The name Leo in different languages. Name day of a lion according to the Orthodox calendar, which means the name lion. Interests and hobbies

The main traits of Leo are concentration and foresight. He is distinguished by his spiritual gentleness, gentle and phlegmatic.

Translated from Greek, "Leon" means "lion".

Origin of the name Leo:

The name Leo comes from the Greek "leon" or the Latin "leo" and goes back to the noblest of animals, the king of beasts.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leo:

WITH early childhood Leos are distinguished by their phlegmatic nature and regal calm. It is difficult to anger them, they cry less often than other children and are almost never capricious. The Leo baby especially needs parental love and affection and loves communication with his mother and father. It is difficult to offend him, but, being upset, he cries for a long time and inconsolably. Balanced, rarely a bully, but he responds to teasing immediately and does not allow himself or his friends to be offended. He studies smoothly, without ups, but also without downs.

Despite the sonorous name, due to his soft character, Leo is not the best leader, although he can be a good organizer. He prefers to be somewhere in the middle between a boss and a performer, and works equally well with people and technology. As part of his specialty, he develops a well-developed business intuition and relies on it. Likes to work in one area and in it, as a rule, is persistent and ambitious.

Leo treats people kindly and with interest, is trusting and rarely expects betrayal. He has a hard time with quarrels and scandals; it is difficult for him to believe that someone treated him dishonestly. He is not offended, verbose and sincerely apologizes if he has offended himself. Tries to smooth out conflicts. Leos always expect good things from people and often fall into prolonged melancholy if their expectations are not met.

By nature, Leo lacks self-confidence and the ability to “roar,” however, he is quite capable of developing these qualities in himself, especially if he has reason to believe that “the game is worth the candle.” Disappointed in life, Leo is overweight and taciturn, loses interest in communication and becomes grumpy.

Leo experiences other people's troubles very keenly, is empathic and tends to sympathize with the weak. In helping, he is unselfish and sincere; Leo, who is sensitive and acutely sensitive to the misfortune of others, is well suited to humanitarian professions. He is not arrogant and does not attach importance to hierarchy; he seeks friendship primarily with bright and open people. Sometimes he is drawn to spectacular brawlers, which rarely ends well for Leo - sudden mental shocks lead him to illness and depression.

IN love relationships he often chooses women who are spectacular, sharp and impetuous, complete opposites to him. Relationships with them, as a rule, do not last long and, instead of extreme sensations, are fraught with serious mental turmoil for Leo. In bed, Leo is calm, deeply unsure of himself and always needs encouragement and support. Leo's ideal darling is a soft and sensual woman, close to his character. Leo is happily married to Olga, Claudia, Anna, Victoria and Ella, but relationship problems are likely to arise with Marina, Oksana and Lydia.

Leo's families with a suitable partner are always strong and friendly, and he values ​​relationships very much. He himself does not cheat, but his wife’s betrayal causes him serious heartache. He is gentle and undemanding with children, loves to spend time with them and is always interested in their affairs.

Leos born in summer are confident and energetic, “spring” and “autumn” ones are friendly, persistent and intelligent, and “winter” ones are vain and can be tyrannical.

No one has the power to change fate, because everything that can happen over the course of many years has long been predetermined from above, so you just have to come to terms with it and wait to see what surprises are prepared in the future. Parents who dream of gifts from life for their child will certainly be interested in the fact that they can do a lot here even at baptism - choose a promising name that will prevent troubles. Leo, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys - how to correctly apply this information, determined thousands of years ago, to give the baby a cloudless destiny?

The meaning of the name Leo for a boy briefly

For thousands of years, humanity has diligently found out the answer to an important question - how a name can be associated with life and events that can happen both in a year and in decades. The conclusions that were drawn are striking in their incredibleness - it is the name that is able to deal with difficulties, turn away troubles, and cope with difficult tasks through the right decisions. That is why adults are advised not to give up a wonderful chance, to influence the life of their beloved child and try to choose a promising name with positive characteristics.

Leo, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - having chosen this particular name, parents should try to study useful additional information that may turn out to be too important. You can find many references to this in ancient books. beautiful name, which has remained popular for many years in different countries. The reason that adults often choose it for their offspring is simple - this name promises a lot of pleasant things for the child.

The meaning of the name Leo for a boy is briefly explained by ancient Roman mythology - these sources contain the first information about him. The interpretation will certainly please the parents who chose this name, because it means “lion.” The boy will certainly have character, loyalty and courage to match all the characteristics that are endowed with the king of beasts, and his family will never have to blush for their son - he will grow up to be a worthy and respected man.

What does the name Leo mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Should we trust ancient sources that provide a lot of useful information for parents about the secret meaning of the name? If there are any doubts about how useful the information contained in mythology or ancient legends can be, you should turn to the most reliable books. Only Christian sources - the church calendar and calendar - are able to provide truthful information, which has been confirmed for many hundreds of years.

Leo, the meaning of the name, character and fate - would it be right for relatives who chose this name for their baby to study christian books to try to influence the baby's future? It must be remembered that this is an excellent chance for adults not only to correct their predetermined fate, but also to provide the child with a patron from among the saints.

What does the name Leo mean for a boy? church calendar? As in Roman sources, there is only one meaning - “lion”. In addition to the meaning, it is recommended to study information about whether the saints will take care of the child, because the future of the baby may entirely depend on the guardian angels.

The secret of the name Leo, name day, signs

Can the secret of the name Leo, which ancient sources provide, somehow affect the life of a baby? The first thing that should interest adults is whether the child will have guardian angels. Only saints will be able to walk next to their child throughout his life and protect him from all troubles, which may not be so few.

The child will have three patrons from among the saints. Name days will have to be celebrated twice - in March (5th) and December (20th). During their lives, both saints were distinguished not only by their good disposition and loyalty to God, but also by their numerous good deeds, so adults can be sure that they are placing their child in safe hands. Guardian angels will certainly prevent difficulties that may arise during life path boy.

WITH spring holiday There is one interesting sign associated with the veneration of the saint. It is not recommended to look at the sky at night, because seeing a falling star can bring a lot of disasters. People are sure that after such a spectacle a person’s psyche is disturbed, visions and insomnia begin to torment him.

Origin of the name Leo and its meaning for children

A problem that often arises for parents, especially if they are choosing a name for their baby for the first time - is it necessary to study the origin of the name Leo and its meaning for children? If there are any doubts about this, you can turn to ancient sources and find out what they think about this. They will be able to see for themselves how little information is given in books about the country that gave the world the name chosen for the baby. From this we can draw the only correct conclusion - determining the origin is not necessary, because it cannot in any way affect the life of the child.

Information about the meaning of the name may be more useful. If you carefully study ancient books, you can determine what negative qualities the child will be endowed. You should not refuse the opportunity to correct shortcomings - it is quite simple and easy if you choose correct methods education and respond in a timely manner. With the help of ancient sources that reveal the secret meaning of names, a lot can be done, and it is the actions of parents, taken in accordance with the instructions of special literature, that will greatly facilitate the life of the baby.

Character of a boy named Leo

What traits will the character of a boy named Leo show from an early age? The parents of the baby have many reasons to be proud, because he will be replete with the following positive qualities:

  1. hospitality;
  2. politeness;
  3. activity;
  4. sophistication;
  5. ability to behave in companies;
  6. wit;
  7. equilibrium;
  8. intelligence;
  9. desire to learn new things.

Another feature that certainly attracts attention to a boy is that from childhood he learns to dress beautifully and stylishly, speak culturedly, and behave in society. Parents do not need to force him to watch himself and his behavior - Leo himself knows perfectly well what to do.

Disadvantages include laziness and unpredictability. You need to fight the reluctance to do unpleasant work from childhood - this can be done quite easily by parents if they do not force the child, but show it by example. You definitely need to praise your child - often pleasant words become an incentive to successfully cope with work and make every effort to do so.

The fate of a boy named Leo

How will the fate of a boy named Leo develop later? Much here depends on how correctly he copes with the choice of specialty. Preference can be given to the following professions:

  1. Professor;
  2. researcher;
  3. constructor;
  4. pilot;
  5. mechanic;
  6. programmer.

Most often, Leo chooses specialties related to instruments and all kinds of equipment. He is well versed in various circuits and will fix any mechanism with ease and pleasure, which is something we especially appreciate at work. The wife will also appreciate this talent of her husband - there will not be a single malfunction at home. Often, Leo himself invents devices that will make his wife’s life much easier. He also does not avoid helping his wife - he washes the dishes, cooks, and cleans without unnecessary requests, especially if she is busy or feels unwell.

There are a lot of beautiful and sonorous names, but in this article we will talk about the features of such a beautiful and rare name, like Leo.


The name Leo is quite common today. The origin and meaning of this name go back to Ancient Greece, where the nickname Leon was widely used, which translated means “king of beasts” or “lion”. Also in Latin there was a second form of the name - Leo. Another version of the origin attributes the name to the Hebrew language, where it meant “heart.”

Forms of name and name day

In Europe, the more common forms of the name are Leon and Leo, and in Muslim states - Leis. In a number of countries, there are options such as Levon, Lion, Leonty, Leonard and Lio. Any of the bearers of these names can be abbreviated as Levushka, Leva, Lenya, Lesya, Leonek, Lyulik or Levus. The patron saint of the name is Bishop Leo of Catania. He was widely known for his mercy and kindness. He healed the sick with the power of his prayers. The priest was canonized after he went to the stake with a pagan sorcerer in the 8th century. As a result, a miracle happened - the pagan burned, but the bishop remained safe and sound. The Pope (Leo I) was also named Leo. The days of veneration of these saints are celebrated on March 3, 5 and 13.


The meaning of the name Leo for a boy is positive character, although not always. It gives him a balanced and kind character. He does not at all strive for leadership, however, he will not allow himself to be offended. The child does not cry over trifles, and only gets hysterical in extreme cases. Sometimes he is selfish and cruel to others. Prohibitions and punishments from parents do not affect him, but indulging the child’s desires can turn him into a little tyrant. The meaning of the name Leo gives its owner strong energy. A child is characterized by having many talents, aspirations and interests. At school he studies easily, but is often lazy to pay proper attention to his studies. Enjoys active recreation - likes to swim, fish and pick mushrooms. Little Leo is sociable, loves to chat for a long time and imitate other people. Often becomes a favorite not only of adults, but also of peers.


Balance and tolerance are inherent in a man named Leo. The meaning of the name and the character of its owner are determined by his “lion” nature. A man with this nickname is full of energy and quite ambitious. He always does what he promises and is ready to help at any moment. He is an excellent friend and comrade, but if Leo sets a goal for himself, he will achieve it by any means, regardless of friendly relations.

Often the ridicule that Leo is subjected to in childhood from his peers, adult life endow him with such negative traits as irritability and suspicion. From the outside it may not be noticeable, but loved ones can seriously suffer from such qualities.

Leo is tolerant of other people's shortcomings. He loves to take risks and show courage and courage. Treats people kindly and sensitively. The special meaning of the name Lev gives its owner a sense of humor and a sharp mind. A man with this name combines qualities such as flexibility, conscientiousness in doing work and ambition. All this allows him to take a good position in society.

Leo has few ill-wishers and envious people, which is not surprising - he simply radiates warmth. The owner of this name seems to have some kind of power over all living beings. He is able to cope with any adversity and lead people. It is from such individuals that the real creators of history emerge.

Love relationships and family

IN teenage years The meaning of the name Leo endows its owner with increased love of love. The young man often changes partners. In girls, he values ​​sincerity, kindness and sexuality most of all. However, often representatives of the fair sex see him more as a friend than as a lover. Having established a long-term relationship with a girl, a man strives to harmonize them. Intimate relationships become something spiritual for him. He can't go to bed with any woman.

Often it is self-confidence in relationships with the opposite sex that deprives its owner male name A lion. The meaning of the above is manifested in the fact that a woman may try to subjugate Leo to herself, but he does not accept this. As a rule, men with this name do not like to make scandals, but they often get rather impulsive individuals as wives. If he is happily married, he becomes a kind, sympathetic and sensitive husband. He loves to visit and host people at home, and often attends theaters and concerts with his family. Often a man becomes a good father - he simply idolizes his children. She gets very worried when they have problems or get sick. The main drawback of Leo, which can destroy his marriage, is posturing.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Leo suggests that its owner has excellent organizational skills. He persistently strives for his goal and conscientiously fulfills the tasks assigned to him. The man is honest with his colleagues and enjoys authority among them. All this allows him to achieve significant success in the professional field. A man, as a rule, has good physical characteristics and is able to cope with any job. However, he is very careful about choosing his profession and prefers only the option that involves moving up the career ladder.

The name Leo endows its owner with phenomenal memory. The origin and meaning of this nickname determine the presence of a huge amount of talent in a man. He can achieve a high position in management and business. Becomes good doctor, journalist or writer. You can often find Leo among fashion designers and hairdressers.

The mystery of the name

The name is ruled by the corresponding zodiac sign, which has specific value. Among the planets, the name Leo is patronized by the Sun. All this determines the main character traits of a man - kindness and strength. Favorable colors for him are gold and green. A stone that can protect against negative impact, - diamond. The totem animal of the name is the lion, and the plant is the rose hip.

A man named Leo has well-developed intuition. A successful marriage will be for him with Aurora, Alla, Victoria, Natalya, Olesya, Olga and Ella. He develops more problematic relationships with Lydia and Agnes. The name Leo is well suited for people born under the sign of Cancer, Leo and Libra. This nickname is considered undesirable for Aries, Scorpios and Virgos.

Famous personalities

The meaning of the name Leo carries a favorable and happy meaning. For a boy, such a name suggests the presence large quantity talents that will help him become successful in life. Among people with this name there are many famous personalities, famous throughout the world. The most significant owners of this courageous name are: Prince Lev Golitsyn, famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, physicist Lev Landau, Soviet actor and director Lev Durov, representative Russian stage Lev Leshchenko, football player Lev Yashin, poet and historian Lev Gumilyov, representative of the Communist Party Lev Trotsky, painter Lev Bakst, Russian philosopher and psychologist Lev Lopatin.

Short form of the name Leo. Leva, Levushka, Levunya, Levusya, Lenya, Lesya, Leka, Leonetto, Levko, Levonko, Levochko, Levus, Levtso, Levchik, Lyonya, Leonek, Lyulik.
Synonyms for the name Lev. Leo, Leon, Lio, Lyon, Lyon, Levon, Levko, Love, Leys.
Origin of the name Lev. The name Leo is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

The name Leo came into our language from Greece and means “king of beasts”, “lion”. From the Hebrew language the name is translated as “heart”. In Western Europe, the names Leon and Leo are more often used than Leo. In Armenia, it is customary to call boys Levon or Lev. For Muslims, the analogue of this name will be the name Leis. In Africa the name is Simba.

Character and destiny. As a child, Leo is a very calm boy. His character is dominated by kindness and sincerity. Many people think that he should be the same as a real lion, but the owner of this name does not strive to be a leader and lead people, although he does not give himself offense, but does not bully others either.

Over time, Leo will take a good position in society. He is characterized by such qualities as ambition, balance and energy. He is quite ambitious, but knows how to refuse what he wants if there are objective reasons for it. If Leo promises to do something, he will make every effort to fulfill his promise.

Leo is tolerant and flexible. This man is attentive to the weak, always ready to help the elderly and children. But if his pride is damaged, then Leo becomes a very unpleasant person for those around him.

In his youth, Leo is loving and often falls in love. What he values ​​most in women is loyalty and kindness. Leo is a very attentive father and loves to play outdoor games with his children.

Popularity of the name Leo. The name Leo, in Russia as a whole, cannot be called either particularly popular or very rare, but in 2015 this name appeared in the top 30 most popular names among newborns in Moscow. The greatest interest in this name was in the USSR in the 30-40s of the twentieth century, most likely due to the fact that this was the name of one of the revolutionary ideologists of Marxism - Leon Trotsky. In 2016, interest in the name remained at approximately the same level, but showed significant fluctuations. The popularity of the name reached its maximum in July 2016.

Leo's name day

Leo celebrates name days on January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, March 14, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20.

Famous people named Leo

  • Leo the Mathematician (9th century Byzantine educator)
  • Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - ca. 1000) Byzantine writer)
  • Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
  • Lev Yashin (famous football player, goalkeeper)
  • Lev Landau (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize laureate)
  • Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Lev Durov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionary theory of ethnogenesis)
  • Leon Trotsky (activist communist movement, ideologist of Trotskyism)
  • Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
  • Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
  • Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, National artist Russia)
  • Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)
  • Lev Artsimovich (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician)
  • Lev Prygunov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Lev Kuleshov (Soviet film director who stood at the origins of Soviet cinema)
  • Lev Kassil (writer, one of the founders of Soviet children's literature)
  • Lev Polivanov (Russian teacher, literary critic)
  • Lev Oborin ((1907-1974) Soviet pianist)
  • Lev Mikhailov (Russian Soviet clarinetist and saxophonist)
  • Lev Ponomarev ((born 1941) Russian human rights activist)

In the Middle Ages, the lion was perceived as a symbol of resurrection. There is a legend that newborn lion cubs remain dead for up to 3 days, and the father’s breath on their faces can give them life.

The origin of the name Leo has several versions. According to one of them, it came to us from German language and was formed from such forms as: Loeb, Loewe, Löb, and according to another, its homeland is Greece. However, in both cases it means “king of beasts.” And in Hebrew, the meaning of the name Lev is defined as “heart.”

Various versions and legends boil down to the interpretation of the meaning of the name Leo as a personification:

  • heroism,
  • justice,
  • hills.

This confirms its popularity among Orthodox, Catholics, and Muslims. Today they name boys at baptism in families of different nationalities (Russians, Jews, Armenians, French, English, etc.). For Western Europe The typical use of this name is Leo and, in Armenia - Levon, in Great Britain - Lyon.

By giving the name Leo at birth, parents “program” their child for the following character-defining traits:

  • courage,
  • kindness,
  • willingness to help people.

And this is an incredible balance, which Leo is capable of changing only when the conflict escalates. Here it is appropriate to recall the proverb: “I’m eating, I’m driving - I won’t whistle, but if I overload, I won’t forgive.”

As a rule, owners of the name Leo are also characterized by secret qualities that can be revealed under certain circumstances. These include fantastic intuition, which manifests itself when doing what you love. However, every secret of the name Leo is formed from a tender age under the active influence of first the family, and then society.

Possible negative character traits include:

  • moodiness,
  • secrecy,
  • unpredictability of behavior.

Levushka's childhood and youth

Since the early childhood The bearer of the name Leo is very diligent and early shows the desire to be the first in everything.

  • Although outwardly Leo does not give the impression of a leader, but rather of being phlegmatic until a reaction to specific events follows. Here you can see what the name Leo means as a symbol of the defense of justice.
  • To prevent slowness from becoming an object of ridicule among peers, parents should more actively develop his communication skills. Limiting contacts with other children may lead to the development of isolation or unjustified manifestation of negative reactions. And this will directly affect future fate son.

Growing up young man with the name Leo begins to manifest:

  • persistence in achieving goals,
  • exceptional conscientious attitude to business,
  • caution in promises.

Often these characteristics are supplemented by a passion for sports, fishing, mushroom picking.

First love can be the beginning of the formation of his loving character.

Youth is a period when the characteristics of the name Leo will be supplemented by the acquisition of:

  • self-sufficiency,
  • combined with balance,
  • ambition,
  • good nature,
  • energy.

It is possible that such negative qualities as irritability, suspicion. If parents do not attach importance to this, an adult man named Leo will have a reputation as a person with an intolerable character (selfishness, capriciousness, laziness).

Leo qualities in business

A man who proudly bears the name Leo is distinguished by a lot of advantages that allow him to succeed in various fields. However Leo is very selective when choosing a profession and stops at the one where the prospect of career growth is obvious. The realization of these claims is facilitated by the following qualities of the owners of the name Leo:

Lev Konstantinovich Durov (Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, theater director, teacher)

  • determination,
  • mental stability,
  • organizational skills,
  • friendliness and flexibility in communicating with others;
  • This is facilitated by several other qualities - phenomenal memory,
  • breadth of outlook,
  • critical mind,
  • feeling new.

All this helps position a professional with this name in the business field.

  • They have the ability to prove themselves in management, open their own business, and turn any idea into good income.
  • Kindness and compassion for the weak, sick and old people often lead Leo people into medicine, and creative talents into art.
  • Leo can realize his potential as a radiologist, ophthalmologist, aircraft designer, radio and television technician, military man, journalist, writer, clothing designer, hairdresser.

Love, family

Since his youth, Leo has been known as a heartthrob. He is always surrounded by bright women.

  • He will offer his hand and heart to one of them, but not by the call of his heart, but by subtle calculation.
  • Leo views sex as a full expression of feelings with games, experiments, and foreplay. However, if he fails, he loses self-confidence.
  • Late marriage is explained by the fear of failure in sex.

Family life for Leo means mutually kind, gentle, sensual, faithful relationships.

  • Most often, the wife will try to control the “king of beasts,” but thanks to his flexible character, Leo gets out of this situation with dignity.
  • However, you should not test your spouse’s patience for long and do not overstep the boundaries of his long-suffering.
  • Leo has a strong attachment to children and devotes his free time to them.

The most favorable alliance is with:

  • Anastasia,
  • Angela,
  • Diana,
  • Limoy,
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