Zodiac horoscope for the year

The symbol of the coming 2016 will be a curious, active, playful and cheerful animal - the Fire Monkey. Having replaced her predecessor Goat, she will bring dynamics, movement and excitement into our lives. Therefore, it is worth preparing for a meeting with her in advance, being in a certain mood. And it must certainly be positive! Let New year's night will be held under the motto: “Be like children, and the gates of Heaven will open to you.” So how should you celebrate this magical night?

Celebrating 2016 Year of the Monkey
The best way to celebrate 2016 will be to gather in a large and noisy company, with friends, relatives, like-minded people, or with people with whom you can have fun and have a hearty, sincere laugh. You will please the Monkey if you come up with some non-standard scenario for holding New Year's holiday. It can be either a theme party, a Brazilian masquerade, or celebrations in public place. The main thing is that this action is bright and unforgettable.

Decorating the table and interior
To appease the Monkey, you need to take into account its temperament and habits. Therefore, decorate your house with various sparkling garlands, lanterns, balls in the colors of the element of Fire: red, orange, yellow, gold, etc. Hand-made accessories will look original. They are especially appropriate on a beautiful green Christmas tree. You should approach her outfit as carefully as you would your own. Unleash your imagination by remembering how you did this as a child. In order to attract more money into your life than before, decorate the Christmas tree with coins and bills tied with a red ribbon. And if your house has Money Tree, then don’t forget about him. You can hang a figurine of a monkey above the front door, this will bring good luck to your home. The New Year's table should be varied, but at the same time light, with a considerable number of snacks. The monkey will be more likely to like vegetarian dishes, various fruits, vegetables, as well as sweets, candies and cakes. In the center of the table, place a new, clean crystal vase with cool water, this drink is for the Monkey. In addition to traditional champagne, prepare noble and expensive drinks for yourself. But remember! That the table is not the most important thing in the main holiday of the year, do not leave yourself to the last moment.

What to wear to celebrate 2016 Year of the Monkey
The choice of New Year's outfit should be approached with all responsibility. But no matter what you wear this night, your look should be very impressive. A good solution for women would be an evening dress in red and gold shades. Give preference to jewelry made from natural stones and metals. The best addition to the look would be an unusual hairstyle that matches the style with everything else. The strong half of humanity is recommended to meet New Year in extraordinary, perhaps even eccentric costumes. But don't overdo it! In the outgoing 2015, thank the Goat for everything she brought into your life. December 31 is just a dress rehearsal for the changing of the Mistress of the Year. The Monkey will become a full-fledged Monkey on February 8, 2016.

The horoscope for 2016 will give answers to any of your questions: when to change jobs or wait for a promotion, what time to plan serious conversations with your significant other or expect the arrival of a new love, and when you should especially carefully monitor your health.

The horoscope for 2016 foretells a rather calm period for many zodiac signs, compared to the previous one. Using the experience of the past, it will be easier for us to build our lives and move into the future.

2016 is a unique time when active people will receive many opportunities. If you want to pass it successfully, pay attention to how the world reacts to your actions. The Universe always gives us hints, and in 2016 it is especially important not to miss them. If things immediately go well, you find yourself in the right place at the right time without any effort on your part - this means that the stars turn on the green light for you. But if things don’t go well from the very beginning, then it’s better to think about whether the right direction has been chosen. Take your time and evaluate your actions, then you will get the benefits.

Finance will be one of the priorities of the year. From January to July 2016, the trine of Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (the so-called “millionaire aspect”) is in effect, promising successes that have monetary value. Representatives of many zodiac signs will be lucky enough to improve their financial situation and stabilize their financial situation. The aspect is especially favorable for the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

But remember that planetary influences can be contradictory, so you need to be realistic. From mid-March to last days July 2016 expansive Jupiter opposes deceptive Neptune in Pisces, which can create ambiguous circumstances and incline to unjustified risks.

The horoscope 2016 foretells a fairly good time for love and relationships for the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). The latter may sometimes have troubles regarding their personal lives, but with patience and mutual understanding of the partners, the situations will be manageable.

As for the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), they will have a good period for their career, business, and development of new projects. Successful chances may arise when Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries form a positive relationship - from January to April and in November - December 2016. People of fire signs may have to change their lifestyle, but the changes will bring long-term positive effects.

The stars advise maintaining sanity throughout the year, since logical thinking is the key to success in 2016. Intelligence comes first, and emotions come next. Then you will receive maximum benefits from planetary influences and by the end of the year you will look with satisfaction at your achievements.

Read horoscopes for 2016 by zodiac sign and date of birth.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

Horoscope for 2016 Fire Monkey

The horoscope for 2016, based on the astrological situation of the forecast period, gives hope that in general, 2016 will be a bright, interesting time, full of large-scale and amazing events. In 2016, each of us, in the unstoppable cycle of the universe, will definitely find something of our own, something that will resonate in us with a reverent, sincere light.

In accordance with the eastern zodiac system, 2016 will be patronized by the Monkey, the metaphysical embodiment of the anthropogenic factor. In other words, this is our year, the year of humanity.

The Year of the Monkey 2016 according to the eastern calendar will begin on February 8, 2016, and end on January 28, 2017. 2016 will be the year red fire monkey. Generally speaking, in the Chinese horoscope the Year of the Monkey corresponds to the Metal element, while in traditional Western astrology there is no such element at all.

In fact, systems formed at different points globe, only complement each other. And you need to understand that in this case the symbol of 2016 A monkey is an image of a creature that has risen above the animal world, becoming the king of this world, but without subordinating the surrounding reality to its will, but realizing it, becoming a harmonious part of the Universe. In this regard, Eastern philosophy is much deeper and more metaphorical than European philosophy.

What is important for us is that in 2016 the stars and elements will patronize researchers, scientists, adventurers - everyone who denies statics and strives for constant study of everything that surrounds us.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the average person in 2016 is “flying past” positive trends, quite the opposite, but the issue of perception and self-awareness is already at work here.

Horoscopes for 2016 by zodiac sign and year of birth note that, regardless of profession, each of us can (and should) strive for steady progress, and this progress can be expressed in anything.

Someone keeps order in the courtyard of their house, someone builds skyscrapers, and someone conquers Chomolungma. And you can’t say which of them is the greater researcher, because in many cases remarkable skill, precise calculation, perseverance, will and a whole range of other qualities are required. In 2016, new horizons will open up for each of us, and the more we strive upward, the “wider” the world around us will open up to us.

It is not difficult to guess that this year many discoveries will be made in all areas of science. Of course, the law of accelerating progress will also play a role, but over the past decade, 2016 will be the most turning point in terms of scientific research.

If we talk about star patronage, it is hardly advisable to single out the element that will clearly dominate in 2016. Each zodiac sign of the classical (European) astrology system has its own character traits and features that are worth considering.

For example, signs of the element of Fire, who are famous for their temperament and emotionality, will be surprised by the opportunities that open up before them, and psycho-mental (emotional) energy will receive an additional boost due to the increased dynamics of solar energy in 2016 in relation to the signs of this group.

Simply put, if earlier at parties representatives of such signs as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius were the last to “switch off”, now you will stop switching off altogether. Literally! The energy of life will be in full swing! And not at all to the head, as is customary to add in such cases. At the same time, it is better to use your new opportunities not for parties, but for something more meaningful and rational.

The signs of the element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will face a number of tests in 2016, and we are talking about the esoteric side of life. Perhaps you will be able to undergo an initiation rite, you will be entrusted with some secret information or something similar; with a high degree of probability, old dreams will come true in 2016.

In other words, for the water signs of the Zodiac, this will be a time of comprehension, awareness and acceptance of certain hidden knowledge, which not everyone can touch. How good this is (or not so good) - everyone decides for himself. It is important to understand that 2016 provides almost inexhaustible opportunities in terms of spiritual progress, but responsibility also increases in direct proportion to the growth of awareness.

For example: does an ant have a lot of responsibility? In fact, quite a lot, but in comparison with the Sun, the scope of its responsibility is really insignificant. And the point is not that the ant is a kind of animate creature, but the Sun is not.These are phenomena of the same order, everything in this world is phenomena of the same order, which differ precisely in capabilities that determine the scope of responsibility.

The signs of the Air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will definitely not have any problems on the “love front” in 2016. Of course, everything here is again quite individual, and much depends on the current features of the position of a particular zodiac sign.

But in general, the sphere of personal relationships will be the “strong” side of life for the signs of the air element. Of course, it is not at all necessary that you will be “caught” cheating. We are not talking about indulging “carnal desires” at all, but about a harmonious relationship various phenomena and situations concerning you and your significant other. 2016 will be romantic, tender, affectionate and frank. You may be in for a lot of disappointments, but don’t worry – everything will happen as it should.

And if a loved one has left you, then this is not a reason to let go of the beard, the cockroach from the jar, and life out of control. Perhaps you really weren’t right for each other... well, or he had some kind of flaw, but you somehow didn’t notice it.

The Earth element in 2016 will be subject to stellar influences to a much lesser extent than other zodiac signs. Although it would be foolish not to note the increased dynamics of the influence of Mercury on representatives of this group.

In general, we can say that at this stage, in the work and financial area, everything will be “okay” for the zodiac signs of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Of course, it is also worth considering the personal aspect.

In other words, if you don’t do anything, it’s unlikely that anything will happen. You know, to fulfill your sacred duty to your family, it’s not enough to wash the dishes or go into the yard and chop an armful of firewood.

Everything is much more interesting and larger-scale, and if you see it differently, this does not mean at all that it is so. In 2016, earth signs are planning a certain “fundamental change” in terms of spiritual evolution.

Each new year, standing on the threshold, forces us to prepare for it in advance, as for a difficult and dynamic period in life.The greatest worries are caused by questions regarding success in the professional sphere, as well as in personal life - will there be an opportunity to improve one’s destiny, will there be a collapse of plans for a happy future ahead? We wish you that in 2016 you forget about all the troubles in life, let every moment be full of love, tenderness and happiness!

2016 is the year of the red Fire Monkey according to the eastern calendar. It comes on February 8, 2016. It is on this day, according to the Chinese horoscope, cheerfully wagging its tail and clattering its hooves, that the Green Wood Goat - the symbol of the year 2015 - will leave us, giving way to the Fire Monkey.

The Monkey is an artistic and eccentric nature, but at the same time has a strong intuition. Willful, capricious and unpredictable - it is difficult to guess what she is thinking about. Her actions are completely unpredictable and can change depending on her mood - she can be kind and cheerful, or aggressive and angry.

The mistress of the coming year can easily throw out a surprise that will take a long time to sort out... The monkey, the symbol of 2016, loves travel, mountains, beautiful nature and new experiences.

There is no point in making serious plans and waiting for global changes in 2016: the Monkey will do everything in his own way. Just treat the wayward mistress of the year calmly, because she also strives with all her might for love, well-being and prosperity.

Although not everyone will like the monkey's antics and whims: after a fairly calm year of the Goat, many will rebuild for some time, adapting to the unpredictable nature of the Fire Monkey.

Oh, just don’t convince yourself and others that every monkey, especially the “zodiac” one, is capable of deciding something for itself!

The monkey is a mockingbird animal, accustomed to imitating its owner, so do not expect help from the stars, tune in to painstaking and difficult work throughout 2016 to achieve your goal and get closer to your dream.

Without delving into problems and troubles, the Monkey goes through life easily and naturally! Why not? What prevents us from having fun, being distracted and relaxing when we have the opportunity and desire? Relax - learn from the Monkey to live with imagination and taste!

In the new year 2016, the horoscope advises filling everyday life with brightness, unusualness, lightness and originality!

Despite the fact that the Fire Monkey tries to avoid difficult situations, she will happily give in to a stronger rival or colleague if it is better for everyone - the Monkey is always ready to sacrifice personal freedom when she feels the care and attention of her partner.

Use this quality of the Fire Monkey too - do not show stubbornness where it is inappropriate. For what? It is much more useful and pleasant to find a consensus, to extract mutual benefits, even with small losses - it is always better to have half than nothing...

It will be very difficult to understand the Monkey for those who are accustomed to meticulously delve into every little detail - the Monkey treats life too superficially and frivolously to delve into problems and look for an explanation for them.

The manager of 2016 does not see any problems at all - they prevent her from enjoying today! What will be tomorrow? And what will be, will be...

The Monkey will also lose the fight for a place in the sun - he doesn’t know how and doesn’t like to fight at all, he will be satisfied with third or fifth place, and in extreme cases, just a ranking in the top ten.

But don’t be discouraged about this: be that as it may, you won’t find any mortal enemies with the Monkey, so there’s no risk of a “knife in the back” for her.

And the Monkey’s habit of adapting to a partner, enjoying the care and attention of others, being well-fed, cheerful and contented looks very optimistic. Agree, this is a lot for a calm and balanced life!

Strange as it may seem, according to eastern horoscope The monkey loves home, family, and the warmth of the hearth. Despite established stereotypes, the Monkey is a wonderful mother and a faithful wife, protecting her home and her love.

She is looking for a reliable, faithful, strong life partner to be behind him like behind a stone wall. And if she sets such a goal for herself, she will quickly achieve her goal, dreaming of a happy and calm family life.

2016 Year of the Monkey is simply ideal for creating happy family, where love and understanding will reign - after all, she so dreams of having a warm and calm home! But the Monkey will only love a real “male” - reliable, caring and prosperous.

What is contraindicated for the Monkey? This animal is categorically not recommended to choose an independent and complex life path, requiring perseverance in achieving goals, courage, prudence and leadership qualities.

Those born in the year of the Monkey should not strive for leadership positions and choose the path of obstacles and thorns - it is too complicated and difficult... The Monkey has great difficulty solving even simple problems, let alone complex ones...

Don’t complicate your life: after all, each zodiac sign is given its own path - special, beautiful and unique. Choose it and be happy!

In the turbulent, eventful past year, you tried to reach someone, correct something, convince others that you were right, living by the principle: “You should not bend to a changing world. one day it will cave in under us.”

But the Fire Monkey will change your worldview, gently whispering: “Start with yourself.” This will be the secret of your success in 2016.

You are tired of the endless series of worries and problems that you had to solve for yourself and “that guy” in the past year. And - hurray! - The Fire Monkey brings you long-awaited positive changes.

No, worries will not decrease, but they will be of the kind that hardworking, active and very domestic Taurus likes. So harness yourself with a “joyful moo”!

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini

You are used to weighing and hesitating, trying to find a delicate balance between “this and that,” and often this scrupulousness brings you success.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer

Sometimes it is really more profitable to step back a little than to go forward. But in 2016 it is better to give up the Cancer habit.

“Decide and stand firm in your position,” the Red Monkey whispers to you, promising that it is steadfastness and the ability to insist on your own that will bring you success in the struggle for profit, career and love.

Horoscope for 2016 Leo

You are a great expert when it comes to the ability to make an impression. But the Red Monkey sets you a completely different task: “To be, not to seem.”

Try to become more honest, frank, sincere with the people around you, take off your usual mask - and it turns out that your true face will delight people much more than the image you created.

Horoscope for 2016 VIRGO

The past two years have brought serious changes to Virgo’s life, sometimes even tests of strength. 2016, the Year of the Fire Monkey, ends this fateful period.

You are like a rocket that, after a long journey, has finally reached the stars, but does not know what to do with the freedom it has acquired. The monkey tells you: you have a unique period ahead of you when you can do anything.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra

Throughout the past year, you remained unshakable, at least outwardly, with smiles and equanimity, helping your more emotional loved ones stay afloat.

Admired by your self-control, the Monkey in 2016 promises to reward you with harmony: if anything throws you off balance, it will mostly be pleasant events.

The coming 2016 promises to be a turning point for you in many areas. And the reason for this is simple: subconsciously you are tired of the problems of 2015, you are tired of some hopelessness...

It’s not for nothing that the Scorpio sign is considered perhaps the most magical sign of the Zodiac: your dream is to “change everything!” in the year of the Red Monkey will come closer to fruition.

You, born optimists and adventurers, are overwhelmed vital energy, even the difficult outgoing year did not unsettle me.

Therefore, you will most likely accept the Red Fire Monkey’s offer to push yourself a little more with enthusiasm. And really, why not, because in 2016 you have every chance to take the main prize!

You are a multifaceted personality: you know how to have fun recklessly if the situation is favorable, and be collected if you need to quickly solve a complex problem.

The Year of the Red Monkey is expecting a second from you: the Fire Monkey, the symbol of 2016 according to the eastern calendar, promises to present you with a number of tricky tasks. And all for the sake of an experience that will make you bolder, stronger, happier.

You, Aquarius, are already talented and creative gentlemen, and 2016, the Year of the Red Monkey, will take these signature qualities of yours into a “full speed ahead!” state.

The creative itch will sometimes lead you to grab your head: “Oh. what have I done!” But even in such cases, do not step on the creative song’s throat: it is your key to unique success!

Pisces, who were gasping for air from amazement and stress all last year, will experience a long-awaited surge of strength, energy, desires and opportunities in 2016.

You have every chance to wag your tail and finally get what you have dreamed of for so long. Or wag your tail and radically change your life. Don't miss this chance.

Astrological knowledge, as the science of celestial bodies, as well as their influence on people's lives, appeared many centuries ago. Many of the scientific treatises in astrology still remain unconfirmed, ephemeral, but no one living on Earth no longer doubts their veracity - even obvious skeptics. Only astrology, as a symbiosis of many famous sciences, can explain why the same person at different periods of life begins to behave completely differently, sometimes contradicting his own beliefs and attitudes.

This section of the site contains horoscopes for 2016 for the Year of the Monkey for each of the Zodiac signs and signs Chinese horoscope. Horoscopes are compiled by professional predictors of the Western and Eastern schools of astrology, based on those astrological events that affect people's lives. Traditionally, horoscopes and astrological forecasts for 2016 are presented in two main thematic blocks, which include the horoscope for 2016 by zodiac sign and year of birth:

The old year passes away, taking with it disappointments, losses, troubles, leaving each person only with what pleases him and makes him happy. Will the coming 2016 be a new test on the way, will it cause new upheavals in your personal life? To catch the mood of the coming time, understand its main trends, and also adapt to new realities in your life as quickly as possible, you can look at the horoscope for 2016 for the signs of the Zodiac. The zodiac circle consists of twelve sectors-persons, representing a harmonious series of zodiac signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces - each of them has its own characteristics and character, each has its own destiny, ups and downs in it. A person, getting used to relating himself to the zodiac sign corresponding to his date of birth, can look at the horoscope for 2016 as if at a mirror reflecting the near future. In this document, each of us can see all the opportunities for development, achieving happiness and success, which are usually hidden under the burden of various everyday problems.

The coming year 2016, according to Eastern calendar, belongs to a funny, but at the same time wayward animal - a monkey, so no one will be bored. The year will be eventful.

The main character trait of the monkey is restlessness. She will strive to convey this trait to all signs of the Zodiac. Therefore, those who will work actively next year will not pass by luck.

In pursuit of material success, you should not forget about your state of mind. Don't forget to take time to rest. Fortune smiles happy people, not exhausted.

Love horoscope for 2016

Personal relationships in 2016 will occupy special place. Having begun its journey through the calendar, the Year of the Monkey will bring to society a large number of new couples and relationships.

The horoscope promises difficult relationships for the “Fire” signs of the Zodiac in 2016. Aries needs to learn to give in. It wouldn’t hurt for Leos to lower the bar for their self-esteem, otherwise they will be left alone. But Sagittarius needs to remember that they cannot assert themselves at the expense of other people.

For representatives of the element Earth, the horoscope promises the following: Virgos need to look after themselves, and not their partner, so that he does not want to look around. Capricorns must remember that jealousy is a bad advisor. The Monkey gave Taurus the right to choose between calm moderation and passionate impulses.

For those whose zodiac signs belong to the element of Air, the horoscope promises: Unexpectedly joyful events await Gemini, Aquarius should not give up long trips, it is there that they will meet their ideal, Libra will constantly be under the close attention of representatives of the opposite sex.

Horoscope for representatives of the element of Water: Cancers will flirt without measure, but family ties will withstand all tests, Scorpios, especially single ones, will want a serious and long-term relationship, Pisces, through their own indiscretion, will fall into a love triangle.

Financial horoscope for 2016

Financially, the year promises to be successful for those who will not sit idly by. The second half of the year will be more successful in terms of money and career plans.

For representatives of the element of Fire, the horoscope promises profit. Aries will have to work actively to get what they want. All problems will begin to be resolved in the spring of 2016. Leos will have the opportunity to express themselves. Sagittarians will receive twice as much in the second half of the year, subject to hard work.

According to the horoscope, signs of the Earth element will be no less lucky. Virgo will achieve all her goals through active work. Taurus shouldn't be afraid to invest their money. But Capricorns will have to try and learn to save so as not to spend all the money they earn at once.

The financial horoscope for representatives of the Earth element is distinguished by some contrasts. Gemini will be swimming in money all year, they need to continue to do their work. But Libra needs to ease off their “shopaholic excitement” a little, otherwise they will find themselves broke. Aquarians have nothing to fear, financially this is their year.

For signs of the zodiac element Water, the horoscope does not promise much financial success, but still the year cannot be called a failure. Scorpios need to be more economical, but only until spring, then everything will improve. Nothing will change for Pisces, everything that was in previous year, will move on to the next one. For Cancer, just like for the rest of his fellow elements, the year will not be the best in terms of money and career, but the most purposeful representatives will still be able to get out of the crisis.

Health horoscope

The main health problem in 2016 will be increased emotional levels and nervous tension. Some people will experience worsening chronic illnesses, while others may require surgery. Many representatives of the Zodiac will go on a diet, but only Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries will be able to stay on it.

Brief horoscope for 2016 for each sign

Aries in 2016 must be very economical, otherwise a lot of money will be wasted, the horoscope warns. Whatever troubles happen, Aries need to perceive them as an intermediate stage and try to benefit. In love everything will be harmonious.

The horoscope for 2016 predicts achievements for Taurus high altitudes, for this you need to set your priorities correctly, pushing everything unimportant back. Some Taurus will experience pleasant changes, both in their personal and professional lives. In order to become a winner, Taurus needs to have a clear plan.

The year will be divided in half for representatives of this zodiac sign. In the first half of the year, absolute success awaits them - in their careers, in their families, and in matters of health. But the second half will make it clear that you shouldn’t relax. To avoid catastrophic consequences, Gemini needs to “lay low” and wait it out.

Calmness and monotony are the two fundamental states of Cancer in 2016, according to the horoscope. You should not go into debt - it will be difficult to pay off. They are also not insured against scammers. Good luck will accompany you in building a new home or moving to another apartment.

2016 for Leo will begin with active activity. However, it should be taken into account that the Year of the Monkey does not promote change; it will be better if Leos take up the completion of unfinished business. Advice to Leos: do not be afraid of leadership, this will count towards recognition from management and colleagues. Good predictions carries within itself love horoscope: it's coming best time for marriage and the birth of offspring.

Single Virgos in 2016 can count on meeting their future spouse. Married couples should make efforts to strengthen marital bonds by surrounding their spouse with care and love. At work, you shouldn’t be afraid to show initiative and originality. This will certainly count for you, and life will delight you with career heights.

Libras should be patient and persevering. You need to be prepared for the fact that achieving your goals requires a lot of time and effort. You shouldn’t let everyone in on your plans—competitors are not asleep. You should also be selective in your spending; there is a high probability of getting into debt. In personal relationships, you need to avoid conflicts and not escalate the situation.

Everything will go well for Scorpios. The monkey is favorable to hard workers. She generously gifts them with all kinds of benefits. Scorpios should pay close attention to the clues of their intuition; in 2016 it will become more acute than ever. Spring will be generous with profits, but the last quarter will require more expenses than ever. While doing business, don’t forget about rest; you can’t work too hard.

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