How to live for Libra in June. Love horoscope for Libra

June 2017 will bring change, or rather lay the foundation for change. This time will become a point of change for everyone. There may be crises in relationships and financial areas. The full moon on June 9 will continue the process of transformation that began in May. If May brought disappointment in love, pain, loss of hope, then the energies of June will have a healing effect. June's energy will point to your weak spots and shortcomings. It will confront your expectations with the reality that exists around you. We can expect crises that activate different energies. The emotional field will become much more mobile, this can lead to the emergence of enormous passion, acts of self-sacrifice and the desire to express oneself more clearly. Victim programs, irrational enemies, and fear of slander may be activated in the subconscious. These programs can bring with them feelings such as anxiety, fear and loss of energy. You need to work hard on yourself. Bringing programs into consciousness and enriching them with other energy is the only way to avoid destructive effects on your life.

For some, the energies of this month can activate the energy of violence and cruelty, so quarrels can become protracted. You should monitor the nature of relationships in the family, because too active energy can lead to aggression and drama.

At the level of generic energies, a feeling of alienation or a feeling of irrational, invented guilt may appear. If these sensations manifest themselves, then there are secrets in the family that you do not know about and the secrets create an energy crisis. In all situations, only self-discipline and emotional maturity can help. You may lose faith, and all the events of June will test your strength, how alive your faith is in your inner world.

By doing meditation, playing out your karmic theaters, you can make a big quantum leap in your development, find true love and correct your attitude in the material field.

During this period, many unexpected events may arise related to the field of love and finance. This is a transformation into the field of these energies. Events can bring destruction, transformation and then healing.

Accurate horoscope for June 2017 for all zodiac signs

Aries 21.03-20.04

Aries men and women will want to establish themselves within the society in which you live. The woman will play a big role. You will have to go through some important conflicts and even defend your positions by force. Try not to get into conflict, because it can bring disappointment. You shouldn't force your desires on people. If you have not found a pair, then the time from June 5 to June 15 is very good for that. to show off with the best side and attract attention. You will have to fight old habits and thought patterns. Horoscope for Aries for June 2017 warns you that June can be a very stressful month for you and it may question your authority and professionalism, but if you can control your emotions, you will win.

Taurus 21.04-21.05

June for Taurus will be a calmer month for you, and a man's behavior or a man's decision-making will play a big role. Your career may go up or your financial situation will improve. Communicate and make new contacts, show increased attention to your soulmate, if you have one. If you have any untied business relationship, something related to money or official papers, then now there may be a chance to change everything. This month's energy will help boost your self-confidence programs. If you don’t work through your opinion of yourself, then you will have to wait a long time for such a chance that will push you to new horizons. Also, the energy of the month can activate your shadow side, for example, aggressive or impulsive reactions, which can lead to conflicts and the emergence of new defensive reactions.

Gemini 22.05-21.06

Horoscope for June 2017 can bring you great luck in love and new acquaintances. If you are single, then in mid-June you can enter into an exciting relationship that can become the relationship of your whole life, which can only be blocked by your internal karma programs or generic unprocessed aspects. If you already have a partner, then you will have to share a lot of sexual energy with him and prepare for joint intimate and romantic adventures. After June 20th, some Geminis may experience insecurity and low energy, which will make you more withdrawn. But mental energy will increase, and you will be able to concentrate on some important project that will bring you profit.

Cancer 22.06-22.07

In June, Cancers' energy may be activated, and you will invest it in new projects or relationships. Energy will guide you, accompany you and help you, find the right paths to accomplishment. Treat people friendly and show your knowledge and professionalism. The vibrations of June will make you irresistible in the eyes of others. Take care of your image, enjoy what you have and smile more often, this will attract harmony into your life. Creativity will help you express yourself and open up to society in a new way. G Oroscope for Cancer for June 2017, the end of the month will force you to finally close the doors to the past and start living differently. The most important thing is not to let your emotions take over at the end of the month, otherwise someone will try to provoke you into a fight, try not to pay attention to it.

Leo 23.07-22.08

The beginning of June 2017 may bring energetic chaos and misunderstanding between you and society. But the energy of this month may change some conditions in your life. After the fifth of June, your need for love will increase and you will want to plunge headlong into affection and feelings. Professionally, the time from June 6th will be somewhat tense and difficult; creative impulses and initiative will go unnoticed. You should not be rude or insult someone who will not act as you want. The time of this month will force you to close the past behind you and start life with clean slate. It is also worth paying attention to proposals or the appearance of a person from abroad.

Virgo 23.08-22.09

The first half of June will charge you with good energy, especially if it concerns some professional reinstallations. You will have the opportunity to analyze your attitude towards someone or something and completely change your opinion. Stress and tension will subside after the fifth, then you will be able to communicate with those people. Be honest with your loved ones and tell them your complaints and wishes. After June 12, Virgo women may again have problems in relationships. These conflicts may arise due to improper distribution of sexual energy. Immerse yourself in work or creativity at the end of the month and you will get good results.

Libra 23.09-22.10

Horoscope for Libra in June 2017 says that new incentives and motivations are opening up for you. There is a wave of energy that visited you in your early youth, so you will have to transform it. Remake and accept within yourself. For example, through playing sports or changing your image, then you can bring something constructive into your life. Otherwise, you will experience aggression and vent your emotions on your loved ones. If you start changing now, you will activate success programs within yourself and open up to new energies. Strong energy is now building up inside you, which can lead to conflicts, so be careful about those thoughts that are destructive. In the second half of the month, do not make important decisions. Postpone this until July, then you will take a more correct path.

Scorpio 23.10-21.11

The first month of summer - June 2017 will bring a lot of energy to Scorpios, you can use it both for building relationships and taking care of your health, most importantly, do not be aggressive and do not show dissatisfaction, then something important will leave you. You'll have to change your expectations, lower your standards a little. People will notice your professionalism and skills, therefore, thanks to your strengths strengthen your position. Forecast for Scorpios mid-June usually brings with it a decrease in energy, so you should not make decisions alone, in addition, some misunderstandings with your partner may arise. Those who do not have a partner can meet a person who may impress you in some way, but still turns out not to be yours. Moderation and a philosophical outlook can appear only at the end of the month, and before that there may be swings and instability.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/20

You need to prepare for seriousness and responsibility in everything; the energy of this month will test your faith and desire for the goal in everything. Forecast for June 2017 for Sagittarius says that this month will be very easy, open and pointing to new opportunities; the most important thing is to manage them correctly. But it is also important to find a middle ground between “taking and giving”; be careful - to whom and what you give and how much you take, so that a cloud of debt does not form that will suck in all your luck. This month you will have opportunities to do something for your business, the energies will guide you further, so don’t stop, take on improvement. From June 5th there will be a good chance to find your person, but you will have to take the initiative and look for common points of contact with him. Around the twelfth of June the energies will subside a little and a zone of conflict will appear, so do not raise the gauntlet. Otherwise you will be called domineering and if there is a break with someone, it will be for a long time.

Capricorn 21.12-20.01

In June, luck opens its gates to you, now you need to be active. Because even though the Wheel of Fortune is turning towards you, competition is still not asleep and right away, you will have to fight with something, grind and show yourself from the best side. Horoscope for Capricorn for June 2017 predicts that the period will be a little confusing and it will not be immediately possible to give an objective assessment of everything that is happening to you. But later everything will fall into place, and you will be able to correctly assess the circumstances. This month will bring with it a Challenge of Fate, that is, if you understand or see something, or you will need to cope with some important task, then the most important thing that you need to be guided by is nobility and responsibility. Only after June 23, the tension will subside a little, and you will be able to free yourself from competition.

Aquarius 21.01-20.02

Fate weighs your energies and emphasizes the positive; if you created something good in the past, then it will immediately come to you. The will must turn on, and now you should actively invest energy in your projects, no matter what they concern, love or business. At the beginning of June, some Aquarians may experience an explosion in energies, and this will cause some kind of activity around you and in your inner world. You will have a need for love and your partners should be ready for this. Don’t be afraid to talk about feelings and needs, then you can get more from your partner. Only because of high expectations are conflicts and quarrels possible. Horoscope for Aquarius for June 2017, namely the second half of the month promises to receive a lot of optimistic energy, good news and opportunities to move forward.

Pisces 21.02-20.03

Horoscope for Pisces in June 2017 the year promises change. This month will be a turning point in your destiny, just take responsibility for everything that happens, don’t go with the flow. Your career will please you, so seize opportunities and offers. You will impress others with your directness and confidence. In mid-June, energies will open that will help strengthen your position in society, make new contacts, open up to communication and get new chances. The second half of the month will force you to work through the mistakes of the past, force you to go back to the past, make reflections and re-evaluate everything. Letting go of someone or asking for forgiveness in your soul will help you move on and develop. At the end of June, Pisces will need to concentrate on working with some documents or papers.

In contact with

Financial success is extremely important for any person. A detailed financial horoscope will help you improve your money energy and achieve your goals in June 2017.


Aries in June 2017 should not hope for help from the stars in financial matters. The location of the planets is not conducive to achieving financial stability, and the neutral position of the patron planets is unable to balance the energy of your money channel.

The most favorable time to achieve your goals is the beginning of the month. From June 1 to June 5, your antagonist planet Venus is in a weak position and is unable to disrupt your plans. At this time, you can gain the respect of colleagues and superiors, and also set clear goals leading to financial success.

From the 6th the position of the planets changes dramatically. Venus moves into the constellation Taurus and significantly enhances its energy. Your stable position may be at risk on June 10th. On this day, the aspect of Venus and Mars can ruin your plans for further career growth.

On June 20, the aspect of the Sun and Venus will help you realize past mistakes and avoid conflicts with colleagues. Try to stick to your chosen direction of activity and not deviate from your goal. Achieve success in short term rituals to attract money will help you.


For Taurus, June 2017 is a very controversial time. Frequent changes in the positions of the patron planets can manifest themselves unpredictably in financial terms. The Simoron ritual of wealth will help you strengthen your position and achieve what you want.

The first half of the month is not the best time to take initiative at work. The neutral position of your patron Moon and the weakened energy of your patron planet Venus weakens your financial energy and can significantly complicate your path to success.

From June 1 to June 5, try to control every action and be prepared for an unexpected outcome in your working relationship. On the 6th and 7th, the weakened energy of the Moon can negatively affect relationships in the team. On June 11 and 12, the position of the planets is unfavorable for debt obligations: the slightest inaccuracy can lead to unpleasant consequences.

In the second half of the month, you may have the opportunity to correct your mistakes and achieve your goals. The most lucky days to show work initiative - June 16, 17, 20 and 21. At this time, the Moon is in a strong position and generously gifts you with its energy.


From June 1 to June 15, the position of the planets is not very favorable for taking initiative at work. The depleted energy of your patron planet Venus in the first 5 days of the month can lead to an acute conflict situation in the team.

Try to complete the tasks assigned to you as quickly as possible and not take on too much responsibility. On June 5, the opposition of the Moon and Venus can lead to internal contradictions and doubts about the correctness of your actions.

On the 16th and 17th, the Moon moves into the constellation Pisces, significantly increasing its energy. This period is great for decisive action and business negotiations.

On June 20 and 21, the extremely strong position of the Moon in the constellation Taurus combines with the strong energy of Venus. These two days are best for implementing complex projects.

a lion

First for Lviv summer month is contradictory and can bring both losses and gains in well-being. Money meditation, which removes negative programs, will help you set yourself up for a positive wave.

In the first half of the month, the weakened energy of your antagonist, the Moon, contributes to success at work. The best time is June 6, 7, 11 and 12. These days, the energy of the Moon is so depleted that it is completely unable to disrupt your plans.

From the 15th, the strong position of the antagonist Venus may interfere with the implementation of long-standing plans that are important to you. Particular care should be taken on the 20th and 21st: at this time the Moon is especially strong and can completely drain your financial energy.


For representatives of the star Virgo, June 2017 is filled with unstable financial energy. Frequent changes in the positions of the patron planets can lead to imbalance and deplete your money channel. To avoid problems, you need to complete the tasks assigned to you as clearly and quickly as possible and not be afraid of hard work.

The first 5 days of the month are the most successful for the implementation of financial plans and large purchases. The weak position of the antagonist planet Venus provides you with a harmonious state and success in the financial sphere. On June 5, the aspect of your patron Moon and Venus may cause internal struggle and doubts about the correctness of your actions at work.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus is in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period can lead to difficulties in communicating with colleagues. In order not to spoil relationships in the team, try not to participate in intrigues and distance yourself from personal discussions.

The situation can be balanced by the strong position of your patron planet, Mercury. On June 9, the aspect of Mercury and Pluto can help overcome the consequences of past omissions and improve the financial situation.


According to financial horoscope, for Libra June 2017 is favorable in the monetary sphere. The placement of planets has a positive effect on your financial channel and promotes success in work. Working with the money chakra will help you consolidate well-being and attract success.

Despite the favorable forecast, the month is not off to a good start. The weak position of your patron planet Venus in the constellation Aries does not contribute to success in work. To avoid quarrels in a team, try to control your words and weigh your actions.

Since June 6, Venus has been in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. From this day until the end of the month, the energy of the planets plays on your side. This period is good for bringing any plans and professional ideas to life. On June 21, Venus's aspect to Neptune opens up new opportunities for career growth.


For Scorpios, the first month of summer is not very successful financially. The patron planets of your Sign are in a neutral position and have virtually no effect on your monetary energy. Antagonist planets, on the contrary, are strong and capable of negatively influencing your financial channel.

The first half of the month is more positive than the second. It is better to implement important events, business trips and negotiations from June 1 to June 15. At this time, your antagonist Moon is in a weak position and is not able to negatively influence your energy. June 11 and 12 are extremely lucky: during this period you can take reasonable risks, hoping for good luck.

From June 15, the position of the planets is not in your favor. June 16 and 17 are especially unlucky: the strong energy of the Moon in the constellation Pisces does not contribute to success in your profession. On the 20th and 21st, you should complete the tasks assigned to you as quickly as possible.


For Sagittarius, June 2017 is a very unstable time. The struggle between patron planets and antagonist planets can lead to financial losses. You can avoid troubles and debts with the help of money talismans.

From June 1 to June 30, your professional success mainly depends on your efforts. In the first half of the month, the energy of the antagonist planets is weakened and cannot have a destructive influence on your financial channel. The period from June 1 to June 15 is the most favorable for the implementation of any plans, business trips and trips.

In the second half of the month, the strong position of your antagonist Venus is enhanced by a sharp increase in lunar energy. From June 15 to June 30, you need to be extremely attentive to your current work and not be distracted by new projects.


For Capricorns, this summer month is quite favorable in the area of ​​financial well-being. The patron planet of your Sign, Venus, is in a strong position most of the time and has a positive effect on your financial energy.

The beginning of the month is filled with negative energy. The weak position of your patron planet, Venus, is not conducive to success in a team. From June 1 to June 5, you can avoid open conflicts only through hard work and responsibility for your every action.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus is in a strong position and has a beneficial effect on your energy field. This period is favorable for bringing any ideas to life. A creative approach to your current work can get you noticed the right people and promote career growth.


For Aquarius, June promises to be successful in the professional sphere. Your patron planets are in a consistently strong position most of the time and generously bestow their energy on you.

The month starts with negative influence weakened Venus. From the 1st to the 5th, the placement of the planets negatively affects your monetary energy and can lead to open conflicts with colleagues. During this time, try not to take on more than you can handle and control your words and actions.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus occupies a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period is favorable for the implementation of any plans, business trips and new projects. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, but don't forget to leave time to rest and recharge.

Libra in June 2017 will be very pleased with themselves (or rather, too complacent). Like a natural-born narcissist, you will spend many hours talking about your big victories and endless successes. The only pity is that no one will be particularly interested in your stories, and for many people they will generally cause great irritation. Your dissatisfied listeners, in principle, can be understood, because the speeches coming from your lips will not always be appropriate. For example, when visiting a close friend in order to support him during a period of major crisis, it is extremely absurd to start a conversation on the topic “okay, don’t worry, better listen to how everything in my life is sweet and smooth!”

We must admit, your life in June 2017 will truly be worthy of being frankly proud of it! You will be especially pleased with the love front, on which all the problems of the past month will disappear. You and your regular partner will be able to overcome the period of catastrophic misunderstanding. True, until you look like two eternally cooing doves (more like a king and a queen who share their royal throne and still cannot agree with each other). Fortunately, this intra-family feud will take place on a positive wave (yes, yes, this is possible!). That is, you and your regular partner will argue with each other with a smile about who should cook dinner and who should pick up the children from kindergarten. In general, a pleasant atmosphere will reign in your home, which you will begin to consider as your personal merit.

Libras who have not yet gotten married will rightfully be able to call themselves the favorites (or favorites) of the opposite sex in June 2017. This increased popularity will only develop “narcissism” in you, which, it should be noted, will become a kind of magnet for the opposite sex. While you walk with your head held high, as if demonstrating to everyone “there is no one else like me, I am a unique person,” the opposite sex will turn pale and blush, dreaming of getting to know you better. But it’s unlikely that any of the people you meet will be able to take the “post” of your significant other (the qualifications for this “post” will be very high, and you will reject even the most worthy applicants without explanation).

Your June self-confidence will serve you well in everything related to your career. You will not doubt for a minute that you are a super professional worthy of appointment to a promising position. Moreover, you will not hesitate to voice this very thought to your superior management. No, your boss will not consider these statements either arrogance or tactlessness. Oddly enough, the bosses will listen to your words and the arguments that you bring for your potential appointment. In a word, only thanks to your, perhaps, excessive self-confidence will you find this coveted position, which, by the way, was also dreamed of by your much more modest colleagues.

For Libras involved in the field of free enterprise, June 2017 will bring not only great social success, but also rapid growth in income. It is difficult to predict what specific measures you will take to increase the productivity and prestige of your enterprise. Perhaps competent advertising will help you with this, disseminating information about your services via the Internet or through other means mass media. One way or another, you will become the owner of a popular brand that everyone really wants to own (I must admit, this is really a surprisingly good reason for pride!).

The coming month will bring freshness and newness into your life, despite the fact that you will want to stay at home, in silence, or go on vacation by the sea. Circumstances will bring you back to active life, where a lot of interesting and bright things will happen.

Despite favorable changes in life, your mood will be depressed and boring. You will want solitude, solitude, or communication only with your closest friends, but an unexpected turn of events may force you to start again what you abandoned recently. Don’t be afraid to change anything in your life: you may have to show character and act actively and decisively. The result will be worth your efforts, especially if everything previously prevented you from achieving success.

In relations with others, Libra will remain diplomatic, although they themselves will not be at ease. They will become very worried that those around them do not understand them enough or that their friends do not support them in a difficult situation and try to escape into their own problems. Try to temporarily avoid communicating with those who annoy you, and if this happens, then remain calm. Now is not the best time for friendly communication and interaction.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for June 2020

The energy potential this month will be low. Fatigue or a reluctance to do anything and change something in your life may accumulate, but at the very moment when you want to relax and lie down with a book on the sofa, circumstances will return you to an active life again and you certainly will not regret it at all. minute.

Nervous breakdowns over the most insignificant reasons are likely this month, which will negatively affect your communication with people. Therefore, your conflicts will be completely understandable and justified, as will your desires. To prevent your relationship from completely deteriorating, try to relax more often and do what is pleasant, even if it’s just idleness or watching your favorite movies and shows. This will help you regain strength and relieve negative emotions.

Try to pay as much attention as possible to pets or children. Communication with them will help you survive the period of energy decline and restore strength. But don’t give up travel and business trips: they will bring you much more benefits than you expect. Moreover, you will be able to gain experience and do something that is truly pleasant and interesting to you.

Libra Man: Horoscope for June 2020

Representatives of this sign are unlikely to decide on serious changes in their lives. Some events may force you to delay the result or the final decision, but this time the initiative will again be in your hands. Therefore, do not rush to change anything in your life and act according to the circumstances.

This month, your health or document problems may worsen. And all because you can put off solving an important issue and act completely differently than you planned before. Be careful and do not try to test your strength once again. Not the best right now best time to demonstrate activity and achievements.

It is best to devote this month to correcting old affairs, habits, sympathy and putting things in order in the room. You can give old things to friends and acquaintances, and buy new ones very soon if you see fit. Finish old things: then you can re-evaluate your goals and do what really matters to you. Moreover, at the end of the month you will regain your strength and be able to return to abandoned goals and activities. It is at this time that some Libra will receive a long-awaited promotion and do what they have been striving for for a long time.

Love and relationships are extremely important for every person. A love horoscope will help you achieve harmony with your soulmate and find your happiness in June 2017.


In the first month of summer, Aries cannot count on the absence of problems in relationships. The location of the planets introduces disharmony into your energy, and the neutral position of the patron planets is not able to balance your emotional state.
The best time to show feelings and implement joint plans is the beginning of the month. During the first 5 days of June, your antagonist planet Venus is in a weakened position and is not able to negatively influence your emotions. At this time, you can set priorities and stick to your decision.

From the 6th the position of the planets changes radically. Venus significantly enhances its energy by moving into the constellation Taurus. Your emotions and thoughts about your loved one may take on a negative tone on June 10: the aspect of Venus and Mars can destroy the foundation of your common future.

On June 20, the semi-square of the Sun and Venus will help you realize past mistakes and avoid major quarrels. Try to stick to the general course and sincerely show concern for your significant other. Drawing up a wish map will help you make your common dreams come true or find your destiny faster.


For Taurus, the love horoscope for June 2017 is full of contradictions and unstable forecasts. Frequent changes in the positions of the patron planets can affect your emotional state in the most unexpected way.

The first half of the month is not the best time for romance. The neutral position of your patron Moon and the weakened position of Venus does not carry positive energy and can significantly complicate your relationship with your significant other. From June 1 to June 5, try to control every word you say and be as truthful as possible with your loved one.

On the 6th and 7th, weakened lunar energy can disrupt your joint plans. On June 11 and 12, the position of the planets can have an extremely negative impact on any controversial situation and turn it into a major quarrel.

In the second half of the month, you will have the opportunity to correct tense moments in your relationship and achieve complete mutual understanding. The best days for romantic dates are June 16, 17, 20 and 21. At this time, the Moon is in a strong position and generously gifts you with its energy.


For Gemini, the first month of summer is very successful for developing relationships with a loved one. Your patron Venus is in a strong position most of the time and has a positive effect on your energy and empathy.

In the first week of the month, the negative energy of a weakened Venus may not have the best effect on the mutual understanding between you and your significant other. From the 1st to the 5th, you should be extremely attentive to your words and actions in order to avoid conflicts and mutual insults. On the 3rd, the conjunction of Venus and Uranus will require you to take bright actions and mobilize your inner strength.

From the 6th to the 30th, Venus is in the constellation Taurus. This placement significantly enhances the energy of the planet, and it, in turn, has a beneficial effect on your emotional state. This period is best suited for harmonizing relations and implementing joint plans for the future.

On June 20, the quincunx of Venus and Jupiter may remind you of past negative experiences, but you will be able to get out of the situation with honor by making the only right decision.


For those born under the constellation Cancer, June 2017 promises to be a difficult month. Frequent changes in the vector of lunar energy can create emotional discomfort and lead to quarrels and conflicts between loved ones. Meditation to attract love will help you balance your emotions and get into the necessary state.

From June 1 to June 15, the placement of planets is unfavorable for romantic relationships. The depleted energy of your patron planet Venus during the first 5 days of the month can lead to an acute conflict situation. Try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one and talk directly about your doubts. On June 5, the opposition of the Moon and Venus can lead to internal contradictions. The way out of this situation can be the advice of a loved one who sincerely loves you.

On the 16th and 17th, the Moon moves into the constellation Pisces, significantly increasing its energy. This period is great for a trip together or a romantic date with your loved one.

On June 20 and 21, the extremely strong position of the Moon in the constellation Taurus combines with the strong energy of Venus. These two days are best for taking a decisive step in your relationship.

a lion

For Leo, the first month of summer is contradictory and unpredictable in the sphere of feelings and emotions. The location of the planets can lead to both an increase in mutual understanding and an exacerbation of conflicts and disagreements between you and your loved one. Get yourself in the mood inner harmony Joint walks, which can be combined with walking meditation, will help you.

In the first half of the month, the weakened energy of your antagonist, the Moon, promotes personal success in romantic relationships. The best time is June 6, 7, 11 and 12. These days, the lunar energy is so depleted that it is completely unable to disrupt your plans.

From the 15th, the strong position of your antagonist planet, Venus, and bursts of lunar energy can lead you to emotional imbalance and create misunderstandings between you and your significant other. Particular caution should be exercised on the 20th and 21st: at this time the Moon is especially strong and can completely ruin your plans.


For representatives of the star Virgo, June 2017 is filled with unstable emotional energy. Frequent changes in the positions of patron planets can lead to unpredictable consequences and aggravate conflicts with a loved one. To avoid problems, you need to overcome mistrust in your significant other and balance the energy of your relationship.

The first 5 days of the month are the most successful for romantic dates and joint plans. The weak position of the antagonist Venus provides you with a harmonious state and success in the sphere of personal relationships. On June 5, the aspect of your patron Moon and Venus may cause internal contradiction and memories of past negative experiences.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus is in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period can lead to difficulties in relationships and aggravation of conflict situations. In order not to ruin your relationship with your significant other, try to speak as openly as possible about your feelings and thoughts.

The acute situation is partially balanced by the strong position of Mercury, your patron planet. On June 9, the sesquisquare of Mercury and Pluto can help you realize past mistakes and not make new ones.


According to the love horoscope, June 2017 is favorable for Libra in terms of personal relationships. The placement of the planets has a positive effect on your emotional state and promotes luck and success in romantic plans. If your soulmate is far away, then you can remind yourself using the power of thought.

Despite the favorable forecast, the month starts off negative. The weak position of your patron planet Venus in the constellation Aries does not contribute to success in romantic plans. To avoid quarrels with dear person, try to control your words and actions.

Since June 6, Venus has been in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. From this day until the end of the month, the energy of the planets plays on your side. This period is good for bringing any plans and joint ideas to life.

On June 21, the aspect of Venus and Neptune opens up new opportunities for joint creativity. On the 26th, the biquintile of Jupiter and Venus helps to harmonize feelings and find emotional balance.


For Scorpios, the first month of summer is not very successful in terms of personal relationships. The patron planets of your Sign are in a neutral position and have virtually no effect on your energy. On the contrary, antagonist planets are strong and capable of influencing your emotional state.

In the first half of the month, the energy in your relationship is more positive than in the second. Important events, joint trips and plans are best implemented from June 1 to June 15. At this time, your antagonist Moon is in a weak position and is unable to disrupt your plans. June 11 and 12 are extremely lucky: during this period you can take a decisive step in a relationship without fear of failure.

From June 15, the position of the planets is not in your favor. June 16 and 17 are especially unlucky for personal relationships: the strong energy of the Moon in the constellation Pisces does not contribute to success and inner comfort.

On the 20th and 21st, you should be extremely honest with your significant other. During this period, the aspect of a strong Moon and Sun may deprive you of opportunities to achieve what you want.


For Sagittarius, June 2017 is a very unstable time in personal terms. The struggle between patron planets and antagonist planets can lead to loss of internal harmony and conflict situations. You can avoid relationship problems by meditating on a candle flame.

From June 1 to June 30, your personal happiness mainly depends on your efforts. The neutral position of your patron Sun leaves your success to chance. In the first half of the month, the energy of the antagonist planets is weakened and cannot have a destructive influence on your emotions. The period from June 1 to June 15 is most favorable for implementing joint plans and romantic dates.

In the second half of the month, the strong position of your antagonist, Venus, is enhanced by a sharp increase in lunar energy. From June 15 to June 30, you need to be as sincere as possible with your significant other and honestly talk about all the doubts that arise.


For Capricorns, this summer month is quite favorable in the area of ​​personal relationships. The patron planet of your Sign, Venus, is in a strong position most of the time and has a positive effect on your energy.

The beginning of the month is filled with negative energy. The weak position of Venus does not contribute to success in personal relationships. From June 1 to June 5, you can avoid open conflicts and acute situations only with the help of sincerity and honesty towards your loved one.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus is in a strong position and has a beneficial effect on your energy field. This period is favorable for bringing joint ideas and creativity to life. Any plans can be implemented successfully if you and your partner make every effort to achieve what you want.


For Aquarius, June promises to be successful in the area of ​​personal relationships. Your patron planets are in a consistently strong position most of the time and generously bestow their energy on you.

The month begins with the negative influence of weakened Venus. From the 1st to the 5th, the placement of the planets negatively affects your emotional state and can lead to open conflicts with loved ones. During this time, try not to take on more than you can handle and control every word you say.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus occupies a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period is favorable for the implementation of any joint plans, trips and unusual dates. Don't be afraid to be sincere and show your feelings openly.

On June 29, the placement of the planets may remind you of past negative experiences. You can get out of the situation with dignity by making the right decision.


For Pisces, the first month of summer is filled with unstable energy. Frequent changes in the positions of your ruling planets can lead to emotional imbalance and depression. Save and level up vital energy You can do this with the help of a loved one.

In the first half of the month, you should be careful in expressing your feelings. Particularly unlucky days are June 6, 7, 11 and 12. At this time, the Moon is in a weak position and cannot maintain your energy field at the required level.

After June 15, the placement of the planets plays on your side. Strengthening the energy of the patron planets has a beneficial effect on your emotions and relationships with your loved one.

On June 20 and 21, the Moon's strong position promotes trust between you and your partner. Shared trip or a holiday at the end of the month can help take the plunge in a relationship.

Meditation according to your Zodiac Sign will help you achieve inner harmony and achieve good luck. We wish you a good month and a great mood!

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