Why is pine called the pioneer of the forest? "Pearl of the northern forests" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Educational quiz about the forest

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The Pearl of the Northern Forests Completed by: Stepanova Elza Valerievna, German Margarita Vitalievna, students 4 “A” class, Supervisor: Vasilyeva Marina Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SECONDARY SCHOOL OF THE CLOSED ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL EDUCATION VIDYAYEVO"

Purpose of the study: to determine the significance of pine in nature and in human life

analyze scientific information on this topic; describe the influence of pine on human health and life; make a quiz about pine. Research objectives:

Hypothesis We assume that if there are no pine trees on Earth, this will negatively affect human life and health.

These true living fossils populated vast areas of the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere. Distribution of pine In America, in the state of Nevada, they found a pine tree that is about 4900 years old, that is, it is older than the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. Pines reach a height of 80 m.

Pine plays an important role in the ecological food chain. ? Animal food The capercaillie feeds on pine needles almost throughout the year. For elk, the best winter food is pine shoots and their bark.

Animal food

The uniqueness of pine People have known about the strength and vitality of pine for a long time. Pine can grow on both rocky and sandy soils. She is not afraid of frost, heat, or “hunger.” Pine is only afraid of the dark. She needs a lot of light and sun. Is there little food in the soil? Pine has very long roots that provide it with nutrients.

3 times less than oak 5 times less than spruce Dry? Pine will evaporate less water.

In 1535, on the ship of the navigator J. Cartier, 25 crew members died, and 100 people fell ill with scurvy. The sailors learned from local residents - Indians - that they should drink an infusion of pine needles. The Indian medicine helped - the sailors were cured of scurvy.

1 pine tree 10 kg of needles annual norm of carotene and vitamin C per person

Pine and human health

Pine and human health

Doctors all over the world value the phytoncides that pine trees produce. The combination of pine forests and sea air is considered ideal for allergy sufferers, people who suffer from bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis. Therefore, many sanatoriums are located in pine forests. Pine and human health

Pine essential oil is used to treat nervous disorders and psychotherapy. The smell of pine helps to calm capricious, hyperactive children, it puts things in order nervous system. Pine and human health

Vitamin K Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Ascorbic acid Carotene Tannins Composition of pine

Pine and human beauty Pine is popular in cosmetology, because preparations based on essential oils pine trees help actively regenerate the skin, rejuvenate it, strengthen hair, and help get rid of dandruff.

Use of pine

Use of pine

perfumery medicine pine-vitamin flour artificial silk Use of pine

Rosin for the production of paper for the production of soap for the preparation of varnish and paint for the production of linoleum

Turpentine as a solvent for paints for etching calico fabrics in medicine

Amber beauty

the Amber Room

1. How to determine the age of a tree by cutting down a stump? 2. How many years does a needle live? 3. Why is pine called the “pioneer of the forest”? 4. What musical instrument is made from pine? 5. Why are the annual layers of wood not the same in different years and have different thicknesses? 6. Why can you see young spruce trees under the pines, but no pines under the spruce trees? 7. How can you determine the sides of the horizon? 8. How do trees themselves heal the wounds inflicted on them? 9. Why do pine needles on the forest floor take a long time to decay, but a birch leaf rots quickly? Quiz

1 person 400 trees 70 industries

As a result of this work, we were able to describe the impact of pine on human health and life - we compiled questions for the quiz “Why Chek” Conclusion: The hypothesis: if there are no pine trees on Earth, this will negatively affect human health and life - was confirmed.

World reference atlas. – M.: AST – PRESS SCHOOL – 2008 – 280 p. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. Textbook for 4th grade. four years old beginning school In 2 hours. Part 1 – 5th ed. – M.: - Education – 2013. Elizarova E.M. Such unfamiliar familiar plants. Club on the subject " The world" – Volgograd: Publishing House “Panorama”, 2006. – 128 p. Terra – Lexicon: Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary. – M.: TERRA – 2004 – 672 p. What's happened. Who is this: In 3 volumes. T.3 – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Pedagogika-Press, 2004. – 336 p.: ill. Shaleeva G.P. Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children. Volume 9. – M.: Philological Society “WORD” - 2001. – 248 p. http://www.bibliotekar.ru/spravochnik-48/4.htm http://www.greenmama.ru/nid/2917020 Literature

If one of the people had the ability to live for several centuries in a row, then he would be able to trace with his own eyes How do tree species change? How the appearance of our forests is changing, the soils, litter, and living cover are changing. But it turns out that there is no need to compete with long-lived trees in longevity to see this change in species. There are many signs by which an experienced forester can figure out in a few minutes how the centuries-old battle between species took place, who gave up and who won. All these beauties of ours, which we admire on our travels to the countryside, are the result of vigorous human activity. Once upon a time, relatively recently, mighty and bright oak forests rustled in their place. And since they are not there, it means a man with an ax has been here. In almost any spruce forest we can find different stages of struggle between spruce and deciduous trees. How does this happen?


Let's say we took and cut down some area in spruce forest. Either there was a fire or in some other way a significant space was vacated. And here fundamental changes begin to occur. Before twilight reigned under the spruce trees, there was a humid atmosphere, calm; kingdom of green mosses and shade-loving vegetation, special.

Conditions have changed

It's all wrong now conditions have changed. The clearing began to be flooded with generous sunshine, soil evaporation increased, in the same time precipitation began to penetrate freely into the soil. The shade-loving vegetation has become tight; they cannot bear the bright sun, frost, and wind. They refuse to bear fruit, wither and finally die. If there is any spruce growth left here and there, it is doomed to a difficult existence. Fir, for example, suffers not only from frost and lack of moisture, but also from solar radiation. Instead of shade-loving herbaceous vegetation, light-loving aliens appear.

Pioneer trees

But now the clearing begins to be rapidly populated by representatives of tree species. By whom? Pioneer trees. Birch, aspen, alder. A fruitful birch (more details:) threw its seeds into the wind, they were carried to the clearing, and the whole of it was covered with a coating of birch. Its seeds could have reached this place before. But at that time the spruce did not give them any chance of life. Now it's a completely different matter. Its seedlings grow quickly, are not afraid of frost, easily compete with grass vegetation, and outstrip it in growth. And the abundance of light is only beneficial for the birch, since this is a breed.

Well, let’s say we got into the clearing at the same time spruce seeds simultaneously with birch. What is their fate? The seeds ate or will not sprout, since the soil is no longer the same, everything is clogged with grass, and even if they sprout, the fate of the seedlings is deplorable. The first frost will destroy the tree; In addition, spruce grows slowly and can be drowned out by grass. And many other circumstances that the birch will use for its own benefit will destroy the spruce.

Young birch and aspen trees

And now you see, our clearing is thickly covered young birch and aspen trees. As they grow, they begin to close their crowns. Of course, this does not happen suddenly, not in one year.

Changes again

Under the canopy of young animals things begin to happen again change. What once vigorously populated the clearing—light-loving vegetation—is dying and withering away. Her place is taken shade lovers, the usual dead cover for a forest is formed - litter, which protects the soil from strong evaporation. We see that the situation under the canopy has become very reminiscent of what once was under the previous owners - the spruce trees. The air is softer and more humid, the sun is no longer so hot, the light is dim and diffused. The spruce, by the way, continued to throw its seeds into the clearing during this entire time. Sometimes they say that spruce is afraid to settle here. This is wrong. They simply ate the seeds without finding suitable conditions, did not germinate, and even if they managed to germinate, they immediately died. But then the crowns of the birches and aspens closed, the light-loving grass disappeared, and the soft atmosphere familiar to spruce triumphed under the canopy. The spruce seeds stopped dying, and young fir trees appeared throughout our clearing to restore their rightful place of residence. True, this will not happen soon.

Spruce forest restoration process

However, the life of trees cannot be measured by human standards. Spruce forest restoration process very long lasting. By the way, it can go faster, but under one condition. To do this, it is necessary that in addition to spruce, there must be birch and aspen in the felling area. Then these tree species may appear not from seeds, but from root suckers or from stump shoots. The property of any shoot is known. It grows much faster than a seed forest. This means that the closure of the crowns will occur earlier, and the conditions for the settlement of spruce will arise earlier. So, the spruce has settled. What happens next? Having filled the clearing, the spruce trees also close in their crowns, and their own struggle begins. Trees of better growth and worse are distinguished. This is where heredity and growing conditions begin to take their toll. But so far everyone has been eating under the leafy canopy and is experiencing its two-way influence: both oppression and protection, which plays a major role in the existence of the spruce. But then the moment comes when the spruce no longer needs the care of the birch. She got stronger, got used to it, she has her own canopy, her own microclimate. As they say, it feeds itself and protects itself.

Fight between spruce and birch

The presence of a white-trunked neighbor only harms the spruce. AND spruce begins to fight birch. Conditions for its growth are improving all the time, but for birch they are correspondingly worsening - it is a light-loving species. The birch begins to thin out greatly or, simply put, to die and interferes less and less with the spruce. Finally, the spruce gradually penetrates the birch canopy, and then the birch, before surrendering to the mercy of the winner, uses its last weapon in the struggle for existence. It begins to cut the crown of the spruce with its flexible branches or, as foresters say, “whip it.” After all, a small breeze is enough for the sensitive birch branches to move. Sensitive needles cannot withstand such whipping and die. The spruce crown is often one-sided and ugly. This is the price of victory - to lose beauty for the sake of life. The spruce grows slowly but surely, and catches up with the birch, its former protector and then its oppressor. Instead of two-tier planting arises single-tier spruce-birch, which soon turns into a two-tier again. And you already guessed who occupies the top tier. Spruce! Light-loving birch and aspen found themselves under a thick canopy of shade-tolerant spruce. It is clear what the fate of the birch is. Having gone through all the stages of oppression at an accelerated pace, she is forced to give up. The circle is closed. They cut down the spruce, the birch settled in its place, and the birch was replaced by the spruce. But it took no less than a hundred years.! So, spruce, due to its biological properties, is capable of recapturing the territory captured from it. But very often we see only birch and aspen forests and very rarely spruce forests. Why? Spruce must take back its possessions, right? But spruces cannot inseminate the entire vast space; birch and aspen can. But here’s another question: maybe there was never a spruce forest here, but there were always birches and aspens? How to find out? Foresters can answer easily and with great accuracy whether there was a coniferous forest here, when it gave way to deciduous forest and how. If the result is a fire, then you can always find pieces of coal in the soil. Well, if it was cut down, then the presence of coppice trees will tell you about it. One has only to cut down a coppice birch and count the annual rings to find out when the spruce forest was taken and the change of species began. Spruce can be replaced by pioneer trees not only after a fire or deforestation, but also after a windfall and windfall. The persistence with which spruce returns to its old place and displaces birch and aspen has made it possible to classify it as main breeds. The circle has ended. There was a change in tree species. The main type of species, spruce, has restored its territory. The advance of the birch and aspen was successful, as was the retreat. Both benefited the spruce. A stable balance was restored again.
  1. increasing cognitive interest in natural science subjects,
  2. broadening the horizons and developing students’ logical thinking,
  3. attracting the younger generation to the study and protection of forests,
  4. nurturing love for native nature.

Forms of the game: biological tournament, environmental KVN, brain ring.

Rules of the game: the intellectual game “Plants of the Forest” is held within the framework of the subject ten-day period between the parallels of grades 6-7. This game will be announced in advance. Each class nominates a team (or a group of students to form a team for grades 6-7). 2-3 teams play at the same time. The right to respond is given to the team that first gave the ready signal (for this you can use signal cards, a bell, or light installations of different colors on each table). To evaluate the work of the teams, an independent jury is selected to monitor compliance with the rules of the game and take into account the points scored for correct answers to questions. You are given one minute to think about each question. During the game you can arrange musical breaks.

Details: two (three) gaming tables; signal cards, bells or light installations of different colors on each table; computer, multimedia projector; reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkina, V.D. Polenova, A.I. Kuindzhi, I.I. Levitan; herbariums or tree leaves; musical compositions.


  1. Poster with a statement by K. Paustovsky: “Nature must be protected, just as we protect people. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, the desecration of what belongs not only to us, but also to them by right.”
  2. Proverb:
    “There is no forest - plant it,
    There is not enough forest - don’t cut it down,
    There’s a lot of forest – take care.”
  3. Pictures about the forest by I.I. Shishkina, I.I. Levitan, V.D. Polenova, A.I. Kuindzhi.
  4. Thematic computer presentation.
  5. Musical arrangement (selection of classical instrumental music, contemporary pop songs on a given topic, etc.)


1. It’s bitter in haymaking,
And it's sweet in the cold.
What kind of berry?
(rowan, viburnum).
2. Blue jacket,
Yellow lining,
It's sweet in the middle.
3. She is not afraid of the cold,
The blizzard is not scary,
sharp peak,
And it's called... (spruce).
4. Lives 300 years or more,
She is photophilous
Completely unpretentious to the soil,
Needles 2 each, then - ... (pine).
5. Blooms later than all the trees,
Its flowers are medicinal,
If you brew them, you'll get a cold
You won't be sick anymore.
6. This bush in the forest caresses the eye,
The leaf is complex, pinnate,
The fruit is small
It contains a great variety of vitamins
Have you guessed it? Who is this?
(rose hip).
7. Both the leaf and the buds - everything heals,
And juice is a healing raw material.
The wind makes noise if it blows,
The beauty of Russia is its trunk.
8. A broom is prepared for the bath,
The leaves sit firmly like this,
Its fruits will feed the animals,
If you are strong, they will compare you with him.
9. He absorbs gas and dust,
This work is not easy in the summer.
For this he is highly appreciated
They call it "air corpsman".
(Food for thought:
one poplar tree per summer
can absorb more than 1 kg of dust and 45 kg of CO 2).
10. What is her name, who knows?
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling,
Evil spirits, drives away filth,
If the stake is clogged.
11. She welcomes spring -
He puts on earrings.
Draped over the back
Green scarf.
And the dress is striped.
You will know…
(birch tree).
12. Whose fluff flies around the city?
In the middle of July there is snowfall.
Passers-by scold him
And it's the wind's fault.


  1. Why does spruce always have a sharp top? (Because the spruce, while it is alive, continuously grows in height all the time, and other forest trees that have reached a certain age stop growing in height, but their trunks begin to spread out in width. The rounded top of the crown is the first sign of the cessation of height growth).
  2. The wood of which coniferous tree is very durable and resistant to rotting? (Larch trees. There are known buildings made from it that lasted 300-500 years or more (in Siberia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Poland). In 1958, on the Danube during a drought, when the water level dropped, larch piles of a bridge built by the Romans were discovered at the beginning of the 2nd century. The wood turned out to be undestroyed).
  3. What coniferous tree growing in the Caucasus reaches an age of 2000-3000 years or more and what is its wood used for? (Yew. This is a powerful, several girths, up to 35 meters tall tree with a thick dark green crown. Yew is called mahogany or non-gnus, which corresponds to the strength and brownish-red color of its wood, which is not susceptible to the destructive action of air and does not rot in water, but only acquires a bright ruby ​​color in it. The needles, bark and wood are poisonous. Yew is used for making plywood, in underwater structures and for various crafts, competing with products made from expensive Brazilian mahogany).
  4. What are annual growth rings, and what can be determined from them? (An annual growth ring is all the layers of wood cells formed in spring, summer and autumn. The age of the tree can be determined by the growth rings. By the thickness of the growth rings you can find out in what conditions the tree grew in different years of its life. Narrow growth rings indicate a lack of moisture , about the shading of a tree and about its poor nutrition. You can also determine the countries of the world by the growth rings. The growth rings are usually wider on the side of the tree that faces the south, and narrower on the one that faces the north).
  5. Is it possible to determine the age of all trees and shrubs by their growth rings? (No, not for everyone. For example, saxaul produces several growth rings in one year (during rainfall), which does not allow one to determine the age of the tree from them).
  6. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, maple, aspen, bird cherry, etc.)
  7. The wood of which trees is so hard that it can replace bone and even metal? (1 - Boxwood. An evergreen, very slowly growing tree or shrub from the boxwood family, with a dense crown, with dioecious monoecious flowers, shade-tolerant, heat-loving. Common in the forests of the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus. Highlanders call it “iron tree” for its strength and “Caucasian palm" for its beauty. It is highly valued as a material for the manufacture of bearings, musical instruments, chess and other products.
    2 – In the south of the Primorsky Territory, the “iron birch” grows, the wood of which is close to iron in strength, it is 3.5 times stronger than cast iron, neither the sharpest ax nor a bullet can take it, its wood sinks in water).
  8. Which trees have the same names as flowers? (1 – Clove tree – on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. In color and shape they resemble small nails, hence, apparently, the name of the plant.
    2 – Tulip tree. Homeland: China, North America. In the CIS - in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. A tall tree with a dense pyramidal crown. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, orange-red, reminiscent of tulips. A good honey plant. Wood is used in furniture production. Some medicines are prepared from the bark).
  9. What is the most terrible enemy of the forest? (Forest fire).
  10. What benefits do birds bring to the forest? (Owls destroy harmful rodents and insects. One owl eats 12-14 mice a day. Cuckoos in large numbers destroy hairy silkworm caterpillars - the most dangerous forest pests and other insects. Woodpeckers destroy the larvae of harmful insects. Larks, swallows, swifts, flycatchers, wagtails , tits, kinglets, warblers, redstarts, robins, nuthatches, pikas, thrushes, nightingales, etc. bring food to their chicks from 300 to 600 times a day, feeding them a huge number of harmful insects and their larvae).
  11. What do they call nature reserves? Which reserve is located on the territory of the Arkharinsky district of the Amur region? (Reserves are specially designated areas of territory where vegetation and animal world, typical for a given geographical area, the number of animals that are most economically and scientifically valuable increases. Currently, the total number of reserves, national parks and protected areas around the world is about 800. In the CIS there are more than 150 reserves and protected areas. On the territory of the Arkharinsky district of the Amur region there is the Khingan State Nature Reserve).
  12. Name the protected trees of the Amur region? (Siberian apricot, Amur velvet, Korean pine (Korean cedar), Ussuri pear).
  13. What are the highly poisonous plants in the forest? (Yew - a coniferous tree, all parts are poisonous; Wolf's bast - a shrub, very poisonous, especially the berries; Euonymus - a shrub, the bark, leaves, fruits are poisonous; Vekh poisonous or hemlock - a herbaceous plant, the whole plant is poisonous, especially the rhizome, the poison of hemlock was the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was poisoned; Belladonna (mad cherry, sleepy stupor) is a herbaceous plant, all parts are poisonous, especially the fruits. The juice of this plant was previously used by fashionistas to enlarge their pupils.)
  14. Why do frost cracks form on tree trunks in forests and parks? In which month is it more common? (Frost holes appear from sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures, when the trunks become very hot during the day and cool down at night. Usually the cold splits trees on frosty February nights. Trees with hard wood suffer more often: oak, maple, ash, pine).
  15. When, from what and where (in what state) was the first paper received? (The first sheet of paper was obtained from the bast of a mulberry tree in the 2nd century by the Chinese scientist Tsai-Lun. The Chinese kept the method of making paper a secret for almost a thousand years. early XIX century, the scientist Schaefer invented a method for making paper from wood. After the death of the scientist, his invention was forgotten. At that time, paper was made from rags. 50 years later, another scientist, Keller, again made paper from wood. Currently, paper is produced from wood fiber (cellulose). The main raw material for paper production in the Russian Federation is spruce wood, as well as aspen and other hardwoods).
  16. Which famous medicinal plant was traditionally used to sterilize maternity rooms by burning its branches? (Juniper).
  17. The wood of which tree has the best sound conductivity and is used to make resonant soundboards of musical instruments? (Spruce).
  18. Which wood is the easiest to process for complex carvings? (Linden).
  19. Which coniferous tree cannot be transported by self-rafting and why? (Larch. Its wood is heavy and sinks quickly in water).
  20. Why is the birch tree called the pioneer of the forest, and the birch forest - temporary? (Birch is the first to colonize open spaces, clearings, and burnt areas. It is not afraid of bright sun and frost. Young fir trees settle under its crown. When the spruce grows up, it displaces the birch).
  21. Why does the forest die when old hollow trees are cut down? (Birds lived in the hollows of old trees, the bats. They exterminated harmful insects of the forest. If there were no nests, there were no more birds. The young forest dies from harmful insects).
  22. What are the basic rules of behavior in nature? (You should never try an unfamiliar plant, it can be poisonous. You should not make noise, as you can disrupt the normal life of the forest inhabitants. You should not pick flowers, knowing that you will never put them in a vase (after all, it’s not too soon to go home). You should not walk with bare head in the sun, sunstroke may occur. You cannot swim if the reservoir is unfamiliar, there may be craters and deep places, cliffs, glass, stones and snags at the bottom. You cannot drink unboiled water from an open reservoir. You cannot break bushes and small trees , branches. You cannot catch butterflies, bugs and other small forest inhabitants).
  23. What trees have names in them? food products, fruits? (1-Strawberry tree - in Crimea, western Transcaucasia. Belongs to the heather family. Evergreen, ornamental. Fruits are edible red berries, similar to strawberries.
    2 - candy tree- in the subtropics. Fruit and ornamental plant. The fleshy, thickened stalks are eaten. They contain a lot of sugar and are used for fillings in the confectionery industry.
    3 - Breadfruit - Indonesia, Ceylon. Looks like oak. The fruits, reaching the size of a pumpkin, weigh up to 20 kg. The fruits are rich in starch and taste similar to potatoes. Consumed boiled and fried. The fruits, subjected to fermentation, turn into a dough-like mass from which flat cakes are baked, hence the name “breadfruit”.
    4 – Chocolate tree – Mexico. The Aztecs also knew how to prepare a tonic drink (cocoa) from its seeds.
    5 – Tea tree – tea – in China about 5 thousand years ago.
    6 – Coffee tree – Africa).

L I V O P I S S:

Name the artists and the names of these paintings:

  1. I.I. Shishkin “Forest distances” - 1884
  2. I.I. Shishkin “Morning in a pine forest” - 1889
  3. V.D. Polenov “Overgrown Pond” - 1879
  4. A.I. Kuindzhi “Birch Grove” - 1879
  5. I.I. Levitan " Golden autumn" - 1895
  1. I came to you with greetings, to tell you,
    That the sun has risen, that it is a hot light
    The leaves fluttered,
    Tell me that the forest has woken up, all woken up,
    Every branch, every bird perked up
    And full of thirst in spring.
  2. White birch tree under my window
    She covered herself with snow, like silver.
    On fluffy branches with a delicate border
    The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
    And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
    And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
    And the dawn, lazily walking around,
    Sprinkles the branches with new silver.
    (S. Yesenin).
  3. The leaves trembled, the maples swayed,
    Dust flew from the golden branches...
    The winds rustled, the green forest gasped,
    The dried feather grass whispered with an echo...
    (S. Yesenin).
  4. The golden grove dissuaded
    Birch, cheerful language,
    And the cranes, sadly flying,
    They don’t regret anything anymore...
    (S. Yesenin).
  5. The forests are leaving.
    I feel sorry for the forest.
    The spruce, pine and birch trees are leaving,
    Rowan trees extinguish fiery clusters.
    Osinnikov's voices fall silent.
    Once upon a time there lived oak trees in those forests,
    And ash trees and golden maples.
    Where can they escape from such a fate?
    The forest is cut down - the ocean is green.
    (S. Orlov.)
  6. We live in the same family.
    We should sing in the same circle,
    Walk in the same line
    Fly in one flight.
    Let's save
    Chamomile in the meadow
    Water lily on the river
    And cranberries in the swamp.
    Oh, how nature is mother
    Tolerant and kind!
    But so that her dashing
    No fate befell
    Let's save
    There is sturgeon on the rods,
    Killer whale in the sky,
    In the taiga wilds - a tiger,
    If you are destined to breathe
    We have only air,
    Let's all go
    Let's unite forever,
    Let's give our souls
    Together we will save
    Then we're on earth
    And we will save ourselves!!!
    (N. Starshinov>).
  7. There is no time here, mighty and beautiful,
    The magical forest was noisy and green,
    Not a forest, but a whole diverse world,
    Filled with visions and miracles.
    The rays shone through, the shadows trembled,
    The noise of birds in the trees did not stop,
    Fast deer flashed through the thicket,
    And the hunting horn cried from time to time...
    But where is he? Who lowered the veil?
    He brought her down from heaven to earth -
    What is this? Ghost, some kind of spell?
    Where are we? And should you believe your eyes?
    There is only smoke here, like the fifth element,
    Lazy, sluggish, endless smoke.
    Here and there they stick out through the naked
    Ugly stumps to fire,
    And they run on burnt branches
    With an ominous crackling white lights...
  8. ...And I enter the nearby forest.
    There's a reddened maple,
    More green oak and yellow birch trees
    Tears are sadly shaken off;
    But further I go, immersed in dreams,
    And half-naked branches hang above me,
    Meanwhile, thoughts form harmonies,
    Free words are crowded into a measured order,
    And my soul is light, and sweet, and strange,
    And everything is quiet around, and under my feet
    The fragrant leaf rustles so softly...
    (A.K. Tolstoy).

(Some of these passages may be used at the beginning and end of the activity at the teacher's discretion.)

G E R B A R I I:

Guess which tree this leaf fell from? (Students are shown herbariums).

  1. Maple.
  2. Linden.
  3. Birch.
  4. Bird cherry.

R E S T A V B B U C S:

Rearrange the letters to get the name of the plant:

  1. SOWING (ash)
  2. REZABO (birch)
  3. ANSIO (aspen)
  4. DYSHLAN (lily of the valley)
  5. PUMP (pine)

B U R I M E:

Using the suggested rhymes, make up a quatrain:

  • Birds are borders, forests are skies.
  • Maples are green, forests are voices.
  • Buds are leaves, stems are furniture.

Who knows more songs about trees, bushes, herbs, flowers? (Teams will have to take turns singing one verse of a song on a given topic, or continue the song started by the presenter of the program).

  1. Why are you standing swaying, thin rowan...
  2. Poplar fluff, heat, July...
  3. Poplars, poplars are all in fluff...
  4. The bird cherry blossomed, dressed up as a bride...
  5. Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...
  6. Herbs, herbs, herbs did not have time...
  7. Bird cherry blossoms when it gets cold...
  8. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree …
  9. Oh, the viburnum is blooming...
  10. A million, a million, a million red roses...



  1. Puzzles. Tongue twisters: Favorite poems. – M.: AST-PRESS, 1997.
  2. Zorina T.G. Schoolchildren about the forest. M.: Timber industry, 1967.
  3. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia. Textbook from the Federal set for grades 9-11 secondary school. M.: JSC MDS, 1996.

Forest Festival

Target: Identification of young craftsmen and development of creative activity of children.

(On the hanging stands there are quatrains of great poets)

There is a forest in front of them; motionless pines

In its frowning beauty

All their branches are weighed down

Shreds of snow

A.S. Pushkin

It's lonely in the wild north

There's a pine tree on the bare top

And dozes, swaying, and snow falls

Dressed like a robe, she


The spruce and birch will not move;

Only the snow underfoot creaks from the frost.

Only the raven sometimes flutters and makes a noise

And the woodpecker is hollowing out a hollow pine tree

I.S. Nikitin

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

tied to a pine tree

S. Yesenin

Here are the pine trees.

Straight-trunked and resilient,

Prickly - the winds cannot tear them apart,

They stand in their scaled mail,

Calm, like Igor's army

Sun. Christmas

Learning to penetrate the secrets of the forest,

Stand up and listen as you go out of town

Windy babble of a birch forest

The thoughtful rustle of a pine forest.

E. Bereznitsky

And if this is familiar and dear to you

That means you know how good

And a fairy tale and a song among the pine rustling

In places where there seems to be no soul

A. Kovalenkov


1. How is the age of a tree determined by cutting down a stump? (by number of tree rings)

6.What is the difference between a pine tree growing at the edge of the forest and a pine tree growing in the thicket of the forest? (a pine tree growing on the edge has a spreading crown, it is lowered low, the tree trunk is conical. In trees in the thicket of the forest, the lower branches die off, the crown is raised high, the trunk is cylindrical) 7. What adaptations does a pine tree have for living on the sand? (pine has a powerful root system. The main root goes deep into the ground, the lateral roots are highly branched and located close to the surface of the earth. With the help of roots, pine draws water from deep layers of soil and collects moisture even after light rain) 8. Why can you see young trees under pine trees? Christmas trees, but there are no pine trees under the spruce trees? (spruce is a shade-tolerant plant, it can live under pine trees, but pine cannot live under shady spruce, because it is light-loving) 9. Why do we see so many dead branches in a pine forest, but only the tops of trees turn green? (pine is a light-loving branch, they don’t get any the forest has sufficient light, they die and disappear)

10. The child got lost in the forest on a cloudy day. On the pine trees growing around him, he noticed that mosses and lichens developed especially well on one side of the trunks. How can he determine the sides of the horizon? Mosses and lichens on the tree bark are better developed on the trunk facing north: there is more moisture here)

12. Why do needles on the forest floor take a long time to decay, but birch leaves bend quickly? (needles contain resinous substances, but birch leaves do not contain these substances)

13. How to prepare a vitamin drink against scurvy from pine needles? (The needles are washed, ground in a mortar, the vessel is placed at 1/3 of its volume and filled boiled water. After 2 hours, filter the infusion and add sugar for taste. citric acid or juice)

14. Breathes, grows, but cannot walk (plant)

15. Medicinal herb, grows near bodies of water, has a pleasant smell (mint)

16.Which flower heals the heart? (lily of the valley)

17.Which plant is rich in vitamins “C” (rose hips)

18.What medicinal plant is used to treat abrasions and wounds? (plantain)

19.What medicinal plant can be identified even by the blind? (nettle)

20.What medicinal plants used to treat colds? (raspberry, linden, mother and stepmother)

21. Why shouldn’t you make noise in the forest in spring and early summer? (the noise scares birds and forest inhabitants, and they may leave their homes)

22. Why do the lower branches of a pine tree die? (pine is a light-loving plant, and spruce loves shade)

Competitions “On the edge of the forest”

    prepare a song, dance, poem (the quality of performance is assessed)


"Collecting cones."

Two teams play. 15 cones are scattered on the site. First to the 1st numbers of players, then to the 2nd, etc. cover their eyes with a blind mask. The team that collects the most cones wins.

“Grab the bump.”

A stump is chosen in the clearing. At a distance of 10 steps in different directions from it, two lines are drawn. Behind them, in numerical order, are two teams. A pine cone is placed on the stump. The head of the game calls a number at random. The players of both teams who have this number each run to the opposite line, step on it with their feet, make a quick turn, and on the way back each of them tries to be the first to grab a cone from a stump. The one who succeeds gets one point. The team with the most points wins.

"The most accurate."

Three concentric circles with a radius of 50 cm, 1 m, 1.5 m are drawn on the ground. A line is drawn 6 steps from the outer line of the circle. Participants are given three cones. If the player ends up in the central circle, he is given 10 points, in the 2nd circle - 8 points, in the outer circle - 5 points.

“Forest Curiosities” competitions

(The most original works become exhibits of the exhibition)

    best homemade pine bark

    best toy made from pine cones

    best sculpture made from roots and branches

    the best pine forest herbarium

"Young Storytellers" competition

    find bizarre pine trees on the territory and create legends about them

    poster competition “Rules of conduct in the forest”

(The correctness of the answer is assessed by writing the phrase on the poster)

    do not cut down living trees and shrubs

    do not light fires under trees

    don't leave trash

    don't pick flowers

    don't destroy birds' nests

    do not take home baby animals

    do not play loud music or make noise

    competition "Take care of nature"

(Express your attitude towards nature through poems, posters, drawings)

Tree, flower, grass and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet

Animal holes, bird's nests

We will never ruin

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to us

Interesting messages for the section

“Did you know that...”

The ancient Romans called pine “Palace” for its durability and strength, i.e. "Rock".

Among the Finnish people, pine is a symbol of life.

The rarest type of pine is found on Miyashima Island in Japan.

This is the so-called “dragon beard”, only 60 cm high, but the branches of the tree spread densely along the ground, reaching a length of 30 m.

There is a known pine tree that is 584 years old.

The length of the needles of just one old pine tree is 200 km.

Over the course of a person’s life, 400 trees are consumed for the needs of a person.

From one m 3 pine wood produces 120 kg of coal, 63 kg of resin, 11 kg of acetic acid, and 2.6 kg of wood alcohol.

When chemically processed, a cubic meter of coniferous wood yields 65 suits and 2.5 thousand pairs of stockings, 680 m of fabric.

End of the holiday

(The holiday ends with the old forester leaving the forest, accompanied by his retinue.)

    The musical performance “Adventure in a Pine Forest” is performed

    Festive tea party with pies

  • return to project description Familiar paths for new secrets

1. Why are young birch leaves sticky? (Resinous substances protect leaves from frost)

2. Why is a low hum heard in a coniferous forest even in any wind? The forest is noisy, we say. Why is this noise happening? (A weak hissing sound in a coniferous forest is caused by vortices formed by jets of air bending branches and needles. Merging together, these weak sounds form the noise of the forest).

3. Why is the birch tree called the pioneer of the forest, and the birch forest - temporary? (Birch is the first to colonize open spaces, clearings, and burnt areas. It is not afraid of bright sun and frost. Young fir trees settle under its crown. When the spruce grows up, it displaces the birch).

4. Why frost cracks form on tree trunks. In which month is it more common? (Frost holes appear from different fluctuations in day and night temperatures, when the trunks become very hot during the day and cool down at night. Usually the cold splits trees on frosty February nights and trees with hard wood more often suffer: oak, maple, ash, pine).

5. Plants are divided into deciduous and evergreen. Almost everyone belongs to the second group coniferous trees. In cold weather, water evaporates quite quickly, and it is impossible to replenish moisture loss, since there is no movement of water through the plant in winter. How do fir, spruce, pine and others conifers do they tolerate winter drought? (In winter, the needles are reliably protected from drying out. Each needle is covered on the outside with a thin, water-impermeable cuticle film. The microscopic stomata are tightly closed and for reliability, each stomata is “sealed” with wax).

6. It was noticed that during strong storm the wind uproots spruce trees and breaks pine trees. Why? (The pine has a well-developed main root. And root system goes deep, while spruce has a root system on the surface)

7. It has been noticed that wolves, after having lunch, sometimes lie on the remains of their prey. Moreover, this behavioral feature is preserved in wolves raised in captivity. How can this behavior of animals be explained? (This is a way of masking your own smell, which is important when hunting)

8. Gravedigger beetles live in our forests. Why are they called that? What role do they play for the forest? (Gravediggers sense the smell of a corpse very subtly, flock to it, rake out the earth under the corpse with their paws, a hole is gradually formed and the corpse settles. The dug earth accumulates near the corpse and crumbles onto it, burying it. The beetles lay eggs in the corpse and provide future offspring with food. For burying It takes 10 - 12 hours for a mouse corpse to die (thus they are forest orderlies).

9. Hedgehogs are born in early spring when it is still very cold in the forest. They have no fur - only spines. The babies are cold and in the hole, especially when the mother goes out to get food. What does the hedgehog do in such cases? (To keep warm, the hedgehog wraps the babies in dry leaves)

10. Which forest bird of ours puts on “gloves” in winter and why does it do this? (Forest wood grouse, hazel grouse. In October, comb-like horny fringes grow along the edges of their bare fingers. Hard “gloves” help the hazel grouse to stay on thin branches. It is convenient for the grouse to sit in such “gloves” on the icy branches of spruce and pine).

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