How to quickly lose 20 kg in a month. Create a realistic weight loss plan

Most often, women face the problem of excess weight, so many constantly walk around with the same thought in their heads - how to lose weight by 20 kg in a week. The fair half of humanity can say with confidence that this is impossible, but such an opinion would be wrong.

Naturally, losing twenty kilograms in a week will be very stressful for the whole body, so you need to act very prudently and carefully. Your desire should not cause irreparable harm to the body, so everything must be done correctly.

I want to lose 20 kg in a week

You will have to give up salt completely

You need to start losing weight by understanding that junk food is now taboo for you.

You should reconsider your diet, which has no place for fried, fatty, floury and sweet foods. All this must be replaced with vegetables and fruits.

It is not necessary to eat vegetables only raw; you can boil them, preferably in a double boiler, so that all the vitamins are preserved.

Eating fiber will help the body receive all the necessary nutrients, so you should opt for porridges prepared without salt, oil and sugar. In addition, such weight loss will be based on cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

You will have to avoid salt completely, as it can retain water.

How to lose weight

Before you begin your weight loss plan, you need to calculate your diet.

Before you begin to implement the plan, you need to calculate your diet. A person should not consume more than 1000 calories per day. In order to make all the calculations correctly, there is a special calorie table.

When wondering how to properly get rid of extra 20 kg, first of all you need to decide whether you can hold on and have your last meal before six o’clock in the evening, since for many this turns out to be real torture.

To ensure that calories do not stay in the body for a long time, you should engage in regular training. But training should be within reasonable limits, so you need to start with this:

Fractional meal menu for weight loss

  • You need to train every day (read what sports you need to do to lose weight).
  • Loads should not exceed two hours.
  • If a person works, it is recommended to walk to and from work.
  • On weekends you can go for bike rides.
  • You should visit the pool three times a week.
  • Jogging and walking Gym, this is necessary so that more sweat is released, because salts come out along with sweat.

With such constant loads, 300 calories are spent per hour, that is, in two hours you can lose 600 calories. If you go swimming, that's a loss of 700 calories at a time.

How to properly lose weight by 20 kg

You need to create a diet for yourself every day

As a rule, the diet on such a day is very different from all other days. On a fasting day, you can eat only one fruit and drink water. Weight loss will occur very intensively, so one fruit can be replaced with a vegetable salad.

A prerequisite is to drink plenty of fluids.

Water can remove toxins, which will also have a beneficial effect on the process. To make it easier for you to stick to your weight loss plan, you need to create a diet for yourself every day and schedule all physical activities throughout the week.

Losing a kilogram every day is every woman's dream. But as you know, these types of methods significantly worsen your well-being, so it is better if you decide to lose 10 kg in a month - this is a real figure.

But let’s also consider an effective diet for losing 20 kilograms in 20 days, since many are not ready to spend a large number of time for dietary food and want to get stunning results as quickly as possible.

A very effective diet for losing weight in 20 days

The essence of this diet is rapid extreme weight loss of a large number of kilograms in a very short term. To achieve the most effective results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water per day;
  • while following a diet, you should take a complex of vitamins and minerals in the form of medications;
  • Among physical activities, only stretching exercises are appropriate;
  • massages and wraps are also recommended to get rid of stretch marks;
  • if you have a strong feeling of hunger, consider a glass of low-fat kefir as a snack;
  • For sweets, honey and a small piece of dark chocolate per day are acceptable.

While on an extreme diet fast weight loss by 20 kilograms mandatory you should skip one of the meals. Moreover, this technique should be different every day. For example, skip dinner on the first day, lunch on the second, breakfast on the third, and so on for all 20 days.

What can you eat?

Before you compose detailed menu for the next 20 days, we will consider which products will help you quickly lose 20 kilograms of weight, and which ones are not recommended to be consumed.


  • Seven-day English diet for weight loss

List of approved products food for fast and extreme weight loss for 20 kilograms is:

  • vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, cucumbers, greens, beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots;
  • Citrus fruits and apples are acceptable fruits;
  • cereals: rice and buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • dietary meat: chicken, veal and turkey, boiled or baked;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese, milk;
  • lean types of fish;
  • green tea.

IN list of prohibited products nutrition extreme methods for losing weight by 20 kilograms included:

  • coffee;
  • marinades;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • salt, sugar and other spices;
  • fast food and semi-finished products.

Menu for 20 days

Based on the above list of acceptable foods, the following will help you quickly and effectively lose weight by 20 kilograms in 20 days menu:

The first week of an extreme diet to lose 20 kilograms of weight

First day

  • Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened herbal tea and 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken and 150 g of boiled rice;
  • Dinner: none.


  • 200 ml natural yogurt with fruit;
  • no food;
  • 200 g of stewed white cabbage and a cup of green tea.


  • skip a meal;
  • cucumber and tomato salad with a slice of whole grain bread;
  • carrot-apple vitamin salad and 200 ml of low-fat kefir.


  • cottage cheese with raisins and a cup of tea;
  • one avocado and 200 g of boiled rice;
  • skipping meals.


  • apple and 200 ml of natural low-fat yogurt;
  • no food;
  • 200 g buckwheat with low-fat fish cutlets.


  • without breakfast;
  • low-fat broth with vegetables;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk and 200 g of baked trout.


  • grapefruit and a cup of unsweetened hot drink;
  • buckwheat and 200 ml yogurt;
  • there is no dinner.

Second week of extreme diet to lose 20 kilograms


  • oatmeal and a glass of warm milk;
  • skip a meal;
  • 200 g baked fish.


  • no food;
  • stew of tomatoes, carrots and cabbage, washed down with orange juice;
  • baked turkey meat - 250 g.


  • omelette with herbs and a glass of warm milk;
  • 250 g of boiled rice and kefir;
  • power skip.


  • no food intake;
  • vegetable salad with whole grain bread and a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice;
  • 150 g of buckwheat and a glass of kefir.


  • oatmeal with milk and dried fruits;
  • without food;
  • applesauce and carrot juice.


  • green apple and kefir;
  • buckwheat soup with low-fat meatballs;
  • no power.


  • without breakfast;
  • boiled chicken meat - 250 g and a slice of whole grain bread;
  • vegetable salad and 150 g of baked fish.

The third week of an extreme diet to lose 20 kilograms of weight


  • oatmeal and two boiled eggs;
  • without food;
  • steam omelette with tomatoes and herbs, herbal decoction.


  • oatmeal with prunes and orange juice;
  • buckwheat soup and a glass of kefir;
  • skip dinner.


  • without eating;
  • citrus and cottage cheese salad, herbal decoction;
  • 250 g baked trout.


  • omelette with vegetables and kefir;
  • skip lunch;
  • boiled chicken meat - 200 g and a glass of yogurt.


  • apple jelly and 200 g oatmeal;
  • buckwheat with low-fat fish cutlets;
  • there is no food.


  • without eating;
  • boiled rice - 200 g and 100 g of baked veal;
  • tomato stew and chicken meat— 250 g.

Physical exercise

When losing such a large number of kilograms, the following are best suited: exercises:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • dancing;
  • fitness;
  • aerobics.

To quickly lose 20 kilograms at home, should be added to the extreme diet such exercises, like fast walking, running, abdominal pumping, squats and hoop training.

Quitting the diet

If you are convinced by your own example that the “lose 20 kilograms in 20 days” technique is effective, you can repeat it only after three months.

When leaving the above extreme diet do not rush to return to your usual diet. In the first days after completing the twenty-day method of rapid weight loss, nutritionists recommend introducing meat soups and cereals into the diet.

Before devoting your time to an extreme diet to quickly lose 20 kilograms in 20 days, you should carefully read the contraindications.


If a person is interested in how to lose 20 kg, then the problem of excess weight has already begun to transform into a mild one. You need to lose weight as soon as possible. Many methods have been developed for weight loss: diets, exercises, cosmetic procedures, express weight loss methods. But first you need to determine whether your body weight is really 20 kg higher than normal?

You can find out the amount of excess body weight and calculate your daily diet in the section. Carry out the calculation so that you have information about the caloric content of dishes that corresponds to your ideal weight. This information will be useful when creating a diet for weight loss.

If you have determined that you need to lose weight, try one of the diet options that will help you quickly lose 20 kilograms in a month.

Ducan's diet

It may be a solution for those who are concerned about the question: how to lose 20 kg in a month.

Dukan has developed a special weight loss program that really allows you to lose excess weight quickly and without harm to health, dividing the process into four stages:

  1. The first is attack., the duration of which is determined by how many extra pounds you want to lose. If there is a need to quickly lose 20 kilograms in 30 days, then the duration of the first phase is 7 – 10 days. You are exclusively allowed to eat at any time and in portions of the size you wish. But no unauthorized exclusions or changes to the list of products.
  2. Second - cruise, you need to alternate days when you eat vegetables and days when you eat exclusively protein foods. The menu includes vegetables different types, but there are exceptions, such as potatoes, rice, peas, corn and others. The duration of this period ranges from 5 to 7 days.
  3. The third phase of the diet is to consolidate the results obtained. After completing the diet, the kilograms return, and there is also a risk of new extra pounds. Therefore, it is important to go through the consolidation phase. The following foods are allowed: potatoes, durum wheat pasta, rice, and so on. There are exceptions - bananas and other products. You can determine the duration of this stage by how you feel, or another option: for each kilogram lost in the previous stages of the diet, 10 consolidating days are recommended. The stage brings you closer to a normal normal diet.
  4. The final stage of the Dukan diet is weight stabilization. This phase can last a lifetime. You can independently determine how many days you want to allocate to this phase, but not less than 7 days. , when you can only eat protein foods, you need to do it four times a month. The main thing is not to forget about this rule and then everything will always be fine with your weight.

The Dukan diet allows you to urgently lose 20 kilograms in 30 days or even earlier. Although everyone can determine the duration of such a diet individually. You also need to follow a few tips:

  1. without gas, better mineral 1.5 - 2 liters per day, then there will be more benefits. This is the daily fluid intake required for everyone;
  2. Every day of the diet, oat bran is added to the diet, which will help improve the digestion process;
  3. Training or attendance should be carried out daily at home;
  4. Every day should include a slow walk for 20 minutes or more. Do this whenever possible.

The Dukan diet is based on the principles of proper nutrition. There is no need to completely give up food or eat little so that later you feel hungry. So with minimal effort you can quickly lose 20 kilograms in 30 days.

Diet for the lazy

All diets have one drawback - they are temporary. Upon returning to normal life, the weight is restored. What to do, how to lose 20 kg at home so that the result is preserved? A special one will help, it is very simple, but it must be followed constantly. The diet consists of drinking more clean water throughout the day, thus feeling less hungry and eating smaller portions.

Water has no calories, and the body needs it because we are all mostly made up of water. You can drink water as much as you want.

  1. You need to start your morning by drinking 2 glasses of clean warm water on an empty stomach. Eating is allowed only after 20 minutes;
  2. Every meal should start with what you drink. clean water 1 – 2 glasses and only after 20 minutes can you eat;
  3. After eating, you cannot drink anything, no tea, no milk, no water, no juice for 2 hours;
  4. You should also not drink while eating.

By following the basic rules and tips, it is very easy to quickly lose extra pounds, the results will be noticeable during the first days of the diet.

  • We recommend reading:

Diet of Elena Malysheva

Famous TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva has developed a special diet that consists of the basic principles of healthy eating. If you are interested not only in how to lose 20 kg at home, but also in how to maintain the effect, then it can easily become a habit. The duration of the diet ranges from one month.

  • We recommend reading: and

The principles of Malysheva’s diet will not harm your health, but, on the contrary, will help the body improve its health. The intestines and liver will be cleansed and the functioning of all systems in the body will improve.

The principles of proper nutrition are the key to successful weight loss. By applying the principles of healthy eating, you can actually lose 20 kg in 2 months at home.

  1. The morning should start with clean, still water. About 2 cups to start with. You can eat after half an hour;
  2. Some foods should be avoided completely - fatty plant and animal products, fried foods are prohibited, you can’t eat rice, salt and sugar are excluded, we don’t eat fruit yet, it’s taboo;
  3. You need to eat at least five times a day with a minimum interval of 3 hours;
  4. Approximately count the calories you consume. The strict norm for women is 1200, for men 1500 calories;
  5. Be sure to spend the day physically active exercises and movements. It is not necessary to attend training, but do it, walk, instead of a car you can use cheaper and more economical transport - a bicycle.

In order to prevent the lost kilograms from returning, it is necessary to start any diet with psychological preparation, as if tuning into the wave of weight loss. Also make sure that the change in nutrition does not become too drastic for the body.


Your feedback on the article:

To lose 20 kilograms in 3 months, you need to lose on average about 1.7 kilograms per week. This means that you will have to burn 2,000 more calories every day for three months than you consume. This is possible, although difficult to achieve for most people. Losing weight at a rate of 1 kilogram per week is much healthier and more realistic for most people. To lose weight, set a goal and determine how many calories you need to eat every day to achieve it. After that, adjust your eating habits and start exercising to burn more calories.


Create a realistic weight loss plan

    Make a general and weekly weight loss plan . Knowing what you're aiming for will help you determine an effective diet and exercise plan. If you want to lose a total of 20 kilograms, try to lose 1.7 kilograms per week. However, keep in mind that such a high rate of weight loss is considered harmful to health. It is better to lose 0.5–1 kilograms per week, which will allow you to lose 6–12 kilograms in 3 months.

    Advice: Write your goal down on a piece of paper and stick it in a visible place, such as your bathroom mirror or closet door.

    Determine how many calories you should cut daily to lose weight. Once you estimate your baseline calorie needs, use that number to determine how many calories you need to cut from your diet. This will also help you determine how many calories you should burn each day through exercise. Set realistic goals and don't cut short. daily norm below 1200 calories.

    • For example, if your base metabolic rate is 2,300, you can reduce your daily calorie intake to 1,300 to lose about one kilogram per week.
    • To lose 1.7 kilograms per week, you need to burn an additional thousand calories every day. This is unrealistic, as you will need to do intense cardio exercises for about 2 hours a day. Instead, start doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day and increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves.
  1. Record your food and physical exercise V food diary or corresponding application. It is necessary to record everything you eat and drink to accurately know your daily calorie count. Also, keep track of the exercise you do in a diary or app to help you determine how many calories you're burning in addition to the calories you've cut from your diet.

    • Record all food and drinks in a diary or app. This will help you successfully move towards your goals.

    Adjust your eating habits

    1. Eat more fruits and vegetables to satisfy your hunger with fewer calories. Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients but contain fewer calories than other foods such as cookies, potato chips or bread. To reduce your calorie intake, replace some of your usual foods with vegetables and fruits. Try to make every meal half fruits and vegetables.

      • For example, instead of potato chips and a sandwich for lunch, eat a green salad or a bowl of fresh cantaloupe.
      • Instead of a double serving of rice for dinner, eat 1/2 cup (120 grams) cooked rice and 1 cup (240 grams) cauliflower with rice.
    2. Try following to give your digestive system longer breaks. Intermittent fasting involves fasting for 14 to 16 hours between your last meal in the evening and your next breakfast. Eat meals and snacks within the same 8-10 hour interval every day. This will help you reduce your overall calorie intake. Set aside times of the day to eat when you are most active, such as during work or school.

      • For example, you can eat all your food between 8:00 and 16:00, and then eat nothing between 16:00 and 8:00. next day. If you decide to set aside a 10-hour window for eating, you can eat every day between 7:00 and 17:00.
    3. Try to comply low carb diet to eliminate the main source of calories. Although you can do without a low-carb diet when losing weight, some people find it helpful to limit your carbohydrate intake or eliminate them entirely. Consider diets such as the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, or the ketogenic diet and find what works for you.

      • Some low-carb diets require you to count your carbs, while others limit the types of foods you can eat. Choose a diet that you think you can stick to.
      • Avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates such as cookies, crackers, chips and baked goods. Also avoid foods with added sugar, which include candy, soda, and sweetened cereal.
      • Give preference to low-carb, fresh foods. Eat mostly non-starchy vegetables such as kale, peppers and broccoli. To get enough protein, eat lean protein foods such as grilled chicken, eggs and low-fat dairy products.
    4. Drink water throughout the day to maintain water balance. This is necessary for your body to function properly, and it will also make you feel less hungry throughout the day. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so try drinking a glass of water as soon as you feel like snacking—feelings of hunger can actually be caused by dehydration.

      • Avoid high-calorie drinks such as soda, juices and alcoholic drinks. These drinks add extra calories and have virtually no nutritional value.
      • Please note that there is no strictly established daily water requirement. Drink water whenever you feel thirsty or sweat to prevent dehydration.

      Advice: If you don't like plain water, try adding a little lemon juice, fresh berries, or a couple of cucumber slices for flavor. You can also drink flavored sparkling water if you like soda.

    5. Eat healthy snacks between meals. This way you will avoid strong feelings of hunger, which can lead to overeating. Keep it on hand at all times healthy foods for a light snack so that you are not tempted to eat something harmful. The following healthy snacks are suitable:

      • natural fresh fruits such as apples and oranges;
      • chopped fresh vegetables, such as carrot or celery sticks;
      • low-fat mozzarella sticks;
      • low-fat Greek yogurt;
      • unsalted raw almonds or cashews;
      • pretzels.
    6. Eat mindfully so you don't rush through your meals. When eating mindfully, you focus on the sensations you experience. This helps you eat more slowly and avoid overeating as a result. To eat mindfully, take the following steps:

      • avoid things that can distract you while eating: turn off the TV and computer, put your phone aside;
      • hold cutlery in your non-dominant hand, that is, your left if you are right-handed, or use chopsticks;
      • concentrate on the smell, appearance, texture and taste of food.

Excess weight is not only unattractive, but has a negative impact on health. It is difficult to deal with this problem: how to lose 20 kg without eating buckwheat and lettuce, but few people understand that the method is effective and as fast as possible. Are there methods that can help in acquiring a beautiful body even with such initial data? How long does it take to correct your figure?

How long does it take to lose 20 kg?

Whether you can quickly lose the desired weight, or whether it will take several months (up to a year), is determined by the condition of your body. If you have hormonal problems, you won’t be able to lose weight quickly, especially for women. If your metabolism is very slow, the water-salt balance is also disturbed. Even strict diets that promise to help you lose weight in a week so that you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror will not give results.

A healthy person:

  • In a month you can lose 6% of your current weight.
  • If someone is obese, they lose up to 10 kg in the first months, but after that the rate of weight loss slows down.

How to lose 20 kg

The plan for gaining a beautiful body is approximately the same for those who are trying to lose 10 kg and for those who want to lose 20, 30 or more. No diet Minus 20 kg, especially if it promises to give it in a short time, will not help: it will have to for a long time observe healthy eating, fall in love with physical activity, stop drinking tea with candy in the evening, but the main thing is to decide on the reasons and goals of your attempts to lose weight.


First of all, clearly answer yourself why you are looking for a way to lose 20 kg - is it a random desire that periodically visits you, a desire to prove something to your parents, colleagues, or are you tired of your current weight. When it comes to losing several tens of kilograms, a momentary impulse is not enough to achieve the goal: you need a strong and constantly fed from the outside desire. This is especially true for women whose spontaneous attempts to lose weight collapsed within the first week of any strict diet.

There may be several options for motivation; only a psychologist can tell you which is more effective for you:

  • Lose weight so as not to experience health problems: excess weight (and the desire to lose 20 kg when normal does not occur) negatively affects everyone internal systems– digestive, reproductive, endocrine. Even your joints and heart suffer. This is the best motivation to lose extra pounds, because... you will have to change for the sake of your health eating habits.
  • Lose weight to get rid of the problem of choosing clothes: sizes 42-44 are always available, and all things fit attractively on such a figure.
  • Losing weight in order to prove to yourself willpower and willingness to go to the end is not a motivation for everyone; it often needs to be fueled by third-party comments that will help fuel the desire to take the next step.

Proper nutrition

If you are not looking for methods on how to lose 20 kg in a month, but are ready to wait six months or even a year for results, you do not want to harm your health with a poor diet and too sudden weight loss, which often leads to prolapse internal organs, go to proper nutrition- the most obvious way out. You will not feel hungry, you will not lose your ability to work, and your eating habits will gradually begin to change, so you will be able to lose weight without regaining those extra pounds.

First of all, when figuring out how to lose 20 kg, you must remember a few basic nutrition rules:

  • Stick to your daily caloric intake and recalculate it every month, because... it depends on your current weight.
  • Don’t forget to drink water - lack of fluid prevents you from losing weight, because... stops the process of lipolysis.
  • Try to give yourself more than 3 meals a day, but reduce portions if you want to lose weight once and for all - this will reduce the volume of your stomach and you will stop eating in large quantities.
  • Breakfast should not be skipped if you intend to lose weight, and lunch should be hearty. Try to make dinner protein-rich, but light, i.e. it's not meat.

If we look at the menu, it will not contain fast food, sources of carcinogens and refined sugar. Those. you will have to forget about sweets, fried, smoked, store-bought meat products. Baked goods should also be removed: the diet will consist only of healthy foods, without a hint of concessions. Soda and alcohol are also prohibited, and the amount of coffee is limited to a cup per day.


Without physical activity, your attempts to lose weight, especially 20 kg, will not give you a beautiful figure, but saggy skin, a lot of stretch marks and a reluctance to look in the mirror. The weight will be attractive, but the body will not. Exercise can help make it fit, tone the skin, and speed up the loss of excess fat. You can exercise at home - you can also really lose weight, but it’s more difficult: you won’t have access to exercise equipment. However, if weight loss is planned for a long time, and you are moving away from obesity, the gym is not needed.

A real plan to lose weight correctly and while maintaining the beauty of your body:

  1. Start practicing hiking at a pace that suits you. The duration varies from 20 minutes to 2 hours. You won’t notice how the first 5-7 kg will leave you just from this activity.
  2. No longer overweight? Sign up for aerobics - it will help you lose another 5-10 kg. Or find a video course for yourself with the same cardio loads and do it 2-3 times a week for an hour.
  3. Are you on the finish line to a slim, beautiful body? Do you feel how sports are easier for your body? Connect power training, which will help define the muscles and tighten the rest. Be sure to do isolated exercises focused on specific problem areas: for men the arms and back, for women the stomach and thighs.

Diets for losing weight by 20 kg

Open sources are ready to offer a lot of ways to lose excess weight, and some of them promise phenomenal results: “minus 20 kg in a month,” “lose 30 kg in 60 days,” etc. However, doctors remind you that this has nothing to do with the natural rate of fat burning, therefore, even if you lose weight, it will return quickly, and your volume will not go away as much as it would with long-term weight loss. However, there is some sense in these techniques:

  • Exist effective diets for losing weight by 20 kg in 2-3 months, which represents a strict healthy diet - with the complete removal of complex carbohydrates (cereals and pasta), meat (the proportion of protein is reduced to 50 g per day): an almost vegetarian diet.
  • If you need urgent weight loss, over a long period of weight loss you can practice mono-diets (2-3 days), in which you need to eat only vegetables or fruits, buckwheat or kefir. This will push up the weight, but does not answer the question of how to lose 20 kg in a month, since such a strict diet cannot be maintained for a month.

Video: losing weight by 20 kg

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