How many wishes to make for the new year. To come true: three proven ways to make a wish for the New Year. Examples of correct and incorrect statements of your desires

Adults and children are eagerly awaiting New Year's Eve. This is not surprising, because at this time you can make a wish, and there is every chance that it will come true. The main thing is to know how to do it. How to make a wish for the new year correctly, so that it definitely comes true, is described below.

  • They ask for something only for themselves. The desire should not even concern close people, so that there is no disagreement with their dreams.
  • One thinks of desire as a fait accompli. They do not say: "I want to buy an apartment," but they say the following: "I bought an apartment."
  • All desires are written down in a notebook. You can fix whatever you want without limiting yourself. New Year's Eve happens only once a year, so you can take advantage of this opportunity to the maximum.
  • Fixing desires on paper, they think over everything for the little things. If they dream of a new car, they think about the brand, color, interior and other details.
  • Making wishes, they say words of gratitude to the Universe. You can say the following: "Thank you, Universe, for a new apartment."
  • Denial is excluded, otherwise dreams will not come true. They do not say: "I have no financial problems," but they say: "My financial condition has improved."
  • You really need to want your desire to come true. If a dream comes from the heart, there is every chance that it will come true.
  • You cannot make a wish that will harm people. The universe will not fulfill it. In addition, such a desire can turn against the one who makes it.
  • It is not advisable to ask for money. It is better to immediately guess what you want to spend them on. For example: "I bought a dacha."

Ways to make a wish

There are several ways to make a wish for New Year to make it come true.

With the symbol of the new year

For the ceremony, a leaf is taken on which a pig's face is drawn. The piece of paper is placed in the center of the table. After that, this piglet is introduced and how he will help the petitioner all year round. After that, they say the following words: "I always have success and luck in everything."

The drawing is folded and put into a bag or purse. The main thing is that the talisman always accompanies the applicant. In this case, luck will accompany the whole year.

With champagne

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • a glass of champagne;
  • small leaf;
  • pencil;
  • matches or a lit candle.

When the chimes begin their report, they write their dream on a piece of paper. After that, the leaf is set on fire, and the ashes are thrown into the champagne. The drink is drunk until the last strike of the chimes.

With a scarf and candles

This ceremony will help you find your love, if this has not happened yet. It is held before new year's eve... For the ritual take:

  • yellow shawl or scarf - 1 pc .;
  • candles - 7 pcs.

Throw a scarf or shawl over the shoulders and sit at the table. One candle is placed in the center and other candles are placed around it. The candle in the center is the person who performs the ritual, the candles around are the other half and close people. For the love of the chosen one or the chosen one, I light a candle on the right side.

The palms are placed over the flame so that it is warm, but not hot. At this time, you need to think about your loved one and imagine him, and also think how nice it would be if he was there. After that, the candle is extinguished and left until the dream comes true.

Eight oranges

For such a ritual, 8 oranges are purchased on the New Year's Eve. Without going into the house, the fruits are thrown over the threshold so that they scatter in different directions. When the last orange gets into the house, they congratulate themselves on the fulfillment of their dreams and wish all the best.

After that, the fruits are collected in a wicker basket. Starting from January 1, oranges are distributed to loved ones 1 a day. The last fruit is consumed independently. After that, you can expect that your wish will come true.

Rite of passage for money

To carry out the ritual, a new banknote of 100 rubles is required. On the money they make the following inscription: "There is money, and there is always an opportunity to earn it." After that, the bill is placed in a wallet. Other money will be attracted to it and the wallet will never be empty.


Such a fruit will help girls who want to get pregnant, but cannot conceive a child. To make the wish come true, under the chimes, the tangerine is peeled and eaten along with the bones. The dream will come true only if at least one bone comes across and it is used.


For such a ritual, seedless grapes are taken. 5 minutes before the chimes, 12 berries are counted to themselves. With the chiming clock, they begin to eat grapes. A wish is made for each berry. The last thing is eaten at 12 chimes.

The video tells how to make wishes for the New Year correctly.


  1. The wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true if you make them correctly.
  2. Dreams are recorded on paper, imagining that they have already come true.
  3. A wish is made with the help of champagne to the chimes.
  4. Oranges will help make dreams come true.
  5. A ceremony with a 100 ruble bill will help attract money and will not let your wallet empty all year round.
  6. A tangerine with a bone, eaten during the chimes, will help girls to become pregnant in the coming year.
  7. To fulfill desires, seedless grapes are eaten under the chimes.

New Year is best time make a wish!

On New Years and other significant holidays (and, first of all, religious ones: at Christmas, at Epiphany), the level of general energy is much higher than on ordinary days, so many people have dreams made under the chimes or during Christmas time come true.

I suggest you not just drink champagne with mixed ashes from a burnt piece of paper with a written wish at 12 o'clock in the morning, but prepare for the coming year with all seriousness, making not only wishes, but also outlining certain goals.

How does a goal differ from a desire? Desire is what's in this moment not entirely up to you. For example, you want to meet a man whom you will love and with whom you will start a family. Does it depend on you or not? Depends, but only partially. You can form the desired intention, write down this desire (for example, in the Wish Book), promise yourself to become more attractive and sociable, and even fulfill the promise, but to realize the desire you will need the help of higher powers (the Universe, God, chance - what you are into believe).

The goal is different in that you can achieve it yourself with the investment of a certain amount of effort. For example, you want to lose weight. Is it a goal or a desire?

Of course the goal :)

So let's go.

Setting goals for the next year

1. Preparation

On December 31st, take a piece of paper and write down all the desires (including goals) that you have. If you've ever made a list of 100 wishes, then you can grab one. If not, go through the main areas: relationships, work, finance, hobbies, health, travel, things (dresses, laptop, car, etc.) and write down everything you want in each area.

The process is not quick, but very rewarding. So you can understand where you want to come and assess whether you are already going right.

2. How to set goals for the year

Take a notebook or large piece of paper and mark out 12 columns or large squares, whichever suits you best. Write down the name of the month in each of them: January, February, March ... etc.

Take your wish / goal list and select 12 meaningful goals. The goals should be important to you, while at the same time achievable with some effort.

Write down one goal in each column so that it turns out that each month you have to achieve one of them. Next, write down the steps you will take to achieve this. Yes, perhaps the circumstances will not work out and you will not succeed. But if you set a firm intention and put in the effort, then most likely everything will work out. In any case, you will do your best, which is up to you.

For example:

Want: more money.
What can I do? Change your job to a more paid one.

Want: lose weight.
What can I do? I'll start healthy image life and sign up for a sports club.

Want: pass on the right.
What can I do? Definitely need to enroll in a driving school

After all the main goals are spelled out, go through all the small tails that have been following you a long time ago, sometimes from year to year.

Haven't you visited your schoolteacher for a long time? Throw away the embroidery (loose sweater)? Do you think it would be nice to make up with a friend? Or maybe you have long wanted to go to the monastery (go on a hike, make a pilgrimage, see live dolphins, visit the sea, etc.)?

List all unfinished business for yourself by month. Let you have one big goal-task for the month and some small one or even several small ones.

And throw all your strength into achieving the intended goal.

Your life will become brighter and richer in events, and by the end of the year you will feel incredible satisfaction instead of the usual “well, another year has flown by ... apparently, this is how I realize my plans for the rest of my life” ...

Wishes for the new year

How to make a wish for the new year?

Pick your three most important desires from your list. That is, what you really want, but do not yet know how to achieve it.

Work out the correct wording of these desires and write them down. Of course, you can write it down on a piece of paper, but the easiest way is to write it down in the Wish Book. Nobody will see them there, and after a year you will be able to check whether they have been fulfilled.

Write only WHAT you want to get, forget about HOW.

Do not write to specific individuals.

Write ultimate goal... Not money for an apartment, but an apartment, etc.

During the chimes, say the phrase (you can mentally): "I intend to receive in the new year ..." and list your desires.

Also write your wishes on the New Year's wall of wishes and describe your ideal day as you see it in a year.

And if you are serious and want the most important wish to come true within the next year, come to the New Year's program, which takes place only once a year, the Week of the fulfillment of your cherished wish

New Year's rituals

Getting rid of negativity

Take a piece of paper and write down anything that makes you unhappy or irritable. Write down your grievances, fears, fears, laziness, mess, lack of money, difficult relationships, anger, sadness, situations that caused tears, insults, in general, any negativity that you, unfortunately, faced, everything you want to live without in the new year.

Cut a piece of paper into stripes so that each strip has one negative point. After that, grab a large bag and walk around your home looking for old unnecessary items. There should be as many of them as you get stripes.

This could be: an old toothbrush, a soap dish, a broken hairbrush, a cracked cup, a faded sweater, or anything else. We clean the house and ourselves from unnecessary trash.

Each strip must be attached to the found old thing, glued with tape, tied with a thread, or something else.

After that, we throw the bag over our shoulders and go outside to the trash heap. The heavier the bag, the better. Feel its heaviness, but even more - the severity of your resentments, tears and the rest of the negativity that you drag on yourself from day to day. We approach the trash heap and say: “Goodbye to the negative, goodbye to the trash, goodbye to all the events that caused my tears and pain,” and solemnly throw the bag into the trash. Feel the Relief!

New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of desires

And I took this ritual on our forum. I tested it on one of my cherished wishes, and in fact, my wish came true.

Copied from the forum (preserving the grammar):

This ritual is very simple and powerful. In addition to the fact that with the help of it you will bring the fulfillment of your desires closer, you will also make the celebration of New Year's Eve more interesting. So, all you need is any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, a car - buy a toy house, a car, you can cut these symbols out of magazines. If you need money, you can use real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung a toy airplane on the tree with the name of the country where I wanted to fly on vacation, and in May 2011 I successfully rested there.

In general, show your imagination and find the most matching symbols your desires. To attract love, you can hang a heart, for marriage - toy bride and groom, if you dream of a child, you can hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree.

It is best to perform this ritual directly in new year's eve, but if you want to make it earlier, you can hang all the symbols when you decorate the tree.

And here are the reviews about this ritual that I found on the Internet:

One acquaintance hung up a model of a jeep, a house, a baby doll, money ... In April, he accidentally turned up a jeep, incredibly cheap! I bought a plot with a house, now it is being built ... My wife is expecting a child ...

My friends and I discussed this, decided to hang it: money, a car, a house, a wedding ring, a prince, a veil ... well, according to needs)
When I asked, "where am I going to get a wedding ring?", My friend, without hesitation, answered, "hang any and say:" I am calling you a wedding ring! ")

The idea with the herringbone works, I just now compared and understood. For 2009, I decided to make Christmas tree toys myself. She made a burgundy flower, blinded the doll in the shape of her husband, our wedding photo in a tiny frame, and my husband glued the house together, as if I don't remember all the toys, some were quite abstract, like some hearts, butterflies ... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 a year we had an apartment, a child, a laptop on the screen of which our wedding photo stood for a long time (until it was replaced by a photo of a child), and for the birth of a child, my husband gave me an orchid in a pot of color, just like the one that I blinded for the Christmas tree.

Somehow my husband bought a model of a car for fun, which was assembled from paper, assembled, and then NG, well, they put it under the Christmas tree, and that year we got a car - my husband had a father, they did not communicate for a long time, because he left his mother to another woman. In general, he donated his own car, and in color - like the one that her husband collected. And somehow, yes, everything comes true, that you don't hang on the tree, then it will be, and how many balls are on the tree - so many large purchases in NG, the amount of purchase depends on the size of the ball!

Later this ritual was also tested by Svetlana Kuleshova. Here's what she once wrote about him:

This is one of my favorite ways to make wishes for the New Year.

I use it every year, and wishes really come true.

We need to hang toys on the tree that will symbolize desires. If you want a new house - hang a little house figurine, if you want to increase your income - hang a real banknote on the Christmas tree. Want a car - a car figurine.

Last year I gave my friends dreaming of a baby a baby doll figurine. We hung it on the tree, and now the guys are waiting for a miracle. This technique is amazing, it really makes dreams come true. You can make toys for the Christmas tree yourself, or you can find suitable ones in the store. If you do it yourself, then choose a time when you will be in a great mood and when creating a toy, be sure to imagine in detail how your dream will come true. The flight of imagination in this technique is huge, it is very cool to make such toys with the whole family.

When you hang a toy on the New Year tree, please, believe as much as possible in the fulfillment of your desire. Sincere belief in a dream works wonders.

When the winter holidays are over and you are cleaning up the tree, put all your wish figurines neatly, and next year, when you start decorating the tree again, you will see how many have come true. It is advisable to spend the money after the New Year holidays on what you really want.

A letter to yourself is a great way to use it on New Years.

May your wishes come true!

Our project is 10 years old!
In 2020, the number of fulfilled wishes will reach 100 thousand.
Now we have about fulfilled desires on 175 pages.
and your wishes will also come true.

To write a desire on a napkin, set fire to the chimes, dissolve the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink - this is practiced by many. However, after such a ritual, desires, alas, are in no hurry to come true.

In making wishes, formulations do not play a special role, and even the mood is not the main thing here, says psychologist-psychotherapist Andrei Smirnov.

According to him, in order for a wish to come true, you need to enter the subconscious. You need to turn off your mind and logic and completely feel yourself as if your wish has already come true.

“There is a fine line here. One can imagine that the wish has come true, but not feel it with all body and soul, and then the desire will remain in the imagination, ”the expert notes.

Therefore, it is important to make yourself feel that what you want has come true at the level of body sensations, to completely dissolve in this state.

At the same time, desires must be real enough so that they can come true without violating the laws of physics, adds the psychotherapist.

How not to guess

According to psychologist Margarita Aristarkhova, the phrase should be specific, without "water".

“Don't ask for money. It is better to immediately give the desire a specific image: a car, an apartment, a fur coat, a vacation in Hawaii, ”she advises.

Denial can ruin the whole thing, so no particles are "not", the psychologist emphasizes.

To fully connect the subconscious to this process, use the present tense when vocalizing the desire. The fact is that there is no past or future tense for the subconscious, the psychologist explains.

For example, not “I want to buy an apartment”, but “I am buying an apartment”.

Desire, especially New Year's, can only be positively colored. For example, messages like “I’ll become the most beautiful, so that everyone is envious” are doomed to fail, and with a bang, adds Aristarkhova.

“More often than not, desires come true, which are quite real and logical: to get a well-paid job, go to rest at an expensive resort, get rid of the disease, meet the love of a lifetime,” notes Andrey Smirnov.

Why write down desire

Psychologists advise to fix the desire on paper, since the brain absorbs the information that is written down better. Moreover, in a handwritten version, not a computer version.

“It can be not only text, but also a picture. The main thing is that what is written or drawn evokes extremely pleasant associations, ”clarifies Margarita Aristarkhova.

When we write down what we want, then on an unconscious level we endow our brain with a program. In doing so, we use not only thoughts, but also the body. Thus, the body quickly remembers and tunes in to fulfillment, adds psychologist Janina Adams.

It is necessary to formulate a desire in detail and clearly, to prescribe everything to the smallest detail: smells, sounds, your feelings in connection with the desired.

The next important point is visualization, a leaflet with a desire should be in the most conspicuous place.

The atmosphere itself is also important, which will accompany the process of making a wish. Despite the New Year's bustle and bustle, for the sake of fulfilling your cherished desire, try to relax - light candles, turn on your favorite music and thank the outgoing year, the psychologist recommends.

Wish-making techniques

There are many techniques for making wishes, but they all boil down to the fact that you must be as clear as possible on what you want.

For example, if you want a car, says Janina Adams, then clearly define the model, make, car color, interior color. At the same time, you already imagine how you get behind the wheel of the desired car, smell the interior, who is next to you, what music is playing, and even where you are going, the expert adds.

Write that thanks to the car you are developing "in the best way for yourself." Thus, you outline a certain dynamic, and observe environmental friendliness.

According to psychologist and visionary Tatyana Marakhovskaya, the new year is an energetic transition, so it is important to feel how you are taking a step into another dimension, in which new opportunities open up for you. Ask yourself why you need every dream to come true and are these really your desires?

“Imagine that you want to spend the next vacation in the Maldives, and your mother decided that it would be better for you to be with her,” explains Tatyana Marakhovskaya.

Learn to distinguish between your own thoughts and those dictated by someone. Leave others the freedom to choose their desires, and then you will have no blocks to fulfill yours.

Then the psychologist advises to "catch fire with the idea" of your desire.

Think about what you want not only within a year, but also in five years, so that desires do not contradict each other, Marakhovskaya advises.

Those who want their desire to come true as quickly as possible should draw the path to their desire - a kind of strategic route. Five things to do to get closer to your dream. By prescribing specific steps, you take responsibility for its implementation, the psychologist adds.

Another way is suggested by the theta instructor Elena Shmatova. You need to clearly, in detail, plan a situation when you are lucky and your wish will come true. Imagine how you will feel in this situation.

“For example, when the deal was made, you made a wonderful profit, you feel pleasure, inspiration, happiness, pride in yourself, joy. Feel this gamut of feelings of luck, ”advises Shmatova.

Sit down and think about what gets in the way of your luck. Perhaps it is a fear of having big money or being popular. Or perhaps in childhood you were taught that nothing will come of you, or that money is not happiness, the expert suggests.

Plan simple points real action which you can do on your way to your luck.

Everyone believes in miracles. Difficult to find on the globe a person who does not believe in miracles at all, never dreamed or made wishes. The period of the Old New Year is conducive to dreams, because it is on this night that most desires come true. Even the most forgetful people who missed out on the clock and did not have time to make it up to the chimes on New Year's Eve can correct the situation. The nights from 31 to 1 January and from 13 to 14 January are the most magical. They are the ones who start new life a year long, they program it for new achievements, joyful moments, luck, luck and luck. Dreaming during this period is not just necessary, it is an extremely necessary activity that helps to make plans, to go towards new goals.

Many wishes are made on New Year's Eve. The guessing itself is not at all child's play, it is the realization of adult desires, dreams, aspirations. In order for wishes to come true, you need to prepare for the moment when the time comes to wish. The Universe hears any of your wishes. She has no time to figure out whether you said him correctly, what you meant, what you were thinking at that moment. She immediately begins to perform it. Therefore, it is extremely important to formulate it correctly.

  • Even in thoughts, specifics are needed. Many begin to dream, get lost in their thoughts. They often lack composure and consistency. If thoughts have a beginning, then the end is lost somewhere. The person does not understand what he will do if the wish comes true. The malicious prefix not is often used, which in the end does not accept the Universe.

Remember "I am happy" (now and here), but in no way "I do not want to be unhappy" (no "not" and statements in the past).

  • Understand what you want. You must understand why you need it, what you will do with it. Listen to your second self, if he is calm and comfortable when formulating what he wants, then this is yours and there is no need to stop. If the second I am anxious, thoughts “what next?” Pop up in my head, it is worth giving up such a desire.

  • Try on what you want. Feel it happening. If you dream about a car, imagine how you open the door, how the engine starts, how cozy it is inside the car. The more often wishful thinking is, the faster change will occur.
  • Don't overdo it. It is difficult for the desired to come true without dreams, but on the other hand, the energy aimed only at visualizing a dream come true depletes a person's inner resource. Internal burnout occurs, there is no longer enough strength to make a dream come true and vital energies... Therefore, it is important to imagine how the dream came true and quickly release it into the Universe.

Inner feelings should remind you of victory, that you were able to realize your plans!

  • No promises. When you wish, there is no need to say what you can do for a fulfilled wish. Not only will this not enhance his performance, on the contrary, it will only bring some troubles.

  • While speaking desire, never say “no matter what it costs me,” and the like. You can get sick, make a lot of problems, get such trials that it will not be up to what you want at all.
  • Thanksgiving. After the expressed desire, express your gratitude to the Universe, to the Higher Forces for listening and accepting your desire.

  • Experts believe that a wish made from January 31 to January 1 can be incinerated by strong solar energy. Its action begins on the first day of the new year and dies down closer to the fifth of January. But from the sixth to the fourteenth of January, the most favorable days for dreams, making desires and their accomplishments.

Dreams should be supported by lunar energy, and it is better to make them for a new growing moon in the new year. Moon horoscope says that on the eve of the Old New 2019, the most favorable period.

  • When making wishes after the chimes striking, you need to withstand at least one minute. This endurance programs desire and enhances the energy for its fulfillment.

  • Three days to meet the dream. One dream is not enough, after making a guess on New Year's Eve, you need to actively work on the realization of the dream. Even a small step will help you achieve what you want in the near future.

Old New Year wishes

The tradition of gathering at the festive table on Christmas Eve has practically disappeared. The younger generation does not prepare a rich twelve-course dinner, does not make wishes. And in vain, this night of magic, everything that is conceived comes true in the shortest possible time.

  • The richer the table is set, the luckier and happier the coming year will be for the whole family.
  • Before the sun goes down, you need to get rid of the burdensome burden of the past year. To do this, write on a piece of paper everything that worried you throughout the year. The leaf must be burned, and the ashes must be scattered in the wind, make sure that it does not come back to you.

  • After burning out old problems, start visualizing new desires.

2019 is best celebrated in red, preferably in a new outfit. Then the whole new year, the Pig will delight you with good wealth and new things.

  • Before the clock strikes midnight, whisper your innermost desire to a glass of your favorite drink, drink it in one gulp at the last second.

Wish List for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, full of magic and fairy tales, you can wish anything. The main thing is that you really need it, it could improve your life, please your relatives and friends. This list is not complete, but it can help you tune in to search for an reaching desire just for you.

New Year's wishes on a piece of paper

The written desire on the sheet does not just go into the Universe for implementation, it also materializes. Since it is written, it means being queued for implementation.

Option 1

Transfer your dream to the sheet in advance. Keep it with you all evening. As soon as the first bottle is free of champagne, put a leaf there, mentally say what you have planned, blow into the bottle and quickly close it. It is recommended to hide it so that it can be seen. The method is proven and effective.

Option 2

On a beautiful leaf, red is better for 2019, write what you expect from it. Exactly at midnight, make an airplane out of this sheet and launch it to Santa Claus. It is believed that everything that flew in the wind, he will read and be sure to do.

Option 3

Write on a piece of paper your innermost 3 dreams. Wrap a pinch of sugar, salt, a small slice of bread in it. Decorate the bundle with a red ribbon. Next, you need to hide it until the next New Year's Eve.

Option 4

Draw your innermost dream on a leaf, with a bright candle flame. Fold the sheet into a small envelope, seal it with hot wax, you can tie a thread the same color as the candle. The sheet is worn in the wallet until the envisioned is realized.

Candle color designation:

New Year wishes with champagne

Many rituals for making secret desires are performed with a bubbly drink.

Option 1

To prepare an amulet - a desire, you need to find a small bottle in advance (as for a draft perfume). Sketch a dream on a small leaf, hide it immediately inside the bottle. During the chimes, pour a small amount of sparkling drink from your glass into a bottle. Close and put away from prying eyes. When everything is fulfilled, empty the container into the river, while condemning "that which came to me with me and will remain, pleases me."

Option 2

Into an empty sparkling bottle, whisper a wish, quickly close it. Store the cherished bottle for 7 days, then you can throw it away.

Option 3

On your wine glass, wrap the leg with a bill. The denomination is at your discretion. When the guests have dispersed, remove and hide it in your wallet. In no case should you spend this amulet.

How to formulate a wish for the New Year

In order for the conceived to have meaning, to be easily perceived by the Higher Forces, it must be extremely important and vital for you. Some examples to help you navigate and formulate thoughts correctly:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

How to write a wish for the New Year

The eve of the Old New Year is special, endowed with magic. A fairy tale is knocking at your door, you just need to make a wish and wait for it to come true.

Using the above rules, prepare Blank sheet and start writing. Colored pens can help you realize your plans. Each of them has its own meaning, enhances the energy of what is written on the sheet, accelerates its implementation.

When the cherished dream is transferred to the sheet, any ritual for making wishes can be performed with it. The main thing is not to stop working towards realizing your dreams.

Short wishes for the New Year

Desires can be short, spoken quickly. The most important rule on New Year's Eve is to wish you all the best with all your heart. Do not utter bad words either out loud or in thoughts.

All bad things clog up karma, prevent a dream from coming true.

Funny wishes for the New Year

Do I need to burn desire for the New Year

Classics of the genre sheet with a sketched desire. This is a rather old ritual that helps to quickly make dreams come true.

During a burning sensation, the smoke carries a rapid flow of information into the Universe.

That is why the ashes are poured into a glass of sparkling wine and they try to drink it at a time. This ritual must be performed according to all laws. What does it mean?

Before you start making wishes, you need to clear your karma, correct the mistakes of the past, burn out the failures of the outgoing year.

  • To do this, on the day before the onset of New Year's Eve, you need to sketch on a blank sheet of everything that bothers you, what you want to get rid of.

  • We write with a burning church candle, then we set fire to a leaf from it. It is better for him to burn on a large white plate, when it burns out, let the incinerated leaf blow in the wind. This can be done by going out onto the balcony or by opening a window sash.
  • Avoid drafts, otherwise the remains of the ash will come back, this should never be allowed.
  • Whisper the following words as you begin to wave the ashes: “Grief, sadness, lack of money, old debts have come off me. Gone is everything that prevented us from enjoying life. As it is said, so be it! "

And only when the clock struck midnight, a leaf with the cherished three wishes burns and is drunk with a glass of sparkling drink. At this moment, you need to associate the conceived, as already come true, event that has made you a happy person.

Wish card for the New Year

In order to implement what you want in life, you need to prepare a special card on which you need to consistently paint everything that you want to get in the coming year. To do this, sheet A4 must be divided into parts. In each of them, place one of the most important events that must happen.

It is advisable to support each signed desire with a visual picture. In the center of the made card, attach your own Good photo... All photos on the card should evoke positive emotions, create a sense of joy. With the chimes chiming, imagine how your innermost dreams come true.

Jokes of desire for the New Year

In a large and noisy company, you need to not only eat and drink. It would be nice to also cheer up this company, waiting for the onset of midnight in a joyful atmosphere. For this, "Cool desires" are suitable, they are absolutely adequate, they can cheer even the quietest and most modest guests.

Give each guest a piece of paper on which they will write a comic wish. After, put the leaves in a bag, a bowl for sweets. Each of the guests takes out one leaf at a time and reads aloud what they wanted him to do.

The entertainment event is ready, the mood in the company will be simply excellent.


New Year's Eve is a holiday that brings joy, a fairy tale, magic to both children and adults. At this celebration of life, wishes are made, which always come true with the right preparation. Burn the past like bridges are burned when retreating, let all adversity and sorrow have no way for you. May the coming year bring you joy and happiness, prosperity and health. May all your dreams come true in the coming year. Burn them on beautiful leaves, send them along with the smoke to the Universe.

Let everything you dream about come true!

New Year's Eve is the most mysterious time when cherished desires are made with the hope that they will come true in the coming year. Not only children, but also adults believe in magic, because in the daily hustle and bustle there is so much a fairy tale. But in order for dreams to come true, you need to correctly formulate them. How to make a wish for the new year so that it will definitely come true?

When it comes to ways, most people only remember classic version with ashes in champagne. Meanwhile, there are many more ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve. By the way, some of them are no less effective than the above. And do not be confused that they seem a little unusual and strange - magic and should not be logical!

Why do wishes come true in the New Year?

Why is now the right moment? The change of one year to another is the threshold of the old and the new. The smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, bubbles of champagne, the chimes create an ecstatic - magical - state. Add to this a powerful energy impulse - after all, a huge number of people in your time zone freeze in anticipation of a miracle. All together provide ideal conditions for reformatting your own reality.

So, are the wishes made for the New Year coming true? Yes, if you formulate a message and send it to the Universe correctly.

In order for the Universe to correctly perceive information from you, you must teach it correctly. You can be sure that all the wishes you make on New Year's Eve will come true. Most importantly, follow the tips listed below.

Make your own wishes. Only you can correctly convey the idea. Otherwise, if others dream for you, everything will not be fulfilled the way you wanted.

Making a wish to the chimes

The most famous way to make a wish for the New Year is to drink a glass of sparkling wine with a burnt paper. It has become a real tradition, tens of thousands of people, regardless of gender and age, do this ritual from year to year, and it really works. On the evening before the celebration, prepare the necessary attributes:

  • pencil or pen;
  • a piece of clean paper;
  • matches or lighter;
  • a glass of champagne.

As soon as the chime begins on New Year's Eve, quickly write on a piece of paper a pre-formulated wish, set fire to a piece of paper, wait until it turns into a pile of ash and pour it into a glass of sparkling wine. Instead of champagne, you can pour any liquid: juice, lemonade, etc. Drink the contents of the glass directly with the floating ash to the last sip. If you managed to do this until exactly 12 burst out, then be sure that your envisioned will definitely come true.

To attract money into the house, put a bill with a large denomination twisted into a circle on the stem of the glass. When you've finished drinking the champagne, put it in your wallet.

Other magic rituals to fulfill wishes

There are other rituals of making wishes for the New Year. They are less known than the chimes, but judging by the reviews, they work no less efficiently than the above method. You need a minimum of items, a little patience and a good mood. Concentrate on the desired, and then do one of the proposed rituals, they say that dreams come true for those who sincerely believe in them.

Spruce branch

If you have a living tree in your house, use this ritual, which has been known since ancient times. On the night of the celebration, keep an eye on the most attractive fluffy branch in the tree. Choose a moment when no one is around, whisper a dream on a branch and cut it off, put it in the water. After 3 days, see if a lot of needles have fallen off. Count them, if you get an even number, then the enigma will come true in the near future, and if it's odd, you will have to wait a little.

Christmas balls

On the eve of the main winter holiday, buy a beautiful large glass Christmas ball in the store. Choose the one that you like the most. Write a dream on a piece of paper, twist a piece of paper and insert it inside the ball, hang the toy on a spruce, but hold it in your hands for 5-10 minutes every day and visualize your conceived. When the New Year is over, put the ball in a secluded place and keep it until the dream comes true.

Mandarin stone

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without tangerines. It is believed that they will help the girl become a mother next year. To do this, you need to eat the whole fruit and swallow the bones that come across. If no bones were found, then most likely there will be no pregnancy in the coming year either. But if a bone is caught, it is impossible to spit it out and throw it away in any case.

Pulling out sticky notes

Sometimes it happens that a lot of desires accumulate and it is difficult to choose one thing. Make it easy for yourself and write whatever you want on separate pieces of paper. Roll the pieces of paper, stir and place under the pillow. The next morning, without getting out of bed, stick your hand in and pull out the first bundle that comes along. The phrase written on it will come true in the near future.

Do not tell anyone what you have in mind, otherwise the dream may not come true.

Letter for Santa Claus

Not only children write letters to Grandfather Frost, but also adults. Why not try your luck too? Write a letter and ask Santa Claus to fulfill your old dream, not necessarily of a material nature. Put the sheet in an envelope. Seal and send to Veliky Ustyug or Lapland. You can just throw the letter out the window at midnight.

Dream drawing

Take some time a couple of days before the celebration and draw what you want in a relaxed atmosphere. It is not necessary to have artistic skills, a rough sketch will be enough, the main thing is that you know what the drawing symbolizes. While drawing, imagine what will happen when your dream comes true, what sensations you will experience, roll the drawn picture into a roll and hang it on the Christmas tree.


If there is a cup of grapes on the festive table, take advantage of this moment, and the magic will definitely happen. To do this, you need to count exactly 12 grapes and eat them, saying your secret to yourself. You cannot swallow the seeds in the fruits, swim them out, you must certainly be in time before midnight. If there are no seeds, then the task is simplified, eat 12 sweet grapes, and your wish will come true.

If your main message is to find family happiness as soon as possible, a happy married life, choose red details for decorating the festive table: lay a red tablecloth or put red wine glasses.


Before the New Year, think about how you can associate your desire with holiday dishes. For example, you want to go on a trip to another country, buy wine produced in it. If your dream is to buy a new car, place the salad in a car-shaped salad bowl.


The breaking of glass signifies happiness, so break something on purpose on New Year's Eve. Choose in advance the dishes that you will not mind beating: an old plate, a wine glass. At midnight, break the glass on the ground, it is better for this to go outside the house, so as not to accidentally get hurt. Then collect the remaining shards and throw them into the bucket.

Launching desire into the universe

Buy Chinese lanterns, write your wish on it, you can have several. When the chimes start fighting, go outside and launch a flashlight into the sky. Another way is to shout about the desired Universe, while fireworks are fired. You can attach a piece of paper with a mystery to the festive fireworks, and then launch it straight into the sky.

Gifts for strangers

Desires come true only for those who have pure karma and treat others well. Prepare small souvenirs: mugs, a New Year's toy, sweets, chocolate. Wrap in a colorful gift wrap and hand over to celebrate New Years to strangers gifts with good wishes. The universe will see your actions and will definitely reward you.

After the New Year

Parsing christmas tree, also do not forget about your dreams and wishes. Taking off the last toy from the Christmas tree, hold it in your palms, imagining the fulfillment of your dreams. Those who tried to make a wish after the new year in this way claim that it always comes true.

List of 30 wishes for the New Year

Nowadays very often there are people who do not know what to wish for, they say that they have enough of everything. But no - this does not happen. A person, while striving for something, lives. This state is temporary: now there are no plans, in an hour there are already. Surely on the wish list, you will find your own, which you have been putting off all the time for later, and now it's time for implementation.

  1. Get to know the world, go on a trip to the country that you have long dreamed of seeing
  2. Every day I wake up surrounded by my loved ones, I love to tell them.
  3. Meet your (your) beloved (beloved)
  4. Create a strong complete family
  5. It's a great vacation on vacation to fill this gap of life for a long time
  6. Do a lot of good deeds
  7. Get a pet
  8. Change the interior of the room, make repairs
  9. Open your own business to make the project a success
  10. Buy a subscription to the fitness center. Start monitoring your body
  11. Become a slim woman on vacation. Bring your body to perfect condition
  12. Gather all old friends in the summer for a picnic
  13. To get rid of bad habits... Finally stop procrastinating
  14. Overcome your complexes, fears. Love yourself, do something out of the ordinary, such as a parachute jump
  15. Learn to cook delicious healthy meals
  16. Change a boring job for a favorite thing
  17. Buy a new car
  18. Go to a fancy dress party
  19. Improve your knowledge. Apply to a higher institution
  20. Make a child's dream come true
  21. Take a romantic trip
  22. Become a movie star, singer
  23. See with your own eyes the sunset on the ocean, sea
  24. Arrange a hike, conquer the top of the mountain
  25. Heal a long-standing disease
  26. Visit Thailand - see the purity, beauty of the ocean
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Learn English perfectly
  29. Build your dream home
  30. Make your loved ones happy

How are wishes made in different countries?

Every nation has old New Year traditions, with the help of which they attract good luck, success in business, and fulfillment of cherished desires.

In the UK, before the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, the back door of the house is opened to celebrate the outgoing year. And then they solemnly open the doors of the main entrance, thereby welcoming the new year.

The Spaniards put plates with twelve seedless grapes on the New Year's table. At the last minute of the outgoing year, you need to take turns eating all 12 berries, and then your wish will come true.

In France, the hostess serves festive table a pie containing just one bean kernel. Anyone who has a bean in a piece of pie will be successful and happy in the coming year, and all his cherished dreams will come true.

In Russia, traditionally make a wish for the New Year under the chimes. Usually Russians write notes with wishes, burn them, and stir the ashes in a glass of champagne. All this must be done while the chimes strike.

New Year's wishes will surely come true if you sincerely believe in magic and correctly formulate your dreams. The Universe will surely hear you and send what you have dreamed of for so long!

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