Chlorophytum: description, photo, home care. Chlorophytum (50 photos): types and care of Chlorophytum violet

Chlorophytum ( Chlorophytum) – perennial herbaceous plant with narrow hanging leaves and tendrils giving rise to new bushes. Leaf color options are green or white-green or cream-green. This is a very unpretentious plant that can grow in almost any soil and in any light. If the maintenance conditions are good, then truly gorgeous specimens with hanging charming leaves grow.

If you forget to water the chlorophytum, it can live off the moisture accumulated in the fleshy roots. So this plant is for the forgetful. If you get “babies” from chlorophytum, you can plant them either immediately in moist soil, or put them in water to form roots. Chlorophytum takes root very easily.

Homeland of chlorophytum It is considered Africa, where it grows in the shade, right on the bark of trees. It was brought to Europe in the 19th century and immediately won the hearts of plant lovers. Cascading leaves up to 80 cm long simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. A healthy adult plant can reach half a meter in diameter. Chlorophytum lives for more than 10 years.

Useful properties of chlorophytum

There is an opinion that if you add a little coal to a pot of chlorophytum, its cleansing properties will increase several times.

If chlorophytum is watered more often, it can even humidify the air. Therefore, it is indispensable for people with bronchial problems and allergies of various etiologies.

If you live in a polluted area, you cannot do without this plant. It is believed that it can collect compounds such as carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, benzene, formaldehyde, etc.

Caring for chlorophytum

Although chlorophytum is unpretentious to external conditions, nevertheless, it is advisable to observe some conditions of detention.

  • Lighting. Tolerates both sun and shade well. In the sun the colors of the leaves are brighter.
  • Temperature. Unpretentious. Withstands cool temperatures up to 8 degrees.
  • Feeding. In the warm season, it needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers once a month.
  • Air humidity. Does not require spraying. Only as a cleansing shower. To avoid breaking the leaves, do not wipe. It tolerates dry air in the apartment. Comfortable watering - in winter - 1 time a week, in summer - 2 times a week.
  • The soil. Unpretentious. Grows well in commercially available all-purpose potting mix.
  • Transfer. It needs replanting only when the roots begin to crawl out of the pot. It is best to replant chlorophytum in the spring.
  • Reproduction. “Babies”—leaf rosettes—are placed in damp soil or in a glass of water. They take root easily and grow quickly.
  • Diseases and pests. It is affected by thrips insects. Precautionary measures include regular inspection and maintaining high air humidity. The plant should be treated with anti-aphid agents at the first signs of the disease. Affected leaves must be removed.

Main types of chlorophytum

(Chlorophytum comosum) – characterized by a short stem and light green leaves.

It has several decorative forms:

  • Variety "vittatum" - with a longitudinal stripe in the middle
  • Variety "variegatum" - with whitish stripes along the edges of the leaves
  • Variety "maculatum" - leaves with longitudinal yellow stripes
  • Variety "Curty Locks" - with striped leaves twisted into a wide spiral

(Chlorophytum capense) - characterized by narrowly lanceolate leaves, tapering towards the base and thickened tuberous roots. The leaves are light green with a non-sharp keeled end.

(Chlorophytum amaniense) – characterized by broadly oval lanceolate leaves. The leaves are dark green, tapering towards the base. There are several varieties - "Green Orange" and "Fire Flash". These varieties are distinguished by wide leaves and orange petioles.

Chlorophytum is a popular home herbaceous plant. Ten years ago he could be found in almost any home. It's not as common now, but it's still everyone's favorite. The secret of such popularity is very simple: chlorophytum is unpretentious in care, quickly grows and takes root. Even inexperienced gardeners can easily cope with it. Because of its long, drooping, pointed leaves, it was even nicknamed the “green spider.” The inflorescences resemble white stars on tall shoots.

General characteristics

Chlorophytum came to us from South Africa and South America. There are more than two hundred varieties of this plant. In nature, it settles on tree branches, is attached to the bark and is an essential component of forest cover.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant up to half a meter high. It has practically no stem, and the basal leaves grow almost from the ground. The rhizome is white thin cord-like shoots that are firmly rooted in the ground thanks to elongated tubers. These tubers accumulate moisture, which saves the flower during drought.

Chlorophytum was first described in 1794. It was brought to Europe towards the end of the 19th century, and it instantly spread everywhere. In nature, it thrives in warm tropical regions and is scattered throughout the world. This is the reason for so many different species. Chlorophytum leaves are linear, smooth, bright green or variegated. The average length is from 15 to 60 cm. The sinewy core clearly shows through in the middle.

The leaves can be short-petioled or sessile. Flowers appear in summer. At home, chlorophytum can bloom several times a year. The buds are grouped into nodes. When they fade, babies develop on the stems. A rosette is formed in place, from which aerial roots sprout. As soon as they touch the ground, they take root almost instantly. There are also fruits: dry oblong boxes with three sections for seeds.

The properties have not yet been fully studied. But chlorophytum definitely moisturizes dry air well, brings freshness to the room and creates a comfortable microclimate. Its antiseptic effect is also known. It effectively destroys dangerous bacteria around it.

Phytoncides eliminate dangerous fumes: tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde. The atmosphere in the room becomes much healthier. In addition, the flower is completely safe for pets. Cats can even eat it instead of a special herb to cleanse the body.

Finally, it looks good and bright, fills the room with color and fits harmoniously into the interior.

Types of chlorophytum

It is almost impossible to list all types of chlorophytum. They cannot even be accurately calculated, because different sources provide different data. On average, a category includes more than 200 plant species, but only some of them are ornamental. They are bred in houses and apartments. These include:

Chlorophytum crested. Bright green, with a symmetrical rosette and narrow long leaves. The diameter of the rosette is up to 50 cm. Tall flowering arrows sprout from it. Visually, an adult bush resembles a fountain. There are several subspecies: vittatum - with a white stripe along the leaf, laxum - with variegated leaves with a whitish edge, variegata - with a silver edge around the perimeter of a light leaf, and ocean - with a spiral arrangement of leaves.

Chlorophytum cape. It has long, up to 60 cm, light leaves up to 3 cm wide. The rosettes are very dense. Another feature is the short flowering stems. Such a plant reproduces more often by division, and not by the typical method for chlorophytum of forming daughter rosettes. This species is larger than others and can reach 80 cm in height.

Chlorophytum winged or orange. This is a low plant with relatively wide oval leaves. Their petioles are short and fleshy. The color is dark, and the petiole and vein are orange. The inflorescence resembles an ear of corn and is formed on a short peduncle. It most closely resembles its tropical counterparts. The most beautiful varieties– Fire Flash and Green Orange.

Chlorophytum Bonnie. This is a small curly chlorophytum with spiral leaves. There is a wide white stripe in the center of the plate.

Caring for chlorophytum

Caring for chlorophytum is very easy. He needs almost nothing. Under comfortable conditions, it is not capricious at all, it grows luxuriantly, turns green and blooms regularly.

The more bright daylight the better, but you will need protection from direct sunlight. With a lack of sun, the flower does not die, but fades and grows poorly. It is better to place chlorophytum near windows in the light or in partial shade. Ideally, these are not south-facing windows exposed to scorching rays.

The ideal temperature is about +25C. In winter – up to +20C. Avoid hypothermia below +10C. The colder it is, the lower the humidity should be. Chlorophytum loves spraying and bathing. If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out. The same thing happens with a battery or heater.

Plan planting, transplanting and propagation for February or March. A young and actively growing flower is replanted every year. Mature and mature plants - once every few years. When replanting, clear the root of clods of earth and remove rotten and damaged fragments. After all procedures, water the plant and leave it in the shade.

Keep in mind that chlorophytum needs a large, voluminous pot. The flower has a powerful branched rhizome that needs space. But at the same time, you should not take too large a container “for growth”: the root system will strive to fill the volume to the detriment of the above-ground part.

In summer and spring, water the plant abundantly, but do not overuse it. Let the soil dry at least halfway. Chlorophytum stores moisture in the tubers of the rhizome, so it will have enough. Never allow water to stagnate and empty the pan 20 minutes after watering.

An ideal neutral or slightly acidic soil mixture consists of turf and leaf soil, sand, leaf humus and crushed pine bark in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. As a fertilizer, you can periodically add a mineral complex solution for deciduous plants to the soil. It is best to do this in March-August, 1-2 times a month.

Transplantation and propagation

Chlorophytum reproduces very easily. You don't need practically anything for this. Of course, you can grow a flower from seeds yourself, or you can use simple vegetative methods. The options are:

Seeds. Keep in mind that they have a fairly low germination rate, only 25–40%. You can buy them in a special store or assemble them yourself, but in the latter case you will first have to worry about artificial pollination of the flower. It is better to plant chlorophytum in early spring. Leave the seeds in a wet cloth for a day. After this, the seeds are buried into the soil by about 7 mm. Spray the surface with water and cover with film. Leave the improvised greenhouse warm and in the sun. Temperature – up to 25C. sunlight– absent-minded. Ventilate daily and periodically spray the crops. The flower emerges unevenly, after about 5 weeks. You need to remove the film gradually, at first for a short time, in order to accustom weak seedlings to the open air. When a few true, strong leaves appear, the seedling can be transferred to a separate pot.

Rooting rosettes. The babies that form on peduncles are small rosettes with an aerial root. It is enough to bury them a little into the soil, and nature will do its thing. The children are separated from the escape when they have already taken root. The second option is to cut off the rosette and briefly place it in a container with a small amount of water. When the root is formed, it can be transplanted into the soil.

Division. Large adult plants can be divided when transplanting. It is better to do this in spring and with flowers that are older than 4 years. Carefully cut the rhizome with a sharp blade. To disinfect and protect, sprinkle the cut with charcoal. Immediately place the plants in separate pots. Usually even small parts with small roots take root successfully. This is one of the main properties of chlorophytum.

Pest and disease control

Chlorophytum - photo

To find out what chlorophytum looks like, look at our selection of photos. This will help you navigate your choice and understand where to place your new pet.

The most famous, the most useful, the most unpretentious and, oddly enough, the most annoying - which green pet can you say that about? Of course it is chlorophytum- a house plant that can be found everywhere.

Back in the days Soviet Union chlorophytum gained unprecedented popularity: it was grown in apartments, in schools, in clinics, and in stores, that is, almost everywhere. Of course, at that time people were not spoiled by exotic home flowers, but still this is not the only reason for the widespread distribution of chlorophytum. The fact is that this plant combines both decorative properties, as well as various useful qualities that you will learn about by reading the article. Subsequently, the popularity of chlorophytum faded, and the minds of amateur plant growers were occupied by new fancy flowers.

[!] IN Lately, due to popularity healthy image life, interest in chlorophytum began to revive again.

Chlorophytum, whose Latin name is Chlorophytum, is a representative of the Liliaceae family (Latin Liliaceae), according to some scientists, or the Asparagus (Latin Asparagaceae) and Agave (Latin Agavoideae) families, according to others.

IN wildlife chlorophytum can be found in humid tropical forests South America, Africa and Australia. The perennial has a particular preference for river banks with volcanic or sedimentary soils. The special structure of the roots with tuberous thickenings that accumulate moisture allows the plant to survive dry periods, which often occur in the tropics and subtropics.

In its homeland, Africa, chlorophytum is very popular, both wild and cultivated. Among the Nguni tribes, the plant is used both for medicinal purposes (especially for pregnant women) and as an amulet to protect mother and child. Chlorophytum is even used on a national scale: the perennial is planted on steep embankments and slopes to combat landslides and soil erosion.

The name comes from a combination of two Greek words - “chloros” (greenish-yellow, green) and “phyton” (plant), so in Greek, chlorophytum is simply “green plant”. Of course, this word form is not entirely correct, because many varieties of perennials are not only green, but also multi-colored: with cream, white and even orange shades. Chlorophytum was first widely studied, described and named in 1794 by the Swedish botanist Carl Peter Thunberg during an expedition to South Africa.

Chlorophytum is a representative of perennial evergreen herbs. In the natural environment, it reaches up to 1 m in height and in diameter; in home growing conditions, the maximum dimensions are about 40 cm. Long lanceolate leaves hang freely down, the stems are thin and curved, and a leaf rosette with aerial roots is formed at the ends of the stems. The flowers are small, white, collected in loose inflorescences of five to six pieces. The flowering of chlorophytum is not of decorative interest.

Types of chlorophytum

The most common type of chlorophytum is chlorophytum crested(Chlorophytum comosum). It is Chlorophytum crested that can most often be found on our windowsills. This is a plant with long, narrow, deep green leaves and arched stems with leafy rosettes at the end. It blooms, like other representatives of the genus, with medium-sized white or cream flowers.

Currently, several varieties of Chlorophytum crested have been developed:

  • Chlorophytum comosum "Variegatum"– the edges of the leaves are decorated with light cream stripes;
  • Chlorophytum comosum "Vittatum" – a white stripe runs along the central vein along the entire length of the leaf blade;
  • Chlorophytum comosum "Mboyeti" – wavy edges of leaves;

  • Chlorophytum comosum "Atlantic" – narrow curly leaves;
  • Chlorophytum comosum "Ocean" - sharp lanceolate leaves with a white border at the edges;
  • Chlorophytum comosum "Bonnie"- narrow shortened leaves, twisted into a spiral, in the middle of the leaf blade - a wide light stripe

(Chlorophytum capense) is a herbaceous plant with narrow leaves and short peduncles. The leaves are colored rich green without decorative stripes.

[!] The main difference from Chlorophytum crested is the absence of daughter rosettes on the stems.

(Chlorophytum amaniense) is not similar to the previous species and rather resembles a plant such as. Chlorophytum winged is decorated with wide glossy leaves, collected in a rosette, with a pronounced longitudinal vein, and its flowers are connected in a peduncle resembling a cob. In indoor culture it is represented by several varieties:

  • Chlorophytum amaniense "GreenOrange"– the petioles are painted bright orange, in the middle of the leaf blade there is an orange longitudinal vein;
  • Chlorophytum amaniense "FireFlash"– a variety similar to GreenOrange, the longitudinal vein is less pronounced.

Caring for chlorophytum at home

Chlorophytum is considered one of the most unpretentious houseplants, so even a beginner can care for it. Timely watering and replanting, sufficient light and a warm room - these are the basic principles of caring for the Spartan from Africa. But, if you want to create optimal conditions for your green pet, it is worth studying the rules for keeping chlorophytum in more detail.

Temperature and lighting

The range of temperatures suitable for chlorophytum is quite wide - from 17°C in winter to 27°C in summer months, and in winter even a short-term drop in temperature to 10°C is possible.

The plant is not demanding on lighting and cannot tolerate, perhaps, only a complete lack of natural light or, conversely, an excess of bright sunlight. Better conditions illumination - diffused light or partial shade on western and eastern windows. In the hot season, it will be useful to take the plant out into the fresh air: loggia, balcony, garden plot.

[!] Curly and variegated varieties are more demanding on lighting conditions: with a lack of light, decorative qualities are lost.

Watering and air humidity

For all its unpretentiousness, chlorophytum is quite picky about watering. The plant needs a fairly large amount of moisture, because under natural conditions the perennial prefers to settle in floodplains. However, excessive watering, like drought, will also damage the plant and can lead to the formation of root rot.

The optimal watering regime for chlorophytum in the hot summer months is 2 times a week. In winter, watering can be more moderate: once every seven days. For irrigation, it is better to use soft, settled or filtered water.

[!] Chlorophytum can withstand quite long (1-1.5 weeks) drought: the roots of the perennial have special thickenings in which moisture accumulates, which the plant uses when there is a lack of water.
[!] When watering chlorophytum, try not to pour water into the middle of the bush, where the growing point is, but water the substrate at the edge of the pot.

Air humidity is not a very important parameter for growing chlorophytum: the normal climate of an apartment is quite suitable. But, if you want the plant to be healthier and grow faster, spray it once a week in the summer. In winter, spraying can be eliminated completely.


In order for the chlorophytum to remain lush, the plant must be pinched or trimmed periodically. The following are subject to removal:

  • dried leaves;
  • yellowed leaves;
  • leaves that are spotted or blackened;
  • extra mustache with leaf rosettes

[!] A large number of leaf rosettes harms the mother plant, intensively consuming it vitality. For the best condition of chlorophytum, it is necessary to cut off excess, overgrown layers closer to the base.

Soil and fertilizing

Chlorophytum does not require special soil; it can be planted in almost any nutrient substrate. It is necessary to pay attention only to the acidity of the soil and exclude too acidic or, conversely, alkaline mixtures. The best option is neutral soils (pH from 6.6 to 7.2).

From ready-made store-bought soils, you can choose a nutritious universal soil or soil mixtures for roses, begonias or palm trees. To independently prepare the substrate, you need to mix turf, leaf, humus soil with sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. It would be a good idea to add some coal to the soil. You will also need a drainage layer (expanded clay, vermiculite, clay shards) at least two centimeters high.

It is not at all necessary to feed chlorophytum intensively: an adult perennial gets everything it needs without fertilizers. But, for the best condition of the plant, in the spring-summer period it is possible to use mineral or organic fertilizer (Bona Forte, Planta Miracle and others). Fertilizers will also be useful during the period of growth and development of young chlorophytum.

Transplantation and propagation

Whether there is a need to replant chlorophytum can be determined by several signs:

  • the roots do not fit in the bowl and begin to appear on the surface of the soil;
  • the plant has stopped growing, there are no new shoots, flowering does not occur

Transplantation is best done in early spring, in February or March, before the period of rapid growth begins, into a container approximately one-quarter larger than the previous one.

Chlorophytum is propagated in several ways:

  1. Leaf rosettes;
  2. Dividing the bush;
  3. Seeds

Which one to choose depends on the type of perennial. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Reproduction leaf rosettes- the simplest option that even a novice gardener can handle. From the adult mother plant, it is necessary to separate and root the formed leaf rosette located on the creeping shoot (whisker) of chlorophytum. Rooting occurs in water or in a peat-sand mixture. After a sufficient number of roots about 3 cm long appear, the young chlorophytum can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. Due to the high survival rate of chlorophytum, the rosette can be planted directly into the ground.

[!] The method is not suitable for propagating Chlorophytum cape and Chlorophytum winged, since these species do not have leaf rosettes.

Propagate chlorophytum dividing the bush also easy. The procedure is carried out during transplantation of an adult perennial specimen. The plant is removed from the pot and, using a sharp knife, divided into required amount parts, having previously freed the roots from the ground. Each part should have one or more healthy shoots and root shoots. After separation, the resulting plants are planted in new containers and watered abundantly.

Reproduction of chlorophytum seeds- a rather exotic technique, more appropriate for breeders developing new varieties. In order to germinate seeds, you need to place them in a damp cloth or simply in water for several days. Then the prepared seeds are sown in a container with a mixture of sand and peat, practically without deepening them. For better germination of chlorophytum seeds, the container can be covered with film or a piece of glass and placed in a warm place, thus creating a greenhouse effect. In this case, the soil with seeds must be periodically watered, and the film must be removed and the container ventilated. After the seeds germinate and the first few leaves appear, the plants can be transplanted into a regular substrate.

[!] When planting young chlorophytums, place them in a pot several at a time - an adult bush will look more magnificent and decorative.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Pests rarely appear on chlorophytum, but sometimes the plant is attacked by mealybugs, aphids, nematodes or thrips. All these insects are destroyed by folk remedies if their numbers are small or by insecticides when the colony has spread. Read more about pests here.

As for diseases, chlorophytum is quite resistant to them. The main threat to perennials is root rot, which occurs due to excessive watering. All other diseases also appear due to improper care:

  • Brown, drying tips of leaves - excessive watering or stagnation of water in the pan. What to do - remove water from the pan, limit watering;
  • Brown spots on the leaf plate - too bright lighting, sunburn, mechanical damage. What to do - shade the chlorophytum;
  • The leaves have lightened, the decorative stripes have disappeared - soil depletion, the pot is too small, lack of light. What to do - move the plant to a more illuminated place, feed it, transplant it into a larger container;
  • Lethargic, drooping leaves - overwatering, the formation of root rot, poor lighting. What to do - check the roots (cut off rotten areas, sprinkle the cut areas with coal), replant, reduce watering, change the location of the plant;
  • Brown stripes along the central leaf vein - the container is too large, overflow, root rotting. What to do - transplant into a smaller pot, review the watering regime, check the roots;
  • Chlorophytum does not bloom and does not produce shoots - the pot is too large. What to do - plant it in a small, cramped container;
  • Leaves break in half – mechanical damage. What to do - do not injure the chlorophytum, if necessary, place several supports for the leaves;
  • Black tips of leaves mean very dry air. What to do - periodically spray, place a container of water next to the plant

As you can see, chlorophytum is a very beautiful and unpretentious houseplant that can bring a lot of joy to its owner. And if you are still wondering whether you need this flower, then here is:

4 reasons to grow chlorophytum

1. Chlorophytum is one of the most. Perhaps no one does a better job of cleaning indoor air than he does. The perennial successfully absorbs nicotine, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acetone and many other substances that poison the air. Chlorophytum can and even should be grown in the kitchen (carbon monoxide emitted by a working gas stove), in the office (formaldehyde emitted by chipboard office furniture), and in rooms where people smoke (nicotine).

2. and Feng Shui, chlorophytum can bring comfort and peace to the family. And even its second name – Family Happiness – speaks about this. Where chlorophytum grows, there is no place for disputes, quarrels and conflicts.

3. Cats love chlorophytum and eat the tips of the leaves of the plant. Contrary to popular belief, the perennial is not at all dangerous for furry animals, but, on the contrary, is useful and helps them cleanse their stomach. If the cat bothers the plant too much, sow sprouted oats, wheat or barley in a separate container for it.

4. Chlorophytum humidifies the air due to the accumulation and release of moisture. And this undoubted advantage of the plant is fully manifested in apartments, the air of which is usually dry. A comfortable microclimate is especially necessary for people suffering from pulmonary diseases and various allergies.

Now you are convinced that chlorophytum is necessary in literally every home. Well, if you are already the happy owner of this miracle plant, take proper care of it and enjoy its beauty and benefits.

Chlorophytum is perfect for growing at home for novice flower growers, because by its nature it is not at all picky about living conditions and is content with the simplest care. In addition, chlorophytum has an extremely pleasant property and has the ability to purify the air around it.

Handsome room orderly

Chlorophytum became known as a houseplant more than two hundred years ago. During this time, his reputation as an air orderly was firmly established, which he earned thanks to his ability to purify the air of harmful impurities by passing them through himself.

Chlorophytum purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene. Named by NASA as one of the three plant species that most effectively removes formaldehyde from the air. It also neutralizes carbon monoxide and other toxins.

Origin of chlorophytum, description of botanical features

The homeland of chlorophytum is the tropics and subtropics of South Africa and America. There the plant lives in the area of ​​reservoirs, rivers and streams. And some of its species even grow on the bark of trees and are epiphytes, receiving nutrients from the air through photosynthesis and moisture from precipitation.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant in the form of a bush with spreading narrow leaves of juicy green or green with white stripes. The foliage is long, up to 50 cm in length.

The flower tends to produce long, sometimes meter-sized, side shoots, very similar to strawberry mustaches. In spring and during the summer, small white flowers are formed on these arrows, collected in inflorescences, and after flowering, the side shoots are overgrown with daughter rosettes with aerial roots. The rosettes are easily separated and rooted in the soil.

For the first time in European countries became acquainted with chlorophytum in the second half of the 19th century. Since then, the flower has spread throughout the world. It especially took root in Holland, where it became a favorite in almost every home, receiving another name - the “flying Dutchman”.

What is the plant called chlorophytum?

Of the many varieties of chlorophytum, several of the most well-known forms can be distinguished. The remaining species included in this list are less popular, and many are completely unknown to anyone except botanists.

Types and varieties

  • Chlorophytum crested is a perennial with a voluminous leaf rosette, from which xiphoid-shaped leaves with white longitudinal stripes in the middle of the leaf sprout. The flowers are white, small. It actively grows tendrils with rosettes at the end and thereby forms a cascade shape. There are three forms of crested chlorophytum: vittatum - the standard type, maculatum - with yellow longitudinal stripes, and "Curty Locks", the striped leaves of which are spirally twisted.
  • Chlorophytum curly (Chlorophytum Bonnie) - similar to crested, but differing in that its leaves do not hang down in an arched manner, but curl and curl. The rosettes of this species are more compressed and compact.
  • Chlorophytum cape has no stripes on its leaves, which are simply green, narrowly lanceolate, up to 60 cm in length, growing directly from the center of the basal rosette. Cape chlorophytum produces flower stalks that are unattractive, short, and does not form rosettes at all and reproduces only by division.
  • Chlorophytum orange (winged or orchistellar) is a low-growing type with dark green foliage standing on bright orange petioles. The flower stalks are short and the seed capsule makes the orange chlorophytum look like an ear of corn. The "Green Orange" and "Fire Flesh" varieties look even more impressive with more contrasting colors.
  • A rare guest of city apartments, Chlorophytum Laxum has thin leaves, the white stripes on which do not go in the middle, like the crested one, but along both edges, framing each leaf, as if making it glow. Laxum does not form daughter rosettes on side shoots.

Photo gallery: crested, cape, curly and other varieties

Chlorophytum crested - tropical plant, its roots grow strongly, so wide flowerpots are preferable for it. Unlike chlorophytum crested, Cape chlorophytum does not form daughter rosettes on peduncles. In addition to the names Winged and Orange, this type of chlorophytum has another one - Orchid Star. To prevent the flower from fading, florists suggest cutting off the arrows when they appear. The most decorative of chlorophytums is the elegant Chlorophytum Curly (Bonnie). Chlorophytum Laxum is not yet often found in flower growers' collections. Characterized by a dense rosette formed by thin leaves edged with white. Feature - no children

Video: how to plant - what soil, pot, how much to water and fertilize Chlorophytum Bonnie

Can decorate both the house and the yard

One of the important advantages of chlorophytum is its versatility in interior design. Chlorophytum can be hung on the wall in a flowerpot or placed on a high stand; species growing in a cascade will look especially impressive.

Chlorophytum loves diffused light, which means it will feel great on a flower stand or shelf, which is located in the back of the room with a large and wide window.

In a kitchen of any size and design, chlorophytum is not just a great decoration, but also an excellent air purifier.

And if the size of your kitchen allows it, place the plant directly on the counter; a work area decorated in this way will lift your spirits and distract you from the monotony of cooking.

The ability of chlorophytum to normally tolerate light shade allows you to decorate a window by hanging hanging flowerpots directly on a curtained window, enlivening a usually boring window square.

Placed between other indoor plants, chlorophytum always fits harmoniously into a green composition.

Even in the bathroom, where there is natural light, chlorophytum is easy to use and pleases the eye with fresh greenery.

Chlorophytum taken out into the fresh air in the warm season allows you to enliven a balcony, courtyard or terrace.

Florists who are keen on landscape design will be very pleased with the fact that here, too, chlorophytum, thanks to its lily-like appearance, is in great demand and successfully forms plant compositions near ponds.

This is how, without great expense, but with great imagination, you can decorate any interior with the help of a simple, no-frills, but beautiful chlorophytum plant.

Seasonal conditions of detention

Chlorophytum is one of the most unpretentious plants. It is well suited for beginning gardeners and busy people. Even if the rules for its maintenance are slightly violated, this, as a rule, will not greatly damage the plant. Chlorophytum will reward a caring owner with a wonderful view and a healthy atmosphere in the house.

Table: temperature, lighting, feeding and other conditions of detention in the warm and cold seasons

Content Options Spring-summer season Autumn-winter season
TemperatureIn the warm season best temperature 23 °C. In hot weather, place it on the balcony, where there are no drafts, wind or direct sunlight.In winter, the most suitable temperature is from 18 to 20 °C. The minimum temperature that chlorophytum can tolerate is 8 ° C
LightingBright diffused light, but also tolerates shading. Grows well near eastern or western windows. It can also be located on the north window, but in too dark a place it loses its decorative effect. The south window needs shading.
HumidityChlorophytum is quite happy with the usual humidity in the room. In spring, you can spray it once a week with a spray bottle. During the summer heat, the frequency of moisturizing can be increased. Bathing in the shower will clear the leaves of dust and help them survive the increased air temperature. Gently blot any water that gets into the middle of the socket, where the growth point is located, with a napkin.In winter, if you maintain the required temperature, you can do without spraying, replacing it with wiping the leaves. When growing near the heating system, you can occasionally humidify the air around the plant
WateringWater abundantly from spring to autumn; during the growing season, chlorophytum needs a lot of moistureIn winter, watering is reduced, making sure that the substrate does not dry out between waterings.
FertilizerFertilizer watering is carried out once every 2 weeks from March to August with complex fertilizer for decorative foliage plants

Transplantation is a requirement

The roots of chlorophytum are very dense, wide, elastic with oblong tubers. Even for One year they grow greatly, so regular transplanting into a larger pot is simply necessary. If this is neglected, the plant may stop growing and stop forming flower stalks.

It is simply impossible to grow a large and beautiful chlorophytum bush without ever replanting it. The main reasons for the necessary replanting: either the pot has become cramped, or the need to renew the depleted soil with a more nutritious one.

Video: replanting after purchase, replacing the soil mixture, moving to a pot of the right size

Step-by-step instructions for replanting homemade chlorophytum

Video: how to transplant chlorophytum into the correct soil

Chlorophytum is ready to grow in any soil, but if you intend to grow a healthy and lush bush that can reward you with beautiful foliage and active flowering, it is important to plant it in a nutritious substrate. The most suitable soil mixture consists of equal parts of leaf and turf soil, humus and river sand.

If the soil mixture is purchased in a store, it is recommended to take a light substrate with a pH level of 6 to 7.5, since the crop prefers slightly acidic soil. If you are not in the mood to bother with preparing the soil for the flower, then take any, because under other favorable conditions, chlorophytum will forgive you this negligence.

Video: to grow a beautiful bush, take care of the right soil composition

Planting in hydrogel

In addition to soil, hydrogel is excellent for growing. But when using it you need to adhere to some rules. To plant in hydrogel, it is better to take a young plant - the adaptation process will go much faster than in an adult. If the plant was previously in the ground, the roots should be washed thoroughly before immersion in the hydrogel. Add water to the swollen hydrogel rarely and carefully. Do not place a plant planted in hydrogel in a place that is too bright. Do not forget to fertilize occasionally; the solution with fertilizing should be slightly concentrated. Periodically the hydrogel needs to be washed in running water to avoid possible unpleasant odor.

Can be planted in a florarium, temporarily in an aquarium

In small apartments, a florarium is a worthy replacement for bulky greenhouses. Thanks to the closed space, it maintains a special microclimate favorable for the growth and development of many plants.

Chlorophytum can also be grown in florariums, but not in fashionable mini ones, where due to its rapid growth it will have to be constantly replaced with new specimens. and in larger ones, for example, in large aquariums or display cases, both open and closed.

Some people use chlorophytum for landscaping aquariums. But we must remember that for a long time The plant will not be able to be submerged under water - after a few months it will have to be taken out and planted in the ground. But you can root cuttings in an aquarium.

Video: an attempt to place chlorophytum in an aquarium

Necessary care at home

Chlorophytum cannot be called a capricious plant; on the contrary, in an apartment it behaves loyally and only due to strong changes in the usual environmental parameters can it change its usual behavior. For example, curly chlorophytum can straighten its leaves. This charming mutation will disappear if the air is too dry, watering is irregular, and nutrition is poor.

Light-loving flower

Chlorophytum feels best under bright but diffuse lighting. Direct rays can burn it, and deprive variegated forms of their bright color, which, however, can happen in too shaded places. The owners should find an area optimally removed from the sun where the flower will feel comfortable. It is worth noting that chlorophytum tolerates several hours of direct sunlight very well, so the south-east window is an ideal zone for it.

Direct sunlight is not very beneficial for the flower. They can burn the leaves or discolor them. If the plant is on a south-facing window, shade it during the midday hours.

A pale appearance indicates temperature disturbances

The temperature range that chlorophytum tolerates is very impressive. It easily tolerates the summer heat and also does well in the winter window at a temperature of 8–10 °C. Moreover, when the temperature drops below 8 ° C, chlorophytum will not die, it will simply affect its appearance of the flower, it will turn pale and begin to wither.

During the summer heat, it is necessary to ventilate the room with chlorophytum or sometimes take the plant out into the fresh air. In winter, it is recommended to compensate for the high air temperature with periodic spraying or a warm shower. The main thing is that during swimming the soil in which chlorophytum grows does not erode.

We water correctly

During the period from spring to late autumn, when chlorophytum is in the stage of active growth and intensively increases its green mass, it is watered abundantly. If there is a lack of moisture in the soil, the roots begin to form many tubers to accumulate moisture for future use, and the stems may turn yellow. While the plant absorbs a lot of water, it is recommended to ventilate the room, but avoid cool drafts. In winter, watering is reduced, making sure that the earthen ball does not dry out. It is worth noting that flooding a flower will destroy the rosette of a bush faster than a prolonged drought.

Wick watering

One way to moisten the soil is wick watering. It consists in the fact that when planting a plant, a thickly twisted rope is placed in the center of the pot, which should then be passed through the drainage hole and placed in a vessel with water. The thickness of the rope depends on the diameter of the pot, and the length depends on the depth.

A plant is planted in a pot with a rope according to all the rules, and the container is placed on the same vessel with water. They are now inextricably linked to each other by this cord, along which the moisture will rise directly to the roots. This method saves time, and it has been noticed that plant growth accelerates; beneficial substances are not washed out of the soil as quickly as during traditional watering.

But when growing flowers in a cool room, this method is not recommended, and for chlorophytum it is generally considered ineffective, but possible option, especially for flower growers who are often absent from home.

To avoid yellowing, the leaves require frequent spraying.

Chlorophytum tolerates dry air, but only with periodic spraying of the foliage will the bush not dry out and the tips of the foliage turn yellow, especially if in winter the chlorophytum is located near heating radiators.

The structural features of the chlorophytum leaf allow dust and dirt to accumulate in the central hollow. By wiping the leaves with a damp swab to remove accumulated dirt, we not only improve his well-being, but also allow him to even more actively purify the air in the room.

Chlorophytum needs constant spraying

Not a single plant during the active growing season will refuse additional nutrition. By regularly feeding chlorophytum, you can get a voluminous, richly colored flower with numerous shoots. An ideal option would be a complex fertilizer for indoor flowers, the packaging of which conveniently indicates the feeding time and dosage. But for inquisitive gardeners there are more complicated methods: independent selection of the composition of fertilizers.

Any root feeding should be done only after watering and preferably in the evening or in cloudy weather. Do not forget to take into account the concentration of any fertilizing depending on the volume of the pot and the age of the crop.

Flowering depends on transplantation

Timely replanting of the bush determines both the abundance and consistency of flowering. If the chlorophytum has room in the pot and enough light, it actively produces lateral shoots, blooms and forms rosettes, turning into a gorgeous cascading plant.

Chlorophytum blooms with small white flowers and the longer and denser the arrow, the more intensively and for a long time the plant will bloom - at least a month. If you do not plan to propagate your chlorophytum, do not allow daughter rosettes to develop, thereby prolonging the flowering process.

We take care of it differently in autumn and winter than in summer.

Chlorophytum does not have a pronounced dormancy, but the intensity of its vital activity decreases, so in winter the plant must be cared for somewhat differently than in summer. Chlorophytum requirements during this period: keep in a cool room and rarely water. Under such conditions, he saves energy and lays buds for the next season. In spring, the flower should be awakened gradually, accustoming it to brighter light and a large volume of water.

Forming a bush: how to pinch, prune correctly

Pruning for chlorophytum is an optional procedure and is carried out only if it is necessary to rid the plant of broken or diseased leaves. But if you do not prune the crop completely, the flower grows too quickly - the whiskers of such a plant can reach 5 meters.

To avoid damaging the plant, cut off only the outer leaves without touching internal parts sockets

Pruning is done with pruning shears. Excess or diseased leaves that have begun to break are cut off right at the base. Too long mustaches are shortened, and excess ones are removed at the base, like the leaves. You can prune chlorophytum several times a year at any time. Pinching a bush is done with the aim of improving its health. To do this, pinch off the central tip of the plant. As a result, the flower will begin to form side bushes and after a while will become much more magnificent.

Table: content errors, elimination of causes, methods of treatment

Plant malaise Causes Rescue measures
Brown leaf tipsLack of nutrients, dry air, heat, direct sunlight or mechanical damageEliminating all possible causes
Brown spotsBaying plants during the hot heating seasonStop watering and irrigating foliage
The leaves begin to turn pale and become lifelessHeat, light deficiency or lack of minerals in the soilReduce temperature if necessary, add light. Feed the plant 2 times a month, especially during the flowering and reproduction period
Rosettes begin to turn black and rotWaterlogging of the soil when the temperature drops or heavy clay substrateAllow the substrate to dry to its full depth or transplant the plant into a new pot and treat the rosette with a solution of potassium permanganate
The variegation of the variety is lostPoor lightingMove the flower closer to the window, but not under direct rays. In winter, illuminate with fluorescent lamps
Lack of flower stalksA cramped pot or a young plant ageProper plant care and your patience
Loss of leaf elasticity, depletion of plant tissuesThe plant freezes or gets fatRaise the air temperature above 8–10 °C, stop feeding
During the dormant period, leaves begin to yellow and fallHeat and lack of lightingLowering the temperature (not lower than 8 °C) and supplementary lighting
Brown edges on wrinkled leavesDrying of roots - lack of moisture during the period of active growthAbundant watering

Table: the plant began to die from the disease - rescue measures

Disease Symptoms Treatment methods Prevention
Root rotThe fungal disease begins with yellowing of the leaves, which then become watery, eventually turning black and withering. The process usually starts with the rosette part. If the disease is advanced, chlorophytum diesAt the first signs of rotting, take the chlorophytum out of the pot and release it. root system from the ground and carefully assess its condition. If all the roots are black and softened, the flower, unfortunately, will have to be thrown away. If not all of them have rotted yet, but only white and elastic ones remain, we remove the affected parts with a knife or scissors. We treat the cuts with crushed coal and wait for the wounds to dry. We plant the plant in a new pot with fresh substrate. Place in diffuse shade and start watering only when the first new leaf appears. Do not flood the plant! In winter, monitor soil moisture levels especially carefully. When planting and replanting, be sure to use drainage. Ventilate the room to avoid high humidity. Do not use heavy soils containing a large number of clay
Gray rotA gray fungal coating that covers the leaves in spots appears after chlorophytum is damaged by aphidsTrim and destroy the affected leaves, treat the plant with Horus VDG (Ceprodinil). Before using the drug, read the instructionsAs a preventative measure in hot weather and high humidity, you can treat chlorophytum with a 1% solution of Fundazol. Avoid overwatering the soil

What to do when there are pests

Despite the natural unpretentiousness, in room conditions chlorophytum can be attacked by pests, and you should be prepared for this. And if you have knowledge about precautionary measures, you can prevent any attacks on the flower or, without waiting for significant damage, begin treatment in a timely manner.

Table: possible pests and ways to combat them

Someone will say that the easiest way is to buy a plant in a store and not bother with the worries of propagation. But it doesn’t require much effort; propagating chlorophytum is quite simple. And this process can turn out to be very exciting: what could be more pleasant for a true gardener than watching how plants planted with your own hands grow, bloom and develop.

Growing from seeds

Chlorophytum seeds germinate very reluctantly. The germination percentage is below 40%, it depends on the variety you want to propagate. Therefore, you will have to try hard and use some tricks to get the seed accepted.

  1. The collected chlorophytum seeds are wrapped in gauze and soaked in water for a day. The water must be changed every 4–5 hours.
  2. In early spring, seeds are sown on the surface of a damp peat-sand mixture, lightly pressed into the soil and covered with a transparent material: film or glass.
  3. The container with the crops is placed in a shaded and warm place where the air temperature is kept in the range of 23–25 °C. Crops are ventilated and moistened daily.
  4. Seeds usually germinate only in the second month of such meticulous care. From this point on, it is recommended to increase the ventilation time in order to prevent fungal diseases and harden future plants.
  5. When the shoots have three true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers with soil for chlorophytum.

You can divide the bush and plant it in different pots

When your chlorophytum has grown and matured, you can divide the large bush into several small ones. This method is also called vegetative.

  1. Before dividing, you need to water the flower well.
  2. After a few hours, remove it from the pot. You need to remove the plant along with the earthen lump.
  3. Using a sharp knife, the roots of chlorophytum are divided into the required number of divisions, and the roots are sanitized: dry, soft, rotten roots are removed.
  4. The divisions are seated in different pots.

We grow mustache shoots

With proper care, chlorophytum actively grows tendrils, at the ends of which daughter rosettes form.

These rosettes are carefully separated from the plant and immediately planted in a separate container in a permanent place. To be sure, you can place the rosette in a vessel with water for several days to stimulate root growth, and only then place it in the soil.

The separation of rosettes and their subsequent planting in the ground can be done at any time of the year.

Video: how chlorophytum reproduces - we give the child independence

Pest Symptoms of an attack Means of struggle Precautionary measures
Spider miteDamage to foliage, cobwebsWarm shower with protection against soil erosion. A plastic bag is stretched over the plant, tied at the base and left for several days.Spraying chlorophytum during the heating season
AphidDrying of foliage, loss of decorativeness of the bushAfter washing the foliage of the plant with a soapy solution, then clean water. Next, the plant is sprayed with an infusion of yarrow or orange peels.Temperature control, ventilation
ShchitovkaYellowing foliage and sticky spotsTreating the bush with vodka or soap solution.
In the spring, a stick of Axoris Quick-Sticks is inserted into the pot, which, slowly dissolving, saturates the plant with a substance protective against scale insects.

They entered a person’s life tightly. They can decorate your home and also improve the microflora inside the room. When choosing a new flower, owners are guided by certain taste preferences. Some people like exotic plants to complement certain types of interior design. Many people like flowering varieties.

But recently people have begun to pay increased attention to signs associated with the plant. A lot of them have been invented recently. What properties does chlorophytum have, the signs and superstitions of which are known to many owners, should be considered before purchasing. Perhaps this will allow you to pay attention to some features of your home and improve its microclimate.

general characteristics

At home, the flower has a much more well-groomed appearance. Therefore, you should definitely consider it as an option for your home, even if you didn’t like the plant in a public reception area one day.

Because of its sharp leaves, chlorophytum has received many different names. The most famous of them are “green lily”, “flying Dutchman”, “veil’s wife”. Whatever it is called, the decorative qualities of the plant cannot be taken away.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its stem is drooping. The leaves fall in bunches. Their shape is linear or slightly curled. The leaves of Chlorophytum are of the basal type.

The plant blooms quite beautifully. Loose panicles are white in color. They consist of small flowers. Well-developed representatives of the species have a large number of hanging stems. They have sockets.


Homemade chlorophytum has a rather elegant, lush appearance. This is possible due to the cascade structure. The plant looks like a green fountain. If its leaves are curled, the shape is even more magnificent.

Thanks to its ease of care, chlorophytum takes root well almost anywhere. But if you fulfill at least the most basic requirements, you can get a truly luxurious plant. Even with some mistakes in caring for chlorophytum, it never ceases to delight owners with its blooming appearance.

There are several types of chlorophytum in our country. Its leaves can be wide or narrow. Their color can be plain or striped. The most popular are the compact varieties. It is easy for them to find a place in a small apartment.

In our country, variegated varieties of chlorophytum are more in demand. In addition to attractive appearance, the plant is known for its positive influence on the human body. This is another reason why you should buy chlorophytum for your home.

Beneficial features

The plant shown in the image below has a lot of positive characteristics. Chlorophytum (photo), the benefits of which have been proven by scientific research, can improve the quality of oxygen in the apartment.

This plant is recommended to be grown by residents of megacities and polluted areas. In just a few hours, chlorophytum can eliminate about 80% of the pathogenic microflora around it. He has no equal in the fight against bacteria. The flower is also able to eliminate various pollutants and toxins that are present in the air. Scientists have proven that chlorophytum absorbs acetone, carbon monoxide, ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde. Instead, he sends phytoncides into the atmosphere of the room. These substances have a positive effect on the human body.

Who needs to buy chlorophytum?

The chlorophytum flower is primarily necessary for people with frequent or chronic lung diseases and lung pathologies. If you have allergies, it will also be useful to purchase this plant for your home.

The flower moisturizes and purifies the air better than purchased equipment of this profile. This effect can be enhanced by adding activated carbon to the pot with chlorophytum. You can also have several flowers at once.

Some owners purchase this plant to combat fungus on the walls and mold. For different types of radiation (from microwave oven, TV, computer) it is indispensable in the children's room, bedroom and kitchen. Complete cleansing of a 12 m² room can be achieved by 4 adult plants that are grown in proper conditions.

Signs about the plant

Chlorophytum is shrouded in many beliefs and superstitions. Signs accompany almost any plant. But chlorophytum stands out from the crowd.

Plants are susceptible to the energy inherent in the room. Therefore, even with proper care, but in an unfavorable spiritual environment, chlorophytum does not grow well. If its leaves are healthy, the flower develops harmoniously, which means happiness and prosperity reign in the family.

If chlorophytum begins to grow, this indicates good luck for its owners. Sometimes this is a symbol of favorable changes in your personal life.

Chlorophytum is similar to a spider web in its action. Catching the smallest particles of negative energy, it eliminates them. If the owners of the house are negatively influenced by someone from their environment, this flower becomes a protective barrier for people living in the vicinity of chlorophytum.

Lucky chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is considered one of the most powerful in terms of positive effects. Superstitions and omens claim that it brings happiness. People suffering from depression, who are not doing well in their personal lives or careers, are recommended to have chlorophytum.

It attracts good luck into life. This is especially true for flowering plants. The more arrows with shoots he has, the stronger his positive effect will be.

People say that this flower can reduce the right people, help arrange fate. If disagreements and conflicts constantly arise among household members, this magical plant also helps restore calm and return peace to the family. It calms and encourages friendliness and compromise. That is why chlorophytum can often be found in the reception area of ​​public institutions.

A few more features

Chlorophytum, the signs and superstitions about which are known among the people, also has several more interesting features. Some people claim that this plant allows you to absorb new information faster. This can be achieved by enriching the atmosphere in the room with oxygen.

This plant is also said to be harmful to cats. In fact, furry pets can specifically chew chlorophytum leaves to trigger a gag reflex and clear the stomach of accumulated fur. Therefore, if there is a cat in the house, the leaves may dry out because of his tricks, and not because of bad energy.

Plant care

If the leaves of chlorophytum dry out, this is not always a sign of negative energy in the house. To avoid such troubles, you should ensure proper care behind the plant. Although the flower is unpretentious, it still requires proper attention.

Optimal temperature conditions for it the range is from 18 to 20 ºС. Moreover, chlorophytum does not tolerate sudden warming or cooling.

In summer, it needs to be provided with abundant watering. During the cold season, the amount of moisture should be reduced. You should also protect the flower from direct sunlight.

Varieties with white stripes on the leaves especially require sufficient lighting. Western and eastern windows are best suited for the plant.

A few more features

Chlorophytum, the signs and superstitions about which are presented to your attention in the article, needs a sufficient amount of moisture. In this case, it fully performs the functions assigned to it to purify the air. Dry leaves that appear on the plant indicate improper care.

Many superstitious owners may think that this is due to the energy of the home. To draw such conclusions, you first need to pay attention to the care of chlorophytum.

It is necessary to spray its leaves with cool water in the warm season. This avoids drying out. At the same time, it is necessary to feed the flower with liquid fertilizers.

If the plant is young, it must be replanted once a year in February or March. Adult chlorophytum requires a similar procedure every 2 years.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve something truly luxurious. With its help, you can create a unique decorative effect in a wide variety of interior types. Useful qualities Chlorophytum is difficult to overestimate. It is able to positively influence the physical and spiritual health of its owners.

Having considered a plant such as chlorophytum, signs and superstitions about which exist among our citizens, we can say about its significant benefits. It purifies the air in the room and has a beneficial effect on the human body. This flower brings peace and tranquility to the family, protecting everyone at home from negative energy, stress and depression. This is a talisman for every person, bringing happiness and good luck.

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