Decorative indoor mint. Medicinal properties of aromatic plectranthus: use in folk medicine and contraindications. Propagating mint plectranthus at home

The beneficial and harmful properties of plectranthus have long been of interest to connoisseurs of greenery. After all, the plant grows successfully at home and exudes a pleasant aroma. Plectranthus came to Europe from India and the southern part of the African continent. Today, the following varieties of this cute flower are widely used in indoor gardening:

  • coleus-shaped;
  • Australian;
  • shrubby;
  • Ernst;
  • Fragrant.

Our compatriots often call it spur flower, flycatcher, and indoor mint. For decades now, this exquisite and delicate flower has attracted special attention from flower lovers. And the beneficial and harmful properties of plectranthus evoke unprecedented admiration.

Unique varieties of the plant, such as French thyme, Indian borage, Cuban oregano, soup and Mexican mint, are widely used in cooking.

A close encounter with an exotic plant

Plectranthus aromatica is a perennial herbaceous plant of a ground cover or climbing nature. It has thin stems covered with small, fleshy leaves. The plates are painted bright green and slightly pubescent. Some species have a white border near the carved edges of the foliage. The flower has a pleasant aroma that is reminiscent of cut meadow grass.
During flowering, miniature bell-shaped buds of the following colors are formed on the plectranthus:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • lilac;
  • purple.

They are collected in raceme inflorescences, which look original among the lush greenery.

To prepare medicinal raw materials, the tops of the shoots, which have several leaves, are plucked off. This is best done during dry periods when there is no moisture on the plant.

Beneficial and harmful properties of plectranthus: time-tested facts

An in-depth study of the plant showed that its main advantage is its essential oils. In addition, it contains the following chemicals:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • quinine;
  • carvacrol;
  • cineon;
  • quercetin;
  • thymol;
  • ursulic acid;
  • eugenol;
  • tanning elements.

At first glance, the names are not clear, but their effect on the human body is more than obvious. Medicinal properties plectranthus symptoms appear when it is used to relieve itching, as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and sedative. A paste of finely chopped leaves is applied to insect bites to relieve swelling. The flower is used to rinse the mouth and throat.

Considering the beneficial and harmful properties of plectranthus, young mothers use it to treat diathesis and diaper rash in young children. In this case, dried herbs are suitable, from which decoctions are prepared (half a glass of herbs is poured boiled water and insist for an hour and a half).

Since the plant has a calming effect on the body, many people use it to treat urinary incontinence in children. Regular bathing in a herbal decoction 20 minutes before bedtime helps combat the problem.

Interestingly, Plectranthus aromaticum is widely used to treat diseases. the folk way. For example, in India it is planted in front gardens to be used in emergencies. If household members vomited from malaria, diarrhea or helminthiasis, tinctures from the plant helped relieve attacks of malaise until the doctor arrived. And the leaves of the flower were applied to wounds from scorpion bites. In South Asia, young children are given the juice of the plant to prevent colds.

In many countries around the world, indoor mint is actively used in cooking. It is added as an aromatic seasoning to soups, salads, meat and fish dishes. In Jamaica, cooks bake mint leaves in batter, and in France they add them to syrups, liqueurs, etc. Italians put plectranthus in first courses and sweet desserts. This popularity is explained by its unique properties and a pleasant aroma.

Indoor mint - free aromatherapy in the home

Fans of indoor plants have noticed that the flower exudes a pleasant aroma. The main reason for this miracle is special glands on the plates. The following varieties are most often grown at home:

  • moth tree, growing up to 100 cm in height;
  • Scandinavian ivy;
  • Plectranthus "Ernsta", which is a climbing shrub.

For a plant to successfully develop indoors, it is enough to regularly water it, feed it and place it in a bright place.

Since the flower has drooping foliage, it should not be sprayed. After this procedure, spots appear on the plates and the plant loses its attractive appearance.

The beneficial properties of indoor mint are manifested primarily in evaporation essential oils. Its subtle aroma has a beneficial effect on nervous system body, satisfying headache. In a room with such a plant, people do not suffer from insomnia, but enjoy healthy rest.

Contraindications and harmful properties of plectranthus

Despite the widespread use of the flower in folk medicine, some contraindications were also noted. Gynecologists do not recommend taking tinctures or teas from indoor mint for pregnant and lactating women. Pediatricians prohibit the use of decoctions from the plant by children under 12 years of age.

People with sensitive skin have noticed that when they come into contact with the foliage or stems of plectranthus, they experience a mild form of dermatitis. Therefore, you should not have a flower in your home or try to stay away from it. It is not advisable to eat mint leaves for those who have low blood pressure and varicose veins.

In addition, like any product, plectranthus should be consumed in balance. Any overeating leads to serious consequences. Especially if it concerns medicinal herbs. Abuse of tinctures or decoctions of indoor mint leads to heartburn, which indicates increased acidity stomach. Let's be attentive to our body.

Growing useful plectranthus at home - video

Plectranthus (lat. Plectranthus) or indoor mint, or spur flower is an evergreen perennial of the Lamiaceae family, native to Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, and some islands Pacific Ocean and certain regions of Africa, represented by 3 life forms: shrubs, subshrubs and herbs.

Its leaves are similar to ivy budra, which belongs to the same family.

Photo gallery

Plectranthus is not poisonous. On the contrary, it has many beneficial properties and is actively used in cooking and folk medicine, and essential oils made from it not only give the air a pleasant aroma, but also fight pathogenic microbes.

Use is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance, as well as pregnant women and hypotensive patients.

Flowering and fruiting

The leaf blades are round, oval or elongated, have jagged edges and a matte with a slight fluff or glossy surface. Monochrome or patterned leaves can be green, purple-red, or white.

In summer, small white, blue or purple flowers, consisting of 5 petals fused at the base, collected in 6–10 pieces. into spike- or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. After pollination, the ovary of the fruit occurs, opening independently when ripe.

Flowering indoor mint does not add to its decorative appearance, but makes it more sloppy and weakens the plant, so the buds should be cut off.

Signs and superstitions

Among the many superstitions associated with the spur flower, the most often mentioned is its ability to attract financial well-being to the family, attract wealth and good luck.

The wilting of a flower indicates possible financial difficulties and the need for change. There is no need to keep a dying plant in the house - it acts as a magnet for negativity and all sorts of troubles.

As a symbol of abundance and prosperity, plectranthus is an ideal plant for determined people who are able to take risks and radically change their lifestyle for the sake of financial stability.

In addition, indoor mint promotes relaxation, improves mood, helps avoid anxiety and get rid of insomnia.

Is it suitable for shaping bonsai?

Some types of plectranthus eventually form a caudex - a thickening between the roots and the crown, subject to regular pinching and branching work, giving the plant the appearance of a miniature bonsai-style tree.

To rejuvenate and obtain a more luxuriant crown, you should annually pinch out young shoots in the spring and shorten by half the old shoots that have stretched out after winter.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Dry branches affected by diseases or pests can be pruned throughout the year.

Use in folk medicine

Plectranthus is not as popular a plant as chamomile and sage. But it is still widely used in folk medicine. It has expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Can you make tea from plectranthus?

It was used in ancient times, but even in our time, aromatic medicinal tea is also brewed from dried plectranthus leaves.

It is enough to throw a small handful of raw materials into the kettle and pour boiling water over it, let it cool, and the healing drink is ready.

In folk medicine it is used for:

  1. Relieves colds and flu from sore throat, cough and runny nose.
  2. Treatment of the nervous system, it has a mild sedative effect - helps with insomnia, as well as cope with anxiety and stress.
  3. Eliminates most gastrointestinal problems: indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, spasms and pain in the epigastric region, flatulence and diarrhea, nausea.
  4. It is used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, as an auxiliary and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. It has antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective properties.
  6. Helps with swelling, removes excess fluid.
  7. Prescribed for kidney and bladder stones.
  8. Externally, a decoction of plectranthus is used to treat weeping diathesis in very young children, diaper rash and bedsores in patients, eczema and psoriasis.

Fresh plectranthus leaves are applied to treat bites and ulcers.

Whatever healing properties plectranthus has, it must be taken into account that there are contraindications and allergies and itchy skin may occur on sensitive skin. And always consult a doctor!

Home care

Plectranthus is sold in offline and online flower shops. The cost depends on the variety and height of the plant and varies from 150 to 800 rubles.

After purchasing, the flower must be replanted by transshipment into a new pot of larger diameter.

In the cold season, when indoor mint enters a dormant period, you should organize less intensive care for it - lower the air temperature, refuse fertilizing, and reduce watering.



It is necessary to provide the spur flower with bright, diffused lighting. Exposure to direct sunlight negatively affects the decorative appearance of plectranthus - burns appear on the foliage, and the stems become bare over time.

It also does not tolerate shade well - the shoots stretch out, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, so in the cold season it is necessary to use phytolamps.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from KubSAU, specialty: agronomy

To avoid uneven development of the crown, the flower should be regularly rotated relative to the light source.


Grows well at temperatures of +18–25 °C in spring and summer and +12–16 °C in winter. When the indicators drop to +10 °C, the flower sheds its leaves and dies.

Air humidity

Indoor mint is not demanding on the level of humidity in the room, but on days when the temperature is above +20–22 °C, it is necessary to spray the plant to minimize the likelihood of complete loss of moisture.

Comfortable place for a flower

Plectranthus does not react well to drafts and does not tolerate streams of hot, dry air, so you should not place the flowerpot near heating appliances.

The most suitable place is the window sills of western, eastern or southwestern windows.

What kind of soil is needed?

The soil should be nutritious, light, well-permeable to moisture and air, and slightly acidic (pH 6).

You can use ready-made soil for indoor decorative foliage plants or make it yourself by mixing in equal proportions:

  • river sand or perlite;
  • deoxidized peat;
  • leaf soil.

Before using the soil mixture, it must be steamed or frozen - this will disinfect the substrate and help get rid of pests.


Transplantation is carried out in the spring. Young plants need this procedure annually, specimens older than 5 years – once every 2–3 years. Replacement of soil and flowerpot is required if:

It is necessary to prepare in advance drainage from pebbles or clay shards, suitable soil and a flowerpot corresponding to the size of the root system - if the pot is much larger, the undeveloped soil will begin to sour and the spur flower will die. Do not use wide or flat containers without holes for drainage.

At home, ampelous varieties of plectranthus are conveniently grown in hanging flowerpots.

Damage to the roots is unacceptable, so replanting should be carried out using the transshipment method, maintaining the integrity of the earthen coma:

  • fill 1/3 of the new flowerpot with drainage, cover it with soil;
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old pot and place it together with a lump of earth in the center of the new one;
  • fill the voids with the remains of the soil mixture;
  • water the flower.

After transplantation, the spur flower should be protected from bright light for 7–10 days.

Reproduction of plectranthus

Indoor mint is propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. To do this you will need:

  • container with water;
  • polyethylene or can;
  • charcoal;
  • sharp knife.

By cuttings

To propagate a plant using this method you must:

  • in spring or summer, cut cuttings maximum 10 cm long;
  • put them in a container with boiled water;
  • put a piece of charcoal on the bottom to avoid rotting;
  • cover the cuttings with polyethylene or a jar to create a greenhouse effect and accelerate root formation;
  • 2-3 weeks after the roots appear, transplant into separate containers with suitable soil.

You can root the cuttings immediately in a loose and nutritious soil mixture, deepening them no more than 1 cm.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from KubSAU, specialty: agronomy

Leaves can also act as cuttings.

Dividing the bush

The method is used during the annual spring transplant:

  • remove the plant from the pot and lightly shake off the soil from the roots;
  • Use a sharp knife to divide the rhizome into several parts;
  • Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • plant the cuttings in individual flowerpots.

Plants with a developed root system are suitable for this method of propagation.


Seeds should be sown in April-May on the surface of the soil, without deepening, and kept at a temperature of +20–24 °C. A week after the emergence of seedlings, you can begin moderate watering, and a month later, transplant the seedlings into separate pots.

This method is more often used by professional breeders when breeding new plant species.

Fertilizer and feeding

In spring and summer, plectranthus must be fed twice a month, using fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants (Bona Forte, Etisso, Pokon) in the proportions specified by the manufacturer.

In winter, fertilizing should be abandoned.


It is important to ensure that the earthen ball does not dry out or become waterlogged. In the first case, the danger lies in poor flowering, in the second - in the risk of developing root rot.

In the spring-summer period, the spur flower should be watered as soon as the top layer of soil dries, in winter - when the soil dries 2-3 cm deep, i.e. approximately once every 3-4 days.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from KubSAU, specialty: agronomy

The water must be settled or filtered, room temperature.

If you are going on vacation

Wick watering is the best option during a long absence.

To do this, take a fabric cord, place one end of it on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkle it, and place the other end in a container of water, which must be placed above the pot with the plant.

Problems and mistakes when growing

The absence of a flowering period indicates that plectranthus is kept in unsuitable conditions - at low air temperatures and insufficient lighting.

Diseases. Table

Pests. Table

PestSignsReasons for appearanceWays to fight
Spider miteA thin web appears on the leaves and petiolesLow humidity levels, drying out soilUse acaricides (“Apollo”, “Omite”) to treat the plant
AphidThe leaves lose their brightness, small light green insects are visible on them and the stemsInsufficient lighting and watering, excess or lack of fertilizersSpray with a decoction of herbs that have an unpleasant odor, and in case of severe damage - with “Aktara” or “Inta-Vir”
ShchitovkaBrown growths form on the shootsGrowing in a cold or too warm room, lack of nutrientsTreat mint with Aktara, Fufanon or Metaphos
WhiteflySmall white insects with wings are visible on the plantKeeping at high humidity and air temperatureReplant and replace the soil, treat the flower with Actellik or Confidor

Problems with leaves. Table

Types of plectranthus with photos and names

Plectranthus coleoides

It is characterized by erect shoots and large leaf blades, reaching a length of 6–8 cm and decorated with a beige or white border.

The appearance of spots or stripes on the leaves is the characteristic color of this variety.

Fruticosus (Shrub)

The height of the plant reaches 1 m. Monochrome green leaves with a fleecy edge are heart-shaped and release essential oils when touched.

This variety has a pronounced mint aroma that repels moths.

Hadiensis (Felt)

Compact plant with ampelous shoots. The foliage is pubescent, light green in color.

Oertendahlii (Oertendahlii)

It is characterized by carved, round, velvety leaves, colored green on the outside and pinkish-red on the inside.

Given enough light they turn completely red.

Australis (Southern)

This crop has horizontally growing green shoots and rounded leaves with a waxy coating that enhances their glossiness.

Among the shortcomings is the lack of aroma.

Verticillatus (Whorled)

It is distinguished by purple stems and bright green leaf blades with white fibers, on the inside of which there are red-purple veins.

Few people have ever encountered mint, which can be seen everywhere. Due to the prevalence of this plant, most ordinary people are sure that it grows on its own in its natural habitat. This misconception is refuted by indoor mint, which has several species that are successfully grown at home. The unpretentious culture will delight you with its appearance and benefit from quality care. Knowing the characteristics of varieties, you can get the maximum benefit from them.

General information about culture

The genus Mint includes about 250 representatives - evergreens herbaceous plants. The second name of the culture is Plectranthus, which is translated from Greek as “flower spur”, which is located at the base of the corolla. This genus belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The plant's homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Plectranthus belongs to ornamental plants; it can be a shrub 40 cm high or a subshrub. Mint is grown in the garden or in pots from which the plants hang. Even an inexperienced gardener can cope with breeding.

Homemade mint has voluminous foliage, thin shoots on which there are oval matte and smooth leaves from 5 to 10 cm long with a clearly defined structure. There are small notches along the edges. Indoor mint has miniature flowers with 5 pale petals, their arrangement is whorled, 8-10 pieces each. Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella or brush. Some gardeners remove flowers so as not to disturb the decorative appearance of the plant. Decorative mint blooms in summer. 4 nuts ripen inside the fruit.

Many signs of money are associated with plectranthus or indoor mint, so many people strive to acquire a plant in order to get rich.

The benefits of indoor mint

Indoor mint can rightfully be classified as a medicinal plant - it has many beneficial properties, which makes it similar to lemon balm - lemon balm. The leaves of almost all varieties emit a characteristic strong odor, which is explained by the production of essential oils by the glands of the plant, the evaporation of which has a beneficial effect on the body.

All types of potted mint are endowed with a number of beneficial properties:

  • improve digestion;
  • calm the nerves;
  • promote free breathing;
  • relieve childhood enuresis by taking baths with mint leaves;
  • eliminate problems in the gynecological field;
  • soften itching from insect bites;
  • The decoction is used for colds;
  • Mint juice combined with pomegranate helps get rid of nausea.

When treating ailments, the astringent properties of the plant are used. Invaluable benefits Homemade mint helps disinfect the air, destroying harmful insects, including moths. One of the species was even nicknamed the moth tree.

A decoction is made from mint leaves and drunk during the cold season. In hot weather, a mint mojito is a great refreshing drink; everyone is also familiar with mint candies. The leaves can be added to a mug of black or green tea and used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Mint tea is a delicious and very healthy drink

Types of Plectranthus

Varieties of plectranthus are varied and numerous. Plectranthus Ertendahl is said to be the most famous species. Also, many gardeners can boast of having in their apartments a Molny tree, which belongs to the shrubs. Other varieties are Plectranthus southern, Plectranthus ampelous silvery, Plectranthus coleus and caudex, Plectranthus amboinensis variegated, Plectranthus oakleaf aromatic, Plectranthus Ernst and Forster, Hadiensis or felt, Tomentosa, Mona Lavender (Lavender). Each type should be described separately.


Plectranthus Ertendahl is a subshrub, rightfully considered the most common variety of indoor mint.

This is due to its external attractiveness: one side of the leaves is green, the other is purple. The leaves are velvety to the touch and prone to active growth. In the natural environment of Africa, its shoots spread even more, reaching 40 cm. At home, shoots should be pinched regularly. In rooms, the average size of the petiole leaves is round in shape - 5 cm. The shade of the leaves is dark green interspersed with light stripes and reddish spots. The flowers are collected in clusters measuring 1.5 by 30 cm. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and September. Many people associate the smell of Plectranthus Ertendal with camphor.

Many people have Plectranthus shrubby growing in their apartments, whose second name is Moth Tree. It is planted to combat moths, which do not like the strong smell of essential oil. It is useful for headaches, sleep disorders, and is released at the slightest touch to the shoots. It grows naturally in Africa. The height of a houseplant can reach 1 m. The serrated oval leaves of the bush plectranthus, up to 5 cm long, are slightly pubescent. Blue flowers grow in a ring throughout the spring. The plant needs timely pruning.

The moth tree needs regular and timely pruning


This variety is not intended for interior decoration due to its underdeveloped stems. Some gardeners compare this mint with ivy, although there is no external resemblance. The peculiarity of this species is the absence of any odor from the plant. The shoots can grow up to 1 m. The round leaves shine brightly, especially in sunlight.

Ampel silver

Ampelous Plectranthus is also nicknamed silver due to the characteristic color of the jagged leaves. This shrub emits a strong aroma that repels harmful insects. In order for the flowers to look attractive, you have to work hard. Indoor plant unpretentious, will easily survive temporary lack of care.


It is also a fairly common variety of homemade mint, distinguished from the rest by its large leaves, the average length of which is at least 6 cm. A border runs along their edge, giving them a decorative effect; white spots may be present. The coleus-shaped shrub grows up to 1 m in height, the shoots are tetrahedral. The aroma emanating from the leaves is very strong.


An unusual species, the peculiarity of which is the caudex - the thick lower part of the trunk. Thanks to this feature, many gardeners consider the plant as an analogue of bonsai. The average height is 0.5 m; it grows naturally in India.

Oakleaf fragrant

This variety has a double name: the dense leaves are very similar to oak leaves. They give off a strong menthol smell. Plectranthus aromatica can have colorful leaves with amazing patterns. There are blue flowers on large inflorescences.


It has a caudex with a diameter of up to 10 cm. On white shoots there are medium leaves, shaped like a heart. On one side they are green, on the other they are purple. The plant blooms in summer. During dormancy, the leaves fall off. This is one of the most unpretentious varieties of indoor mint.

Hadiensis or Plectranthus tomentosa

The small shrub has fairly large fleshy leaves about 10 cm long. You can often see fibers on them - hence the name. Some subspecies have multi-colored leaves. The plant's homeland is India, where it is widely used as food. At home, Plectranthus tomentosa needs good lighting.

The flowering period occurs in winter. The plant's homeland is South Africa. The stems bear deep green leaves with denticles. In order for the flowering to be abundant, it is necessary to constantly pinch the plant.

Mona Lavender is the most beautiful variety indoor mint

Growing mint at home

Indoor mint is a relatively easy plant to grow and care for. For propagation, the method of propagation by cuttings is used. There is also a method of propagation by dividing the bush, but it is not so popular. For successful propagation by cuttings in the spring, it is necessary to cut the shoots to half and place them in water. After the roots appear in a couple of weeks, they need to be planted in separate containers. The land must be fertile. Sometimes several seedlings are placed in one pot. They should be provided with regular watering so that propagation of plectranthus by cuttings is successful.

Caring for indoor mint

It is necessary to care for homemade mint in the same way as for its counterpart in nature. She need a large number of sun. But it is best to place the pot not on the south side, but on the east or west side, so that there is a slight darkening. Excessive light can cause the plant to wilt. In winter you will need artificial lighting. Fresh air should always reach the mint; in summer the pot can be safely placed on the balcony.

One of the important components of caring for plectranthus at home is watering. During flowering, a large amount of water is needed. The need for it is felt by the dryness of the soil. The moisture on the surface of the flower evaporates quickly, so additional spraying will not hurt. Drafts should be avoided. You need to know that mint grows quickly, because of this you need to change pots often, and replant them no more than once every 3 years. Ideal soil composition:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand.

Indoor mint does not need constant fertilization. You can alternately apply organic and inorganic fertilizers from time to time. When caring for plectranthus at home, you need to know that the roots of the plant can rot and the leaves change color. Powdery mildew is also likely. Preventative treatment with insecticides will not hurt.

Few people don't like mint tea. Its enchanting aroma has a beneficial effect on the human body. Healing properties mint has been known for a long time. There are many varieties of it. Among them, the species that grows at home has become popular among us. Indoor mint - plectranthus - is an unpretentious and well-growing plant. His homeland is South Africa.

Description of the plant

Indoor mint can grow as a hanging plant or have straight shoots up to 40 centimeters. Represents decorative flower, with beautiful, densely arranged leaves that can be matte, glossy, plain or patterned.


The tips of the leaves have small teeth. Plectaranthus serves as a decoration for any room interior and is an excellent flavoring agent. Its subtle aroma will always be heard as soon as you touch the leaves. Indoor mint flowers do not have any aesthetic value. They are very small, collected in umbrellas of white, blue and purple shades. In order not to spoil the appearance of the plant, they are almost always cut off.


Amateur gardeners grow the following types of plectranthus indoors:

  1. Shrub - a large bush with a pronounced delicate aroma. The leaves are monochromatic, slightly wrinkled in the shape of a heart.
  2. Coleus-shaped - has straight shoots and large leaves that can grow up to six centimeters. Along the contour, the leaves are bordered by a light stripe; they may have spots on the leaf plate of the same shade.
  3. Ertendahl - has carved leaves of a bright green hue on one side and pinkish on the other. The surface is velvety with light light veins. There is a light camphor aroma. This species requires constant pinching for better bushiness.
  4. Felt is a small light green bush. The carved foliage is densely pubescent. The shoots are drooping. Has a light mint aroma.

Home care

Based on the fact that the plant is tropical in origin, it is therefore important to follow the following rules when caring:

  • plectrantx soil should consist of humus, turf and leaf soil, peat and sand;
  • Plectranthus must be fed monthly with mineral fertilizers during the period of active flower growth;
  • Before adding soil, a drainage layer of three centimeters must be laid in the pot, which consists of expanded clay or crushed stone; you can use broken bricks;
  • Regular watering, especially during the growing season and spraying, which decreases in number of times in winter, is not recommended to allow the earthen ball to dry out;
  • selecting a location with sufficient sunlight, otherwise the foliage loses its decorative effect; in winter, the plant responds well to artificial lighting;
  • do not place plectranthus near open windows or balcony doors, it does not tolerate drafts;
  • compliance temperature regime in summer from 20 to 22 degrees, and in winter not lower than 15 degrees;
  • carrying out regular pinching of the tops of shoots and pruning, during which weak and damaged shoots are removed.


The plant is very easily propagated by cuttings. You don't need any special skill for this. It is enough to put the shoots in water and within a few days the first roots will begin to appear. Plectranthus develops the root system very well.

In order to immediately get a good bush, it is enough to plant several shoots of plectranthus in one pot.

Possible difficulties during care

Like any houseplant, with good care, plectranthus will delight you with active shoot growth and a beautiful appearance. But it happens that gardeners encounter problems when growing indoor mint. For example:

  • excessive soil moisture in winter can lead to rotting of roots, yellowing and falling leaves;
  • the appearance of gray spots on the leaves will signal infection with downy mildew due to active watering;
  • constant underfilling and dryness of the earthen clod can spoil appearance plectranthus;
  • excessive sunlight will discolor the leaves, causing them to lose their decorative appearance;
  • dry air can cause the appearance of spider mites, aphids, scale insects, and whiteflies; they can be dealt with by treating the bush with insecticide solutions.


Plectranthus has one very valuable property for the home - its smell drives away moths. Therefore, it will be useful for owners of fur coats and natural carpets to keep it. The aroma of indoor mint rids the indoor air of pathogenic microbes, it calms the nervous system of household members and relieves headaches, and their sleep improves.

If you have suffered from insect bites, then just crush the leaves of plectranthus and apply to the affected area. They will relieve itching and soothe skin irritation. Treatment of throat diseases involves drinking tea with mint leaves.

In Asian cuisine, plectranthus is used to add to first courses and drinks, and also as a flavoring for meat.

In our country, plectranthus is used to treat children's weeping diathesis. To do this, lubricate the leaves in vegetable oil, after boiling it, and apply it to damaged areas of the skin. For diaper rash, dry leaves are mixed with baby powder and used as directed.

Baths made from a decoction of plectranthus leaves can help treat childhood enuresis. They are carried out immediately before bedtime.

Chewing plectranthus leaves helps relieve nasal congestion and asthmatic attacks.

It has been believed since ancient times that plectranthus helps to attract wealth and good luck in the home. Certain varieties help their owners get rid of insomnia, bad thoughts, and feelings of anxiety. Plectranthus, in this case, acts as a free psychotherapist - a personal remedy in crisis situations.

For a long time, mint has been grown as a medicinal plant. Its unique medicinal properties were noticed in ancient times. There is a mention of mint in the Gospel; it was discovered in the tomb of the pharaohs of Egypt. According to an old legend, the goddess Minthe, in love with the god Persen, was transformed into fragrant grass. Out of jealousy, Persen's wife bewitched her.


Indoor mint or plectranthus is a foliage ornamental plant that is grown in hanging pots.

Plant characteristics:

  • thin shoots covered with dense leaves;
  • the oval leaves of the plant have clearly defined veins and patterns;
  • mint flowers are inconspicuous;
  • has a pleasant smell.

Plectranthus has many varieties. Most species are shrubs (rather than hanging plants) reaching a height of 40 cm.

Types of Plectranthus:

As stated: the leaves of the plant have a minty aroma. They have special glands that secrete essential oils. You can grow several varieties at home.

  1. The most popular subtype is the “moth tree”. This plant is about one meter high. All year round The evergreen tree delights with fresh shoots.
  2. The second type is Scandinavian, Swedish ivy with creeping meter-long shoots.
  3. The third subtype is a green shrub, with shoots hanging from a flower pot.

Useful properties of indoor mint

Homemade mint, just like garden mint has a healing effect. In addition, indoors, the aromatic plant drives out moths, flies and mosquitoes (that’s why mint in Russia is also called fly wagon).

The aroma that this plant produces has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Fresh leaves are used in folk medicine to treat enuresis in children, making aromatic baths. Take a glass of fresh leaves of the plant and pour boiling water (half a liter) over them. The medicinal liquid is infused and filtered. The infusion is added to the baby’s bathtub. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 29 degrees. Each time the infusion must be prepared fresh.

Mint is also used as a seasoning for meat dishes and roasts, the main thing is to follow the norm so that the smell is not too strong. It is added to tea as an excellent remedy to help calm down in a stressful situation. It is advisable that the tea be without any flavoring additives or impurities.

Mint and pomegranate juice mixed in equal doses relieves nausea. This is due to the presence of tannins and astringents in mint.

Chinese, Japanese and Arab healers actively use mint, prescribing it for bronchial disease, liver and gynecological diseases.

The leaves of this plant help relieve irritation and itching after mosquito bites. Before applying the leaf to the bite site, it must be washed and kneaded.

Cool drinks with mint, giving a feeling of freshness on hot summer days, are an excellent tonic. It is impossible to imagine cough drops without mint, as well as the Mojito cocktail, oriental dolma, sauerkraut and printed gingerbread cookies. Curly, long-leafed apple mint adds piquancy and a distinctive taste to dishes.

Planting homemade mint

From correct landing the fate of plectranthus depends. In order for mint to easily adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to prepare special soil for its growth.

The best option would be fertile soil with low level acidity. The following mixture is ideal:

  • 1 part humus;
  • 2 parts of turf;
  • one part leaf soil
  • 1/2 part - sand;
  • 1/2 part is peat.

Before filling the pot with soil, you should line the bottom with a three-centimeter layer of drainage. Expanded clay, small pebbles, and small bricks are perfect for drainage. In order not to disturb the growth of roots, the soil is not compacted too much. After planting a plant, it needs to be watered.

Mint is a fast growing plant, therefore, when choosing a pot, it is important to pay attention to its size. For initial planting you need a medium pot. It will last for several years. There will be enough space for the root system to strengthen and grow.

When replanting a plant, you will need a pot two to three times larger than the previous one. These conditions must be observed every year. The pot should not be too voluminous, tall and made of high-quality material.

Indoor mint is very demanding on air humidity. It tolerates being in proximity to a heater or radiator well in the presence of high humidity in the room.

To regulate humidity, place a plate of water next to the flower or place wet pebbles, moss or expanded clay in a tray. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water in the pan.

Plectranthus should be watered frequently. In summer, its leaves are sprayed or doused with water from a watering can. The soil should not be washed out of the pot.

In winter, the plant rests, so watering should be reduced to a minimum.

To grow and reproduce any plant, including home mint a certain room temperature is required.Summer and spring optimal temperature 22-26 degrees. If this norm is not observed, leaves from the lower part of the plant will begin to fall rapidly.

During the cold period, the temperature should be reduced to 12 degrees

At home, the best option would be to place mint on western or eastern windows. The south side is strictly discouraged, as direct rays of the sun can cause Negative consequences, including leaf burn.

Indoor mint loves diffused bright light. With the onset of the warm season, it is advisable to move the plant to the balcony. It is important to protect the plant from drafts. Plectranthus should not be placed near air conditioners, vents or balcony doors.

In winter, the plant needs additional lighting, so a fluorescent lamp may be needed.

Plectranthus is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, using them alternately. For quick absorption, liquid fertilizer must be diluted with a small amount of water.

Mint spring pruning required, in which weak, bare branches are removed. To form a beautiful crown of the plant, the branches should be pinched regularly.

Flowering and reproduction

Indoor mint begins to bloom in summer time. Small spike-shaped inflorescences appear on the plant. The flowering of plectranthus takes a lot of energy and strength from it, so it is recommended to trim the flowers in time.

A young mint bush can be grow from cuttings or seeds. But it should be borne in mind that the plant from seeds may differ from the mother plant.

Plectranthus is a cross-pollinated plant, so it can interbreed with related different species. To be sure, it is better to propagate the plant vegetatively.

Cuttings must first be rooted in sand or water. When the regrown roots become stronger, you need to take a small container or pot, lay drainage at the bottom, add soil and plant the plant.

The soil for mint should be oily, fertile and acidified, containing peat..

To destroy pathogenic microbes, before use, you need to water the soil with potassium permanganate, then water and calcinate it. The plant will grow quickly in this soil mixture, as it contains a lot of oils and other useful substances.

You can plant the plant in another way. In the fall, dig up a bush from open soil along with a lump. If it is large, divide it into parts so that each of them has shoots with roots.

Before planting in a pot, Old shoots should be trimmed, leaving 5 cm from the root. This way the plant will quickly take root in a new place. New buds will appear on the bushes within two weeks. During this period, it is useful to feed mint with a urea solution (1-2 grams per liter of water).

Pests and diseases

Plectranthus is a fairly disease-resistant plant, however , when growing it there may be some complications:

How to collect mint

The harvest from a mint bush must be plucked according to the rules. so as not to harm the plant. They take leaves from different places left and right, while leaving half a centimeter of leaf axil near the stem.

In place of the torn leaves, young, new ones will very soon appear. By carefully harvesting, they form a neat, attractive bush and stimulate further growth of the plant.

Choosing a variety of homemade mint

The choice of mint variety depends on the specific purpose. What exactly will it be grown for: for use in cooking, for treatment, or for home soap making.

Varieties Plectranthus are different chemical composition essential oils, according to the intensity of the smell and its shades:

Toxicity and beneficial properties of the plant

non-poisonous plant. This flower, on the contrary, has many unusual beneficial properties.

Very often, plectranthus is used in cosmetology or for medical purposes. Its magnificent qualities have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep and mood.

Plectranthus has magical properties and attracts luck and prosperity to the home.

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