Holidays in quarters. Quarter holidays When do winter holidays begin and end?

The first year at school is the most exciting and difficult time for the entire family of a first-grader. The child is faced with a number of tasks that require the application of intellectual, physical and emotional forces on his part. At the same time, for parents this period becomes an equally difficult probationary period. In order for children to successfully adapt to learning, the school’s task is to correctly distribute the load, alternating them with proper rest.

In addition to the generally mandatory requirements of SanPiN for the organization of an elementary school, the Ministry of Education annually issues an order indicating total duration school year and rest time. In addition, to minimize overload and stress, additional holidays are provided for first-graders. When will first-graders have holidays in 2018-2019?

Junior school holidays

According to the law, in a classic four-semester education, it is stipulated that in the period from September 1 to May 28, schoolchildren are allocated at least 30 days for vacation. The final decision regarding the beginning and end of vacation weeks belongs to the school administration. All dates and duration in weeks are written in the annual schedule.

For Russian schools of all types, certain educational provisions are also valid, according to which:

  • the date cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks;
  • students' rest should begin on Monday;
  • between quarters - at least 7 days off;
  • the summer break must be at least 2 months;
  • The school year cannot begin or end on Sunday.

It should also be taken into account that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes adjustments several months before the start of the school year, so it will be possible to find out the exact dates of holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 no earlier than the spring of the coming year. Although based on experience previous years Today you can put together an indicative schedule.

Holidays in a regular school

Educational institutions that divide the year into 4 quarters set a break after each. Moreover, in winter it usually lasts 2 weeks, and in summer – 3 months.

Autumn vacation

The first holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 should take place in the last week of October and the first of November. Everyone will have one extra day off due to an important public holiday– National Unity Day, which is celebrated on Sunday, November 4th. According to the transfer project holidays, it will be rescheduled to Monday. As a result, primary schools will be able to rest from October 29 to November 6.

Plans for the New Year's weekend are not yet known, but the timing may differ from the usual 10 days of rest.

The winter vacation

New Year's holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will take place almost simultaneously with adults, so you can all go on a trip together or spend time at home with your family. They usually last 2 weeks, that is, they should start on Wednesday 12/26/18 and last until 01/08/19 inclusive. But a proposal is already being considered to start weekends for junior grades at 24, so the last day of school could already be December 21. Due to the fact that there are holidays on winter weekends New Year and in particular the Nativity of Christ, which must be postponed, then, presumably, all schoolchildren will return to school only on Wednesday, January 9.

Additional rest for first-graders

For first-graders who are just beginning to adapt to school life, the law provides for additional respite. Most likely, this will be the last week of February - the beginning of March. And although the dates 02/25/19-03/03/19 are tentative, 02/22/19 may well be the last school day for 1st grade. This week should help young schoolchildren regain their strength.

Spring break

After the most difficult and long third quarter, there is a long-awaited spring break. High school students will need to focus on preparing for exams, but for first-graders and their parents, this is a great opportunity to learn something interesting and new. Based on the experience of past years, the spring break will most likely take place from March 25 to March 31, 2019.

Summer holidays

This is the most long-awaited respite, which, as a rule, lasts at least 3 months. But according to the law, the minimum break between academic years can be 2 months. Due to the possibility of force majeure, the duration of summer vacation remains at the discretion of the school administration. If for a number of valid reasons the school was closed, then students study longer. Although in practice this does not happen so often. In 2019, first-graders, as usual, will be the first to go on vacation and, most likely, already on the 20th of May they will be able to finish their first year of learning the unknown and new.

According to the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”, each school institution independently chooses a quarter or trimester education system.

Trimester holidays

For schools with a relatively new teaching method for Russia, where a trimester lasts 11 weeks, with seven-day breaks repeated cyclically every 5 weeks of school. The holiday schedule, although different from schools with a traditional educational system, New Year's and summer holidays have the same duration.

In 2018-2019, the holidays for first-graders of educational institutions that have chosen modular training will take place between trimesters as follows:

  • I – October 8-14;
  • II – November 19-25;
  • III - from December 29 to January 9 (New Year holidays)

  • IV - February 18-24;
  • V - April 8-14;
  • VI - summer break will begin from the end of May - June 1 to August 31.

This educational method attracts many parents, as it makes it possible to make plans in advance. At the same time, all conditions are created for children to take a break from their intense schedule and return to their studies with a new impulse.

Of course, all vacation dates for first graders in 2018-2019. are speculative and based directly on the calculation of the total duration of the academic year and planned weekend dates, so they may be subject to minor adjustments by Knowledge Day.

Deviations from planned dates

The holiday schedule may be changed for a number of reasons. Thus, in winter, when the street temperature is below 25°C, classes for 1st grade are not held. Although if the temperature is higher, but the wind speed is stronger, which intensifies the frost, the school administration has the right to declare a weekend. The situation will be similar if the air temperature in the classrooms drops below 18°C.

During peak incidence periods, unscheduled days off may also be announced. This usually happens during an epidemic of influenza and acute viral infections. If more than 30% of schoolchildren are sick, then the school mandatory is closed for quarantine.

According to modern Russian laws, there is no uniform schedule for school holidays in the country: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions have the right to independently establish children’s rest schedule, the number of short holidays and their duration. The only exception is Moscow, where all schoolchildren study and relax according to one of two schedules: traditional, when the school year is divided into four quarters, and modular (five weeks of study and one of rest) and for each option the same vacation dates are established.

In other regions of Russia, educational authorities usually issue recommendations in which they invite educational institutions to set start and end dates for vacations, leaving the final decision up to school administrations.

It is recommended to start the holidays on Monday (so that the weekend is “added” to them), which allows for the school weeks not to be divided into parts and to increase the duration of continuous rest for schoolchildren. The exact duration of the holidays is also not regulated - as a rule, 30-35 days are allotted for rest throughout the academic year, which allows you to fully complete the curriculum by the end of May.

Despite this freedom, most Russian schools take a conservative approach to the issue of determining the school holiday schedule - as a result, the majority of the country's schoolchildren rest on the same dates.

What will be the vacation dates in the 2016-2017 academic year in most schools in Russia?

Dates of autumn holidays in 2016

Autumn holidays are traditionally held in early November and fall during the week in which Russians celebrate National Unity Day (November 4).

In 2016 autumn holidays will begin on October 31(Monday) and will last until the end of the week, until November 6 (Sunday). The second academic quarter will begin on November 7. Thus, in schools where there is a school day, schoolchildren will rest for 8 days, and five-day students will have 9 days off.

However, National Unity Day falls on Friday this year. Therefore, in some schools, the start date of the 2016 autumn holidays may be set to November 7, which will increase the duration of the holidays by adding a holiday to them. In this case, schoolchildren will have a rest until November 13, and the duration of the rest will be 10 days.

Winter school holiday schedule 2016-2017

The winter school holidays, which fall on New Year's holidays and separate the second quarter from the third, are especially loved by schoolchildren - they are the longest of all intra-year holidays. In addition, they coincide with the nationwide holiday period for adults, which allows families to spend time together – including when traveling. Therefore, the timing of the winter holidays, as a rule, is of particular concern to parents of schoolchildren.

The winter vacation for schoolchildren begin on the last Monday of December. In 2016-2017, the “start” will be quite early - the last Monday of the month falls on 26th(that is, schoolchildren will start resting on Sunday, December 25th). Children will have time to properly prepare for the main winter holiday. True, the New Year's holiday will end earlier than usual - on January 8.

The third, longest academic quarter starts on January 9, Monday - it is on this day that schoolchildren will have to sit down at their desks again.

Dates of additional holidays for first-graders

The third quarter is especially difficult for first-graders - they are not yet accustomed to the traditional school schedule, and therefore in the middle of the third quarter a “special” vacation is arranged for them. To the envy of all other schoolchildren, they have a whole week off at the end of February.

In the 2016-2017 academic year additional holidays will begin on February 20 and will last until the 26th, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

During the same period, pupils of correctional schools will also have a rest - they are also subject to the rule on additional holidays.

Spring school holiday dates – 2017

Spring break most often falls in the last week of March. The 2016-2017 academic year will be no exception.

Schoolchildren will be dismissed for vacation on Monday, March 27– and they will rest for one week, until April 2. Taking into account Sunday, the duration of the March holiday will be 8 days with a six-day period, and 9 with a five-day training regime.

The first day of school in the fourth quarter will be April 3. It will last until the end of May (depending on the school, the academic year in all grades except 9 and 11 ends between May 21 and 31), after which students will have three months of summer vacation.

Vacation schedule in 2016-2017 with a modular training mode “5+1”

In those Moscow schools where parents of students chose not a classic teaching schedule dividing the school year into four quarters, but a modular scheme “five weeks of study - one week of rest,” the holidays in 2016-2017 will take place on the following dates:

  • from October 3 to October 9;

  • from November 14 to November 20;

  • from December 31 to January 8;

  • from February 20 to February 26;

  • from April 10 to April 16.

Holiday schedule for quarters in Moscow schools

Students of Moscow schools, where the educational process is organized according to the traditional “four quarters” scheme, will have a rest in the 2016-2017 academic year in the same way as the majority of schoolchildren in the country:

  • autumn vacation from October 31 to November 6;

  • the winter vacation from December 26 to January 8;

  • spring break from March 27 to April 2;

  • extra holidays for first grades - from February 20 to 26.

How to find out holiday dates at your school

As already mentioned, the exact vacation schedule in each specific school in Russia (excluding Moscow) is determined by the administration of the educational institution and may differ from the generally accepted one.

Therefore, in order to accurately plan your child’s vacation, you need to check the dates with your school. This can be done in various ways:

  • Check with the class teacher or secretary. At the beginning of the school year, the vacation schedule has already been approved, and the exact dates are known to all school employees (teachers prepare work programs for subjects for the school year, taking this information into account).

  • View on the school website. Information about the start and end dates of the school year, as well as the vacation schedule, should be in the section devoted to the organization of the educational process.

  • If the school uses an electronic diary system– the school holiday schedule for 2016-2017 can also be found there. Even if the school administration does not inform parents about the start and end dates of school, by “flipping through” the magazine forward, you can see until what date classes are planned to be held.

The favorite time of all schoolchildren is the holidays, and in first place in this regard come summer months. After all, we are talking about 90 days of complete freedom from studying, constant homework and the need to get up for the first lesson. But there is another time that is no less anticipated by children - the winter holidays, during which everyone’s favorite Christmas holidays take place. Since the Russian government annually sets a new start and end date for this magical time, you should find out in advance exactly when to expect the New Year holidays in 2018.

The long-awaited time

An important detail of the issue under consideration is the correspondence of the New Year holidays in schools with a trimester and quarterly education system. Such a long-awaited time partially corresponds to the extended weekend in honor of the New Year. It is at this time that not only schoolchildren can take a break from the constant need to study - adults also have an additional two weeks of “vacation”. Do you know what this means? Every Russian family has the opportunity to enjoy the holidays together. This is probably why the announced period is considered the most long-awaited and unforgettable.

Unfortunately, on this moment There is no exact schedule for winter holidays for schoolchildren yet, since the Ministry of Education usually decides this issue several weeks before the start of the new school year.

However, with a regular calendar at hand, you can try to create a tentative schedule for the winter holidays.

In addition, it is easy to compare such a time period with last year’s version, so that the calculations turn out to be more plausible.

Winter schedule

When figuring out how many days the New Year holidays are for schoolchildren in 2018, it is worth making the following assumptions. According to preliminary information, the future New Year holidays will start on December 25, 2017 and will continue until January 9 next. By the way, junior classes are given additional time for a full winter holiday - from February 19 to 25. As a result, you will have to go back to school on January 10, but only if officials do not make any changes to the announced schedule. Otherwise, the new academic quarter and trimester will begin on January 9.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation prepared a special proposal, which talks about the possibility of postponing winter weekends in 2018.

If such a project is approved by State Duma deputies, Russians will be able to fully celebrate the long-awaited Christmastide for only 10 days - from December 30 to January 8.

According to the announced postponement of holidays, the situation may look like this: January 6 and 7 are planned to be moved to March 9 and May 12. The government also wants to replace the weekends of Saturdays April 28, June 9 and December 29 (2018) with Mondays April 30, June 11 and December 31. It turns out that the following time periods will be additional days off for schoolchildren:

  • December 30–January 8 – 10 days;
  • February 23–25 – 3 days;
  • March 8–11 – 4 days;
  • April 28–May 2 – 4 days;
  • June 10–12 – 3 days;
  • November 2–5 – 3 days.

For the working class, this time is also considered desirable and expected; moreover, according to current legislation, before holidays the working day should be shortened by 1 hour.

By the way, if anyone didn’t know, it is Russia that is considered the country least “accustomed to work” - here the most a large number of non-working days and weekends throughout the entire 12 months.

If the educational process of schoolchildren takes place in trimesters, the date of the New Year's weekend will be slightly different. It was like that before. Now it is possible to combine both study options for greater convenience for parents.

So, as we rest for the New Year, it’s clear exactly how long this time will last. We just have to wait until the end of summer to find out. exact schedule the beginning and end of this wonderful winter season, filled with festive surprises, pleasant surprises and bright fun.

    Winter holidays in schools begin a few days before the new year and last approximately 14 days.

    The start date of the holidays in the regions can be determined independently, and the start date of the holidays largely depends on the decision of the management of the school itself.

    In 2016, schoolchildren will go on vacation mainly from December 29 (in some schools the date is December 26).

    The winter vacation.

    In schools, winter holidays will begin as usual before the New Year and will last at least 14 days.

    In 2016, the winter holidays should begin on December 26, respectively, they will last until January 8, 2017.

    In the 2016-2017 academic year, as in previous times, all schools have winter holidays. They usually fall on New Year holidays And .

    The administration of each school has the right to independently decide the start date of the holidays, usually the difference is a week.

    But in our area this issue has already been resolved Winter holidays begin on December 29, and end on January 10 (Tuesday) - we go to school.

    In different cities of Russia, the timing of winter holidays is somewhat different.

    For example, in Moscow, according to the order of the city Department of Education On the organization educational process for basic general education programs in the 2016-2017 academic year, in secondary schools The holidays will begin on December 26, 2016 and will last until January 8, 2017. Additionally, holidays will be organized for first-graders from February 20 to 26, 2017.

    In St. Petersburg, the dates of winter holidays for the 2016-2017 academic year were established by the Education Committee. The winter holidays will begin later than in Moscow, on December 29, 2016, but will also last longer - until January 11, 2017. St. Petersburg residents will return to school on January 12. For first-graders in St. Petersburg, every academic year in February there are additional winter holidays lasting one week. In the 2016-2017 year, they are also provided from February 6 to 12, 2017.

    At our school, winter holidays will begin on December 26, 2016, and end on January 9, 2017; children go to school on January 10, 2017.

    But these dates are not yet final, since weather forecasters say that the winter this year will be very cold, that the temperature may be below 20 degrees, and in such cases the holidays will be extended.

    This year's winter holidays will begin on December 28 and last until January 10. But this is in general, and in particular, each school will set the dates independently; the school director will deal with this issue. So the timing may shift, but not by much, by one or two days. After all, it is impossible to foresee such things as a flu epidemic and other unexpected circumstances. But you still need to run the program.

    In each city, the start and end dates of the holidays are set by the Department of Education. We have for 2016-2017. Winter holidays will be set from December 26, 2016 to January 8, 2017.

    School will begin on January 9, 2017. For schoolchildren primary classes There are additional holidays for a week in February. In addition, if the winter is cold, as forecasters promise, and frosts are below -20 degrees, then perhaps the children will get additional holidays.

    Now the school itself determines the dates of the holidays. The main thing is that the total number of vacation days (except for summer holidays) is 30. At my daughter’s school, we have parent meeting announced that the autumn holidays will be from October 29 to November 6. And the winter holidays will begin on December 29 and end on January 10.

    The usual duration of the longest school holidays during the school year - winter - is at least 2 weeks. Usually this is the week before the New Year and the week after the New Year. The last week of vacation is also exciting.

    For the 2016-2017 academic year, the New Year holidays for schoolchildren begin on Monday, December 26 and will last until Monday, January 9 inclusive.

    On Tuesday, January 10, 2017, a new academic quarter (or trimester, semester - depending on which school is customary) will begin for schoolchildren.

Holidays are a wonderful time for children, which they happily spend outside the walls of school, enjoying a break from the academic load. Of course, it’s nice not to wake up early in the morning for a while, but to luxuriate in bed and do not homework, but what your heart desires!

Question about the schedule school holidays in the 2017 school year, worries not only students, but also their parents. This is understandable, because, knowing the vacation calendar, you can plan your vacation in advance, choose a place for a family vacation and pre-book train, plane tickets, as well as to a museum, cinema, concert, etc.

In addition to relaxing together, school holidays are an excellent opportunity for parents and children to spend more time together.

Schedule of school holiday dates for the 2016-2017 school year

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation offers its recommendations in the formation of holidays in educational institutions Russia. However, as in the last academic year, schools, colleges, universities and other institutions choose when to rest and may move the recommended vacation time by a week or two.

As practice shows, the vast majority of schools follow general instructions, which provides an excellent opportunity to hold many city events for children and teenagers: competitions, theatrical performances, themed parties, etc.

How is the school calendar formed?

The 2016-2017 academic year begins on Thursday, September 1, 2016. The school year ends differently in all educational institutions: on May 24, 25 or 30, 2017.

As a rule, the first day of school holidays begins with the beginning of the school week, that is, on Monday. The period of school holidays is directly influenced by the method of teaching in a particular school.

As is known, in educational institutions There are two training systems:

  • by trimester;
  • by quarters.

If the school has chosen a trimester study schedule, then students will study from September to May inclusive for exactly 5 weeks, after which they will rest for a week. And again 5 weeks of training and a week of vacation. The only exceptions are summer holidays and winter holidays, which in the 2016-2017 school year include two weeks of rest for all students.

If the school chooses the option of studying in quarters, then the following vacation schedule is established for all students:

  • nine days in autumn: October – last days, November – first week;
  • two New Year's weeks: the final days of December and ten days of January;
  • seven spring days: end of March;
  • additional holidays are provided for students in special classes and first-graders: seven days in winter;
  • three months in the summer.

Autumn, golden autumn

The wonderful autumn season gives all schoolchildren their very first school holidays. Autumn holidays will begin on October 30, but since this is Sunday, then, in fact, autumn holidays will begin on October 31, and the last day of rest will be November 6.

With trimester training, in the autumn, children will be given two weeks of rest:

  • first week – October 10-16, 2016;
  • second week – November 21-27, 2016.

Festive New Year's winter

In the middle of the school year, it's time to take a short break. It is in winter that many parents arrange a family vacation with an outing to sights, interesting places, or even going abroad.

Many people prefer warm countries frosty Russian winter and go on New Year holidays, for example, to Egypt or Tunisia. Winter holidays include two wonderful, truly magical holidays - New Year and Christmas. This is a time of miracles and fun, and you need to spend it in such a way that there are enough memories and impressions for the whole year.

The 2016-2017 academic year will begin exactly on December 26, 2016 and will last until January 9, 2017. Already on January 10, schoolchildren will have to return to their desks to continue to conquer knowledge with renewed vigor.

Beautiful spring

Spring is a time when it is extremely difficult to concentrate on lessons, because the sun is warming outside the window, leaves and flowers are blooming, and you really want to be on the other side of the transparent glass, and not sit on a school bench, trying with all your might to listen to the words of the teacher.

That is why schoolchildren are given the opportunity to relax a little before the most stressful period - in recent weeks academic year with many tests, tests and competitive programs.

The spring break will begin on March 27 and end on April 3. During this time, you need to gain strength before the important stage of the 2017 academic year.

If the school administration chooses a trimester form of education, spring break will begin on April 5 and last until April 11.

Hot long-awaited summer

In the summer, children are entitled to a long vacation. Already with the first warm rays of the sun, schoolchildren find it difficult to study, and with the arrival of hot summer, all thoughts about studying disappear. As a rule, after May 25, no one really studies anymore. Begin summer holidays. This is probably the most favorite time for all students.

All schoolchildren should remember that resting during the holidays is a good thing, but we must not forget that during this period you can fill in some gaps in your knowledge and tighten up your “tails.”

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