Development of the soul in the spiritual world. Numerology for everyone. How does this happen

Our soul, throughout the entire cycle of its incarnations on Earth, undergoes spiritual evolution, transforming from a young and inexperienced soul, just comprehending the laws of the Universe, into a more experienced and wise soul, which, feeling unity with God, longs to escape from samsara (the cycle of birth and death). Thanks to the sacred scriptures of ancient , which describe levels of soul development, we can determine what stage of spiritual development we are at, and what still lies ahead of us. To do this, let's look at what stages of the evolution of the soul in our earthly incarnation there are:

  1. People are materialists, atheists who believe only in what they see with their own eyes. Level of soul development in a large-scale vision of the universe - initial. The purpose and meaning of people’s lives is to build a career, accumulate material wealth, create a family, and raise children. Habitual pastimes – work, education, family life, outdoor recreation and all kinds of entertainment. People don't believe in God, reincarnation, ,and also have no idea that a person, in addition to the physical body, also has other energy bodies. They associate themselves only with the body, eating both vegetables and the corpses of killed animals. There are an overwhelming majority of such people on our planet.
  2. Sadhus are people walking the path of liberation. This is the next one level of soul development. They may or may not be adherents of any religion, but simply believe in the Creator. But if a sadhu follows a certain religion, they will never deny other teachings and scriptures. They know that every religion has a grain of truth and respect it. sadhus are seen in self-knowledge and self-development, comprehension of universal laws, as well as teaching people this. For this level of soul development awareness of oneself opens not only as a physical body, but also as an energetic and astral one. Sadhus realize the power of thoughts, feelings and emotions and can heal the emerging disease by changing their worldview. They eat exclusively plant foods and do not accept violent products in their diet. The vast majority of sadhus practice lucid dreaming, astral flight and out-of-body travel. Outwardly, they live an ordinary earthly life, create families, enjoy material benefits, but within themselves they are not materialists. Sadhus spend their free time in prayers, meditation, visiting holy places, and spiritual seminars. The number of sadhus on Earth ranges from 1 to 3 percent of the total population.
  3. Jnanis are saints, masters, sages. It's very high level of soul development. Jnanis are in constant contact with the Creator, feeling themselves to be a part of the Absolute. They see the world as a single whole and perceive any inhabitant of the Earth joyfully and with love. Jnanis spend most of their lives in places of solitude in silence and prayer, and see the highest goal of their lives as union with the Creator. Saints who have reached this level of soul development can change space with the power of their thoughts, change the course of events in life, materialize what they want, just by thinking about it. They have a very clean aura, all seven chakras are open and functioning correctly. They can control their thoughts because they are immersed in a state of infinite space. Jnani do not create families, do not procreate, since the highest goal of their life is the desire for the original source and distance from the material. They live in forests, mountains, holy monasteries and prefer to lead a quiet lifestyle. People sometimes don’t even know about the existence of a Jnani. The total number of jnanis on Earth is about 60 thousand.

The next two levels of soul development are Siddhis and Gods, but they are so far from our limited perception of the world that I will not describe them here. It must also be said that there is always a certain category of the population that has one foot on the old level of soul development, and the other is already stepping into a new stage. Moreover, now that the era of Aquarius has arrived, all processes in the Universe are accelerating, including the process of human spiritual development. You and I were born in an amazing time, when in one life you can go through a huge path of soul development, so let's not miss this chance!

The most important question that arises as a thought in your mind. WE were created in the image and likeness of the CREATOR and came from the SOURCE. But we should not imagine that our body is created in the likeness of the CREATOR - this is a delusion of those who identify their Self with their body. What WE are doing here will be discussed further. And now I will give you the opportunity to understand at what level of development your soul is. You need to clearly understand that there is no bad or good level. WE all have to go through all levels of development before returning to the SOURCE and expanding its knowledge. Each of US makes his own contribution to the development of the CREATOR.

While YOU are looking at character traits each level of soul development, try to find examples among your friends, relatives, acquaintances and YOU yourself. This will allow YOU to better understand the people around YOU.

Five ages of the soul.

Infant soul

We come to this planet as infant souls. In this cycle, we take care of ourselves, adapt to our new physical existence and learn to survive. Infant souls usually settle in primitive cultures and civilizations where the element of struggle for survival is important. These souls are interested in the circumstances of the physical plane, but do not notice that the desires of other people may not coincide with their own. They do not open up emotionally because their emotional nature is not yet fully formed.

In a more developed society, infant souls seem out of place, they do not fit into society. Infant souls are still close to Tao and have an inclination towards religion such as the worship of the sun and nature in general. At birth, we have the infant aspect of the soul, regardless of whether it is our highest level already achieved or not.

This aspect relates to our primal, instinctual nature and learning to survive in the human body. It is closely associated with the Earth, especially Mother Earth, the feminine aspect of the planet. We can see this in children who love to play in the dirt, playing with insects, frogs and lizards. Adults come into contact with their infant part of the soul through rituals - shamanic dance, music, sacred sex, drugs, playing percussion instruments, decorating the face and body with various ornaments.

The infant part of the soul can also be evoked in various physical states - for example, during illness, injury, or during enlightenment, when contact with primal sources of energy occurs. We feel the infant part of our soul when our life or well-being is threatened, such as when we lose our job. Warfare, hunting, late night walks alone in dangerous areas, scary movies and situations that awaken primal fears in you bring us into contact with the infant aspect of our soul.

When we can refrain from fear, this kind of experience gives us an invigorating rush of adrenaline into the blood, a “chill down the spine,” and a heightened perception. This aggravation is due to the fact that our Instinctive Center opens up to our essence so that it knows about the danger and can immediately respond to it. In general, the experiences of the infant soul are physically intense, primal and mystical - in the sense that they bring a person into contact with forces much greater than his consciousness.

Infant souls on the lower rungs of the social ladder often appear strange and undeveloped to other people. They usually do not try to find a permanent job, as it seems burdensome to them.

In general, the Earth has come quite close to the moment when the last infant soul will be reincarnated on it.

There are now far fewer entities at the beginning of the cycle than just a hundred years ago. Infant souls usually choose to reincarnate in other places. Firstly, because the Earth is a little “worn out”, difficult work lies ahead, and therefore most “newbies” decide to start on younger planets. Moreover, since average age souls on Earth are approaching maturity; each soul, incarnated for the first time, is forced to “catch up” with the total mass.

Baby shower

By the time we reach childhood soul age, we have already managed to understand the mechanisms of individual survival. Children's souls tend to develop civilization and maintain order. They learn to use their creative energy in this direction.
Children's souls like their lives to be orderly and structured and seek authority that can provide such structure and order. In religion, they prefer large, well-organized belief systems that prescribe clear rituals and standards of behavior. They love cleanliness and often go to medical institutions. They need some authority to take care of their body and health. Children's souls are afraid of everything unusual.

Societies built by children's souls are rigid and have a strict hierarchy of power: for example, the Roman Empire. These souls are less aggressive than infants or youth, and are concerned with collective rather than individual survival. At this age, the ability to evaluate certain social actions from the point of view of their morality or immorality develops.

Our childish aspect of the soul is the part of us that has learned to build its relationships with representatives of public power structures and the world in general on a civilized basis. Each of us has this aspect, regardless of whether our soul as a whole is childish or not. The civilizing influence that parents and society exert on a child allows the childish aspect of his soul to begin to dominate the infantile. The first thing that is associated with this influence in a child’s life is learning to go to the potty (and not to use the pants). The child is taught to restrain his natural instincts in order to please those who have power over him (the parents). Then there is control over how the child eats, talks, and behaves. (Parents often perceive this phase as making "real" people out of little barbarians.) As the child grows, his behavior is controlled by teachers, playmates, and authority figures such as police officers, doctors, priests, and politicians.

Our childish aspect of the soul is the part of us that follows the rules: “Make your bed,” “Don’t take candy from strangers,” “Drink plenty of fluids.” Our childish aspect of the soul loves cleanliness, order and structure, and is upset by violations of these principles: “Why didn’t you clean the room?”, “Why didn’t you tell me that today we would have lunch earlier than usual?”, “We’ve always done it this way.” to another!"

Our child aspect of the soul feels that it must control instinctive behavior such as eating, washing, sleeping and sex. All our social behavior is determined mainly by a sense of appropriateness and correctness from the point of view of a child's soul. This applies to how to cross the street, how to dress, how to behave in society, what words to choose, and so on. This is most clearly manifested during spontaneous public meetings, holiday celebrations, weddings and funerals.

Children's souls are often "pillars of society" - persistent and unshakable in their beliefs. They become mayors and sheriffs, presidents parent committees, they can often be found in educational institutions and bureaucratic organizations. When their beliefs are challenged, children's souls begin to experience inner turmoil. They are so confident that they are right that it is difficult for them to listen to the arguments of the other side. Self-reflection is alien to this phase.

Young soul

Young souls have already learned to survive on the physical plane, maintain order and behave in society. Now they begin to establish themselves in the image of the power that children's souls seek. Young souls are most focused on the physical side of life. They strongly identify with their body and ego. It is very difficult for such people to admit their physical age; they often resort to plastic surgery to continue to look young and attractive.

Young souls are very skeptical of any phenomena that do not fit into the framework of “scientific” ideas. They usually are not carried away by mystical or religious experiences beyond the limits that are accepted in society. They often consider ideas about life after death ridiculous and, as a result, fear death.

These souls have the strongest motivation to achieve success in their chosen field of activity and actively work for it. The ideal of a young soul is an attractive, rich, successful person, such as is often shown on television. The young soul believes that it is what it owns. She sees the world through the prism of polar opposites: “good - bad”, “right - wrong”. Young souls believe that those who disagree with them are automatically wrong and deserve blame, punishment and contempt.

They are often interested in politics. Young souls such as Alexander the Great, William the Conqueror or Genghis Khan became the founders of great empires.

Our youthful soul aspect is the part of our essence that has learned to make independent decisions. This aspect can exercise leadership functions, especially in areas related to the physical plane. We tap into our youthful side when we take control of ourselves, discipline ourselves, and set our sights on achieving success. From the point of view of this aspect, “right” is what helps him achieve his goal, and “wrong” is what hinders him. This part of us is less emotional than the childish or mature part. She is goal-oriented and self-centered. People who refuse to accept their values ​​are often considered "weird" by young souls. Good example the politics of young souls is an arms race. The philosophy behind it is “If I don’t get ahead, others will get ahead of me.”

The problem of toxic waste that poisons the whole Earth, is the result of the flourishing civilization of young souls who, in pursuit of success, care little about long-term consequences. Young souls are very productive, inventive and completely goal oriented. Issues of morality and ethics, as a rule, do not fall into their field of vision.

Trying to “leave their mark on the earth,” young souls can demonstrate amazing performance. At the same time, they do not always strive for what they really like - more often than not, for what, in their opinion, will pave the way for them to success. They want to quickly learn “how the world works” in order to use this knowledge for their own benefit. Some of these people have an innate ability to make the economic system "dance to their own tune" and with apparent ease turn hundreds of dollars into thousands and millions into billions.

A person who is at the stage of a young soul always dreams of buying a more expensive car and settling in a more prestigious apartment in a more expensive area of ​​the city.

Since young souls are not known for their emotional openness, they rarely make good parents who can establish a strong connection with their children. And yet they will buy any thing their child likes, from a doll in a stroller to exquisite French dresses. After all, a child can also serve as an indicator of social status. Their children will be buried in toys, clothes, diplomas from various educational institutions, ride in expensive cars and flaunt fashionable hairstyles. They will be prepared for a brilliant career, marriage, marriage. The success of children will cast a reflection on the lives of their ambitious parents. The manifestation of feelings by children does not find encouragement from their parents - young souls.

Young souls tend to adhere to generally accepted religious views, but at the same time they are devoid of the fanaticism inherent in child souls. You may find them in church discussing business matters and making useful contacts, but you are unlikely to see them praying fervently or angrily condemning their neighbors for their lack of godliness.

Young souls completely identify themselves with their bodies and do not believe that consciousness lives on after death. Therefore, they agree to freeze themselves in special chambers and perform plastic surgery, improving the shape of the nose, forehead, waist and hips. Thanks to their ability to put their health and even life at risk, to endure pain and material costs for the sake of beauty, cosmetic medicine has turned into a very profitable business.

At a young age, the soul discovers a craving for creativity, which reaches its peak in adulthood.
The benefits of focusing on the youthful aspect of our soul is that it gives us self-confidence and guides us to achieve goals and success in relationships with people - especially career-related ones. Older souls who neglect this aspect feel that their existence is being threatened and therefore begin to pay too much attention to the physical side of life. So, in order for us to function normally on this planet, this aspect must be in balance with all the others.

Mature soul

A mature soul has already dealt with issues of success and power and has reached the point where it begins to open up to emotions. Mature souls are less selfish and more focused on others. But they do not open up to the whole world as a whole, but start with their loved ones and relatives, considering these relationships more important than success or career.

Mature souls feel connected to others, identifying with them and seeing them as reflections of themselves. This quality gives mature souls an aura of sincerity that distinguishes them from other ages. The biggest offense for a mature soul is when someone does something to her that she herself would not do to another person. Mature souls are less militant than young ones because they see themselves in others. Often, however, their lives are spent in emotional tossing and torment, as they try to open up emotionally. It is among mature souls that cases of drug addiction, suicide and incurable debilitating diseases often occur.

Our mature aspect of the soul begins to develop after the youthful aspect reaches its peak of development. It begins with the feeling that “it cannot be that life is limited to this.” Sometimes people find it necessary to suppress their youthful aspect of the soul, causing poverty, tragic loss and illness in their lives. They do this to discover their mature aspect. Usually this is helped by relationships characterized by high emotional intensity. For a mature and old soul, this period often begins in the third decade of physical life.

If we have reached the level of a mature or old soul, we can use our mature aspect as the part of you that contributes to your relationships with others and with the planet. The “surrounding people” may include close friends, relatives, colleagues, public or political organization and humanity as a whole. The value of the mature aspect of the soul is the full development of conscience, compassion and the ability to maintain emotional connection, give and receive love. Those who neglect this aspect feel inferior to their emotional sphere and appear arrogant, callous and alienated.

A mature soul wants to be “like everyone else” and therefore tries to understand others and be accepted in the team. The means of expressing this desire can be clothing, speech, and behavior. From this point of view, the behavior of the mature soul is a development of the behavior of the child soul, since both of these types deal with the collective consciousness.

At the mature soul stage, creativity reaches its peak. Philosophy and art occupy dominant places in life. The illusory and frailty of the world is revealed to a person, there is no longer a clear path in life for him, he is not able to fully understand his own feelings. Nothing seems as unshakable as in the childhood and teenage phases. The popularity of the hippie movement in many countries indicated that society had moved closer to the level of the mature age of the soul and the unconditional recognition of the values ​​of young souls had ended.

Remaining incomprehensible and not accepted among young and childish souls, mature souls are drawn to the society of their own kind. They typically strive for higher education, but also gravitate towards small, non-traditional institutions. They have their own priorities and authorities. To the surprise of their young brothers, they often give up a well-paid job or an "honorable" position in society in order to accomplish something that is important only in their own eyes.

The period of maturity is marked by intense searches both in the inner world and in the outer world. Of particular interest are non-traditional religions, meditation, and metaphysics, while the horizons of the outside world are expanding thanks to experiments with sex, exotic clothes and overseas cuisine. By the way, almost all the world's top chefs are mature souls.
As the planet moves into the dominance of mature perception, we see people becoming interested in emotional harmony on the planet as a whole. With the adoption of mature perception will come spiritual awareness and the ability of mature and old souls to manifest more freely as they reach their respective soul ages.

old soul

The old soul has already learned all the subtleties of emotional life and turns all his attention to spiritual growth. Old souls learn detachment from the emotional intensity of the mature cycle and from the physical plane as a whole. They have a more intellectual approach to existence than mature souls, they can perceive that Bigger of which we are all a part. Old souls need to complete their experience on the physical plane and work out all karma before beginning the lessons of the astral plane.
The initial stages of the old soul are characterized by withdrawal into oneself, internal search and a feeling of alienation in society. Once this aspect is “opened” and fully internally comprehended, the next stage begins, characterized by the question: “How can I live in society?” For an old soul, this means finding ways of expressing oneself in one's personal life and career that align with one's inner purpose.

In a society dominated by young souls, old souls do not have a wide enough range of roles to play. In this society, they have a tendency to self-deprecate, they know that they do not fit the “norm”, and for this reason they consider themselves failures. Old souls typically study a variety of existing religious teachings, but eventually arrive at their own belief system into which they integrate various aspects of a wide variety of spiritual theories.

The old aspect of the soul can rise above the bustle of the world and come into contact with the larger meaning of existence. He is not identified with the tragedies of human existence, does not “obsess” with them, he can look at himself from the outside and evaluate himself with humor. It cultivates philosophical detachment, humor and non-identification, while maintaining a connection with something greater. Old souls learn to go with the flow of life rather than fight against its circumstances.

Our old aspect of the soul is that part of us that agrees to teach those around us and help them move in their chosen directions of spiritual development. Most old souls teach by example. Along with teaching, they have the task of integrating and balancing all aspects of the soul, from infant to old, which they must solve before the end of existence on the physical plane.

The last lesson for the old soul is agape, or unconditional love to ourselves and others. This is the most difficult lesson because it involves self-forgiveness and the ability to love others so much that you accept the paths they choose without judgment. When all aspects of human existence are fully accepted, the old soul is ready to move to the next plane of existence.

There are far fewer celebrities among old souls than among mature and young ones, and if fame does come to them, then as teachers, old souls are called upon to teach people.

Now make it a habit, when you are in the company of people, to look at them not as a physical shell, but as a soul, with a characteristic level of development. When you do this, it will become much easier for you to understand and accept the people around you for who they are. And most importantly, remember that you have already passed their stage, or you still have to go through this stage. The more you do this, the faster you will grow.

6th level of soul development - MASTER.

After the old soul has completed its course of study on the physical plane of planet Earth, it has only one incarnation left. This can be compared to graduating from school, when the graduate comes to the last bell.

Such souls are called “those who are for the last time.”

This is the Master level.

Childhood and growing up.

Having been born, the Master understands that he is not like everyone else.

The master observes his peers from the side and understands that something is wrong here.

As a child, the Master is separated from the other children.

Childhood for the Master lasts painfully long, since not all knowledge has yet returned and is realized.

By the age of 14, the master begins to grasp his purpose, perceiving it as a Dream.

By the age of 21, the master knows exactly why he came here.

The master understands that it is his last incarnation.

The master knows all the rules of the game.

The master exists in two worlds at the same time.

The Master goes to the astral plane every night.

The Master can at any time turn to his Mentors, Guides, Teachers, Super-Ego with a question, but he rarely does this, since he has already learned a lot and is preparing to move to their level of development.

The master enjoys the game.


The master understands that the feeling of loneliness is imposed on him and can calmly not perceive it.

The master understands that his other half is also at the master level, or is approaching this level.

The master sees himself in his other half.

The Master sees the Soul in his other half.

The master does not demand anything from his soulmate.

The master is never jealous. How can you be jealous and demand something from yourself?

They both realize that they are playing a game and enjoying it.

The master does not have a sense of ownership towards his soul mate.
A master can live alone, without a significant other. But this is only apparent loneliness. In fact, the Master does not want to concentrate energy on a specific person, since it is ineffective and selfish.

Instead of the term love, the Master prefers the term absolute understanding.

Absolute understanding extends to all people.


The Master sees himself in children.

In children, the Master sees developing souls.

When the Master sees how children play and how carefree their life is in childhood, he understands that they still have to learn a lot.

The master never forbids anything to children, because this is a process of learning from personal experience.

The master never scolds children or punishes them. How can you blame yourself?

The Master will never have children. After all, the very system of birth and upbringing serves to continue the human race. And since this is his last incarnation, the very essence of the continuation of life seems unimportant.

The master completely, through understanding, removes the imposed paternal and maternal instincts.
The Master simply does not need them.


The master does not work, but creates.

The master creates companies from scratch effortlessly, since he sees much more widely and more than ordinary people.

The master knows all the rules of the game and can twist them as he pleases.

For the Master it is as easy to create and create as it is to destroy.

The Master's work is not perceived as something important or valuable. It seems, in fact, that this is a game; everything is done playfully, easily and quickly. And the Master organically cannot assume an important, respectable appearance; he laughs at himself, his works and other people.

The activity of the Master is always harmonious; as harmonious as nature is harmonious.


The master is in harmony with nature.

The master feels nature with all his gut.

The master sees the signs that nature shows him.

All for the Master the world: sand, stones, water, air, plants, animals, insects - all living things.

The master wants to remember all manifestations physical world before leaving him forever.

While people are running, taking cover, hiding from the rain, the Master enjoys the raindrops falling on his body.

While people turn away from the wind, the Master enjoys its touch.

At a time when people are cold in winter and sick from the heat in summer, the Master enjoys the perception of temperatures by the physical body.


At a time when people run home from work and then go about their business, doing everything in a hurry, the Master walks slowly and confidently, he has nowhere to rush.

While people walk, looking at their feet, at the asphalt, at the road, at houses, at people, the Master sees the sky, clouds, sun, trees and souls around him.

Walking among people, the Master sees not physical bodies, but yellowish energy clots in the form of a sphere in the chest area. The brighter the color, the higher the level of development and awareness of the soul.

A master is something that, from the point of view of society, cannot exist. And that means society doesn’t see him. The subconscious of society does not allow into consciousness what cannot exist.

Training from the Master.

The Master sees himself in every student.

The master teaches the way he would like to be taught.

The master leads the student along the path he himself has walked. The master knows that when the student has gone all the way, then he will be able to understand and appreciate how high the level of development has risen.

It is very easy to learn from the Master. Only many do not understand this because of their limitations and bias.

Sometimes, at the beginning of the journey, the student does not understand and cannot accept the conditions of training. That's how it should be. If a student saw everything he learns, he would already be a Master.

Often the student has an idea of ​​how learning should happen. But this idea is fundamentally wrong, since it cannot lead upward, but will leave the student at the level at which he is now.

When the Master's student has gone all the way, then, passing on knowledge, he will lead the same path that he himself walked. After all, this path leads to mastery.

The student, having walked the path of the Master, may not be able to take and understand everything that was shown to him. However, his level will increase so much that, returning to everyday life, to his friends and colleagues, the Student will notice how high he has risen and how deep the Master’s teaching was.

The first task is to clean the soiled sheet of paper on which everyone who is not too lazy has written. Anyone who has the nerve to think of themselves as someone who can teach something. Only the Master doubts his competence to teach and give advice. The rest (the weak-minded) are much better at it; they rarely doubt anything at all; They are especially confident in giving advice to adults and teaching children.

The master never gives advice, he answers when asked a question.

The master shows the way.

There is no need for a master to live to a ripe old age, since it is not effective.

The master leaves when he realizes that his mission is over.

The master can leave at any age he wants, and this can be 25-30 years.

The master, after leaving the physical plane, having completed the cycle of incarnations, moves to a new level of development, where he will also study.

After the Master leaves, people regret that they did not have time to touch and learn from the Master.

The master does not regret anything.

Summary: the first five cycles of the physical plane

Knowing the different ages of the soul means understanding that each has a different purpose. That is why in every life we ​​are influenced by representatives of one or another age of the soul and we receive experiences that allow us to remember the stages of perception you have passed through.

One should not think that the older the soul, the “better” it is. We must understand the value of each age (aspect) of the soul. Old souls often encounter misunderstandings from younger souls and find communication with them difficult. A way out of this situation can be found if the old soul realizes its responsibility for the experience it has accumulated and, in relationships with young souls, learns to be tolerant of their point of view, and does not try to “help them grow up” or change them.

Understanding that we all have different age aspects and knowing the value of each helps to achieve balance. For example, when we see that our actions are guided by the childish aspect of the soul, we can understand that this is due to the fear of the situation getting out of control. The conclusion that follows is that control leads to a more civilized society.

If everyone's actions were guided by the infant aspect of the soul, life would be uncivilized and reduced to a struggle for survival. If the childish aspect were completely dominant, life would become structured and orderly, but would be marked by constant fear of retribution from some force or authority. If everyone acted like young souls, much would be achieved on the material level, but there would be cutthroat competition and no compassion. A society ruled by mature aspects of souls would be very emotional, people would do what they think is fair, forgetting, however, about common sense. If everyone were guided by the perceptions inherent in old souls, people would be spiritual, but lazy and little capable of active work.

In order to begin to balance the various aspects in yourself, you must first learn to distinguish between them. Then you need to highlight their beneficial aspects and weed out harmful, unnecessary qualities. After this, you need to determine what functions they can perform in your life. We can then consciously activate these aspects and their associated functions in appropriate situations.

For example, we can use our infant soul aspect to feel our connection to the Earth, the seasons, and the cycles that affect us. The child aspect structures situations that might frighten us. It can also be used to communicate politely with others. We can use our youthful aspect where we need to achieve success or complete a task - for example, in our career or to increase self-esteem. The mature aspect allows us to feel emotionally open and connected to others. We can use it to understand and sympathize with others. We can use the old aspect in our spiritual development, in order to relieve tension and feel our connection with something bigger.

For maximum effectiveness of soul perception, a balance of all aspects is necessary. Many people tend to go from one extreme to the other. But a person who maintains balance in all aspects will feel competent in all situations and will be able to communicate freely with representatives of all soul ages.

The last two cycles can be experienced on the physical plane, but they do not always obey all its laws, like the first five cycles.

All Eastern teachings say that there is a concept age of the soul. And this is no coincidence, because there is a very high probability that a whole chain of reincarnations actually goes through. And in each specific life she accumulates experience, which ultimately brings her closer to the Higher cosmic forces or, in our understanding, to God.

Soul age

How long does the soul live?.. According to the ancient scientist and thinker Pythagoras, the soul of each person is born on the material plane fifteen times. And only after this she receives sufficient experience of knowing the Divine and has the opportunity to go to the higher worlds.

A person's physical condition, as a rule, is the result of his ordinary age, and has little to do with the real age of his soul. And this sometimes gives rise to people’s most strange, at first glance, thoughts, sensations and even complexes. In any case, many people have felt and continue to feel some discrepancy, let’s say, between the external and the internal, regardless of the era in which they lived or are living.

For people walking along the path of self-knowledge, sooner or later it becomes obvious that their true “I” is not attached to the physical body and can exist separately from it.

How long does the soul live and how many times have we already lived?

Determining the real age of the soul is not easy, but it is possible. There are various kinds of techniques that allow a person who is in a certain state of altered consciousness to restore the memory of past lives with the help of his subconscious.

Everyone will have their own feelings. For some, karmic memory will manifest itself in the form of pictures, for others - in the form of sensations. By practicing such techniques, a person becomes able to evoke from the subconscious various kinds of events that are “sealed” in his karma. As a result of such amazing discoveries in oneself, it is not difficult to understand which events from past lives could lead to certain events in the present life.

A kind of matrix of reincarnations can also be calculated by date of birth - this is, as a rule, successfully done by esoteric numerologists.

Age is a state of mind

And then - how, how environmentally friendly, As they say now, a person lives his life, most often, reflected on his physical plane.

Knowing your past lives and everything connected with it has many positive aspects. After all, if we manage to remember events associated with previous incarnations, then at least we will no longer make the same mistakes in our current life. Because it is realistic to realize that this has already been done and did not bring any benefit to the soul.

Almost all the skills and talents that a person is predisposed to from childhood were cultivated in past lives that preceded his appearance. Thus, having behind them a certain predisposition to their destiny, many great scientists, poets and philosophers, in the process of self-realization, to some extent, were already able to touch their karmic experience and subsequently, during their lives, already being in a certain energy flow, consciously brought their abilities and skills to perfection.

Soul young and old

How can you determine what age or stage of maturity your soul is at? Let's talk now not about numbers, but about the essence of these states. The maturity or youth of the soul is determined by the decisions that we make in our lives constantly and every minute. In other words, the essence of the answer to this question lies in the nature of our choice.

Young souls , in accordance with even this simple definition, still exist on the lowest floors of the earthly evolutionary hierarchy. It is obvious that their life is largely determined by interests of a material or physiological nature. Moreover, such souls can be both souls who for the first time turned out to be “humanized”, and those - oddly enough - that have gone through the development path of some animal.

Have you noticed that some persons have their physiognomic counterparts among the most different types of living beings?.. Have you ever thought about whether this is a coincidence?..

In one of the testimonial descriptions of such a phenomenon, I came across an interesting story from an eyewitness about what her communication looked like over the course of several days with a woman who, by all indications, was a dog in her previous incarnation: her vocabulary was dominated by the words yelp, bark, muzzle, paws, tail, mouth, etc.; she preferred to eat raw minced meat and meat with bones, slurped, licked her hands - etc., etc.

At first glance, this may seem more than a strange analogy. But facts, as we know, are stubborn things...

If you listen to what people usually worry about, who are at an early stage of comprehension, you cannot help but notice that everything that comes out of their mouths, as a rule, concerns what they are directly doing or seeing now. Their entertainment is primarily associated with pleasures of a bodily nature. In a word - both in essence and in form - these are, for the most part, people with obvious archetypal signs, “digging” with their lives today, so to speak, for the time being, the lower layers of the universe.

If we consider the other side of the manifestations of their spiritual youth, then these, in general, may be quite attractive character traits, reminiscent of the reactions of inexperienced children open to the world.

Of course, an attempt to determine the real age of the soul is a rather arbitrary thing, because certain archetypes in their pure form are not found very often. But they meet from time to time. However, it is obvious that the majority of the population on our planet are still quite young souls. And this in no way depends either on the degree of their education or on their social status.

Moreover: today there is a situation everywhere where the more primitive and spiritually undeveloped an individual is, the higher the level of society he is. Such a person, as a rule, is happy with everything and the only thing that worries him is how not to lose these ephemeral, from the point of view of higher knowledge, positions and receive even more confirmation of the material nature of his earthly “power”.

Old souls - these are already awakened spiritual substances. They have learned many earthly life lessons. They have a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge. But - often the problem is that they also do not remember themselves before their birth, being, like the majority, in a state of some kind of amnesia... Therefore, it is very important for such people recall about their karmic and universal responsibilities, for they came to Earth for a reason, but with a great mission as Teachers.

Some Signs of an Old Soul

Here I would like to try, in a fairly short and intelligible form, to identify those moments and signs that certainly indicate that the people who possess them belong to the category of souls who have been on our Earth more than once...

I'm sure I've been here thousands of times before and I hope to return a thousand more times. - Goethe

And to put it quite simply, such people feel much older and more experienced, even compared to their peers in terms of physical age.

So, you are the owner of an old soul if:

  • You enjoy being alone.
  • You love the truth, try to comprehend wisdom and acquire knowledge.
  • You are prone to spiritual seeking.
  • You feel and understand the frailty of life.
  • You are prone to introspection.
  • You are able to see the situation as a whole.
  • You are not a materialist.
  • You were a child who did not adapt well to society.
  • You are careful in your relationships with the outside world and are in a state of some detachment from it: observant, patient and calm.

Levels of soul development and their tasks

If we continue to consider this fragile concept of “soul” in all respects in the proposed way (and this approach exists among many researchers), then let’s remember the obvious: at every stage of his life a person has to solve certain problems.

The same thing happens with the soul. What task she will have to solve in her next incarnation on the physical plane will determine the level of her current development or the experience already accumulated before.

As already noted, such information can be obtained through numerological calculations. We will tell you about this in more detail in our special section, but for now we’ll simply designate this peculiar “Maslow’s Pyramid” - but in its esoteric expression, based on the link to chakram (“circle, wheel, disk” - translated from Sanskrit).

Chakra is the intersection of psychoenergetic channels in a person’s subtle body, through which his life energy flows.

First level of soul development

A person who is in his spiritual development at this level is connected with the chakra Muladhara. His task is to learn to go through the difficulties of life without becoming embittered, without fear, meeting problems and adversity with joy and without looking for the guilty. In other words, you need to learn to be resilient: both physically and mentally. Develop responsibility, discipline and a sense of duty.

Failure to complete this first level task entails problems in the material sphere, difficulties with housing, and loss of life opportunities.

Second level - connection with the Svadhisthana chakra

At this stage it is important to start a family. Learn to build harmonious relationships with others: relatives, parents and children, representatives of the other sex. You need to learn to be flexible and adaptive in your relationships with others. However, it is no less important to subordinate your desires and passions to reason, to sublimate your sexual energy into social realization and your development of spiritual order. Otherwise, any relationship will bring with it problems, including the loss of loved ones.

The third level of development - Manipura chakra

The main thing here is control over your emotions. Development of the mind and your mental body. It is important, as they say, to “turn on your head” more often. But seriously, stop living at the mercy of emotions, moving on to a logical analysis of events and situations. We need to learn how to make money.

Often people at this level are prevented from being financially prosperous by various kinds of limiting stereotypes they have acquired regarding money. Therefore, you need to master the laws of cash flows and learn to accept them into your life. Without forgetting, however, that money, for all its importance and attractiveness, is still there is no important thing in life.

What happens if a person does not fulfill these tasks of the third level is quite clear: problems with implementation in society, lack of money and, as a result, family problems.

Fourth level: Anahata chakra

Here a person has to solve many complex and multifaceted problems. It is also important that emotions do not interfere with this. The way out of this is to accumulate new knowledge, expand your worldview and open your heart, which will help you see the people around you with different eyes: at the soul level.

It is also important for the fourth level to realize the beauty of our world and to bring love into it through our knowledge and creativity. Otherwise, you will have problems accepting yourself and others, as well as loneliness and depression.

Fifth level - Vishuddha chakra

Self-expression, creation and creativity are the priorities that need to be mastered at this level. And also - become a master at building relationships with all people. without exception. To also help them develop their talents and skills. Most often, representatives of the fifth level have strong verbal energy and are given the talent to help change the world with the help of words.

What are the consequences of failure to do the above? Lack of demand in life and, as a consequence, loss of the desire to live. And although, as they say, if you lose your head, you don’t cry for your hair, the occurrence of problems with hearing and vision against such a background is also not excluded.

Sixth level - Ajna chakra

What is important here is the acceptance of karmic laws and getting rid of life’s illusions. This is usually preceded by a large number of various tests of strength, which helps to awaken knowledge, skills and abilities in many people. Those at this level are good advisers and mentors who can help others get out of the most difficult situations by finding unusual solutions for this.

Soul Development

Having quickly looked through the search results in Google for the query “how to develop the soul,” I was not lucky enough to find any clearly accessible information on the development of my soul from my point of view, although quite often you can hear from esoteric or spiritual sources that in order to comprehend the truth you need to develop the soul. But let’s figure out what it actually means to “develop the soul.” How is this in general? Surely, everyone who has thought about this question at least once has most likely explained it to themselves somehow, since I have not been able to come across a more or less clear discussion on this topic.

First, you need to figure out what the soul is and how can you develop it? The soul is not the mind, and solving logical problems cannot develop it. But how then to develop it? Next, I ask you to read very carefully, since what will be written literally explains the phenomenon of the development of the soul. Begin!

It is worth saying that it is the heart center that is responsible for communication with the soul and all practices related to opening the spiritual heart, be it the Jesus Prayer or Bhakti, one way or another open the anahata chakra. From personal experience I will say that raising the kundalini energy to the heart center is best achieved through correct reading the Jesus Prayer. In difficult moments of life, the Jesus Prayer is simply irreplaceable, as it allows you to get in touch with the soul and cleanse yourself of all impurities. The same applies to the practice of repentance, when a person’s sins come out along with words, because words are not just vibrations of air, words carry, first of all, an energy-informational load, and if there is a stone in the soul, then this negative energy when pronouncing the problem comes out with the words. For this reason, it is quite important to learn to express your emotions, feelings and sensations in words, since the energy will not get stuck somewhere in the body, it will move and come out of the person. Gradually speaking and pronouncing all your problems, negative vibrations, like black smoke, are removed from the body along with words, exposing the divine soul and making a person glow with the pure light of the Source, access to which opens through the immortal soul. And you don’t have to go to church, you can simply turn to God in solitude and tell him about all your sins and problems, if of course you have such a desire.

Developing the soul itself requires courage and determination. The soul develops precisely in everyday situations when a person needs to show courage. It is very important for yourself to feel this moment when, in situations of emotional excitement, adrenaline enters the blood and the heart begins to pound from excitement. At such moments, if a person goes to victory and decides to accept this energy, the development of the divine essence occurs. What is important here is to feel this connection; to understand and realize this cannot be achieved without practicing determination in life. To make it clearer, I will give a few examples.

    You simply need to tell the truth.

At such moments in life, a person begins to worry and it is important to understand that lies coarsen the soul, reducing the light of the I AM. If we openly speak the TRUTH, accepting anxiety and fear, no matter what the consequences of all this, our soul grows.

    A situation where you need to respond with a word in order to preserve your dignity.

Such situations can be encountered every single day. It is important not to remain silent, it is important to respond to insults, to try to say what you think. This is often very difficult, but we need to learn it, since everything that affects our honor requires retaliatory measures.

We are not talking about situations where it is necessary to go all the way, but even these two simple examples often cause a lot of trouble in our lives. The whole problem is PRIDE. PRIDE is alien to the soul. We need to learn to step over our pride, which constantly evaluates everything, increases the importance of the opinions of others, forbids us to be indignant when necessary and generally prevents us from living normally. If you delve deeper into the motives of your actions, many will discover that all the problems in our lives are related to pride. Pride is often confused with self-esteem, but this is again due to a lack of life experience or inattention to one’s feelings. Pride makes us give in to difficulties, but maintaining honor always requires courage and determination. If you were insulted and you remained silent, then most likely your pride speaks, but if you stand up for your own or someone else’s dignity, then this is an act worthy of respect. We are not talking about revenge, we are talking about justice. You need to answer exactly as much as is enough to restore the balance, since often, an insult for many is a reason not only to restore justice, but also to finally finish off the opponent by drinking all of it vitality, without skimping on methods. If you read the Bible, Jesus always responded to attacks only with words, skillfully formulating his feelings, always confounding his opponent. At the same time, all you need to know is skillfully say what you feel ! You need to feel the situation, feel the measure, you need to trust your feelings, throwing pride aside. You may have to shout or swear in public, attracting the often unkind attention of others, it may be necessary to use your fists, but still, no matter how it is, the situation must be felt in order to restore justice using methods appropriate for a particular case. Such everyday exams develop the soul. There are also moments when we want to compliment a person (a positive feeling), but we don’t, although the desire is there. This is the same case of pride dominating feelings. By deciding to express our positive emotions, we will not only please the person, but also step forward to new impressions.

It is very important, I would even say necessary, allow your emotions to be reflected in your body and facial expressions , only in this case will we be able to correctly interpret and experience them. If you want to make a face - make a face, if you want to sigh - sigh, if you want to turn away - turn away, if you want to snort - snort, just be yourself! First of all, you need to stop controlling the body’s reaction and facial expressions to emotions and allow them to manifest themselves. If you are an actor, then give vent to your emotions not only on stage, but also in life. Let your condition be written on your face. So what, what can everyone see? On the contrary, others will treat you with respect if they notice your openness. Try it! Even in situations where you need to tell the truth to a person, do not hesitate to express emotions, show excitement, show hesitation, Odiscover yourself first and then the truth . Even if what you say will lead to consequences, for example: you will be hit, insulted or shown contempt for you - react to this too! You just need to understand that problems need to be solved, not put off, and the bolder you express your emotions, the easier it will be to solve problems of any complexity. You are not pleased in some place - show it, show your dissatisfaction with your facial expressions and you will see for yourself how your condition will change, how perhaps the unpleasant sensations will dissolve with your openness. But again, I repeat - use moderation, do not offend people needlessly.

You can endlessly analyze different situations, assessing pride and the skills of decisive action, but the essence is always the same - TO BE YOURESELF ! Only in this case is determination and courage available!

In the end, I would like to give a couple of exercises both for everyday life and for your time in solitude.

Then try to express your dissatisfaction with something in front of the mirror, without constraining yourself in expressing emotions and facial expressions. Open your feelings first of all to yourself.

2. The second thing you need to learn to do is stop yourself for a while if emotions arise in you. This is an exercise for everyday life. On the street, at work or in the family, if something upsets you, you should stop immediately, sometimes literally. That is, enter into a state of observing sensations. The fact is that in order to acquire the skill of expressing your emotions in words or actions, you first need to learn how to track them, that’s why the first thing you need to learn is to immerse yourself in your experiences at moments of emotional outbursts, regardless of whether they are pleasant or not, because in essence, emotions are energy and, regardless of its color, it must be noticed by us in order to allow it to come out through our words and actions.

After you have stopped the racing of your mind and immersed yourself in your experiences, begin to express them with facial expressions and body, and if you want, then in words, you can even under your breath. Even if at this time you are just walking down the street or looking at something, if you notice a change in your emotional state, try to immediately track it and take action. If, for example, the place where you came smells bad, you can simply quietly say to yourself: “Ugh, why does it stink so much!” and make a face. If you can seriously offend someone, decide for yourself whether it is worth it or not.

If you master these two exercises, and I am sure that you will quickly master them, since emotions are everyday companions of our lives, you will have more confidence in your abilities, and determination and courage will become your companions in life, helping to develop your soul .

3. Third, start observing how other people express their emotions. Surely, there are friends in your circle who do not skimp on expressing feelings both in words and in facial expressions. Be sure to keep an eye on them. It’s impossible to tell everything here, but your observations will help you learn to express all possible emotions, freeing you from all energy and muscle tension.

It would also be nice to take up dancing, even better at home alone, to feel the emotions and allow them to come out through your body.

And one more piece of advice - you can’t jump over your head, you should learn everything gradually, in small steps. If you feel that you are not yet ready to express violent emotions, then you should not do this, start small, and then smoothly and imperceptibly move on to stronger sensations.

One conclusion suggests itself - emotions develop the soul ! The richer a person’s life is with emotions, the faster his soul grows and develops. The most important thing is to learn to listen to your emotions, learn to listen to your heart, since the root of all emotional experiences lies at the core of the soul and it is for this reason that, from strong emotional outbursts, some people’s hearts cannot stand it and a heart attack occurs, since powerful emotions initially on the subtle plane they burst into the heart center, and then on the physical plane they force the physical organ itself, the heart, to experience colossal stress. For this reason, it is important to have a healthy and strong physical heart, strengthening it primarily through sports, after all, by tempering the physical heart, we also temper the spiritual ! In a healthy body healthy mind!

By allowing ourselves to experience emotions and learning to express them through the body and facial expressions, we open the door to amazing world your own experiences, sowing within yourself the seeds of courage and determination to explore your own soul!

If you are worried, feel it, experience these emotions, let the adrenaline be in your blood, because this is the only way courage and determination are born in our hearts!

Accept emotions, let them be, don’t run from them and then they will help you!

Copyright 2012 Oleg Kashin

This material may be copied and distributed only free of charge, indicating its source and author.

Based on the book by Sal Rachel. "Soul Integration"

I would say this is a "clean" book. There is practically no author's selfish garbage (meaning various distortions and misinterpretations of the Ego).

The soul itself is a holistic, complete entity, but at the same time it consists of many pieces or fragments located at many levels and dimensions of time and space. From a non-linear perspective, they all exist simultaneously, but in linear time, parts of you may seem to be stuck in the past, or the future, or in distant worlds or other dimensions. Soul integration is the art of bringing all parts into alignment so that they can work together as One Being.

I liked the model of 12 levels of soul density, it leads to many speculations. It is very interesting that there are not 6 levels, but 12. But, as I understand it, the six “lower” bodies are responsible for incarnation in this reality.

“The simplified version of emergence from Divinity is this. You emerged from the womb of the Father/Mother God as seventh density sparks of Light called souls. A more complex, but equally adequate description is this. You came out of Divinity and found yourself at the 12th Level of the Universal Divine Self, then adjusted to the 11th Level of the Individual Divine Self, which divided further into the 10th Level of the Christ-like or Buddhic Self. (We use these terms to refer to the Higher Selves of the one, known as Jesus of Nazareth, and another known as Gautama Siddhartha. Although we could use the term "Great Central Sun" to describe this level of Being.) You further divided into a monad or ninth level of existence, and then became an oversoul at the eighth level. Finally, you have achieved the end result of becoming a seventh density soul.

As seventh-density beings, you looked around and saw a vast, unexplored realm that we now call the “lower worlds.”
By the lower worlds we mean the worlds known as level 6 - the causal plane, level 5 - the etheric plane, level 4 - the astral plane, level 3 - the mental plane (including the ego and personality), level 2 - the emotional body (including the instincts and sexuality), and level 1 - the physical body.

Formally, the soul refers to the 7th level of our 12-dimensional Self. The levels below the soul are individualized specific aspects of the Self, and the levels above the soul level are usually called collective levels or group soul complexes. We will go into detail about the nature of these levels later.

I also provide a table of all these levels.

A lot of controversial issues(where is the energy level? and so on), but we remember that this is just a model, the levels are very arbitrary.

A metaphor came to mind. It's like a vessel in which they made a gradient of two colors - black and white paint. And it looks like a very even and smooth flow from one color to another. Both ends are black and white. So, all these levels are an attempt to describe all the intermediate options. Due to the fact that the level of the person who describes this is at the level of black or black-gray, misunderstandings arise. Imagine how difficult it is to distinguish light gray from light light gray? Moreover, name it and not confuse it. Moreover, this “pie” can be cut into 6 parts, into 12 parts and everything will be the same. Although, some, seeing only half (up to light gray), define this as the final level. Hence the problems...

Density Soul Density Levels Dimensions of reality
1 Physical body. Survival instinct. Awareness of space. Existence. Dot. Kingdom of minerals.
2 Emotional body. Sexuality. Perception. Feeling. Primary awareness. Line. Plant kingdom.
3 Mental body. Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, programs, ego. Awareness of space. Form. Animal Kingdom.
4 Astral body. Higher mind, energy fields, psychic ability. Mental planes, astral planes, time. Kingdom of people.
5 Etheric body. Love, compassion, service, light body. Ethereal planes, love. Crystalline body of light.
6 Causal body. Cosmic consciousness, timelessness. Causal plans. Akashic Chronicles. Shining beings of light.
7 Soul. House level. Full restoration of abilities. Lower stellar planes. Angels, ascended beings.
8 Oversoul. The first level of the group soul complex. Middle stellar planes. Archangels, ascended masters.
9 Master oversoul or monad. A vast, versatile mind. Higher stellar planes. Beings of a higher order, the central sun.
10 I am Buddha or Christ. Awareness of the Divine Presence. Lower Divine Worlds. Beings from the great central sun.
11 Individual Divine Self. Complete self-realization. Middle Divine Worlds. Beings from the great, great central sun.
12 Universal Divine Self. Beyond the concept of self. Higher Divine Worlds. Divinity.

And, important note:

“In reality, there are no exact boundaries between the levels. They are offered simply for your mental understanding. However, each level has its own specific characteristics and values, so this moment it's a useful concept."

By the way, the chakras correspond to twelve densities (from the book “Life on the Front Line” by the same author):

  • First chakra: (Red color is the base of the spine) – The first chakra grounds the physical body. It deals with survival and reproduction.
  • Second chakra: (Orange color – genitals) – The second chakra is mainly associated with sexuality and social interaction, including emotions related to sexuality and the need for approval from others.
  • Third chakra: (Yellow– solar plexus) – Third chakra The home of will, intuition and desire, it deals with issues of personal power and rivalry.
  • Fourth chakra: (Green – Heart) – The fourth chakra is located in the etheric heart and represents balance and vitality. The spiritual heart emits pink color and is sometimes considered a separate chakra.
  • Fifth chakra: (Blue - Throat) - The fifth chakra centers on the mental and conceptual area and deals with expression and communication.
  • Sixth chakra: (Indigo color - third eye - forehead) - The sixth chakra is the center of extrasensory perception and inner vision, represents the higher mind.
  • Seventh chakra: (Purple is the color crown) – The seventh chakra is the passage between the physical and higher dimensions and represents inspiration from spirit.
  • 8th-12th chakras: (White color is above the crown) – Chakras 8th to 12th represent thin bodies and their connection with spirit. Colors: silver, gold, transparent.

Vibration level.

A very decent model of levels of consciousness/vibration. It correlates well with the Hawkins model (about which I filmed and wrote a video, which is already a little boring). Interestingly, the author mentioned the Hawkins model.

“According to the vibration level index table developed by the channel, the consciousness range of most souls on Earth is between 3.00 and 6.00. A vibration of 3.00 means that the soul has just begun to evolve into third density consciousness. A vibration of 6.00 means the soul is moving into sixth density consciousness. The vast majority of souls on Earth vibrate between 3.50 and 4.50."

Usually the vibration of consciousness is higher than the vibration of the physical body because the form moves more slowly and lags behind the evolution of consciousness. For example, the soul composite index might be 4.35, but the physical vibration might be 3.65.

Vibration Index Purpose- give a general idea of ​​where you are on the evolutionary continuum. It is not intended to be used by the ego as some kind of "unofficial hierarchy" or way of comparing itself to others. An index assessment may only be appropriate in connection with a relationship with another soul, when the compatibility of two or more souls is determined.

Typically, if you and your partner are within 20 divisions of each other (that is, the difference between the indexes is 0.20), there is good potential for compatibility.

For example, let's say your composite vibration is 4.27 and your partner's is 4.33. This means you are within 20 spaces of each other, can communicate well and share common interests. But more importantly, it means that, roughly speaking, you have cleared the same amount of emotional and mental baggage (with a few variations, of course, depending on your programming and physical condition). In other words, you are almost there in your spiritual evolution.

Below we have suggested several reference points for determining vibration levels. Keep in mind, the system should be used without any judgment. If your vibration is below 4.50, it does not mean that you are bad or wrong. And if it is higher than 5.00, you are no better than others. This means that your interests (that is, where you put your energy and focus) will be different from those of those at a higher or lower level.

Each level has specific characteristics associated with it, and these will help you determine your place in the scheme of things.

The average vibration of humanity is around 3.55. The average vibration of humanity is around 3.55. At the time of writing this book, the vibration of the Earth was 4.05. As the Earth ascends, there is a possibility that some human souls will be "left behind" and this will make it difficult for them to remain on Earth. Once the Earth reaches a vibration of 4.50 (mid-fourth density), souls vibrating at 3.50 will no longer be compatible with the planet and will not be able to remain on it.

This channel and its spirit guides foresee that in the next 20-30 years many human souls will leave the planet due to the difference in vibration levels between humans and the Earth itself. A significant percentage of humanity is accelerating in evolution and will remain with the Earth as it ascends. It is this group of souls that will bring about the new Golden Age.

Below is a guide to determine different vibration levels:

Below 3.00— By definition, human beings start at 3.00 and gradually increase in vibration. However, the human soul can insert its consciousness into the kingdom of plants and minerals vibrating below 3.00. Typically 3.00-4.00 is the range of the animal kingdom, and souls vibrating at this level are dominated by animal instincts, including reproduction, competition, survival and similar tendencies.

Vibration 3.00-3.50- Souls in this range tend to be conformists, have a sheep mentality, believe everything that the so-called authorities tell them. Their lives are centered on survival, reproduction and competition for resources.

Vibration 3.50-4.00“Souls in this range began to see that they were more than just animals with two legs. Although their lives are still dominated by competition and the desire to gain their place in the sun, they can have a keen intellect and successfully engage in business and industry. And yet, the instinct of competition will keep them from moving on the spiritual path. They will be skeptical about the material in this book, and most likely will belong to fundamentalist religions. They often believe that the purpose of life is to accumulate physical wealth and leave a legacy for future generations.

Vibration 4.00-4.50— Souls in this range work on themselves and, to some extent, strive for personal and spiritual growth, but they are still largely dominated by the ego with its incessant demands. They often find themselves in relationships with 3.50-4.00 souls and feel trapped or stuck in a life that is becoming increasingly meaningless. According to world standards, they may be quite successful in life, but feel dissatisfied and want something more. They have read many metaphysical and spiritual books, absorbed ideas and concepts, but have no tangible, real, energetic experience of their spiritual nature.

Vibration 4.50-5.00- Souls in this range are deeply committed to personal and spiritual growth, attending lectures and seminars, visiting psychics and consultants, and reading (and even writing) books on the topic. They had some spiritual experiences, enough to keep moving forward even when the world was against them. People at this vibration level will often work in humanitarian organizations, philanthropy, or in the field of psychology or healing. They may also be involved in social problems such as cleaning environment or food for the hungry. Many brilliant scientists also fall under this category, since it represents a realm of highermind. When such souls reach level 5.00, they become heart-oriented and full of love and compassion.

Vibration 5.00 - 5.50—Souls who have entered the realm of the lower fifth density of consciousness often become teachers, healers and consultants who have reached the appropriate level in their work. They can be quite successful in both a worldly and spiritual sense, and even have a certain level of happiness and contentment. In almost every case they will contribute to the enlightenment of humanity - through books, journalism or social institutions. Although they have had real, tangible spiritual experiences and are fully committed to soul evolution, they still face problems of the ego and the world. They are often deeply involved in clearing past life issues, karma, agreements and soul contracts, and actively seek to integrate soul fragments. The biggest problem becomes the sphere of close relationships, since they have entered a range where there are not many compatible partners. Therefore, many of them will enter into human relationships with souls in the 4.50-5.00 category, which will make enlightened communication difficult.

Vibration 5.50-6.00“Souls in this range include the true mystics and sages of our time, as well as many psychologists and healers who have broken through the veil of darkness so that their dominant consciousness resides on a higher plane. Up to level 5.50 the general perception is this. “We are human beings having a spiritual experience.” Once the soul reaches 5.50 and above, the maxim will prevail: “We are spirits living in human bodies.” Literally everyone in this range is involved in serving humanity. The sense of ego is still present, but is seen as a tiny aspect of the vast creative intelligent Being.

Vibrations above 6.00- Less than 1/10 of 1% of humanity has a vibration of sixth or higher densities. Although consciousness is capable of reaching a level of 12.00, the human body can only vibrate to a level of 4.99 before undergoing a radical shift in structure, becoming a fifth density crystalline body of light.

Due to the low density of the Earth, it is difficult for souls to take their physical bodies with them as they move up the density scale. There are yogis, gurus, sages and avatars vibrating much higher than 6.00 in consciousness, but their bodies can only be maintained at a vibration of 4.99. Besides the difficulty in raising the vibration of the body above this point, there is another reason why they maintain this level. They need a human body to communicate with their students.

As the Earth continues to ascend, it will become much easier to maintain a physical body that vibrates above 5.00. As stated in previous writings on this channel, several million souls will enter physical ascension in the coming years.

There are currently approximately 300 souls on Earth whose physical bodies vibrate above 5.00. They have achieved a state of immortality while in a body, and their bodies are resistant to most, if not all environmental factors.

For those souls whose physical bodies vibrate at or below 4.99, we offer a rough breakdown of consciousness levels:

Level of consciousness Number of people on Earth
12,00 3
11,00-12,00 9
10,00-11,00 147
9,00-10,00 1534
8,00-9,00 17.134
7,00-8,00 35.808
6,50 — 7,00 116.345
6,00-6,50 1.230.656
5,50-6,00 15.830.014
5,00-5,50 93.667.442
4,50 — 5,00 624.167.057
4,00-4,50 1.210.550.010
3,50-4,00 3.227.978.117
3,00-33,50 2.010.424.110

Keep in mind: The numbers are approximate, since as souls develop, categories constantly change.

Curious ideas regarding Time (that same Personal History in psychotherapy):

The past can be changed. However, there are a few rules regarding what can and cannot happen. First, you cannot violate the free will of other souls. It means that physical change an event in linear time is not allowed if it changes the experiences of other souls without their permission. However, you have the power to change your experience of what happened, as well as the impact of this experience on your future timelines (including your present). In other words, you can change your dominant timeline in this life by changing and healing the past.

Interesting nuances about how to check various entities at a simple level:

When in contact with a being or form of consciousness, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this being or energy contributing to my spiritual growth?
  • In the presence of this being or energy, do I feel more alive and aware?
  • Is this being or energy encouraging me to think for myself?
  • Does this being or energy leave room for me to move at my own speed?
  • How do I feel after communicating with this being or energy?

By the way, the questions are very significant. They allow you to determine a lot and understand, at a minimum, whether the entity is from a higher layer.

I summarized all this and offered a short table. As for the physical body, everything is banal and simple: live in a house in nature, rejoice and get high :) City, bustle, TV, fast food - exclude. These are quite hackneyed rules, I decided that I shouldn’t get too hung up on them. The rest is more interesting. Although there are many inaccuracies when sensations, feelings and emotions are equated in one sentence, for example...

1.Physical body
  • Context: favorable places, nature, home (house), tanning, pets, music, sleep.
  • Condition: breathing, calmness in everything, regularity.
  • Behavior: multifaceted (walking, relaxing, learning), friends, family.
  • Food: vegetable, fresh, pure water, moderation, cleansing, herbs and more.
  • Sports: physical exercises without overload, gentle.
  • Well and so on...
2.Emotional body Allow all emotions and sensations to flow, learn to manage them. To be inside and, as it were, on top, remaining impartial.
3.Mental body Working with negative beliefs (I am not ok, others are not ok, the world is not ok).
4. Astral body Mastering the astral plane, dreams, experiences of flights to the astral plane. Healing from obsessions, implants and various creatures.
5.Ethereal body “Electric body” - aura, chakras, meridians. There is an on-air copy with sores. Various energy healing, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, bioenergetics, etc.
6. Causal body Causal, carrying the memory of past lives, karma, soul contracts. Gaining soul experience, soul lessons. Learning lessons, regression, incl. in past lives, etc.

I will remain silent about the psychotechnologies of work on soul integration, because there are few technologies and they are quite simple. But some things aroused curiosity, e.g. "karmic balance":

Your Karmic Balance Sheet

Although we have said that there is no index card of your giving and receiving kept by the judging God, there is what this channel calls the karmic index. This is a useful measuring device for tracking how well you balance your giving and receiving energies. The highest score is 100 points. This means you have completed all karma and give and receive in perfect balance. A score above 100 means you are giving out more than you are receiving. Score below 100 points - you accept more than you give. You can tune into the Akashic Records and request your karmic indicator (or schedule a session with this channel and ask it to voice the number). If the score is above 110, you need decreasing recoil and increasing reception. If it is below 90, you need to open your heart and give more.

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