Node for speech development topic winter. NOD for speech development “Winter. Topic: “Winter walk”

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development on the topic “Snow-white winter” second with children junior group"Berry" "Winter is snow-white."

Integrated educational areas:



Artistic creativity


Reading fiction





Musical and artistic


Software tasks:


Enrichment with vivid impressions through works of art.

Systematize children's knowledge about winter.

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Expand your vocabulary of adjectives.

Practice matching words in a sentence.

Learn to write your own descriptions of toys.

Improve health-saving technologies. (Finger gymnastics, tactile massage game, psycho-gymnastics).


Develop free communication skills with adults and children.

Develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in conversation.

Form emotional responsiveness.

Develop logical thinking.


Bring up careful attitude to everything living.

Lead children to create expressiveness using a non-standard way of depicting snow.

Vocabulary work:

Activate the words in children's speech: snowflake, fluffy, patterned, airy, cold, white, snowball.

Preliminary work:

Observations, playing with snow, playing with animal toys, looking at pictures about winter, reading and learning poems about winter, learning games, finger gymnastics, solving riddles.

Demo material:

Plastic snowflakes, a magic chest with animal toys, individual worksheets, cotton wool, glue, snow in a bucket, snowdrifts made of fabric, Christmas trees, an audio recording of “Winter Melody”.

Progress of the lesson:

Enter with light music.

Greeting "Hello." (Establishing emotional contact).

Hello golden sun,

Hello blue sky,

Hello free breeze,

Hello little white snowball.

Hello kids - girls and boys. Hello, I’ll tell you, I welcome you all. Guys, I know that all children love to solve riddles. And now I want to tell you a riddle. “I have a lot to do. I cover the whole earth with a white blanket. Whitewashing fields and houses. My name is...” (Winter) And today I invite you guys to take a walk into a fabulous winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Want to go with me? - Yes!!! How will we get into the forest? We're not going on foot, are we?! Let the sled take us there. Let's start getting ready for the road, it's cold in the forest in winter, so you need to dress warmer. (Tactile massage game “Getting ready for a walk”).

We put new boots on our feet,

Put the hat on your head and tie it deftly,

Gloves on your hands, good luck guys. (Let's go to the music).

Children, we are no longer in the hall, we are in a magical forest, there is silence all around. Guys, what do you see in the clearing? - Christmas trees. What are they? - Fluffy, green, big and small. How many are there? What color are they? Guys, we are in a fairytale forest, and this is where many miracles happen! And only a person with a good mood and a kind heart can see these miracles. Let's find our heart, press both hands to it and listen to how it beats knock-knock-knock. Now imagine that in your chest instead of a heart there is a piece of gentle sunshine. Bright, warm light it spreads over the body, arms, legs. There is so much of it that it no longer fits into us. Let's send each other some light and warmth from our hearts. (Hands brought forward).

Guys, now raise your heads and look, what do you see? Cloud. What a big cloud hangs overhead. What do you think might fall out of the clouds in winter? - Snow. The teacher pulls, snowflakes fly. What a beauty, catch them. Take it in your hand and tell me what it is? - Snowflakes. Look at them, what are they like? - White, fluffy, light, airy, patterned.

Now let's throw snowflakes up and catch them, what are they? - Light. How did you guess that they are light? – We felt it with our hands. Guys, what can snowflakes do? - Fly, spin, fall, melt. So, guys, the first miracle happened. (Snowflakes flew from the clouds). Let's all spin around like snowflakes. ( Game exercise“Snowball” for the development of positive emotions and imagination).

Oh, guys, look how much snow has piled up under the Christmas tree! Children approach the Christmas tree, the teacher takes out a bucket of snow. Children take snow in their palms. Let's see what it is like? – White, light, soft. What can you make from snow? - You can sculpt from it. What can you blind? - Snowballs, snowman. Now squeeze the snow in your fist, what happened? - The water is flowing, you feel the cold with your hand, of course, because winter loves cold, frost. Our hand is warm, so the snow gradually melts. What a cold snow, let's wipe our hands.

A growl is heard. But guys, another miracle happened. Do you hear who's growling? He is big and club-footed, he loves to suck paws and sleep soundly in winter. - Of course it's a bear. We woke him up and said hello. Look at the bear, what is it like? - Brown, big, clumsy, shaggy, he loves to suck paws. Well done, you see bear, we know everything about you.

Bear: I really love it when people read poems about me.

Educator: Guys, who knows poems about a bear?

Bear: Well done guys, I really liked the poems about me.

Educator: Guys, the bear has prepared a surprise for you. Here, the chest. Oh, how beautiful. Let's see what the bear has prepared for us. (Game “Wonderful Chest”).

Here is a wonderful chest

He's a friend to all the kids,

We all really want

Look, what's there?

Varya, open the chest, take out any toy and tell us about it.

This is a BUNNY - He has a white fluffy coat, long ears, and a short tail. Lives in the forest under a bush. He can run fast and loves carrots.

This is a FOX - She has golden fur and a fluffy beautiful tail. She lives in a hole in the forest.

This is a WOLF - He has a gray fur coat. He is toothy and angry. Lives in the forest in a den.

Guys, where do all these animals live? - In the forest. So what kind of animals are these? - Wild.

Guys, there is something else in the magic chest here. Yes, this is a picture. Look how beautiful the picture is. What's written on it? - Christmas trees, cloud, snowdrift. What time of year is shown here? - Winter. But there is not enough snow in the picture. Now we will try to fix this. Showing uniform snow adhesion.

A snowball is quietly falling on a clearing, on a meadow

Light fluff, white snowflakes. Look, snowflakes have fallen on the Christmas tree, it will be warm, and fluffy snowflakes have fallen under the Christmas tree, quietly falling and falling, the whole earth has been covered with a blanket of snow, the earth is not cold now, the Christmas tree is not afraid of frosts. But before you start applique, let's warm up our fingers. Finger massage game “Finger-boy”. Now let's stick on the snow. (Application of snow using a non-standard method for the development of positive emotions and imagination). Well done, you put a lot of snow on it, it turned out to be a winter picture!


And now, guys, it’s time for us to part with the forest.

Everyone should go back to kindergarten

Let's say loudly, the forest is full of mysteries and miracles

The bells are ringing loudly

We all go to kindergarten.

And so we returned to kindergarten. Guys, tell me, where were we today? Who did you meet? Did you enjoy our walk around winter forest?

Target: speech development.
Tasks. Summarize and systematize knowledge about winter, its signs and phenomena. Foster activity, independence, and respect for nature. Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, logically complete sentences, explaining the cause of events. Activate the words snow, snowy, Snow Maiden, snowman, snowflake, winter-winter. Practice writing a simple complete sentence. Develop coherent speech, communication skills, speech hearing, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson.
Educator: I invite the children to listen to the story.
“The sun came out into the sky, snowflakes sparkled in its rays. The children ran out to sled and play in the snow. And what fun it was that the frost was not frost!”

Questions for children.
What time of year is this story about?
By what words did you guess that we're talking about about winter?
After what does winter come?
What winter months do you know?
And now I invite you to play in the winter months (on the tables there are images of houses and masked faces symbolizing different emotional states: cheerful, dreamy, sad).
These houses are lived in during the winter months. Each month has its own mood.
What is the first month of winter?
What saying do you know about December?
Children. In December, in December all the trees are silver.
Educator: People call December a fun month. Why?
Children. Because it started snowing, we are making a snowman, building slides, snow forts, and everyone is happy.
Educator: What is the next month of winter?
What saying do you know about January?
Children. We open the calendar, January begins.
Educator: This month is a dreamer, as it has come New Year, everyone makes wishes, and of course dreams that they will come true.
Which one then last month winter?
What saying do you know about February?
Children. The winds blow in February and the chimneys howl loudly. Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Educator: People call February a sad month. Why?
Children. In February, cold winds blow, blizzards howl, we are all cold and uncomfortable.
Educator: Now children, think about which of you would like to visit which month. (children choose a month and are divided into subgroups
and justify their choice).
Educator: Tell the children what winter smells like (frost)
How to call a day in winter in one word (winter)
What do we affectionately call winter so that it doesn’t freeze us? (winter, beauty, sorceress)

Educator: And now children, I’ll tell you an interesting story.
In the morning I went to kindergarten,
I met forest animals,
They handed me an envelope
It contains a task for the guys.

(open the envelope and find the silhouette of a snowman)

Educator: I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will finish the sentence by adding the word snowman.
We decided to make a (snowman).
We attached a carrot nose to our (snowman).
We showed our friends our (snowman).
We played with our (snowman).
We told grandma about the (snowman).
Educator: The word “snowman” has relative words, let’s remember and name these words.
Children. Snow, Snow Maiden, Bullfinch, Snowflake.
Educator: Now try to make sentences with each of these words (children make sentences).

Educator: Tell us what the weather is like in winter when it snows (snowy, beautiful)
When there is severe frost (frosty, cold, sunny, bright)
When there is a blizzard (blizzard, cloudy)
What does a blizzard do in winter?
What do snowflakes do from a snow cloud (fall, fly, spin)
Rain will turn winter into (snow)
What will water become in winter?
On the street everyone was falling and sliding because...
Birds moved closer to human habitation in winter because...

"Winter". Summary of GCD for speech development

« Winter»

Yulia Andreeva

Summary of GCD for speech development« Winter»

Educational area: cognition

Direction: communication

Integration of educational regions: communication, socialization, artistic creativity.

Target: clarify and expand children’s understanding of winter and its signs.

Educational objectives: Learn to construct complete expressive answers to questions posed by the teacher, compose sentences, select words with the same root, learn to pronounce tongue twisters correctly and clearly, activate vocabulary on the topic, expand children’s understanding of the world around them.

Developmental tasks: Develop speech, attention, imagination; develop thinking, breathing, fine motor skills; develop emotional responsiveness.

Educational tasks: cultivate goodwill, communication, initiative; cultivate the perception of beauty through poetry and illustrations.

Equipment and materials: pictures depicting a snowman, Snow Maiden, snow, bullfinch; ball; pictures depicting landscapes of the winter months; cups with foam crumbs and cocktail straws; blue paint, a brush and a sheet of paper with snowflakes pre-drawn with wax crayon; snowmen emoticons; small snowflakes; images of sad, joyful and surprised people; Winter outfit for the teacher; hats "snowflakes" for girls and caps "snowballs" for boys; magnetic board.

Organizing time

Guys, we have guests in class today. Let's say hello to them.

Let's stand in a circle. (Children stand in a circle, smile at each other)

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Please sit down on the chairs.

The main part of the GCD

The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov « Winter» .

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air.

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

Tell me please, what is this poem about? (about snow)

What time of year does it snow? (snow falls in winter)

Yes, it's that time of year- winter.

Now you and I will turn into inhabitants of a winter country. I will be Winter and you will be mine assistants: girls are snowflakes, and boys are snowballs.

Let's say magical together words:

Let's start transforming!

Our children have changed -

They turned into winter residents!

The children repeat the magic words and put on the appropriate hats, and the teacher wears the Winter outfit.

Who can remember the names of the winter months? (December January February)

That's right, well done. In the old days they called December "jelly, frown", because it's cold outside, the sky is gray. January was called "section", since it divides winter in half. February is "snow, cool". They called it that because of the abundance of snowdrifts and blizzards.

(« Winter» shows illustrations about each winter month, attaches them to a magnetic board.)

Now look carefully at the board at the pictures with images. Name them. (Snowman. Snow. Snow Maiden. Bullfinch.)

What word are these words derived from? (The words are formed from the word "snow".)

And now I invite you to play. The game is called “Which word is missing?”

I will name the words. They are similar, but one word is different from the others. Be careful.

Snowball, snowflake, gentle, snowman. (gentle)

Skis, skier, cobblestones, ski track. (cobblestone)

Skating rink, scarf, skating. (handkerchief)

Guys, do you like winter? (children's answers)

Let's find out what is good in winter and what is bad. For each named action, we will attach a snowflake to a sad or happy mood. "Badly"- this is a sad mood, "Fine"- this is a cheerful mood.

There are two smiley snowmen attached to the magnetic board (sad and happy, we attach snowflakes under them.

"Fine"- you can ski, skate, slide, sculpt snowmen, play snowballs, build snow figures, celebrate the New Year.

"Badly"- there is ice on the roads, it’s cold outside, severe snowstorms and snowstorms.

Well done! Now we've found out why we like it winter and what you don’t like.

Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka "Winter" to the music (using presentation)

Guys, how many of you know what a tongue twister is? (children's answers)

Let's sit on the hill

Let's tell a tongue twister.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold. (They tell it slowly, quietly, loudly, quickly.)

Guys, who can tell a tongue twister with a sad mood, with a joyful one, with surprise? ( « Winter» shows drawings of emoticons with a sad, happy mood, surprise.)

Now I will take the ball in my hands, and you will stand in a circle. My "winter" you will turn words into affectionate ones.

(Children stand in a circle, catch the ball and, saying a kind word, return it back "Winter")


Snowman - snowman


Frost - frost

Christmas tree






Now take your seats. I give each of you cups with small grains of snowflakes. The snow there is magical and doesn’t melt.

(Children take their seats. Each receives a cup with Styrofoam crumbs and a straw for a cocktail.)

-Listen to the riddle:

Who howled in the chimney?

Who opened the gate?

Who's howling and howling there?

Does it cover all the paths?

Who throws snow in your face

Sweeps onto the porch (snowstorm)

That's right, blizzard. Look again at the picture for the month of February.

Do you want to arrange your own blizzard? (yes, we want)

Stand up straight, bring the glass to your mouth with your left hand, and hold the straw with your right. Take a deep breath, and then blow into the glass without puffing out your cheeks. ( « Winter» shows how to do the exercise correctly. Perform 3-4 times)

Well done! Tell me now, how did we get the blizzard in the glass? (The blizzard was created with the help of breathing, air.)

Of course, with the help of breathing. We blew air out with our mouths. And now I suggest you make a blizzard using your hands. We will draw it.

Sit at the tables, place a piece of paper in front of you. Take a brush and use blue paint to paint over a sheet of paper.

(Blue paint, brushes and sheets of paper with snowflakes pre-drawn in wax crayon are prepared on the tables.)

What showed up for you? (snowflakes)

That's right, these are snowflakes that fly across your leaf.

The final part of the GCD

Guys, now let's let's remember:

What did we talk about in class?

What tasks did you perform?

(In class we talked about winter.

We drew, made a blizzard, learned tongue twisters, played.)


There are smiley snowmen on the plates. Look at them and choose the one that suits your mood. Raise your emojis up and wave them. I see that you are all in a good mood and I am very happy about it! And keep the emoticons you choose as a souvenir of our winter trip.

Summary of GCD on speech development in senior group
on the theme “Winter-winter”

Target – summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter, teach them to answer questions, develop word formation skills, instill a love for the poetic word, activate children’s vocabulary, teach them to select related (same-root) words, teach them to retell a text using the modeling method. To instill in children an interest in seasonal changes in nature.
Dictionary: snowy, frosty, cold, icy, bullfinches, snowfall, snowball.
Equipment : chest with tasks; projector; snowball
Preliminary work: talking about winter, looking at paintings and illustrations, reading poems and proverbs, observing the weather on walks
Progress of the lesson
Organizing time
All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, now sit down all nicely and show me that you are ready for class.
^ Eyes look at me, ears listen to me.
This morning, when I was going to work in a kindergarten, I met a woman, she was dressed in a white fur coat, a hat, and in her hands she did not have a magic wand and a chest. Who do you think this woman was?
(answer - winter)
I think so too! (slide No. 1 - Sorceress Winter).
The long-awaited winter came to us and gave us its gift - chest - here it is!
Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, little chest!
Let's do it together! (the teacher looks into the chest).

Guys, there are so many questions, riddles, gifts, surprises here, and you and I must answer them.
Vanya, please tell me what time of year it is now?
It's winter outside. What are the winter months called?
Reinforce the signs of winter
The days have become shorter
The sun shines little.
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come!
Winter walks across the earth and wants to know - do you know its signs?
Now we’ll play with you - I’ll make a snowball out of snow and give it to you, and you take it and answer.
What is our winter like?(snowy, cold, frosty);
what happens in winter?(blizzard wind, river frozen);
what can we say about snow? What is he like?(fluffy, soft, covered the whole earth);
Well done, you described winter well!
3. Development of coherent speech

Teacher's story "Winter Guest""Winter has come. She covered the ground with a white blanket.

Snowing. The wind blows. The frost is crackling.

Winter did not come empty-handed. She brought gifts: snowfalls, snowdrifts, blizzards, ice. People need these gifts in order to ski, skate, and sled. You can also make a snowman, build a fortress, and play snowballs. We love winter very much."

Primary perception of what the teacher tells:- Who came to visit us? - What time of year was it before? - What did winter cover the earth with? - What gifts did winter bring? - Why do people need these gifts? - What are winter fun?

4. Physical education minute"In winter." Improvisation of movements. In winter we play in the snow, we play, we play. We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk. And on skis we run, we run, we run. We fly on ice skates, we fly, we fly. And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt. We love the winter guest, we love, we love.

5. Compiling a story about winter using a mnemonic table:

I will read the story again, and you get ready for the retelling. To remember the story, you can look at the clue pictures. Listen carefully and tell me who spoke especially interestingly and expressively about the winter guest. (Told by 2-3 people)

While we were telling you about our guest winter, so many snowflakes fell into the chest that it turned out to be a whole snowdrift. But these snowflakes are not simple, but “mystery snowflakes”.

6. “Snowball is a mystery”guessing riddles: Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)
Made from fine sheep wool.
How to walk - so to wear,
So that five and five do not freeze. (mittens)

What a ridiculous man
Made his way to us
In the twentieth century?
Carrot nose
Broom in hand
Afraid of the sun
And warmth? (Snowman)

It flies in a white flock and sparkles in flight. It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth. (Snow.)
They are tossed around, rolled around,
And they drag it through the winter. (Felt boots)

We are nimble sisters, masters of running fast, We lie down in the rain, we run in the snow, that’s our routine. (Skis.)

fall from the sky in winter
And they circle above the ground
Light fluffs,
White... (Snowflakes)

White grandfather, nothing whiter.
Old, hunchbacked,
Lies near the hut.
Lies all winter
- Nobody will pick it up.
Spring will come
- He will leave on his own. (Snowdrift)

What kind of daring janitor shoveled snow on the pavement? Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand. (Snowplow.)

I'm snowy, I'm white,
The guys made me
During the day they are always with me,
In the evening they go home.
Well, at night under the moon
I'm very sad alone. (Snow woman)
I spin, I growl,
I don't want to know anyone. (Blizzard)
Winter forgot to finish writing the poem, let's help her and tell her the right words.
7. Game “say the word”:
Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground……………………………………… snow!
Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky…………………………. snowflakes!
In the village, on the meadow, everything is going down……………………………………………….. snowball!
Here's some fun for the guys - getting stronger…………………………………………… snowfall!
Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play…………………………………….. snowballs!
Dressed up like a white down jacket…………………………………………. snowman!
Nearby is a snow figure, it’s a girl……………………………………. Snow Maiden!
In the snow, look, with a red breast…………………………………… bullfinches!
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth………………………………… snow!
What words did you add? (snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman…)
What word do they all resemble? ( for the word "snow")
Lesson summary - Remember guys, what we talked about? - What did we do? - What did you like

Integrated lesson for children of the older age group of preschool educational institutions.

Main educational field: “Cognitive and speech development.”

Integration: “Artistic and aesthetic development” (Drawing, music, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about winter.

Educational objectives:

  1. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.
  2. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about characteristic features winter.
  3. Continue to teach children to use speech correctly and answer questions in complete sentences.
  4. Learn to draw in an unconventional way, “painting with salt.”

Developmental tasks:

  1. Strengthen the ability to construct sentences correctly and develop phonemic awareness.
  2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills.
  3. Learn to answer questions, reason, solve problem situations, listen to your comrades.
  4. Improve grammatical structure speech, develop phrasal speech, select antonyms.
  5. Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, and compose sentences.
  6. Reinforce correct pronunciation.
  7. Develop visual and auditory attention, thinking, coherent speech, tactile sensations, creative imagination; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.
  8. Improve your ability to work with a brush.

Educational tasks:

  1. Cultivate cognitive interest in natural phenomena.
  2. Cultivate interest in classes on speech development and art activities.
  3. Foster friendships, mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team.
  4. To instill in children the desire to achieve results; cultivate independence and accuracy in work.

Wellness: Monitor children’s posture while working.

Methodical techniques: surprise, game, verbal, visual, repetition, generalization, artistic expression, physical exercise, self-massage, cartoon showing, teacher showing and explaining; observing children's work; analysis of work by the teacher and children; encouragement

Vocabulary work: snowflakes, snowy, beautiful, snowballs, icy, cold, sparkling... .

Individual work : Monitor children’s speech, provide assistance in answering questions, provide assistance in drawing snowflakes using an unconventional drawing method.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations about winter, winter phenomena, winter entertainment. Reading works about winter; familiarity with proverbs and poems about winter; solving riddles about winter phenomena. Conversations about animals, writing descriptive stories, memorizing poems about winter, getting to know folk signs and proverbs.

Equipment, visual material: Dunno toy, pictures with natural phenomena of different seasons, snowballs, buckets, an envelope with a letter, snowflakes with tasks, an audio recording of the muses of Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz of the Snow Flakes,” a recording of the musical physical education session “Snow-Snowball,” a laptop, a video recording of the cartoon “Winter’s Tale. How the little bear got sick", black cardboard or of blue color, salt, PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths and napkins.

Planned results:

  • children gain experience of productive interaction with each other, the ability to listen to a friend;
  • increased cognitive activity;
  • mastering the necessary knowledge on the topic “Winter”;
  • the formation of a sustainable interest in observing natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

Circle of greeting

Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky!
Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow!
Hello kids: girls and boys,
Hello, I’ll tell you, I welcome you all!

Guys, this morning I received an unusual letter. On the envelope it is written: Kitovsky Kindergarten. For the children of the senior group "Semitsvetik". That's why I decided to deliver it to you right away. Look how beautiful it is. Let's open it and read it!

Winter sent us a letter,
It is in the snowflakes-stars.
This is how the letter begins:
“I haven’t been with you for a long time.”
Winter has beautiful handwriting,
We read the letter further:
"It's time for us to meet, friends,
You can't live without me.
How can you not ride a sleigh?
How not to make a snowman?
Well, guys, should you stay?
No snow slide, no skating rink?
I am snow-white Winter,
I'll build you a tower
She silvered both the garden and the forest,
She gave me a big Christmas tree.
You will find me everywhere
I'm hiding among the snowdrifts...

I want to test your knowledge and have prepared assignments...”

Snowflake No. 1:

Here's your first snowflake,
And she has a task.
You tell me, friends,
What kind of winter am I?

  • What time of year is it now?
  • How did you know that winter had come?
  • Winter has three sons, three winter months. What are their names? (December January February).
  • What month is it now? (January).

Now let's remember:

  • What happens in winter? Which natural phenomena? (Hoarfrost, frost, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, cold).
  • What is the wind like? (Strong, fast, burning, prickly, icy, cold, gusty, icy).
  • What happens on reservoirs in winter?
  • What happens only in winter? (Snow).
  • What kind of snow is there? (Light, sparkling, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, loose, dirty, opaque).

And now we will play a little!

Game "Winter Signs"


If the night is frosty,
Quiet and starry,
Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,
So it will be clear...

Children: During the day.


Blue spots over the forest,
A fine curtain of snow,
The frost has eased a little,
Wind from the south Wait...

Children: Blizzards.


If the fish is on a winter day
Walks right under the ice
Walks right under the ice
And his tail hits the ice -
So, without a doubt, wait...

Children: Warming.


If it's sunset in the evening
Was slightly green
If there is frost on the branches,
There is a bouquet of roses on the glass,
If the smoke is a blue palm
Reaches to the stars
And the wind does not whistle menacingly
It will be clear and...

Children: It's frosty.

Snowflake No. 2:

There are similar words
How similar relatives are,
They live as one family
They want to play with you.

Teacher: Do you want to play? The game is called“Finish a word.”"Snowfall"

  • Quietly, quietly, as if in a dream, it falls to the ground.... (snow).
  • Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky... (snowflakes).
  • On the country roads, on the meadow, everything goes down... (snowball).
  • The earth was white, clean, tender, covered with a bed... (snowy).
  • This is fun for the guys - everything is getting stronger... (snowfall).
  • Everyone is running a race, everyone wants to play ... (snowballs).
  • Snowball - on top of a snowball, everything was decorated... (with a snowball).
  • It’s as if we were wearing a white down jacket…. (snowman).
  • Nearby is a snowy figure, it’s a girl... (Snow Maiden).

And now I suggest you dance a little ( audio recording starts).

Physical education lesson “Snow - snowball”

Snow - snowball,
Snow - snowball.
It creeps along the path.
(Children’s hands are raised up, gradually lowered down)
Snow - snowball,
Snow - snowball
White blizzard.
Snow - snowball,
Snow - snowball
The paths were covered in snow.
(Smoothly swing your arms left and right).
Snow - snowball,
Snow - snowball
Melts on the palm.
(Alternately extend either the right or the left hand forward).
We'll make snowballs
Let's play together.
(“They’re making snowballs”).
And snowballs into each other
Having fun throwing.
(“Throwing snowballs”)
But it's warm in the yard
(Clap their hands)
Ears are not frozen
(Rub their ears with their palms).
We'll make snow
(Clench your fingers into fists and rotate them in front of your chest)
Into a huge white lump.
(Spread their arms to the sides).

Well done boys!

Snowflake No. 3:

Here's another snowflake -
Look at the pictures.
You tell me, friends,
What is unnecessary to remove here?

Held game "Remove the extra picture." (On the board there are pictures with winter, spring, autumn natural phenomena. It is necessary to remove unnecessary pictures).

Teacher: In winter, all children love to play outside in different games. What games do you like to play? Let's play the game "Snowballs" with you.

Held game “Hit the target with a snowball.”

Teacher: Well done, guys! The snowballs are cold, and your hands are probably frozen. Let's keep you warm!

Self-massage is performed.

It's freezing outside! (use your index finger to massage the point between the eyebrows)
Hey, quickly rub your nose (do the same on the other side)
Warm the chin (massage the point under the lower lip)
Everyone smiled quickly (in the other direction)
And let’s rub the eyes more amicably (circular movements on the temples)
More fun, more fun. (On the other side)
Well, let's grab our ears (thumbs behind the ears)
There is no need for us to kick our butts (circular movements).
Twisted, turned - inwarmed up my ears!
We warm each finger, (remove the ring from each finger),
Rub very, very hard.

Teacher: Well done, guys!

(The audio recording starts - Dunno cries).

Teacher: Guys, do you hear someone crying? Let's see who it is? ( The teacher brings in the toy Dunno). Yes, this is Dunno! What happend to you?

Dunno: I live far, far away in Sunny City. It is very warm here and there are many flowers growing, and there is never snow. I wanted to see what snow was like! Znayka told me about him. It's so beautiful and fun in winter. And what beautiful snowflakes, you just want to eat them!

Teacher: What are you talking about, Dunno, you can’t eat snow! Guys, tell Dunno why you can’t eat snow. ( Children's answers). That's right, guys, the snow is white, but it's cold. Here, Dunno, you and the guys watch the cartoon.

(Showing a fragment of the cartoon “Snow Tale.” About how the bear cub got sick).

Teacher: That’s how the bear cub was sick all winter. It's better to just admire the snowflakes. Look how beautiful they are.

(Show the snowflakes shown in the pictures).

Dunno: Can I take snowflakes with me to Sunny City?

Teacher: Oh, they will melt! Really, guys?

Dunno: What should I do? I wanted to show them to my friends.

Teacher: Don’t be upset, Dunno, we will teach you how to draw snowflakes. They will not melt, they will be drawn on paper.

To do this, we need sheets of blue cardboard, glue and brushes, and also salt. On a sheet of cardboard you need to draw a snowflake with glue, and then sprinkle the glue with salt. Press the salt with your palm. The excess must be shaken off. These are the kinds of snowflakes you can now draw. Well done boys!

(During children’s independent activities, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, “Dance of the Snow Flakes” is turned on).

Dunno: Thank you guys! Now I will show all the residents of Sunny City what beautiful snowflakes there are and teach them how to draw them. Goodbye!

Teacher: You have completed all the tasks of the Winter Sorceress! What tasks did you like the most? Here I have beautiful snowflakes, they are all different: big and small. I suggest you take each one a snowflake. If you studied well, everything worked out for you, then take a large snowflake, and if you think that it didn’t turn out the way you wanted (not everything is good, or something didn’t work out) - then take a smaller snowflake. Well done!

Look, there's something here. Guys, this is some kind of casket. Let's open it? There's a note here. This is what it says: “Dear guys! You completed all my tasks, made me happy, and in gratitude I am sending you colored pieces of ice! Winter-winter!
And it’s time for me to return to my place! Thank you guys and goodbye!

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