The largest private weapons museum. National Firearms Museum (31 photos). We apologize for any inconvenience caused

Tula State Weapons Museum– one of the oldest museums in Russia.The museum has a most valuable collection of firearms and bladed weapons, both domestic and foreign. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to trace the stages of development of weapons in the context of the history of society, learn how design ideas were formed and developed, and also focus on man as the creator of weapons.

The museum's fund includes collections of combat muzzle-loading, automatic, sports, hunting weapons, artillery, numismatics and covers the history of the development of weapons production in Russia since the 16th century.The new permanent exhibition of the museum “History of small arms and bladed weapons with XIV century to the present" is housed in a building unique in its architecture in the shape of a heroic helmet of an ancient Russian warrior. The building is located in a historical place where Kuznetskaya Sloboda was previously located.

The exhibition widely uses the latest multimedia complexes (video walls, interactive gaming and educational complexes “Storyteller”, “Life Outside the Window”, “Encyclopedia of Weapons”, holographic display cases, electronic labels). In the peripheral part of the halls there are installations that, in combination with projection screens, provide the effect of presence, for example, in the workshop of a 19th-century arms factory. or in the trenches of the First World War.

The exhibition features interactive zones in which children learn about the history of the creation of weapons in a playful way and can hold models in their hands. various types small arms, get acquainted with the technical features of the structure firearms on specially developed programs in computer class, take a photo in the “electronic” suit of various warriors historical eras in the “Introduce yourself” multimedia complex, and then send the resulting photo by email.

Today the weapons museum is a major museum center not only Tula region, but also Russia. Interactive programs, master classes by famous Tula masters, cycles of events dedicated to heroic dates in the history of the Fatherland, international conferences, historical holidays, evenings, concerts, special programs for children, history lessons, family New Year's performances, book holidays have become an integral part of the cultural and scientific life Tula region.Of particular interest are the theatrical performances of the military-historical theater of the “Indestructible” museum, which became a laureate of the youth event tourism competition in the Central Federal District “Event-2014” in the “Historical Reconstruction” category.

To organize family leisure, the museum operates a school of Tula craftsmen, where classes are held in various areas of traditional Tula crafts and decorative arts: “Artistic processing of metal and wood”, “Artistic ceramics”, “ art", "Pottery art".The museum has a school of dueling and theatrical fencing, a modern airsoft shooting range and a cafe.

The museum on the territory of the Tula Kremlin operates in exhibition mode.

Weaponmaking is historically the main Tula craft. In honor of this, the city's coat of arms depicts two crossed blades, a gun barrel and two golden hammers ( "all this is shown by the worthy and useful weapons factory located in this city").
Therefore, the main museum of the city of Tula is the weapons museum.
It is located in the Kremlin in the building of the former Epiphany Cathedral:

The museum was founded in 1775 by order of Catherine II. The current exhibition has been in operation since 1989 and now a new luxurious building is being completed for the museum.

In 1712, Tula became the arms capital of Russia: here Peter I founded the country's first state-owned arms factory.
Firearms of the Russian army of the 18th century:

The names of the types of firearms of that time are completely obscure to me: rifles, fuses, blunderbuss, mortars, as well as more understandable guns, carbines and pistols. They were a bunch of different types and differed for different branches of the army and military ranks.
Steel arms:


The hilt of the broadsword of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment

Hussar and cavalry sabers and hunting cleaver.

Foreign flintlock pistols.
The flint-impact mechanism for igniting gunpowder for a shot (this is when a spark that ignites the gunpowder is struck using a trigger with flint) replaced in the 17th century the previously used wick mechanism (for a shot it was necessary to first light the wick, which then ignited the gunpowder) and the wheel mechanism (the striking mechanism rotated there) sparks from the wheel, which had to be wound with a special key).

Corner of the Patriotic War of 1812. In memory of those who died in this war, a cathedral was built, the building of which houses a museum.
In the 19th century, the flintlock-percussion mechanism was replaced by a capsule mechanism. When struck by the trigger, the primer (a metal cap containing an explosive substance) ignites and ignites the powder charge. Since 1845, all weapons for the Russian army were made with a capsule mechanism.

Capsule dueling pistol.
Civilian weapons of the 18th-19th centuries:

A percussion flintlock blunderbuss, double-barreled capsule pistols, a five-barrel capsule gun, a road capsule pistol (Barmaley ran with this one), Bundelrevolvers (the top one with a bayonet).

In the mid-19th century, the widespread use of guns began, loaded not through the muzzle, but using the bolt. Since 1868, the Russian army has used a single-shot rifle of the Berdan system ("Berdanka"). It was replaced in 1891 by the Mosin 3-line multi-shot rifle (“three-line”).
A line (this is a measure of length) is equal to 1/10 of an inch, i.e. 3 lines = caliber 7.62 mm. The Model 1891 Mosin rifle was used in the army until the end of the Great Patriotic War. A long time time after It was used for sporting and hunting versions of the rifle.

3-line infantry rifle mod. 1891 Factory number 1
3-line infantry rifle mod. 1891 Serial number 1000000 (1897).
A total of 37 million units were produced.

Muzzle-loading pistols in the army were replaced by revolvers in the 19th century.

Since 1895, the 3-line revolver of the Nagant system has been adopted.
Above is a Belgian sample, which was taken to launch production in Tula. The Nagan was in service until 1945, after which it was used by the police for some time.
The Nagan and the three-ruler gun became the main weapons of the civil war in Russia.

Five-barreled naval gun 1896.
A little exotic:

Various Basurman weapons


Discussion among experts about the peculiarities of military conflicts in the pre-Petrine era.

Crossbows, axe, helmet, shield, axe, maces and poleaxe.

fashionable hatchet
Eureka! Royal gun clothes:

armorial butt

It seems like we briefly looked at the entire first hall.
We go up to the second floor.
From the beginning of the 20th century, the mass use of automatic weapons began, in which reloading occurs due to the energy received from the shot. In 1883, the American Maxim invented the machine gun, from which all other machine guns originated. From this moment on, the effectiveness of killing each other on the battlefield increases many times over.

Heavy machine guns of World War I.
Light machine guns:

On the left is the weapon of every self-respecting gangster - a Model 1921 Thompson submachine gun.

Foreign automatic repeating pistols. They are replacing revolvers in the army, pushing them into the civilian sphere.

The interior is impressive - the entire ceiling is iconographically painted on the theme of labor and defense of the Soviet state.
Weapons designed by Dyagterev:

Light machine guns mod. 1927 (the main infantry fire support weapon during WWII) and mod. 1944 (RPD). Experienced self-loading rifles.

Submachine gun model 1940 of the Degtyarev system (PPD).

Degtyarev heavy machine guns.
Weapons designed by Fedorov:

The first domestic machine gun, 1913.

Domestic pistols
Weapons designed by Tokarev:

Self-loading rifles SVT and pistol mod. 1930, prototypes.

Tula Tokarev.

aircraft submachine guns

Foreign weapons of World War II.

German jet anti-tank grenade launcher Pupchen. 1943

fascist weapons - barrels down.
Weapons of Victory:

machine guns, mortar, anti-tank rifle.

three-line gun, Shpagin system submachine gun 1941. with drum and sector magazine (PPSh), submachine gun of the Sudaev system 1943. (PPS). Checkers and dirks.
Personal weapons of the defenders of Tula:

Mauser, TT, Nagant, PPSh, SKT, submachine gun Korovin mod. 1941, saber, knives.

Industrial Molotov cocktail.

Post-war weapons:

Sniper rifle Dragunov SVD, RPG-4 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, RP-46 company machine gun, Simonov SKS-45 self-loading carbines.

There are stands with a lot of sporting and hunting weapons, but somehow they didn’t interest me.
On the right are anti-tank, flamethrower and some other systems.

Grenade launchers.
To the Tula Weapons Museum from the authors:



Weapons designed by Afanasyev.

Weapons designed by Korobov.

Weapons designed by Stechkin.

Weapons designed by Makarov.

Weapons designed by Kalashnikov.
A group of German tourists stood at this stand and listened to the excursion, right under a wonderful painting above their heads:

to be remembered.

Special weapons:

A shooting knife, a Nikonov AN-94 "Abakan" assault rifle, special pistols, a special VSS "Vintorez" sniper rifle, a special AS "Val" assault rifle, an APS underwater assault rifle and an SPP-1M pistol.
Stand with microscopes:
"...Such masters as the fabulous left-hander are now, of course, no longer in Tula: machines have leveled the inequality of talents and gifts, and genius is not eager to fight against diligence and accuracy."
N. S. Leskov, “Lefty”, 1881

Mosin rifle, total length 3 mm.

It was not possible to remove the whole thing here: this is the leg of a natural flea with a horseshoe (0.05 by 0.045 mm). There are four horseshoes in total, each with three nails.
This was done by master Nikolai Aldunin from the city of Aleksin in 2002-2003.
That's it!))

glory to the CPSU.

People have always tended to kill each other elegantly and creatively. Therefore, the weapons used for this, which were constantly improved technically with the development of human evolution, always had to be aesthetically perfect.
Weapons have their own attraction, as does everything related to death. Any military weapon always beautiful in its own way.

Tula State Weapons Museum– one of the oldest museums in Russia.The museum has a most valuable collection of firearms and bladed weapons, both domestic and foreign. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to trace the stages of development of weapons in the context of the history of society, learn how design ideas were formed and developed, and also focus on man as the creator of weapons.

The museum's fund includes collections of military muzzle-loading, automatic, sports, hunting weapons, artillery, numismatics and covers the history of the development of weapons production in Russia since the 16th century.The new permanent exhibition of the museum “History of small arms and bladed weapons with XIV century to the present" is housed in a building unique in its architecture in the shape of a heroic helmet of an ancient Russian warrior. The building is located in a historical place where Kuznetskaya Sloboda was previously located.

The exhibition widely uses the latest multimedia complexes (video walls, interactive gaming and educational complexes “Storyteller”, “Life Outside the Window”, “Encyclopedia of Weapons”, holographic display cases, electronic labels). In the peripheral part of the halls there are installations that, in combination with projection screens, provide the effect of presence, for example, in the workshop of a 19th-century arms factory. or in the trenches of the First World War.

The exhibition features interactive zones in which children learn about the history of the creation of weapons in a playful way, can hold models of various types of small arms in their hands, get acquainted with the technical features of the structure of firearms using specially developed programs in a computer class, and take pictures in an “electronic” warrior suit of various historical eras in the “Imagine Yourself” multimedia complex, and then send the resulting photo by email.

Today, the weapons museum is a major museum center not only in the Tula region, but also in Russia. Interactive programs, master classes by famous Tula masters, cycles of events dedicated to heroic dates in the history of the Fatherland, international conferences, historical holidays, evenings, concerts, special programs for children, history lessons, family New Year's performances, book holidays have become an integral part of the cultural and scientific life of the Tula region.Of particular interest are the theatrical performances of the military-historical theater of the “Indestructible” museum, which became a laureate of the youth event tourism competition in the Central Federal District “Event-2014” in the “Historical Reconstruction” category.

To organize family leisure, the museum operates a school of Tula craftsmen, where classes are held in various areas of traditional Tula crafts and decorative arts: “Artistic processing of metal and wood”, “Artistic ceramics”, “Fine arts”, “Pottery art”.The museum has a school of dueling and theatrical fencing, a modern airsoft shooting range and a cafe.

The museum on the territory of the Tula Kremlin operates in exhibition mode.

Exhibition "Weapons of the 19th - 20th centuries from the collection of the State Central Museum modern history Russia" was prepared as part of the museum's events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in Great Patriotic War. The exhibition presents many previously unexhibited unique examples of domestic and foreign long-barreled and short-barreled firearms.

The collection of weapons in the museum has been formed over more than 70 years. The time range of the collection in terms of the time of manufacture of weapons is 250 years. The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia collected primarily those weapons that reflected the history of the revolutionary movement and military history our country. That is why most of the museum objects relate to the revolutionary events of 1905, 1917, Civil War 1918-1922, Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Each item in the collection is valuable as a witness and participant in historical events.

Flintlock pistols, paired. Albania, XVIII century. Gift from I.V. Stalin on his 30th birthday October revolution from the Albanian people.

Double-barreled center fire pistol of the Remington system, model 1877. Belgium, Liege. Pistols of this system (single-barrel) were tested in Russia with a view to introducing it into service. Trophy of the Red Army during the annexation of Bessarabia to the USSR in 1940.

Caucasian dagger. Gift from M.I. Kalinin from the workers of Dagestan, 1920s.

Revolver of the Nagan system, model 1895, soldier. Russia, Tula, Tula Arms Plant. Belonged to V.M. Panov, participant in the revolutionary events of 1917. and the Civil War in Russia 1918-1920.

Small-caliber sports pistol of the Margolin system in a case. Gift from I.V. To Stalin on his 70th birthday from the staff of the Tula Arms Plant.

Revolver model Velodog. Belgium. Civilian revolver. Gift from the statesman and politician, People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR G.K. Ordzhonikidze to his wife Z.G. Ordzhonikidze.

Revolver model Kobold. A civilian revolver, named after a brownie from Scandinavian folklore. Weapons of participants in the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920 in the Far East.

Three-line rifles

Self-loading pistol TK model 1926. Korovin systems. Belonged to a Hero Soviet Union A.E. Kleshchev, commander partisan unit Pinsk region of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War.

An invaluable contribution to the military successes of our country was made by famous domestic gunsmiths - designers of firearms, who preserved and increased the heritage of technical thought. G.S. Shpagin, F.V. Tokarev, M.T. Kalashnikov are names known throughout the world.

Carbine, self-loading rifle of the F.V. system Tokarev

On the battlefields of numerous wars of the last two centuries, Russian soldiers won truly historic victories - largely thanks to the weapons with which they fought.

Battalion mortar, 1983. USSR

Company mortar model 1938.

Weapons of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Pneumatic pistol, sports, Tell model (Germany, Venus company, Zella-Mehlis)

Sports and training weapons P.S. Rybalko, Marshal of the Armored Forces.

An interactive information stand where you can familiarize yourself with the weapon, read its history and characteristics. The most convenient thing about the stand is that the view of the next weapon is switched using hand gestures

Automatic system M.T. Kalashnikov, paratrooper, AKS-47 (Weapon of the Soviet Army)

Formation training. Solo training. Gun techniques

Shooting techniques. Preparing to shoot. Firing a shot.

Visitors to the exhibition are given a small bonus in the form of a master class on disassembling and assembling weapons

The master class is conducted by a senior researcher at the State Center for Medical Research, custodian of the weapons collection - Roman Mikhailovich Sheparev

The exhibition can be visited with museum tickets.

The museum is open:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 to 18.00, ticket office until 17.30
Thursday from 12.00 to 21.00, ticket office until 20.30
Saturday, Sunday from 11.00 to 19.00, ticket office until 18.30
Monday is a day off.
Ticket prices
Full ticket: 250 rub. Discount ticket: 100 rub. (for students, university students of the Russian Federation, pensioners).

The museum and especially the exhibition will be of interest to boys and men

A selection of photographs from The National Firearms Museum, which is located at the NRA headquarters in Virginia.
The museum is quite large - 14 galleries with 85 stands, two thousand and a half barrels.

Admission to the museum is free, but donations from individuals are naturally welcomed, as in other American museums. Donation container -- an eight-inch projectile for an experimental automatic weapon that the hull Marine Corps experienced in the 60s.

Italian wheel lock carbine, .66 cal. This gun once belonged to a certain John Alden, and with him crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower ship in 1620.


If anyone doesn’t know, due to the single-shot nature of the pistols, a thick blámba was made at the end of the handle, intended for the heroic breaking of enemies’ skulls with an unloaded weapon

American Revolutionary War cannon

This is one of the guns that Lewis and Clark took on their famous expedition. What’s unusual here is that it’s...air. Specifically, the 22-round Girandoni Air Rifle. It was sold with three cylinders of compressed air, each cylinder held 800 psi (5.5 MPa), was enough for 70 shots, and required 1,500 pump strokes to fully refill. At 15 meters the rifle could place ten shots in a circle the size of a coin. Murka owners are madly and lovingly jealous :)

This shushpangever blew my mind. 12-shot shotgun with percussion flintlock. Ammunition - alternating 12 bullets and 12 main charges in the barrel of the gun, on the outside there are 12 seed holes covered with valves. With each shot the lock could be moved one step back

Closer view

Gatlings, nya! Again, if anyone doesn’t know, these are prototypes of modern machine guns. One fighter pushes packs of cartridges into the bunker, where they are fed into the barrel under the influence of their own weight.

The second fighter is trying to direct the wunderwaffle with the help of cunning handles, natural flair, and such and such a mother.

The third fighter turns the crank which makes the Gatling do a “waste”.

Well, the fourth one is looking after these three intellectuals.

I liked the revolver

Mountain of weapons No. 1

Mountain of weapons No. 2

Mountain of weapons No. 3

A separate section of the museum is dedicated to weapons from films. There's everything from a shotgun with a silencer from No Country for Old Men.

Before Star Wars blasters

And even a sword from there, although it doesn’t seem to fit the theme of the museum at all

And this is the revolver of the main character from the series "Firefly" - the best space western of all time :)

From the section with experimental weapons. For example, here is the only revolver in the world with magazine-fed cartridges and triangular (!) cartridges. A total of 1000 copies of this weapon were made

Store rocket launcher. The bear cavalry pitifully swallows drool and wipes away tears of envy

When I saw this stand, I almost howled like a wolf with happiness :) We recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the most epic pistol of all time - the M1911 - and in honor of this we organized a showcase.

Model 1907

Modified Colt

And this Colt, in the company of eighteen American soldiers and officers, sailed in a fragile boat two thousand miles on the way from Corregidor, besieged by the Japanese, to Australia.

As for Corregidor, this Colt once belonged to MacArthur. Which, IMHO, did not deserve even a tenth of the honors that he received.
This same pistol belonged to Eisenhower

And this rifle is for Teddy Roosevelt, in my opinion, the best US president.

Reconstruction of one of the scenes during the battles in Normandy

This revolver belonged to New York policeman Walter Weaver. He was last seen on September 11, 2001, in the area of ​​the sixth floor of the World War II shopping center- he tried to free the passengers stuck in the elevator. His remains were not found, but his service weapon was found in the ashes:

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