PMS symptoms and signs in women. PMS symptoms and interpretation. Should I go to the doctor?

According to statistics, more than 80% of all girls and women in the world know what PMS means. Most often, the manifestation of the syndrome occurs in the age range from 20 to 40 years. In rare cases, the precursors of menstruation manifest themselves in a severe form, so representatives of the fairer sex usually do not turn to the gynecologist with complaints. But the worsening of PMS symptoms in women from month to month forces them to consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of health problems.

Theories of origin

For a long time, medical specialists conducted research that could not help identify the cause of premenstrual syndrome. There are many theories about its origin. Among them:

  1. Hormonal.
  2. Violation of water-salt balance.
  3. Psychosomatic.
  4. Allergic reaction to endogenous progesterone.

If you believe the hormonal theory, then the manifestation of signs of the premenstrual period occurs due to changes in the level of sex hormones in a woman’s blood in the second phase of the cycle. For the normal functioning of the body, the patient needs a stable hormonal background, which includes:

After ovulation, that is, in the second phase of the cycle, a change in hormonal levels occurs in the female body. Therefore, adherents of the theory believe that the cause of PMS lies in the incorrect reaction of the parts of the brain that are responsible for changes in emotional mood and behavior to natural changes in the concentration of sex hormones. This feature is a hereditary predisposition.

Somatic and psycho-vegetative disorders before the onset of critical days occur due to an unstable state endocrine system. In this case, the level of hormones, which may be normal, is not a decisive factor. The following are considered responsible for changes in mood and behavior:

Features and stages

As a rule, over the years the risk of increased PMS, which in translation means premenstrual syndrome, only increases. Residents of large cities are more susceptible to the appearance of the syndrome than rural women. About 90% of sexually mature girls notice a number of minor changes in their bodies and bodies. They begin to appear before the onset of critical days. This usually happens 7-10 days before the start of bleeding.

For some, symptoms appear in a mild form without affecting their daily life. Mild PMS does not require medical intervention or treatment. Others find it difficult to tolerate the emerging symptoms, which are severe. This condition requires mandatory contact with a medical institution for professional help. The cyclical nature of the occurrence of a number of symptoms makes it possible to understand that this is PMS, and not some kind of disease.

Severe phenomena in the physical and emotional state of a woman, which are observed before the onset of menstruation, immediately cease with the onset of bleeding. If unpleasant symptoms persist throughout the entire menstrual cycle, then you need to contact a gynecologist. The fact is that this may be a sign of a serious pathology in reproductive system. In case of severe emotional state, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist.

Experts divide PMS into 3 stages:

In most cases, PMS is considered a natural phenomenon, so women do not complain to their doctor. The sensations before menstruation and at the beginning of pregnancy are very similar, so girls often confuse them. Severe pain and reluctance to go to the hospital force them to take not only painkillers, but also antidepressants without consulting a specialist. Medicines of this group really help relieve pain, but without the necessary therapy, PMS can progress to a more severe stage - decompensated.

The manifestation of signs of premenstrual syndrome affects all systems of a woman’s body, so they are often confused with the course of other diseases. This leads to girls turning to the wrong specialists for help, for example, a neurologist or therapist, and not receiving proper treatment. It is possible to understand the exact cause of the deterioration only with a professional examination and a complete examination.

Symptoms of manifestation

Every woman experiences PMS differently. This is due to the fact that any organism has its own individual characteristics. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are divided into the following groups:

  1. Vegetative-vascular. Blood pressure surges, vomiting, severe headache, nausea, tachycardia, dizziness and pain in the heart area.
  2. Neuropsychic. Depression, tearfulness, aggression and irritability.
  3. Exchange-endocrine. Swelling, fever, chills, chest tenderness, itching, thirst, shortness of breath, blurred vision, memory loss.

Conventionally, premenstrual syndrome is divided into several forms, but its symptoms do not occur in isolation, but in combination. Thus, in a depressed state, a woman’s pain threshold decreases significantly, and she begins to feel spasms and pain more strongly.

PMS forms:

Women most often suffer from irritability, pain in the mammary glands, bloating, tearfulness, headaches and swelling before the onset of menstruation. Weakness, abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weight gain are much less common.

It's worth remembering that PMS can aggravate the following diseases:

Common reasons

There are many factors that can influence the development of PMS. Unfortunately, gynecologists and endocrinologists could not come to a common opinion. Common reasons the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms are considered:

Differences from pregnancy

Some signs of PMS are very similar to the first symptoms of pregnancy, which occur before the delay. The thing is that from the moment of conception, the level of sex hormone in a woman’s blood increases. The same process is observed before the onset of menstruation. This is why these states are confused. Similar symptoms:

  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • lower back pain;
  • increased sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

When wondering about the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to compare their nature. So, with PMS, discomfort in the chest goes away with the onset of menstruation, and during pregnancy it continues to bother you until the very end. IN interesting position Girls have an inherent desire to eat inedible things, drink beer with salted fish. In addition, their sense of smell becomes more acute and they begin to feel sick from familiar smells. With the syndrome, sensitivity to aromas also appears, but there are no special cravings for food, just an increase in appetite.

As for lower back pain, pregnant women are not always bothered by it at the beginning of their pregnancy. Fatigue appears already from the 4th week of gestation. This is when toxicosis occurs. At the same time, the stomach may sag a little, but this does not last very long.

Before menstruation, the back begins to hurt either immediately after ovulation, or a few days before the start of discharge. Not everyone experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen, since this symptom is very individual. Frequent urination cannot be a harbinger of menstrual periods. But nausea and even vomiting are quite common.

Of course, it is difficult to determine exactly what is happening in the body. Often very early stages, When new life is just in its infancy, even an experienced gynecologist cannot determine pregnancy during an examination on a chair. In such cases, he prescribes an ultrasound for a more accurate check. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, it is recommended to wait until the delay and take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

Diagnostic methods

Remembering the start and end dates of menstruation is not easy; it is quickly forgotten. To make the task easier, it is recommended to keep a diary or calendar, where you will need to record not only the course of your periods, but also basal temperature indicators, symptoms and changes in weight. This approach should be followed for 2-3 cycles to simplify the diagnosis and treatment of PMS.

The severity of the premenstrual period can be determined by the duration of the symptoms and their intensity:

  1. Light current. A maximum of 4 mild symptoms or 2 severe symptoms are observed.
  2. Severe form. From 2 to 5 intense symptoms. It is also diagnosed if at least one sign deprives a woman of her ability to work.

Cyclicity distinguishes PMS from pathological manifestations of other diseases of the reproductive system. Feeling worse 2-10 days before your period. Unpleasant symptoms do not always go away with the onset of bleeding. They often develop into menstrual migraines or painful critical days. You can distinguish PMS from pathology by the following signs:

  1. If a girl feels well in the first half of the cycle, then diseases such as fibrocystic, neurosis and depression are excluded.
  2. Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and chronic endometritis are manifested by intermenstrual bloody discharge and pain at the end of the cycle.

Gynecologists, to determine the degree of premenstrual syndrome, conduct a hormonal analysis for progesterone and estradiol. In addition, the specialist prescribes additional examination of the patient. Depending on the complaints, she may be prescribed the following procedures:

Neurologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, therapists and cardiologists are also involved in the diagnosis of patients who suffer from severe PMS.

Therapeutic approaches

Improvement in well-being can only be achieved with comprehensive treatment of premenstrual syndrome. It is selected individually according to many parameters. So, according to the flow, form and symptoms A PMS woman can be prescribed the following:

Preventive measures

If PMS does not allow you to live in peace, depriving you of your ability to work, then, of course, you cannot do without therapy. But sometimes this is not enough. After completing the course of treatment, it is imperative to follow certain preventive measures. These include:

A balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals, physical activity, sex and good sleep bring a positive mood and well-being that lasts even before the onset of menstruation.

No matter how you resist, sooner or later women will come into your life. And then you get to know them from the bad side. Their bad side, like werewolves, manifests itself with frightening cyclicality and is called PMS. You must know this enemy by sight and be able to fight back.

Maxim Rafstein

Nowadays, only the most desperate and, as a rule, lonely male individual denies the existence of such a destructive natural phenomenon as premenstrual syndrome, which we familiarly call PMS. Just half a century ago, this abbreviation seemed no less mystical than UFO, and now PMS has not only taken an honorable place in the work of photobrush artists, but is also officially recognized by the World Health Organization.

If PMS were a microbe that gets into a woman’s brain and pulls levers there (we are just patenting this scenario), it would be easy to put an end to it. But PMS is triggered by a wild dance of hormones. We will not only tell you in detail what PMS is and what it entails, but we will also teach you how to predict its approach and effectively deal with it. After all, you deserve an objective attitude that does not depend on hormones. No one will ever call you a “cruel, soulless brute” again for no reason!

During PMS, your girlfriend may:

Suddenly cry;
become covered with pimples;
get irritated over trifles;
want to sleep all the time;
swell (up to 2 kg weight gain is observed);
eating non-stop.

But if you love her any way (or still owe her for the car), you, of course, will cope with these no matter how unpleasant, just as temporary difficulties.

Theoretical part

Pulp Fiction

If you still think PMS is a woman's invention, tell about it in an English court, where PMS is used as a mitigating circumstance. The first such precedent was recorded in the 1980s, when 18-year-old Anna Reynolds, who killed her mother, proved that she was experiencing PMS at the time of the crime, and reduced her sentence to “negligent homicide.” 29-year-old bartender Sandy Craddock killed a colleague and was awaiting sentencing behind bars. The guards who observed her found that every 29 days Sandy entered into conflicts with other prisoners or cut her wrists. Taking into account the strong effect of PMS on Sandy, the court qualified her case as “murder by negligence.” But in Russia, PMS is not recognized as a mitigating circumstance. Bye. (Ominous music.)

To better understand how to deal with PMS symptoms, it’s a good idea to first understand the origins of the problem, so to speak. PMS is a complex of physical and behavioral symptoms that occur 2–10 days before menstruation exclusively in women of childbearing age. The Roman physician Soranus of Ephesus wrote about the existence of PMS in the 2nd century AD. e. In his massive work Gynecology, he mentions that “shortly before bleeding,” women begin to experience various unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling of the limbs, drowsiness, clumsiness, and even “redness of the cheeks.”

Since Soran of Ephesus had already died, we turned for advice to another doctor - Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic + 31 medical center Madina Kuchukova. And this is what she told us: “Today, the hormonal theory of the development of PMS prevails. Estrogen levels increase, causing hypoglycemia, which is characterized by fatigue. At the same time, the level of the hormone progesterone decreases and fluid retention in the body begins.” Our specialist found scientific explanation and why a girl during PMS gets into the habit of throwing your priceless vinyl collection from the 16th floor: “Sex hormones influence the production of an important peptide in the pituitary gland - melanostimulating hormone. This hormone, interacting with endorphin, can increase the production of aldosterone, which causes a lot of changes in the body, including changes in mood.” Madina also told us what to expect from a girl experiencing PMS.

Practical part

You must be on your guard, don’t let the enemy sneak up unnoticed. If one sunny morning you find that you have not only not been given breakfast, but also been sent out the door with a rocking chair and three children, you have only yourself to blame. A timely recognition of PMS will significantly reduce your losses.

We, of course, do not expect you to mark the cycle of women close to you in your pocket calendar. After all, we live in the 21st century: websites have long been invented for everything! Sign up at Enter data on the supposed onset of PMS for five women, from your mistress to your concierge, and the site will send you a monthly warning about the impending disaster. Then proceed according to our instructions below. And may your leaky bicycle horn (or whatever mascot you have) help you!

Good idea

Let her be alone
It's time to visit your parents or your favorite zebra at the zoo. During the first stages of PMS, testosterone levels increase in women. One of the results of the process is the desire for loneliness. It is not safe to violate the natural needs of her body - we recommend that you withdraw yourself for a while.
Send her to exercise
Give her a one-time certificate for the gym, which was supposedly given to you by colleagues, clients or mother. Michelle Beck, author of Taming the Monthly Witch, argues that “exercise can reduce anxiety, mood swings and other mood symptoms of PMS due to the happy hormones endorphins that are released into the bloodstream during exercise.”

Fill the refrigerator with special food, or even prepare dinner
Our expert Madina Kuchukova recommends that you pay special attention to products containing magnesium, vitamins B6 and C. “Vitamin B6 and magnesium are necessary for normal functioning nervous system, explains Madina. “Vitamin C has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, which is very timely, since the immune system is weakened during PMS.” So we advise you to stock up on eggs, cereals, legumes, nuts, shrimp, liver, lamb, chicken and kiwi. But the theory that a woman should be buttered with chocolate during PMS did not stand up to scrutiny. “Foods such as cheese, coffee and chocolate can provoke anxiety, migraines and palpitations during PMS,” the doctor explained to us.

Don't wake her up at dawn
You can even resort to playing dirty and turning off the mobile on her iPhone. It’s better that she be late for work in the morning than have time to cause a scandal in the evening. “A woman should sleep 8–9 hours during PMS,” doctor Kuchukova tells us authoritatively. “Lack of sleep aggravates anxiety and other negative emotions, and increases irritability.”

Give her a romantic comedy

Since she still needs to laugh, cry and blow her nose, let her do it with the help of visiting Adam Sandler.

Take on some of the household responsibilities
Even if for all the 58 years that you have been in a non-binding relationship, she has been the one who washes, cleans, polishes, waxes and masticates, but during her PMS days you should take on some of the household responsibilities. Straighten a sock on the dryer, wash a fork, throw a ball to the cat - everything is better than listening to reproaches once again.

Massage her neck
"Rapid levels of estrogen can cause premenstrual migraines, which are aggravated by loud noises and bright lights," says Stephane Jaskell, author of The Man's Guide to PMS. He gives detailed technique massage, which we have reduced to one sentence: massage the girl’s neck from the back (otherwise she will think that you have decided to strangle her), pressing on the area at the base of the skull. There are muscles there that massage can relieve headaches.

Surround her with pleasant smells
A woman with PMS is especially sensitive to odors. You can just throw out the kebab from the refrigerator that your friends gave you for graduation, or you can move on. “The aromas of vanilla, strawberry and lavender act as an aphrodisiac on a woman,” Stephane Jaskell confided in us. Just in case, get shower gels with the mentioned scents (so be it, except for strawberry).

Show concern
“Aren’t you too tired?”, “Is the pillow soft enough?”, “Should I wash you another watermelon?” - these fussy questions can turn you in her eyes from a useless hairy piece of meat into a knight in slippers in a matter of seconds.

Agree to sex if she demands
During the first stages of PMS in women, the level of testosterone, the main male hormone, skyrockets. Stephane Jaskell explains: “Testosterone is responsible for her desire for aggressive sex, initiative and demonstration of dominance in relationships.” Don't try to blame your headache and fatigue - she will ask you nicely only once.

Bad and very bad idea

Go far and long
This decision is not only unsportsmanlike, but also dangerous. A woman with PMS should not stew in her own juice for a long time. She will think that you are deliberately avoiding her (which is true, but it’s better for her not to know). Upon your return, you will be faced with a scandal with accusations like “I could have died, and you would have been late for my funeral and never met my mother.”

Play sports together
Only a chronically confident woman (and this species is on the verge of extinction) can afford to sweat in front of the opposite sex during PMS. Now she feels fatter, clumsier, redder and more disheveled than usual. She doesn't like herself. This makes her angry. With a high probability, she will take out her anger on the male, recklessly jumping with a racket on the other side of the court.

Throw a surprise party

If you think that several dozen best friends and strangers wandering around your home in colored caps will prevent her from throwing a scandal at you, you are fatally mistaken. Against. Any party is stressful, and any stress during PMS is fraught. “Postpone big events and big news until a better time, when she’s sane again. “Pretending to be a welcoming hostess” is now low on her list of priorities,” Stephanie Eldred, author of the article “Manage Her PMS,” tells us on

Giving her alcohol in hopes of putting her to sleep
Alcohol turns from your ally into your enemy when you pour it into a woman experiencing PMS. Moreover, you should not hope that alcohol will calm down or even lull a person who is in the epicenter of a hormonal storm. Michelle Beck insists that “alcohol and cigarettes make PMS symptoms worse.” You risk getting a drunken fury who wants to sort things out until dawn. Hide the bottle.

Take me to an exhibition of war photographs
Any strong shocks during PMS will inevitably lead to the fact that she will begin to ask providential questions: “Why do people kill each other?”, “Will our descendants remember us?”, “Should I part with him right at the exhibition?” Believe me, you don't want to answer them.

Act exactly as usual
Ignoring the testosterone glowing ominously in her eyes is short-sighted, to say the least. Here's what Stephanie Eldred thinks about this: “Avoid run-of-the-mill conflicts—over an unfortunate raised toilet seat, an overflowing basket of dirty laundry—if you know that she is looking for any opportunity to raise a cry.”
Touch her breasts
Yes, it looks great. Just the way it should be. No more and no less. Touch and touch. But no, during PMS, a woman’s own breasts become a heavy burden. Not only does it get bigger, but it also hurts, itches, and does other not-so-pleasant things that you don’t need to know about. It’s sad but true: you can only admire visually.

There is garlic

Unfortunately, now is not the time for your famous garlic durian and brie pie. If unpleasant odors usually cause irritation in a girl, in a girl with PMS they can provoke hysterics. Do not risk.

Joking about PMS, saying you understand its condition, or bringing up hot topics
Telling a PMS joke to a woman with PMS is like telling a bald friend a joke about bald people. Better tell a joke about PMS to your bald friend. There is also no point in empathizing too much. The more research there is about PMS, the more women boast about their situation. By telling a girl that you understand her condition, you are, firstly, lying, and secondly, depriving her of a sense of exclusivity. And, of course, you shouldn’t share your thoughts about the extinction of the institution of marriage with her now either.

Demand sex if she doesn't want it
The Men's Guide to PMS tells us that "progesterone, which decreases during PMS, kills a woman's desires and reduces her body's production of pheromones." That is, she doesn’t want to, and you no longer find your frowning girlfriend attractive. Looking for sex where there is no smell of it is a thankless task.

Emotion chart

PMS: forms and signs. How to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome?

The established idea of ​​the fragility of the female body is justified: unlike men, representatives of the fairer sex actually have a more complex physiological organization, which is necessary to perform the reproductive function. An illustration of this is premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a condition that can undermine the physical and mental well-being of even the most balanced and healthy young lady. In this article, we will analyze the common prejudices associated with this condition and find out how to alleviate PMS.

Truths and myths about PMS

There are many stereotypes associated with premenstrual syndrome - this is explained by the fact that to date, scientists have not yet fully elucidated the mechanisms of occurrence of this phenomenon. In addition, the wide spread of PMS among women was publicly discussed relatively recently (previously, everything related to the menstrual cycle was a kind of taboo in society). It is not surprising that representatives of the fairer sex, who are lucky enough to never experience symptoms of discomfort before menstruation, as well as some men, consider this problem to be far-fetched. According to some sociologists, PMS is a cultural phenomenon: having learned about the existence of this syndrome, women begin to look for signs of psychological instability within the designated period, and every month on these days they explain the reasons for their bad mood with premenstrual disorder.

Nevertheless, most experts are inclined to believe that premenstrual syndrome is a complex physiological process that can be characterized by endocrine, psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders.

According to statistics manifestations of PMS observed in half of women of reproductive age, of which in approximately 5–10% the symptoms are so severe that they cause loss of ability to work. It is no coincidence that this state is included in international classification diseases World Organization health care: in other words, diagnosed premenstrual syndrome is a valid reason for obtaining sick leave.

As a rule, the duration of PMS ranges from two days to a week, and with age, this indicator, as well as the severity of symptoms, tend to increase.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? A few days before the end of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of sex hormones in a woman’s blood decreases noticeably: the body understands that pregnancy has not occurred and is preparing to renew the inner layer of the uterus and the next round of preparation for conception. At the same time, according to one of the theories of the development of PMS, short-term changes in hormonal levels, which also affect the synthesis of biologically active substances in the central nervous system, lead to characteristic symptoms - fluid retention in the body, headaches, hardening of the mammary glands and sudden changes in mood. At the same time, as a woman ages - and, as a consequence, with an increase in the number of chronic diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system - the manifestations of PMS intensify.

Scientists believe that the reason premenstrual syndrome has proven to be an evolutionary advantage is that the condition (often accompanied by irritability and aggressiveness) increases the likelihood of separation from an infertile partner.

How to determine the presence of premenstrual syndrome

How to understand what is the reason for your poor health on the eve of your period? Doctors advise every woman, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of PMS, to keep a short diary, reflecting any changes in well-being throughout the entire menstrual cycle. For these purposes, you can use one of the many mobile applications. If you notice that a certain “set” of symptoms repeats in a similar way from month to month in last days before physiological uterine bleeding - most likely, this can be attributed to premenstrual syndrome.

There are four forms of PMS, combining similar types of manifestations:

  • At neuropsychic form disturbances in the emotional sphere come to the fore: a woman becomes whiny, apathetic, irritable, even slight physical fatigue or unpleasant news can unsettle her, which on other days would cause only a momentary upset.
  • Cephalgic form PMS is characterized by migraine, leading to a feeling of nausea. The pain may radiate to the eye area, accompanied by sweating, weakness, and numbness of the fingers. Some women use these signs to guess that menstruation is approaching.
  • Edema form manifested by fluid retention in the body: a few days before menstruation, a woman notices that her face is swollen or heaviness in the mammary glands. Swelling may also appear on the legs in the afternoon. At the same time, a woman may feel a craving for salty foods, which indicates a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body.
  • At crisis form PMS, which is initially more often observed in women who have a tendency to jumps in blood pressure, the syndrome reveals itself as hypertension in the evenings: the numbers on the tonometer exceed the norm, the pulse quickens and there is a feeling of lack of air.

Often, premenstrual syndrome manifests itself in a mixed form: headache and swelling are combined with irritability, and a general feeling of weakness and weakness is combined with pressure changes. In severe cases, PMS can cause a call to the emergency room, especially if a woman over 40 years of age suspects she has a hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction or stroke. The opposite situations are also not uncommon - reassuring herself with the thought that it is just a matter of overwork and typical precursors to menstruation, the patient ignores the alarming symptoms of a serious illness.

There is nothing wrong with seeking advice from a doctor if PMS is severe. Firstly, to undergo an examination and make sure that the cause of the discomfort is precisely this phenomenon, and not a chronic disease that requires special treatment. Secondly, medicine has an arsenal of tools that can significantly alleviate premenstrual syndrome, and in some cases, even prevent its onset. At the same time, unfortunately, a universal medicine that allows you to cope with PMS once and for all has not yet been invented - but perhaps such a remedy will one day appear on pharmacy shelves.

Non-drug approaches

If PMS does not cause significant discomfort, then it will probably be possible to do without medications. Scientists noted that premenstrual discomfort is more often observed in urban women - this may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle and excessive stress, which also negatively affects hormonal levels. Therefore, the first step in solving the problem of PMS is stabilizing the emotional sphere.

  • Psychological support involves individual consultations with a psychologist or classes in specialized groups aimed at combating stress. As part of the classes, you will either talk about your experiences and deal with the causes of chronic anxiety, or practice relaxation techniques: breathing exercises, art therapy, etc.
  • Physiotherapy. Many women note that courses of massage or hardware procedures (for example, hydrotherapy) lead to a decrease or disappearance of PMS symptoms. This approach is especially useful for those who have other health problems - for example, osteochondrosis, consequences of previous operations, and so on.
  • Lifestyle correction often allows you to improve the condition before menstruation without any auxiliary methods. So, proper nutrition and regular physical activity helps to lose weight, and healthy sleep prevents migraines even in cases where it is caused by PMS and not chronic lack of sleep. It has been proven that in women who follow a daily routine, premenstrual syndrome occurs less frequently and is milder than in others.

Hormonal therapy for PMS

Another direction in the fight against premenstrual syndrome is taking sex hormones. Such treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

The goal of hormone therapy is to eliminate the physical symptoms of PMS. The most common method is the prescription of combined oral contraceptives (COCs), which temporarily “turn off” the functions of the ovaries and take on the task of regulating the menstrual cycle. Thanks to this, the imbalance of sex hormones that causes the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome disappears. In some cases, doctors recommend taking COCs continuously - that is, without breaks for 7 days after finishing each pack of tablets.

In severe cases, when the use of COCs is impossible or ineffective, the patient can be prescribed progestin drugs (based on, for example, danazol) or drugs from the group of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (goserelin, buserelin). The effectiveness of such treatment reaches 85%, however, long-term use of such drugs sometimes leads to side effects, therefore they are not appointed for a period of more than six months.

Medicines prescribed to women to relieve PMS symptoms

You can cope with PMS without hormones - especially when this condition manifests itself mainly in a neuropsychic form. Drugs from different groups, traditionally used as sedatives and normotonics (mood stabilizers).

  • Herbal medicines - such as “Fito Novo-sed”, “Novo-Passit”, “Deprim Forte” reduce feelings of anxiety and fear, and can also help with attacks of melancholy.
  • Vitamins, homeopathy, dietary supplements : Leuzea extract, tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, hawthorn, valerian are natural remedies that increase vitality and eliminate the feeling of depression. The drug "Mastodinon" is a homeopathic remedy developed specifically to combat PMS. Doctors also often prescribe multivitamin complexes to patients, which normalize metabolism and reduce the somatic manifestations of the syndrome.
  • Over-the-counter and prescription sedatives - these are medications used for various indications that may also be effective for PMS. “Afobazol”, “Persen”, “Fito Novo-Sed” are the most popular over-the-counter drugs, which allows you to use them without consulting a doctor. If your doctor has prescribed you a drug that is sold exclusively by prescription, you should be especially careful with dosages and monitor for side effects.

Expert opinion: a specialist from the drug manufacturer talks about the use of Afobazole during PMS

“Afobazol” is a modern drug aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system and quickly eliminating manifestations of increased irritability and anxiety. The effect persists after completion of the course, which allows you to experience relief from PMS for a long time after treatment. Afobazole does not cause addiction and does not lead to withdrawal symptoms, which makes it possible to use it during those periods of life when it is really necessary. Another advantage of Afobazole is that it does not enter into drug-drug interactions. This allows it to be used as one of the means of complex drug therapy.

  • Neuroleptics also called antipsychotic drugs - they are taken to relieve severe emotional disorders, psychoses, and severe dementia. In small dosages they have a sedative, anti-anxiety and hypnotic effect, but long-term use can aggravate the manifestations of PMS.

Since the symptoms of PMS are individual for each woman, it is not always wise to take the advice of friends or relatives when it comes to treating this condition - especially if they tolerate the last days of the cycle before menstruation more easily than you. Be consistent in choosing remedies against premenstrual syndrome, and if lifestyle changes and the use of over-the-counter medications do not alleviate your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

The concept of premenstrual syndrome in women is associated with poor health. It does get worse as your period approaches, but the number and severity of premenstrual symptoms differ. Knowing how long PMS lasts, it is easier to tune in and prepare for the upcoming changes, but the exact timing of its onset and duration is difficult to predict. It depends on many factors and reasons. Most of them are associated with the mental and physical characteristics of the body.

Menstrual flow and PMS occur monthly and only in women who have reached puberty. For some, the first symptoms are observed 2 days before menstruation, for others - 10, in rare cases the duration is 14 days.

Determine the exact date when PMS begins, easier for women with a regular cycle, that is, when menstruation occurs at the same interval. The fact is that every day of the menstrual cycle is accompanied by certain changes in the female genital organs. Knowing about the features, you can calculate how many days before your period symptoms will begin to appear.

First, the egg matures. In terms of time, this period lasts at least 14–16 days. Midway through the cycle, the egg is released from the follicle. After this, the last (third) phase begins, when the body either prepares for pregnancy or gets rid of everything unnecessary.

Noticeable changes in the female body begin during and after ovulation. The second and third phases of the cycle last on average 1–2 weeks. It is during these days that the uncomfortable symptoms of PMS are observed. The woman feels unwell, weak, and becomes irritable.

The norm is the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome 10 days before menstruation. If the condition worsens within a week, this is not critical. The onset of PMS 12–14 days before refers to dangerous conditions. To find out the reasons, you need to contact a gynecologist.

How many days does it last

A week's duration of the syndrome before menstruation is considered normal. Some people don’t even know how long PMS lasts in girls, since they don’t feel any discomfort and are not familiar with premenstrual symptoms.

The duration depends not only on the state of health and physiological characteristics. There are often cases when, in the absence of problems, the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome appear 10 or more days before the onset of menstruation.

This may be due to external factors: environment, lifestyle, quality of nutrition, climatic conditions. Even a woman’s mood and temperament can influence the severity of symptoms and duration of premenstrual syndrome.

PMS can begin and pass in mild and severe form, but in any case, your condition must be monitored and always pay attention to the number of days and symptoms. Prolonged (more than 14 days) PMS with numerous negative manifestations is a sign of ill health and pathological abnormalities in the body.

Why does PMS happen?

There are many reasons for the development of PMS and health disorders in girls on the eve of menstruation. Most of them are associated with internal factors:

  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • consequences of difficult childbirth and abortion;
  • psychological disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • bad habits and neglect in a healthy way life.

But still, the main reason for the onset of PMS is considered to be hormonal changes. Almost all changes in the body in women of any age are associated with hormonal changes.

After ovulation, the hormonal balance is disrupted. In the middle of the cycle, there is a decrease in estrogen production and an increase in the amount of progesterone, which is important for pregnancy and maintaining the cycle. This imbalance of hormones in the body before menstruation affects the physical condition and behavior of a woman.

Symptoms of the syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of unpleasant symptoms that negatively affect the physical and emotional state. Characteristic signs PMS before menstruation is usually divided into 2 groups:

  1. Psychological: stress, tearfulness, depression, irritability, frequent and sudden, panic attacks, aggressiveness, unreasonable fears.
  2. Physiological: headaches, nausea, swelling, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, increased or decreased blood pressure, weight gain, pain in the abdomen, heart and lower back, shortness of breath, vision problems, loss of interest in sex, drowsiness, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In mild cases, 3–5 symptoms of PMS are observed. They go away with the onset of menstruation. The severe form is characterized by numerous manifestations and a duration of the syndrome of more than 10–14 days before menstruation.

You can read more about the basic concepts and decoding of symptoms in a separate article on our website.

A woman's nervous state before menstruation has become an object of ridicule from men. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) “spoils” the lives of both, often causing quarrels in couples and quarrels in the family. Therefore, men should also know what PMS is in girls.

Women who have experienced all the “delights” of PMS know for sure that this is not a series of whims, but a truly complex condition. However, only a few of them know how to cope with the manifestations of hormonal changes in the body. Modern medicine provides such an opportunity: following certain rules and using safe medications will help you survive the premenstrual period without shock and depression.

PMS in women - transcript

What it is? PMS is a special condition of a woman several days before menstrual bleeding, characterized by emotional instability, vegetative-vascular and metabolic abnormalities. The abbreviation “PMS” stands for premenstrual syndrome. To make it clear what premenstrual syndrome is, we will answer frequently asked questions:

  • Premenstrual syndrome: are men right when they mock a woman’s condition?

This time the men are clearly wrong. Premenstrual syndrome is included in the WHO classification. This means that the global medical community recognizes this deviation.

  • Do all women experience PMS?

Every second woman experiences premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, the incidence of PMS and the severity of its symptoms increases with age. So, before the age of 30, only 20% of women suffer from it, after 30 - every third, and after 40 years, PMS occurs in 55-75% of women.

  • Why does premenstrual syndrome occur?

Doctors do not give a definite answer. Hormonal fluctuations before menstruation, as a cause of PMS, are not always justified. For some women, changes in the levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen are not as significant. The theory about a temporary change in neuroregulation is closest to the truth.

  • How many days before your period do PMS symptoms appear?

A woman's condition changes 2-10 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding. The duration of this period and the severity of its manifestations vary from person to person. However, all painful sensations necessarily stop in the first days of menstruation.

  • Do you just have to endure premenstrual syndrome?

Not at all necessary. To alleviate menstrual syndrome, several rules have been developed for daily routine and nutrition. Also, in case of severe manifestations, the gynecologist may prescribe some medications(they will be discussed below).

  • Does PMS go away after childbirth?

In some women, premenstrual syndrome is initially absent and may appear after childbirth. For others, on the contrary, unpleasant symptoms disappear or weaken (especially breast swelling and tenderness) after the birth of the child.

Important! PMS and menstruation are always connected: painful symptoms disappear after bleeding occurs.

Most often, premenstrual syndrome occurs in smokers (the likelihood of PMS doubles!), and women with a weight index over 30 (divide your kg by your height squared in meters). The risk also increases after abortion and complicated childbirth, after gynecological operations. A genetically determined reaction of the body to physiological changes before menstruation is also possible. However, PMS is most often recorded in depressed (phlegmatic) and emotionally labile (choleric) women.

Characteristic symptoms of PMS

It is unlikely that there will be women with the same picture of PMS: there are about 150 signs of premenstrual syndrome. However, in such a variety of characteristics, main groups can be distinguished. Symptoms of PMS in women:

  • Deviations from the nervous system and psyche

A woman’s mood can be described in one word - negative. She may cry over a trifle or for no reason at all. Ready to “tear to shreds”, the degree of aggression also little coincides with the offense inflicted. At best, a woman is depressed and experiences irritability, which she cannot always cope with.

  • Hormonal changes

Due to increased progesterone levels for 1-2 weeks. Before menstruation, a woman’s mammary glands become noticeably enlarged and engorged. Many women at this time need a bra one size larger than usual. The bursting pain in the chest can be so intense that normal walking causes discomfort.

Some women have veins protruding from the skin of their mammary glands. At the same time, swelling of the hands and face may occur, and swelling in the legs becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. An increase in temperature to 37.0-37.2ºС is often recorded. Often the stomach increases in size due to the accumulation of gases and constipation.

  • Autonomic disorders

During PMS, a throbbing headache often occurs, radiating to the eye area. The attacks are similar to migraines, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting, but the pressure remains normal.

PMS after 40 years, when hormonal changes are aggravated by concomitant diseases, often provokes increases in blood pressure in the evenings (hypertensive crisis), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), shortness of breath and heart pain.

Premenstrual syndrome can occur with a predominance of certain symptoms (edematous, cephalgic, crisis), but most often a mixed form is diagnosed. Almost every woman suffering from PMS experiences:

  • constant thirst and increased sweating, acne;
  • dizziness and staggering, especially in the morning, and fatigue;
  • desire to eat salty or sweet, increased appetite;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen and spastic pain, irradiation to the lower back is most often caused by a long-term inflammatory process in the genitals (thrush, chronic adnexitis, etc.);
  • goosebumps and, less commonly, numbness of the fingers and toes associated with vitamin deficiencies. B6 and magnesium;
  • aversion to strong odors, even your own perfume.

A severe form of PMS is diagnosed when there are 5-12 severe symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome can occur in the following scenarios:

  • Compensation stage - signs of PMS are mild and disappear immediately upon the onset of menstruation. The course is stable, progression of symptoms over the years is not observed.
  • Subcompensation stage - the severity of symptoms increases over the years, as a result, the woman’s ability to work is impaired for some time.
  • Stage of decompensation - severe symptoms (hypertensive crises, fainting, etc.) disappear only after several days after the end of menstrual bleeding. Women experience panic attacks and suicidal thoughts are common. During the period of PMS, women often show violence, especially towards their children (they beat them severely).

In case of severe symptoms of PMS, it is permissible to issue a sick leave certificate. However, severe premenstrual syndrome can be a reason for refusal when applying for a job. IN European countries during a divorce, if ex-wife pronounced PMS is observed, children may be left with their father.

Premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy

The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are very similar to those of pregnancy. The main question for women is how to distinguish: PMS or pregnancy? It is almost impossible if you do not take a pregnancy test or wait a while for your period. However, some signs suggest pregnancy:

  • Only during pregnancy is there a perversion of taste. In addition to cravings for salty or sweet foods, as with PMS, a pregnant woman refuses her previously favorite food and expresses a strong desire to eat chalk and earth. An addiction may arise, for example, to lard, which the woman previously could not tolerate.
  • Strong odors also cause a negative reaction in a pregnant woman. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience olfactory “hallucinations”: a specific smell appears in an inappropriate place.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is less annoying, occurs periodically and is of a milder, nagging nature. Lower back pain appears only when there is a threat of miscarriage or more later pregnancy.
  • Mood swings can occur already in the first weeks of pregnancy, which coincides with the period of PMS. However, a pregnant woman expresses positive emotions as violently as anger. The premenstrual period is characterized by a negative emotional reaction.
  • Fatigue occurs closer to 1 month. pregnancy (about 2 weeks missed period).
  • PMS ends with the onset of menstruation. In this case, full uterine bleeding occurs. Sometimes during pregnancy you also experience spotting on the days when your period is due. The difference between bleeding during pregnancy and menstruation is its spotting nature: only a few drops of blood are released, and the discharge is pink or brownish.
  • Only during pregnancy, from the first weeks, frequent urination is often observed. This symptom is not typical for PMS.
  • Nausea can be triggered by premenstrual syndrome and occurs throughout the day. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting occur a little later, at 4-5 weeks. and indicate early toxicosis.

Important! An hCG test will help diagnose pregnancy. Some tests are highly sensitive and can detect pregnancy within 4 days. before the expected menstruation begins. However, the optimal time for the test is considered to be the 2nd day of a missed period and the next week.

It is quite possible to reduce and, at best, completely get rid of premenstrual syndrome. If the symptoms are not too severe, the following recommendations will help cope with PMS without drug therapy:

  • Adequate sleep of at least 8 hours. Walking and breathing exercises will help improve your sleep.
  • Physical activity stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, which improve mood and calm the nervous system. During the premenstrual period, dancing, yoga and other relaxing practices (massage, bathing) are especially useful.
  • Nutrition correction - giving up sweets and fatty foods, saturating the diet with fruits and vegetables. Coffee, alcohol, energy drinks and chocolate have an irritating effect on the nervous system. These foods should be excluded during the PMS period.
  • Regular sex is a source of oxytocin (the hormone of happiness). In addition, the uterus relaxes and spastic pain disappears. You should not drown out increased sexual desire: nature itself tells you what the body needs.
  • Hold your emotions. The best tactics for the premenstrual period - I'll think about it later. Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the serious negativity that coincides with PMS. But knowing that it is easy to “go too far” and say too much, it is better to postpone a serious conversation until later.
  • You should not go shopping during the premenstrual period. There is a high probability of wasting money, which can subsequently develop into a family conflict.

In severe cases, a woman is prescribed drug therapy:

  • PMS pain, what to do? - let's take No-shpa. However, you should not get carried away with this drug. Having an antispasmodic effect, No-spa in large doses can increase menstrual bleeding. NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen) provide a good pain-relieving effect. It is worth remembering: Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-400) is not recommended for women over 40 years of age due to negative influence on the heart.
  • Pain in the chest and swelling are easily eliminated by taking diuretics (Veroshpiron 25 mg, Furosemide 40 mg).
  • Multivitamins - will compensate for the lack of magnesium, calcium and vit. AT 6. An excellent remedy for PMS is the drug Magne-B6, treatment lasts 1 month. followed by a repeat course. The homeopathic remedy Mastodinon and saffron decoction have a good effect.
  • Relieving nervous system excitation - herbal preparations (Novo-Passit, Persen) are most often used. Mixed tinctures of valerian and motherwort will help reduce stress and improve sleep, take 15-25 drops. 2-3 times a day or only an hour before bedtime. In severe cases, the tranquilizer Afobazole is prescribed, which effectively eliminates anxiety. At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on the psyche; women can drive a car while taking it. It is advisable to take antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Paxil) and antipsychotics (Nootropil, Sonapax, Aminalon). Tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics are used only as prescribed by a doctor!
  • Hormonal agents - to stabilize hormonal levels and level out PMS symptoms, oral contraceptives (Midiana, Yarina) are used, course - 3 months, followed by repetition. The progestational drug Drospirenone (Anabella, Angelique, Vidora) prevents engorgement of the glands and swelling.

Premenstrual syndrome cannot be tolerated. The condition of PMS, especially in women with an unstable psyche and neurosis, can worsen over time, which ultimately will negatively affect the quality of life and ability to work.

It is also worth remembering that diseases of the genital area, endocrine disorders (including hypo- and hyperthyroidism) only aggravate the course of premenstrual syndrome. Their treatment, compliance with recommendations for lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medicines will help cope with even severe PMS.

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