A huge map of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and its secrets. Steal-kill: The evolution of the GTA series of games Map sizes in gta

Map GTA San Andreas at one time amazed even the most experienced gamers with the scale and number of different chips.

At the time of its release it was one of the largest projects. This is evidenced by the fact that even now some users are going through it again and trying to achieve the coveted 100 percent.

Other players have gone to the online version called SA:MP. For such people it will be useful to read the information in the article.

Total information

In this part of the GTA series, the map is truly huge, because the developers presented their version of an entire fictional state. It includes three cities that were created on the basis of Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

Between the megacities there is uninhabited territory with a variety of biomes. In the north, almost the entire region is covered with sand, while in the south nature blooms with green plains, hills and even forests.

Huge GTA game map San Andreas

In the southwest, developers have created a small area mountainous area. To imagine the size, you should know that it will only take a hundred hours to fully explore every nook and cranny of the map. However, new areas become available only after advancing through storyline.

Two interesting cards

If the designations on English language in GTA San Andreas it already hurts the user's eyes after several hours, then you should use a map from Russian 1C localizers. This company has created an official translation of all the terrain that is available to players in this part of the game.

The user can always keep it in front of their eyes for additional orientation. This document also contains all the necessary information about interesting places. The guys from 1C did not reveal all the secrets, but restaurants, bars, clubs and other establishments in cities and rural areas are shown here.

History of the map

It is useful to use a map when traveling to explore the world. In order not to do the same work twice, you should take with you a document that shows the location of all the secrets. Most of them are present on the first map, but the secret 1C clothing store might have been missed.

Each player is recommended to travel to designated places to discover something new for themselves. Mostly the secrets are located in three cities. There are quite a few of them along the left bank of the river in the west. A trip to such places will definitely bring pleasure to the player.

Love twists and turns

The ability to have a girlfriend in this part of the series was new, since before this players were forced to go through their criminal path alone. This project has changed everything, but to capture the heart of his beloved, the user must prepare. Having a map of shells that are hidden on the coasts and depths of the sea will help him with this.

If you find them a large number of, then the level of sexuality will increase, and as a bonus, lung capacity. A map for GTA San Andreas with all the places marked will help you cope with this difficult task. Most items from this category are present in the water near the eastern and northern coasts of San Fierro.

One of Carl Johnson's girls

You should also hunt in the west of Los Santos. Such activities are required to achieve 100 percent completion, and therefore the availability of maps is of paramount importance. This also applies to the houses of the girls with whom main character may have a romantic relationship. Two of them live in the south of San Fierro, the third lives in the west in El Quebrados.

The fourth potential lover for the main character can be found right in the center of the map in Blueberry, and the fifth in the east of Los Santos. The choice is small, but each user will be able to decide after a trip to all of the above places. For better orientation, you should use a map.

Developer Tricks

All developers, without exception, try to keep the public in their project for a long time, because it is a guarantee of success for continuation. Rockstar Games is no different in this regard. With the release of GTA San Andreas, they used one simple thing - grinding.

This term refers to the monotonous activities that are required to complete the project. Only this applies specifically to achieving 100 percent; it has nothing to do with the main storyline. Players usually don’t like to do this kind of thing, but they have to do it to get the desired achievement.

Graffiti scattered throughout San Andreas

In this case, maps, images and paintings in GTA San Andreas to indicate places with some objects. This applies especially to photographs and graffiti. They are scattered across the corners of two huge cities. In the case of the photo, the player will have to explore the entire streets of San Fierro and find fifty of these objects.

The graffiti developers made twice as much and scattered them throughout Los Santos. It should be noted that searching for these objects without a special map indicating all the places is almost impossible. This can take hundreds of hours, and one or two objects will remain without cleaning. It is better to systematically carry out searches area by area, and the graffiti map for GTA San Andreas will help in this difficult task.

Other activities

The developers also paid attention to the third city of Las Venturas in terms of collective activities. The developers scattered fifty horseshoes along the streets of this metropolis. They are present in all regions of the city. If we separate it separately, then greatest number in the northeast and southeast.

In other parts there are fewer objects. As in the first case, players are strongly recommended to use the map when searching. Saving time when hunting for 100 percent in a playthrough is incredibly important.

Prize horseshoe

For lovers of extreme sports and Vehicle information about places where you can make unique jumps will be useful. These are seven dozen special springboards that allow you to use vehicles to perform tricks. Fast cars and motorcycles are best suited.

To use such objects, acceleration is required, and therefore bicycles, as well as slow equipment, can be immediately folded back. Most of the places with unique jumps are in Los Santos, in the center and west of Las Venturas, as well as San Fierro. They are also around Blueberry, but for a more precise search it is better to use an accurate map showing places with jumps.

A lot of information

In the state of San Andres, hidden in various nooks and crannies of megacities and in rural areas, there are places where there are a wide variety of types of equipment. For any fan of the project, driving all models of transport is almost a law. That is why a special map was created, on which all the places where the equipment was present were marked.

This number even includes golf carts, forklifts, speedboats, boats and bicycles. There is no need to even talk about motorcycles, air vehicles and cars. The developers have really allocated a lot of places for transport, and therefore you can’t do without a map.

Map with secret cars

Even with knowledge of all the locations, visiting them takes a lot of time. The same situation applies to weapons, armor and police badges. The player hunts for these items throughout the game, even during story missions. Of course, any user can enter special codes and get guns with immortality, but playing like this becomes boring.

If you assemble a collection of weapons yourself, the feeling of victory will be truly palpable. Our map will help with this, on which the necessary places are marked. The information in the article will help all players achieve maximum progress when completing the legendary game GTA San Andreas.

Series developers Grand Theft Auto has never stood still. Constant experimentation, often on the verge of a foul, significant changes in gameplay and the desire to open new horizons - all this has made the cult series of games what it is today.

In anticipation of the release of the new part of the game, which, according to the guys from Rockstar, promises to be filled to the brim with innovations, FURFUR decided to trace the evolution of one of the most popular gaming franchises of all time.

How it all began

The concept of the game that was to become Grand Theft Auto was born back in 1995. Then the game was supposed to be called Race’n’Chase, and most of the missions were related to racing around the city.

However, the features of the future hit could be seen already in the early stages: three unique cities copied from real prototypes, a bunch of cars, the ability to run over pedestrians, and some of the missions conceived by the authors involved bank robbery and other illegal acts. But crime in the game was not yet an end in itself, although the developers were going to introduce the opportunity to steal a cooler car.

Fortunately for all of us, Race’n’Chase remained just a concept on paper, but two years later a game with a provocative name - Grand Theft Auto - was released.

Grand Theft Auto

The DJs deserve special mention, often featuring celebrities such as Iggy Pop, Axl Rose, Funkmaster Flex and Karl Lagerfeld.

All the most important features of the series first appeared here. Complete freedom of illegal actions - from carrying out mafia tasks to cheerful senseless massacres on the streets, a rich assortment of cars and one of the iconic features of the line - the radio.

Developers have always taken in-game radio very seriously. A huge number of radio stations, each of which specialized in its own style, cynical DJs spouting jokes on the brink of a foul, and a very high-quality selection of songs.

If in the first parts of the series the music filling of the games consisted of tracks from not the most popular artists, the most famous among whom were Symarip and Upsetters, who were played on the radio in GTA: London 1969, then starting from the third part everything changed a lot.

The list of famous artists who appeared in the soundtracks of games in the series tends to be infinite. Everyone was here: from Aphex Twin and Slayer to Kino and Ranetok.

The favorite pastime of the players in the first part was the destruction of people in yellow robes wandering single file through the streets of cities. If you managed to crush all the Hare Krishnas, the player received the Gouaranga achievement. By the way, Gauranga is a real Hare Krishna saint. It is believed that he is one of the incarnations of Krishna, and his name, spoken out loud at least once, bestows good luck and blessings.

In the first part, three key cities of the series appear - Liberty City, San Andreas and Vice City. True, you can only admire their beauties from a bird's eye view - three-dimensional, and especially HD graphics were not even a thing in those days.

The choice of weapons was limited - only four items: a pistol, a machine gun, a grenade launcher and a flamethrower. But the choice of missions that our nameless gangster could take on was already quite extensive: contract killings, bank robberies and, of course, hijackings.

There were also echoes of the arcade games that were popular at that time. For example, all kinds of bonuses are scattered throughout the city, by picking them up you could increase the number of points earned several times, reduce the level of police attention, or get a key to the prison.

GTA: London 1969 and London 1961

The series has never gone this far in time and space. Developed on the engine of the first GTA, these two add-ons transported the player to the swinging sixties.

Of course, the surroundings of that time, or rather a parody of it, were created by the developers with the utmost meticulousness and great love. Just look at the characters speaking thick Cockney and driving on the left, which infuriated many players.

Subsequently, nostalgic mockery of different eras will also turn into signature techniques of games in the GTA series.

By the way, this the only games under the GTA brand, where the action takes place in real cities - London and Manchester - and not in their parody versions invented by the developers.

The changes in the game were more of an aesthetic nature: cars and music of the sixties. In general, the gameplay differed little from the first game in the series. However, some gamers believe that their acquaintance with the origins of their favorite franchise should begin with this game, and not with the first part.


In the second part, the developers continued to experiment. The game was moved to Anywhere city in 2013. About whether the city had real prototype, the developers are silent, but many suspect that the game depicts the New York of the future.

The game’s authors saw the future as quite gloomy: aesthetically, they were clearly guided by films like “Escape from New York” and cyberpunk aesthetics. However, the innovations affected not only the pictures. Firstly, the main character now has a name. Secondly, each gang began to differ from the others in appearance and vehicles. In addition, the hero acquired a reputation: by helping one gang, he incurred the wrath of others.

Other innovations include: the ability to save the game, car thieves and robbers on the streets hunting for your money and cars, as well as legal work as a taxi or bus driver. There are far more weapons in the game, and the vehicle can now be equipped with a heavy machine gun, a tank of oil that spills onto the road, or even turn your car into a “martyr mobile.”

Wreaking havoc in the city is a lot more fun when you're wearing a police uniform. In GTA 2 such a masquerade is possible. At the second level, you need to go to the possessions of the Zaibatsu corporation, find a green phone there and take on a mission called “Flame It”. To complete it you will need to steal a police car. Having stolen it, the main character will change into a police uniform and will be able to walk around the city in this form. In order not to lose your new outfit, you just need to not complete the mission.


The new millennium has raised the bar gaming industry. And although games without 3D graphics did not yet look like an anachronism, they were rapidly losing ground. Rockstar, however, continued to keep up with the times in all respects: the first three-dimensional GTA takes place during the years of the game's release - in 2001.

The car damage system also added to the coolness of the picture, however, on their specifications The damage has not had any effect yet. The main character for some reason lost his name (it will become known only in GTA: San Andreas), and therefore responds to either the derogatory “Kid” or the dog name “Fido”.

The series has always been famous for the fact that players can do things for which in real life you can quickly get either a prison sentence or a bullet. But few people know that in the third part of GTA you can break not only state laws, but also the laws of physics. To be convinced of this, it is enough to arm yourself sniper rifle and shoot at the moon. After this, the only satellite of the Earth will decrease in size. The second shot will return the Moon to its previous size. The same can be done in GTA Vice City.

The third part was marked not only by absolutely stunning graphics for that time and the usual cool gameplay, but also by the presence of a clear plot. If previously the hero carried out missions aimlessly, working for this or that mafioso, now such defections from gang to gang are plot-based, and following the adventure of the nameless “Fido” becomes really interesting.

It is worth noting the appearance of colorful minor characters, speaking in the voices of many celebrities. In particular, Kyle MacLachlan, rapper Guru and Michael Madsen were noted here.

The arsenal has expanded again compared to previous parts, as has the fleet of vehicles. Boats appeared and the real nightmare of all inexperienced gamers - a helicopter and a Dodo plane, which are very problematic to fly. There are rumors that the developers specially made the controls of the plane more difficult so that players would not dare to recklessly ram skyscrapers on it - the game was released a month after the events of September 11th.

GTA Vice City

To make a game about the criminal world and ignore the movie “Scarface” is truly criminal. Therefore, the action of the next game in the series was transferred to the prosperous 1980s, to the city of Vice City, painfully reminiscent of the drugged Miami of those years.

The main character is Tommy Vercetti, a not-so-high-flying mafioso who greatly annoyed his boss. By the way, Tommy speaks in the voice of Ray Liotta. Among the new products, we can note the opportunity to purchase means of destruction in gun stores or from a huckster.

In addition to new cars, half a dozen planes and helicopters have appeared in the game. In addition, for the first time in the history of the series, damage to vehicles directly affects their technical characteristics.

GTA San Andreas

Gangs of blacks and Latinos, slums, low riders and all the other attributes of life that gangsta rappers have been telling us about for so long - this is what GTA San Andreas presented to the player.

You will have to play as a simple guy from the ghetto, CJ, who, after a five-year absence, returns to his native Los Santos for his mother’s funeral, and remains here, creating his own criminal empire.

The gameplay has undergone significant changes. The game has turned into a real life simulator: here you can eat, drink, paint walls from a balloon, build muscles and even make a girlfriend. Now you can literally dress the main character from head to toe, choosing not only clothes and shoes, but also accessories. The game also acquired a role-playing element in the form of leveling up skills, which are most often used by the protagonist.

Here we will also add a lot of mini-games from basketball to betting on horse races, and a decent number of legal activities for the main character: in addition to the work of a taxi driver already familiar from previous games, the player will be able to try on the role of a fireman and even become a vigilante, destroying criminals.

Hot coffee

A serious shift towards realism has left many players wanting more. In particular, many did not like the fact that while CJ was secluded with his beloved, the player had to see only the facade of the house, guessing what was happening only from the sounds. For such voyeurs, a special Hot Coffe mod was released, which revealed hidden sex scenes in the form of a mini-game.

A terrible scandal broke out, sales of the game were temporarily suspended, and the game's rating was changed from “M” (“persons over 17 years old”) to “AO” (“adults only”).

As a result, the developers announced a free exchange of the scandalous game for a version from which everything indecent had been carefully cut out. But there were a little more than two thousand such people.

There are so many hints and funny bugs in GTA SA that it would fill a whole book. Here is an example that is not the easiest to perform, but quite spectacular. It is advisable to play together. We bring the wanted level to the point where helicopters will be sent for you. We find a higher hill, wait for the helicopter to hover above you and shoot it down. The main thing is that its frame falls directly onto the slope. Then, with your joint efforts, you push what is left of the helicopter down the slope, and when its remains crawl on their own, jump on top and enjoy the ride.

Finally, the protagonist learned not only to swim, but also to climb over obstacles, and also to shoot “Macedonian style” - with two hands.

The map, which had simply grown to indecent sizes, created a real sensation. You can now carry out criminal affairs not just in different areas, but in different cities: San Fierro (San Francisco), Los Santos (Los Angeles) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas). In addition, the world has become “seamless” - when moving from one location to another, a loading screen no longer appears.

The number of vehicles is simply off the charts: cars, helicopters, planes, bicycles, trains and even a jetpack. Let's add to this the opportunity to pump up the car to your liking, turning almost any four-wheeled jalopy into a super-fast roadster or a low-rider rolling imposingly through the streets. And yes, the mission with the train was right here.

GTA Advance

This game, released specifically for the Game Boy Advance, returned to the classic top-down view. Initially, it was planned to publish GTA III in this form specifically for a portable console, but then the developers decided to tell a completely new story.

The game's plot is a prequel to the third part, and tells the story of the misadventures of petty criminal Mike, obsessed with revenge for the death of his partner and mentor Vinny.

Despite the fact that the first two parts of the game look like two peas in a pod, it contains elements that appeared already in the 3D era - the opportunity to be in the shoes of a law enforcement officer or an ambulance driver and an expanded arsenal.

GTA Liberty City stories

A spin-off to the third part, also released specifically for consoles. This time the protagonist of the game is Toni Cipriani, one of the employers of the nameless hero of GTA III, and the plot revolves around the Italian mafiosi of Liberty City.

In terms of innovations, there are not a lot of innovations here: the developers slightly expanded the vehicle fleet, abandoned the old RenderWire engine especially for the PSP, and made some cosmetic changes to the graphics.

GTA Vice City stories

Another completely independent game, made specifically for PSP and PS 2. The main character of this part, Victor Vance, is interesting because, unlike the other protagonists in the series, he is not a seasoned criminal from the very beginning. He, like Michael Corleone, enters the criminal path by coincidence, which does not prevent him from achieving fame as one of the most dangerous people Vice City.

This time the developers decided to bring an economic component to the game. Brothels, pawn shops and brothels are scattered throughout the city, by owning which the player can strengthen his influence, earn authority and chop cabbage.

The main character is a retired military man who is forced to become a bandit. But if you are disgusted by this prospect, you can always go back to serve in the army. To do this, you need to find a small house to the right of the entrance to the military base, jump onto its roof, and from there jump over the wall. Now you're in the army, son!

Perhaps this is the part of the line that is closest and dearest to the Russian player. It’s not surprising, because the main character, a simple Balkan guy Niko Bellic, is exactly like the guy who, sitting on the courts near your entrance, asked: “Is there a phone with a camera to call?”

Fundamentally new engine, cool graphics, completely new system fighting and all this in the surroundings of Liberty City, like two peas in a pod similar to New York.

Shootings began to look completely different. Instead of standing like a pillar, pouring lead on the enemy, Niko hides behind cars, partitions and garbage cans, sometimes shooting blindly. The character damage system has also undergone changes: a hit in the hand will cause the enemy to drop the weapon, a shot in the leg will slow him down, and a bullet to the head will calm him down forever.

In the game, you can make money easily, not only by robbing a bank in one of the story missions. You can pinch Liberty City bankers in your free time. Armored trucks with the inscription Gruppe 6 on the back are driving around the city. These are not paddy wagons at all, as it might seem at first glance, but cash-in-transit vehicles. Having stolen such a car, take it to a quiet place and blow it up with any explosives at hand. After this, all that remains is to collect a bountiful harvest from the green packets that spilled out of the exploded armored car.

In this part, the system of relationships with other characters, the beginnings of which could be observed back in San Andreas, blossomed wildly. You need to talk to them on the phone, periodically go to a diner or bar. True, this new product quickly began to irritate many players: there are a lot of situations when Niko rushes at full speed into the oncoming traffic, escaping from pursuit, while talking on the phone with his brother Roman.

The role-playing part and the beginnings of a life simulator, which were present in GTA SA, disappeared in the fourth part. You can no longer pump up your muscles or upgrade your skills. But there was an extensive in-game Internet and a multifunctional mobile phone.

The list of media entertainment is complemented by television, however, Big city how Liberty City acquired only two TV channels. But they can be used to watch funny videos that parody modern television and pop culture.

The multiplayer in this part offered players a wide scope for joint activities: several types of deathmatches, cooperative tasks, the opportunity to play “Cossacks-robbers”, taking on the role of SWAT fighters or bandits opposing them.

In addition to the main campaign, two additional episodes were released, telling the story of minor, but no less colorful, characters - Jewish biker Johnny Klebitz and Blue Tony's Latino bodyguard, Luis Lopez.

GTA China town wars

The Chinatown wars episode, also related to the plot of the fourth part, was released exclusively on consoles and mobile devices. Appearance The game has undergone changes again. The isometric projection has become something between the classic top view and the “behind camera” that has already become familiar to us. Unlike the graphics of the previous parts, which were as close to reality as possible, the picture here is completely cartoonish.

But the process of car theft came very close to reality. So, for example, there were several ways to start a car: by tinkering with the ignition switch with a screwdriver, in the old-fashioned way - by connecting the wires, or by resorting to the help of high technology in the case of expensive cars.

It is impossible not to mention such an important new feature that appeared in this part, as the ability to rummage through trash cans in search of various goodies.


It has already become a good tradition to expect some changes, good or bad, from each new GTA series. What will happen in the new part can only be judged from the words of the developers themselves.

So, in GTA 5 we are waiting for: three characters at once, between whom you can switch almost at any time; the largest map of all games in the series; return to sports; scuba gear and bathyscaphe; hobbies for characters and the opportunity to rob banks.

The main characters, as it happens, are not ordinary scumbags, but dudes with a complex and strange fate. Two former bank robbers, one of whom began to lead a quiet life, and the second slid to the very bottom, and an aspiring bandit, forced to work part-time at a car dealership.

Comparison of the GTA 5 map with the maps of GTA 4, GTA San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption

There is a lot of speculation on the Internet regarding the size of the GTA 5 map. Rockstar Games themselves, even before the game's release, said that its map would be larger than the maps of GTA 4, GTA San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption combined. But after playing GTA 5, some people got the impression that the map is not that big. This can be caused by several reasons: for example, fast cars and light traffic on the roads allow you to reach high speeds, which makes it possible to move very quickly. In addition, in GTA 5 the buildings and neighborhoods are somewhat larger than in GTA SA, so comparing the size of the worlds of these games may be somewhat incorrect if based solely on sensations. Here we present map size comparisons between Grand Theft Auto 5 and other games, based on rough estimates made as accurately as possible.

Some were disappointed by the size of Grand Theft Auto IV's map, and R* obviously took that into account. Having played GTA 5, we can say without a shadow of a doubt that the size of the map of this game is larger than the size of the GTA 4 map, but how much larger? A lot more:

This is perhaps the most interesting thing. The size of the GTA SA map was gigantic for its time, and even now it certainly doesn’t look small. Let's not delay, here's the actual comparison:

The world of RDR may seem huge due to the fact that at best you have to travel on horseback, so the speed of movement leaves much to be desired. If you compare the sizes of the maps, you can see that the world of GTA 5 is much larger:

It is worth noting, however, a few important details. The sea occupies a significant part of the GTA 5 map, and at its bottom you can find weapons, ammunition and other small items, as well as barrels of nuclear waste, submarine parts, hidden packages and much more, that is, there is content under water, and it’s not just algae . We also need to take into account that when comparing map sizes, we are not completely comparing what really interests us - the sizes of game worlds. The interiors, which, as a rule, are carefully worked out, as well as the relief remain completely unaccounted for: the surface area of ​​the mountain is much larger than the area of ​​its base, that is, the more varied the relief, the more significant its changes and the more of them, the larger, in fact, the game world. On these points, Grand Theft Auto 5 can give a head start to other games, so, to summarize, we can say that R* was not deceived when they talked about the GTA 5 map - it is indeed larger than the maps of GTA 4, GTA San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption taken together.

Finally, a short video illustrating the scale of the GTA 5 map and comparing it with the scale of the GTA 4 map:

Author's article specifically for the site. When reprinting, be sure to have an active link to this article!

Since the first information about Grand Theft Auto 5, there is talk in the gaming community about the size of the map. Rockstar promised that its scale will be commensurate with the territories combined into one GTA 4, GTA: San Andreas And Red Dead Redemption. But for a fan of the series, these words are not enough.

A fan of the game, hiding under the nickname deffpony, compared the scale in the screenshots, the size of the buildings and the height of the characters.

In order to determine the parameters for a rough comparison of the sizes of Los Santos and Liberty City, I first obtained a 3D model of the Algonquin district, a virtual analogue of Manhattan from GTA 4. It is known that the Rotterdam Tower corresponds to the Empire State Building in a ratio of 1: 1. It is likely that Los Santos Bank Tower also corresponds to its prototype on a one-to-one scale. I combined the drawings of both towers and placed them side by side to compare the two cities. With the help of some screenshots, I was able to compare the growth of characters from parts 4 and 5 of the game. It turned out identical, which once again confirms the correctness of the calculations. The only mistake may be the dimensions of Los Santos Bank Tower; if not they do not correspond to the original building, then all comparisons are very approximate.
- deffpony
In the images we see the process of calculations and comparisons, and in the last animated picture we see a map overlay GTA 5 on the map GTA 4.

A pirated version of the acclaimed game of the year, GTA V, is already freely available online. My friend has been playing it all day on his PS3, but I don’t have a console, so I decided to just write a post.

For a long time I had the idea to compare cards, why not do it. After all, I am not yet able to review the game. Comparing maps without some kind of scale is a rather difficult thing, but if you take the width of the road as a basis, you can understand approximately what we are dealing with and how much GTA map 5 more or less than others.

The scale is completely screwed up, everything is done by eye and intuition.


The 1997 game will not surprise us now with the large scale of its map, a typical GTA square map with bridges and several cities.


In the second game in the series, the card system was changed, now instead of one there were three cards at once. This does not mean that there is three times more space, as we would like.


If few people played the first two games and remember the cards, then this one remains at least a little in their memory. 3.5 square criminal miles.

GTA Vice city

I remember these beaches; the island where the filming takes place; mansion. An ingenious card designed to never be forgotten.

A whopping 5.67 square miles of gaming joy.

Gta San Andreas

San Andreas had the most best card among the entire series, not counting the fifth GTA, of course. We were given three huge cities, among other things, there were a bunch of different villages, fields, mountains, forests. Here everything could be memorized intuitively. It’s not for nothing that they say about GTA that they know them better than their own city. To be precise, it's about 13.9 square miles or 36 square kilometers.


GTA4 maps look a little more modest after the previous version of the game. We have been spared the village fun, now we have cities at our disposal, or more precisely, the same Liberty City, familiar to us from the first game in the series. Only 6.8 square miles.


It has already been said that the GTA V map looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I don’t think so, if only in size, since it is definitely not huge, as it was previously imagined.

Judging by the inscriptions and my careful analysis, we will be in the city of Los Santos from San Andreas (the first city in the game). That is, the GTA 5 map consists of one city out of three San Andreas. Does this mean that the map is three times smaller than San Andreas? No.

The city is more detailed and the surroundings have been changed, there are even more side and more detailed forests. If you believe the mathematicians from Pikabu, then the ZhTA 5 map has an area of ​​51.33 square miles, and this is almost 3.5 times larger than the setting in everyone’s favorite San Andres.

This good sign that in the new GTA they are moving forward to progress not by reducing locations. Judging by the city, it will immediately be all open, which is a direct innovation compared to other versions of GTA.

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