Baby nutrition for a 7 month old girl. Baby nutrition at seven months: what foods to give? Some features of breastfeeding at seven months of age

By the age of 7 months, the menu of the child, whom the mother feeds with an adapted formula, is already quite varied. After all, he started eating adult food early, at about 4.5 months. His diet includes almost all vegetables that a baby up to one year old can eat, and not a large number of fruits, most likely, the mother managed to introduce her child to cereals and now it’s time for protein foods.

What is the time to introduce?

The classic scheme for introducing complementary foods to a child on formula includes a certain order of inclusion of foods in the diet. Vegetables are introduced first, then porridge, egg yolk, butter and cottage cheese (the baby should already consume all this by 7 months), then meat and bread, and closer to 8 months the baby can be offered kefir.

According to this diagram in the menu 7 one month old baby on artificial feeding You can add meat puree in a small amount and add another quarter of chicken yolk (now he can eat half a yolk). If mom is a little late in introducing the yolk, then it’s time to let her baby try it. If your child is prone to allergies, you can start introducing him to this food with quail egg yolks. Egg whites should not be given under any circumstances. Butter should definitely be on the menu of a 7 month old baby. It should have been introduced earlier, but if for some reason it didn’t work out, at this age it’s time to try again.

At the age of 7 months, you can offer your baby a piece of bread. You can give no more than 5 grams. It is better to offer a crust of slightly dried bread. If the mother did not give her child dairy-free cereal porridges, then at this age he should already eat these dishes, and milk porridges are also allowed. It is better to purchase specialized cereals for baby food or add an adapted milk formula to the dish.

Under no circumstances should you feed a baby cow's milk; even hypoallergenic goat's milk is not recommended by pediatricians for 7-month-old babies. According to some reports, at this age a baby is allowed small pieces of hard cheese (5-10 grams if the mother did not introduce it at 6 months and 10-30 grams if she has already introduced cheeses to the child’s menu). But this product is very allergenic and finding good hard cheese is now problematic, so you don’t have to rush with this product.

Rules for feeding a 7-month-old baby

Despite the fact that the artificial baby began to eat adult food earlier than the child, whom the mother continues to breastfeed, his enzymatic system matures faster; there is no need to rush to introduce new dishes, as well as to increase the amount of foods in his diet at an excessive pace. The digestive system matures in children different terms and if the baby refuses some product, it is worth postponing its introduction for more late dates. The mother of a 7-month-old baby is concerned about several questions. Firstly, what to feed the baby, and secondly, how much complementary food should be given to him and how to feed your child correctly.

At 7 months of age children They are already sitting confidently, are actively interested in surrounding objects and are learning, including how to use cutlery. Therefore, when feeding your baby you should:

  • seat him at the table with adults, although for now in his personal children's chair;
  • one of the dishes is served in the form of finely chopped pieces that the child can eat with his hands;
  • when feeding porridge, you need to give the baby a baby spoon and give him the opportunity to learn to eat on his own (of course, he will splash some of the food, knock on the plate of porridge and smear not only his face, but you need to come to terms with this, since the time to learn has already come);
  • It is better to offer drinks to the baby in a cup (you can use a sippy cup or sippy cup).

The rules for introducing new products to the baby’s menu remain the same as at an earlier age. You need to start with minimal amounts of food (up to 5 grams), increase the amount gradually, and do not introduce “new things” when the child is sick, capricious, or has been vaccinated.

At the age of 7 months, the child still eats 5 times a day, but it’s time to prepare him for “adult” 3 meals a day

The main distinguishing feature of the development of eating habits in a child of this age is the formation of a daily routine close to that of an adult.

This means that three meals will be main (breakfast, lunch and dinner), complete in terms of food volume, and two meals (first breakfast and afternoon snack) should be a light snack. Therefore, it is worth forming a healthy habit for your child to eat porridge in the morning (you can have milk), soup with meat for lunch, and cottage cheese or apples during the afternoon snack. This useful habit will remain with the baby when he grows up and the number of meals is reduced to 3 times.

At this age, it’s time to move from homogeneous purees to more formalized foods.

You can partially grate it on a special grater, leaving a small amount finely chopped or grated onto a larger grater. Vegetables should no longer be chopped in a mixer; they can be crushed with a regular fork.

The recommended average norms, for example, 180 grams of porridge per day, are, of course, quite informative, but if a child does not want to eat the specified amount of vegetables or porridge, or, on the contrary, he is hungry, what should parents do? Average standards are just recommended amounts of food. How much each individual baby needs depends on its constitution, activity and metabolism.

Today, the most popular method for calculating food requirements is called volumetric. A child aged 7 months should receive an amount of food equal to an eighth of his body weight. By this age, girls weigh on average about 7.6 kg, boys - 8.3 kg. The calculated value can be taken as 8 kg, the eighth part correspondingly is 1 kg of food, taking into account the milk formula that he drinks per day. Milk accounts for slightly less than half of this volume. A seven month old baby must:

  • drink 180-200 grams of milk in the morning and 180-210 grams before bed;
  • eat 180-200 grams of vegetables per day;
  • 150-180 grams of porridge per day;
  • the rest of the volume is filled with fruit (up to 70 grams), meat puree (up to 30 grams), egg yolk (necessarily hard-boiled), cottage cheese (up to 50 grams), juice, bread or children's cookies and butter.

Proper introduction of complementary foods not only stimulates the child’s digestive system, it also performs a developmental function.

When a child picks up small cubes of vegetables and fruits with his fingers, he trains fine motor skills by looking at colored pieces of food, learns to recognize colors by tasting foods, trains his taste buds, and learns eating habits.

Features of introducing complementary foods for an artificial child

Adapted mixtures, no matter how high-quality they are, do not meet the needs of a growing body for useful nutrients. That is why they begin to accustom them to “adult food” 1-1.5 months earlier. Products that a baby fed on mother's milk is just beginning to get acquainted with (vegetables, cereals and fruits) have long enriched the diet of a baby who is forced to feed with formula. According to indications, the pediatrician may recommend introducing some products earlier than the specified dates, for example, porridge, yolk, meat or liver.

It is not difficult to introduce meat into a child’s diet; you also need to start with small portions. Offer this product to your baby in the form of a soft puree. You need to choose lean pieces of turkey or rabbit meat. Chicken or veal meat is also allowed. If a child refuses the offered puree, it does not have to be given in its pure form. You can mix meat with vegetables and offer this mix to your child. Meat is selected according to taste preferences baby. If the mother settled on the canned version, then you need to take into account the child’s individual intolerance to additional component meat mixture.

The child, who is already 7 months old, has managed to get an idea of ​​several types of vegetables. Sometimes a baby approaches this age with a more varied list of dishes in his diet, especially if the first complementary feeding occurred at 4 months. In any case, in the eighth month it’s time to expand the baby’s menu; you can offer him meat, yolk, as well as cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt to try.

Feeding regimen

It is very important from a very early age to properly organize the child’s daily routine and nutrition. How many times a day should you feed your baby? According to pediatricians, there should be a gap of 4 hours between feedings of a seven-month-old baby. In this regard, a well-designed diet can be like this:

  • 6-00 – breakfast;
  • 10-00 – second breakfast;
  • 14-00 – lunch;
  • 18-00 – dinner;
  • 22-00 – second dinner before bed.

If it is not possible to strictly adhere to the schedule, deviations in one direction or another are acceptable. It is advisable that the delay does not exceed a quarter of an hour. This feeding pattern is most favorable for a 7-month-old child, and over time it will be easy to transform it into a 4-meal meal plan.

You should distribute calories so that the first and last meals are the lightest. At the same time, the calorie content in the daily meal is maximum.

Authorized Products

As we have already mentioned, the baby is breastfeeding By 7 months he has time to try very few foods compared to those babies who eat formula. However, all children, regardless of the type of feeding, should already be eating by the eighth month:

  • Several types of vegetables - zucchini, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin. If your baby hasn't tried anything from the list yet, it's time to fill in the gaps.
  • Porridge – rice and buckwheat are suitable for feeding. Now the baby is ready to try corn, barley and oatmeal.
  • Fruits – the child is already allowed to be fed applesauce and pear puree (we recommend reading:). It’s worth stopping at this for now - it is not recommended to expand a child’s fruit menu at 7 months.
  • Fats – butter and vegetable oils. They are usually added to soups and porridges no more than half a teaspoon per serving.

We will separately list additional products that a seven-month-old baby on IV is ready to consume if his complementary feeding began earlier than 6 months. Among them:

  • Chicken egg - only the yolk is used for eating. You need to boil it hard and start adding it to the puree in very small portions - at the tip of a teaspoon. If the child responds well to this product, gradually increase to half the yolk.
  • Meat - in the eighth month it is administered only to those babies who are on IV (artificial feeding). The baby should receive this product twice a week, preferably for lunch. In the second half of the year, the baby can eat rabbit or turkey fillet. Also suitable for him is chicken, which is best to take the breast from. The meat requires long heat treatment and careful grinding - it is served in the form of pate, puree or pudding. By lunchtime it is enough to give the child 50 g of puree. However, you should not prepare soup for your baby meat broth– You can only use vegetable broth.
  • Cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt (kefir) can also be offered to your baby. It is best to prepare cottage cheese yourself, as this product often causes poisoning. If it is grainy, it is advisable to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  • Compote.
  • Crackers, children's cookies.

Sample menu

We have developed sample menu for a seven-month-old baby, designed for 1 day. At the same time, the nutrition of a child on breastfeeding is still poorer than that of an artificial child. Due to the fact that each of them is allowed different products, we present two types of diet - for feeding babies on breastfeeding and for artificial babies.

In addition, a separate diet is presented for a baby with an allergy to cow protein. For ease of perception, all information is summarized in tables.

Table 1. Menu for a breastfed baby:

Table 2. Menu for an artificial child:

Table 3. Menu for a child with an allergy to cow protein:

Children with an allergy to cow protein are offered either vegetables or dairy-free porridge for lunch, which is diluted with a special formula or breast milk. It is also allowed to feed the baby mixed dishes - for example, instead of vegetables (170 ml), give dairy-free porridge and vegetables (85 + 85 ml). Such babies should eat according to a schedule, observing intervals between feedings.

Dishes for children 7 months and older

Next, we suggest using our recipes for preparing food for a 7-month-old baby. Our list includes cereals, soups, compotes, as well as dishes that use a combination of products. In addition, we will talk about homemade recipes for fermented milk products. Check whether you are cooking for your child correctly, and at the same time try to cook something from our selection for him.


The general rule for cereals intended for infants is their liquid state. Experts note that porridge for children 7 months old should be 5%. To achieve this ratio of liquid to cereal, you need to use only 5 g of cereal (approximately a teaspoon) per half a glass of water to prepare the porridge. When the child gets used to the new dish, and this will happen in 2-3 weeks, a more concentrated version should be prepared - 8-10% porridge. That is, use one and a half to two teaspoons of cereal per half glass of liquid.

Experienced parents know that it is convenient to cook porridge for a baby with two different ways. Let's describe each of them:

  • Rinse the cereal and then dry it. After this, it must be ground in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. Pour the prepared cereal powder into boiling water, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Before use, the porridge is diluted with mixture or milk.
  • Our parents also know the second method. For it you need to take washed cereal, add water and cook under the lid for about an hour. It is important that the heating is minimal. During this time, the cereal will boil well, and it will be easy to rub it through a sieve. Milk or mixture is added to the mixture and, while stirring, is brought to a boil. It is advisable to add a little to the finished porridge butter.


Soups for babies should also have a fairly liquid consistency. They are made from vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, carrots, broccoli. You can add cereals to the soup if the child has already tried cereals and vegetables separately. They also offer a yolk with the soup, mix it with vegetable oil. The main rule is that the soup should be homogeneous and thoroughly ground.

If your child has tried zucchini and cauliflower, you can offer him these vegetables in the form of soup. Required:

  • zucchini without seeds – 50 g;
  • cauliflower – 50-70 g;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml.

Chop the zucchini and several cabbage inflorescences, add water and simmer covered for half an hour. Cool, grind in a blender along with the broth, season with butter.

If the baby is on artificial nutrition, you can prepare a more complex soup for him. We offer a recipe for rice soup with green peas. Required:

  • rice – 10 g;
  • green peas (boiled) – ½ cup;
  • butter – 5 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

Pour the washed rice with water, simmer covered for 30 minutes, cool, and grind in a blender along with the broth. Separately, rub the boiled peas through a sieve and combine with the rice water. Place the soup on the fire and bring to a boil. At the very end add a little butter.

Dishes from several types of products

At 8-9 months, the child already has time to try many types of dishes (we recommend reading:). Now he can already be offered multi-component dishes. What food combinations are acceptable? Porridges go well with vegetables. Pediatricians recommend starting with the following combinations:

  • rice and zucchini;
  • oatmeal and pumpkin;
  • buckwheat and broccoli (we recommend reading:).

Both components are taken in equal volumes and flavored with butter. Over time, you can try adding yolk to this puree.

It’s a good idea to combine meat products with vegetables. The following combinations are allowed:

  • rabbit meat and carrots;
  • turkey meat and zucchini.

The volume of meat puree together with vegetables should be 50 g; the ingredients should be combined after heat treatment. For juiciness and a milder taste, the finished puree is diluted with vegetable broth.

Meat dishes

The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is ready for meat purees at closer to 8 months, and if the baby is bottle-fed, they begin to offer him meat at 7 months (we recommend reading:). It is important to remember that at first you should give the baby only low-fat varieties, and offal only from 10 months. Rules for preparing and introducing meat into the menu:

  • A small piece of meat is thoroughly cleaned of fat, films, veins, filled with water and cooked under the lid until soft. After this, the meat is twisted through a meat grinder twice, or chopped in a blender.
  • If the baby does not like the taste of the new product, the meat puree is combined with a familiar vegetable.
  • Gradually, the volume of meat puree is increased to 50 g. It is recommended to mix the meat with vegetable broth to make it more juicy.

Dairy products

Cottage cheese can be safely given to a baby starting from 8 months (we recommend reading:). Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting with kefir, to which you should gradually add cottage cheese, ½ teaspoon at a time. Since cottage cheese is a perishable product, and pathogenic bacteria can get under the parchment packaging, it is better to prepare it yourself for the baby.

  • To prepare the cottage cheese you will need ½ liter of milk and half a glass of kefir. The milk must be brought to a boil, pour kefir into it and remove from heat. Wait until the whey separates (this will happen within 15 minutes) and drain the curd onto cheesecloth or a fine sieve. You will get a very small portion of tender cottage cheese. This product should be eaten immediately and should not be left for the next day.
  • Just like cottage cheese, you can prepare kefir. It will require boiled milk room temperature. Add 1 spoon of kefir (store-bought) to the milk and leave in a warm place until the product ferments. This kefir can be used as a starter for preparing the following portions.

Kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt can be prepared using special starter cultures. As a base, it is best to use medium-fat milk, which must be boiled. Fermented milk products using starter cultures are tasty and healthy, since they contain required amount living microorganisms.


A seven-month-old baby can already try compotes. First, it is recommended to brew him a drink from green apples without adding sugar. Over time, pears are allowed to be added to apples. It is not desirable for the compote to have a rich taste; you should take 1 fruit (apple or pear) per 500 ml of water. It is correct to cook compote so that it retains more nutrients. To do this, the fruits are washed, cut, filled with water and brought to a boil. Then cover the pan tightly, turn off the heat and leave for a couple of hours to steep.

After the child gets used to such drinks, he is offered compotes made from dried fruits. It is important that the apples and pears in the compote are green varieties. A little later, you can offer the baby to drink compote with prunes - a drink with this fruit will have a laxative effect. Next, peaches and apricots are added to the compote, carefully monitoring the child’s reaction to the new components.

When planning the diet of a baby in the first year of life, it is very important to decide on those products that will benefit him. The first feeding at 7 months is no exception for a child. At this time, it is important for parents to understand which products are allowed to be included in the daily menu, and which ones should be postponed.

So, let's take a closer look at what features and norms of complementary feeding exist at seven months? And also, what can be offered from food for bottle-fed and breastfed infants?

Reasons for complementary feeding at 7 months of age

Everyone knows that the optimal period for introducing new products into a child’s daily diet is age. But sometimes, due to circumstances that have arisen, it is more reasonable to postpone this period by one month. Such objective reasons for introducing complementary foods world organization health (WHO) includes:

Mixed feeding. Closer to six months, the digestive system of infants is partially formed by the necessary enzymes and is ready to digest some adult foods. In babies who are on artificial and mixed feeding, the digestion process takes a little longer to mature. As before, they will require full breastfeeding. Therefore, for this category of children it is better to start introducing complementary foods from 7 months.

Weakened body or “toddler” disease" Teething of the first teeth, problems with stool, problems with the digestive system, ARVI or others infectious diseases- this is a signal that it is necessary to delay the introduction of a new diet, and postpone it for at least 1 month.

Stressful situations. It is known that constant conflict situations between parents negatively affect the child’s psyche. Therefore, it would be absurd to introduce complementary foods in this situation. It is better to wait one month until the relationship between mom and dad normalizes, and in the meantime the baby independently adapts to a calm and quiet home environment.

Features of the first complementary feeding at 7 months

Despite the individual development of each child, basic principles introduction to new foods is the same for all children 7 months of age. During this period, the intestinal microflora is already formed, so it is ready for reception and processing. new food introduced into the baby's diet.

Due to the fact that the digestive system has adapted to the new food, the baby spits up less, has no allergies, grows well and gains weight. We advise you to read about

As before, the mother must take care of her child and continue to breastfeed on demand during the day and at night. The same applies to babies on artificial nutrition. Formula feeding should not exceed the usual volume of the daily diet.

In nutritional terms, the task of complementary feeding is to provide the infant’s body with energy supplemented by the baby’s main diet. Therefore, foreign pediatricians have revised their opinion on food products with which they were introduced at an earlier age. Now they recommend adding only foods that have high energy value to the child’s diet. After all, the baby’s stomach is still small and you can’t offer a lot of food.

It is advisable that the first vegetable dishes are not too liquid. Otherwise, they will reduce calorie content and impoverish the baby’s diet. This will be especially noticeable when a new food replaces one of the feedings - formula or breast milk. Ultimately, the child may have poor weight gain and

Rules for complementary feeding for infants

Studying the WHO recommendations, one cannot but agree: “Breast milk is not only nutritious and good for health infant. This natural product is also known for strengthening the immune system and also serving as a source of restoring energy balance in the body.”

Complementary feeding for a breastfed baby at 7 months should be introduced gradually, and it is better to agree on the menu and food standards in advance with your pediatrician. If a child refuses to accept new foods, demonstrating this through his behavior, then it is better to wait a little.

Read the basic rules:

  • You cannot immediately replace the baby’s usual breastfeeding with additional products. At this age, mother's milk plays an important role in the digestion of additional food. Therefore, its presence in the children's diet is mandatory.
  • The first introduction to new food should be cautious. At the same time, it is very important to comply with the norms of products introduced into complementary foods from 7 months. Vegetable purees, cereals and other foods should be of normal consistency, without lumps, so that the child can easily swallow.
  • First offer complementary foods, and then you can supplement with breastfeeding. Although some breastfeeding consultants recommend the opposite. But this is only if the mother has problems with lactation.
  • You can use the tactics of “pedagogical complementary feeding”. The organization of nutrition is as follows: start giving the baby in small doses any food from the “home table”, without changing their consistency. Due to the fact that the mother continues to breastfeed, these babies are less likely to have problems with gastrointestinal tract, and there are no allergic reactions to the introduced products.

Complementary feeding of a baby at 7 months with artificial feeding

Feeding of "artificial" babies is carried out according to the same principles that are typical for infants. The diet includes high-quality products - cereals, balanced mixtures, fruit purees and juices. The only difference between complementary feeding at 7 months for artificial babies is the feeding scheme. This is due to the peculiarities of their digestive tract.

Before introducing new foods to a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises adhering to the following recommendations:

Give preference to mixtures rather than regular food. It is too early to transfer such children to a full-fledged diet of adult food. Up to 1 year, the main source of nutrients should be an adapted formula. Unlike regular food, it contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that a child’s body needs. In addition, such food increases nutritional value diet and is more easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract one month old baby-artificial.

Five meals a day. Every month, the food needs of young children increase - this is important for their proper development and growth. At seven months, the baby should eat 5 times a day. Introducing new products should begin in the first half of the day, 10-15 minutes before feeding with formula. If a new food is introduced into the child’s diet, then 1 teaspoon will be enough to start with. In the absence of a negative reaction from the baby’s body, the volume of proportions is gradually increased.

For breastfed babies, the new diet should contain foods that have a positive effect on the digestion process and the health of the body as a whole. If your baby suffers from constipation or is overweight, it is better to give preference to fresh vegetables. In case of underweight or loose stools at seven months, it is preferable to introduce the child to cereals.

Menu at 7 months: table, norms and products

The diet of a 7-month-old baby may contain different foods. It all depends on the start of introducing complementary foods and the baby’s well-being – the absence of allergic reactions to the introduced foods.

Approximate menu standards for 7 months can be established based on the table below:

  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge– 120-150 grams
  • Vegetable puree, recommended to be given up to 150 g, with a gradual increase in dose
  • Fruit puree, pediatricians advise giving no more than 50-60g.
  • Children's cottage cheese – 35-40g.
  • Butter – daily ration 2-3 g.
  • Egg yolk, norm – 0.25 -0.30 g.
  • White bread (loaf) – 3-3.5 g.

The specified menu diet standards are compiled taking into account the upper limit, that is, mothers must independently adjust them, taking into account the needs of their child. Giving more food can have adverse effects on the digestive system, so this is also worth considering.

A child's food at 7 months, if he is breastfed, can be prepared with less calories; the menu should include only cereals and vegetable dishes.

To make it convenient for the baby to swallow food, the consistency of the dishes offered should not be too liquid or thick. When the child’s body gets used to it and does not conflict, then you can introduce it to cottage cheese and fruit puree.

Vegetables in the diet

In addition to previously familiar foods to the baby, the following vegetables are added to the complementary feeding menu (no more than once every 7 days):

  • carrots + potatoes;
  • canned green peas;
  • zucchini + pumpkin.

They begin to give the baby 1 teaspoon of each vegetable in mashed form. To improve the taste, you can add a small slice of butter to such a tasty puree. To track how the body perceives a particular vegetable, it is better to keep a diary and observe the behavior of the baby.


As practice and reviews from mothers show, porridge is the most healthy and high-calorie product for first complementary feeding. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from; the best are considered to be: buckwheat, rice and corn. Before cooking, the cereal must be ground and cooked in water or milk, observing the proportions: 1/4.

It is better to cook the porridge over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Upon completion of preparing the delicious dish, you can still add a little butter. The baby will definitely like this porridge recipe for complementary feeding at 7 months, and its advantages are that it does not cause negative consequences.

Fruit puree and cottage cheese

Fruits: apples (green, red), pears, plums, grapes are offered to the child as an independent snack. It is necessary to start complementary feeding with fruit puree, as with cereals, gradually, in small quantities (portions).

Cottage cheese as a complementary food is more relevant for the body of babies 7 months old who are bottle-fed, but you can also start giving it to infants. Like fruit puree, cottage cheese is offered in small portions; at first, 30-40 grams will be enough to see what the body’s reaction to the new product will be. With normal perception, the norm of the product in the daily diet can be gradually increased. For one year old child this dose should not exceed 50 grams.

What to do if a 7-month-old baby doesn’t eat solid foods well

Domestic and foreign pediatricians do not see any danger in the fact that a child refuses complementary feeding.

As at six months, mother's milk is still relevant in the life of a seven-month-old baby. Its nutritional properties help fill the body with energy properties, so it continues to grow and actively develop.

The main reasons for refusing complementary feeding:

  • incorrectly prepared consistency or taste qualities The child did not like the offered dish;
  • mother gives more food than indicated in the complementary feeding table for 7 months;
  • parents try to force-feed new food;
  • The baby’s body is not physiologically mature for consuming adult food.

A different situation occurs with “artificial babies” who refuse new food. Even adapted mixtures cannot fully satisfy the body with the necessary nutritional properties. Therefore, there is a risk of a lack of vitamins and microelements needed by the body in the diet.

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The diet of a 7-month-old baby no longer consists only of mother’s milk and some adapted formula, but it is important to remember that many foods are not yet suitable for the little one. When feeding, you should consider what the baby can eat and in what quantity, and what he cannot. The products that are included in the baby’s daily menu should saturate his body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but at the same time his still weak digestive system should not be overloaded.

What can a 7 month old baby eat?

It is important that your 7-month-old baby eats at the same time every day. As soon as the baby wakes up, he usually eats mother's milk or formula if he is bottle-fed. After 4-5 hours, you need to give the child porridge, while it is preferable to feed the baby with dairy-free porridge, but if you prepare it yourself, then it is best to do it with water.

From 7 months, a child can be slowly introduced to cereals, but not all of them at once - you need to start with porridges made from gluten-free rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. Immediately after the porridge, you can give your child a small amount of fruit puree. However, it is important to know that at this age green apples, pears, and bananas are very useful for children. But you need to wait with citrus fruits, as they can cause an allergic reaction. When it comes to vegetables, a child at 7 months should already be able to eat almost everything, with the exception of regular cabbage. Don't forget about meat - a seven-month-old baby should eat at least 30 g of this product every day.

Many pediatricians recommend starting to give children egg yolk at seven months, but it is advisable to give preference quail eggs, and you need to start with half an yolk a day. It is impossible to give yolk every day, since a small child may develop an allergy to it, 3 times a week is the most optimal amount of yolk consumed for a baby of seven months. At 7 months, the child should receive a sufficient amount of liquid per day; therefore, in addition to mother’s milk, it is recommended that the baby be given warm boiled water and fruit juices.

Menu for a 7 month old baby

Menu for a 7 month old baby:

  1. Meat. Meat is a nutritional element that must be included in the daily diet of a 7-month-old baby, as this product is rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to give meat at such an early age in the form of ready-made canned food, which undergoes a very large number of tests and meets all quality standards, or prepare it yourself. For small children, only dietary varieties of meat are used, namely: veal, rabbit, beef, turkey and chicken. Fish is still prohibited for a seven-month-old baby.
  2. Porridge. Your baby should eat porridge every day. You should not give him porridge from the same product every day; it is advisable to alternate them. For variety, you can add pumpkin to the porridge, which will not only saturate it with vitamins, but also give it a rich taste and color.
  3. Eggs. Despite the fact that eggs can cause allergies in children, they should be included in the menu of a 7-month-old baby, due to the fact that this product is rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated acids.
  4. Fruits. A baby aged seven months can be given apple, banana and pear puree.
  5. Dairy products. Cottage cheese and kefir are the most necessary dairy products foods that your baby should eat daily. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which children need for proper physical development, and kefir is responsible for normalizing the baby’s digestion.
  6. Beverages. You can diversify your baby’s drinking diet with dried fruit compote, and in the summer you can cook it from apples. As the child gets used to it, you can gradually add prunes, pears and plums to the compote. When cooking compotes for small children, sugar cannot be added to them, but if this is necessary, then sugar should be added in small quantities.

How much should a baby eat at 7 months?

At 6 o'clock in the morning the child should drink 500 ml of breast milk or formula. After four hours, the baby should be given 170 g of porridge, adding a small piece of butter, and 70-80 g of fruit puree.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the child should eat 170 g of vegetable puree with 30 g of meat and half an yolk and drink fruit juice. At 18:00 - 40 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit juice, two pieces of children's biscuits and breast milk. At 22:00 it is recommended to feed the baby only breast milk.

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