Spelling foreign words. Are there spelling rules for foreign words? Xii. spelling verbs

To clarify, for example, the spelling of words such as brand, racket, slang, highway, hatchback hatchback / hatchback (eng. hatch + back), in the academic reference book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” you need to look at the section “Rules for the use of letters”:

Ҥ 8. Not at the beginning of the root after consonants, the letter e is written to convey the vowel e and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.

1. In a few common nouns of foreign origin. List of basic words: mayor, master “teacher, master”, plein air, peer, racket, rap, sir; the same in words derived from them, for example: mayor's office, peerage, racketeer. The range of other words (mostly highly specialized) is determined by the spelling dictionary.”

Thus, from this rule we received an answer to our question only about the word racketeering, and at the same time it remained unclear why this particular word was given preference.

If you want to find out how the foreign language word fitness(s) is spelled - with one or two letters “s”, where is the letter doubling in the word millennium (English millennium), how many letters “f” in the word off-shore (English off-shore), you should refer to the section on double consonants, common to native Russians and borrowed words:

Ҥ 107. The spelling of double consonants in the roots of borrowed (foreign) words is determined in dictionary order, for example: abbreviation, acclimatization, accompaniment, accreditation, neat, alley, antenna, (...) ton, thriller, troupe, chlorophyll, hockey , excess, essence.

Wed. foreign words with single consonants: aluminum, gallery, dessert, dealer, (...) official, offshore, report, race, soffit, torero, sidewalk, plug, emigration and many others.”

As for the problem of continuous/hyphenated spellings, the situation with them is even more complicated: information about borrowings is dispersed over several paragraphs, consisting of many subparagraphs and notes.

We see that the rules for foreign words, firstly, are “hidden” inside general rules for all words of the Russian language; secondly, they represent - sometimes mainly, sometimes exclusively - a reference to the dictionary. Correct use of foreign words requires memorization; Those who studied well at school know this.

What is a spelling rule? This is the rule of choice. According to academician A.A. Zaliznyak, “spelling is a set of rules that prescribe the choice of one of the graphically correct entries for all cases when such an entry is not the only one.” It's about about graphic records that accurately, in accordance with the basic rules of reading, convey the phonetic appearance (pronunciation) of a word. You can write an account or account, banner or banner, graffiti or graffiti, cappuccino or cappuccino, realtor or realtor, brand or brand, hibiscus or hibiscus, highway or highway, businesswoman or businesswoman, DJ or

DJ, email, email, e-mail or e-mail, exit poll or exit poll, economy class or economy class, second-hand, second-hand, second-hand or second-hand, but variations of these words will be read basically the same. Of these options, in each specific case, you must choose one - the correct one.

What does “correct” mean in relation to foreign words? This means: conveying a foreign word as accurately as possible and at the same time not contradicting the traditions of Russian writing. However, this orthographic ideal, existing in theory, is very difficult to achieve in practice, and there are quite objective reasons for this.

A foreign word, unlike an original one, is simultaneously influenced by two languages ​​- the source language and Russian, and sometimes these influences contradict each other. Let’s say that in the source language the word is written with a double consonant, but in the Russian language in this case two consonants (long consonant) are not pronounced, a consonant of normal duration sounds (for example, graffiti - italian graffiti). What should be reflected in its Cyrillic written appearance - an etymological feature or phonetic properties in the Russian language?

Throughout the history of Russian spelling, the graphic appearance of borrowing was established by tradition, that is, spontaneously. The word fluctuated for some time in the practice of use until - sometimes with the help of normative dictionaries - its written form was established in a single variant. This approach assumes, so to speak, a “piecemeal” standardization: having determined the spelling of one word, we cannot say with complete confidence how another borrowing will be written, even if it has similar properties. The spontaneity of establishing a norm gives rise to inconsistencies and contradictions, which makes it difficult to use analogies and, by the way, to create generalized spelling rules for a given category of words. It so happened historically that the address (French adresse) was fixed with one “s”, and the compromise (Latin compromissum) - with two, volleyball (English volley-ball) - with one “l” in both cases, and illusion ( lat. illusio) - with two, literature (lat. litteratura) - with one “t”, and certification (lat. attestatio) - with two.

When a language functions simultaneously not a large number of for unmastered borrowings that do not have a standard spelling, this is not terrible, although it is also not entirely good (since, due to chance, an option that is not preferable from a linguistic point of view can become entrenched). At the moment, we are seeing a large number of words fluctuating at the same time, and imperative recommendations alone (“write this way, not otherwise!”) will not be enough here, since they can be challenged by someone, which often happens.

There are no rules because there are no

Commonly accepted criteria for choosing from several possibilities. The basis for determining spelling, firstly, has not been sufficiently studied, and secondly, it is too complex and ambiguous to be a rule. After all, the rule is actually a rule that exists not for one word, but for many.

There are no generally accepted criteria, but there are certain linguistic trends that can be established through observations and analysis of spontaneous usage practices. This requires study. What can influence the establishment of spelling? For doubled consonants, this is their position in relation to stress and the quality of the consonant, but in general their use conveys not so much the pronunciation as the etymological spelling of the word; for the letter “e” after consonants, in particular, the peculiarity of the reality denoted by this word (“e” is more often preserved in exotic words, mainly of Eastern origin, for example: renga “genre of Japanese poetry”, sensei “in Japan: teacher” , taekwondo “Korean national martial arts without weapons”, udege “eastern people”, feng shui “Chinese art of living in harmony with nature”, sheng “Chinese reed musical instrument”).

So, if there are currently no spelling rules for foreign words, this does not mean that in principle they cannot exist.

Yes, it is not always possible to give precise recommendations on the spelling of new foreign words. But it would be useful for schoolchildren to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. This will contribute to the formation of their attitude towards language not as a frozen substance, but as a living, developing system.

Iya Nechaeva, researcher at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A resolution is a document that records a decision or decision. More often, a resolution is adopted at meetings, congresses, conferences; it is placed at the end of the minutes or written separately and added to it

The resolution consists of an introductory (stating) and directive (resolution) part. In the ascertaining part, the achievements of the subject under consideration are first noted, and then the shortcomings are indicated. The team effectively draws general conclusions, evaluates the work, and outlines specific measures for each issue aimed at fulfilling the assigned tasks and eliminating identified deficiencies that determine the responsible persons.

21 Spelling words of foreign origin

Spelling and, /, and "

The spelling of words of foreign origin is subject to the phonetic principle of Ukrainian orthography and is regulated by the following rules

its letter is written:

1) in common names of foreign language origin after d, t, s, s, c same (j), h, w, g before letters that represent consonants: dynamo, director, titanium, physics, system, tank, giraffe, jersey, jeans(rule of nine);

2) in names:

a) in geographical names that end with -ika-walking:. America,. Africa,. Arctic, Antarctica,. Florida"

b) in geographical names after hissing consonants: . Algeria,. Washington,. Chicago,. Chile;

c) in geographical names with sound combinations -ry:. Paris,. Riga,. Rome. Madrid,. Crete:

d) in individual words according to traditional speech: . Egypt,. Jerusalem,. Palestine,. Sizran,. Bratislava,. Brazil, Argentina,. Scandinavia,. Tibet

the letter is written:

1) at the beginning of words, both common and in names: institute, idea, international,. India,. Spain,. Ibrahim;

2) in the middle of words after letters that indicate consonants, before letters to indicate vowels and before is, and: brilliant, dialectics, material, violet, audience, radius, rejoice, pensioner "

3) after consonants at the end of indeclinable words: taxi, jury, pony, penalty, merci"

4) after consonants in personal names and in geographical names before the next consonant and at the end of the word:. Capri,. Lisbon,. Sochi,. Grimm

5) after letters not included in the rules of nine, before the following consonant: business, vibration, chemistry, literature, niche

The letter "" is written after letters to indicate vowel sounds: mosaic, naive, atheist

Spelling e, e

the letter e is written:

1) after the letters that indicate hard consonants: dean, legend, telephone;

2) at the beginning of the word: stage, squadron (but in some words it is written With:. Egypt,. Europe,. Eve);

3) after a, o, at middle of words: poet, silhouette, phaeton(but trajectory);

4) in foreign prefixes de-, re-: denationalization, reconstruction

Є written after an apostrophe, a softening sign, e, i, i:

p "edestal, curtain, hygiene, extravaganza(but: sharp, de-escalation)

An apostrophe in words of foreign language origin is written:

1) after the letters, which indicate the labial consonants b, p, v, m, f, sibilant zh, ch, sh, back lingual g, k, x and after p before i, yu, is, and interview, prime

2) after prefixes that end in a consonant, before yu are: injection, adjutant, subject, conjuncture

The apostrophe is not written:

1) if I, yu, there indicate the softness of the previous consonant: engraving, puree, bureau, cuvette;

2) before e: curiosity, serious

The softening sign is written:

1) after the consonants d, t, s, s, l, n before i, yu, is, and

e: entertainer, billiards, atelier, dossier, vignette, medallion;

2) after l before the next consonant (according to pronunciation): album, albatross, film;

3) in accordance with the pronunciation at the end of words: highway, car, style, manganese

Consonant doubling

1. In common names of foreign origin, unlike the Russian language, consonants are not doubled: group, collective, baroque, belladonna,. Bravissimo, class, intermezzo, staccato, sum, fortissimo, chassis, l libretto (exceptions: bonna, gross, net, bath, manna, motto, panna, penny, ton, bill, was, villa, durra, mirra)

2 . If the same consonants of the prefix and root coincide, if in the Ukrainian language there is a word without this prefix: irrational, apperception, unreal, counter-revolution, immigration

3. In names and words derived from them, doubling is preserved if it is in the language from which the word is borrowed:. Morocco,. Nice,. Rousseau,. Torricelli. Schiller

Foreign (foreign) words have firmly entered our linguistic usage. The rapid replenishment of a language with borrowings is often accompanied by their fairly rapid development in the lexical and grammatical levels, but not in terms of writing. The question of where to find information about the spelling of new foreign words, what rules exist for their written use, can cause confusion: there are no rules for spelling borrowings as such. The most common spelling problems that arise during the written development of borrowings are the problem of using the letter “e”, the problem of double consonants and the problem of continuous/hyphenated spellings.

If you want to test your knowledge of the Russian language before reading the material, we recommend taking our new interesting test:

Test source: “AiF”, “Lifekachher”

To clarify, for example, the spelling of words such as brand, racket, slang, highway, hatchback hatchback / hatchback (eng. hatch + back), in the academic reference book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” you need to look at the section “Rules for the use of letters”:

Ҥ 8. Not at the beginning of the root after consonants, the letter e is written to convey the vowel e and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.

1. In a few common nouns of foreign origin. List of basic words: mayor, master “teacher, master”, plein air, peer, racket, rap, sir; the same in words derived from them, for example: mayor's office, peerage, racketeer. The range of other words (mostly highly specialized) is determined by the spelling dictionary.”

Thus, from this rule we received an answer to our question only about the word racketeering, and at the same time it remained unclear why this particular word was given preference.

If you want to know how to spell the foreign word fitness© (English fitness) - with one or two letters “s”, where is the letter doubling in the word mil (l)en (n)ium (English millennium), how many letters “ f" in the word of (f) shore (English off-shore), you should refer to the section on double consonants, common to native Russians and borrowed words:

Ҥ 107. The spelling of double consonants in the roots of borrowed (foreign) words is determined in dictionary order, for example: abbreviation, acclimatization, accompaniment, accreditation, neat, alley, antenna, (...) ton, thriller, troupe, chlorophyll, hockey, excess , essence.

Wed. foreign words with single consonants: aluminum, gallery, dessert, dealer, (...) official, offshore, report, race, soffit, bullfighter, sidewalk, plug, emigration and many others.”

As for the problem of continuous/hyphenated spellings, the situation with them is even more complicated: information about borrowing dispersed over several paragraphs, consisting of many subparagraphs and notes.

We see that the rules for foreign words, firstly, are “hidden” inside the general rules for all words of the Russian language; secondly, they represent - sometimes mainly, sometimes exclusively - a reference to the dictionary. Correct use of foreign words requires memorization; Those who studied well at school know this.

What is a spelling rule? This is the rule of choice. According to academician A.A. Zaliznyak, “spelling is a set of rules that prescribe the choice of one of the graphically correct entries for all cases when such an entry not the only one." We are talking about graphic records that accurately, in accordance with the basic rules of reading, convey the phonetic appearance (pronunciation) of a word. You can write an account or account, banner or banner, graffiti or graffiti, cappuccino or cappuccino, realtor or realtor, brand or brand, hibiscus or hibiscus, highway or highway, businesswoman or businesswoman, DJ or

DJ, email, email, e-mail or e-mail, exit poll or exit poll, economy class or economy class, second-hand, second-hand, second-hand or second-hand, but variations of these words will be read basically the same. Of these options, in each specific case, you must choose one - the correct one.

What does “correct” mean in relation to foreign words? This means: conveying a foreign word as accurately as possible and at the same time not contradictory traditions of Russian writing. However, this orthographic ideal, existing in theory, is very difficult to achieve in practice, and there are quite objective reasons for this.

A foreign word, unlike an original one, is simultaneously influenced by two languages ​​- the source language and Russian, and sometimes these influences contradict each other. Let's say in the source language the word is written with a double consonant, but in Russian in this case there are two consonants (long consonant) not pronounced a consonant of normal duration sounds (for example, graffiti - italian graffiti). What should be reflected in its Cyrillic written appearance - an etymological feature or phonetic properties in the Russian language?

Throughout the history of Russian spelling, the graphic appearance of borrowing was established by tradition, i.e. spontaneously. The word fluctuated for some time in the practice of use, until - sometimes with the help of normative dictionaries - its written appearance not installed in a single version. This approach assumes, so to speak, a “piecemeal” standardization: having determined the spelling of one word, we cannot say with complete confidence how another borrowing will be written, even if it has similar properties. The spontaneity of establishing a norm gives rise to inconsistencies and contradictions, which makes it difficult to use analogies and, by the way, to create generalized spelling rules for a given category of words. It so happened historically that the address (French adresse) was fixed with one “s”, and the compromise (Latin compromissum) - with two, volleyball (English volley-ball) - with one “l” in both cases, and illusion ( lat. illusio) - with two, literature (lat. litteratura) - with one “t”, and certification (lat. attestatio) - with two.

When a language simultaneously has a small number of unmastered borrowings that do not have a standard spelling, this is not scary, although it is also not entirely good (since, due to chance, the variant that from linguistic point of view is not preferred). At the moment, we are seeing a large number of words fluctuating at the same time, and imperative recommendations alone (“write this way, not otherwise!”) will not be enough here, since they can be challenged by someone, which often happens.

There are no rules because there are no

Commonly accepted criteria for choosing from several possibilities. The basis for determining spelling, firstly, has not been sufficiently studied, and secondly, it is too complex and ambiguous to be a rule. After all, the rule is actually a rule that exists not for one word, but for many.

There are no generally accepted criteria, but there are certain linguistic trends that can be established through observations and analysis of spontaneous usage practices. This requires study. What can influence the establishment of spelling? For doubled consonants, this is their position in relation to stress and the quality of the consonant, but in general their use conveys not so much the pronunciation as the etymological spelling of the word; for the letter “e” after consonants, in particular, the peculiarity of the reality denoted by this word (“e” is more often preserved in exotic words, mainly of Eastern origin, e.g.: renga “genre of Japanese poetry”, sensei “in Japan: teacher”, taekwondo “Korean national martial arts without weapons”, udege “Eastern people”, feng shui “Chinese art of living in harmony with nature” , sheng "Chinese reed musical instrument").

So, if there are currently no spelling rules for foreign words, this does not mean that in principle they cannot exist.

Yes, it is not always possible to give precise recommendations on the spelling of new foreign words. But it would be useful for schoolchildren to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. This will contribute to the formation of their attitude towards language not as a frozen substance, but as a living, developing system.

Iya Nechaeva, researcher at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The spelling of words in Russian is subject to the rules set out in this section. In those cases when writing is not based on rules, you should refer to standard dictionaries (see the appendix at the end of the book).


§74. Transcription of foreign words

1. In any language, in addition to native words and mastered borrowings, words and combinations are used that retain their foreign appearance and are perceived as inclusions from other languages. They can be formatted in Latin almamater and in Cyrillic alma mater. When designing in Cyrillic, the most accurate reproduction of the sound appearance of a word or combination in the source language is required, taking into account its morphological structure. For this purpose, the so-called practical transcription is used (the historically established system of Russian graphics is used to convey the sound appearance of words from other languages), which inevitably can only be approximate. When transmitting this type of words in writing, variants are possible, both existing simultaneously and replacing each other. In general, this issue remains insufficiently developed by Russian orthography, and the spelling of such words is determined by dictionaries. Here are some examples: a cappella, a conto, a priori, beau monde, big mac, boogie-woogie, all-in, western, in-quarto, in-folio, casus belli, quattrocento, commedia dell'arte, comme il faut, crescendo and crescendo, memento mori, monsieur, monsieur, monsieur, notabene and notabene, okay, know-how, perpetuum mobile, persona non grata, postscript, after the fact, rock and roll, rating, racket, publicity, somersault, B flat, status -quo, terra incognito, face-to-face, force majeure, happy ending, weekend.

2. Of particular importance is the accuracy of the transmission of proper names (names of persons geographical names, names of historical, cultural monuments, various institutions, organizations, firms, concerns, funds mass media etc.), for example: Notre-Dame de Paris, Unter den Linden, La Scala, Ranger, Standard Oil Development Company, Associated Press and so on. In this case, it is recommended to use the reference book “Foreign names and titles in Russian text” compiled by R.S. Gilyarevsky and B.A. Starostin (“ International relationships", 1978, ed. 2). Sometimes, in the interests of accuracy, they resort to duplication: the proper name is conveyed using Russian graphics, and in brackets it is given in Latin graphics in the source language, for example: General Colin Powell, Reuters, The Beatles, c'est la vie. Sometimes proper names are given in Latin script without a Russian equivalent, especially in advertising. Still, such writing should be avoided, as it makes the text difficult to understand.

In some cases (composing telegrams, faxes) it becomes necessary to transmit Russian text using the Latin alphabet. Then they use transliteration - the transfer of signs from one script to signs from another. See the table of Latin equivalents of Russian letters developed by R.S. Gilyarevsky and B.A. Starostin.

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