Delicious seedless cherry jam recipe. Pitted cherry jam for the winter. To prevent the berries from shriveling

Jars of pitted cherry jam

This is an excellent jam for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to take on the monotonous but pleasant task of removing pits from cherries. But then you will get soft, juicy, tasty and tender jam. And avoid having to spit out cherry pits.

Cook for five minutes in 3 batches. But you can do it the traditional way in one step until done (about 40 minutes). If you have the opportunity to store jam in the refrigerator or basement, you can prepare very tasty Cherry jam with a little sugar, it is cooked quickly.

But if you are not ready for the feat of peeling cherries or are a fan of the film “The Witches of Eastwick,” you can make cherry jam with pits using the same recipes.

How many cherries are in 1 liter

A liter jar holds approximately 800 g of cherries (or sweet cherries) with pits. .

And sugar in 1 liter is 920 g.

Proportions for cherry jam

To determine how much sugar you need for your pitted jam, you must either measure how many cherries you have (in kg or liters) before peeling. Either after cleaning, weigh or measure the volume of cherries with a liter jar. In general, this time I measured the peeled cherries in jars (for 1 liter jar of seedless berries = 800 g I took 1 kg of sugar).

  • For storage at room temperature(a lot of sugar): 1:1. Take equal amounts of sugar and cherries (by weight or volume).
  • For storage in the refrigerator or basement (low sugar): for 1 kg of peeled cherries 300-500 g of sugar. This jam will be more tender, low-sweet, and juicy. And closer in taste to fresh berries. I’ll also tell you how to cook it.

Seedless jam recipe

1. Prepare cherries for harvesting

  • Wash the cherries, sort through the damaged fruits and remove them (only good cherries go into jam). Place the washed berries on a clean towel spread on a flat surface (conveniently on a large tray) to dry before cleaning.
  • Peel the cherries using a safety pin or a strong juice straw.

1.2. How to remove pits from cherries

1.2.1. How to remove seeds with a pin
  1. Insert a pin into the cherry (where the stem was). The pin must be inserted with the end that does not open, that is, the end opposite to the lock).
  2. Use a pin to pry the pit and pick it out of the cherry.
1.2.2. How to knock out seeds with a straw

The straw is convenient to take from small juice packages. We are not interested in the retractable part, it is not so strong. But the main part of the straw, which is used to pierce a hole in a bag for drinking juice, is suitable for peeling cherries.

This method is suitable for those who have sore hand joints. For such people, it is not very comfortable to hold a pin and it is painful to make the movement of picking out a bone with a pin. But knocking out a bone with a straw is no problem.

2. Cover the cherries with sugar

  • Find out how many cherries you got after peeling. Add sugar.

3. Make jam

3.1. To be stored at room temperature (lots of sugar)

Cook the cherry jam for five minutes in 3 batches (you can finish it in 1 day, with an interval of 5-6 hours: morning-at lunch-late evening; or cook slowly: for example, in the evening-morning-evening):

  1. Bring to a boil, stirring. Reduce heat, cook for another 5 minutes (stirring and skimming). Cover with a lid. Leave to infuse for 5-12 hours.
  2. Heat the jam, cook after boiling for another 5 minutes (reduce heat, stir, skim off foam). Leave again for 5-12 hours.
  3. Heat the jam for the last time and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. All. Pour the prepared jam into prepared jars. Close with lids (regular iron or screw-on).

3.2. For cold storage (low sugar)

Cook the jam quickly - bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 15 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. Pour into prepared jars, screw on the lids (or screw them on). Cool. Store in the cold.

Bon appetit!

Cherry jam without seeds

If you only have nylon (plastic) lids, then you can use them. Rinse them, pour boiling water over them and close the jars (you can’t boil plastic, it will cook, lose its shape, and you won’t close it).

If the jam is liquid

If you don't like liquid jam, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • Place the berries in jars with a holey spoon (fill the entire jar with them. And then pour in syrup. The remaining syrup can be prepared separately and used for soaking cakes, preparing compotes and fruit drinks.
  • Place the berries in jars (filling the entire jar with cherries or, for example, 2/3). Boil the syrup until thick. Pour this thick syrup over the berries. This way you do not digest the berries themselves, but only boil the syrup. This was the recommended method.
  • Boil the jam along with the berries to the desired thickness.

In all cases of boiling, keep an eye on the syrup/jam. It burns very easily.

Other cherry jam recipes

According to the recipe for all cherry preparations, you can also can cherries. And vice versa.

Once all the jars are closed, you can relax and enjoy reading and jam foam!

This type of dessert is very common and is loved by many for its taste and beneficial features. It’s not for nothing that jam made from this berry has always been considered a “royal dessert.” Recipes for making thick and aromatic jam are very famous.

This delicious dessert is healthy:

1. If you use it every day, you will notice that metabolic processes They begin to improve, sleep normalizes and insomnia disappears.
2. In addition, this jam helps well as a laxative.
3. Young children are recommended to use it for colds and coughs. It removes phlegm well.
4. The vitamin E it contains significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair, slows down the aging process, and also cleanses blood vessels.
5. In addition, it contains coumarin, which reduces the risk of blood clots.
6. This product is also recommended for anemia, anemia and low hemoglobin due to its iron content.

What harm can such a dessert do?

1. Due to the fact that they are used in cooking a large number of Sugar, this dessert is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
2. Cherry is a fairly strong allergen, so it is forbidden to give it to children under one year of age.
3. If the dessert is cooked with seeds, it cannot be stored for more than a year. Since the bones begin to secrete acid, which harms the body and internal organs.

How to cook cherry jam correctly

There are many recipes for making this jam. It is prepared both without removing the seeds and without them. But if you do not remove the seeds, you should keep in mind that it is better not to cook it for future use, since if it is stored for more than a year, it will begin to release toxins harmful to the body.

When preparing dessert, a lot also depends on the choice of berries. If you take berries with a deep burgundy color, it will turn out very tasty and aromatic. The varieties Shubinki, Zakharyevskaya and Turgenevka are also ideal for this.

The dishes should also be selected very carefully and it is better to use enameled or stainless steel. It is also important to thoroughly rinse and sterilize jars.

When preparing the berries themselves, soak them overnight in cold water. This is done in order to completely get rid of dirt and microorganisms. IF YOU ADD SALT TO THE WATER, ALL THE WORMS FROM THE BERRIES WILL FLOOM

One of the longest and most painstaking moments in preparing this dessert is preparing the berries. If you are going to remove the seeds, you should do this before starting cooking using a special device or pin. In the case of using whole berries, each of them should still be pierced lightly with a pin so that they are better saturated with syrup.

During cooking, try to remove foam from the mass in a timely manner, otherwise the finished product will not be able to be stored for a long time and will quickly turn sour.

In addition, many housewives believe that it is better not to cook the berries for too long, because the berries begin to deteriorate from prolonged heating.

Cherry jam proportions per 1 kilogram

The proportions must first be selected based on the recipe. For example, when preparing a thick dessert for 1 kg of berries, you will need approximately 1.3 kg of sugar. And if you cook five-minute or simple jam, then of course you will need less. In this case, take 1-2 cups per 1 kg of fruit. But at the same time, sugar should not be added immediately, but gradually. First, sprinkle the cherries with a small amount of sugar and let them soak. After putting it on the fire, add half the sugar, and the rest while boiling again.

How long to cook cherry jam

Depending on the recipe you choose, cherries can cook from an hour to 4 hours. But at the same time there is quick recipes, in which the cooking time is 5 minutes. Basically, this berry is cooked for several days, allowing it to brew and soak thoroughly.

Classic cherry jam

According to the standard recipe, this delicacy is prepared without pitting.

For it you will need:

1 kg fresh, unpeeled berries
800 g sugar
2 glasses of plain water

First, prepare the berries by clearing them of debris, rinsing them and making several punctures on each. After this, start blanching at a temperature of about 90 degrees, but without bringing it to a boil. In terms of time, 5 minutes will be enough for you.

Take all the sugar and water and make a syrup, pour it over the finished berries and bring to full readiness on the stove. To determine how ready the jam is, place a small drop of it on a clean saucer. The finished dessert should not spread.

Cherry jam 5 minute recipe:

From the name alone you can understand that such a recipe will not require much time or effort from you. When prepared in this way, it retains much more vitamins in its composition. When preparing this recipe, it is best to cover the berries with granulated sugar and leave them like that for several hours. But many housewives, not having extra time, skip this process and start cooking right away.

with a bone

The pitless cooking option further reduces time and simplifies the recipe. After all, you don’t have to waste time peeling the berries.

For this dessert take:

1 kg of prepared fruits
2 cups granulated sugar

Mix all the ingredients and leave in this form so that the juice appears. After this, it must be put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes.


Jam made from peeled cherries differs only in that first you have to make an effort to get rid of the pulp from the seeds. But the end result is worth the effort.

To get started, take:

1 kg of prepared and peeled fruits
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tbsp plain water
1/3 tsp. citric acid

Mix berries, sugar and water and wait until it boils. Then add the last ingredient and keep on low heat for 5 minutes.

Thick cherry jam with pits recipe

In addition to the main ingredients, such jam contains one more ingredient that makes it very tasty and thick.

To get started, take:

1 kg of clean and prepared fruits
1 kg granulated sugar
1.5 tbsp peeled fruits from seeds

An additional 1.5 tbsp is needed to make pulpy juice out of them. You can grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Also, if you have enough time left, pour a little sugar into them and let them sit for an hour and release as much juice as possible.

After this, mix all the ingredients and cook until ready, until the drop stops spreading.

Cherry jam with pits and gelatin

This recipe makes cooking much easier and allows you to reduce the cooking time several times thanks to the added gelatin. The finished dessert has a jelly-like consistency, rich in the taste and aroma of berries. An important point during cooking is not to bring the gelatin itself to a boil during preparation, as well as after adding it to the jam, otherwise the consistency will not be thick.

To start cooking, take:

3 kg of prepared and washed fruits
1 kg granulated sugar
2 tbsp plain water
2 packs (70 g) gelatin

To prepare such a dessert, it is better to mix the berries with granulated sugar in advance and leave to infuse for several hours. Gelatin should also be prepared in advance. To do this, read on the packaging how to prepare it.

In separate containers, heat the berries with sugar and gelatin. After the berries boil and cook for 10 minutes, slowly mix the swollen gelatin with them and remove from heat.

Pitless cherry jam with gelatin

This jam is prepared in almost the same way as according to the previous recipe. Additionally, if you wish, you can completely chop the berries and then you will get real jelly.

To do this you will need:

2 kg peeled and prepared fruits
1.5 kg granulated sugar
1.5 tbsp plain water
40 g gelatin

As in the previous recipe, infuse the berries with sugar in advance. Also prepare gelatin in advance.

Place all ingredients except gelatin on the fire and simmer for 10 minutes. After this, give it about half an hour for it to cool, stir in the prepared gelatin and heat a little without bringing it to a boil.

Cherry jam video

Recipe for delicious cherry jam

The most delicious and aromatic dessert is obtained at the moment when the berries are cooked in their own juice. At the same time, this recipe allows you to preserve the vitamin composition as much as possible, making it very useful. Even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife can cook this.

To do this, prepare in advance:

Peeled fruits - 1 kg
Granulated sugar - 1 kg

This recipe differs from the traditional one in that the dessert itself is prepared not in a separate container, but immediately in jars. To begin, place the prepared fruits in sterile jars, mixing with sugar. For convenience, you can mix them in a separate container. Add a small layer of sugar on top of each one up to the neck. At the same moment we finally close them or roll them up. Leave them to soak a little and release the juice for a couple of hours.

After this, heat the water in a separate container and carefully place the jars so that they do not burst, but gradually heat up. After boiling, let simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and remove.

Royal cherry jam

Dessert according to this recipe is of course more difficult to prepare and takes quite a long time. But from the name alone it becomes clear that once you try it you will definitely love it. The berries here are taken washed and pitted.

To begin, prepare:

1 kg of prepared fruits
1 kg sugar

In a large container, mix sugar with berries and leave for a while to soak and release juice. Then boil them for 5 minutes. Leave to cool overnight and repeat the same process with cooking and cooling 2 more times.

Cherry jam without sugar

This type of dessert is ideal for people suffering from diseases that prevent them from eating sweets. It retains the natural taste and benefits of berries. But it is advisable to store it only in a cold place. But the good news is that any type of berries is suitable for it, both fresh and frozen.

To start cooking, take:

1 kg of clean and seedless fruits
2 containers of different sizes
Regular water

This type of dessert is prepared not just by placing it on the stove, but in a water bath. Keep the berries for 3 hours. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the condition of the water. After this holding time, it should release all the juice and thicken.

Cherry jam with nuts

As mentioned earlier, jam cooked without seeds has a much longer shelf life. But when cooked, it is the seeds that add the almond flavor to the dessert, which many people really like. Many housewives have found a way out of the situation and, instead of seeds, add nuts during cooking, which make the texture more unusual and give that pleasant aroma.

Before making this dessert, prepare:

1 kg cored fruits
A glass of prepared kernels walnut
1.5 kg granulated sugar
A glass of plain water

At the stage of coring the berries, immediately replace the removed pit with a piece of nut. This process requires patience, but it will play a big role in taste qualities ready dessert.

The rest of the process will not require much effort from you. Mix all the ingredients in a container and put it on the fire to cook. 20 minutes should pass after the start of boiling. Stir gently all the time and remove excess foam.

Cherry jam with pectin

While preparing this dessert for a long time cooking is replaced by the addition of pectin, which makes it thick. Preparing it is not at all difficult and all you need for this is:

1 kg of prepared and cored berries
1 kg granulated sugar
1 package of pectin in 9 g.

Before sending the berries to prepare, leave them overnight, mixed with granulated sugar. After that, put them on the stove, where after boiling, let them simmer for about 20 minutes. After removing from the stove, set aside to cool until the next day.

After this time, before continuing to cook, mix a bag of pectin with 2 tbsp. Sugar and a small amount of berry syrup. Place the container with berries on the fire and after it starts to heat up, add the prepared pectin. Once boiling, let sit for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Cherry jam with agar-agar

To prepare this dessert, you need:

1 kg cored cherries
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp Agar - agara
50 ml. ordinary water

Mix the prepared fruits with all the granulated sugar and let them sit for a while and let them cook for 20 minutes. At this time, do not forget to watch the foam that appears.

After this, turn off the heat and let them soak a little while you fill the agar - agar with warm water. After an hour, mix everything together and put on fire for 3 minutes, then pour into jars.

Why did the cherry turn out liquid?

Unfortunately, even if you don’t deviate even an ounce from the recipe, the dessert may turn out to be too liquid. The reason for this may be the large amount of juice secreted by the berries. Another common cause of runny jam is insufficient sugar or insufficient cooking time. That is why it is important to check the drop for thickness before rolling it into jars.

How to make cherry jam thicker

If during cooking the drop remains too liquid, then the most the best way There may be an increase in cooking time. This is especially true in cases where the fruits have given a lot of juice.

In addition, an excellent way to obtain the desired consistency is to use gelling agents such as gelatin, agar - agar or pectin. In this case, you will need to prepare the product and add it to the mass and let it warm up a little over the fire.

This is an aromatic and tasty jam that will delight you during the cold season and give you a pleasant taste sensation. This dessert will wonderfully complement any sweet table and will become a desirable dish at any tea party. To add a certain “zest” to cherry jam, you can additionally use mint or lemon balm leaves. If you have a few cherry leaves, you can add them for flavor. The resulting jam from pitted cherries is thick, aromatic, not very sweet, but very tasty. A pleasant cherry sourness remains. And if you prefer cherries with pits or simply don’t have time for the lengthy procedure of extracting them, see the recipe. This cherry jam is brewed without seeds, which complicates the process of preparing it a little, but it gives you a lot of options for using the finished product. So with such a reserve for the winter, you can bake fragrant pies in the cold season, and delicious cakes and make desserts.

How to make pitted cherry jam? It is very important to decide on the proportion of berries and sugar. Our grandmothers used 1 kg of prepared berries, and some even 1.2 kg of sugar. The result is quite sweet jam, but it can be stored for years. If you don’t like sugary desserts, you can reduce the proportions so that a pleasant cherry sourness remains. No water is used in this recipe because the candied seedless berries release a lot of juice. So that the jam retains more vitamins and the berries do not become overcooked, it is cooked in several batches for 5 minutes, which is why it got the name “five-minute”. Thanks to this method of preparation, the cherry jam is quite thick. But if you want it to be more jelly-like, you can add pectin according to the instructions on the package. Just keep in mind that when the jam cools and sits a little, it will become even thicker on its own.


  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 500 g sugar.

Recipe for pitted cherry jam for the winter

1. Pour cherries with cold water for 10 minutes. During this time, all the bugs and spiders that may be in the berries will float to the surface. After a while, drain the water and rinse the cherries. Remove the stem and sort the berries.

2. Remove the pit from the cherry. To prevent the berries from becoming deformed, you can use a small pin, paper clip, or a device to remove the pit. This step is perhaps one of the longest procedures in making cherry jam.

3. Move the prepared cherries into a saucepan with a thick bottom, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours so that the berries release their juice. If you have time, you can leave it overnight. Do not use aluminum cookware to make jam. It is better to take an enameled or cast iron saucepan. And if you have a special copper basin for making jam, that’s absolutely great.

4. After the specified steeping time, the sugar becomes moist as the cherries release a lot of juice.

5. Place the pan on low heat. Stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. Many people are interested in how long to cook pitted cherry jam and how to do it correctly. Like any other berry or fruit jam, it should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes to preserve more vitamins. But in order for the cherries to be well saturated with syrup and the jam to thicken, there should be several such approaches.

As the foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature). Then put the pan with the cherries back on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool. We repeat this procedure 2-3 more times. The longer we boil the jam, the thicker it will turn out.

6. Sterilize jars with lids. It is most convenient to use a small container. You can sterilize jars in the oven, steam or microwave. You can read in more detail.

7. Pack the hot jam into jars and seal tightly using lids sterilized in the same way.

Important! Both the jam and the jars should be at approximately the same temperature. If you pour hot jam into a cold jar, the glass may crack.

8. Turn the lid down, then put it away for a day in a place without a draft. Just in case, you can play it safe and wrap the cans in a blanket. After a day, the jam can be transferred to a cupboard or pantry.

Delicious pitted cherry jam is ready for the winter! Now you know how to prepare it correctly: so that the berries are whole and the vitamins are preserved. Bon appetit and have a delicious winter!

Not many people make pitted cherry jam because not everyone likes the monotonous work of removing pits. But everyone likes to eat delicious pitted cherry jam. I remember as a child, this job of removing pits fell to me, but what to do until you sorted the cherries, they didn’t let you go for a walk.

Today, of course, science and progress have come a long way; cherry pits are taken out in the same way as 30 years ago. Science hasn’t made any progress on this issue, or I just don’t know something.

But if you are still planning to make delicious cherry jam, then I have a few of the best ones for you. delicious recipes how to make cherry jam for the winter. Look and choose the recipes that you like best.

Five-minute pitted cherry jam for the winter

Of course, it doesn’t take 5 minutes to prepare, but it doesn’t take much longer. And it’s called that because it cooks for no more than 5 minutes, well, I think you’ll understand everything yourself.


  • 1 kg. Pitted cherries.
  • 1 kg. Sahara.

Cooking process.

Place the processed cherries in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave for 5-8 hours. During this time, the sugar will react with the cherries, and the latter will begin to release juice abundantly.

After 5-8 hours, the jam should be put on the stove and brought to a boil. As soon as a stable, even boil begins, reduce the heat and cook for exactly 5 minutes and turn off the heat. During cooking, foam will begin to rise profusely; it must be skimmed off.

How to make cherry jam with gelatin


  • Pitted cherries 1 kg.
  • Sugar 800 grams.
  • Gelatin 2 tablespoons.

Cooking process.

Rinse the whole cherries well, drain the water and remove the pits.

Pour sugar mixed with gelatin, mix well and leave for 8 hours.

Then put the pan on the stove and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. This jam should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes at moderate boiling. Don't forget to remove the foam.

After 5 minutes of cooking, you can distribute the mass into jars and close the lids.

When the jam has cooled it will be deliciously sweet and thick thanks to the added gelatin.

Cherry jam recipe from Grandmother Emma

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If you want to pamper your family with aromatic and delicious seedless cherry jam, use this homemade recipe, tested many times. The jam prepared in this way is medium thick, not overcooked, and the cherries do not lose their rich, red-burgundy color.

Step by step photo will make it easier for those new to preparing for the winter.


  • cherries (any variety) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 gr.

How to make cherry jam

Before making the preparation, pour the cherries into a colander and wash them thoroughly under running cold water. After washing, shake the colander several times to drain off excess water well.

Then, you need to remove the remaining stalks from the cherries and sort the berries. We carefully reject bursting, rotten and damaged fruits. For jam, we leave only ripe, beautiful cherries without flaws.

During the selection process, we remove the pits from the cherries. Some people do this with the help of devices that are sold in the store. But most housewives (and I am no exception) remove the seeds using a regular hairpin, pin or paper clip.

Place the selected pitted cherries in a bowl in which we will prepare the jam.

Sprinkle with sugar and leave at room temperature for two hours. During this time, the cherries will have time to release their juice properly, but will not have time to ferment.

After time has passed, put the bowl on the fire, bring the jam to an intense boil, turn it off, cover with a lid and leave for another three hours.

Then, you need to boil the jam again, turn the heat to low and simmer, stirring with a slotted spoon, for five to seven minutes.

The containers and lids should be ready by then.

Using a ladle, pour the jam into jars.

Cover with lids and seal.

After seaming, turn the jars over and place them on the lids (as in the photo below). It is not necessary to wrap such preservation.

From the amount of ingredients given in the recipe, we got exactly two half-liter jars of very tasty pitted cherry jam.

We put it away for storage, and in winter we open it and serve it with our own very tasty cherry jam for tea. Berries removed from syrup are perfect if you decide to bake pies or make dumplings.

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