What is a territory improvement passport? Certification of urban infrastructure objects. List of objects for which a landscaping passport is being developed

The concept that guides the company is the priority of quality in everything due to compliance with the requirements of the modern market, constant improvement of the effectiveness of the management system, quality and monitoring of completed projects

Inventory, accounting of green spaces, entering inventory data into the AIS “Register of Green Spaces” in Moscow, production of a “Passport for Territory Improvement”

Primary activity inventory of green spaces, accounting of green spaces, production of Territory Improvement Passports, entering data into the AIS Register of Green Spaces, approval of Territory Improvement Passports in the Housing and Public Administration and Department of Environmental Protection.

We have been engaged in inventory and certification of green spaces and road facilities in Moscow for 9 years.

During this time, we have inventoried about 5,000 hectares:

Landscaped areas of maintenance categories 1, 2, 3,

Forests, parks, squares, roads, courtyard areas, incl.

Alexander Garden (garden near the Moscow Kremlin),

Kremlin embankment, green areas on Red Square near GUM,

New Arbat, Pokrovsky Cathedral, shopping and entertainment complex "Manezh",

Solntsevo district, Vernadskogo Avenue district, Dorogomilovo district, Troparevo-Nikulino district,

Area Vykhino-Zhulebino, Lefortovo, Maryino, Nekrasovka, Ryazansky

Southern Administrative District,

South-Eastern Administrative District,

Districts of New Moscow (TiNAO),

Squares and parks of the Central Administrative District,

Green areas along the Moscow Ring Road,

Green areas along the Third Transport Ring,

Vnukovo Airport,

All-Russian dispatch center Vnukovo,

All radial highways of Moscow (Shchelkovskoe highway and Entuziastov highway, Altufevskoe and Yaroslavskoe highways, Kashirskoe and Varshavskoe highways, Mozhaiskoe and Rublevskoe highways, Volokolamskoe and Zvenigorodskoe highways, Mezhdunarodnoe highway, Kievskoe highway, etc.)

A large number of hospitals, clinics (GBUZ), schools (GBOU), industrial and commercial areas, and this is not an exhaustive list of territories that we have certified.

Basis for performing work on the inventory of green spaces in Moscow:

Decree of the Moscow Government of August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP “On the automated information system “Register of Green Spaces” (as amended on October 4, 2017)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2002 N 743-PP (as amended on October 4, 2017) “On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of September 2, 2014 No. 501-PP “On the development of passports for the improvement of courtyard areas, amendments to the legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition of the legal acts of the city of Moscow as invalid”;

Moscow City Law No. 17 dated May 5, 1999 “On the protection of green spaces” (as amended on May 7, 2014).

An inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow is carried out in order to:

Obtaining reliable data on the state of green spaces, species, age composition, about quantitative and area characteristics natural communities, elements of comprehensive improvement for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing;

Obtaining information about the location of green spaces, elements of comprehensive improvement on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow, indicating the legal holders of land plots responsible for its safety and condition;

Determining the compliance of the activities carried out by the rights holders of land plots in the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow on landscaping objects with the established purpose of the territories;

Conducting an analysis of the state of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

Definitions of areas of land occupied various types plantings, infrastructure or other elements in their composition;

Information support for the preparation of planning projects for natural, specially protected natural (hereinafter - SPNA) (for which there are no planning projects), specially protected green (hereinafter - SPNA), green areas and other territories occupied by green spaces, the city of Moscow;

Development of measures for the conservation and restoration of natural communities and recommendations for management of land plots; infrastructure and improvement elements in specially protected natural and other natural areas for the audit period for the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Management of Natural Areas";

Determining the effectiveness of reforestation work, the quality state of created forest crops, their compliance with current standards and technical specifications. These materials make it possible to identify measures to improve the condition of crops;

Development of proposals for adjusting planning projects for protected areas, natural, green areas and other areas occupied by green spaces in the city of Moscow, territorial development schemes for protected areas in the city of Moscow;

Regulation of work and determination of costs for the preservation and maintenance of natural communities, green spaces, landscaping elements and comprehensive improvement and major repairs on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow (based on the obtained characteristics of the condition of landscaping elements and comprehensive improvement);

Drawing up a title list of green spaces, landscaping elements and comprehensive landscaping for calculation natural indicators on the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

Preparation of data for filling the State Cadastre of Protected Natural Areas of the city of Moscow, the Automated Information System "Register of Green Spaces", Automated system management "United Dispatch Service of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter - ASU "UDS DZHKhiB"), others information systems of the city of Moscow, if so established by law Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Types of work on certification of green spaces:

1.Conduct preparatory work

Obtaining the boundaries of the inventory territory;

Reconnaissance survey of the inventory territory;

Establishing the area of ​​the inventory territory;

Establishing the classification of an inventory object

Determination of the location of trees in nature on the inventory territory;

Determining the location of shrubs in nature on the inventory territory;

Collection general information about the territory being inventoried (including administrative-territorial affiliation;

Indication of the responsible land user;

Establishing the status of an object, functional purpose land plot;

2.Carrying out field work on inventory of green areas:

Geodetic survey of the inventory territory using geodetic equipment and local measurements;

Determination of woody vegetation in kind, numbering in kind, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of condition;

Determination of shrub vegetation in nature, numbering in nature, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of condition;

Determining the condition of lawns, measuring the area, describing quality characteristics, determining the type of lawn;

Description of flower beds, measuring the area, assigning a serial number, determining the type of flower bed, plant material to be planted;

Description of the road and path network, determination of condition, type of coverage, purpose, measurement of area;

Determination of the location of the LFA and improvement elements, their quantity, numbering, characteristics and description of the condition;

Identification of buildings and structures on the inventory territory, their purpose and measurement of area;

Determination of planar structures, their type, area and coverage;

Determination of relief organization elements, their type, area;

Determination of functional support systems, their type and quantity;

Collection of information about repair work;

Collection of additional information (date of last repair or reconstruction, mode of urban planning activities);

3.Conduct desk work on inventory of green areas:

Creation of an inventory plan for the object M1:500, with registration in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 4, 2005 No. 770-PP “On methodological recommendations on the preparation of dendrological plans and accounting statements";

Drawing of tree and shrub vegetation on the plan with assignment of serial numbering in accordance with the list of green spaces;

Calculation of the total area of ​​the object and entering data into the statement;

Drawing flower beds on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

Drawing on the plan of buildings and structures, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

Calculation of the operational area of ​​the facility and entering data into the statement;

Drawing planar structures on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

Drawing the road and path network on the plan, calculating its areas and entering it into the statement;

Drawing the lawn on the plan, calculating the area and entering it into the list;

Drawing on the MAF plan, calculation by quantity and entry into the list by type;

Drawing of functional support systems on the plan, calculation of quantity and entry into the list by type;

Drawing on the plan the elements of the organization of the relief, calculating the areas and entering them into the statement;

Typing and printing field report data on a computer;

Calculation of the total number of trees on the site;

Calculation of the total number of shrubs at the site;

Calculation of trees to be transplanted at the site;

Calculation of transplanted shrubs at the site;

Calculation of trees to be cut down at the site;

Calculation of shrubs to be cut down at the site;

Calculation of trees to be saved on the site;

Calculation of preserved shrubs on site;

Drawing up a balance of the territory;

4.Conduct cartographic works:

Providing electronic accounting of landscaping objects and green spaces when maintaining the AIS “Register of Green Spaces” and monitoring green spaces;

Compilation topographic plan in electronic form with reference to the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow in formats that ensure free import of data into geographic information systems;

Drawing up an inventory plan in accordance with existing requirements M1:500;

Approval of the Territory Improvement Passport in electronic form in the Department of Housing and Communal Services and the Department of Environmental Management and Protection environment.

We are proud of the work we have done, because... Our main principle in any work is honesty, integrity, and love for the work you do.

Completed projects

News: April 2, 2015 New requirements for approvals of Territory Improvement Passports Instructions on how to approve a passport for the Customer in the Register. March 30, 2015 Explanations on changes in requirements for passports for improvement of territory (registration area) In the passport of the registration area, the name (Passport of Territory Improvement) and the approval procedure have changed. March 29, 2015 For a green space passport. From Resolution No. 743-PP dated December 12, 2014. Methodology for conducting an inventory in the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow Information from the resolution on the methodology for inventorying green spaces in Moscow was published March 29, 2015

  • Installation of artificial surfaces for sports and recreation
  • Construction of eco-parking (lawn covering on a cellular basis)
  • Supply of certified soil
  • Removal and disposal of logging residues
  • Treatment of plants and protection from pests and diseases
  • Pruning trees and shrubs
  • Removing trees and bushes
  • Stump Removal
  • Conducting a phytopathological examination
  • Design and approval

    • Drawing up dendroplans and accounting statements (dendrological part of the project)
    • Felling ticket and permission to cut down during construction and (or) reconstruction of objects
    • Felling ticket for cutting down and pruning green spaces during their maintenance
    • Relief organization plan, vertical layout, geoplastics of artificial relief elements
    • Design of artificial relief elements (retaining walls, stairs, ramps)
    • Projects (plans) for landscaping and landscaping
    • Development of TMR (traffic management project)
    • Development of a forest development project
    • Schematic design and development of the improvement concept (EP stage)
    • Inspection of tree and shrub vegetation in a given area
    • Passport for a flower decoration facility
    • Conclusion of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow on design materials

    Environmental regulation and support of enterprises

    • Moscow waste cadastre
    • List of environmental protection measures (section of PM EOS)
    • Environmental payments (ecopayments)
    • VAT (permissible discharge standards)
    • Waste management reporting for small and medium-sized businesses
    • Certification of hazardous waste
    • MPE (maximum permissible emissions)
    • PNOOLR (draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal)
    • Statistical reporting 2-TP
    • Technical report on production process consistency
    • The procedure for production control in the field of waste management
    • Comprehensive environmental services for enterprises and preparation of statistical reporting
    • License for activities for collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of I–IV hazard classes

    Passport for landscaping with data entered into the AIS "Register of Green Spaces"

    The MosEcoGroup company is pleased to offer you services for the development, execution and approval of a Land Improvement Passport and an inventory of green spaces with entering data into the AIS "Register of Green Spaces" of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow in accordance with the requirements of the current environmental legislation and regulations in the field housing and communal services and improvement.

    The development of Passports is carried out based on the results of a field survey of the territory and the elements located on it in accordance with the requirements of Moscow Government Decree No. 501-PP dated September 2, 2014 “On the development of passports for the improvement of courtyard areas, amendments to legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition of legal acts as invalid of the city of Moscow" and in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 743-PP dated September 10, 2002 "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities of the city of Moscow."

    A yard improvement passport is an electronic document of the established form containing inventory data about the territory and the elements located on it, design solutions, carried out as part of the maintenance of the territory and in cases established by the legislation of the city of Moscow, improvement of the territory, as well as a list of work performed. Documents included in the territory improvement passport:

    • Information about the organization that performed the inventory work
    • General information and object classification
    • Total area and boundaries of the territory
    • Buildings and constructions
    • Planar structures
    • Road and path network
    • Landscaping elements
    • Small architectural forms, elements of landscaping and organization of relief
    • Inventory plan

    The development of the “Passport” is carried out by a design engineer with significant experience in the design of landscaping and landscaping facilities in the specialized Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2015 program in DWG format. The dendrological part of the “Passport” includes a dendroplan drawing and an accounting sheet developed in accordance with methodological recommendations. This section contains Full description tree and shrub vegetation at the site, indicating the species and other characteristics of plants, is compiled based on the results of a field survey of the site, with the involvement of a specialized dendrologist engineer with experience in examining green spaces, drawing up phytopathological conclusions and recommendations.

    The passport is subject to approval by the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow in terms of compliance of the Passport data with the actual state of green spaces in courtyard areas. The passport is a document displaying the inventory data of the green fund of the territory with the mandatory entry of inventory data into AIS "Register of green spaces in the city of Moscow". Inventory and certification work is carried out on the basis of current data from the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow in electronic form, with the boundaries of the territory for which the Passport has been developed drawn on the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow in formats that ensure free implementation of data into geographic information systems such as: automated control system "United dispatch service of the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow" ( ACS "ODS JKhiB"

    The RosBezopasnost® company provides services for the development and execution of a Territory Improvement Passport, conducting an inventory of green spaces, updating the Territory Improvement Passport with error correction, entering data and making changes to the AIS "Register of Green Spaces" of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow, with subsequent approval with the competent authorities. All work is carried out in compliance with the requirements of current legislation.

    Development of a territory improvement passport

    You can order the development and approval of a Land Improvement Passport or a Green Space Passport on our website through the order form, or by calling our company.

    Territory improvement passport— an electronic document (electronic improvement passport) of the established form, containing inventory data about the territory and the elements located on it, design solutions carried out as part of the maintenance of the territory and, in cases established by the legislation of the city of Moscow, improvement of the territory, as well as a list of work performed.

    The passport is being developed for areas of the green fund of the city of Moscow that do not belong to specially protected natural areas, especially protected green and natural areas, and courtyard areas.

    The territory improvement passport consists of two main parts:

    • inventory plan completed in DWG format in AutoCAD program,
    • records of plants located on the territory.


    Our services:

    1. Updating the landscaping passport;

    2. Creation of a landscaping passport, with or without geodetic work;

    3. Inventory of green spaces.

    The cost of developing and approving a Territory Improvement Passport depends on many factors: the number of objects for which a passport needs to be made, whether geodetic work needs to be carried out, the area of ​​the object, etc.

    The price for services for the Development of a Territory Improvement Passport is calculated individually, depending on the received source data.


    This document is subject to approval by the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the City of Moscow and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow.

    Approval of the Improvement Passport

    The approval of the passport is carried out electronically using the Automated Information System “Register of Green Spaces” (hereinafter referred to as AIS RZN). AIS RZN is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed for collecting, storing, providing and analyzing information on the results of the inventory of the green fund areas of the city of Moscow. The regulations for the interaction of these systems are approved by a joint legal act of the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, which is entrusted with the functions of maintaining the Register of Green Spaces.


    • Development time - 15 working days from the moment the initial data is provided,
    • Approval period - 60 working days.

    More detailed information For these questions, you can contact our specialists, leave a request or request a call back.


    The RosBezopasnost company values ​​its customers. We have developed a flexible system of discounts for services provided:

    • If you apply again (10% discount);
    • When contacting with a link to organizations that have collaborated with us previously (5% discount);
    • If the number of objects is 3 or more (10% discount).


    Punishment, fine provided for by law for the absence of a Territory Improvement Passport

    In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow, Article 4.39. Violation of rules and requirements in the field of environmental protection Violation of the rules and requirements established by legal acts of the city of Moscow in the field of environmental protection - entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

    • for citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles;
    • on officials - up to fifty thousand rubles;
    • on legal entities - up to three hundred thousand rubles.

    List of objects for which a landscaping passport is being developed

    The territory improvement passport is developed based on:

    • territories adjacent to one or more apartment buildings,
    • territories of the city of Moscow that are in the primary use of persons living in them and including, among other things, territories on which green spaces are located,
    • entrances and approaches to the specified apartment buildings,
    • leisure, sports and recreational and household areas, including parking spaces and container sites.

    In some cases, a Passport for improvement of the territory of a rural settlement and other municipalities is drawn up.

    Purpose of development

    An inventory of the territories of the city of Moscow is carried out in order to:

    • obtaining reliable data on the state of green spaces, species, age composition, quantitative and areal characteristics of natural communities, elements of comprehensive improvement for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing;
    • obtaining information about the location of green spaces, elements of comprehensive improvement in the territories of the city of Moscow, indicating the legal holders of land plots of the territory responsible for its safety and condition;
    • carrying out an analysis of the state of the green fund of the city of Moscow, etc.

    Guiding Documents

    Basic guidance documents establishing the need for availability, structure and content, as well as a sample for filling out the Territory Improvement Passport:

    • Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2002 No. 743-PP “On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities of the city of Moscow”;
    • Decree of the Moscow Government of May 13, 2008 No. 379-PP “On the progress of work on creating a register of green spaces in the city of Moscow and measures to improve the procedure for inventorying green areas in the city of Moscow”;
    • Moscow City Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses.”

    The owner of the territory should remember that the recommendations of the dendrologist in the planting registration sheet (the very last column) are the basis for carrying out certain work, which must be carried out strictly in accordance with legislation in the field of environmental protection and other regulations. For example, if a recommendation is given to cut down a tree, then before carrying out the work it is necessary to obtain a felling ticket.

    After receiving a request from a land user or a contractor performing certification (updating) work, the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow conducts an on-site inspection to ensure compliance with the actual condition and the data entered in the AIS “Register of Green Spaces”. For this purpose, a special commission is created, which arrives at the site to assess the compliance of the landscaping passport data with the actual condition of the site. And if the results of such a check reveal inconsistencies, the document will not be approved. Also, the purpose of the commission is to identify violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection and sanitary standards. And if they are discovered, the balance holder of the site and the responsible persons may be held administratively liable and receive monetary fines. Therefore, updating the landscaping passport should be taken seriously and understand that it is necessary not only to correctly execute the electronic document, but also to comply with all requirements for the maintenance of green spaces on your site.

    The concept that guides the company is the priority of quality in everything due to compliance with the requirements of the modern market, constant improvement of the effectiveness of the management system, quality and monitoring of completed projects

    Inventory, accounting of green spaces, entering inventory data into the AIS “Register of Green Spaces” in Moscow, production of a “Passport for Territory Improvement”

    Primary activity inventory of green spaces, accounting of green spaces, production of Territory Improvement Passports, entering data into the AIS Register of Green Spaces, approval of Territory Improvement Passports in the Housing and Public Administration and Department of Environmental Protection.

    We have been engaged in inventory and certification of green spaces and road facilities in Moscow for 9 years.

    During this time, we have inventoried about 5,000 hectares:

    Landscaped areas of maintenance categories 1, 2, 3,

    Forests, parks, squares, roads, courtyard areas, incl.

    Alexander Garden (garden near the Moscow Kremlin),

    Kremlin embankment, green areas on Red Square near GUM,

    New Arbat, Pokrovsky Cathedral, shopping and entertainment complex "Manezh",

    Solntsevo district, Vernadskogo Avenue district, Dorogomilovo district, Troparevo-Nikulino district,

    Area Vykhino-Zhulebino, Lefortovo, Maryino, Nekrasovka, Ryazansky

    Southern Administrative District,

    South-Eastern Administrative District,

    Districts of New Moscow (TiNAO),

    Squares and parks of the Central Administrative District,

    Green areas along the Moscow Ring Road,

    Green areas along the Third Transport Ring,

    Vnukovo Airport,

    All-Russian dispatch center Vnukovo,

    All radial highways of Moscow (Shchelkovskoe highway and Entuziastov highway, Altufevskoe and Yaroslavskoe highways, Kashirskoe and Varshavskoe highways, Mozhaiskoe and Rublevskoe highways, Volokolamskoe and Zvenigorodskoe highways, Mezhdunarodnoe highway, Kievskoe highway, etc.)

    A large number of hospitals, clinics (GBUZ), schools (GBOU), industrial and commercial areas, and this is not an exhaustive list of territories that we have certified.

    Basis for performing work on the inventory of green spaces in Moscow:

    Decree of the Moscow Government of August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP “On the automated information system “Register of Green Spaces” (as amended on October 4, 2017)”;

    Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2002 N 743-PP (as amended on October 4, 2017) “On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow”;

    Decree of the Moscow Government of September 2, 2014 No. 501-PP “On the development of passports for the improvement of courtyard areas, amendments to the legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition of the legal acts of the city of Moscow as invalid”;

    Moscow City Law No. 17 dated May 5, 1999 “On the protection of green spaces” (as amended on May 7, 2014).

    An inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow is carried out in order to:

    Obtaining reliable data on the condition of green spaces, species, age composition, quantitative and areal characteristics of natural communities, elements of comprehensive improvement for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing;

    Obtaining information about the location of green spaces, elements of comprehensive improvement on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow, indicating the legal holders of land plots responsible for its safety and condition;

    Determining the compliance of the activities carried out by the rights holders of land plots in the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow on landscaping objects with the established purpose of the territories;

    Conducting an analysis of the state of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

    Definitions of land plots occupied by various types of plantings, infrastructure or other elements in their composition;

    Information support for the preparation of planning projects for natural, specially protected natural (hereinafter - SPNA) (for which there are no planning projects), specially protected green (hereinafter - SPNA), green areas and other territories occupied by green spaces, the city of Moscow;

    Development of measures for the conservation and restoration of natural communities and recommendations for management of land plots; infrastructure and improvement elements in specially protected natural and other natural areas for the audit period for management of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Management of Natural Areas";

    Determining the effectiveness of reforestation work, the quality of the created forest crops, their compliance with current standards and technical specifications. These materials make it possible to identify measures to improve the condition of crops;

    Development of proposals for adjusting planning projects for protected areas, natural, green areas and other areas occupied by green spaces in the city of Moscow, territorial development schemes for protected areas in the city of Moscow;

    Regulation of work and determination of costs for the preservation and maintenance of natural communities, green spaces, landscaping elements and comprehensive improvement and major repairs on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow (based on the obtained characteristics of the condition of landscaping elements and comprehensive improvement);

    Drawing up a title list of green spaces, landscaping elements and comprehensive landscaping to calculate natural indicators for the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

    Preparation of data for filling the State Cadastre of Protected Areas of the City of Moscow, the Automated Information System "Register of Green Spaces", the Automated Management System "United Dispatch Service of the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the ACS "UDS DZHKhiB"), other information systems of the city Moscow, if so established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    Types of work on certification of green spaces:

    1.Conduct preparatory work

    Obtaining the boundaries of the inventory territory;

    Reconnaissance survey of the inventory territory;

    Establishing the area of ​​the inventory territory;

    Establishing the classification of an inventory object

    Determination of the location of trees in nature on the inventory territory;

    Determining the location of shrubs in nature on the inventory territory;

    Collection of general information about the territory being inventoried (including administrative-territorial affiliation;

    Indication of the responsible land user;

    Establishing the status of the object, the functional purpose of the land plot;

    2.Carrying out field work on inventory of green areas:

    Geodetic survey of the inventory territory using geodetic equipment and local measurements;

    Determination of woody vegetation in kind, numbering in kind, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of condition;

    Determination of shrub vegetation in nature, numbering in nature, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of condition;

    Determining the condition of lawns, measuring the area, describing quality characteristics, determining the type of lawn;

    Description of flower beds, measuring the area, assigning a serial number, determining the type of flower bed, plant material to be planted;

    Description of the road and path network, determination of condition, type of coverage, purpose, measurement of area;

    Determination of the location of the LFA and improvement elements, their quantity, numbering, characteristics and description of the condition;

    Identification of buildings and structures on the inventory territory, their purpose and measurement of area;

    Determination of planar structures, their type, area and coverage;

    Determination of relief organization elements, their type, area;

    Determination of functional support systems, their type and quantity;

    Collection of information about repair work;

    Collection of additional information (date of last repair or reconstruction, mode of urban planning activities);

    3.Conduct desk work on inventory of green areas:

    Creation of an inventory plan for the object M1:500, with registration in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 4, 2005 No. 770-PP “On methodological recommendations for the preparation of dendrological plans and accounting statements”;

    Drawing of tree and shrub vegetation on the plan with assignment of serial numbering in accordance with the list of green spaces;

    Calculation of the total area of ​​the object and entering data into the statement;

    Drawing flower beds on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Drawing on the plan of buildings and structures, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Calculation of the operational area of ​​the facility and entering data into the statement;

    Drawing planar structures on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Drawing the road and path network on the plan, calculating its areas and entering it into the statement;

    Drawing the lawn on the plan, calculating the area and entering it into the list;

    Drawing on the MAF plan, calculation by quantity and entry into the list by type;

    Drawing of functional support systems on the plan, calculation of quantity and entry into the list by type;

    Drawing on the plan the elements of the organization of the relief, calculating the areas and entering them into the statement;

    Typing and printing field report data on a computer;

    Calculation of the total number of trees on the site;

    Calculation of the total number of shrubs at the site;

    Calculation of trees to be transplanted at the site;

    Calculation of transplanted shrubs at the site;

    Calculation of trees to be cut down at the site;

    Calculation of shrubs to be cut down at the site;

    Calculation of trees to be saved on the site;

    Calculation of preserved shrubs on site;

    Drawing up a balance of the territory;

    4.Conduct cartographic works:

    Providing electronic accounting of landscaping objects and green spaces when maintaining the AIS “Register of Green Spaces” and monitoring green spaces;

    Drawing up a topographic plan in electronic form with reference to the Unified State Cartographic Basis of the City of Moscow in formats that ensure free import of data into geographic information systems;

    Drawing up an inventory plan in accordance with existing requirements M1:500;

    Approval of the Territory Improvement Passport in electronic form in the Department of Housing and Communal Services and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

    We are proud of the work we have done, because... Our main principle in any work is honesty, integrity, and love for the work you do.

    Completed projects

    News: April 2, 2015 New requirements for approvals of Territory Improvement Passports Instructions on how to approve a passport for the Customer in the Register. March 30, 2015 Explanations on changes in requirements for passports for improvement of territory (registration area) In the passport of the registration area, the name (Passport of Territory Improvement) and the approval procedure have changed. March 29, 2015 For a green space passport. From Resolution No. 743-PP dated December 12, 2014. Methodology for conducting an inventory in the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow Information from the resolution on the methodology for inventorying green spaces in Moscow was published March 29, 2015

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