Quiz game: “What do we know about nature. Mysteries of nature that have no scientific explanation What we don’t know about nature

Lesson “What do we know about nature?”


    Consolidate, generalize, systematize and clarify children’s knowledge about nature native land, lifestyle of animals, birds, plants; improve environmental knowledge

    Develop differentiated perception, the ability to compare, the ability to think logically, correctly forming conclusions.

    Develop the ability to work in a team and help each other.

    To cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the nature of the native land, the need to love and take care of it. Continue to improve speech as a means of communication.

Previous work:

1. Conversations: forest - plants and animals of the forest, river and its inhabitants, swamp - inhabitants and vegetable world swamps.

2. Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings, asking riddles.

3. Reading fiction:…., looking at illustrations, pictures, reading magazines.

Materials: Illustrated material (wild animals of the forest, wintering and migratory birds, a picture of a winter forest, signs “What not to do in the forest”, a picture “Chain of animal relationships”); game "Loto. Who lives where”, emblems for teams.

Equipment : laptop, media projector, music. center, calm music with birdsong.

Progress of the lesson.

Leading teacher:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The sun teaches kindness.

Snow teaches us purity.

By nature all year round

Need to study

All the forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

Greetings from the teams:

1 team

2nd team

Leading: Two teams will compete. Team "Osinki", team "Beryozki". Tasks will be given for each team. Teams will receive chips for quickly and correctly completing the task. The team with the most chips wins.

Let's choose a jury. (Selected by a jury of 2 people).

We're ready to play today

Let's talk about nature together

Well done guys in good hour!

May good luck meet you!

1 competition “Warm-up”.

1 Team

1) Which animal has spines? (hedgehog).

2) Who sleeps in the forest in winter? (bear, hedgehog, badger). Why can't you wake them up?

3) At what time of year do the leaves bloom on the trees? (spring)

4) What do birds suffer from more: cold or hunger? (From hunger.) How to help birds in winter?

5) How does a hare prepare for winter? (changes fur coat)

2 Team

1) What berries are red, white, black? (Currant.)

2) Does the swallow stay for the winter or not?

3) What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)

4) Name the signs of the beginning of autumn in wildlife.

5) Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog.)

1 competition “Who is bigger?”

Chain of names of wild animals: the one who names the most wins (bear, hare, wolf, fox, sable, badger, lynx, squirrel, elk, mink, chipmunk, marten, etc.)

2 competition “Find the hidden beast”.

Children must find animals, birds, fish, insects in the drawing and circle them.

Yellow envelope (for fans)

1. Which tree has a white trunk? (Birch.)

2. What does a bird need a tail for? (Stay in the trees, control the flight.)

3. What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? Is it possible to treat this bird badly because of this? (Cuckoo.)

4. Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare.)

3 competition “Guess by the description”.


“This is an amazing animal. His hearing is more subtle than that of cats and dogs. The animal’s sense of smell is extraordinary – it senses a beetle or larva in the ground at a depth of several meters. But his eyesight is weak. Eats everything: berries, plant seeds, worms, mice, insects and even snakes.”

Clue: Although he is small, he is not afraid of predators, he has protection from them.
Answer: hedgehog.

“This beast has two main ways of protecting itself from enemies: camouflage and legs. He jumps and runs very quickly and easily - so easily that he doesn’t even fall into the snowdrifts. He doesn't just run away from danger, he chooses the shortest path to salvation. But it happens that neither cunning nor speed help, then he falls on his back and defends himself with his strong hind legs.”

Clue: He is considered a big coward. Answer: hare.


“This is the most cunning and cautious animal. He knows how to camouflage himself perfectly, he has keen vision, hearing, and sense of smell. And how he dances! It rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. Among people, this dance is called “foxtrot”. The animal feeds on insects, rodents, birds, and sometimes animals: hedgehogs, hares.”

Clue: The red, fluffy tail helps to escape from pursuers (covers its tracks). Answer: fox.
“This is a very large and strong animal, it can walk on four legs, sometimes stands on its hind legs and roars throughout the forest. Many animals are afraid of him, he climbs trees well and even catches fish. In winter it hibernates."

Clue: loves honey and raspberries very much. Answer: bear.

4 competition "Whose traces" - task for teams

Leading: - Guys, how handsome winter forest! Look at this picture, all the trees are covered with snow, someone’s footprints are visible in the snow.

Questions for fans

Educator: Attention, guess the riddle:

Shakes a little in the breeze

Ribbon in the open.

The narrow tip is in the spring,

And wide - into the sea. (river)

1. Name the most big river our region. (Don)

2. What kind of fish is found in the Don River? (pike, perch, roach, pike perch, bream, crucian carp)

3. Why is burbot called “bottom fish”? (burbot stays near the bottom)

4. Name the predator fish that lives in the Don River. What is it also called? (pike, “river wolf”, “river orderly”.


- Guys, what is the significance of a river for a person?

Children's answers:

The river gives us fish

We relax on the river, swim

Passenger and cargo ships sail along the river

Timber is floated down the river

Factories and plants need water

The river is home, food for fish, animals, birds and plants


- How can we help the river and its inhabitants?

Children's answers:

To prevent water from being polluted, it is necessary to build wastewater treatment plants

It is necessary to preserve forest areas along river banks so that taiga rivers are full-flowing.

Detergents are dangerous for the river (lots of phosphates)

As long as algae grows, there is no particular problem for the river (as soon as they begin to decompose, the amount of oxygen decreases, and the fish suffer.

IN winter time make holes on the river. To saturate water with oxygen.


A river is a valuable gift of nature, necessary for life.

5th competition "Forest" Questions for the teams:

We went for a walk in the forest,

We forded the stream,

Unprecedented heights

Flowers grow by the stream.

Look around

What will the forest give us?

Bend over and pick a raspberry

And put it in the basket.

Strong white fungus

We'll put it in the box.

Attention, on the screen!

1. What is a forest?

Children's answers:

The forest is native home plants and animals

The forest is the green outfit of our Earth

Where there is a forest, always fresh air

The forest is our friend, retaining moisture, it helps a person grow a good harvest

The forest is nature’s storehouse, generously giving away its fruits: mushrooms, berries, nuts, herbs

The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of our forests!


A forest is like a multi-story building in which many different inhabitants, trees, shrubs, berries, herbs and flowers live. They are well adapted to life in the forest, and they all need each other.

Guys, how do you understand this proverb: “Living near a forest means you won’t go hungry”

2. What trees grow in our region? (Coniferous: spruce, pine, cedar, larch, fir; deciduous: birch, aspen, poplar, rowan, bird cherry)

3. Which tree is called the “Symbol of Russia”, “Russian Beauty”? (birch)

4. Which tree does birds feed on the berries of in winter? Its berries have medicinal properties? (Rowan)

5. The leaves of which tree “tremble even without the wind”? (aspen)

6. Which tree is called singing? Why? (spruce)

7. The bark of which tree is never gnawed by hares? Why? (cherry bird, it is poisonous)

8. Whose house can a fox occupy? (badger, he is an excellent builder, clean and does not like it when people litter near his home)

9. Why do wolves howl? (they transmit messages about prey, they report that the forest territory is already occupied by their flock)

10. Who becomes the leader of the wolf pack? Why do people say “Feet feed the wolf”? (the strongest, smartest and most experienced wolf; wolves do not stock up for the winter, the gray one has to run many kilometers to find prey)

11. What do squirrels do if there is not enough food in the forest? (they move to new places, look for forests where there is a lot of food)

6. “How to behave in the forest?” according to the signs “What not to do in the forest?”


Guys, let's remember and name the rules of "Friends of Nature"

Children's answers:

Don't break trees

Do not pick mushrooms, even inedible ones

Do not cut webs or kill spiders

Don't destroy birds' nests

Don't destroy anthills

Don't leave trash behind

Do not light fires.


That's right, guys, if you come to the forest, be careful, watch your step, don't make noise, don't disturb the forest inhabitants. And then the forest will reveal its secrets to you.

In order for the forest to be beneficial, it must be preserved and protected!

M. M. Prishvin said “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland!”

Educator: Now stand in a circle and let's play the game "Good Animal". Let's hold hands and imagine that we are one animal. Let's listen to his breathing. Let's all take a breath together, inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale, and inhale-exhale again. Very good. Let's listen to his heart beat. Here we take a step forward, here we take a step back. And once again, knock - step forward, knock - step back."

Summarizing. Conclusion.

Leading. How you want today's holiday to leave at least a small mark in your soul, guys and adults. Trace of Love. Trace of Care. Trace of Responsibility for all life on Earth.

What do you mean without herbs and birds?

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the pine thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When will you finally understand

Cutting into dead rocks,

O man, crown of nature,

That without nature is your end.

Educator-Yurshina M.A.

4 competition "Whose traces"

On the shelves of bookstores and on the Internet you can find many useful information about how to achieve those desires to which a person aspires. Indeed, many of the human techniques put to trial work effectively if they are understood and used correctly. But what else does a person not know about the nature of his desires, besides what can be emphasized from other articles and books?

Why can’t you say the word “I want” in your goals and desires?

When this word is said, a person focuses the attention of the Universe on the fact that he does not have it. Many books say that you need to talk about your aspirations as if they have already come true! Therefore, you should express your desire without the word “I want”, as if you already have it, you are calm and accustomed to its presence in your life. For example, saying “I want to reset excess weight!”, the woman focuses on the fact that she is overweight. A woman talks about him, which means she has him. You should say something like this: “My weight is a certain number of kilograms!”

Why do you dream about something or strive for what you want?

Why don't you just live and maintain the lifestyle you want? By continuing to dream and go towards it, you again focus the attention of the Universe on the absence of what you want. But if you immediately start living the way you want, you will begin to focus on having what you want in your life.

Do you really want this?

“If the Lord wants to punish a person, he simply fulfills his wishes” - have you ever thought about the meaning of this expression? Why? Maybe it’s worth at least sometimes thinking about whether you really want to have what you want to have? People very often dream deeply about something (about a family, about children, about wealth, about work, etc.), forgetting about what would happen to them if their desires came true. Imagine your wish coming true. Are you ready for the real manifestation of desire with all its negative and positive qualities, difficulties, for maintaining it in harmony, making concessions and patience in connection with various obstacles that will arise as a result of the embodiment of your desire? Do not forget that everything has both positive and negative qualities. Are you ready for both, and not just for the positive aspects of your desire?

Any thought forms can be realized

The subconscious mind obediently realizes all your thoughts, regardless of whether they are negative or positive. This is worth remembering every time you start thinking about something. Imagine that you live in a world where all your thoughts immediately become reality. What do you think this world would be like: hell or heaven? Try to control your thoughts, even if they are not yet your desires.

During the day, you periodically go into the astral plane, where you don’t have to want, but just take it and do it. This is intention - you have everything you want, take it and do it. You just need to realize this way out in order to stimulate the rapid realization of your desires. In the same way, you can implant thoughts in other people by moving into their body during visualization and programming them to a certain train of thought.

Everything that we see around us, everything that surrounds us and is not created by human hands is living and not Live nature. It is distinguished by a wide variety of phenomena and processes. Let's find out what the features of nature are, and how living nature differs from inanimate nature.

Live nature

All objects of living nature have important qualities: they are born, grow, eat, breathe, move, die. To live they need food, warmth, water, air. Wildlife includes not only humans, but also animals, plants and even microorganisms. The study of living nature is carried out by a very extensive and important science - biology.

  • Microorganisms

Long before animals appeared on our planet, it was already inhabited by tiny, invisible organisms: bacteria, fungi, viruses. They can exist in almost any environment where there is at least some water. main feature All microorganisms have the ability to multiply very quickly.

Rice. 1. Bacteria

  • Plants

The plant world is very large and diverse. Without them, there would be no life on Earth, because plants produce the most important gas for respiration - oxygen. They also absorb harmful carbon dioxide, which has a very bad effect on human health and the planet’s climate.

Plants are an important source of food for humans and animals. But you need to be very careful, as plants can be edible (fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables) and inedible (flowers, ornamental shrubs herbs).

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  • Animals

Animals include all the animals, birds, amphibians, and insects of our planet. Throughout the history of the Earth, some animals have disappeared, while others have changed greatly.

Many years ago, the masters of our planet were dinosaurs - huge lizards who knew no equal. But due to sudden climate change, almost all of them became extinct, and only a few representatives of ancient animals were able to adapt to new living conditions.

Animals can be carnivores and herbivores, domestic and wild. They adapt to the conditions where they live, and animals can be found anywhere globe, from sultry deserts to the icy Arctic.

Rice. 2. Polar bear

  • Human

Of course, humans also belong to living nature. Thanks to his intelligence, resourcefulness and intelligent planning of his activities, he managed to conquer the entire planet. But, just like animals, plants and microorganisms, it cannot live without food, air, and water.

Inanimate nature

Objects of inanimate nature include air, water, soil, and minerals. They were the first to create our planet, and that is why objects of inanimate nature are often called primary.

They can be in three states:

  • hard (stones, mountains, sand, ice);
  • liquid (water, cloud, fog, oil);
  • gaseous (steam, air).

No changes occur with objects of inanimate nature for many tens and hundreds of years. They do not breathe, do not reproduce, and do not feed. Their size can increase or decrease, they can move in space, but only under the influence of external factors. Since they are not born, they never die.

Some inanimate objects can change their state. For example, water can be solid in the form of ice, the familiar liquid and gaseous in the form of steam. But she doesn’t disappear anywhere and doesn’t appear out of nowhere.

Table “Signs of living and inanimate nature”

Relationship between living and inanimate nature

Having considered examples of living and inanimate nature, we can conclude that on our planet everything is interconnected, and everything is in harmony with each other. Living beings could not exist without inanimate objects. And if there were no plants and animals, the Earth would look like a lifeless desert.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the relationship between living and inanimate nature

What have we learned?

While studying one of the interesting topics in the 1st-2nd grade environmental program, we found out what applies to living and inanimate nature. An accessible outline of the outline helped to identify the main differences between objects of living and inanimate nature, and their close relationship with each other.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 375.

There are many unsolved mysteries in the world that people encounter every day. For example, scientists still have not deciphered Peto's paradox, have not determined the origin of flowers, and do not know the origin of the Ebola virus. Our review contains questions that the best scientific minds are still struggling with today.

1. Butterfly migration

How thousands of fragile Monarch butterflies manage to fly from Canada to Mexico remains a mystery to scientists. After all, during the flight, several generations of these insects change, but from year to year they stop on the same trees along the way and fly to the same place.

2. The mystery of Loricifera

There are at least a hundred species of these tiny invertebrates, but none of them are found in fossils.

3. Plankton paradox

In hydrobiology, the plankton paradox is a situation in which a limited range of resources supports unexpected wide range planktonic species. This is completely contrary to the principle of competitive exclusion, which suggests that when two species compete for the same resource, then one of the species is doomed to extinction.

4. Origin and place of origin of Ebola

Despite the fact that people have already learned a lot about the Ebola virus, no one knows where exactly this virus originated and where it “hides” between outbreaks of epidemics.

5. Perception

Although people perceive things around them all the time, the act of perception itself still remains an unsolved mystery. Scientists simply cannot understand how the brain transforms sensory information into coherent perception.

6. Alkaloids

Alkaloids are a group of natural chemical compounds that are predominantly composed of nitrogen atoms. They are produced by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. However, their function is not entirely clear to the scientific community.

7. The structure of a hammerhead shark

The hammerhead shark is known for its unusual head shape. However, scientists cannot understand the reason for this shark's head shape. Some suggest that it evolved to increase the electrosensory area of ​​​​the fish, another hypothesis suggests that it improves the coverage of the visual area, and a third says that a similar head shape was developed to improve aquadynamic properties.

8. Fairy circles (Africa)

For several years now, there has been debate about the reason for the emergence of such lifeless circles in Africa. Research has shown that some of them can be explained by the activities of the sand termite Psammotermes allocerus, but there is no single theory that explains all the fairy tale circles.

9. Function of DNA

People still don't know what the vast majority of human DNA is responsible for. For a long time it was believed that about 98% of the human genome is simply empty and does not carry any encoded information. Nobody knew what function it performed. However, in Lately scientists began to doubt this theory.

10. Secrets of human consciousness

People do not know what consciousness is and what makes a person aware of himself. Why do many animals, especially mammals, dream and have dreams? What are the characteristics of intelligence? There are no answers to these questions.

11. Evolution of flowers

Most people enjoy looking at flowers as well as their scent. But no one knows how flowers evolved. It was previously believed that flowers originated from gymnosperms (a group of seed plants that includes conifers, cycads, ginkgos and ginkgos), but recent molecular studies have shown that this hypothesis is untenable.

12. Peto's paradox

It's no secret that people are predisposed to cancer, but it turns out that such large mammals, like whales, practically do not get cancer. It would seem that the whale is much larger than a person, it has many more cells. Accordingly, he should have a higher chance of developing a malignant cell. But that's not true.

13. Cambrian Explosion

What caused the rapid diversification of metazoans at the beginning of the Cambrian period, which led to the emergence of almost all modern types of animals? This is one of the most discussed topics among scientists, but there is not only an answer to this question, but even a unified theory.

14. Biological aging

There are a number of hypotheses for why people age and eventually die... but they are just hypotheses.

15. Origin of life

And, of course, the biggest mystery for scientists is the origin of life on Earth! Despite all the latest scientific and technological advances, no one knows exactly how and when life arose on Earth.

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