrels she is emotional, and afterwards she often regrets what she said. Very jealous.

“Autumn” Miroslava is also stubborn. She is used to living in her inner world, and often becomes a deeply religious person. She takes all events in life to heart, and it doesn’t matter whether they happen directly to her or just to friends. She lets everything pass through herself. Outwardly, the girl is calm in any situation.


As a child, Miroslava practically never got sick, which makes her parents very happy. However, as you age, poor nutrition may cause digestive problems. This is gastritis or an ulcer.

After 25 years, Mira may also have nervous disorders. Most often they arise due to prolonged anxiety or grief.

A girl rarely gets sick, but usually for a long time. At such moments, the attention and care of loved ones is very important to her. Good medicine for Miroslava are sleep, rest and a change of environment. She needs to be outdoors more often.


The meaning of the name Miroslava suggests that she can cope with any job. Most often he chooses prestigious professions. This is a lawyer, manager, lawyer, diplomat. However, Mira can choose a creative direction and achieve great success.

If something doesn’t work out, she won’t give up, but will start all over again, putting in even more effort. She loves to command and give advice to colleagues.

Miroslava dreams of a beautiful life without material problems. She wants to achieve all this herself. To achieve her goal, the girl is ready to do anything.

While building a career, she can become two-faced. For her bosses, Mira is the best worker, she has no equal. But in order to achieve such success, she is ready to literally go over the heads of her colleagues and even friends.

Despite all the achievements at work, he achieves a stable financial situation and advancement on the career ladder only when he is closer to 40 years old.


The name Miroslav, the origin and meaning of which has a great influence on the fate of its owner, also brings a lot of trouble to the girl in her personal life. Men like her, but they are afraid of her on a subconscious level. However, the powerful, self-confident and strong Miroslava is very amorous. She does not hesitate to take the first step and confess her love. Such behavior already at the beginning of the relationship makes her a leader; the man can only fulfill her desires.

Mira is a self-sufficient woman; she can only be satisfied with meeting a man on neutral territory. If she truly falls in love, she can even help her chosen one financially. However, Miroslav will not create a family with such a person.


Mira usually gets married late; for her this is a very important step. Search true love can last a lifetime.

The meaning of the name Miroslava makes it clear what she is looking for strong man. However, this will different ways try to remake it for yourself.

Real feelings make her soft and caring. She is faithful to her husband and expects the same from him. In marriage, Mira becomes a good housewife. She doesn't like to do household chores, but her apartment is always clean, cozy, and there is a delicious dinner on the table.

He rarely receives guests; he tries to spend more time with his family. She loves her children very much, but will not sacrifice her career for them. Miroslava is one of those women who skillfully combine work and family.

For marriage, it is better for her to choose Arthur, Pavel, Trofim or Gerasim. You should avoid relationships with Igor, Gennady and Boris.

Female name Miroslava: meaning and secrets

The girl has a rather sharp tongue. Of course, as she gets older, she becomes more reserved. However, it is better to refrain from conflicts with her, since it will not be possible to avoid barbs on her part. The way she does this sometimes arouses admiration among others.

But even with such a complex character, she attracts people to her, while skillfully manipulating them.

Miroslava’s second secret is the ability to look great without spending a lot of money on yourself. Thanks to good taste, she is able to surround herself with things that visually look more expensive than they actually cost. This is where she has a special talent.

General information. Miroslava: the meaning of the name

  • Name days are October 25 and April 13.
  • Stone - carbuncle, alexandrite.
  • Color - orange and yellow.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Happy day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The plant is carnation.
  • The bird is a golden eagle.

The male name Miroslav came about as a result of a combination of the Slavic words “peace” and “slav” (meaning “glory”), which generally allows it to be translated as “glorifying the world.” It is quite widespread in all Slavic countries; a huge number of Miroslavs are also found in Russia. This name is quite fashionable at the moment.

Characteristics of the name Miroslav

Miroslav's character is usually calm and not very complex. Unfortunately, fate is often not very favorable to the owners of this name, because on their life path they constantly encounter failures and problems that exhaust them, but also harden them. What saves Miroslav is his bright energy, hard work, and also the support of loved ones, “bribed” by his charm. In childhood, the owner of this name is everyone's favorite. He is so friendly, smiling and chatty that he immediately puts you at ease. He usually has very good, even friendly relations with his parents, although his mother is closer to him than his father. At school, Miroslav is not the best student, but he tries to be a good student, reads a lot, is interested in some unusual topic(for example, astrology, volcanology, Egyptology). Adult Miroslav also demonstrates interest in all kinds of movements and unusual sciences. He is usually drawn to art, he is always full of ideas and plans, but quickly “burns out”, never bringing many of them to life. Find with Miroslav mutual language quite easily, but you should remember that he is very subjective and hates when they try to force someone’s opinion on him.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Leo, that is, from July 23 to August 23. Leo, as an excellent organizer, will be able to accumulate all vital energy Miroslav and direct it not to idle hesitation, but to achieving specific goals. That is, the creative and active disposition of the owner of this name will be joined by determination, the desire to finish what he started and get results.

Pros and cons of the name Miroslav

What are the pros and cons of the name Miroslav? It, of course, is almost completely positive, because it sounds wonderful, fits perfectly with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several nice abbreviations and diminutions (for example, Mira, Mirchik, Slava, Slavik, Slavushka, Miroslavchik, Miroslavushka), in addition, the character of Miroslav has more positive than negative qualities.


Miroslav's health is quite good, although many owners of this name have poor eyesight and are periodically susceptible to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Miroslav is gentle and caring. He needs a strict and active wife who will not let him relax, always guiding him forward. The owner of this name treats children with great love, but is not strong in matters of education and care and needs control and support.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Miroslav prefers to work quietly, without aspiring to high positions. He can become an excellent school teacher, sculptor, writer, art critic, archaeologist, geologist, ecologist, architect, designer.

Name day

Miroslav does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not in the church calendars.

What does the name Miroslav mean?
This name is most often translated into Russian by all researchers as - glorifying the world, or glorified by peacefulness, as well as peaceful.

Origin of the name Miroslav:
This name has Slavic roots, and comes from the combination of two such different words as “peace” and “glory”.

Character, conveyed by name Miroslav:

Miroslav, first of all, is characterized by such traits as incredible poise, angelic calm, as well as goodwill. In addition, Miroslav often grows up as an extremely patient and calm child, he is always smiling and rarely cries, and he can easily spend almost hours doing something he loves, without requiring any special attention from those around him. adults. Miroslav also always studies well and loves to read. He cannot stand it at all when someone begins to impose on him an opinion that is alien to him, and also will not tolerate the slightest advice from outside, and besides, he always prefers that no one interfere with him.

Miroslav, who was born in the summer, often creates for himself his own little world, into which he allows only the most chosen ones. It is really extremely difficult to get him to make any revelations; he also has practically no close friends at all, and besides, he really avoids noisy large companies. And along with this, he is often on friendly terms with many people. Also often his most best friend he can become an intelligent, loyal and thoroughbred dog, and in general he loves all animals very much, and they, of course, feeling his positive attitude towards them, as a rule, simply adore Miroslav. He is always very vulnerable and very sensitive, and the slightest negativity, as a rule, knocks him “out of his usual rut.”

Miroslav, born in winter, will be even more ambiguous and difficult in his communication; he, as a rule, is distinguished by stubbornness, extraordinary intractability, and even intransigence. He often loves to take an active part in various disputes, and also always strives to emerge victorious from almost any even very complex discussion. In addition, having really many different arguments, he can always and very skillfully build his correct arguments and does not tolerate the slightest objections. Also, this particular Miroslav is, of course, an extremely amorous and very addicted person.

But a really good conversationalist, who often has the qualities of a real diplomat, is Miroslav. Born in the fall, he is usually very taciturn and is always just a wonderful listener. He is also characterized by precisely such qualities as timely enterprise, incredible rationality, and accuracy. He can often be slow in his actions, but this happens because he always does absolutely everything very thoroughly and, as they say, “conscientiously,” and of course after him there is no need to correct or redo anything at all. Sometimes it happens that it is extremely difficult for Miroslav to tune into exactly the right and correct mood, because in his everyday life it is indeed his mood that can play a very important role.

The name Miroslav was forgotten for some time, but is now confidently gaining popularity again. The man so named has great inner strength. He is calm, balanced, peaceful. However, these qualities do not prevent him from being persistent and purposeful when necessary.

History of the name Miroslav

Miroslav is a name known since the times Kievan Rus. It is of Slavic origin, formed from two words “peace” and “glory”, therefore it can have several translation options: “praising peace”, “glorified by peacefulness”. Some sources interpret it as "winner". There is also female uniform named after Miroslav.

The emphasis in the name Miroslav can be placed on the first, second, and last syllables.

Forms named after Miroslav

Miroslav can be called for short:

  • Mirik,
  • Mira,
  • Glory.

Diminutive forms:

  • Mirochka,
  • Miroslavchik,
  • Miroslavushka,
  • Mirosha,
  • Mirosya.

Related names:

  • Mira,
  • Miron,
  • Marik.
Slava is one of the short forms of the name Miroslav

Rhymes for the name Miroslav: reslav, sent, becoming a ruler.

Table: the name Miroslav in foreign languages

The transliteration of the name Miroslav is exactly the same as the English version of the name - MIROSLAV.

Middle name options

Patronymic names formed on behalf of Miroslav: Miroslavovna, Miroslavovich (colloquial Miroslavich).

Miroslavovich is energetic, active, loves to be in the center of attention. Its only drawback is the lack of objectivity. A man does not take criticism towards himself and considers only his own opinion, regardless of the point of view of other people. Miroslavovna is arrogant, proud, and does not get along well with others. He has an analytical mind and a phenomenal memory.

Patronymic names in harmony with the name Miroslav:

  • Vladimirovich;
  • Konstantinovich;
  • Alexeyevich;
  • Genrikhovich;
  • Vladlenovich.

The girl with the middle name Miroslavovna has extraordinary intelligence and memory

Nicky for Miroslav

Nicknames that Miroslav can use to register on social networks:

  • M.SLAVA;
  • MIROS.

Uniting Peace and Glory,

Miroslav, be with the harvest.

Dmitry Pinsky

Name days and patrons

The name Miroslav is not in the calendar, therefore, when performing the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a name different from the worldly one. To perform the ritual you can use:

  • a name consonant with the worldly, which is in the Orthodox calendar;
  • the name of the saint on whose memory the child was born.
  • names of relatives or any name the parents liked, included in the calendar.

Despite the fact that the name Miroslav is not included in orthodox calendar, some sources indicate the date of his name day - February 2 and July 26. This is explained by the fact that many churches agree to baptize a child under the name of the Serbian saint Miroslav, who is revered just these days.

Holy Martyr Miroslav - heavenly patron, memorial days - February 2 and June 26

I think that parents should not worry about the fact that the name is not in the month word. My friends baptized their son, who bears the name Miroslav in the world, under the name Sergius and do not regret it at all. The fact is that the name given at baptism is known only to the closest people who will not wish harm to the child. Thus, the negative magical effect on him is completely eliminated, because to inflict the same damage, you need to know the person’s godfather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

A man named Miroslav has positive traits:

  • creativity;
  • persistence;
  • hard work;
  • patience;
  • equilibrium.

Negative traits:

  • arrogance;
  • touchiness;
  • stubbornness.

You glorify the world, Miroslav,
And, of course, he’s right about this:
world of everything more important to people,
Good world, not war.
Miroslav, on his earthly journey
It's good with you in everything
Because in your essence
Glory is the essence.


Mirochka in childhood

Little Miroslav is growing up as a sweet, sympathetic and friendly child. He is not capricious, smiling, and never demands a lot of attention. His parents have virtually no trouble with him. Caregivers and teachers are also crazy about an obedient and obliging baby. The boy is sociable, gets along easily with other children, and has many friends.

Mirosha studies consistently well, there are not enough stars in the sky, but he does not have grades lower than four in his certificate. During his school years, Miroslav strives for independence: he really doesn’t like it when someone starts to impose their opinion on him or give unnecessary advice, but even in this case he will not show aggressiveness. The boy will listen to the person, thank him for his attention, and still do as he sees fit.

Miroslav distributes his free time himself. Parents will not need to think about which section to send their child to or what to do with their child. The boy will independently choose what he likes best and begin to engage in this activity with gusto.

As a child, Miroslav does not cause his parents any problems


At a young age, a creative streak begins to appear in Miroslav’s character. He is incredibly active, full of ideas and suggestions. He is often a regular participant in student competitions, KVN-s, and can even assemble his own team that will defend the honor educational institution at city competitions.

In his youth, the guy is more attached to his mother, treats his father politely, but does not show any special feelings. Miroslav is sociable, in any company he quickly becomes “one of his own”, but he only lets his closest people in to his soul. Therefore, he has a lot of friends, but real friends can be counted on one hand.

In his youth, Miroslav was a regular participant in various student events and KVN


B. Khigir in his writings characterizes Miroslav as a calm and friendly person. The man constantly improves himself, reads a lot, and often knows several languages. He does not accept conflicts and always tries to reconcile the warring parties. Miroslav is touchy, but tries to hide this trait in himself, because he believes that she is unworthy of a man.

In his opinion, a representative of the stronger sex must be aggressive, persistent and, most importantly, be able to “make money out of thin air.” Unfortunately, he fails to do this. Miroslav himself to achieve his goals and financial well-being you have to work a lot and hard. However, despite the fact that life path he will not be strewn with roses; thanks to perseverance, optimism and hard work, Miroslav still manages to achieve everything he wants.

Significant years:

  • 19 years;
  • 25 years;
  • 42 years;
  • 57 years old.

Miroslav is a real polyglot, he loves to read and knows several languages

Hobbies and interests

Miroslav's main passion is books. The man enthusiastically reads both fiction and scientific literature. In adulthood, he can start collecting historical works. He also loves traveling and family outdoor recreation.

Professional activity

Curiosity, desire to improve, good memory and easy learning allow Miroslav to do any business. However, he most often chooses for himself professions related to teaching or research activities. He can be:

  • teacher,
  • geologist,
  • scientific specialist.

He also likes medicine and art, as a result of which he often becomes a doctor, artist or actor.

Miroslav is not a careerist, he will never “go over his head” to achieve a leadership position. According to the man, everything should go as usual, and if he is destined to become a boss, sooner or later he will become one. Miroslav's gentleness may not serve him very well in business. Therefore, if he wants to open his own business, then he should think in advance about cooperation with a conscientious and experienced partner.

Miroslav can devote himself to teaching activities

Miroslav, you are “peace” and “glory”,
For you, all life is fun,
And through life, like a soldier,
You are going strong, our brother!
You are calm, patient
And, besides, hardworking,
Always be like this
Without looking back at the years!



Parents don’t have to worry too much about Miroslav’s health; he is quite strong. Even childhood illnesses often bypass the boy. His only problem may be his vision. This must be taken into account and preventive examinations in the clinic must be carried out in a timely manner.

Personal life

Miroslav is gallant, eloquent, and knows how to care for a girl. He treats his chosen one with respect and tries not to offend her. Even if for some reason he decides to end the affair, he will do everything to cause the woman a minimum of pain and inconvenience. Often he is on friendly terms with his former lovers throughout his life.

The intimate side of life is of no small importance for Miroslav. The man is hot in bed and loves experiments. If any difficulties arise or controversial issues in sex, I’m ready to discuss them with my partner for a long time. However, despite his preferences, Miroslav is wary of experienced and liberated ladies. When communicating with them, he develops a feeling of inferiority. A man loves to conquer and conquer, so he prefers proud and independent beauties.

Miroslav can approach marriage frivolously. It happens that he marries at an early age the first girl he comes across. However, he rarely finds happiness in early marriage. But the second union is usually successful. Thanks to the realization of his first mistakes, Miroslav manages to create a strong and friendly family.

Miroslav's second marriage is usually stronger than the first

Table: compatibility with other names

Name% compatibilityNature of the relationship
Elena99% The spouses develop a good relationship. They have the same desires and interests. The lovers make all decisions together, while Elena puts forward many ideas at once, and Miroslav selects the most rational ones. Harmony and love will reign here throughout your life.
Irina65% This couple has more prerequisites for friendship than for a family union. They are comfortable being around, but only until they are connected by a common life. As soon as this happens, quarrels and conflicts will begin, which can lead to divorce.
Tatiana84% These two have such opposite personalities that those around them are sometimes surprised at how they even exist together. However, the fact is that they have something in common: they are emotional and changeable moods, thanks to which they understand each other perfectly. In their life together, Tatyana may not be satisfied with Miroslav’s slowness, but she is able to “stir up” him. The man in return forgives his chosen one for her restlessness and some obstinacy. The ability of partners to give in to each other allows them to maintain good relationships in the family for a long time.
Julia82% This pair does not have too much in common, but the partners here complement each other. She is economical, loves children, and devotes herself entirely to the home. He hates everyday life and rarely helps his wife, which, of course, offends her. However, Yulia prefers to deal with irritation in silence and not throw hysterics at her husband. In gratitude, Miroslav is ready to provide her with a bright, prosperous life, which suits the girl quite well.
Anastasia27% This couple has a low percentage of compatibility in marriage; their union can only be sustained by the good upbringing of both people and the desire to understand their partner. As a rule, a marriage breaks up within the first 3 years.
Olga94% Olga and Miroslav for a long time they do not dare to start a family; their candy-bouquet period can last for years. However, once they make a decision, they will never part again. Only together they are able to move mountains and achieve any goal.
Christina79% Impulsive Christina does not like to accumulate negative emotions in herself, so this couple cannot do without a stormy showdown. However, Miroslav is ready to give in to his wife, but only on the condition that she, too, will make compromises. If Christina accepts the proposal, the marriage will be long and happy.
Natalia39% This couple lacks mutual understanding. The reserved Miroslav is not always ready to share his most intimate things with his wife, and she prefers to solve her problems herself. As a result, misunderstandings accumulate between partners, which first results in major scandals, and then even leads to divorce.
Svetlana89% Common feelings, thoughts and interests bring Svetlana and Miroslav together. Lovers can be not only a wonderful family, but also successful business partners, capable of starting any business. Overall, this is a harmonious and happy union.

Table: astrological correspondences and talismans

Photo gallery: Miroslav's talismans

Maral is Miroslav’s totem animal. Some varieties of beryl are almost as expensive as emerald. People who use magical properties daisies, acquire the skills of unobtrusive seduction, attracting attention and are able to get an answer to any question of interest

Meaning of the letters of the name

The letters of a name have a certain influence on a person’s character:

  • M - peacemaking, peacefulness, unity with the outside world. This is a caring and inquisitive nature that learns only from its own mistakes, without taking into account the experience of others;
  • And - impressionability, subtle spirituality, grace, kindness, the ability to harmonize everything around you. Sometimes the true nature of this person is difficult to discern, since they hide it under the guise of efficiency and practicality;
  • P - energy, the ability to realistically assess the situation, a tendency towards adventurism and risk;
  • O - rich intuition, desire for self-improvement, great emotionality;
  • C - ability to achieve financial stability, capriciousness, authority, desire to stand out from the gray mass;
  • L is a creative person with a rich imagination. Lazy by nature, he can spend a long time searching for himself, but the desire for material wealth motivates him to take action;
  • A - symbolizes the beginning, renewal, the desire to live in a new way. Such people are leaders in love. Monotony is not for them. They are hardworking, but will only do the work they choose;
  • B - reflects stubbornness, huge potential. This person defends his point of view to the end, and even if he is wrong, he will still insist on his own. This letter also indicates inconstancy and lack of systematicity. This person is characterized by suddenness in actions.

The closer the letter is to the beginning of the name, the greater the impact it has on the person’s character.

When was Miroslav born?

Miroslav, born in winter, is the most complex representative of this name. He is contradictory and stubborn, loves to command. The man is persistent, purposeful, achieves high altitudes in sports and business.

“Summer” Miroslav is quite reserved, it’s hard to get him to have a frank conversation. He tries to avoid noisy parties and large companies, preferring to spend his leisure time on the couch with a book. This person is very sensitive and kind. The man loves animals and often gives homes to lost ones found on the street.

“Autumn” Miroslav is a man of mood. His character largely depends on the state of mind in which he is. Most often, he is a man of few words, obligatory, tactful and neat. But if you make him angry, he instantly turns into a cruel and selfish person with whom it is better not to deal.

Spring endows Miroslav with self-doubt and lack of communication skills. Most often, these problems start from childhood, so parents may need to correct the child’s behavior with the help of a psychologist. As a life partner for such a man, an independent, purposeful and persistent person who can control her spouse in everything is suitable.

Miroslav, born in summer, loves animals

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesLaconic, reserved. He has great willpower and a strong character. Persistently and persistently moves towards the goal. In childhood he has many complexes, but with age everything changes, a man will be able to accept himself as he is.
TaurusA cheerful optimist who cannot be broken by any obstacles. Sociable, sincere, with a good sense of humor. Always ready to listen and help with advice.
TwinsA contradictory personality who dreams of stability and independence. Loves praise and power. He knows the value of money and is hardworking. Often achieves his goals.
CancerA weak-willed and overly emotional man who lacks self-confidence. He is characterized by isolation and inconstancy. You cannot rely on this person because you never know how his mood will change in 5 minutes.
a lionThe integrity and cruelty of this person do not allow him to be led by emotions. He has everything sorted out, he lives according to a strictly planned plan and under no circumstances will he compromise his principles. Such excessive self-organization scares the women around him. Therefore, it is not easy for him to find a mate.
VirgoHe is an open and cheerful person, always ready to lend a helping hand. He sees exceptionally good traits in the people around him, which some use for their own selfish purposes. He chooses a pretty, kind and sympathetic woman as his companion, who will support him in any situation.
ScalesA sociable, honest, open person, for whom honor and conscience are not empty words. He cannot stand duplicity, so he is surrounded only by trusted people. In a woman, he is attracted by modesty and tenderness, while promiscuity and pretentiousness, on the contrary, repel him.
ScorpionThis is a strong, courageous, but at the same time very trusting and vulnerable person who can fall into deep depression due to injustice and betrayal. He will be happy with tender and an open woman, for whom the family has special values.
SagittariusAn impulsive, inquisitive and impressionable person, ready to take risks to achieve what he wants. He is eloquent, has innate charm and charisma, and therefore does not suffer from a lack of female attention.
CapricornRomantic and sensitive Miroslav-Capricorn goes through life easily and naturally. He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Stability and the desire for financial wealth are alien to him. This man is used to living one day at a time.
AquariusThe energy and determination of this man help him to realize all his plans, and, it must be said, he has a lot of them. He is temperamental, gallant, sociable, which is why he is a huge success with women. He marries late because he does not want to lose his freedom.
FishThis noble and sincere man often has only one drawback - lack of self-confidence. Therefore, trying to win the favor of others, he resorts to flattery and ingratiation, which gives a completely opposite result. He will be happy with a more confident and persistent woman who can lead him along.

Photo gallery: famous people named Miroslav

Miroslav Stoch - Slovak football player, outside midfielder of Slavia Prague and the Slovak national team Miroslav Senyk - Ukrainian politician Miroslav Germaszewski - first Polish cosmonaut Miroslav Skoryk - Ukrainian composer and musicologist Miroslav Radovich - Serbian football player, midfielder of the Legia club Miroslav Klose - German football player , forward

Miroslav is brave, assertive, and purposeful. Nobility is in his blood, and even if his interests are affected, the man will not conflict, but will find a reason to justify the person. In his personal life, everything is not easy, but in the end, he manages to create a strong and happy family.

Full name:

Church name: -

Meaning: glorious in peace

Patronymic: Miroslavovich, Miroslavovna

The meaning of the name Miroslav - interpretation

Fashionable male name Miroslav is common in many Slavic countries. It consists of two words “peace” and “glory”. Linguists interpret it in different ways: “glorifying the world”, “peaceful glory”, “glorified by love of peace”, “glory to the whole world”, “winner”. How does this name influence the character and destiny of a person? Let's find out more about this.

Name Miroslav in other languages

Astrology named after Miroslav

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

As a child, a boy with this name has remarkable calm. He is balanced and does not get irritated over trifles. He is friendly and smiling towards others. Parents do not have any difficulties with him. The baby is not capricious. He doesn't need extra attention.

At school, Miroslav tries to be independent. He does not like it when someone else's opinion is disturbed and imposed on him. The boy is patient, but can react sharply to unnecessary advice. The kid is persistent and diligent in his studies, which cannot but please the teachers.

Free time prefers to spend time with a thick book, especially interested in historical publications and classical fiction. Doesn't need any help in choosing the right activity.

As Miroslav grows up, his creative streak manifests itself. He is full of energy, has a lot of ideas and plans. The guy's character is similar to his mother's. The young man has a resilient body and may well become a good athlete.

In everyday life he remains soft, sociable, and friendly. He fits in equally easily with both male and female companies. Several contradictory qualities coexist in this teenager. He is at the same time perky and irritable, stubborn and gentle, ambitious and modest.

Miroslav is inclined to prove that he is right, which sometimes turns into despotism. The guy doesn't respond well to other people's opinions. He is smart, well-read, energetic. In most situations, Miroslav is distinguished by self-control, calmness and poise.

In adult life the softness of the sound of the name is conveyed to the owner. A man has a sensitive soul. He can determine the mood of his interlocutor by his voice, and tries to help his friends and relatives. Miroslav is characterized as a good adviser.

This person has an excellent understanding of art - music, painting. He does not accept conflict situations and strives to reconcile opponents. Adult Miroslav can be touchy, but does not show it. He develops certain complexes associated with the lack of purely masculine qualities. The latter include perseverance, aggressiveness, and the ability to make big money.

A careless joke about a man's inability can cause depression. This person is very dependent on loved ones. It is difficult for him to quarrel and break up with his beloved. He does not know how to easily make new acquaintances.

Miroslav's character

The positive characteristics of this person include the following qualities: perseverance, self-confidence, good business acumen, good creative potential. Miroslav has an active position in all areas of life, but he does his work carefully and leisurely.

This man knows how to behave correctly in non-standard and difficult situations. Miroslav's personality is spiritual. He has a rich imagination. Often experiences bursts of inspiration. If desired, he achieves any goals.

A man by nature is considered an arrogant and sarcastic person, capable of careless and offensive jokes towards his friends. He is often overcome by excessive ambitions, which are difficult to cope with. In the absence of a good career and high income, it becomes petty.

Although Miroslav has a sharp tongue, he does not tolerate criticism and teaching addressed to him quite well, becoming irritated and offended by his opponent, although he quickly moves away. Inside he is a vulnerable and sensitive person, which does not really fit with the image of a “tough nut to crack.”

The fate of Miroslav

The fate of the owner of this name may not be easy. But his patience, hard work, and desire to achieve his goals will help him overcome any obstacles. Miroslav is selfish and calculating. He knows how to take care of what he has acquired, which contributes to stability and constancy. In work, a man can hardly be called a careerist. But if he wants, he can get any position. Sometimes he exhibits such traits as pettiness and irritability. Affectionate with women. He often experiences drama in personal relationships. May marry several times.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Miroslav is a born teacher. Love of history and scientific research, sharp intellect, and desire for everything new give him a wide choice of specialties. In the professional field, he is able to excel in such areas as law, finance, management, science, medicine, art (painting, music, drama, cinema).

This person is not a careerist. He takes his work seriously and responsibly, for which he receives decent remuneration. Takes professional failures to heart. Losing a job can become a real drama, turning Miroslav into a petty, embittered, calculating and depressive type. Tactfulness, fairness, and the ability to listen to people allow him to occupy leadership positions. He associates power with enormous responsibility.

A man named Miroslav has every chance of becoming prosperous and wealthy. But losses await him in his youth. There is a high probability of death of loved ones. A stable financial situation comes closer to 40 years of age.

Marriage and family

Miroslav is amorous. Having met suitable woman, gets married without hesitation. Disappointed in his chosen one, he easily gets divorced. But afterwards he experiences torment. Doesn't like to be left alone. To fill the void, he may often change lovers. The second marriage is more successful, because the man makes an informed choice.

Life with Miroslav is not easy. He loves to command, but will not tolerate such an attitude from his wife. He is faithful to his wife and treats his children well. He tries to instill in the latter a strict upbringing and provide an excellent education. He often proves himself to be a good and hospitable host. Has a penchant for culinary arts. A marriage with Miroslav will be strong and long lasting for the woman who is ready to make concessions and constantly maintain comfort and coziness.

Sex and love

Miroslav is charming and eloquent when communicating with the opposite sex. He is endowed with a natural masculine charm. He is sensitive and attentive to his chosen one. Has a serious attitude towards love. He may get carried away and go down the aisle with his first lover. His perfect couple- an easy-going, gentle woman who needs to be protected.

Miroslav is wary of strong and experienced ladies. Such women increase his feeling of inferiority. The owner of this name loves to conquer and conquer. He may be attracted to proud, cold-blooded beauties.

From a young age, Miroslav loves sports. He is attracted to travel and outdoor recreation. He prefers to indulge in these activities with his family. The man is not averse to spending his free time with an interesting book in hand.

His passion is artistic and scientific literature. This person is prone to collecting. At home you can find a whole cabinet of historical books.

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