Stasik name. The meaning of the male name Stanislav

Origin. However, this is only a shortened form. About what full name Stas and what it means, we will talk in the article.


As we just said, Stas - Slavic name of Polish origin. Let us immediately emphasize that Stas’s full name is Stanislav. This is very important to understand its true meaning. After all, from Polish, Stas’s full name is translated as “become glorious.” So it's not just a name. Stas's full name served as a kind of testament to the parents and at the same time a spell designed to arrange the fate of the child in such a way that honor, dignity and glory would invariably accompany him. This is not surprising, because the ancient Slavs, like all peoples, believed that the name determines a person’s life. It is interesting to note that Stas’s full name has the same root as the words “stanitsa”, “stan”, that is, fortress. Therefore, its meaning, as we see, is quite deep. Unfortunately, after the Christianization of Rus', this name was forgotten and began to return to Russian usage relatively recently.


At first glance, a boy named Stas gives the impression of gentleness and good nature. But this is an illusion - Stas, whose full name simply screams of fame and egocentrism, makes the boy an excellent manipulator. In fact, he wants to stand out at all costs and therefore tries to make a good impression. But this is relative to the elders. And among his peers, Stanislav often has a reputation as a cocky and hot-tempered hooligan. That is why parents of young people often hear complaints about fights caused by their child. The complexity of Stas's character is manifested even in kindergarten. He will try frantically to defend himself and his ego even where there is no problem at all. It’s just that Stas, whose full name inspires him with an irresistible desire to be famous and popular, never tolerates his own ego being harmed. Self-love is everything to him. And in this sense, he does not forgive his offenders. In addition, Stas is stubborn and often capricious. Emotions in him manifest themselves chaotically, and the young man does not even try to control them. Therefore, parents will have to make titanic efforts to raise in their offspring a decent person who knows how to control himself and takes other people’s interests into account.

Personal relationships

We found out what influence his full name has on Stas's character. Stas, whose male selfishness practically knows no bounds, is in no hurry to make commitments to girls, and therefore changes partners once or twice. At the same time, he is very popular among girls - many of them pay attention to the ambitious young man attention and show serious interest. Most often, however, it is in vain, because Stas is not interested in either a serious relationship or any formal connections at all. Freedom for him is a very important component of life. If he does enter into a relationship, it often ends in a breakup. And the reason for this is the same guy’s pride, which prevents him from building a harmonious relationship with his chosen one. Stas will not keep his girlfriend waiting long for reasons for jealousy and, most likely, in fair quantities, even to the point of betrayal. But if the young man’s heart is truly deeply imbued with feelings for his girlfriend, then he will show her truly fabulous courtship. Beautiful gifts, original ideas, romantic moments - there will be no end to all this. But he will do this not only for her sake, but also for his own sake. It is important for Stas not so much to give the girl pleasure as to ensure that she admires him. This pleases the young man’s vanity, and therefore, ultimately, having achieved self-worship, his feelings cool down. And if by that time he had already managed to register a marriage with his beloved, then Stanislav would inevitably face a divorce.


Family for Stas is, of course, another opportunity to succeed in life. Therefore, in relation to his wife, he puts himself as a leader and head. If Stas’s wife is not distinguished by humility and is not devoid of ambitions, this often leads to serious scandals and quarrels. Stanislav does not tolerate partnerships; he feels comfortable only with a modest and quiet wife, whom he looks down on. He is practically incapable of communicating on equal terms. As for children, most often a person named Stanislav is a good father who knows the measure between the severity of upbringing and parental love.


In his career, Stas tries to achieve leadership positions and gain popularity, which is not surprising. Values ​​independence and freedom of action, and therefore often comes into conflict with colleagues and superiors. As a boss, Stanislav demonstrates responsibility, determination, and activity, but at the same time he is not distinguished by foresight and pragmatism. The reason for this is the young man’s pride, which obscures his eyes.

Alternative forms of the name

Since since the time Ancient Rus' this name was not used, Stanislav is not in the calendar Orthodox Church. Therefore, variants such as “Slava”, “Vyacheslav”, “Stakhy” can be considered secondary forms of the name. Stanislavs are baptized under the last two, and, accordingly, these are the names to which the name day holiday is attached.

Meaning of the name Stanislav: The name for a boy means "to become famous." This affects the character and fate of Stanislav.

Origin of the name Stanislav: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Stas, Slava, Stanya, Slavunya, Slavusya, Stanislavka.

What does the name Stanislav mean: The name includes two roots: “stan” (to become) and “slav” (glory). The name Stanislav translates as “become glorious.” Another meaning of the name Stanislav is “famous.” A guy with this name is a sensitive, physically well-developed person, intellectually gifted. He is a real treasure for an employer, because this man does everything conscientiously. He is an excellent organizer, but does not believe in the existence of leadership qualities. A man with this name has a huge number of friends, many of whom share a common hobby with him.

Patronymic name Stanislav: Stanislavovich, Stanislavich, Stanislavovna, Stanislavna.

Angel Day and Patron Saints: the name Stanislav does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Color - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - narcissus
  • Patron - Shepherd
  • Talisman stone Stanislav - rock crystal

Characteristics of the name Stanislav

Positive features: The name Stanislav gives persistence in achieving the intended goal, reliability, peace, willingness to help, altruism, and charity. The name Stanislav is characterized by restraint, noble manners, and spiritual aspirations. The guy with this name is a man of few words. He does not try to impose his views on others, he knows how to listen to the opinion of his interlocutor, but at the same time he will remain true to his views.

Negative features: Stubbornness, isolation, vulnerability, suppressed emotionality. He Stanislav, deep down in his soul, is very worried about grief and troubles.

Character of the name Stanislav: The meaning of the name Stanislav from the point of view of psychology. Stasik laughs at life's difficulties, which creates the impression of irresponsibility and frivolity. But this is only an appearance. Stas knows very well what he wants, and even better, what he doesn’t want. The guy named Stanislav is proud and wary in everything that concerns his own success and well-being. In the pursuit of his own happiness, he is so selfish that he can trample everything that interferes with him on the way to his goal. He is an egoist, but not a miser. A man with this name is generous and shares everything. Stanislav's capricious nature in the sphere of love shows completely different traits: he can be cautious and constant. In communication, Stas maintains his distance. You need to earn a lot of trust in order for him to open up completely and reveal his vulnerability. You can always turn to Stasik for help.

Stanislav and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Marriage with Valentina, Galina, Predslava, Raisa, Rogneda, Yana is favorable. The name Stanislav is also combined with Yaroslava. Unsuccessful relationships can develop with Alina, Agata, Anna, Gorislava, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Christina, Margarita, Marina, Tatyana.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Stanislav promise happiness in love? A man with this name is distinguished by jealousy. He chooses as his wife a bright and cheerful woman who is not devoid of business qualities. He Stanislav considers it his duty to help his neighbor to the detriment of his own interests or the interests of his family.

In love, sex life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness. He marries for love, but there is also some calculation in his choice. His intimate life is always well hidden from prying eyes. A man with this name usually marries a timid and submissive woman. Authority in the family is of particular importance to him. In everyday life he can be harsh, but he always repents. He loves children and gets along well with his wife's parents. Impractical for housekeeping. He is moderately jealous.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He Stanislav has a penchant for exact and technical sciences, has excellent mental abilities, knows how to make the right decisions, and succeeds in any chosen activity. He is valued by his superiors for his honesty, attaches great importance to discipline, and is efficient.

Business and career: Stas does not strive for wealth. He is generous to others, ready to donate money to educational or scientific institutions, and is involved in charitable activities.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Stanislav: Kind, capricious, unbalanced. He is Stanislav, a typical phlegmatic person. He has logical thinking, artistic taste, and extraordinary imagination. Extraordinarily patient, capable of exhausting, painstaking work. It is difficult to please Stanislav, it is difficult to adapt to his frequently changing mood and unique train of thoughts that is not understandable to everyone. If Stas occupies a leadership position, then it is difficult for his subordinates. A guy named Stanislav achieves professional success in painting, cinema and acting, in medicine, pedagogy, engineering work.

He has excellent self-control. Only very close people know how difficult his soul is sometimes. Stasik tends to idealize everything, so he has difficulty adapting to real life. As a rule, he does not have a devoted friend.

Does not abuse alcoholic beverages. Weakness body - nervous system.

The fate of Stanislav in history

What does the name Stanislav mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Stanislaw A. Poniatowski (1732-1798) - the last Polish king, who was once the lover of Catherine the Great. Ruled in 1764-1795, focused on Russia.
  2. Stanislaw Leszczynski - (1677 - 1766) King of Poland and Grand Duke Lithuanian in 1704 - 1709 and in 1733 - 1734, and then the last Duke of Lorraine in 1737 - 1766.
  3. Stanislaw "Revera" Potocki - (1579 - 1667) Polish statesman and military leader, commander.
  4. Stanislav Vaupshasov - intelligence officer, Hero of the USSR (1899 - 1976).
  5. Stanislav Govorukhin - film director, politician (born 1936).
  6. Stanislaw Lem - Polish science fiction writer, author of the books “Solaris”, “Star Diaries”, etc. (born 1921).
  7. Stanislav Rostotsky - (1922 - 2001) film director, his films: “We’ll Live Until Monday”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, etc.
  8. Stanislav Sadalsky - Soviet and Russian actor; Honored Artist of the RSFSR, National artist Georgia and People's Artist of Chuvashia.
  9. Stanislav Grof - (born 1931) American psychologist and psychiatrist of Czech origin, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, founder of transpersonal psychology, one of the pioneers in the study of altered states of consciousness for treatment, growth and self-knowledge of a person.
  10. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec - (1909 - 1966) an outstanding Polish poet, philosopher, satirist, and aphorist of the 20th century.
  11. Count Stanislav Potocki - (1782 – 1831) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general, adjutant general, privy councilor.
  12. Stanislaw Jan Yablonovsky - (1634 - 1702) famous Polish commander. When the Swedes besieged Krakow in 1655, Jablonowski managed to save the regalia of the Polish kings from being captured by enemies and thus prevent the Swedish king from placing the Polish crown on his head.
  13. Stanislav Szczepanovsky, Stanislav Krakowski - (1030 - 1079) Bishop of Krakow, ranked among the holy martyrs by the Catholic Church.
  14. Stanislaw Witkiewicz - Polish writer, artist (1885 - 1939).
  15. Stanislav Wawrinka is a Swiss tennis player, 2008 Olympic champion in doubles (with Roger Federer), one of the leaders of the Swiss team in the Davis Cup.
  16. Stanislav Belkovsky - Russian political scientist, founder and director of the Institute of National Strategy (INS), former director National Strategy Council.

Stanislav in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Stanislaus.

How many different, interesting and beautiful names our distant ancestors left us. If you decide to name your child Stanislav: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the boy.

Stanislav: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man?

Stanislav is a pure Slavic name. It first appeared on the territory of Poland and only over time spread to Russia and Ukraine. It is also found in Belarus.

There is also female uniform, which sounds like Stanislava. The name can be deciphered as “he or she who becomes glorious.”

The name in abbreviated and affectionate form sounds as follows: Slava, Stanya, Stas, Slavunya, Slastusya, Slavusya, Stasik, Staska, Slaventiy

Celebrity namesakes:

  • Govorukhin - became famous in cinema and politics;
  • Stanislav Grof is a famous American psychologist, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine;
  • Count Pototsky - (1782 - 1831) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general, adjutant general, privy councilor.
  • Witkiewicz - Polish writer and artist (1885 - 1939).
  • Belkovsky is a Russian political scientist, founder and director of the Institute of National Strategy (INS), former director of the Council for National Strategy.
  • Leszczynski - (1677 - 1766) King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, and then the last Duke of Lorraine
  • Rostotsky - (1922 - 2001) film director, his films: “We’ll Live Until Monday”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, etc.

Human personality

At first glance, he may seem somewhat frivolous and frivolous, since he makes fun of problems and troubles. But it only seems so. He always clearly knows and understands what he wants to get from life. If we talk about what he doesn’t want, then he is even more sure of this, he clearly understands what is unacceptable for him.

He always likes himself. He knows his worth and considers himself a worthy man. If he sees the goal, then obstacles do not frighten him. On the way to his happiness he will go over his head. At such a moment, his egoism is very clearly visible.


His generosity is very attractive. He is generous in everything, in emotions, in gifts, in everything, whatever it is. In love, Stanislav is very capricious. He always closely examines his chosen one. For a long time he will keep his distance in communication. He is cautious and does not immediately let everyone into his life. His trust must be earned, so before he reveals himself to you, you will spend a lot of time and effort.


He does not refuse to help anyone, he is kind at heart. Generous. Sometimes he helps himself to his own detriment. But he considers it his duty.

It happens that he is not accepted in society because he thinks outside the box. He always has his own position and opinion. Conflicts often arise due to his excessive touchiness and vulnerability. You can hurt him quickly and easily.

How the origin of the name Stanislav influenced its meaning

He will always come to the rescue. He clearly knows what he really wants. Reliable, if he says it, he will do it. Inclined to charity. This man has noble manners and is reserved by nature. He never imposes his views on others and speaks to the point and is not verbose.


A man often withdraws into himself. Stubborn and overly vulnerable. He passes all life's troubles and problems through himself, experiences it long and deeply.


Stanislav is drawn to the exact sciences. Technology also fascinates him. His mental abilities are at a fairly high level. Makes decisions of any complexity. There is no task in which he could not cope. Therefore, the type of activity can be absolutely diverse.

His superiors always appreciate him because he is efficient and disciplined. He does not strive for wealth as such, so he parted with money easily. Sometimes he invests large sums in charity.

Love and marriage

Very jealous, sometimes it goes beyond what is acceptable. Always pays attention to bright and cheerful women, chooses such people as his life partners. But she must be soft and compliant, otherwise he simply will not be able to get along with her.

As a husband, he is very caring. But sometimes he is not restrained and has a quick temper. Always regrets after showing emotion. His wife is never without attention, he tries to constantly surprise her with pleasant actions.

He gives courtship in an unconventional way, although this only happens in the period before the wedding, after which he slows down a bit. But he doesn’t stop doing it at all. After many years of married life, an unexpected surprise may occur. He doesn’t drink a lot, so his wives have no reason to argue.


Stanislav is a phlegmatic type. He is kind to others. Often unbalanced and capricious. It is actually difficult to please such a person. The mood changes often. All close people know that there are moments when his soul is completely bad. He often idealizes everything around him, and this is the reason that reality is perceived very difficult.


He has no health problems as such. A weak and vulnerable point is the nervous system, which can malfunction throughout the body.

What will a child with this name be like?

Characteristics of the name Stanislav, character traits and fate

Stasik has been picky and capricious since childhood. He is growing up to be a difficult child. Constantly shows his incontinence. Often shows stubbornness. By nature, he is good-natured and sympathetic, although it is extremely rare that relationships with peers develop into friendships. Finding a common language is very difficult. The reason for this is his temper and impulsiveness. His opinion can be biased, and this is very repulsive to others.

Fighting with boys is not a problem. It’s quite easy to offend a girl.

WITH early years He is distinguished by mobility and emotionality. He is active and energetic. Transitional age will probably be the most difficult emotionally. He will often conflict, create scandals and bring them to a fight. This will happen due to increased sensitivity and high pride. As soon as it is hurt, a quarrel cannot be avoided.

Boys with this character often have problems with behavior and academic performance at school. True, as soon as he shows perseverance and determination, the situation will level out in an instant.

Astrological correspondences

  • The zodiac sign that belongs to the name is Gemini;
  • Uranus is considered a prosperous planet;
  • The color that belongs to the name is blue-gray;
  • Plants that will bring good luck include daffodil and ash;
  • A suitable animal is a shepherd;
  • Rock crystal is a talisman.

The name Stas, the meaning of which is translated as “to become glorious,” is entirely of Polish origin. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What is the name Stas: meaning for a child

As a child, Stasik did not have serious problems with his health, but his parents should take care of him nervous system, because due to severe stress or fear, the child may begin to stutter. Allergic reactions to certain medications are also possible.

Little Stasik's character is quite complex. His parents will many times have to be surprised by the behavior of their child, because the child will achieve his goal at any cost: hysteria or donkey stubbornness. Therefore, before naming your newborn, think about whether he needs the name Stas!

The meaning of the name in youth

In this carefree period of life, Stanislav may well make a mess. This is a very daring young man who, under no circumstances, will admit that he is wrong. He is a lover of constant fights and conflicts. At this age, it is not uncommon for Stas to be brought to the police. The guy is very amorous, so he begins to be sexually active quite early.

What does the name Stas mean in adult life?

The guy has many different character traits that can piss off anyone. He is irritable and nervous, he constantly wants to shift the blame onto someone else. Despite this temperament, Stanislav finds it very difficult to make certain decisions. This is his weakness, which he will never show to anyone.

As in his youth, in his adult life Stas is extremely stubborn and persistent. He doesn't care what people think about him. This guy is almost impossible to influence.

The secret of the name Stas

Despite all of the above, Stanislav can hardly be called a frivolous and irresponsible person. The thing is, it's just a mask. In fact, Stas is perfectly aware of everything, understands what he needs and what he doesn’t. Here it is - the secret of his name!

In this regard, it cannot be said that Stanislav has a completely negative character. On the contrary, the man is very kind and generous. People like him are called “broad nature”. Stas is a merry fellow and a joker, the soul of any company. This is an incorrigible lover of entertainment, easy money and beautiful women.

Of course, Stas can be called a narcissistic egoist, but certainly not a stingy person. This is what lovers of “freebies” take advantage of, and poor Stas suffers. He needs to learn to recognize parasites and parasites who constantly use him for their own purposes. By the way, the Stanislavs are stylish and fashionable guys. This is what it is - the name Stas!

The meaning of the name in marriage

Stanislav marries more often for love than for convenience. He takes a trusted woman as his wife because he wants to stay with her for life. A man is a fair owner, and expressions such as “my wife,” “my car,” “my house” are not uncommon for him.

That is why the spouses of the Stanislavs most often become docile and quiet women. This is understandable: stubborn Stas will never get along with an ardent feminist! He loves his wife, but often acts as the instigator of the next quarrel. He always asks for forgiveness first.

Stanislav is a two-root name of Slavic origin. It consists of the roots “stan” and “slav”. The root "Stan" implies a contraction of "becomes" or "put", and the root "slav" implies a contraction of "glory". There are many literary meanings of the name, but the most popular are The meaning of the name is “becoming glorious” and “establishing glory”. The name is known in many other languages, although it is not as popular there.

The most common short form of the name Stanislav is the abbreviation “Stas”. Full version The name is so rarely used in everyday life that people often even wonder what Stas’s full name will be.

The name Stanislav has a related female name - Stanislava. The prevalence of the name Stanislav is much less than its male counterpart. You can find out the meaning of the name Stanislava for a girl by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Stanislav for a child

The boy is growing up to be a rather complex child, so his parents will have to make a lot of effort to raise him to be a worthy person. The baby is often capricious, and his tendency to have attacks of aggression often creates difficulties in communicating with other children. As he grows up, these problems will slowly disappear from his character, but this does not mean that everything can be left to chance. Try to use negative traits in positive side. His stubbornness can be turned into persistence, etc.

Stanislav's studies are quite mediocre, but he cannot be called a weak student at all. Rather, he simply does not particularly enjoy studying. He is not motivated by positive grades, and healthy self-esteem does not allow him to study at all. But if Stanislav starts to get carried away with something, then you will see his full potential. This could be sports, theater or radio electronics. His hobbies are completely unpredictable, but his diligence and hard work in this industry are guaranteed.

The health of a boy with this name will be good. He easily tolerates “obligatory” childhood illnesses such as acute respiratory infections in the fall, and he usually does not have more serious health problems. If Stanislav goes in for sports, then his high vitality will remain for a long time, and not just in his youth.

Short name Stanislav

Stas, Stasyan, Stasechek.

Diminutive pet names

Stanislavchik, Stanislavochka, Stanislavushka, Stasik, Stasechka, Stasyushka, Stasenka.

Children's middle names

Stanislavovich and Stanislavovna.

Name Stanislav in English

The name Stanislav is not found in English. This means that you need to use a transliteration of the name.

Name Stanislav for international passport- STANISLAV.

Translation of the name Stanislav into other languages

in Belarusian - Stanislav
in Bulgarian - Stanislav
in Hungarian - Szaniszló
in Spanish - Estanislao
in Italian - Stanislao
in Latvian - Staņislavs
in Latin - Stanislaus
in Lithuanian - Stanislovas
in German - Stanislaus
in Polish - Stanislaw
in Portuguese - Estanislau
in Serbian - Stanislav
in Slovak - Stanislav
in Ukrainian - Stanislav
in French - Stanislas
in Croatian - Stanislav
in Czech - Stanislav

Church name Stanislav(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name is not in Orthodox calendar, which means Stanislav will receive church name different from the mundane.

Characteristics of the name Stanislav

At first glance, the adult Stanislav can be described as a calm, balanced and confident man. However, this may just be a first impression. Quite often the essence of Stanislav is revealed over time, but he is completely different. Stanislav often brings adult life children's whims, selfishness and boastfulness. But if Stanislav has outgrown these childhood problems, then he will have a truly balanced, stable character.

Stanislav loves communicating with people and often connects his work with this. He finds it easily mutual language with almost anyone, which is actually a rare skill. The leader from Stanislav is quite weak, although he has a desire for high positions. But Stanislav has a good instinct for profitable areas of business. Stanislav will make an excellent mid-level entrepreneur or administrator.

IN family relationships Stanislav tries to be a leader. He often chooses a wife much younger than himself, which allows him to be her mentor in life. He often tries to assert himself at the expense of his wife, although more often he shows himself to be loving and caring husband. He is a good and zealous owner. He loves children, but he is strict with them and does not allow others to be spoiled.

The mystery of the name Stanislav

Stanislav's secret can be called his inner world. Often he himself gets confused where he is trying to appear and where he is real. Sometimes he begins to believe in himself in a way that he really is not. He definitely needs to look at himself soberly and accept his shortcomings and strengths. And after that he will learn to live with them and, if possible, change them.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Shepherd.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Narcissus.

Stone- Rock crystal.

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