The largest and most dangerous spiders in the world. The largest spider in the world: description, name and interesting facts The largest tarantula in the world

About 42 thousand live on our planet various types spiders Most of them are harmless, but not members of this list. For those who suffer from arachnophobia, it is better not to look inside and save your nerves, because in this article we will show what does the biggest spider in the world look like and what he is capable of.

10. Nephila

A resident of Australia and America, which can sometimes be found even in Asia. The body size of males does not exceed 2 cm, females - 5 cm, but at the same time, if we take into account the length of the legs, then the nephila reaches 13 cm in size. It is very poisonous, its bite is not capable of killing a person, but it will certainly cause significant damage to the body.

9. Tegenaria

What is the largest spider in the world? Among those that huddle in people's homes, this is definitely a tegenaria. Together with the limbs, its size is 13 cm, but thanks to its bizarre curvature, it appears larger. It prefers abandoned buildings, but sometimes penetrates residential buildings.

8. Cerbal Arabian

Due to its nocturnal lifestyle, cerbal for a long time was unknown to science. Scientists discovered it to the world only in 2003. It lives exclusively in the sands of Israel and since it is hot there during the day, it goes out hunting only at night. According to researchers, there are individuals measuring 20 cm.

7. Brazilian wandering spider

It is included in two lists at once, because in addition, it occupies a firm position in the ranking of the most poisonous spiders on the planet. Sometimes it feeds on birds, insects and lizards, and sometimes on bananas, which is why people often stumble upon it. The only saving grace is that the Brazilian representative of the arthropods is in no hurry to attack first.

6. Purple tarantula

It lives mainly in Colombia and is impressive with its volume - 34.5 cm. Due to its unusual color and the fact that it is harmless to humans, it often becomes a pet for those who are not interested in cats and dogs. However, you should still be careful with the tarantula, because it is often aggressive, and the hairs covering its body can cause itching or even allergies.

5. Baboon Spider

In the ranking of the 10 largest spiders in the world, this giant cannot be avoided. It earned its name thanks to its paws, which are very similar in both appearance and size to the fingers of a baboon. Hunting at night, it often kills its own relatives and has poison that can cause paralysis in a person for many hours.

4. Phalanx

An inhabitant of the desert area who skillfully avoids meeting the sun and has an unusual appearance, distinguishing it from other representatives of the spider genus. On average, its size with limbs is 30 cm and, although the phalanx does not possess poison, it can easily bite through human skin and cause blood poisoning.

3. Salmon pink tarantula spider

A lightning-fast assassin who attacks his prey and takes them down in seconds. Hunts birds, snakes and other creatures that are quite large for a spider. Another species that some people breed to keep in the house.

2. Crab spider

According to the photo, the largest spider in the world rejects itself. It does not have the most pleasant appearance, but this creature earned its name thanks to its curved legs, which allow it to move not only forward, but also quite quickly sideways. Lives exclusively in Australia and poses no threat to humans.

1. Goliath tarantula

– this is definitely a goliath, or as it is also called Teraphosis Blonda. Lives in forests South America, weighs at least two hundred grams, together with its paws has a size of more than 30 cm and what sets it apart from others are its fangs two centimeters long.

It is estimated that approximately 42 thousand species of spiders live around the world today. The smallest of them is only 0.4 millimeters long, in other words, it is completely impossible to notice. The average size varies from 4 to 6 centimeters. But there are also those that are officially recorded as the largest spiders in the world.

It is best not to meet giant spiders, because their sight makes you feel sick, so people who suffer from arachnophobia, you shouldn't watch these huge insects even in pictures. Giant spiders are considered the most dangerous and poisonous, but they are also the most disgusting insects. Most of the insects presented in the rating below reach such sizes that they are even able to feed on rodents and birds. Now imagine for a second what an insect must be like to eat birds?

Top 5 largest spiders in the world

Let's look at the five that were officially recognized as the largest.

5th place. Purple tarantula

One of the huge spiders is the purple tarantula, which lives mainly in the forests of Colombia. It is in this place that its subspecies are most numerous in the world. The largest spider of this genus, which has been officially registered, has a length of 34.5 cm, but the average specimen reaches a length of 26 cm. It is worth noting that this large spider is not dangerous to humans, only its bite can cause an allergic reaction.

Distinctive appearance features:

  • only its abdomen is covered with thick hairs, and its paws are long and drooping;
  • females are dark blue, purple and black in color;
  • males are yellow-green in color.

4th place. Camel spider

This type of insect got its name due to the fact that on its head there is several humps, that's why they compared him to camels. These spiders prefer to feed on lizards, rodents and small birds. While hunting, it is capable of reaching speeds of 16 km/h. And its size reaches 30 cm including limbs.

It is yellow-brown in color and has tentacles on its head that also serve as limbs. Thanks to four eyes, this species is excellent at distinguishing moving objects. His chelicerae are very sharp and can easily cut the skin and cut off the hair from their prey. If a camel spider bites a person, the area may become inflamed because there is an infection on the chelicerae. Habitat is Asia, North and South America, Africa and some European countries.

3rd place. Salmon pink tarantula

Even though this species is considered the largest spider, some people keep it as a pet. The pink tarantula reaches a size of 30 cm and in the wild it feeds on small snakes, lizards and birds. Tarantula has lightning speed, so the victim has no chance of survival. Habitat is Brazil.

Distinctive external features:

  • the head and chest are covered with a shield, which depicts a design in the form of a 10-pointed black star, while the color itself is salmon;
  • at the base of the limbs, which are adjacent to the body, the color is pink, and then it turns into dark gray;
  • the belly and legs are heavily covered with hairs.

2nd place. Giant Crab Spider

One of the largest and arthropod insects in the world is the crab spider, or it is also called the hunter spider. Its size reaches 30 cm and even more. It got its name because resemblance to a crab and features of movement. Its body is gray or brown, sometimes the color may contain spots or red splashes.

The main feature of this giant is that it quickly kills its prey and feeds on insects and small invertebrates. When the victim is in his paws, he immediately injects his poison, which affects the victim's nerve cells. The venom contains a neurotoxin that can cause pain and swelling of the limbs. It attacks a person only in self-defense, but people still try to avoid it. It lives in Australia and Japan.

1 place. Goliath tarantula

The Goliath spider is the largest spider in the world, because its size is more than 30 cm and it weighs 200 grams. The giant spider belongs to the tarantula family and lives in South America. And it also has another name - Theraphose Blond. For a time, the giant crab spider occupied first place, but the goliath was ahead of it not only because of its size, but also its weight.

The Goliath tarantula lives in burrows and feeds on mice, birds, frogs and snakes. It is poisonous; when bitten, it releases a paralytic poison and has little effect on humans. Its bite can be compared to a bee sting. The fangs are located on the head. The belly and body of the goliath are covered with hairs and have a dark brown color. Males live about 4.5 years, but females are 5 times longer.

Other large and dangerous arachnids

It is also worth saying about the largest and most poisonous spider in the world. He is the Brazilian wanderer. It is distinguished by aggressive behavior and its poison is highly toxic. One bite can lead to poisoning and paralysis, and if you don’t immediately help a person, he will die. For this reason, they are also called killer spiders. It can reach 10 cm in length, the body is elongated and covered with hairs.

The Brazilian wanderer never lives in one place, and therefore does not weave webs. Most often they can be found in the subtropics and tropics of South America, they are constantly in search of prey. They also have another name: “armed” or “banana” spiders. Because they have strong appendages and powerful poison, and are mainly found in the leaves of banana palms.

In Russia, the largest of them is the South Russian tarantula or in other words Mizgir. The female reaches 3 cm in length, and the span of the legs is 10 cm. It lives in Russia, but is also found in Central Asia. Mizgir does small holes in the ground, and the inside is lined with cobwebs. He perfectly senses vibrations and when prey approaches his mink, he immediately rushes at it and kills it. The tarantula does not attack people, but if it bites, the pain can be compared to a hornet sting.


These insects are considered predatory and dangerous, and you should not keep them at home, because some individuals pose a great danger to people. Giants will not be able to attack a person without reason; they only defend themselves in case of danger. In itself they are not dangerous, but if you do not get the necessary help, then Negative consequences will follow immediately.

The most poisonous insect is black Widow, the dimensions of which do not exceed 4 cm, but at the same time it has the most toxic poison, capable of killing an adult. You can recognize them immediately by their black color and red dots on the back.

The spider kingdom is diverse and numerous. In our homes, we usually see small six-fingered arachnids that weave their webs in corners and other shaded places. However, they can remain undetected for quite a long time. But in the world of spiders there are also real giants, the span of their paws surprises, and even inspires fear in some. We invite you to consider the TOP 10 most major representatives spider kingdom and find out what the largest spider in the world looks like and what size it is.

Nephilic orb weavers

Nephila is a genus of large spiders that weave the largest and strongest webs, which can trap very large prey. For example, in Australia, small birds have been found in nephil nets.

This is interesting! Their fishing nets are so large and strong that they are used even by fishermen fishing in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans - they collect the web, roll it into a ball and lower it into the water. It turns out that this net helps you get a pretty good catch!

Representatives of the genus Nephilus orb weavers have many names, among the most famous are banana spiders and giant tree spiders. Their poison is strong, but it does not pose any serious threat to human health. In most cases, the consequences of a bite are local in nature: the affected area turns a little red, begins to hurt, and blisters may appear. These symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours. The development of an allergic reaction and bronchial spasm in patients with asthma is rare.


  • body length varies between 1-4 cm;
  • leg span is approximately 12 cm;
  • color can be different: from yellow-green to reddish;
  • They live in Australia, Madagascar, America, Asia and Africa.

Brazilian wandering (wandering) spider

This specimen belongs to the genus of running spiders. In 2010, this rather large arachnid was noted in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous spider in the world. And he really is much more than other representatives of his kind.

The Brazilian wandering spider earned its name quite justifiably. The thing is that he does not sit in his web - wandering spiders hunt exclusively “on foot” during their wanderings. Having noticed the victim, he immediately rushes towards it, developing considerable speed. Having caught up, it bites into the prey with its chelicerae and injects a poisonous secretion through the channels of the poisonous glands.

It is most active at dusk, and during the day it prefers to hide in secluded places: sometimes under stones, and sometimes wanders into a person’s home, where it hides directly in things and shoes. However, the Brazilian wandering spider does not purposefully attack, but bites solely for the purpose of self-defense.


  • body length can be about 5 cm;
  • leg span approximately 10-12 cm;
  • live in the tropical parts of Central and South America;
  • The diet includes insects, other spiders, as well as birds and lizards that are larger than itself.

Brachypelma smitha or Mexican tarantula

This is a very, which is often kept at home (mainly due to large sizes and bright colors). In conditions wildlife it chooses damp areas, often hiding in dense thickets of bushes.

On a note! Today, all spiders from the genus Brachypelma are on the list of prohibited catches for further sale, as their numbers in natural conditions have sharply decreased!

Unlike many of its closest “relatives,” the Brachypelma Smith spider is absolutely non-aggressive. It is considered one of the calmest and its venom is less toxic than that of other tarantulas. But what is noteworthy is that often it is not the poison that poses a threat to health, but the burning hairs that cover their entire body and paws. When stressed, a spider usually sheds some of its hair from its abdomen, and if a few fibers get on the skin, this can lead to an allergic reaction - itching and redness. And if the hairs end up on the mucous membrane of the eye, then serious damage to vision is possible.


  • body size no more than 8 cm;
  • leg span does not exceed 17 cm;
  • the body is dark brown, in some places the color is black, there are orange or red fragments on the legs, sometimes there may be a yellow or white edging;
  • the color of the hairs covering the body is light pink or brown;
  • The diet includes large insects, small lizards and rodents.

Giant baboon spider or royal baboon tarantula

This poisonous giant can also become your pet. The giant baboon spider is indeed quite often kept at home, but despite its very terrifying appearance, it does not pose any particular danger. Its poison, of course, is toxic, but only to small invertebrates. If this spider bites a person, then if medical care is provided in a timely manner, it will not bring any consequences other than nausea.

Like many other representatives of the spider world, the baboon leads a crepuscular and nocturnal lifestyle. It is a burrowing species, and its nest is not just a burrow, but a whole system of tunnels. Found in subtropical and tropical forests. While hunting, it digs a small depression in a grassy area and weaves a web around its surface.

Why was this spider called a baboon spider? Because they are eaten with great pleasure by monkeys with the same name.

This is interesting! Most spiders prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, and cannibalism at an early age is not uncommon in many species. But baboon spiders behave differently - young individuals hatched from eggs not only do not eat each other, but even share food. Some adult spiders can coexist together in the same burrow and share the adjacent tunnel system!


  • body size reaches 8-9 cm;
  • the leg span can be about 20 cm;
  • painted red-brown, like rust;
  • lives on the African continent;
  • feeds on insects, small spiders and small vertebrates.

Colombian purple tarantula

These arthropods are also often found as eight-legged friends. However, the character of these tarantula spiders is not at all domestic - they are quite aggressive. Despite this, many still choose this “cute” furry spider, and besides, its bite is absolutely not dangerous for humans.

The Colombian violet tarantula looks out for its potential prey from a secluded place and when it is discovered, it immediately runs out of the shelter and, having overtaken the prey, pierces its body with its powerful chelicerae.


  • the span of the legs reaches 23 cm;
  • range: Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, where it lives in tropical rainforests;
  • the diet includes insects, small spiders, frogs, fish, small rodents and small birds;
  • The lifespan of a female is 15 years, a male is no more than 3 years.


Because of the hump on their back, they are also called camel spiders. They are very active and representatives of almost all species are nocturnal hunters. Camel spiders have sparse hair on their body and limbs.

Quite remarkable is their vision. The phalanges have a scorpion-like arrangement of eyes: one pair is located in front and one more eye on the sides. Moreover, they are all complex, distinguish light and react to movement. And as a result - an excellent reaction with a minimum delay of a split second (like a fly). Thus, phalanxes are not only excellent hunters, but also almost elusive prey.

Another remarkable feature of the phalanges is their large, strong chelicerae, which are capable of biting not only the skin, but even a human nail. Each chelicera consists of two parts connected by a joint and looks very much like a crab claw. With their help, spiders cut feathers and hair from the body of their prey, which they subsequently cover the bottom of their nest with.


  • body size reaches 7 cm;
  • leg span can be 23-24 cm;
  • color yellow-brown;
  • found everywhere except the Australian continent, lives mainly in desert areas;
  • feeds on small arthropods, sometimes lizards are present in the diet.

Huntsman spider or giant crab spider

When you see this huge spider, the question involuntarily arises: what should the largest spider in the world be like? And this question is quite understandable, since the size of the hunting spider is truly impressive. The span of its paws reaches 25 cm, and the spikes located on them make its appearance even more terrifying. Plus, the legs of this spider are of a rather unusual shape - curved like those of a crab. Thus, it is to them that the giant crab spider owes its name.

On a note! The special structure of the legs allows hunting spiders to easily crawl into secluded crevices in wood, under the bark of trees, etc.!


  • body size including legs no more than 25 cm;
  • the body is colored gray or light brown; representatives of certain species may have reddish or black and white spots;
  • there are thorns on the legs;
  • the body is pubescent.

Lasiodora parahybana or Brazilian orange-pink tarantula spider

This species of tarantula was first discovered in 1917. Moreover, this spider is endemic, that is, its range is very limited, in this case by the state of Paraiba, located in Brazil.

Lasiodora parahybana is one of the largest spiders in the whole world. The body length of an adult reaches 10 cm, and the paw span is 26 cm. The body is colored dark brown or black, which in some places can turn gray.

Oddly enough, the main food of these huge spiders are insects, but sometimes larger individuals, such as lizards and mice, may appear on their menu.

The main giant of the spider world

Goliath tarantula

It is this representative of the tarantula species that is recognized as the largest spider in the world. The Goliath tarantula, thanks to its two-centimeter fangs, looks quite frightening. The paw span of an adult reaches about 27-28 cm, and the body weight is about 170 g. It attacks only when it feels threatened. In addition, when it bites, it does not always inject its toxic secretion, but even if this happens, it does not pose any particular danger to humans.

The goliath tarantula lives in the tropics of South America. He builds his own housing - he digs out a half-meter-long hole and covers it with a kind of door from his own web. The lifespan of females is about 25 years; males are given a much shorter amount of time by nature - no more than 6 years.

The galiath tarantula does not use webs for hunting. He waits for his prey in a secluded place and, when it approaches, makes a swift jump. The tarantula bites into its prey with its long chelicerae and immediately immobilizes it with venom. And since the spider itself is very large, it is unable to get enough of insects alone. In addition to them, its diet includes frogs, mice, lizards and even small snakes.

South Russian tarantula

Considering the largest arachnids on the planet, I would also like to mention the largest spider living in Russia. This is: the body length of females is about 3 cm, males - no more than 2.5 cm. Compared to the individuals described above, it, of course, looks quite small.

Preferred zones for the South Russian tarantula are zones with dry climates, so it is most often found in desert, semi-desert and steppe regions, and rarely in forest-steppe.

To hunt, the South Russian tarantula digs a shallow hole and lines its walls and bottom with its web. When prey appears in his field of vision, he immediately jumps out of his hiding place and catches it. As a rule, the signal for an attack is a shadow hanging over the hole.

This is interesting! This feature makes it quite easy to lure the South Russian tarantula out of hiding - just tie a small button to a thread and dangle it over the hole!

The venom of the South Russian tarantula does not pose any particular danger to humans. Only swelling occurs at the site of the bite. Sometimes the skin around the affected area becomes yellow and remains this color for a month. Its poison does not cause death in humans.

Arthropods are long-time companions of humans. They inhabited the Earth long before he appeared on it. This type of animal has been well studied, including the largest in terms of the number of species, including about 42 thousand units.

Many people are interested in record-breaking animals. For example, the largest, the smallest, the longest living, etc. What is the largest spider in the world? The answer to this question will be given below.

Ancient spiders

Giant spiders lived on our planet in prehistoric times. However, their size then, as scientists suggest, was much more impressive. IN modern world the largest spider is no larger than the average size of a plate. In ancient times, according to researchers, spiders the size of a small child could have been found. These assumptions are based on the existence of meganeura, confirmed through archaeological research, giant dragonflies that lived on Earth in the Carboniferous period, whose wingspan was up to 1 meter. By analogy, it is believed that other insects, as well as arthropods that inhabited our planet in ancient times, could have had gigantic sizes. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by archaeological finds. The name of the largest fossil spider is Nephila Jurassica. It was found in China, and is quite comparable in size to modern arthropods: its paw span is about 15 centimeters. This is a female.

General information

The largest spider in the world belongs to the Tarantula family. Its name is Theraphosa blondi. French scientist Pierre André Latreille described it in 1804, and it has been the focus of zoologists' attention ever since. These arthropods, which live in the mountain rainforests of northern Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana, are quite rare in nature.

Tarantula spiders dig deep holes and line them with woven webs. They leave their home only for hunting and mating.


The females of these tarantulas, also called goliaths, as is often the case in the animal kingdom, are much larger than the males. The description of the largest spider in the world indicates its unique size. Thus, the body length of a male goliath tarantula is about 85 mm, and that of a female is up to 100 mm. If you straighten all its limbs, then the size of the arthropod will be about 28 cm! The average weight of a spider is about 150 grams.

Goliath spider body - dark brown, limbs are covered with reddish-brown fine hairs. But this “plumage” is not decoration, but a means of protection. When these hairs get into the respiratory system or on the skin of an enemy goliath, they cause severe irritation and force him to retreat. Tarantula spiders scrape hairs off themselves with sharp movements of their hind legs towards the enemy. In addition, small hairs serve as an organ of touch. With their help, goliaths are able to detect the smallest vibrations in the air or solid environment. The hairs partially compensate for the spider's poor vision, helping it hunt at night.

On the front legs of males there are special outgrowths-hooks, with which they hold the jaws of the female during the mating process in order to save their lives. After this process, the males hastily retreat.

In addition to hairs, these giants also have another weapon - a strong poison, which has long been considered deadly. In fact, in humans it only causes severe burning and swelling. The pain is quite tolerable and can be compared with the sensations from a bee sting. But for those who suffer from allergies, the bite of a goliath tarantula can pose a serious danger.


Goliath tarantulas reach sexual maturity at different times: males are one and a half years old, and females are two to two and a half years old. Until this time, males have 9 molts, and females have 10 molts. After mating, females spin a small cocoon, about 3 cm long, into which they lay eggs. The spider vigilantly guards the clutch throughout the entire breeding period (6-7 weeks), and even when going hunting, she carries it with her. At this time she is the most aggressive, and meeting her does not bode well. Little spiderlings live in a hole with their mother until the first moult, then leave the shelter.


The diet of this arthropod is quite varied. It includes insects, as well as small animals - snakes, frogs, lizards, rodents. Despite its name, it does not attack birds, except that it may feast on a chick that has fallen from the nest.

When attacking a victim, the goliath tarantula first bites it, immobilizing it with its poison, and injects digestive juices into its body, softening the flesh. This allows the spider to suck out the nutrients while leaving the hard shells intact.

Those who are going to keep these giants at home should provide them with familiar conditions. Optimal temperature for keeping these arthropods - 22-24 degrees Celsius, humidity - 70-80%. Since this spider is a burrowing spider and is nocturnal, the terrarium must have shelter. Good ventilation must be ensured. At the bottom of the terrarium there should be a layer of substrate 6-8 cm thick.

The spider should be fed small insects and pieces of meat. Lizards, mice and frogs can be used to feed adults.

It should be remembered that this arthropod has a rather nervous and aggressive character, and must be handled with care. The tarantula spider is not friendly, and if the owner wants to accustom it to handling, it must be done gradually, carefully removing the pet from the terrarium to avoid bites.

Here are a few interesting facts about Theraphosa blondi:

    The largest spider in the world owes its name to the famous illustrator and engraver of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, Maria Sibylla Merian, whose drawings enriched botany and zoology. Her contribution to science is difficult to overestimate, because the artist left many images of plants, insects, and animals. Her drawings still amaze today with their exceptional precision and vivid colors. Inspired by the story of researchers who supposedly saw the world's largest goliath spider devouring a bird, she depicted this scene in one of her works, and the legend thus spread further.

    Interesting feature Goliath tarantulas have the so-called stridulation - the ability to make peculiar hissing sounds by rubbing the chelicerae - oral appendages - against each other. It is assumed that in nature it is used by these giants to scare away enemies.

    The population of Theraphosa blondi in nature is quite small, and it is declining from year to year. One of the reasons for this is that among local residents, not only the spiders themselves, but also their eggs are considered a real delicacy, and they eat them with pleasure.

    The biggest and dangerous spiders in the world for humans - they are not tarantulas at all. They are considered arthropods called Brazilian wandering spiders (genus Phoneutria). Their size is much more modest, only about 10 cm, but the poison is much more toxic. The bite of the Brazilian wandering spider is of moderate pain, but in the absence of medical attention it results in paralysis and respiratory arrest. However, there is an effective antidote against this neurotoxin (PhTx3), so the number of deaths is lower than it would otherwise be.

On a note

In some lists of the largest and most terrible spiders, the first place is mistakenly occupied by Heteropoda maxima, a species discovered in 2001 in Laos. Indeed, this arthropod has a larger limb span - up to 30 mm. However, the goliath tarantula significantly exceeds it in body size: 85 and 100 mm in males and females, respectively, against 30 and 46 mm. Thus, of these giant spiders, Theraphosa blondi is still considered the largest spider in the world.


The article briefly described the largest spider in the world. Although it does not pose a particular danger to humans, its size inspires respect. This unique creature, despite its repulsive appearance, is an integral harmonious part of living nature and takes its rightful place in it. We hope that the information presented in the material will be interesting and useful for readers.

The largest spider in the world is Teraphosa Blonda. This spider is capable of hunting toads, mice and even small snakes. The largest spider of this species was found in 1965 in Venezuela and the span of its limbs was 28 centimeters. As for the body size, it averages 8-9 cm, and the average span of the spider’s limbs is about 25 cm. These giants live in the forests of Suriname, Venezuela and northern Brazil. Theraphosa Blonde was first described by the French entomologist Latreille in 1804.

Another large spider is Heteropoda maxima from the Sparassidae family. Compared to the Teraphosa Blonde spider, it has a much shorter body length, which is about 4.5 cm, but the limb span can reach more than 25 cm. Heteropoda maxima is a brownish-yellow spider with irregular dark spots on the head. Also, unlike other spiders, it has unreduced eyes. Lives this type spider in Laos, Khammouan province.

The banana spider is considered the largest web-weaving spider. The size of its body does not exceed 4 cm, but the span of its limbs reaches 12 cm. Small birds sometimes get caught in the web of this spider. Even fishermen from the Indian Ocean coast use their net to catch fish. To do this, they collect many nets, form them into a large ball and throw them into the water. Banana spiders live in Australia. As for their poison, it is not fatal for people, although it is considered very strong

This species of spider belongs to the wolf spider family. They live in Central Asia, as well as in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The spider's body is about 3.5 cm in size and is densely covered with hairs. They live in burrows, which they dig themselves to a depth of 30-40 cm. They usually feed on various beetles that run near their burrows. The signal for a spider to attack is the shadow of an insect that runs near the entrance to the hole. The South Russian tarantula very rarely bites people, and if a bite occurs, it causes local swelling and severe pain. If a spider bites you, you should immediately cauterize the bite site with a match, because their bites are not very deep and the venom is injected under the skin, and when cauterized, thermal decomposition of the venom occurs.

The cross spider closes the list of the largest spiders in the world. The cross spider belongs to the family of orb-web spiders. In total there are about 1000 species of these spiders, and 30 of them live in the CIS countries. There are especially many of them in the Altai Republic, Smolensk and Rostov regions, as well as in Moldova. They were called crosses because of their belly, on which there are white spots forming a cross. The size of these spiders is about 2.5 cm, males are half the size of females. The spider's prey is flies and mosquitoes caught in the web, which it can immediately eat or entangle in a web, leaving the food for a more appropriate time. As for spider venom, it is completely harmless to humans.

Top 10 very large spiders Video

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