DIY Christmas tree using macrame technique. Master classes. Master class on macrame: New Year's panel Spruce

Size: 24x18 cm. Embroidery size: 90x70 stitches = 19x13 cm.

You will need:

  • a thin cord of red, blue, white, green colors;
  • a piece of red cloth;
  • velvet;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • leather.

Technique: macrame.



Cut 34 threads in the following order: 4 threads of 3.9 m, 2 threads of 3.4 m, 4 threads of 3 m, 8 threads of 2.1 m, 8 threads of 1.7 m, 4 threads of 1, 4 m, 4 threads of 1.1 m each, 2 threads of 25 cm. Weave the panel according to pattern 22. Take 2 threads of 3.9 m each, find the middle and pin it to the pillow.

A) Tie 3 square knots (1-2-1).

B) Add 2 strands, each 3.9 m long, and tie 3 square knots (1-2-1) on the 2 strands of the previous row, using them as a warp. Then introduce the threads in the same way, each time reducing their length. We place chains of 3 square knots in a checkerboard pattern. In each subsequent row, one chain is added. So we weave 17 rows. The last row will make 17 chains of 3 square knots. The Christmas tree can be made smaller (for example, 13 rows in length, then you need to reduce the number of threads to 26).

C) Below, under the last row of square knots, weave 2 rows of horizontal knots, forming a brid. We use 2 additional threads of 25 cm as the basis of the bridle.

D) Under the brids in the middle we weave 3 rows of chains of square knots in a checkerboard pattern - this is the trunk of the Christmas tree.

E) Place the ends of the additional threads from the horizontal bridles at point c) diagonally to the trunk of the Christmas tree and weave 2 rows of diagonal bridles, including them in the work when making the trunk of the Christmas tree. Complete the trunk with 2 rows of horizontal bridles. Trim off excess threads, leaving a fringe 4-5 cm long.

Decorate the Christmas tree with beads, seed beads, tinsel, and lace snowflakes.

Depending on the thickness of the cord, the Christmas tree can turn out to be of different sizes. With a cord thickness of 0.5-1 mm and a reduction in the number of rows consisting of flat chains of 3 square knots, you can weave a Christmas tree to decorate a New Year's card and attach it with a staple for stitching notebooks. From a thin cord in several folds you can weave a panel to decorate a wall opening for the New Year holiday. You can also use threads for knitting in several folds, then you need to sew a base in the shape of a triangle from green fabric and sew it from the wrong side to the Christmas tree so that its edges do not bend and it is durable.

Father Frost

1. We start weaving from the hat. We cut 10 threads of 80 cm each, red. We find the middle and pin 2 threads to the pillow with needles. At the resulting ends we tie the 1st row of square knots (1-2-1). Above the knots we will leave small loops in the places where the threads are attached. Next, we connect the 1st row of square knots into a common fabric with the 2nd row of square knots, tying them in a checkerboard pattern.

We weave the hat from the bottom up according to diagram 23:

a) square knot (1-4-1), 2 square knots (1-2-1), square knot (1-4-1);

b) tatting knot (1 thread - working, 3 threads - warp), 3 square knots (1-2-1), tatting knot (1-3);

c) square knots (1-6-1), (1-2-1), (1-6-1);

d) tatting knot (1-5), 2 square knots (1-2-1), tatting knot (1-5);

e) square knot (1-8-1), (1-2-1), (1-8-1);

f) tatting knot (1-7);

g) 2 square knots (1-18-1).

On 2 middle threads, weave a chain from the “horizontal” knot, fold it in half and fasten it from the inside out - this is a loop for hanging. Trim excess threads, leaving a fringe of 5 cm.

2. Face. We turn the weaving over with the loop up and pin the hat to the pillow with needles. In the remaining loops we attach 10 threads of 60 cm in white color, 2 in each loop. We weave 8 rows of square knots with a checkerboard pattern, alternating 5-4 knots in a row.

3. Torso. We cut 10 red threads of 1.5 m each, find the middle and tie square knots on white threads. We continue to work with the “checkerboard” pattern, weaving 13 rows, alternating 5-4 square knots in a row. We finish the fur coat with the 1st row of horizontal bridle. We cut off the excess threads and hem the ends from the inside out. We bring the remaining ends from weaving the face (white threads) over the fur coat and trim it in the form of a beard.

4. Hands. On the right and left sides of the body, we pull 4 threads (=8 ends) on each side into the upper loops of the square knots. We weave the sleeves of the fur coat with a checkerboard pattern for 6 rows, alternating 2-1 square knots in a row. We finish the sleeves with the 1st row of horizontal bridle. We cut off the excess threads and hem them on the wrong side.

5. We decorate the face: on an additional thread we fasten small pieces of white threads using the “lock inside out” technique. We sew and trim in the form of hair and beard. We make a mustache, sew on beady eyes, a nose button, and embroider the mouth with red threads. We sew white sequins or beads onto the hat and fur coat. We use white threads to weave chains from the “horizon” knot and sew them along the edge of the hat, fur coat, sleeves, and also in the middle of the fur coat. To turn the cap, we will weave a chain of red threads with a “horizon” knot and sew it to the cap.

Let's cut out mittens from cardboard covered with velvet fabric and sew them under the sleeves of the fur coat.

Let's make felt boots and a staff from cardboard covered with velvet, or from a piece of leather. The staff can be decorated with beads.

We will sew a bag for gifts from a small piece of red fabric; it can be decorated with embroidery threads yellow color(embroider the year, stars, dots).

Depending on the thickness of the cord, Santa Claus will turn out to be of different sizes. If the cord is very thin, Santa Claus will fit on New Year's card(see page 25, model 26). If you used a thin cord of 4-5 folds or a thick cord, the size of the panel will increase accordingly.

Snow Maiden

1. Hat. We weave it similarly to Santa Claus's hat from bottom to top according to diagram 23.

Let's cut 10 threads 60 cm long (blue).

a) attach 2 threads in the middle to the pillow with needles, perform a tatting knot (1-3), 3 square knots (1-2-1), tatting knots (1-3);

b) square knots (1-6-1), (1-2-1), (1-6-1);

c) tatting knot (1-5-1), square knot (1-2-1), tatting knot (1-5-1);

d) square knots (1-8-1), (1-2-1), (1-8-1);

e) tatting knot (1-7-1), square knot (1-2-1), tatting knot (1-7-1);

e) 2 square knots (1-18-1).

From 2 threads we will weave a loop-chain from a horizontal knot (10-12 knots), cut off the remaining threads, leaving a fringe of 2 cm. We will fasten the ends of the loop on the wrong side. Turn the cap with the loop up and secure it to the pillow with needles.

2. Face. Let's cut 10 white threads of 60 cm each. Thread 2 of them into each loop of the cap. We weave 5 rows of the chess pattern, alternating 5-4 square knots in a row. Then we will perform the “checkerboard on the corner” pattern until the 1st knot in the row. We will leave 4 threads for attaching the blue threads of the fur coat, cut the rest and fasten the ends on the wrong side. We braid a braid 12 cm long from white or yellow threads. To do this, we hang threads 20-25 cm long on an additional thread with a simple “lock inside out” fastening. For bangs, we hang shorter threads and trim them. Sew the hair on the border of the blue threads of the cap and the white threads of the face. Let's decorate the face: sew on 2 beads - eyes, a bead for the nose, and embroider the mouth with red thread.

3. Torso. Let's cut 10 threads of 110 cm each, blue. On the remaining white threads from weaving the face, we will fasten the cut blue threads with a simple “inside out” clasp. Place the ends of the white threads at an angle. We will weave a fur coat from 7 rows of the “checkerboard” pattern, alternating 5-4 square knots in a row. In the 8th row, add 1 thread 50 cm long on each side and tie 6 square knots in a row. We will weave another 8 rows of the “checkerboard” pattern, alternating 6-5 square knots in a row. The length of the fur coat is 11 cm. We finish the fur coat with 1 row of horizontal bridle. We cut off the excess threads and fasten them on the wrong side. To weave the sleeves of a fur coat, we will prepare 8 threads 30 cm long. On each side we will thread 4 threads (= 8 ends) into the upper loops from the square knots. We weave 5 cm of the chess pattern, alternating 2-1 square knots in a row. We will finish the fur coat with 1 row of horizontal bridle. We cut the long threads, securing the remaining ends on the wrong side. Decorate the fur coat and hat with white sparkles or beads. Along the edge of the hat, the neck of the fur coat, along the bottom of the sleeves, in the middle of the fur coat and at the bottom we will sew chains of white “horizon” knots.

4. Cut out the mittens and boots from blue cardboard and sew them on the wrong side under the sleeves and bottom of the fur coat.

My Christmas tree is a variation on a pattern from an old macramé magazine. Macrame lovers have come across many versions of this Christmas tree on the Russian Internet. The weaving process is easy and straightforward. You can do it even if this is your first macrame job.

Let's start with the material. Take threads that are strong and such that you can string beads on them.

The entire skein of thread went into work. Thread thickness is about 2 mm.

We cut two threads of 1.5 m each. Fold them in half and pin them on the pillow at the centers. We wind the long ends into skeins. Professionals may notice that there are more skeins than I ask you to cut. The thing is, I tend to cut off more than necessary, despite my experience, I'm wrong. Moreover, I am an improviser and rarely weave control klaptik patterns.

We tie two more square knots as in photo 13. We have a chain of three square knots. The main fabric of the Christmas tree is a chain of three square knots.
We cut two threads of 1.45 m each. Fold them in half and string beads on them. Beads have their own functional purpose. Thanks to them, the side chains do not come undone. The main function of the beads is to show the viewer that this is a Christmas tree, a New Year's decoration. Get creative, take multi-colored beads, take more flowers. I weaved from what I had. My goal is diagram, accessibility, clarity, understandability.

Two ends with beads on the sides ( photo 15) are the basis for the next two chains. We take the working threads from the chain on top. We weave the second row of chains. There are two chains in the second row.

We cut the next two threads 1.40 cm long. We weave the third row of chains from three chains. In what order is it better to weave chains? It doesn't matter how comfortable you are. On photo 17,18, I first wove the inner chains, and then the side ones.

Here is a piece of the diagram. I colored the thread green to show you its location on the planes.

On photo 19, I changed my weaving tactics - I only wove the first and last chains of the row. Please note that in my works there are always a lot of pins, I record the sizes of the chains and the shape of the product. With the help of pins, I keep the “balance” in the product.

On photo 20, showing my shortcomings. I'm growing threads. There is no specific rule for thread extensions. You could say we are navigating the terrain. We evaluate the pattern and structure of the thread. I rarely use glue. The glue should be invisible, the place of gluing should be able to be carefully hidden in the pattern. Artificial thread can be glued together with fire, I am very afraid of this, it can ruin the whole work.
The Christmas tree has a good pattern - chains, inside of which you can hide the ends of the threads. And to make it visually unnoticeable, tighten the grosgrain knots tighter. You see two horns - this is the beginning of new threads. When I tightened the knots, I wove the next row of chains with these threads, carefully cutting off the protruding horns.

My Christmas tree has 19 rows of chains. Each thread is woven into two threads, the length of which is reduced by 5 cm. Your situation may be different, depending on the quality of the thread and your patience.

I came across a similar panel on the RuNet, which ended at this stage. The master left the ends hanging, imitating the fluffiness of a Christmas tree. It looked very decent, the product was complete.

We complete the main element by weaving the brid. We find two middle ends, these are the basis for two bridges. The brids first weave in the opposite direction, then they turn around and weave towards each other, but do not meet, but are woven into the trunk of the Christmas tree.
The trunk of the Christmas tree is woven with square knots in a checkerboard pattern, 10 rows in total. In the first row there are three square knots, in the second there are four, in the third there are three again, etc. From the sixth row of square knots, we take the outermost threads and weave bridles on them in the opposite direction to each other. The bridge bends and approaches the smooth previous bridge. I advise you to weave two brids in parallel to bend as symmetrically as possible. Next, we unfolded the basics of the brid and emphasized the bend with the second brid. For most thread ends, this is the last knot in the piece. The warps of the brid approached the trunk on both sides and became working threads for the outer square knots from the eighth row. We continue to weave the trunk. See the enlarged diagram of the barrel below.

The trunk of the Christmas tree has ten rows of square knots in a checkerboard pattern. Then we weave the brids that complete the trunk and the entire product. In this fragment, I’m a little tricky, but thanks to the diagram, I think everything is clear to you. We take the outermost threads of the trunk and weave two bridles on them towards each other. We cross the warps with each other and weave the brids in opposite directions. We take the base of the right brid, turn it and weave the brid across the entire trunk. We hide the tip of the base of this brid under the knots on the wrong side.
Last brida - clean edge. Its base is the extreme thread on the left. The thread that served as the basis for the brid from the second row of brids. We cut off the ends of the blue and green threads in the last brid and hide them in the next knot. I did not close the curves in the diagram, so as not to confuse those who will not read this master class.
At the end there are three ends left, which we hide on the wrong side under the knots. It would be more careful to do this with a needle if the thread goes into the needle, otherwise the hook will help.

Spruce panel diagram:

Macrame classes are a great way to spend quality time with your children. This technique develops imagination and fine motor skills, and crafts made by your children will for a long time will please your eyes. Children over six years old can be taught to weave handbags for mobile phones, keychains or funny string toys, and teenagers will love beautiful jewelry and stylish baubles. Some macrame products are so simple that your students will most likely create beautiful crafts without your help.

In our age of computer technology, children spend a lot of time in the virtual world, so it is so important to captivate them with a useful activity that partially replaces communication with high technology. Weight various types crafts that can be done with little ones. The simplest and most inexpensive is macrame. However, how to interest a child in this rather monochrome activity?

Of course, children will not want to spend a long time simply studying various knots. They definitely need some kind of goal that they can bring to life in a fairly short period of time, so we advise you to move on to weaving some simple craft without preparation, explaining the technique of knitting knots as you go.

To teach children how to weave a chain of flat knots in a fun way, have them make a photo frame. To do this, cut out a circle from cardboard and decorate it around the edges with a twisted chain of flat knots that the child wove.

It is better that the first crafts can be made within a few hours, but at the same time, they look bright and interesting. Then, seeing the result of their work, young handicraftsmen will want to create something more global.

Macrame keychain

One of the simplest products that even a child can knit with his own hands within a couple of hours is an interesting keychain. It can be made in the form of an ordinary multi-colored cylinder or be a figurine of some animal, for example, an owl or a turtle. A keychain in the shape of an owl is very easy to make. To weave it, only three types of knots are used: square, regular and rep, and from materials you will need two large yellow beads, threads of two colors, for example black and light brown, and a ring from a keychain.

Master class on weaving the “Owl” keychain:

  • Cut four strands of black and light brown. The length of each of them should be 74 cm.
  • From the first four threads on the left side, weave a column consisting of nine square knots.
  • Take the four threads on the right side and make exactly the same column out of them.
  • Place a bead on the two threads coming after the left column. Using this principle, put the bead on the right side as well.
  • From the four central threads located between the beads, weave six square knots.
  • Separate the right thread from the group of black threads coming out of the left bead. And tie a vertical rep knot with it on the nearest thread coming out of the central post.
  • Make a rep knot using black thread on the trailing thread coming out of the central post.
  • Repeat these steps on the right side in a mirror image. Two black threads should be in the center, and two yellow threads will be located on each side of them.
  • Now, take the remaining thread coming out of the left bead. Tie one vertical grosgrain knot on two yellow and one black central threads.
  • From the right ball, also take the remaining lace and tie three rep knots with it to meet the left thread. Tie these two meeting working threads together.
  • Separate the fourth thread from the edge from the left column of square knots and braid it with four threads to the right. Do the same on the right side in mirror image.
  • Now take the third thread from the left column and tie five rep knots to the right side. Repeat this action on the left side.
  • Take the first and second threads from the left and weave them into a rope 2-3 cm long. Weave a rope from the two rightmost threads. Use regular knots.
  • Now take two threads from the four central ones and make a rope out of them. Weave the other two threads from the center into a bundle.
  • Tie the four threads on the left side between the two strands into a column of six square knots. Do the same with the threads located between the bundles on the right side.
  • Take the three posts on the left side and tie a simple knot at their end.
  • Now tie the right columns together with a knot.
  • Trim the excess threads under the left and right halves so that the owl still has tassel legs.

Such an owl has an interesting appearance and, without a doubt, will be an excellent decoration for children. When the child masters weaving such a light keychain, you can move on to simpler products.

Volumetric macrame toys: nuances of weaving

Three-dimensional toys woven using the macrame technique look very beautiful in the pictures in books. However, to make such a craft, you need to have a good imagination and know the technique. large quantity nodes Therefore, it is better for beginners to avoid weaving toys like a rooster or a monkey.

Weaving of three-dimensional toys often occurs using a combination of square and rep knots.

Toys that have a convex shape are assembled from several separately woven parts, which are first sewn together and then stuffed with cotton wool, sawdust or foam rubber. Schemes with detailed description How to make such crafts at home can be found in specialized textbooks.

Before moving on to knitting the parts, you need to make a pattern on a sheet of thick paper. For example, a monkey pattern consists of two parts: a muzzle, two ears, a torso, four legs and a tail.

Macrame phone cases

When a child already knows how to weave a variety of miniature crafts, and he is interested in continuing to learn, you can try to knit a more substantial craft, for example, a phone case. Of course, you can buy ready-made cases for such equipment, but it is much more pleasant to wear something made with your own hands.

For a simple smartphone case you only need threads of two colors. We will perform weaving with square knots (in order to weave such a knot, you need to double weave a flat knot in different directions). Since the threads will be folded in half, the length of each of them should be twelve times the length of the phone.

Master class on knitting a phone case:

  1. Attach fifteen threads folded in half to the pillow. Eleven of them should be a primary color, and four should be an additional color. Additional threads should be located on the left side.
  2. We weave the first row of square knots. In this case, the upper flat knot should be right-handed, and the lower one left-handed.
  3. We move the first two and last two threads to the sides. From the remaining threads we weave a series of square knots.
  4. We check whether the width of the smartphone matches the width of the rows. If not, let's connect required amount threads
  5. After we have determined the width of one side for the smartphone, we tie the same number of threads for the back to the two rows of square knots made earlier. If you did not knit additional threads before this stage, then you will need to weave four more threads of an additional color, and eleven of the main one.
  6. After two rows of square knots are woven from the new threads, two threads should be pulled from the left and right edges to the sides, the old and new threads will be at the same level. You should end up with two common rows of square knots.
  7. Tie another thirteen rows of square knots, taking two more outer threads to the sides in each row. This pattern is called checkerboard.
  8. Now wrap the cover with the resulting triangle. One of its corners should be braided. In the second row, connect two threads pulled to the sides with a square knot. Weave the cover to the end with a checkerboard, connecting the first and last two threads in each row. In the last row, the threads of the additional color should be woven together, and the threads of the main color among themselves.

You need to finish weaving the fabric of the cover with a horizontal braid. It will allow you to decorate their cases with a voluminous cord.

Products using the macrame technique: knitting the bottom for the cover

To finish weaving the bottom, take two central threads of an additional color and weave rep knots with the left one on the left side on all threads from top to bottom, and with the right one on the right side.

To prevent the weaving from wearing out over time, the bottom of the cover must be coated with glue on the back side.

Sew the resulting strip to the sides of the cover to create a bottom. Bring the threads to reverse side and trim off the excess. Using a pattern made in this way, you can weave car covers, an ottoman for a bathhouse, or a new bag for headphones.

Macrame crafts: Christmas tree toys

Using the macrame technique, you can weave various decorations for your apartment during the New Year. These can be snowflakes, flowers, snowmen and other interesting characters. If you involve children in this activity, they will be happy to help you.

Boys will be interested in weaving decorations for Christmas trees in the shape of cars, and girls will like products in a romantic style, for example, flowers and bows.

New Year's Christmas tree decorations can be decorated with beads, rhinestones and gold threads. In thematic magazines you can find pictures with diagrams of such crafts.

Macrame products: diagrams (video)

Macrame - this one is very useful technique for children's development. Introduce them to this type of needlework, and you will see how their imagination changes for the better.

Macrame. Ball of woven motifs. Master Class

New Year's toy made using macrame technique. Magic ball. Master class with step-by-step photos

Purpose: New Year's toy, interior decoration, gift.
The master class is intended for children over 15 years old, teachers additional education, technology teachers, parents (who know the basics of weaving).
Target: creating a ball from woven star motifs.
- practicing the technique of weaving a rep knot - diagonal and vertical;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- cultivate perseverance, independence, patience.
This product can have two names - “Star Ball”, because it is assembled from wicker stars, and “Magic Ball” - it can easily turn into a small openwork box or vase. It can be woven from thin threads (0.5 - 0.8 mm) and from thick threads (1.5 - 2 mm). Depending on the material you choose, the size of the product offered will depend.
To work you need:
- yarn (cotton, linen) or nylon thread 1 mm thick;
- scissors;
- tape measure;
- safety pins;
- pillow for weaving;
- sewing threads, needle.

The process of doing work.

1.Cut 1 thread 70 cm, 1 thread 85 cm, 1 thread 95 cm. Take a thread 70 cm, find the middle, secure it to the pillow. The left end of the thread is the warp, the right end is the working thread, weave one rep knot.

2. Attach threads of 85 cm and 95 cm to the same base with an extended canopy. Fold the threads so that the left end is approximately 20 - 25 cm less than the right.

3. There are 6 threads in the work. Divide the threads into 3 groups, weave from right to left, the first thread is the warp, the second is the working thread. Weave 3 vertical rep knots.

4. Unfold the last warp (first thread on the left) and weave the brid with five threads.

5. Set aside two threads on the left, and weave one vertical rep knot on the remaining threads. Expand the warp to the right, weave the brid with 3 threads.

6. Using the last working thread, weave a chain of 3 vertical rep knots (the working thread should be on the right).

7. Bend this chain in half to form an “arch”. This is the middle of the first ray of the “asterisk”. Weave 2 threads onto the base of the chain using rep knots.

8. Now on each pair of threads, from left to right, weave one vertical rep knot.

9. Unfold the right warp and weave the brid with 5 threads.

10. On each pair of threads, weave one vertical rep knot and briddle with all threads from right to left. The first ray of the “star” turned out.

11. Unfold the warp, and close to the last brid, weave the second brid with all the threads.

12. Repeat steps 1-11 4 more times. It turned out 5 rays. Sew a star.

For a handmade calendar New Year and Christmas is the most anticipated season, and all because it is on these days that our talents reveal themselves in the best way.

Ideas can be caught literally out of thin air, there are enough materials for creativity, and the pre-holiday atmosphere fills us with something like creative impatience. I would like to see joy in the eyes of the one to whom the fruits of our labor were intended as soon as possible.

You can assume that a real gift can be practical and wearable, or, conversely, have nothing to do with these properties. For example, Christmas tree decorations and New Year's decor.

By the way, they may turn out to be even more promising in terms of further use. Christmas tree decorations are kept in families for decades, becoming part of history. Agree, it’s nice to know that the fruits of your creativity and labor can achieve such a fate.

Therefore, today the Handicraft Runet again invites you to remember that it is this handicraft technique that allows you to do very Original gifts, and simplicity of execution can only emphasize their unusualness and beauty.

It is not at all necessary to buy a live Christmas tree, because there is not always a place where it could be put. But a wicker Christmas tree can fit into any interior without any problems.

To begin with, you can weave a simple Christmas tree in the form of a pyramid, using the master class by Ekaterina Nikiforova. Weaving begins from the top, threads are added to the fabric gradually from row to row, the weaving pattern is short “paths” of square knots of “bugs” arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The lower part of the Christmas tree, brids made from rep knots, on the one hand give it completeness, and on the other hand serve as an element that secures the whole work.

If you like it, you can weave other options for macrame Christmas trees, focusing on the selection of master classes below:

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