New Year's cards in kindergarten, middle group. DIY New Year's cards. Maamovskaya New Year's mail is in a hurry to meet you

New Year's holidays are just around the corner, it's time to think about nice souvenirs for friends and relatives. Why, for example, buy a postcard if it is very simple and pleasant to make it yourself. Making a card won't take much of your time, but everyone will love this gift. You and your child will still have time to do something like this DIY children's cards for the New Year. They are made quickly and are very popular with grandparents. Here, for example, are options for children's cards from our readers.

Receiving cards from loved ones is always a pleasure, and cards that you make with your own hands are doubly pleasant. Make New Year cards for your friends and relatives, they will be very pleased.

Snowmen made from palms

No holiday is complete without greeting cards. A child should be taught to be creative from childhood. You can make this card with a child of any age, because in fact, the main task of your baby is a palm print. Let's get started.

  • colored cardboard,
  • paints,
  • colored paper and glue,
  • markers.

A sheet of cardboard needs to be bent in half, this will be our future postcard. Since paint spreads on cardboard, take a sheet of colored paper and glue it onto the cardboard. You need to put a child's handprint on a sheet of colored paper. To do this, we smear your child’s hand with white gouache and put an imprint on the sheet.

To make the print even, you need to paint on the unpainted areas with a brush.

When the paint has dried, we draw a snowman from each finger.

The front side of the card is ready, now let's work on the inside.

We draw snowflakes and a snowman with white paint and write a wish. That's all.

More simple and easy options:

Postcard with Santa Claus from the palm of your hand

Master class on how to make a simple but original New Year's card with Santa Claus from . You can make such a postcard together with the kids and send it to Santa Claus himself as a gift. And real grandparents will be no less happy.

To make a New Year's card, take:

  • colored cardboard,
  • colored paper,
  • paints,
  • glue,
  • tassel,
  • toothpick,
  • scissors.

On the front side we will make a Christmas tree. To do this, we need to cut colored paper (green) into strips.

You need to make cuts along the entire length of the strip and use a toothpick to twist the strip and glue the tip.

In this way we make 9 more pieces.

Glue it onto a card in the shape of a Christmas tree. For decoration, you can glue beads on top.

We'll make a funny Santa Claus inside the card. My daughter helped me, we made a drawing on the palm, as shown in the photo.

We put a palm print on the postcard and touch up the unpainted areas with paints. We finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth.


An interesting version of a postcard with a voluminous Christmas tree:

Santa Claus for a gift

Another New Year's postcard with Santa Claus, made with your own hands, was sent to our competition by Konina Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

The work “Santa Claus for a Gift” can be used as an insert card as a gift.

Head: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Konina, additional education teacher.

Institution: MBOU s. Yurla, structural unit "House of Children's Creativity".


  • colored paper (pink, red, white),
  • glossy green cardboard (for the Christmas tree),
  • PVA glue.

First, take colored paper in white, pink, red and green.

We cut out from it the elements of the future postcard - the details of Santa Claus (nose, mustache, beard, eyes and cap) and the Christmas tree.

You get the following elements:

Glue the parts onto the red rectangle in the following sequence: face, eyes, beard, mustache, nose, cap. And, of course, a decorated Christmas tree.

This handmade Santa Claus will accompany your gift and deliver it safe and sound.

This grandfather turned out to be a little sad, but the next one, on the contrary, is cheerful.

Postcard "Santa Claus"

The New Year holidays are very close and you can already feel the magical mood in the air! And the most welcome guest of this wonderful winter holiday is Santa Claus. This kind generous grandfather is also eagerly waiting in the wings to please the obedient smart girls and wise guys! In the meantime, we are waiting for gifts under the tree, you can make an original postcard with Santa Claus. Anastasia Ushakova's master class will help children do everything in the best possible way.

To create a holiday card with Santa Claus, we will need the following materials:

  • colored cardboard or a sheet of thick colored paper;
  • a set of colored and decorative paper;
  • white paper napkins;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black and blue felt-tip pen;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a piece of rope or thick thread;
  • sticker with a large pattern.

How to make a postcard with the image of Santa Claus using the applique technique

Prepare everything you need for creativity so that children are not distracted from the exciting process.

Find the center of a sheet of construction paper and fold each edge toward the middle. Iron the folds. From decorative paper (scrap paper), cut out a rectangle smaller than the sticker.

Place your sticker on top of the decorative paper.

Cut the patterned sticker down the middle.
Glue each half to its side so that the design matches when you close the card.

From red paper, cut out a sheepskin coat, sleeves, cap and nose of Santa Claus.
From paper Brown cut out felt boots and mittens. Cut out a head from light-colored paper, and patches for felt boots from decorative paper.

Glue the head and nose first, with a cap on top of the head. Below the head, glue a sheepskin coat with sleeves.

Glue on the mittens and felt boots, leaving a small gap.

Glue patches on felt boots and white circles-eyes on your face. Cut the napkin into small squares.

Roll the resulting squares into small balls.

Cut out a beard of any shape from a napkin. Glue on the beard, going to the lower part of the face.

Use white balls to create a trim along the bottom of the sheepskin coat and the edges of the sleeves.

Make the same edge along the edge of the hat, and decorate the pompom at the end of the cap.

Fill the surface of the beard with napkin balls.

Shape your mustache. Use blue to draw the iris, and black for the pupils of the eyes, eyelashes and seams on the patches. Cut out circles of buttons from decorative paper and glue them onto the sheepskin coat. Create sideburns from a napkin.
Cut out a small rectangle from red paper and crumple it properly. Cut out two patches from decorative paper.

Glue the patches onto the bag and draw thread stitches. Turn over and fold the edges of the bag inside out. Wrap rope around the top of the bag and tie a knot.

Glue the bag near Santa Claus.

Cut out circles of different sizes from white paper and glue them onto the card. You can also use glitter or stickers with snowflakes.

New Year's card with Santa Claus is ready!

This is just like the real thing! The nose is red, the beard is fluffy, the eyes are kind, and the bag is full of gifts, you can’t even lift it! You can immediately see how hard they tried, the postcard is simply a miracle! All that remains is to write your wishes and give a card dear person, or you can send it to Grandfather Frost - such a fabulously beautiful postcard with his portrait has never been given to him. Happy holidays!

Postcard “Mitten”

Another work from Olga Kiseleva from Iskitim. This is a wonderful New Year's card in the form of a mitten.

“I live in a small Siberian town. I have been doing handicrafts since childhood. All the children who go to kindergarten know how to make cards. Just like I learned in kindergarten, I still make cards with my own hands and give them to family and friends.

I'll tell you how to make a mitten card.

To make it we will need:

  • PVA stationery glue;
  • glue Moment crystal;
  • scissors;
  • white cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • lace, ribbons, braid, lace;
  • beads, rhinestones, sequins or other decorations.

Draw a mitten on the back of colored paper. And we cut it out. Then we place this mitten on the cardboard and outline it 3 mm wider on all sides, cut out the resulting figure.

We lay out lace and braid on the colored part of the mitten. When we have determined the location, we stick them on. Then we glue the colored part of the mitten to the cardboard part. Here, if you decide to make a loop, then the ribbon needs to be inserted between the parts of the mitten.

Congratulations can be written on the back of the mitten. Or you can print it on a printer and glue it.

We chaotically glue sequins around the congratulations.

We decorate the front part of the card with beads, half beads, a felt snowflake, and a pattern cut out of white cardboard.
The mitten card is ready.

More options with a postcard and others:

See also how to do it simple cards with Christmas balls on video:

"The Snowman Goes to the Masquerade"

My name is Olga Shevtsova, I am from the city of Kramatorsk. I want to show you my work youngest son Dima (he is 3.5 years old) in the “Learning to be a Wizard” category. This New Year's card "The snowman goes to the masquerade".

sheet of colored cardboard,
small workpieces,
PVA glue.

The work was done using applique technique. So that the child can master most of it on his own.

We take a sheet of blue cardboard, and mom cuts out a white snowman.

Then, using curly scissors, we make a postcard from a simple sheet. It just makes beautiful edges.

Our snowman put on a mask - Mickey Mouse ears.

Mom helped with the eyes and mouth, as well as the carrot nose.

It's winter now, so you need to dress warmly. Let's make a scarf and buttons from a yellow napkin.

And there is also snow. From semolina. Like this:

When it dried, we shook off the cereal and this is what we got:

Summary: DIY New Year's cards. How to make original cards for the New Year with your child. New Year's crafts. Homemade New Year cards, postcard ideas. Volumetric cards for the New Year holidays. New Year's paper crafts with children. New Year's application.

1. DIY New Year cards (“Christmas tree”)

The New Year tree is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Therefore, postcards with her image will be especially appropriate. Plus, these cards can be very easy to make.

The New Year's tree applique can be made from plain or multi-colored strips of paper. Even a small child can make this New Year's craft with his own hands.

Strips of paper can be replaced with colored tape or braid. They also make very beautiful New Year's cards.

A more complicated option is a New Year's card "Christmas tree" made from paper tubes. This original three-dimensional New Year's card "Christmas tree" is made of paper tubes. The Christmas tree is decorated with multi-colored buttons. Its trunk is made from a twig. To make this New Year's card, it is advisable to use special scrapbooking paper or corrugated cardboard.

It’s very easy to make a Christmas tree applique using store-bought stickers. Even a two-year-old can do this craft for the New Year with his own hands.

Simple and effective - homemade New Year's cards "Christmas tree" from ordinary buttons.

You can also embroider a Christmas tree with threads. Only in this case, the New Year's card should be made of high-density paper or cardboard. The holes must first be carefully made with an awl. For the simplest version of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

For a more complex version of a New Year's card with a Christmas tree made of threads, see here >>>> To make this New Year's craft with your own hands, you will also need sequins or beads.

By the way, you can embroider not only a Christmas tree with threads, but also something else, New Year’s. For example, this cute deer.

You can make an original DIY New Year's card from a fern leaf or any other plant similar to it. For example, cypress branches. Just take the top of the leaf and glue it onto the card. This will be a Christmas tree. All you have to do is decorate it with sequins or confetti made using a hole punch from colored paper. Instead of confetti, you can glue multi-colored pieces of plasticine to the Christmas tree. Even a child can do this part of the work of making a homemade New Year’s card.

You can make a New Year's card either from a whole leaf of fern, or just from its upper part.

The technique for making three-dimensional Christmas trees is similar to the method for making New Year's balls. See the link >>>> But you don’t have to glue them together completely, instead glue the Christmas trees onto the card.

Option 3.

Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year's card. To make such a voluminous card with a Christmas tree for the New Year, you will need three square sheets of green paper: large, medium and small. Also, in order to make a Christmas tree trunk, you will need a rectangular sheet of brown paper.

Fold each square piece of paper in half first (horizontally and vertically) to mark the center lines. Then fold them two more times diagonally. After this, fold each sheet into a pyramid (see photos 3 and 4). Glue a Christmas tree from the resulting pyramids by inserting them into each other. How to make a trunk for a Christmas tree is shown in photos (8, 9 and 10). Finally, glue the Christmas tree to your New Year's card.

Option 4.

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making this voluminous paper card is much easier than it might seem at first glance. First you will need to cut out 5 halves of circles of different sizes from green paper: large, smaller, even smaller, etc. Fold each half of the circle in half, then in half again, and in half again. Unfold each piece and form accordion folds (see photo).

Now insert one piece into another and glue them together along the three central folds.

For the trunk, cut out a rectangle from brown paper and also fold it like an accordion.

Glue your paper Christmas tree onto the card base. The easiest way to make snowflakes is from white paper using a hole punch or drawing with a cotton swab.

Option 5.

A very beautiful DIY New Year's craft, accessible in complexity to a preschooler - a voluminous New Year's card "Christmas tree". The Christmas tree is made of rectangular strips of paper folded like an accordion. But there is one nuance here. If you look closely at the photo, you will see that the tiers of the Christmas tree are made of strips of paper of different widths: the ones at the bottom are the widest, the closer to the top the narrower. In addition, the depth of the fold of the accordion is also different. The bottom strips of paper are folded into an accordion with a large "step". The higher you go to the top, the shallower the bend depth.

Here are two more voluminous cards with a New Year tree made from a triangular-shaped sheet of paper folded like an accordion. Simple and tasteful!

Option 6.

Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in its ease of manufacture.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print out the templates (template-1 and template-2) on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photographs below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

Finally, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. The voluminous New Year's card is ready!

Option 7.

Origami Christmas tree. We invite you to make a three-dimensional New Year's card decorated with a Christmas tree made of paper made using the origami technique. To make the card look more elegant and festive, choose more beautiful paper for your New Year tree. Special paper for scrapbooking is well suited for this DIY New Year's craft. By the way, making such an origami Christmas tree is much easier than it seems at first glance. For one origami Christmas tree you will need 4-5 square sheets of paper of different sizes.

Option 8.

There is an easier way to make a Christmas tree using the origami technique. Detailed instructions in the photo below.

Option 9.

You can make a voluminous New Year's card with your own hands from corrugated paper.

Option 10.

The elements of the New Year's card in the photo below are made using the quilling technique.

3. DIY New Year cards (“New Year’s balls”)

Do-it-yourself New Year's cards with images of New Year's balls look good. The New Year's applique "Christmas balls" can be made from bright paper and decorated with ribbons.

Beautiful New Year's balls are made from colored strips of paper. Cut an unnecessary glossy magazine (advertising brochure) into thin strips, stick them on White list paper. After this, cut out circles of different sizes from the resulting striped paper. Decorate your New Year's card with them.

New Year's balls can be made not only from paper, but also from buttons.

Instead of buttons, you can use purchased decorative rhinestones.

The website offers to make original three-dimensional New Year cards with images of Christmas tree balls.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print the following template. See link >>>> Draw a circle on each square using a compass or an object with a round bottom of a suitable size. Cut out all the circles, then use the following instructions to make Christmas balls. See link >>>> But you don't need to completely glue the balloon, stick it onto the card instead.

Another New Year's decoration - a garland of flags - will look impressive on a New Year's card. Flags can be made from paper or fabric and then glued or sewn onto the card.

Even very young children can make their own New Year's card with the image of a multi-colored garland of fingerprints.

And from a handprint you can make a New Year's card with Santa Claus or funny snowmen.

1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular sheet pan), make a rectangular frame (the size of your card) from tape or tape.

2. Apply paint to the surface in an even layer. Use a cotton swab to draw a picture on a New Year's theme.

3. Attach a piece of paper. Your DIY New Year's card is ready!

4. Volumetric postcard on New Year DIY "Snowman"

Separately, I would like to talk about this original, voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making such a paper snowman is very simple. Even a preschooler can cope with the task. You need to cut out three circles of different sizes from thick white paper. It is advisable to shade the edges of the circles so that they stand out better against each other. This can be done using crushed pencil lead or eye shadow. Also cut out a scarf, pens, a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored paper. Glue all the parts of the snowman sequentially onto the blank of your New Year's card.

Here is the original card made by a scrapbooking artist.

And here are the versions of this voluminous New Year's card made by children.

5. DIY voluminous New Year cards

Another way to make voluminous New Year cards can be found on our website at the link >>>>

6. New Year's crafts for children. New Year's applique

Postcards decorated with New Year's appliqué made from grains of rice turn out to be very delicate.

7. DIY New Year cards. New Year cards with snowflakes

Another DIY New Year's card idea is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper. For information on how to cut very beautiful, unusual snowflakes from paper, see our special section “DIY New Year’s snowflakes”.

If you have paper lace doilies at home, you can cut out snowflakes from them.

8. New Year's paper crafts. New Year cards made using the Iris folding technique

The Country of Masters website offers to make original New Year's cards using the Iris folding technique. The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The design is filled with thin paper strips, which, overlapping each other at a certain angle, create an interesting twisting spiral effect. For a detailed master class on making this New Year's paper craft, see the link >>>>

Here is another New Year's card made using this technique. Instructions at the link >>>>

9. Original do-it-yourself New Year cards. DIY New Year's Eve

We would like to introduce you to another interesting technique for making New Year’s cards with your own hands. The Christmas tree and New Year's ball in the photo below are made using this technique.

To make a Christmas tree card, you will need:

Red cardboard sheet
- a sheet of colored origami paper (on one side - dark green,
on the other side - light green)
- scissors or a special knife for cutting paper
- glue

Print a stencil on a piece of green origami paper. Make cuts along the lines on it. Where the trunk of the Christmas tree is located, cut out a piece of paper completely. If you fold a sheet of paper in half before making cuts, you can cut it with scissors. In this case, even a preschooler will be able to make a postcard. If you want to do without a fold in the center of the card, then it is better to make cuts special knife for cutting paper. Now all you have to do is fold the corners back and stick your workpiece onto the cardboard.

The "New Year's Ball" card is made in the same way. The stencil for making this original New Year's card can be downloaded from the link >>>>

The snowflakes from the section were made using the same technique. They can also decorate a New Year's card.

And another do-it-yourself New Year’s card “Christmas tree”, made using this technique.

To make this New Year's card, print the template onto a piece of white cardstock. WITH reverse side stick on a thin sheet of green paper. Using a paper cutter, cut out the corners and fold them over. Now cut out and fold your New Year's card in half. If you want to write New Year's greetings inside, then glue an additional sheet of green paper so that the letters do not show through the holes. Detailed New Year's master For a class on how to make this card, see .

Another idea for a New Year's card that you can make with your child yourself. For a detailed master class, see the photo below.

DIY New Year's card ideas. When making New Year's cards with your own hands, it is appropriate to use colored self-adhesive foil. It can be purchased at craft supply stores.

The last card with which we would like to complete our review of DIY New Year cards is the voluminous “Snow Globe” postcard. In the photo below it is shown on the left side. This Christmas card is made using a clear dairy lid. You will find a master class on how to make such original three-dimensional postcards on Veronica Podgornaya’s website.

These two postcards were made by the author of the blog Naftusina's hand-made art. A snowdrift and a cloud are cut out of felt. Christmas tree and bear - figured buttons. There are white beads sprinkled inside the card. The postcard looks incredible! You shake it and it snows! On this site you will find two more interesting DIY New Year cards. Santa Claus and the Snowman are hurrying through the snowy snowdrifts. The snowdrifts and cloud are cut out of felt, the characters are made from buttons and felt, the tree is a real twig, which is slightly pasted over with pieces of padding polyester, snowflakes are drawn with a helium pen.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic “New Year’s card.”

Goal: Learn to draw a New Year's greeting card, creating images corresponding to the holiday. Create an image of a decorated Christmas tree in your drawing. Develop artistic and creative abilities, the ability to correlate hand movements with visual control. Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones, a desire to please them with your gift.

Material : gouache of four colors (red, blue, yellow, green), drawing paper (landscape sheet folded in half).

Demo material:painting " Christmas tree", "star" for visual gymnastics, New Year's cards.

Methodical techniques:conversation, demonstration of drawing techniques by the teacher and children, artistic expression, game techniques, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics.

Preliminary work:conversation about the New Year's holiday, viewing and visual inspection of an artificial Christmas tree, looking at New Year's cards, children exercising in creating various images using a stencil.

Speech gymnastics


Invented by someone, simple and wise

When meeting, say hello - “ Good morning

Good morning to the sun and birds

Good morning to smiling faces.

Everyone becomes kind and trusting

Let good morning last until evening.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator - The guys came to visit us. Let's say “Good morning” to our guests. Now go to the tables and take your seats. Check your posture.

Guys, who can tell me what holiday will be soon?

Children's answers - New Year!

Educator - Do you love this holiday?

Children's answers - Yes! We love you!

Educator - What is your New Year's mood?

Children's answers - Cheerful and joyful.

Educator - Why is the mood for the New Year cheerful and joyful?

Children's answers - Because it’s a Christmas tree! Because Santa Claus gives gifts!

Educator - Everyone likes to receive gifts? But it’s not only nice to receive gifts, but also to give them. Will you give gifts to your loved ones? No more expensive than a gift than one made by hand. Think about what gift you can make with your own hands, and then give it.

Children's answers - a toy, a fake, a postcard.

Educator - Today we will draw a New Year's card. We must try! After all, we will then sign this card and you will give it to your mom.

What should you draw so that everyone will guess that this is a New Year’s card? I’ll tell you a riddle to help you guess what’s most important in a New Year’s card.

Green beauty

Dress up for the New Year,

All covered in tinsel garlands

And in fluffy tinsel.

Did you guys guess what it is?

Children's answers - Christmas tree!

Educator - Well, of course it’s a Christmas tree! Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is in this picture. What color paint did the artist use to paint this tree? What colors did the artist use to paint the toys?

Children's answers - Green, red, yellow, blue.

Educator - (draws, commenting on his actions on the board).

Look how fluffy and beautiful the Christmas tree turned out on my postcard. Did I get a New Year's card?

Children's answers - No!

Educator - What do you need to draw to make the card really New Year’s?

Children's answers - New Year's decorations, garlands, balls.

Educator - Tell me how I can quickly and beautifully draw balls on the Christmas tree. We have already drawn round objects in this way.

Children's answers.

Educator - Who can show me how to draw toys on the board? Misha, go to the board and remind the children how to draw balls. Look, children, Misha is putting a little red gouache on a brush. You only need a little paint so it doesn't bleed. You need to draw on all the branches, but you need to leave room for toys of a different color. Misha painted all the toys red, and wipes his finger with a napkin to paint with paint of a different color. But Diana also wants to decorate the Christmas tree with balls. Sit down Misha, you're great! Diana, what color balls do you want to draw? Maybe yellow? Choose paint yellow color. Diana draws balls with her finger on all the branches. The balls turned out beautiful. Well done Diana, you completed the task. Sit down. Dima will draw blue balls for us.

What a beautiful tree it turned out to be.

The shaggy branches bend,

Down to the children's heads

Rich beads shine,

Overflow of lights

Ball hides behind ball,

And star after star

Light threads are rolling

Like golden rain.

I am sure that the Christmas trees on your cards will also turn out beautiful, and to make things work better, we will do gymnastics for the fingers so that the fingers can draw better.

To the Christmas tree for the big finger Came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last

Little finger himself

Knocked on the threshold

Fingers together friends

We can't live without each other.

Let's start drawing on our own. (The teacher turns on the music).

Educator - Our eyes are tired while drawing, it’s time for them to rest.

Look everything here

A star has come to us

Flew right, left

I looked at all the pictures,

Take all the drawings

And follow the star.

Look at the exhibition of New Year's cards we have created. What kind of Christmas tree do you think our star would like to visit? Where is the brightest star drawn for our star friend? Where are the brightest garlands and will our star be interested in looking at them?

And when visiting, which Christmas tree will our star have fun with?

You guys can see how beautiful and elegant the trees we have turned out to be. Your loved ones will be delighted with these cards. When the postcards are completely dry, we will sign them.

Santa Claus is a wizard! He found out what wonderful artists live, in kindergarten 1 he sent you sweet gift, now I’ll give it to you. Now the attendants will stay to help me clear the tables, while everyone else goes to wash their hands.

Ryabinkina Marina Vladimirovna

In anticipation new Years many of us are looking for a way to thank and congratulate our parents on the New Year. Of course the most The best way teach the kids to do DIY postcards. Average Children aged 4-5 years old, of course, cannot do without the help of a teacher.

Today I present to your attention card made of colored paper.

For this we need:

green and brown colored paper

snowflakes and rain for decoration

and good mood!

We pre-cut colored paper into strips of different lengths: 4 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm. Two strips of each length. We cut brown paper to make a trunk.

Let's start gluing. First glue the trunk in the center postcards.

Then we teach the children to make a “droplet” from green stripes and glue them to the trunk at an angle, small “droplets” at the top and large ones below.

When the Christmas tree is ready, grease the sheet with glue and apply small pieces of cotton wool to create snowdrifts.

All that remains is to register postcard and stick congratulations.

These are so beautiful we got the postcards, and most importantly, we spent only 20 minutes making it. Happy New Year!

Publications on the topic:

The closer new year holidays, the more you and I think: what would be interesting and, most importantly, accessible for independent work.

The glorious New Year holiday knocked at the gate. Both the baby and even the adult are waiting for gifts on this day. To the delight of dad and mom, we made a gift.

Very soon the most long-awaited, cheerful New Year holiday. And what would a holiday be without gifts? And give a gift made with your own hands.

It is customary to give gifts on New Year's Day. Gifts made with your own hands have special value - they give a holiday not only to those who love you.

Then the snow fell and immediately it smelled like winter and Christmas trees. And our whole country is waiting for the winter holiday New Year. Everywhere people buy gifts for their friends.

For work we will need: 1. Scissors 2. Glue stick 3. A sheet of colored cardboard 4. Newspaper or magazine sheets 5. Light green colored paper.

A card for mom is made by children preparatory group, almost towards the end school year, all the elements of this card are already a year old.

I thought for a long time and looked for a solution to creating a New Year's card. I looked at something, added something of my own, and this is the result. Because in this.

A children's New Year's card is a pleasant, sweet, memorable gift for each of the relatives (grandparents, aunts, etc.). Don't waste your time. Create holiday gifts with your children. Any creative process that a child is engaged in in kindergarten or at home brings positive results in development. A gift made independently gives the child confidence in his own abilities and pride in the work done.

Card ideas for children

Children's New Year's can be made in the form of objects different forms. The options are:

  • Traditional geometric (square, rectangle, circle).
  • Christmas tree or a triangle stylized as one.
  • Christmas tree decoration.
  • Snowman.
  • Father Frost.
  • Snowflake.

These are the most commonly used types. All complex objects are certainly simplified.


A DIY children's New Year's card can be made using different techniques. The most popular and interesting are:

  • Application made of paper, cardboard, fabric and other materials.
  • Quilling.
  • Origami.

When creating their own greeting souvenirs, some people copy the template they like, while many people like to create their own exclusive options based on what they see.

Craft "New Year's card in kindergarten"

Corrugated paper is very interesting and easy to process. It is sold in large assortment. There is even a metallized one with decorative effects. Use it to make a New Year's card. The central element will be the Christmas tree.

The execution sequence is as follows:

  1. Take a sheet of thick paper or cardboard (white, colored, single-sided or double-sided). Fold the blank in half so that the decorative side is the front side for the card.
  2. Draw a triangle-shaped tree on the cover or simply mark the boundaries of the future object.
  3. Cut green crepe paper into rectangles. For one postcard you can take 2-3 parts. These will be used to make the tiers of the Christmas tree. The height of the workpiece should correspond to the tier, and the length should be greater, since the rectangle will fold like an accordion.
  4. Fold each rectangle, making neat folds of equal or different widths. Corrugated paper allows you to form the volume of an element by slightly bending the material.
  5. Glue the blanks to predetermined places. You can apply glue only to the top of the elements to make the tiers of the tree look more voluminous.

So, you've learned how to make a children's New Year's card with a Christmas tree. If time permits, you can invite the children to decorate the resulting Christmas trees.

You can do it like this:

  1. Kids can glue the finished circles onto the base.
  2. It will not be difficult for older children to cut out decor from colored paper on their own.
  3. Alternatively, suggest twisting
  4. Big guys will be able to glue beads, stars and other small elements.

New Year cards in kindergarten (senior group)

The craft will be made in the form of a paper Christmas tree, folded from a colored sheet and decorated with small details. To complete this you will need the following:

  • Green colored paper (preferably double-sided).
  • Christmas tree stencil.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored decorations.
  • Glue.

The work will go like this:

  1. Take a piece of paper and place the stencil on it.
  2. Trace along the outline with a pencil.
  3. Cut the workpiece with scissors.
  4. If the paper or cardboard was prepared single-sided, place the tree in front of you so that the green part becomes the front for the card and the white part is on the inside.
  5. Draw guides along the ruler for future fold lines.
  6. If the cardboard is thick, it is better to first draw along these lines with the edge of the back of a pencil, the corner of a ruler, or the pointed tip of scissors. This will help you make the fold line neatly and evenly.
  7. Bend the workpiece along the prepared lines.
  8. Start decorating the surface of the Christmas tree. For convenience, lay the template out flat again. In this case, the fold lines will be clearly visible, the child will no longer stick decorations on them.
  9. You can suggest cutting out the decor from colored paper yourself if you have the appropriate tools. Scissors with curly edges and curly hole punches in the shape of snowflakes are perfect for this. The main thing is to use thin paper so that the child does not have to put a lot of effort into getting the decorations. Be sure to explain where the sheet is placed. Even a 2-year-old child will enjoy stamping stars and snowflakes.
  10. If you don’t have figured hole punches, use regular ones. You will get colored circles, from which you can easily assemble beads or stick them like Christmas balls on your Christmas tree postcard.
  11. When the decor is prepared, start gluing. If the circles, stars and snowflakes are not made of self-adhesive paper, apply PVA glue to the base and attach decorative details.

When the glue dries, the card is ready.

Keeping your child busy at home

A children's New Year's card made together with their parents will, of course, be different from what the child can do in kindergarten. It offers options that the child can handle completely independently, with minimal help from the teacher, and do some actions according to the instructions.

At home, you can make more complex Happy New Year cards as you work together with your children. Under the individual supervision of an adult, younger children will be able to use small details in their creativity (beads, beads, sequins) to decorate the product.

If mothers themselves do needlework, then they not only know the methods and technologies of work, but also have a lot of leftover beautiful craft materials (decorative paper, cardboard, fabric, satin ribbons, etc.).

In a word, a homemade “Happy New Year” will be more interesting, educational and educational than a similar activity in the garden. Here you can devote more time and attention to your baby.

Origami Christmas tree (very simple way)

When working with this method, your child will very quickly get a beautiful New Year's card. The master class will teach you how to do the work step by step.

Prepare the following:

  • Cardboard or decorative paper for the base.
  • Green thick paper for the Christmas tree.
  • Glue.
  • Decor.

Complete the postcard like this:

  1. Cut the base blank into a square or rectangle.
  2. Fold the piece if necessary.
  3. Take a rectangle of green paper for the Christmas tree. Make an accordion out of it. To make it even, you can first draw fold lines.
  4. Glue the resulting part on one side so that the shape resembles a triangle (fan).
  5. Glue the Christmas tree fan to the card base.
  6. Use the appliqué technique to decorate the Christmas tree and the surface of the card with prepared decorations.

Postcard with a three-dimensional Christmas tree inside

This is how a folding New Year's card is made. The master class from the previous section taught how to make a Christmas tree in the form of an accordion element. Here it will be used as the starting part.

Work like this:

  1. Take a rectangular base sheet and fold it in half.
  2. Prepare several rectangles from green paper corresponding to the number of tiers of the tree. The size should be from largest to smallest.
  3. Fold each piece into an accordion in the same way as in the previous method.
  4. Make markings on the base where the tiers will be glued.
  5. Glue the accordion blanks between the sides of the base.
  6. Decorate the surface of the card inside and outside in any way and material, for example, glue small circles made with a hole punch from white paper in the form of falling snow. This option will look impressive on a dark blue background.

Thus, when you open a souvenir made using this method, it will turn into a voluminous decorative Christmas tree.

Postcard with a snowman

Very often you need to make New Year cards for a kindergarten for a crafts competition or to decorate a group. This souvenir is made at home under the guidance of parents or by the child independently. A beautiful postcard It’s easy to make in the shape of a snowman or using it as the main element of the applique.

To work you will need the following:

  • White paper.
  • Compasses or stencils (circles).
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Base (preferably colored, for example blue or cyan).
  • Paints and brushes, felt-tip pens or other materials).
  • Decorations for the background and snowman (snowflakes, stars, artificial snow).

How to make a card with a snowman

Work like this:

  1. Fold the base sheet in half.
  2. Draw circles on white paper or invite your child to make them themselves using stencils of a suitable size.
  3. Cut out the blanks.
  4. Glue the resulting parts onto the front side of the card from largest to smallest at the bottom.
  5. Cut out colored paper or glue ready-made plastic eyes.
  6. Draw or applique a carrot nose and a hat (bucket).
  7. Glue a scarf made of braid, satin ribbon or crocheted.
  8. Decorate the bottom of the card with artificial snow, cotton wool or balls of
  9. The background can be decorated with snowflakes cut out of white paper or made using a figured hole punch.

The souvenir is ready.

As you can see, a children's New Year's card is being made different ways. To work in kindergarten simpler options using ready-made templates and applique elements are suitable. At home, parents can do some of the work together with the child, so the result of family creativity will be more impressive, elegant and professional.

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