What do we know about fruits, berries, vegetables. Interesting facts about fruits that few people know. Fruits and vegetables are nutritious in any form

  • The most cold-resistant of all citrus crops is. Unknown in the wild. Mandarin is native to southern China and Cochin.
  • The word greenhouse came to us from French. It came from French word"orange" which means . The first greenhouses were built in France to grow oranges.
  • Fruits with thick skin contain more vitamins than thin-skinned ones.
  • – is this a berry or a fruit? From a botanical point of view, a berry is a small multi-seeded fruit of shrubs, subshrubs and herbaceous plants. Fruits are the juicy fruits of shrubs and trees, formed from the ovary of flowers and containing one or more seeds inside. The peach fruit is more of a fruit.
  • Some peoples have a tradition of giving it to the bride so that she can manage the kitchen well.
  • According to the European Union Directive of December 20, 2001, carrots are both a fruit and a vegetable. Why are carrots also a fruit in European countries? The fact is that the Portuguese make carrots delicious jam and export it to Europe, but according to European legislation, jam can only be made from fruit.
  • It contains more natural sugar than and. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when the caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.
  • Peru is considered its homeland, or rather, the coastal strip of land between Ecuador and the northern part of Chile, where this crop was grown long before the arrival of Europeans. The ancient Aztec name "tomatl" (large berry) eventually evolved into the well-known "tomato". Tomato for a long time. like other plants brought from the newly discovered continent, it was considered poisonous.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in 1893 that tomatoes should be considered vegetables for purposes of customs duties (although the court noted that, botanically, tomatoes are fruits).
  • In 2001, the European Union decided that tomatoes are not vegetables, but fruits.
  • Thus, in Europe tomatoes are a fruit, and in the USA they are vegetables.
  • If the tomato is considered a fruit, then it confidently holds the palm among fruits: more than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced annually in the world, which is 16 million more than the production of bananas. Apples are third with 36 million tons, followed by oranges (34 million tons) and (22 million tons).
  • The same song with: according to the botanical classification, the cucumber is a fruit and is considered a false berry, according to the culinary classification, it is a vegetable.
  • In Iran, cucumber is considered a fruit and is served along with sweets.
  • Our ancestors used it instead of blush.
  • It is believed that the word “” comes from the ancient Greek and Roman “caputum” (head), which emphasizes the peculiar shape of this vegetable.
  • is an excellent fertilizer producer. During growth, nodules form on the roots, which fix atmospheric nitrogen, which is so necessary for our plants. After peas and other representatives of the legume family, approximately 100 g of mineral nitrogen per 1 square meter remains in the soil. m.
  • - these are not trees at all, these are giant perennial herbs with huge leaves arranged in a spiral, which emerge directly from the rhizome, forming a false trunk, often reaching a height of 5 - 9 m. The plant is considered one of the tallest herbs in the world.
  • In the southwestern regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus it is designated by the word “kavun”. Garbuz is the name given to pumpkin in Ukraine and Belarus.
  • From the point of view of commodity science, melon is a dessert vegetable.
  • Melon has excellent rejuvenating properties. In the East they say: “Melon makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires strong, opportunities fulfilled, men desirable, and women beautiful.”

Interesting educational information about vegetables for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

10 Fun Facts About Vegetables

1. Turnips were once sown from the mouth. The fact is that turnips have very small seeds: there are more than a million of them in one kilogram, and they simply cannot be scattered by hand. However, spitting is not a simple matter, so the best “spitters” were valued and revered among the people.

2. In Russia, beet broth was used as a disinfectant and, naturally, it was eaten boiled and raw. And it came to us from Byzantium, as evidenced by the origin of the Russian name from the Greek word “sfekeli”.

3. There are many types of cabbage: red, white, cauliflower... Cauliflower Mark Twain called the cabbage who graduated from college. Americans call broccoli “college-educated cabbage.”

4. Potatoes appeared in Europe in the middle of the 17th century as an ornamental plant. They say that a certain admiral brought this plant to England and, when it was grown, treated his friends to its stems and leaves, fried in oil. The guests spat for a long time. In the 18th century in Russia, this dish was served as a dessert at court. Before consumption, it was boiled and sprinkled thickly with sugar.

5. Peas were the first vegetable to be sealed in a tin.

6. At the beginning of the 18th century, cucumber was very rare in England, and doctors competed in search of its negative qualities. Some considered it simply poisonous, others considered it “cooling” and caused colds.

7. The tomato was also considered poisonous. For example, in the book " Complete Guide on Gardening,” published in Denmark in 1774, it was written: “These fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy.” In Rus', tomatoes have long been called “mad berries”.

8. Carrots have been considered a fruit in Europe since 1991. Within European countries, no one dares to call it a vegetable or root vegetable anymore. This allows the Portuguese to continue producing and exporting carrot jam, because, according to European standards, jam is made only from fruit.

9. Experts still haven’t decided whether pineapple is a vegetable or a fruit. During the time of Catherine II, noble gourmets widely used it at feasts, although in a way unusual for us. Thus, Count Alexander Stroganov served pineapple in vinegar, and Count Zavadovsky chopped pineapples like cabbage, stored them in tubs and then cooked borscht and cabbage soup from them.

10. One of the most interesting vegetables is Arctic horseradish. It can be found in distant Greenland. It blooms even when severe frosts occur.

Riddles about vegetables

For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

It tastes like sugar, sweet.


Unsightly, gnarly,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious!”


Like in our garden

Mysteries have grown -

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red.


I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land.


Proverbs about agricultural labor

The land is black, but it produces white bread.

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

Whatever the arable land, such is the brutality.

Go to bed with the chickens, get up with the rooster.

Give to the earth and it will give to you.

On uncultivated land, only weeds grow.

Yelling is not playing the pipe.

If you cut down a tree, plant two.

Don’t sleep on this bread: if you reap, you won’t have time to sleep.

What you need to know about vegetables. Interesting facts.

It turns out that vegetables that are familiar to us have completely unusual properties. Many of them have amazing story origin. And the use of some is outlandish.

Vegetables - herbal products, which have been part of our lives for a very long time and we cannot imagine our diet, and life in general, without them. Nature has made them not only tasty, but also very healthy. Today we will talk about interesting properties vegetables, and also touch on little-known ones to the general public historical facts about these edible plants.

10th place. Turnip

Once upon a time, turnips were sown with the mouth. This is explained by the fact that turnips have very small seeds: there are more than a million of them in 1 kg (!), and it is not possible to scatter them manually. However, spitting is also not a simple matter, so the best “spitters” of radish seeds were valued and revered among the people. In the bursa they said about flogging: “It’s not for you to sow turnips!”

Baked turnips were also a favorite delicacy of the ancient Romans, who were able to grow root vegetables that could weigh up to 16 kg. Turnips appeared in our country long before the emergence of the Moscow Principality; they served our ancestors as a staple food product. Russian peasants carried turnips to the market in cartloads. Very tasty dishes were prepared from it.

9th place. Beet

Since ancient times in Russia, beet broth has been used as a disinfectant. It was eaten raw. so m boiled. And it came to us from the Mediterranean. The word "sthekeli" is of Greek origin.

8th place. Cabbage.

There are many varieties of cabbage: red, white, cauliflower, broccoli... There are approximately 100 types of cabbage all over the world. Mark Twain called cauliflower the cabbage that graduated from college. Americans call broccoli “college-educated cabbage.”

The ancient Greeks believed that cabbage could relieve alcohol intoxication, and considered it a symbol of sobriety. And in China, sauerkraut was first invented. It was soaked in wine. This dish was fed to the slaves who built the Great Wall of China.

7th place. Potato

In Europe, potatoes appeared in the middle of the 17th century as an ornamental plant. They say that a certain admiral brought this plant to England and, when it was grown, treated his friends to its steodnakami and leaves fried in oil. The guests spat for a long time. In the 18th century in Russia, this dish was served as a dessert at court. Before consumption, it was boiled and sprinkled thickly with sugar.

Potatoes are the first root crop to experience weightlessness. He was raised on spaceship"Columbia" in 1995.

IN different countries There are many monuments around the world, as well as several museums dedicated to potatoes.

6th place. Green pea

French Queen Catherine de' Medici brought Italian peas to France when she married Henry II. Thanks to her, green peas - "petits pois" - became a delicacy in France.

Peas were the first vegetable to be sealed in a tin.

5th place. Cucumber

At the beginning of the 18th century, cucumber was a rarity in England. Doctors of that time competed to find his negative qualities. Some considered it simply poisonous, others - “cooling” and causing colds.

Iranians classify cucumber as a fruit, which is why they serve it for dessert.

In Cyprus, cucumber is used for sweet preservation - delicious jam is made from it.

4th place. Tomato

The name tomato comes from Italian “pomo d'oro” meaning “golden apple”.

For a long time, the tomato was indeed considered poisonous. For example, in the book “A Complete Guide to Gardening,” published in Denmark in 1774, it was written: “These fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy.” In Rus', tomatoes were called “mad berries.”

3rd place. Carrot

Carrots have been cultivated for approximately 2000 years. Historians believe that carrots originally came from Afghanistan. The original colors of carrots were purple, white, yellow, red and black. The orange carrots with a sweet aroma that we are all accustomed to were developed by Dutch scientists.

Carrots have been classified as a fruit in Europe since 1991. In the European Union, no one dares to call carrots a vegetable or a root vegetable. The Portuguese specialize in making carrot jam and export it to European countries, because according to European standards, jam is made only from fruits.

2nd place. A pineapple

Experts are still wondering whether to include pineapple as a vegetable or a fruit. During the time of Catherine II in Russia, pineapple was widely used at feasts, although in a way that was unusual for us. Thus, Count Alexander Stroganov served pineapple in vinegar, and Count Zavadovsky chopped the sweet delicacy like cabbage, stored it in tubs and cooked borscht and cabbage soup from it.

1 place. Horseradish

One of the most interesting vegetables is Arctic horseradish. It can be found in distant Greenland. It blooms even when severe frosts occur.

Horseradish is a wonderful aphrodisiac. The British called it horseradish, that is, “horse radish,” precisely because of its aphrodisiac properties. In the USA, horseradish is recognized as a product of strategic importance for medicine, the space industry and defense.

1. You can make jam from potatoes
Potatoes appeared in Europe only in the 16th century. It was grown in gardens as an ornamental plant, jam was made from its berries, and they began to be eaten much later. And in 1800, potatoes were such a rare product that they were given to each other for holidays.

2. People were killed for cucumbers
In addition to potatoes, cucumbers were once rare. One day, the Turkish Sultan Mohammed II (who was famous for his cruelty and greed) ordered the bellies of his seven subjects to be opened, having learned that one of them had eaten one of the cucumbers sent to him as a gift.

3. The Greeks Worshiped the Bow
In ancient Greece, onions were considered a sacred vegetable. The onion was considered a symbol of the structure of the Universe. Both poor people and aristocrats ate onions in Greece. And to drown out the smell, they ate it with parsley and walnuts. By the way, when someone was in grief, he or she would wear a parsley wreath as a sign of sadness.

4. Broccoli is the most hated vegetable in the world
President George H. W. Bush hated broccoli so much that he banned it from the White House. Its bitter taste is not liked by most people on the planet. But broccoli lovers advise choosing smaller sprouts, as they are sweeter. They need to be cut, quickly boiled and then thrown into cold water to remove bitterness. You can also add acid. For example, lemon or red wine vinegar will help get rid of the bitter taste.

5. Tomatoes drove people crazy
For a long time, the tomato was considered a poisonous plant. For example, in the book “A Complete Guide to Gardening,” published in Denmark in 1774, it is written: “These fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy.” And in Rus', tomatoes were called “mad berries.”

6. Horseradish can bloom even in glaciers
Arctic horseradish is one of the most interesting vegetables in the world. It can be found in cold Greenland along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, on sandy and pebble river banks. It blooms even when severe frosts occur. Northern peoples use it as a remedy against scurvy.

7. Banana is a vegetable
Banana is a vegetable. This is explained by the fact that banana is a perennial herbaceous plant. By definition, vegetables are parts of herbaceous plants. In general, it cannot be classified as a fruit, since it is the fruit of a plant, and vegetables are parts of herbaceous plants.

8. Borscht was made from pineapple
Pineapple is another food that experts argue over. During the time of Catherine II, the nobles used it at feasts, although in a way unusual for us. So, Count Alexander Stroganov served pineapple in vinegar, and Count Zavadovsky chopped it like cabbage, stored it in tubs and cooked borscht and cabbage soup from it.

9. Lotus can also be eaten
Lotus is also classified as a vegetable because its roots are used as food in Asian cuisine.

10. The carrots were purple
Originally, wild carrots were purple, sometimes white. And the orange one we are familiar with appeared as a result of selection - it was bred by the Dutch in the 16th century, he writes with reference to

Fruits and vegetables have been present in the human diet throughout human history. We eat them raw, cooked, chilled, frozen, in various creative combinations with other foods. We drink them in juices and even use them as seasonings. However, despite the familiarity of vegetables and fruits, do we all know about their properties? Here are 10 facts about famous foods that might surprise you.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 There is no such thing as negative calorie foods
  • 2 Banana is the most interesting and vulnerable fruit in the world
  • 3 Fruits and vegetables are nutritious in any form
  • 4 Fruits and Vegetables Contain Tons of Dietary Fiber
  • 5 Some fruits and vegetables contain toxins
  • 6 The most hated vegetable in the world is the healthiest
  • 7 Broccoli Has More Protein Than Steak
  • 8 Pineapples Can Destroy Your Taste Buds
  • 9 Cayenne pepper improves blood clotting
  • 10 Apples Give More Energy Than Coffee

There is no such thing as negative calorie foods

There is a long-standing myth that to lose weight you can eat certain fruits and vegetables that require

Fruits and vegetables

more calories to digest than are given to the body. Products with so-called negative calorie content include all types of cabbage, celery, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, apples and some citrus fruits. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception.

In fact, there are foods that contain very few calories, such as a stalk of celery (six to ten kcal). By eating celery in a salad, you will simply not get too many calories and nothing more. There is a metric called TEF (thermal effect of food), which measures how many calories are used to digest a particular food. Scientists have found that this is only about 10%-20%. This means that it will take no more than 2 calories to digest the same stalk of celery, and all the rest will remain in stock. Now you know it!

Banana is the most interesting and vulnerable fruit in the world

Banana is one of the favorite fruits of people all over the world. It is tasty, contains a lot of healthy potassium,

which creates a special taste when combined with ice cream and chocolate syrup. In addition, banana is one of the most interesting, but at the same time vulnerable fruits. Now you'll find out why.

In the 1950s, a plant disease called Panama disease wiped out most species of banana trees grown around the world. This fungus appeared in the late 19th century in southern Asia and became a real disaster for banana growers. Gradually, those varieties that people initially grew and loved, for example the Gros Michel variety, simply disappeared and farmers had to organize the entire banana business from scratch, or rather, breed from one variety of banana tree.

Currently, 99% of the world's banana turnover is made up of Cavendish varieties. They turned out to be the most resistant to Panama disease. In fact, it was one variety, but received many varieties as a result of selection. These are the bananas we eat today. But these varieties are also under threat, because the harmful fungus is mutating and has begun to affect Cavendish. So hurry up and eat bananas while they last!

What makes the banana interesting is the fact that technically banana trees are not trees at all, but herbs. Yes, yes, exactly herbs! They are considered the tallest perennial grasses, along with bamboo. Each banana shoot bears fruit only once, then it dies and a new one grows in its place.

Fruits and vegetables are nutritious in any form

There's a popular rumor right now that frozen fruits and vegetables aren't as nutritious as their fresh counterparts. This is simply not true. Scientists have found that the decrease in nutritional value from freezing vegetables and fruits is either absent or very insignificant. So you can eat fruits and vegetables fresh, frozen or juiced and get the same benefits! However, in the case of juices, keep in mind that the benefits will only come from the real product. If the drink contains only 10% juice, you should not expect any nutritional value from it.

Fruits and vegetables contain tons of dietary fiber

Fruits and vegetables - Calories

Many people know about this, but not many know about the real benefits of fiber. It can help improve your digestion and maintain good bowel movements, lower cholesterol levels, and regulate blood sugar levels. By consuming the right amount of fiber, you will feel healthier and be able to lose weight. excess weight and get a completely different quality of life.

Some fruits and vegetables contain toxins

There is no doubt that eating fruits and vegetables is essential for real healthy eating. However, one little-known fact is that some fruits and vegetables contain toxic chemical substances. The best known of these is cyanide. For example, cyanide is found in low proportions in apples, and slightly more in apricots and peaches. The seeds of these plants are especially harmful.

Potatoes sometimes contain harmful amounts of a toxin called solanine. Solanine is a natural poison of plant origin. It consists of glucose and solanoidin and is found in plants of the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants). But there is no need to be too afraid. Solanine is found in dangerous concentrations mainly in plant tops, unripe and sprouted vegetables. Do not eat too young potatoes and green tomatoes, peel the eggplants and there will be no harm to your health. Pesticides are more dangerous.

The most hated vegetable in the world is the healthiest

Brussels sprouts

In many countries around the world, people can't stand Brussels sprouts. Some believe that its bitter taste prevents real pleasure from eating and that cooking it without bitterness is more of an art than a skill. But these people don’t know that Brussels sprouts are one of the most nutritious and healthy vegetables.

It is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, contains virtually no calories, fats or cholesterol, and even has a tonic effect. You'll find many different recipes to help combat the sometimes bitter taste of Brussels sprouts, but you should definitely try introducing this vegetable into your diet. You won't have to regret it!

Broccoli contains more protein than steak

Not everyone knows that broccoli contains a lot of vegetable protein. They actually have more protein than steaks. But because this protein comes into your body without trans fats or cholesterol, you may get


the amount of protein necessary for health, while significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up meat completely. There are certain beneficial substances that cannot be replaced with vegetables, but balancing the diet by increasing the consumption of plant-based proteins will be useful. By the way, besides broccoli, a large number of vegetable protein is found in pumpkin seeds.

Pineapples Can Destroy Your Taste Buds

Believe it or not, this is absolutely true. A little known fact is that pineapple, avocado, kiwi and some other tropical fruits contain an enzyme called bromelain. Pineapples contain the most of it. This enzyme breaks down proteins in the mouth and also damages your taste buds. This can impair your ability to taste food throughout the day. Interesting fact - many people use armorline as a meat tenderizer.

Pineapple is a fruit containing a lot of useful substances. This means that your body needs it. However, to protect your taste buds, you should not eat fresh pineapples immediately after cutting. Place the chopped pieces in the refrigerator for a while. The action of the caustic enzyme will weaken and you will be able to enjoy pineapple without fear.

Cayenne pepper improves blood clotting

This pepper is healthy, even though most people use it as a spice more often than as a

Cayenne pepper

food. A little-known fact about cayenne pepper is that it can increase blood clotting when injured. According to experts, you can sprinkle cayenne pepper on a wound and it can stop bleeding as well as gauze or a bandage. Of course, it’s not worth the risk of testing this statement in practice. Cayenne pepper is too hot and the pain will be incredible, but the fact remains.

Keeping this effect in mind, it is better to add cayenne pepper to your food as a spice. Pepper stabilizes blood pressure and stimulates blood clotting from the inside. This means that it doesn't matter whether you eat it or literally apply it to a wound. In any case, it will help you heal faster. This is especially true for people with poor blood clotting.

Apples give more energy than coffee

We will in no way try to convince coffee lovers to give up their cup of favorite drink in the morning. We're not crazy. However, if you lack energy during the day, another apple will definitely not hurt you. Thanks to their high content of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, apples will help you stay energetic all day.

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